Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Monika’s Christmas Letter to Alfred was Well Received

In the letter that I just received from Alfred, he told me how much he appreciated my last letter to him. He thanked me for my “terror letter” and wrote,

“Hey Möne [nickname], every single word in it was spot on.”

He also described it, in banter of course, as being “pure HATE and so Extreme!” He never loses his sense of humour.

Well I was curious as to what I wrote that garnered such an enthusiastic response, so I checked the photographs of my last letter. (I always keep images of my hand-written letters to political prisoners. In case the letters go missing, I have a record of what I wrote.) Then I recalled what I wrote on Christmas Day to my dear brother in prison. I was feeling fine and motivated, and so, why not share these words of inspiration with you, dear reader.


2023 December 25

Weihnachtstag (Christmas Day)

Dear Alfred,

We’re thinking about you Alfred – I wonder if you had a little bit of a special time today and yesterday. Heilig Abend (Christmas Eve) in the German prison. By the time you get this it will probably already be 2024.

Good things are happening Alfred, but in the meantime we had better buckle up our seat belts for the exciting ride ahead! But no matter what happens to us personally, we win. The parasite is an empty vessel completely devoid of anything of meaning, anything beautiful and anything of heart, spirit and soul. That is why they hate us so, isn’t it. We have what they are utterly devoid and incapable of having and they will never have it no matter how much they try to steal from us or destroy us, they will NEVER have it. Whereas for our people, these things are in our blood! We can see that pure heart and spirit in little children, blonde little children before they have been affected by schooling and programming and degenerative assaults. We see it in their eyes and in their open faces. We feel it.

By the time you receive this, you really won’t have long left in that asylum. I was going to say the asylum, but thought better of it and said that asylum. We’re all living in the asylum now. Sometimes we’ve got to laugh – and we do.

Okay, I’m making this real short today. Gonna play my viola now. Maybe read for a while and early to bed.

Stay Strong!

Lots of Love,

I publish this today January 30th on Alfred’s birthday. Sending him good birthday wishes in spirit and hoping he received his birthday mail on time. He will be out of jail soon – should be out by February 23rd, 2024. 

4 Responses

  1. That’s right – in order to see that, you have to have this mind yourself with its undisguised images of the outside world. It is disguised in schools, universities, by the press and politicians, but often also by supposedly well-meaning relatives and acquaintances who are fools or fakes (disguising themselves).

    Anyone who wanted to become a professor in the GDR had to be a member of the (socialist) party – that’s why some students went there. During the course, technical terms were often only inadequately explained (in passing), and the idea of their meaning usually remained unclear – but tasks were given, the amount of which could not be completed without such ideas. So people often copied from older students – those who didn’t have such documents had to see how they got along. The fraud became noticeable when professors were unable to adequately answer unexpected questions asked of them even after weeks – and in the case of some doctoral theses. Hardly any of the increasingly mindless formalists noticed their lack of content, and certainly no one talked about it. After 1945, quite a few people in the GDR went through this “school” of adaptation, which no longer asks or allows questions – and only knows “German” as a school subject.

    The same thing in FRG. The cousins of you, Monika and Alfred, stand for this. They reported you because of a different view of history, political imprisonment was the result – a monstrous occurrence (among relatives).
    It is not uncommon for people to deliberately steer those close to them in the wrong direction for their own career, their own reputation, their own comfort, their own safety or an overarching goal, hinder their development, make them dependent and, if necessary, report them. Especially from 1945, when occupiers, democrats and communists in Germany finally danced on tables and stands and from there tried to shout down thinking Germans with red flags and dead (brain) mass. But this has been going on for a long time – even in the Third Reich, younger people insulted their parents and grandparents if they were critical of National Socialism – and reported them. The fact that this is almost unknown today – when FRG officials are constantly shouting against Germans – becomes more understandable when the term “National Socialism” is replaced by “FRG socialism” and the origin of today’s officials with former politicians (Fritz Sauckel, Martin Mutschmann, Joseph Goebbels, Reinhard Heydrich, Hermann Göring, Rudolf Jordan, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Alfred Rosenberg, Otto Strasser, Robert Ley, etc.) is compared.

  2. I still believe that we are “all God’s children” … it’s just that the Jewish “operating system” as Alfred likes to call it, that (trauma-based) programming and indoctrination (brainwashing) of the Jewish born children, is what leads them to learn (be trained) how to be a victim and parasite and use double-standards, and follow a “criminal code of ethics”. A guy like Brother Nathanael Kapner would probably “keep good company” with Arthur Topham’s wife, Gilda. They provide crucial insights into those “criminal circles”, since they grew up in them. Criminals are good at stealing and harassing, etc. Most “street-level Jews” are clueless, though, imo, of their own true history and just enjoy the hedonism and privilege that their culture promotes. Yea, they “jump on the bandwagon” of JEWISH HATE when called upon, probably seeing it as their duty. I’m not trying to apologize for Jewish behavior, just trying to understand why they do what they do. When I read portions of the Talmud (just starting my studies now) I see a system of “HYPER-CONTROL”, one that instills fear, guilt, and foolish pride in it’s own people! Just the opposite of our true human nature, that is, born to be free. That’s what children teach us grownups, almost every day.~

    I’m a jazz sax guy who grew up playing classical oboe studies. Didn’t know that you could actually tune to a different frequency but when I think about, why not? That sounds cool. Funny, I suddenly started playing soprano sax exclusively (normally an alto guy) partly because I’m just hearing differently on that horn. It’s just resonating with me these days. These type of things, that have the potential to stimulate the “humanness” within each of us, is where, I believe, we are headed. As we, in the collective, continue to extract ourselves from this “upside down world (Monika’s words)” , the psychopath control freaks (who want to turn us into cyborgs), imo, will become increasingly irrelevant. Just gotta survive this storm….. and start building our futures. It’s already happening, I believe. God is choosing His/Her people (I don’t like to give God a gender). The division between those who are coming from a place of Hate versus those coming from a place of Love is becoming increasingly clear, imo, and Love is the ultimate protecting and guiding force. I think Jesus would agree. One purpose of Jewish Hate (Synagogue of Satan), imo, is to get us to also hate each other (and especially “hate ourselves”, but that’s a whole different topic that I would love to have sometime). They want us to be as bitter and resentful as they are.

    Anyway, I’m thankful to have found you all in the Truth community.
    Respectfully yours,

  3. You’re right you know ie the parasite is completely devoid of beauty ,spirit and the rest. I was ,about an hour ago, discussing with my other half that overwhelmingly ((( they ))) have no conscience and it’s a way to ID them. Some few of them do eg. Gilad Atzmon, Arthur Topham’s wife, but overwhelmingly (((they ))) don’t. God may have planted the “good’uns ” there as witnesses.
    As you say ,whatever happens to us personally, we win. They can destroy but can’t have it and it drives them to their excesses.It’s both crazy and a bit sad, not too sad but a bit.
    I agree with you as well in correcting yourself on saying “the asylum”. I wrote a short letter to Alfred about a week ago and thought of noting he’d soon be out of smaller prison into the larger one but I think I left it out as I was trying to be brief and get it in the post ( I do tend to fret over these things).
    Anyway it’s a nice letter and such things are good for the soul. I’m sure Alfred’s grateful to have you as his sister.

    p.s. You play viola as well as violin/fiddle? Life is definitely not fair.

    1. Yes, I do play the viola. In fact in the last few days, I’ve been really enjoying the sound coming from my viola more than usual, because I invested in new strings for it (long overdue). I tune it to A 432 instead of A 440. That might be another factor contributing to me feeling really good after playing – more tranquil and at ease.

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