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John Friend – The Realist Report

On December 9th, 2021, I had the great pleasure of being invited to speak with John Friend on The Realist Report. We covered quite a lot of ground, connecting the dots…, the communist tyranny of the genocidal agenda, through many means. The big one is the Covid Hoax, but at the same time there is weather warfare, open borders, psychological warfare, and fake history. We talked about how current affairs are connected to some historical narratives that are taboo to debate or discuss. Have a listen, this was our seventh show together. It is always great to talk with John.

The Realist Report – Monika Schaefer


11 Responses

  1. It is a sad state of affairs –

    because nothing can change for the better as long as the US military occupation continues…The Russians left, the Americans stayed…

    and the German people cannot be considered a free people any more.

    Since 1945 we have permanently been kept enslaved to a Jewish system which incrementally destroys and effectively totally abolishes the sovereign German nation state and the German people as a nation.

    We have a political theater which is a bad joke… No German government(s) no representatives to defend the German interests, mostly corrupt, bought off puppets on strings. All political parties transformed into Zionist lobby organizations. We are left practically defenceless – and on top of that we are being flooded with millions of aliens (immigrants, invaders) from all over the world. The German land left is being dispossessed and turned into an internationally occupied territory… ruled over by Jews (Rothschild plan)

    The memories of WW2 are very bad and deeply traumatizing; hence the military occupiers are generally not seen as “protectors” – If they are seen as such it is most likely a sign of Stockholm syndrome…

    Only the few who are interested in the historical truth know that there is no reason why Germany should be under military occupation today.

    The official narrative blames us Germans for everything bad. “German guilt” – an endless extortion racket.

    We have to pay… also for being militarily and culturally occupied and enslaved. It is nothing short of enslavement. We Germans are not free to do what we want (bring our house in order). The obligation to pay for the US military occupation is written into the “basic law” (Grundgesetz) – a so called “mutual agreement” – at gunpoint – It certainly is nothing you would agree to on your own free will.

    800 US military bases around the world

    It is self-destructive.
    The Jews in power see to that.

  2. I very much enjoyed this latest podcast between Monika and Mr. John Friend. The topics discussed remain so very relevant to our lives today and the world that surrounds us. More so, as each year and decade pass by these issues become more front and center within our individual and collective lives. It should be very clear to all by now you cannot ever succeed to bury the truth forever. Just as the brilliant Joseph Goebbels, one of the brilliant ministers within the Third Reich government, once stated in so many words, sooner then later truth will arise to the surface. You can never bury it forever.

    When I look around me in this day and age this is not the world I thought I would be living in in the twenty-first century, particularly from the perspective when I was a teenager back in the nineteen sixties. As a young man back then, most definitely further along the path of “historical enlightenment” via my one late uncle’s first-hand, on-the-scene knowledge of World War II which he had begun sharing with me in my more formative teen years, I truly did assume that eventually the truth would prevail and by now all of the lies and falsehoods fed to us would have been well-understood for what they are and fully exposed – including those responsible for the “grand deception”. The conversations the two of us shared back in those more formative years of my life allowed me to begin to think more clearly – and critically. Those simple, straightforward (and often very disturbing) conversations set the stage for helping me to lead a more thoughtful, and indeed, “spacial” way of seeing the world around me. There was one setback, of course: I would thus never simply be able to be an uncritical person from that time forward and have blasé friends (and friendships) that were not more engaging, meaningful and indepth. Consequently, real friendships for me have been rare, few and far between. I guess you can say I would never be able to simply live a “normal” life uncaring and oblivious to larger concerns. But then, being more of a loner by nature has made that personal journey considerably easier and less problematic, and those very special friendships I have been blessed with more meaningful and special. As I began to see how all things are interconnected it was like I was/am living in a parallel universe. Perhaps this explains why I am more open to larger truths and immune to our culture that keeps us corralled and controlled via our system of education, media indoctrination, degraded arts, crappy architecture and the general idealogical societal and cultural norms that dominate our shared lives. More recently I honestly never would have thought we would all be living in a world where censorship and “wokeness” would be as pronounced and prevalent in our personal and professional lives as things stand today. This is a most disturbing, concerning (and disconcerting) time that we are all living in, particularly for those of us whom make it a central part of our nature to seek truth, honesty, beauty and clarity of thought.

    My advice to all of you fellow readers of this important website is to continue to endeavor to open your minds (and hearts) to the larger truths about our world – and the way it works. Try to see beyond and through all of the lies, indoctrinations, narrative-spinnings and BS that constantly infiltrates, confuses and pollutes our world. Talk to the trees and animals (if you are so inclined) and listen carefully to the quiet that surrounds you. (There is so very much to learn from Nature if you only open your mind and heart to the wisdom at hand.) And, of course, be certain to maintain a joyous spirit and outlook on life, and always see (and seek) the beauty and loveliness of this world that is our gift from God. Appreciate the sounds and smells of Nature and walk with grace each and every day. (Remember the many images of Herr Hitler on his long, contemplative walks through the native landscapes surrounding his Berghof retreat?) We cannot undo overnight the hell and ugliness others in positions of (abuse of) power have unleashed upon this wonderful and beautiful world these many years, but we can move forward, individually and collectively, to continue to expose the lies and falsehoods that keep us confused, misled, frustrated and belittled, further preserving that spirit of a better, more truthful, more beautiful and serene world – a world that the great Adolf Hitler sought to inspire within us to move forward towards through his own personal individual living example and the all-inspiring legacy of his brilliant statesmanship in governess.

  3. Advent and Christmas time brings sparks of light into the darkness – our old European Christmas traditions – the Christian spiritual meaning is under attack…

    Severe “lockdowns”, especially in Bavaria (guess why?) – all the Christmas markets were shut down completely – It is different in other parts of Germany – but still… they are only for the “tested” and vaccinated ones… Enjoy?

    Magical Christmas market

    What do we really need under the given circumstances? Avoid the “tests” and the potentially lethal injections – With open eyes and a warm heart there is beauty to see… Enjoy!

    I wish you all a “Merry Christmas!”…
    Lots of love from Germany!

    1. Thank you for the links to videos which show the beauty of German culture and traditions!
      Merry Christmas to you and all!

    2. Dear Freya,

      Your comments (and links) are always very much appreciated by me (and I am sure by many, many others). I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. My love and best wishes to wonderful Germany……and the German people.


  4. It is always great to listen to both of you. Thank you for battling on…

    First I have to come up with the most serious notions – Awfully sorry – but nothing changes for the better if we try to ignore the dark side of our reality (here specifically from the German perspective)

    The “Communist tyranny of the genocidal agenda” – the global Jewish Communist RED TERROR regime (“Jew World Order”) IS HERE NOW – Anyone who has eyes to see… can see it being rolled out right before our eyes – globally under cover of a “Corona – COVID-19 pandemic” fraud – It has been planned, proclaimed and projected into the future over decades… centuries…

    Ancient Babylon resurrected

    A permanent war since 1917… The year when peace was successfully prevented by the transnational Jewish conspirators who managed to drag America into the European conflict to defeat the German Kaiserreich – The Germans had actually won the war in 1916 and made peace proposals to England but the Rothschilds et al would not allow it… The Rothschild-Balfour Deal 1916/17 (kept hidden from the world public) promised Palestine to the Zionist Jews – a quid pro quo for bringing America into the war(s) on the British side…

    Nothing has changed ever since…
    The US military keeps the Germans occupied and enslaved to the Jewish overlords – The propaganda calls them “liberators”, and they have the time of their lives here… enjoying themselves while turning the downtrodden, industriously rebuilt Germany into their “playing field” again by covering it with US military bases all over, turning it into a battleground and prime target for phase 3 (ww3) which started right away on “Ground Zero Germany” in 1945…

    US Army Garrison Bavaria

    Americans, would you please GO HOME… and leave Europe in peace…
    You (and hence we) are ruled by the most vicious psychopaths…

    1. You American soldiers –


      UNFORTUNATELY, YOU ARE BEING USED!–America-can-easily-be-moved-






      1. You are so right when you say to those in the American military, “Go home and bring your own house in order.”
        When I was young in the Sixties the common understanding of my schoolmates was that our father’s liberated Europe.

        You are so right when you say, “You never liberated anybody.” The counsels of hell manufactures a consensus that results in darkness being put in the place of light. It will soon be a century since the horror show called “World War 2” destroyed the heart of Europe. There is no reason why Germany should be under military occupation today. I am so grateful for the truth being spoken by noble and courageous people like Frederick and yourself, and the legacy of understanding given to Frederick by his father.

        1. Dear Mike, It was not my late father but my late uncle who exposed (educated) me with regards to the truth he personally witnessed (and saw firsthand) in the living HELL that became Germany after the German defeat. Seventy-plus years have not either erased or diminished this greatest of tragedies for which America will forever be stained, despite the efforts of palace (jewish) historians to pretend otherwise. The truth will ultimately prevail – and there will be hell to pay. May God have mercy on our descendants. As for the jews: They will have brought God’s wrath upon themselves.

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