Free Speech Monika

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The Realist Report interview with John Friend & BRR Shows

It was a pleasure once again to speak with John Friend of The Realist Report on May 31, 2022. Here is the interview.

From the show notes: On this edition of The Realist Report, we’re joined once again by Monika Schaefer, a German-Canadian activist and revisionist. Monika is back to discuss some recent news items, including a controversial bill introduced in Canada that would criminalize “Holocaust” denial, and to give some updates on her brother Alfred. Alfred is currently imprisoned in Germany due to his publicly expressed views on the alleged Jewish “Holocaust” and other aspects of WWII history. We also discuss the Kehillah, a very hierarchical Jewish secret society that Ben Klassen wrote about in his book Nature’s Eternal Religion.


Here are some Blood River Radio shows in recent weeks. To listen, click on the dates.

May 14, 2022 Hour 2, Nancy Hitt gives a most interesting talk about slavery. From the show notes: If you have been led to believe all your life that blacks were the only race in history that were slaves you need to think again. Tonight Miss Hitt will discuss her review of They Were White and They Were Slaves. Once you hear the truth, you cannot unhear it.

May 21, Hour 2, the subject is Rudolf Hess. Rayn Owen hosts Gene “the Bitter Ender” Andrews and Nancy Hitt. Show notes: Miss Nancy covers her story about the saga of Rudolph Hess with The Bitter Ender giving able assistance. The Bitter Ender finishes out the show covering the latest concerning The Forrest Home and other breaking news items.

May 28, Hour 1, Nancy Hitt continues her compelling discussion about Rudolf Hess, after which she tells the story of Johann Peter Baur, the pilot for Adolf Hitler.

May 28, Hour 2, Nancy and I start the hour with a story about my brother Alfred’s butterfly meme. We also had a short section about “hate”. Then Gene Andrews carried the balance of the hour, with this from the show notes: “Our education continues tonight as The Bitter Ender schools us on the origins of “Dead Yankee Day” or “Confederate Marksmanship Day” take your pick. Some of the misinformed refer to it as Memorial Day.” Eddie “the Bombardier” Miller was our intrepid host.

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