Free Speech Monika

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Two Interviews: The Brizer Show and Radio Cui Bono


I had the great pleasure of speaking once again with Brizer on the Graham Hart Show on August 3, 2020, and the next day spoke for the first time on Radio Cui Bono with Swedish hosts Daniel, Patrik and Martin. Here are those two interviews.

Brizer and I talked about current events, in particular the agenda being rolled out with the plandemic. Masks are a big part of the story – are they a precursor to the mark of the beast? We talked about how it is in Canada, in Ireland, Australia – where they have taken the guns away, the Berlin protest, the Picten Pig Farm near Vancouver. I gave an update on Alfred and we touched on quite a few other things.


It was great to talk with these three wide-awake men on Radio Cui Bono. Good title for a show! Who benefits indeed, from all those deceptions? We spoke about Par. 130 in Germany the “holocaust denial” law, forbidden evidence beginning with the Nuremberg trials, maritime law, 9/11 and other false flags or hoaxes. I also gave an update on Alfred, told the story of Sylvia Stolz and Ernst Zündel, and many more topics. 

When history comes enforced by law, only one thing is for certain: it is a lie.

17 Responses

  1. @Deutscherlandsmann: …uff, remarkable, … lot’s of stuff…
    A) the only alternativ:
    Yes, the jewish controlled nations of the White attacked the Germans twice. White agains white to weaken them and to kill the only alternativ.

    B) not clear … world view of the leadership of the “Half-Awaked”
    Hm, to me each and every leader of the several organizations are not trustworthy. Okay.
    At least min. 2 of the 3 most important leaders promote a further replacement migration.
    …so, everything they do right now, is not far from meaningless..
    A more leftist crew of leaders couldn’t be sold to the public, as long as one doesn’t risk the traction to the masses.
    Nevertheless I wouldn’t speak of a (directly) “controlled opposition”. It’s just simple: every thing gaining importance becomes a subject of manipulation and intended (ab)usage. Mankind acts like this: …it starts in the kindergarden: ..this is my funny, colorful toy. You can’t have it.
    “The adults” act more sophisticated: the work to give it another shape, an more useful direction …

    C) What comes next to such a movement
    The founded party, the founded trade union, the founded news weekly (highest numbers in Germany at all!) will be used to prevent a “right” (= patriotically) block of politial structures – looking at the elections in 2021.
    The will hold lots of “Half-Awaked” inside convenient “Bollinger Bands” of action and fuzzeling and campaining and thinking… as always.
    The danger: slowing down into sleep, to hypnotized it the masses by saying “trust me, we will handle it from here – for you of course” and so on.
    This could send the “Half-Awakening” back into sleep before they take the first book, look the first video which could infect them with the virus of truthseeking.
    This percentage is one relevant component regarding the near future …

    D) teaching the masses
    We know people with lots of experience and money to do that much better and faster than we are able to do it.
    But: It not always and everywhere works fine. There is remarkable change! Requoting the Times of Israel (02/2020), the percentage of HC-deniers in Italy is risen from 2,7% to 15% within 2004-2019.
    This means, that in 2025 about 22% of ALL Italians equaling 27% of the politically active Italiens no longer believe into HC-orthodoxy.
    Maybe there are comparable developments in Germany, we just don’t see clear enough, because it runs below the radar, because it’s illegal to talk several opinions in public … you know.

    E) time horizons
    Often important, urgently needed things come to late to change the game. This time it will work no other way. But: we will see lots of changes.
    Economic destructions resulting from the collapse of the jewish controlled “Fraudulent Financial System” will wipe out lots of essential structures and send lots of people into a dark age and into death.
    As Schäuble put it: the need will make people accepting everything.
    We just see the “nice part” of this consisting of the “Shock Strategy” – as always used to implement ugly things, they never could have get in place without things which distract people from watching and opposing.
    The danger: the development of a broad “awakening” could be to slow, to resist forceful enough.
    But: we the people will nevertheless wipe out lots of lies within the next decade. This will shift a lot and it will force our enemies to divide openly to survive …into nationalists (people and their nations) and globalists (Zionists ect.).

    F) one step after the one, which is needed before
    You are completely rigth:
    “Actually our task would be to promote enthusiasm for a national movement by reactivating our culture and identity feeling for our own nation and race respectivley for the whole common destiny of all white people ”

    That’s exactly we must do and we can do.
    I expect “our friends” to miss the importance of one question lots of people will ask: why is this all? Have I done something wrong – no. But who does?
    This will boost the percentage of awakening people. We have to help and to mobilizes as much one can do.

    G) Alfred and the other victims of jewish influence
    Lets look at Italy again. When a certain point is passed, a development “explodes” into an exponentiality 🙂 This will bring up discussions and decisions – and change laws.

  2. @Deutscherlandsmann: the policeman won’t be able to find a way of thinking to “bridge” that antagonism you mentioned … and he until now hasn’t realised.
    Okay, he won’t fall deep nor hard. He will somehow get to an age, giving him the right to retire with full pension.
    Now he will have lots of sparetime to investigate that hugh heap of lies.

    1. @Erblasser: your are mentioning a very sensitive area and your estimation about the policeman is a general problem about the so called “Corona -rebels “: on the one side we should avoid due to tactical issues any acts which might cause to split the growing movement of corona-skeptics. The pictures of Berlin on the first of August are phenomenal!

      On the other side I am afraid that the movement of the corona rebels could fizzle out as their is no leadership with a clear world-view which serves as a counter movement to the present globalism. Capitalism, libertarianism, communism, Bolshevism and so on are nothing but different forms of the international Jewish Globalism which have the only use to split a nation in different parties for dominating people easier in the sense of “divide and conquer”.

      So the pivotal question is how does a political movement looks like which is a real alternative to the present globalism? In my opinion this alternative can only be a form of nationalism which focuses its struggle to the benefit of his own nation.

      Practically a nationalism works only in the form of a social structure within the own nation so that only a kind of national socialism is the only real countermovement to any form of globalism which you can observe in the fact that the Zionist controlled communist Soviet Union and the Zionist controlled capitalist Empire of the UK and the United States unified for making war against the national socialist German system in which the real alternative of Globalism existed! Here you can see that the wheat separates from the chaff.

      Therefore such as the non-governmental organisation Attack or Amnesty International are in fact controlled oppositions as they use their influence to strengthen the Western-Zionist power instead of protecting the nations of capitalism and protect political prisoners. I cannot believe that Amnesty International would advocate for Alfred or Ursula Haverbeck although they should do in case the organization means their concern honest to protect human rights such as freedom of speech.

      And now you can see that we are caught between the devil and the deep: on the one side we should bring the corona sceptics to a national movement and use this moment to teach them that corona is only a symptom of globalism and their movement can only be successful by admitting to a clear doctrine which can only be a new form of a national philosophy of life. But on the other side many “half awakening” people through corona might distance from a national movement due to the re-education programme after World war 2.

      Actually our task would be to promote enthusiasm for a national movement by reactivating our culture and identity feeling for our own nation and race respectivley for the whole common destiny of all white people as Corona is nothing but the continuation of the struggle of the war efforts in both World Wars against us Germans respectively against the whole white race on the planet. Actually this is a truism but in the so called Corona-crisis it will be visible in reinforced form.

      Interestingly the German president of the Robert Koch Institute requested us not to question the so called “Corona laws” and all corona critics will be described as “Corona deniers” by the mainstream media. Now you can see the remarkable analogy to the so called “Holocaust deniers”: the main stream media uses the term “Corona denier” following to the term “Holocaust denier” and – according to the chief of the Robert Koch institute – we should not question the “corona laws”!

      So at this point I am still asking me when we will come to jail too for denying the “health hazards” of Covid 19?

      On the other side we would risk splitting the anti-corona-movement as many of them would distance of a so called “Nazi-movement” and that could weaken the growing movement which we observed in a huge number in Berlin on the 1 of August. And in that present moment to weaken this movement might be a very huge tactical mistake.

      However we can also recognize that the 9-11 truth movement became less important during the years as this movement has also not recognized that not only the truth but a real spiritual and politcal countermovement to Globalism is necessary to defeat the Zionist-Globalist powers who are in fact behind the false flag operation of 9 11 as they are also behind of the fake pandemic which is actually a false flag operation too and both false flag attacks serve the same Globalist powers.

      So the big question is how can we bring the present growing anti-corona-movement to the understanding that a nationalist movement might be the solution of the inhuman consequences of globalism and making them clear that the corona restrictions such as Lockdown, compulsory vaccination and so on are only symptoms of Globalism for realizing the “New World Order” without dangering the constant growing of the so called “half-awakening” people who are captured in the so called “German guilt cult”?

  3. Dear Monika,

    You mentioned in one of your interviews that your brother Alfred went through an awakening process: at the beginning at his awakening process he saw in the National Socialist movement an enemy by showing the Swastika symbol in a comparison to the Zionist movement. After a while Alfred changed his view. On this example you wanted to explain to your listeners that the awakening process takes time and that we need patience with our fellow men.

    A good example is – in my eyes – a very courageous policeman here in the Federal Republic in Germany who is awakening through the illegal corona regulations. Although it is quite pity that he refers to the famous German Guilt cult he was suspended by his employer State of Lower Saxony for telling the truth about the illegal corona regulations. Nevertheless he reminds me of Alfred at the beginning of his awakening process when he accepted the official version of history in the famous 12 years in one of his first videos but understood that 9/11 was a fake.

    Nevertheless it gives me great hope that people gradually wake up although his mind is still prisoned in the pattern of the so called German guilt cult. I wish he will not stop in his awakening process and will understand that our German ancestors fought in the two World Wars against the same enemy who is behind the fake corona pandemic.

    In case you want to listen to his speech it is linked here. Or in other words: the fake corona pandemic with masks is only the continuation of the two World Wars against Germany or more in general against the whole European white nations.

    1. When they fire people for telling the (forbidden) truth, then that person has the freedom and the time to really do the research, so the enemy shoots himself in the foot. The awakening accelerates. Everywhere I go I meet more and more people who are waking up. Corona=666 is the Hot Stove plate that Alfred talks about. Touching a hot stove when you are half asleep wakes you up really fast. Corona is that hot stove plate – the discomfort and pain (lock-down and broken businesses and mandating masks etc) is waking people up.

      1. this is exactly what happend to me.
        It is out of every thinkable future, that criminals dictate me, what I have to think or say.
        The policeman is lost for “the system” of lies. Now he starts his searching for the truth – going with accelerating speed.
        …so, folks which deem us not to be human, ..You are history. You are kicked over the cliff by your own lies. Perfect.

      2. What an interesting thought that more time you have the more time you have to reflect ones own life and especially the truth!

        Monika, you told in an interview that you observed in the “Muppet Show” that the facts are twisted into the opposite such as truth becomes to hate, denunciation becomes to moral courage and a Muppet Show is declared to a fair and impartial trial.

        That could be the reason why the policeman compares the corona restrictions with the Third Reich as the FRG propaganda promotes the National social government to what the FRG regime exactly is in the occupied zone here in Germany and at the same time he learned in his police training that the so called democratic system in the FRG is the freest state in the world! Now he is confused by himself as he believes that the FRG system could develop to the same totalitarian system as the system in the Third Reich without questioning up to now if the propaganda about the Third Reich fits the facts!

        Maybe he will test in the next step your and Alfred’s trial and will listen to Sylvia Stolz ‘s lesson about so called “obvious facts” of German history and will have the chance to examine his position about the so called “darkest part in German history”?

  4. Pro-White Activism: How to Stop the Perpetrators of (White) Genocide
    “We will get rid of every single antisemite and nationalist left in this world because we believe in a tolerant future without hate.” (Anti-Defamation League official website)

    WOW! such hypocrisy! a deep murderous desire hidden behind feigned morality! Jewish intolerance and hatred! The Jewish example shows what hatred is. Criticism of Jewish crimes, of Jewish “chutzpah overreach” (Dennis Fetcho), of Jewish power and control is not hatred, the Jewish anti-white extermination plans are! The Jewish murderous desire to silence all opposition, to exterminate all white nations (ALL nationalists, not only the white ones) is fuelled by a deep hatred towards the white minority race! “We will get rid of” i.e. “We will silence”, “We will kill” – Mass murderers and tyrants certainly cannot claim moral superiority!

    Love for truth and natural self defence is not hate; it’s most natural to every decent and healthy human being. Jewish lobbyists want to criminalize everyone who is different to them (Freemasonic slogan: “We are all the same!” – No, we are very different! and the Talmudic Jews even claim: “Every Jew a god, every non-Jew a slave, cattle at best!”)

    #International definition of “Anti-Semitism” – “Anti-Semitism” laws
    International Jewish organizations keep lobbying for an international definition of “Anti-Semitism”; they want international “Anti-Semitism” laws to criminalize globally all criticism of Jewish crimes to protect Jewish criminals from prosecution! They want to criminalize and silence all opposition! They want to outlaw the truth! They want to criminalize, fine, imprison and sentence to death all opponents, anti-Communists, anti-Zionists, all (white) nationalists, Christians – as they did in Bolshevik Russia!

    Genocidal Jews and their apologists keep throwing slurs into our faces such as “Nazis”, “neo-Nazis”, “right wing extremists”, “racists”, “anti-Semites” to heap hatred on their opponents – on Whites in general, patriots, nationalists, Christians. They want to avoid and shut down any factual debate and wipe out all opposition. The criminals are those who want to put such “international anti-Semitism laws” into place! They promote global Jewish tyranny, the so called “New World Order” (NWO)!

    #”Anti-Semitism” is a misnomer. What “Semites” are these Jews talking about?
    Ashkenazi Jews – most of today`s Jews – are not even Semites! They have Asiatic-Mongol-Turk DNA; the so called “Jewish nation” is not of one race; it’s a mixture of the races and cultures the vagabond international Jews have ever lived in. Jews are mongrels, a racially-mixed breed. AshkeNazi-Khasar Jews are proselytes; they converted to Talmudic Judaism in 740 AD and have nothing to do with the ancient Israelites of the Bible. They are identity thieves, liars, deceivers. Jews who claim that criticism of Jews is “anti-Semitic” are defrauding us hiding behind words; most of them are not Semites! They are not Israelites, they are not the descendants of the biblical Israelites and cannot claim a “right of return” to Palestine. It’s all a HUGE FRAUD.

    #It’s not about Semites! The JQ is about Jews! Jewish criminals!
    Jewish criminal behavior, fraud and deceit! Jewish crimes! Jewish responsibility! Jewish guilt! Jewish criminals must be held responsible for their crimes. The Jewish crimes and most preposterous Jewish lies must be exposed and the criminals brought to justice!

    We must take the Jews seriously!
    The Jewish criminals hide behind a propaganda screen – a barrage of weaponized words (“anti-Semitism”, “racism”, “Nazis” etc) aiming at impairing our natural defence instincts by deception, indoctrination, psychological warfare. The international Jewish criminal syndicate terrorizing the whole world, the criminal nature of governments under Jewish Zionist control, the Jewish global tyranny, called “New World Order” is no longer hidden.

    The international Jews want to silence, jail, kill ALL OPPOSITION to their RED TERROR TYRANNY, as they did in Bolshevik Russia when they murdered tens of millions of opponents! Bronstein’s alias Trotsky’s FLOODS OF BLOOD…
    The Jewish mass murderers, usurpers of the Russian government, KILLED 66+ million anti-Communists, ethnic Russians, orthodox Christians from 1918 to 1957 (source: the Russian archives), and there seemed to be no end to the RED TERROR. Terror and mass murder continued behind the “Iron Curtain” for decades.
    Genocidal Jews want international “anti-Semitism” laws to shut down all opposition, jail for life and murder tens of millions of their political opponents as they did before, and continue committing their most ferocious crimes (multiple genocide, totalitarian enslavement of humanity, the looting of the world’s wealth) without being critisized and brought to justice. Criminal Jews want to go scot free for their horrendous crimes by making talking the truth about Jewish crimes a “hate speech crime“, carrying the death penalty for “anti-Semitism“ (anti-Communism, anti-Zionism, anti-Satanism).

    #Noah Shack of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs: “Those who promote hatred must be held accountable. What starts with words can often lead to violence.”
    EXACTLY! The international Jews who promote anti-German, anti-white, anti-Christian hatred 24/7 must be held accountable. We have had enough Jewish hatred, incitement to two world wars and endless conflicts and war ever since!

    We must take the Jews seriously!
    Allegedly, Jews are working towards “Tikkun Olam”, righting the wrongs of the world. Sounds good? Only until you dig deeper and find out that “making things right” to Jews means enslaving everyone to the Jewish benefit; genocidal Jews want all opponents be silenced, exterminated. Think of the international Jews as the most successful transnational crime syndicate, and Satanic murderous cult, and it all falls into place…

    Exposing the truth about the criminal Jews, their giant hoaxes and lies, exploitation rackets, the Jewish global power grab… leads to justice and freedom from Jewish global slavery and tyranny.

    The “New World Order” (NWO): The global slave masters take off their masks by finally reaching for the crown, staging a global “Corona pandemic”, exercising unprecedented global power… ordering a global shut down… forcing everyone to wear masks (muzzles) saying: “You are not allowed to think and talk freely! We Jews are the devine gods on the planet! You are not allowed to critisize us! You are not allowed to have an opposition! Keep your mouths shut!”

    Global tyranny is here. We must take the Jews seriously!
    It’ll be hell on earth if we don’t reverse that.
    The truth will restore the shattered life on planet earth.
    “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free!” (Jesus)
    Speak the truth but don’t feed the Beast!

    1. **The “New World Order” (NWO): The global slave masters take off their masks by finally reaching for the crown, staging a global “Corona pandemic”, exercising unprecedented global power… ordering a global shut down… forcing everyone to wear masks (muzzles) saying: “You are not allowed to think and talk freely! We Jews are the divine gods on the planet! You are not allowed to criticize us! You are not allowed to have an opposition! Keep your mouths shut!”**~Freya

      Well said! They think this will be their Coronation Fest! But alas, they are very very nervous now, as the people are waking up.

      1. Yes, meanwhile the puppet master try to find out, how far they can go and what to do next.
        Therefore there was a FB-poll to determine the structures of thinking, connecting and the success of the fear oriented propaganda – per age, region, social and intellectual situation.
        Good! Fear us!

  5. As I said in the last issue of “Veritas,” the whole Covid 19 thing seems to engender two camps: those who think it’s fake, and those who think it’s the second coming of the Black Plague. Personally I feel the truth lies somewhere between the two. Living in the Age of Masks is really weird, but no, it isn’t the beginning of the “Mark of the Beast” — that happened a long time ago. Let’s see ya get a job, or any of a number of other things, without that “Social Security Number.”


    On Thu, Aug 6, 2020 at 12:23 AM Free Speech Monika wrote:

    > Monika posted: ” I had the great pleasure of speaking once again with > Brizer on the Graham Hart Show on August 3, 2020, and the next day spoke > for the first time on Radio Cui Bono with Swedish hosts Daniel, Patrik and > Martin. Here are those two interviews. http:/” >

    1. I partly agree with you about the Social Insurance Number (S.I.N. #, how revealing!!) , but not entirely, as one may still buy and sell without it. The bible says in Rev. 13:16, 17: And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. “They” are already talking about that w/the present measures being enforced; for ex. One may not do any public business whatsoever in the near future without the digital vaccine certificate. Period. It sure does look like the mark of the beast!

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