Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Letter to the State Prosecutor of Germany – from Alfred

This letter may seem a little dated now, coming from Life Before Covid Corona, nevertheless it is just as relevant as ever. Political Prisoners are still locked up, Alfred Schaefer being one of many. We hear rumblings of laws being rolled out to criminalize Covid-19 “conspiracy” talk in any but the officially sanctioned way. Will we have a whole new batch of Political Prisoners soon?

Alfred received a nice little Christmas gift from the State Prosecutor, in the shape of an extortion letter demanding he pay up the first instalment of his share of court costs incurred at the Schaefer Sibling Inquisition of 2018. He took the opportunity to send them a Christmas letter in return. 


Alfred Schaefer - Political Prisoner of Germany

Christmas  25 December 2019

Gs#12 VRs 22685/16-a-01

Dear State Prosecutor Munich II

On the 23. Dec. 2019 I was sent a bill to pay immediately or else! [well over 20,000 Euros within 14 days]

Even if I could, I would not pay this “bill” since it is part of an extortion / blackmail to silence me. Herewith I am informing you of the dangers of placing yourselves in the light of accomplices.

I am a Political Prisoner. I am a Prisoner of War.

So far my incarceration as a prisoner of war has produced exceptionally positive results. The cooperative prison staff in Stadelheim enabled me to have many 60 and 90 minute private

Information Synchronization Sessions

with an Executive Director of a large German company. Said person is, like myself, a political prisoner. In his case however, the extortion / blackmail is not on the small scale as in my case. The  Extortion / Blackmail  against Audi / VW is on the Sept 11, 2001 scale. This is on the scale of Billions. Here a few details:

9/11 – Immediately after the 11th of September 2001 Larry Silverstein inadvertently admitted on camera that he himself played a major roll in the terror attack on New York City on September 11, 2001.

And: Before my arrest in July 2018, in April 2018, some of my equipment was returned to me in perfect condition. This included a computer which had on its “desktop”, amongst many other interesting files, the following file. This file was open on the computer’s desktop and had a play length of just under 2 minutes. It could not be overlooked. This computer had been in the hands of expert criminal investigators since August 2016 after their revenge attack raid for “Sorry Mom”.

“Sorry Mom” had kicked up a storm on a global scale. For this “Sorry Mom” my sister Monika Schaefer spent 10 months in the Gulag. The State Prosecutor and Criminal Investigators had 20 months to examine every detail of every file on this computer.

Then I received a letter that I can pick up some of the confiscated items. This offer surprised me. It made me very happy.

The File:

Larry Silverstein gloated in english, on camera, in front of a background with hebrew letters, about the fact that he was already working on the new World Trade Center plans in April 2000.

Where is the Problem here?

April 2000 is 17 months Before 11 Sept 2001.

After 9/11 Larry Silverstein collected Billions from Munich RE-insurance Company. Just because the entire controlled Main Stream Media played along, nothing changes the fact that this is Insurance Fraud. Since Munich Re is located in Munich, and Munich is located in the BRD, this concerns all of us in the BRD.

The Synchronization of these details (and many many more) with an Executive from the Board of Directors of Audi Company greatly enhanced the quality of my own Prisoner of War Incarceration.

I could write books now, but I want to keep this short. Here are a couple of Quotes that describe our situation very well:

Capitalism is trusts, speculation, parasitical usury… J.P. Morgan, Rothschild’s bank ripping apart the nations like maddened swine… the Jewish frying pan in which culture is rendered down to the grease of money. Following it, as the night to day is the thrice hotter Jewish fire of ‘Communism’” ~William Striker

“Environmentalism is the new Communism.” and “Man made global warming is a hoax that threatens the future of our children.” ~ Vaclav Klaus, Czech Republic President 2003-2013

We find ourselves in the midst of a Paradigm shift of global dimensions. Since before our birth we have been subjected to an indoctrination through which we have been manipulated. But now the people everywhere around the globe are liberating themselves from this “re-education”, this programming, this indoctrination.

It is important that individuals who find themselves as members of the state infrastructure do not get left behind. The train is leaving the station whether they are on it or not. Afterwards they will need to explain themselves, why they missed the train. Everyone else was on it.

Nobody can tell me that the State Prosecutor “accidentally” gave me back my computer in perfect condition. They gave it back to me as a type of insurance for the Paradigm Shift.

Yes Mr. Schaefer, we have learnt something during this time, like everyone else did also, and understand that you are right.

To better understand Paradigm Shift and the role these play in history, here are two quotes from Ernst Jünger – Der Waldgang (1951) (translated from German):

The power struggle is preceded by comprehension of pictures and the destruction of pictures. That is the reason for our dependance on poets. They usher in the overthrow or coup, including the Titan’s fall.”

“It is of utmost importance that the suppressed begin to understand that resistance is even possible – once this is understood, then a tiny minority is able to overturn the clumsy monstrous giant. That is a picture we see over and over again in our history. It is the foundation upon which new constructs are built that last for long periods of time.

In this spirit, I wish you a meaningful New Year.


Alfred Schaefer
Prisoner of War / JVA Landsberg
Hindenburgring 12
86899 Landsberg

North Korea BRD✓

63 Responses

    1. of course Schwartzberg is another evil jew out to try to make us think that he might be a good guy by dedicating his life to the celebration of the universe and creation.

      1. What are you trying to prove here?

        I will just ditto what Canadian said “…so guys like you spend their days on these comment threads obfuscating, gaslighting and being an overall energy vampire in hopes you can keep this lie going so you don’t have to put on your diapers and fight for real…but those games are coming to an end,we both know that!…” Well said, Canadian!

        Energy Vampire – yes, that is perfect. Okay, dune mouse, you’ve had your run here. Thanks and good bye.

  1. I was thinking, yes I get that many people are very distrustful today but as students of history we know through the ages from the Roman Empire, to the Doges of Venice, Borgias in Italy, French and English courts there have been plots and intrigues in all politics. But all this conspiracy stuff taken to extreme becomes a bit like the guy behind the curtain controlling everything, the great and powerful Oz or as many here would say Schlomo.

    Covid 19 is the current plot to allow communism to take over? Remember the H1N1 spanish flu that decimated the population after WWI? At that time there was no call to socially isolate and the results were devastating. Yes perhaps it is a big extreme but I firmly believe restrictions will be lifted at some point, until the next health crisis and virus emerges. Vaccinations? Well we pretty much eradicated childhood Polio and TB in the western world last century.
    This is a great article about viruses in the world today and how they mutate etc.

    In the end I find it rather sad though that many believe that scholars, scientists, historians, journalists, health care professionals (like my brother) etc who have dedicated their lives to their vocation are all out to lie to us and deceive us. Of course there’s always Trump to believe in.

    1. Go ahead dune mouse, line up for the vaccine that Bill Gates is rolling out. Bill Gates really has your best interest at heart.

      1. according to you I know nobody has our best interest at heart except your own little group who all believe exactly as you do and that you are the holders of the only truth in the world. A happy bunch you must be.

    2. Dagmar aka Dune Mouse: Nicely written from your point of view and so strongly at the end you use the word “…all…” in reference to health care professionals. The U.S. government is “rewarding” those health care professionals that report a virus cash, to the point where a “certified death certificate” for the COVID-19 gets $137,000.oo U.S.

      One of our major US news media (FOX) did have an MD and RN expose the US government numbers, how they are being manipulated. I saw it once and then no more. Internet news said they were both now unemployed. As even the Israel press (Hareetz) says the U.S. news media is controlled by jews, the news media in the US is controlled. Who can we believe? We have to become “conspiracy theorists” with all the lies and omissions we experience on the main stream news media.

      We have to go to the internet and filter the news. YES, today educated filterers look back at news about gas chambers and see the illogic of anyone dying at the German work camps. Lies today, lies yesterday and what will tomorrow bring? 1984 + 1984?

    3. Boy you really like their Kool Aid don’t you? Israel hires many people to refute what we say about them. They pay for lots of college if you work for them. ????
      Vaccines did not cure Polio nor anything else. You need to learn to look up reliable sources yourself because you parrot back the propaganda verbatim. Go look through the charts on VAERS like I did years ago. You’ll projectile vomit the Koolaid and feel lots better.
      Logic disguised as a platitude – “To verify viral infection at a hospital, they most often use a test that isolates antibodies. If you test positive for antibodies, you’re determined to be infected with the disease.
      Down the hallway at the vaccine clinic, if you test positive for antibodies, you’re determined to be immune. If logic was more abundant in our culture, that would stand out as a really big red flag that there’s a major lie in play somewhere….”
      The CDC owns 54 vaccine patents. So does the gov’t.

  2. Dear all,

    one question to the comunity: in which society do you want that your children will grow up?

    In the present society for which the Federal Republic of Germany stands for which you can see here in that short video for which the so called “State” prosecutor is standing for or in this society for which probably Alfred stands for which you can see here

    I appreciate your comments:-)

    1. I can assure you that you guess correctly about Alfred standing for the society pictured in the second video. Thank you for sharing that – it is beautiful.

  3. Germany still OCCUPIED, says ex-intelligence author. If true, how could this affect law-making, and free and fair trials in Germany? President Roosevelt ordered the internment of Adrien Arcand in WWII, the Canadian colony government of Mackenzie King complied by all means necessary, including by depriving Arcand and his men of a trial. Their preliminary hearing was aborted and they were sent to the camps, and denied a defence. Now, could it still be the USA controlling Germany… i.e. to prevent WHAT kind of information from leaking out in a fair and public trial?

  4. Canadian Honeybadger lets be fair. I know the emphasis is on Jews but There are well over 500 Anglo Saxon and non Jewish criminals that were Canadian too some still alive in jail. Bernardo, Pickton, Conrad Black, Wolfgang Droege, Rob Ford, Alvin Karpis, etc etc the list can go on.

    1. @Dune mouse, you can list many Canadian criminals, these are domestic criminals as are found everywhere.. and Rob Ford is hardly a criminal, his big “crime” was shutting down a bunch of liberal dictator parasites in Toronto’s City Hall, everything else that followed was the result of a zersetzen campaign that was put upon Rob by those same parasites.
      Why did Stalin kick 2 million jews out Russia after WW2? Who is Alexander Solzhenitsyn?… jewish literature, meant for jew readers is where much of my information comes from…lol..not from “Alt Right, Nazi, South, Confederate, Racist, Deniers”..or whatever smear of the day your using today
      jews have been functioning on ALL levels as a hostile, military apparatus with an emphasis on psychological and sociological operations… history shows they begin slaughtering their host population when they’ve conquered them psychologically…you see, the problem for jews in North America is; North Americans aren’t Russian or Chinese peasants…there’s 10’s of millions of cybernetically trained soldiers,patriots and all around tough guys here who are armed to the teeth and we are beginning to see jews for what they are…not a ” persecuted” religious group, but a hostile military!..Military operations in the ethnically homogeneous jewish army in Israel show a large percentage of pant pissers who can’t hold their bladder in a firefight against women and teenage boys… lol…and they depend on North American muscle and technological prowess for their survival, so guys like you spend their days on these comment threads obfuscating, gaslighting and being an overall energy vampire in hopes you can keep this lie going so you don’t have to put on your diapers and fight for real…but those games are coming to an end,we both know that!

      1. I think you have seen an episode of What We Do In The Shadows, right? I have been very cheered by how many now know the truth. I know the numbers have grown a very great deal because they just enacted some law whereby we are to be MADE to love them. No joke. Their high IQs make them the most prone to insanity which this illustrates. People are also getting down or destroying 5G towers all over the world, while msm (them) are putting it about that the extreme Rightist conspiracy people do this because they think 5G causes Cornholio. They are not being politically correct about this.

    2. You ever heard of that saying “Those in power write the history?” It is NEVER wrong to stand up for yourself and your people. They have been using subliminal brainwash programming on us all for decades but some are more susceptible than others. You have it real bad. I cannot stand pcness because it is brainwashing. The only time
      Jesus got mad was at and over these people. I take it you never watched the Freedman video. You cannot stop or fight what you don’t know. Many do not want to know, many are too scared to know, and some believe it is of no use as they can do nothing about it but it is always best to know the truth. Also the truth is THE TRUTH and none of that crap can ever be applied to it.

  5. But Honeybadger, a person can be “so nice” and still not agree with your so called “proof” or perhaps even be aware of other “proofs.” Most of it is theories, not actual proof including my own. Being that this site has an agenda of it’s own which is totally anti Semitic of course you will have drummed up all the dirt you can get on those you target. Having once worked in the legal system ( para legal) I know the game.
    I never said I admire or endorse Silverstein that I’m aware of. However, it seems to me that the real agenda here is to try to exonerate the Third Reich from any wrong doing by totally vilifying any and every Jew possible.
    You know I disagree with anyone being jailed because of their beliefs but it seems as though you should be glad Alfred is in prison because it makes you all martyrs in the same sense that Hitler used his incarceration as a rallying cry.
    Nevertheless Monika I do thank you for allowing other comments. Discussion and debate are a part of democracy.

        1. Dagmar aka dune mouse: I do not get hate from any books, news media and little from friends like Monika on her website. I get my hate from 1st hand experience with the jew as Monika experienced in USA/jew occupied Germany. Yes, personal comments from trusted friends do add to the hate.

          Throughout history the jew has been hated because they think/feel they are superior. Even their invention of deities and being the deities chosen people. WHY? CONTROL!

          1. David, People in the south (at one time confederacy) also state experiences they have as to reasons why the black is inferior to the white. The Hutu’s called the Tutsi’s cockroaches. We exterminate cockroaches after all. You may have had bad experience but it may not be another’s experience. President Trump called Mexican immigrants “animals” coming up to rape and rob us. This is the way hatred works psychologically speaking. You make the one you don’t like into something less than human. It’s much easier then to abuse or even murder them All this vilifying of all Jews – what do you think the outcome should be or is it just an exercise in trying to make sense of a world full of strife and other problems ( this vale of tears) hey, let’s make it a world full of evil, money lending Jews and endless government conspiracies..No one sees a parallel here to another regime and as for this “truth is hate to those who hate the truth” ??? a silly platitude or maybe a euphemism as no one here actually calls what is said here anti antisemitic I don’t think the king is wearing any clothes.

    1. @Dunemouse…your effort to attach “Hitler” to the awareness/opposition of jewish criminality is most definitely the sign of a jewish hasbara troll or a person who has not researched history…Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand kicked the 2 levantine tribes(jews,muslims) out Spain with the treaty of Granada in 1492, they did this because jews and muslims were working together to subvert and destroy Spain from within….I wonder what connection Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand had to the naaaahzees?…maybe they were shrunken head lampshade making, goose stepping gas chamber lovers too?!

      1. I was a history (and English) major by the way Canadian – my effort to do what?, -and though Monika may no longer post any information from me such as how many criminals in the world are not Jews.
        I know you get most of your info from far right biased. pro nazi sites many of whom are in communication with white supremacist groups in the South. Is it possible for you to accept that many who don’t believe as you actually embrace and are proud of Canada’s ideology and life style here. Canada was part of the moon program, Banting discovered Insulin, etc etc Many of their parents and grandparents fought and died standing beside the allies. Some of you complainers are Canadian too.

        Why don’t any of you use your own names or have profiles and why don’t you work toward engaging in a real televised debate with other history and philosophy, anthropologists, humanitarian scholars from the other side if you want your message to go mainstream instead of just a discussion amongst those who believe Your “truth”. To the rest of the mainstream and us haters of truth it comes across as total disparaging and degrading antisemitism. That is your mission – to bring down the Jew. The Jews are all you talk about and that Hitler was misunderstood. Jews are not human beings like the rest of us , with families, children, working in communities, maybe doing the odd good deed here and there. they are out to do all kinds of mischief large and small because they hate the gentile. I’m sure “some” of them do especially if they read this site.

        If that makes me a “hater of truth” actually it doesn’t, it just makes me a strong opponent to your very one sided myopic vision and theories that you try to present as “truth” when there is evidence that can always be found on both sides of an argument depending where you stand.

        1. Hey dune mouse, it really matters not whether I continue letting your comments through or not, I was getting tired of your repetitive side-tracking with the same old arguments and reversal and projection. Nobody ever said that there are no criminals amongst non-jews. But that is what you imply. I could make comments about your other statements, but frankly, I don’t have time for that. Others see through it anyway.

          1. Monika and Dagmar (aka DuneMouse): Maybe 50 years ago, my view of WWII was where Dagmar is today. I was teasing a Nazi paratrooper that had been at Stalingrad. He understood my USA history and told me “There is another side, would I read it?” I did and look at me now. Maybe someday Dagmar (dunemouse) will read the other side instead of her stubborn Scotch side. Seeing her picture, she’s about 45, red hair and WOW. hugs to both of youse,

          2. The difference between you and dunemouse is that you read the other side and understood. She has had ample opportunity to read the other side, but continues with the same-old same-old. As if we have nothing better to do than “hate” a certain tribe for no reason at all, like we were born with some disease.

          3. I think we are all guilty of the repetitive Monika and what you call same old arguments. It is many of you who emphasize all the Jewish sins and criminals and try to even villify those who disagree. I also have better things to do then search through history to bolster my position on Jewish conspiracies. Let’s be honest here- I’ve made some very good points or why would you get a bit niggled about it. I know history and I have a pretty good mind too, I do my research but on many different sites and readings , and hey I’d love to see a public debate where both sides present their position because I do think you have “some” points but that will never happen as long as you remain on the fringe with a bunch of anonymous commenters who seem frequently to quote the book of revelations. I prefer to think that “all” life is clouded by desire, like a mirror through smoke , through these it blinds the soul” (this can apply to all things that we cling to one way or another)

          4. Dune mouse you have it wrong concerning the reasons you don’t see “public debate” about these issues, i.e. by public debate I think you mean in the mainstream media or in mainstream publications. To illustrate my point, let me remind you that Alfred and I were both criminalized for our parts in the 3&1/2 minute video by CODOH called “Why do YOU support open debate on the holocaust?” So you see, just to voice one’s support for open debate is a crime. How far do you think one gets with the actual facts and evidence (in the mainstream), when just support of the debate gets you jail time?

          5. Yes indeed, “so extremely sensitive for so many”, the jews cry about hurt feelings and that is what shuts down debate and gets people jailed for articulating their conclusions about the lies. “You hurt my feelings!”

            As for everyone having more time at home on their screens – lots of people are waking up to the real agenda! They have the time to do some research. Many are scratching their heads about the insane lock-down measures which have been imposed on us for the common cold. People are connecting the dots. That is a good thing.

            Lies, lies, and more lies.

          6. Monika, I have taken this time to pursue my own interests and research, I’m taking an ancient history course and a photography art course,, I’m doing more research on Icelandic and Norse myth. I’m hoping to publish a story. That’s my own agenda and everyone has their own. And as for Covid, it’s nothing to be cavalier about and not a common cold. A teacher my daughter works with ended up in hospital with severe breathing difficulties and even if most recover it’s nothing I’d want to endure or pass on to my daughter or anyone else. I think our PM has been very conscientious including helping the financial situation of many. My cousin is in Italy where she said it’s been disastrous the loss of life. So we err on the side of caution and I think soon restrictions may be lifted.

          7. If you cannot see that there is something far more sinister going on here, well, what can I say? They are lying to us about all these deaths. Everyone who dies now is dying of covid, no matter if they had cancer, a heart attack, or was 117 years old! And how on earth is it going to help to shut down all the small and medium sized businesses? And how does it help to shut down parks and playgrounds? And have everyone, including children, living in fear? Watch the death toll from depression and suicide mount. As for the government handing out money, this is the installation of communism. Watch as they roll out the vaccine, shut down cash, and try to force everyone to get the shot just to be able to make purchases. Go ahead dunemouse, line up for that vaccine. Obey the authorities. They know best.

          8. Monika: You have perfectly described why COVID-19. Problem is why do 90% of our population not understand? My son (whom I raised as a single parent) quotes to me, “You can’t fix stupid.”

            The jew lies to everyone to gain control of the world. The jew has lied throughout history. Money and lies are their heritage. Ninety per cent of the White world is “educated” accepting the jew lies. The 10% of us are trying to “….fix stupid.” Maybe we need do something different with “….stupid.” as we seem to be losing that war? Suggestions?

          9. Monika lets not be hypocritical. Obey the authorities? Doesn’t every country look to their governments for leadership including those who followed National Socialism. In the end we are all sheep. So all the deaths are just natural according to you. I haven’t read that all deaths are by the covid virus . Where did you read that. Meanwhile you say all the countries are lying including the doctors or health care professionals? It’s obvious you distrust everyone because of your personal experience. However a lot of the people who quote historical events on the blog do get it wrong frequently. I am a student of history and yes I read opposing accounts of everything. You know we all live in fear of something. Life is not safe. There are viruses and there are environmental conditions that may lead to the emergence of more viruses. Do you believe that people died of Aids? or that it wasn’t an epidemic? What about the Great Flu of 1918? All lies?

      2. Canadian I somehow missed your Treaty of Granada which was by the way 1491. You better re read that as Muslims were not kicked out at all. They were restricted. Actually previous to that the Muslims brought great learning at the time into Spain, with their libraries, mathematics, astronomy and more and thus did enrich the culture at the time.

      3. Jews and Muslims work together – of course they do!
        Jewish death angel MoreKill calls the Muslim invaders she keeps flooding the country with – “her people” – “the people is everyone who lives here”

        Just recently I spoke to some of the Turks who think they have already “conquered” the BRD aka Germoney, they certainly own lots of shops and businesses, occupy lots of strategically prominent “corners” in the city where I live.

        I told them: “Turkey is the homeland of the Turkish people and Germany is the homeland of the German people” – a logic which should be very easy to understand – but not to them… they called me “Nazi”! and I laughed at them… explained to them what “National Socialism” means and that they cannot possibly insult me … by using this false abbreviation as a smearword – simply too dumb… (National Socialists is “Nasozis” in short – but Jews are known for mutilating everything, for ignoring all rules – even on how words are abbreviated in the German language – “racist” and “anti-semite” are Jewish inventions too – equally dumb – yawn)

  6. Monika: Alfred just sent me a letter dated by Alfred 15 March. Sadly the stamp only had his picture, not yours too, but the rest was great. I will try and send it out tomorrow. We should be so proud of his NS spirit.

    1. That video clip was on Alfred’s computer desk-top. Try your search engine “Larry Silverstein world trade center plans before 911” – which I just did, and there are many articles about it. Will look for video tomorrow, or maybe someone will find it in the meantime.

      1. Its funny that the hostile readers of this blog “demand” proof of our “outrageous” claims about 9/11, “Where is this video?”..” show evidence!”…like the concept of criminal jews is something foreign to them…lol..perhaps when they are done researching “Silverstein”, they could research Ronald Lauder, Frank Lowy, Lewis Eisenburg, Jules and Jeremy Kroll, Dov Zakheim, Alvin Hellerstein,Michael Mukasey, Ken Feinberg, Michael Cherthoff, Sheila Birnbaum, Richard Perle, Cass Sunstein, Paul Wolfowitz, Elliott Abrams, Lev Bronstein, Genrikh Yagoda,Lazar Kaganovich, Beria, Rosa Luxemburg, Benjamin P. Judah, Meyer Lanksy, Israel Epstein, Golda Meir, Shimon Peres, Menachem Begin, Benjamin Netanyahu, Jordan Belfort, Bernie Madoff, Jeffrey Epstein, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg and Johnathan Pollard…and when they’re done that, I have 500 other names they can research, but I’m sure the names above will be enough for them to figure things out.

        1. Exactly!
          And those hostile readers of this blog know who they are, even the ones who “pretend” to be oh so nice and conciliatory.

  7. 9/11 – Immediately after the 11th of September 2001 Larry Silverstein inadvertently admitted on camera that he himself played a major roll in the terror attack on New York City on September 11, 2001.-
    please elaborate and show evidence of this “inadvertent admission”?

    1. I don’t believe in coincidences, especially when he insured that building right before which means he knew just like they all did because none of them went to work that day. I do remember that clip and what he said could’ve been construed 2 different ways. However I for sure think he knew and was part of it of course.

    1. Ich bin sicherlich nicht alleine, wenn ich denke, dass eine Begnadigung von Alfred und Monika Schaefer moralisch vertretbar ist. Diese sollte kurzfristig erfolgen. Damit wuerde den Gesamtinteressen gedient.

      1. Dem Gesamtinteresse wäre vorallem damit gedient, wenn man sich von diversen Lügen verabschieden würde. Dann ein Miteinander geht nur über Redlichkeit und Fairness. Da müssen zuerst also die Lügen weg.
        Aber die “orthodoxen HC-ler” lassen nicht ab – solange die Wenigen von ihnen noch leben.
        Die “moderneren Erzähler der Geschichte” hoffen auf ein Vergessen der offensichtlichsten Lügen durch die von den Juden diffamierten Deutschen und den Rest der Indoktrinierten.
        Diese Diffamierung ist nach dem Recht der OMF-BRD übrigens ganz klar Volksverhetzung (hier: gegen Deutsche), also genau das bzw. der Paragraph, nach dem man Monika und Alfred kriminalisiert und dann gänzlich zu Unrecht inhaftiert hat.
        Ich mußte mir als Kind noch Lampenschirme und solche “Souvenirs” ansehen, wußte aber zum Glück immer instinktiv, daß das Nonsens ist. Ich fand das immer bizarr und krank. Nun bin ich schon groß und weiß, daß ich damit richtig lag.

        1. Joerg, wir wollen hier nicht Dein Problem loesen, sondern den Schaefers helfen. Alles zur seiner Zeit. Deshalb sprach ich bewusst vom Gesamtinteresse,

  8. Hang in there Alfred, your “sentence” will fly by. Then what a story you will have to tell.

  9. Nice!
    Alfred is a political prisoner and a POW – that’s true for sure.
    I don’t know anything about this “Extortion / Blackmail against Audi / VW”.
    Looking forward for some enlightning information …given by Alfred soon?
    Hope, he won’t leave this place, being set free in the month ahead.
    I’d follow him to the US for a visit. Canada? We will see.

    To me it looks strange, that the Allies created a “law” and dogma concerning peoples right and human rights, demanding a whole bunch of countries to break this “law” (of the winners) acting against their own people (Germans, Austrians (also Germans), Hungarians, Frenchmen and so on).
    I mean the suppression of free speech and discussion in these countries to protect the lies of the Allies and their “financially partners” = haters of everything else but their own.

    The actual turmoil will wipe out a lot of this nonsense – soon, very soon.
    Hopefully I will sit sometimes together with Alfred having a drink … just celebrating the event 🙂

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