Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Interviews with Alfred Schaefer

Alfred has been on quite a number of shows and podcasts in recent weeks. I will try my best to list them here, with brief summaries and links to the shows. These are not in chronological order. It is simply a repository of a variety of interviews and videos. Listen at your leisure. Need a lift of your spirit? Need inspiration to get out and do something about our situation? Get a boost, and get inspired by Alfred’s positive spirit and outlook!

Almost hot off the press, as they say, here is an interview that was done on October 24, 2022, on Speak Free Radio with John Kaminski. One of the main points of the show was to illustrate how there will be a biological response to the problem of the parasite on humanity. During the second hour, interesting content was added by some excellent callers to the show.

Earlier that day we spoke with Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, and that show was aired on October 25, 2022. It is entitled Alfred’s Prison Lottery Wins – Part 3. Shows on the ACH website only stay up about a month, so if you wish to listen to that one, do it soon, or download it for later. Better yet, download and re-upload elsewhere, and give us the link in the comments please.

On October 25th, Alfred and I spoke with Michael Herzog on the National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller, aired on the Republic Broadcasting Network. This was the first time for either of us to meet Michael Herzog, and I was very impressed. His introduction was brilliant, and the show progressed from there. Here is HOUR 1, and here is HOUR 2. During the second hour Michael took calls, and those included a couple of jewish callers. It made for some interesting radio to say the least.

Alfred joined us on a regular show that I have been doing with Jim Rizoli and Diane King called Connect the Dots. Alfred gives his perspective about the Covid genocidal assault on humanity, how it was in jail as compared with on the outside. We talked about the mockery with which our opponents regale us. Other topics, the money system, communism in the West, and many more interesting topics. That show was published on September 28, 2022. On bitchute it is here. And for Europeans who cannot seem to get bitchute, find it here on ugetube or here on goyimTV.

Earlier, on September 9, 2022, Alex Linder and Jan Lamprecht invited Alfred to their Team White show. Here is the link. From the notes:

“This show was recorded on 2022-09-09 – the same day Queen Elizabeth died.
This is the first show that Alex Linder and I have done with Alfred Schaefer in over 4 years since he went to jail. Alfred is truly amazing, and we let him talk as much as he wanted about his experiences. It may astound you what he learned in prison. Alfred is simply amazing. And there is definitely some hope for Germany.
We also discuss South Africa, especially the all-White town of Orania and some things that are not known about it.”
The next Team White (#5) show  aired on October 20th. From the show notes:

Alex Linder in the USA, Alfred Schaefer in Germany and Jan in SA had a tri-continental discussion touching on many topics that affect Whites. We discussed the many things that go wrong with Whites and are the result of Jewish parasites living in Western Nations and all the negatives that come from it.

On The Brian Ruhe Show, entitled The Biological Response: Part 1 and Part 2. That powerful conversation between Brian Ruhe, Diane Chase and Alfred was published on October 4, 2022. From the show notes:

Alfred Schaefer was in prison in Germany for four years for Holocaust denial and here he talks about the subtle cues, or what he calls the Biological Response, that he received from fellow prisoners who were encouraging him to keep fighting the good fight and not to give up. He describes this Biological Response as “electrifying” and “energizing” and it gave him the strength to keep going even when he was mistreated while the COVID restrictions were in place.

Inside the Eye with Dennis Fetcho, here on video. Or listen to the Audio here on which the interview with Alfred begins at about minute 46. This was an excellent show! Some prison stories and observations, as well as the bigger picture of how we will come out of our predicament. This one took place on August 27th, 2022, and had excellent reviews.

The National Intel Report aired on Republic Broadcast Network October 12, 2022, William Repillem invited Alfred and myself to tell our story. Here is our discussion: Hour 1, and Hour 2. Lots of interesting discussion in those two hours. “What a fine time to be alive!” ~Alfred

While William Repillem was doing some background research on who and what Alfred Schaefer is about, he came upon this older video from early 2018, done just days after I was thrown into the high-security prison in Germany. I hadn’t seen it before, and was thrilled to watch this. Alfred speaks with Charles Edward Lincoln, Kenn Gividen, and (now the late) Margaret Huffstickler. Powerful video.

Now here is a real treat. It seems that the “system” wants us to win. Sometimes they do things that clearly demonstrate that. This mainstream television piece is in German, and I think I have included it in a previous article a few years ago, but it is just such a great piece that I have to link it in again. They really did us a favour with this episode which they called “The bizarre world of the Holocaust denier”. In that 10-minute piece, they portray Alfred and myself in a rather favourable light. Then they try to goad some protesters into breaking German law by asking them questions which would lead them to “deny the holocaust” but in reality they make a mockery of the system. Sylvia Stolz and the Volkslehrer are also featured. All in all, a great little piece. Here is the link: Die bizarre Welt der Holocaustleugner | SPIEGEL TV


10 Responses

  1. I like what Alfred says about China not imagining them taking civilization further than Europeans have. I’ve always thought of the Chinese and other orientals as cultured, civilized people but not generally inventors or innovators, more as copiers. Perhaps I have a warped perspective but even if true I also think Alfred’s point that with advances in technology etc they too will grow fat and lazy and decline as we have.

  2. These most recently posted podcasts featuring Monika and Alfred Schaefer have provided me with numerous hours of thoughtful, laid-back contemplations. I have purposely made it a point to listen to them primarily on those most peculiar days and nights when the weather outside is either rainy and/or windy when staying inside is the preferred lifestyle choice. Comfortably aligned to the shape of my library daybed really does afford me that comfortable position where I can physically feel most “free” of my body and just lay back and focus on the many multitudes of thoughts, images and imaginations coming to me via those recorded conversations. It is almost as if I am right there within the middle of an imaginary setting listening in on and participating in the “give and take” between them and the different moderators.

    Here are two beloved individuals whom have lived through the trials and tribulations of life in a federal penitentiary – Monika for eight months and Alfred for a nearly a solid four years – and under conditions and for reasons that remain totally unjustified and unreasonable where civilized society is concerned. I, for one, cannot imagine myself maintaining the discipline of mind (and body) living through that sort of manmade hellishness. The physical and mental abuse and torture that Alfred had to endure to this day seems so difficult for me to comprehend when one takes into account the ridiculousness of the reasonings calling for it. The fact that they have both emerged as persons even more thoughtful, contemplative and expansive in thought and ideal inclines me to feel it most profoundly necessary to bow down before them in both respect and deepest admiration. This brings to mind the unforgivable hell on earth the great Rudolf Hess had to endure in both mental and physical isolation for those many, many decades he was incarcerated by the Allied powers and then strangled to death by a negro buffoon in the small private garden he cultivated all those years within the walls of that shamed historic edifice. How do you erase that enormous stain from a nation’s history? I am primarily referring to both the UK and the US whose massive abuses down through both their national histories will ultimately come back to haunt them in the most horrific of ways – and as their disgraced legacies are beginning to increasingly come to light and play out within this period of time.

    To you, dear Monika and Alfred, you both have my sincerest thoughts and prayers as you both move forward. This world is a little better, more meaningful and more beautiful for your having lived and enhanced our lives as fellow human beings. I know you have both helped to make me a wiser and more thoughtful human being.

    1. Dear Frederick, you are too kind with your eloquent words. My 10 months were a Sunday picnic compared with others, including my brother who spent 4 years, but also the many others whose fate was infinitely more hellish. Think about all those German soldiers and leaders whose testicles were smashed to get them to “confess”. And yes think of Rudolf Hess, whom you mentioned, who spent decades behind bars, mostly in total seclusion and isolation, only to be “suicided” at the end because (((they))) did not want him talking to the world when he would have been soon released. As in the words of the late great Robert Faurisson, we could do none other.

  3. Brian Ruhe, part 1, Diane Chase mentioned the “Transgender” propaganda in today’s time & how it is used to infiltrate society.
    Remember Berlin after WW1, how German Culture was destroyed during the Weimar years… the movie “Cabaret” typified this decadent life & debauchery that Adolf Hitler rescued the German people from.
    “Nothing New Under the Sun”
    This infiltration goes back into the ‘Old Testament’ as well.

  4. Jim Rizoli show, Diane King said “were guilty” when the group was talking about “Colonizing”
    Correction, that matters: The Europeans wanted to open Central Africa for exploration. In order to do that the Europeans had to put an end to the Arab Slave Trade in Africa’s Congo. The Europeans created the ‘International African Association’ in 1876. This foundation led to the ‘Aran Campaign’ also known as the ‘Congo Arab War’ of 1892-1894.
    This 1,000 year Muslim Incursion of Africa that began in 640 AD. was now coming to a close of Arab’s Slave Trade against Black African’s. Let us talk about this Arab Slave Trade “Colonizing” that history hides, so to blame the “White” guy because he was holding the “Hot Potato” for exploration.

      1. Alfred’s comment on George Floyd is Not far fetched. I had seen the video’s of the early hours of the Propaganda. One can see how it was Staged, they kept changing position & even sides of the street.
        The purpose of this Staged Event has been playing out here in the United States ever since, to get rid of Local Police & federalize them. They have been working on this hard for the past decade. Now they have passed Bills in mt State of Illinois to tie the hands of officers from doing their job. Four examples, 1. They can no longer describe the Color of Skin of who they are trying to apprehend. 2. They are told to “Stand Down” on Smash & Grab shoplifters who come in a store to grab expensive merchandise. 3. They are releasing inmates awaiting rape or murder trials from prison January 2023.
        4. They No longer can keep a person with Bail, suspected of violent crimes.

  5. It takes a man of courage to speak the truth as you have done, my hat is off!

    Unfortunately Germany has lost the sense of truth in all things and will pay the price of a cold winter this year and a loss of industry, perhaps for ever? sad.


  6. Oh , thank you ,
    Here are much good stuff to hear…
    Alfred is my favourite person .
    A real NS with intelligence and wisdom.
    That’s how they were.
    They were not hollogans and bad people .
    They were good and decent people.

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