Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Blood River Radio “the Holocaust” Truth Series & the Nordic Frontier Show

Eddie “the Bombardier” Miller, a true gentleman, and a fearless patriot from Tennessee, invited me together with Birthe Voss to do an exposé on “the holocaust”, the lies and the truth about what really happened in those camps in Germany in WW2.

The first in the Series took place on April 18, 2020.

Hour 1

Our conversation begins at about minute 19. In this part we discussed our awakening stories, the roll of school teachers in our lives, and the effect of “atrocity propaganda” on the war.

Hour 2

We talk about the relevance of the holocaust to today, and the guilt cult. Also, we talked about concentration camps in other times and other wars.

Second in the Series April 25, 2020.

Hour 1:

Telephone interference prevented me from joining at first. I had just phoned a friend beforehand to tell him about the upcoming interview, and that “announcement” via telephone made me wonder if the “interference” was coincidental or not. No telephone difficulties before or since. However, Eddie carried the show with Birthe, and I joined via an online connection at minute 29.

We talked about the war memoirs of Churchill, Eisenhower and de Gaulle never mentioning gas chambers. We talked about the Nuremberg Trials: tortured confessions, the predominantly jewish staff, judicial notice that evidence is not required for something that is “self-evident”.

Hour 2

This is the hour where we really got into the “meat and potatoes” of the physical evidence running counter to the official narrative of gas chambers. We spoke of the Malmedy case, where the young soldiers were tortured with testacle crushing and the case of Arvid Freimuth who hung himself in his cell to avoid signing the forced confession, but the prosecution used the confession anyway that he would have signed had he not died.

We spoke of the Toronto Trials at which Ernst Zündel was tried, where real evidence was presented, and the holocaust story fell apart. We reviewed the Sylvia Stolz case, a lawyer who did her job too well which landed her in jail. And the IHR – Mel Mermelstein is an unbelievable case!

We will continue our series on May 9th at 16:00 Central Time on Blood River Radio on Liberty News Radio. Tune in if you dare!


This next show was out of a different part of the world, but like the attack on white people in the USA, the attack on Swedes is as ferocious as anywhere. The good folks over in Sweden at the Nordic Resistance Movement invited me back on their Nordic Frontier Show on April 28, 2020. It was great to catch up with them after more than a year since our last conversation.

We covered everything from the Truth and Justice for Germans Society, schools, LGBTQ agenda, various holohoax trials, Alfred’s situation, Boa-constrictor metaphor for how the scam-demic is rolling out, “normies” response to white genocide. Our conversation begins at the beginning of hour 2 in this 3 hour show.

16 Responses

  1. @David Westerlund…I’m mostly a very serious person who likes to smile in battle….I get what you’re saying about parody hurting truth, but that comment wasn’t parody, that was a montage of actual quotes from the communist criminal jews who call themselves holocaust survivors…after many years of being very serious about these things, I’ve discovered a few things about our enemies and how best to communicate their intent to a wider audience, the big one is getting people to laugh at how ridiculous these stories actually are, and from there, the “holocaust gas” narrative begins to collapse in their mind..they begin to see the fraud,trickery and danger of these stupid jew stories via laughter, far easier than if I talk to them about murder and genocide, they reach those conclusions themselves and then serious begins… the next big one is ridiculing the jews for speaking this nonsense.. They really don’t like ridicule and I like that they don’t like that….so don’t forget to tell all your friends about the roostocaust and how, between “gassings”, jews claim they were forced to climb trees and crow like roosters until they froze to death, and while there is no plaque on a wall indicating the numbers who died crowing like roosters…I will endeavor to find out why that is!…. 😉

  2. Hi Monika,

    I found it very interesting listening to these shows to get your personal perspective as a person of German ancestry on how you believed for so long the lies told about Germany ,World War Two and National Socialism.
    Like you I began to see through media lies shortly after the 9/11 attacks. Once I understood that the official narrative was fiction then the ball started rolling and I began to watch dvds and then moved to on line sites to research history and that culminated in seeing The Greatest Story Never Told.
    I have to say there have never been a more abused people than the Germans. They have been the subject of continual genocide starting from the Boer war ,moving to World War One, the starvation blockade imposed by the Allies in 1919,the evil Versailles treaty, World War Two and the aftermath where close to 9 million Germans perished from ethnic cleansing and starvation.
    It is pretty clear World War Two was waged by the jews against Germany for mostly economic reasons. If National Socialism caught on in the rest of Europe then the jewish banking system was dead. This debt system is how they are still enslaving us today.
    I wish you every success in educating Germans about the truth of the last one hundred years. As an old Estonian friend said it doesn’t matter what laws on holocaust denial they make, behind closed doors a lot of Germans know better.

  3. But..bbbbut…the jews were forced to climb trees and crow like roosters until they fell to their deaths in submarine diesel engine gas chambers, then their heads were shrunk and put a top lampshades…the most beautiful lampshades ever made..then Irene Zisblatt was saved from the diesel gas chambers by Dr. Mengele only to have Dr. Mengele change the color of her eyes…luckily, General George Patton gave Irene his 4 Star General button or else Meyer Levin would have never sued Otto Frank for copyright theft of the diary of Anne Frank…that was written by Meyer Levin,..oy vey..never forget the 600 Trillion who were stuffed into cages and eaten by bears and eagles, then gassed to death with lice killer!!!..It was real in my mind!!!

    1. Yes! Their stories are that ridiculous…we need to bring these ridiculous stories to the forefront and show the public that eagles and bears played a part in submarine diesel gassing the rooster crowing, copyright infringing, 4 star General, lampshades with different colored eyes

    2. (((Sausages)))Sausages! …….. Sausages! ………
      “Don’t you know we Jews are the supreme loxist people….bow to our “cause célèbre” you racists “goyim” my family died of sausages and now it’s being passed on to all (((our people))) through genetic “sausage trauma” which will exstend our finacial Holohoax protection racket “infinite”…… Hot dogs and hamburgers are hateful and anti-Semitic “….

      1. Perhaps sometimes, but I do think that humour, satire and parody is very effective. We can laugh at them!

  4. Great hear you on the NF show Monika..

    If the balance turns in our favor (((they))) the money changers/well poisoners will turn the Phony Coroni into a real Samson option, another Spanish Flue bioweapon plague that was used, a successful experiment under cover of War to reduce the population of the Goyim, monopolize “big pharma” over “natural” and introduce a new solvent monetary system through a real Phony Coroini Planned’ emic.  

    The Phony Coroni

    COVID19 mass testing or vaccinating is a prime example of Gews harvesting, not only to claim your DNA and micro chipping but they are intentionally “Phishing” from you to give them permission to access your NI number in order for them to establish a health prescription from your ID/NI account.

    The health prescription is a negotiable instrument Bond/IOU that they can monetize through your NI.

    The more prescriptions they can gather they can then be either traded on the futures stock market or do as Israel often does ie

    “Is it a coincidence that MATIMOP a global Israeli life sciences company conducts clinical trials  in the UK while the same Gewish squatters bond trade our NHS prescriptions as stock market gilt sureties to be held as ransom in Israel in-case of boycott, then their nice little scam is for Israel to trade back to us medicine and massive technology to manage sickness instead of outright cure.” “teva” 1, ……“teva” 2,”

    This is how they revitalize their new monetary system. Notice the only solvent business thriving today is the Phony Corony because it is self financing from the blind goyim who initiate the flow of money from the prescriptions and also from charges from the Police when they refuse to obey the Planned’emic regulations. …. Contract law is business as usual for the nice Gew.

    The following link is proof that the stock market “panic” and “crisis” bonds are working their magic.Other than war this “phony coroni” lock-down is (((their))) new way of bringing in a new “solvent economy” to repair and kick start a new cycle to dupe the public into thinking ((their))) new money is real tender, when in reality it is all based on nothing more than “bond tradable instruments” hedged and waged into their future projections which is the same scam that delivered us to the position they have us in today.

    Concider this!

    If the whole world is in this global lockdown which has stopped production within all nations” Yet we are now seeing the Police out on the street phishing for manufctured chrges (bond tradable instruments) onto those who flout the social distancing rules. This means its business as usual for the money changers because you are still allowing them that fresh air power to Hypothicate pledges into their system still making you the gaurantor in absence of dividend shares that you allowed them to create in your name/national Insurance number. No wonder (((their))) world bank is loading up governments with emergency “fiat money”  to keep the planned’meic solvent, and handing out compensation to “corporate businesses” to help save their monopoly infrastructure.

    Meantime us goyim/sheep are being offered, on application, small bridging loans to see each of us through this illusion ….

    Of course that can only happen because its all coming in by the back door and now need your customer base to kick start their new conjured up money which will inevitably sustain and expand the world debt.

    These rats in government need to be stopped in order for us to bring in the remedy for 100% employement after this lockdown which cant be done unless we drag these rats out of their puppet positions and implement a Gottfried Feder economic model under the protection of Autarky….

    These rats only understand the “Dockers Hook” 

    The Well Poisoners – ‘Coronavirus’ –

    #PeterQuiggins #killerculture #antizionistleague #antitraitors #HolodomorInfo #ScottRoberts #GDL #Handsometruth #COVID19  #CORONAVIRUS #5G #petercooneyenabler

  5. Dear Monika, I’m so sorry because I tried several times at different shows but I understand absolutely NOTHING !!! I’m rather good at written English but here, unfortunately, I couldn’t catch the slightest word ! But I’m so pleased that you can do that! I also hope that you thought of mentioning the fact that my brother Robert was the first, ever, to point to the physical and chemical aspect of the gas chamber. A few people had doubts about the existence of those chambers, but none, ever, had thought of “starting with the beginning” (as RF would say) and wondering what those chambers could look like… My brother started putting the question in 1960, then studied the “physical, chemical, topographical, architectural and documentary evidence” of same during 14 years before publishing his 60-French-word sentence. Just for you to have it in your files in case you hadn”t :

    “The alleged Hitlerite gas chambers and the alleged genocide of the Jews form one and the same historical lie, which has permitted a gigantic political and financial swindle whose main beneficiaries are the State of Israel and international Zionism and whose main victims are the German people -‹ but not their leaders – ‹and the Palestinian people in their entirety.”

    I hope Alfred is alright as well as you and that you have no health problems just now. I have been quite unwell lately but am now OK.

    With my best wishes for your next show and a big hug. Yvonne

    Le 01/05/2020 03:02, « Free Speech Monika » a écrit :

    > Monika posted: “Eddie “the Bombardier” Miller, a true gentleman, and a > fearless patriot from Tennessee, invited me together with Birthe Voss to do an > exposé on “the holocaust”, the lies and the truth about what really happened > in those camps in Germany in WW2. The first ” >

    1. Yes, dear Yvonne, I did mention your brother Robert Faurisson, when I spoke of “the giants” who came before us and did the REAL work of uncovering the lies. When I listened back yesterday, I noticed that just as I was saying Robert’s name, there was a small interruption and so the sound of his name was obscured. You can rest assured that in our next show on April 9th, I will speak at length about Robert Faurisson’s work, and the fact that this cost him dearly, not just financially, but also with beatings, court cases, special law against him, and persecution.

      It is clear that a certain powerful group of people, the alleged victims of the alleged gas chambers, have much to lose when the genie is out of the bottle. And the genie is definitely out of the bottle!

      I am glad to hear that you are feeling better now after being unwell. Hugs to you too!

  6. Great job Monica…you need to get a full hour without comercial interuptions…see if you and Jim can get together to really say all you want…

    Love you always in the work..


    Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S® 4 zoom™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

  7. Hi Monika –

    I am just listening to your interview on the Nordic Frontier Show where you are talking about COVID1984 (as I’ve been calling it).  I am so disgusted with how easy people have bought into this “plandemic”.  I have been researching it since January and have been trying to wake people up to the lie but you know how frustrating that can be.  I have a small group of friends that I meet for coffee and most of them have been coming over to my house every week and I am trying to educate them as well as I can. 

    However, it is puzzling to me how some people who are awake on other subjects can still fall for this deception.

    Hope all is well with you – maybe we can meet up in the summer.  Let’s do a phone call one day as well.

    Take care and stay free!!


    1. Thanks Judy, yes it is surprising to me that so many people believe the scam, especially if they are aware of other big lies, like you say. Let’s have a phone visit, tomorrow?

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