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Leslie Bory: 25,000 Bullets for Men of Action

This is Political Prisoner Leslie Bory’s second book, written in prison during spring/summer of 2023. In this book, he describes life in prison. I typed it out exactly as he wrote it. The only changes or edits that I made were to create paragraphs where Leslie had filled his hand-written pages to the maximum without any paragraph spacings. I made occasional spelling corrections, and very few other editorial changes. Other than that, this is the authentic reproduction of Leslie Bory’s writings.  ~ M.S.


25,000 Bullets for Men of Action

Book 2 – July/2023

by Leslie Bory


Dear reader, my name is Leslie Bory. I am an honest Canadian politician who dared to oppose the worst criminals in Canadian history. They had me thrown in prison to stop me from standing up for Canada against the corrupt government, their police and political influencers who say all non-Jews must be exterminated. These hateful people have charged me with inciting hatred against these blood thirsty political influencers. They also charged me with threatening Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, threatening police and threatening Jews. I was also charged with improper storage of 25,000 rounds of ammo. I am presently waiting for word about being charged by the Attorney General of Canada with incitement of hatred. The Ontario Attorney General already charged me with that. The Attorney General of Canada has also been asked to charge me with Holocaust denial, a law introduced by the Conservatives as Bill C-250 and it was also stuffed into the Liberal’s 2022 Budget Bill with the same text. This shows the Canadian public that Liberals and Conservatives both support as do all federal parties the Soferim 15 Bolshevik agenda to implement the New World Order one world government’s exterminate-all-goyim agenda that uses the holohoax as a shield to protect the J-dogs from criticism and accusations that would expose their genocidal hate for the 99% in this world. They also are trying to charge me with genocide or incitement there-of, but this has not been communicated to me clearly yet and they are going to use all of my “thumbs up” internet history where I gave a “thumbs up” to any videos or comments from other people.

Like they did to the Germans they have transposed their evil intentions onto my name. The jerks. Most of this was the result of me making 2 one-hour videos suggesting that Canadians should stop the corrupt government and its organs from killing our people with poison vaccines and stop the government from dialling us in for a final cull and enslavement of Canadians using impoverishment and gun confiscations as weapons. I am presently in a super-maximum security prison and this is my story. I hope that you like it dear reader and give it a big double thumbs up. Funny stuff.

Chapter 1   The Tip of the Spear – Into the Enemy

The van door opened and out came a cop with a rifle pointed at me yelling conflicting instructions. After him came another clown with a dog. I was soon surrounded by police who had enforced lockdowns and forced people, by enforcing coercion, to take poison vaccines. I had been captured by the enemy.

They made my point of violence is authority ring true in that their superior level of violence gave them authority over me. My level of violence was a lunch bag and a set of truck keys. They brought a van load of forcible confiners, robbers and vaccine murderers. That wasn’t all, down the street they had a few cars worth of reinforcements. All this for an honest politician who made 2 one-hour videos, 2 days before on a Saturday morning. I must have scared the police who helped people who want to kill all non-Jews and forcibly confine Canadians in their homes with a fake disease as an excuse. They were also guilty of robbing people at gunpoint who would refuse to pay fines for leaving their homes or not wearing non-medical masks for a fake medical emergency.

The theme of the videos was violence is authority. I wanted Canadians to conclude that in a democracy the people have the power and not the civil servants. I pointed out to people that thousands of people in Canada attempted to kill and enslave millions using a fake emergency as an excuse. The thousands who are responsible for locking Canadians into their cells for years and coercing them into taking poison were well organized so their violence was very effective against millions of unorganized but well-armed Canadians. I had no organized group to protect me so it was easy for the scumbags to abduct me into custody and to take my firearms and ammo. They even pointed loaded rifles at my wife who was home alone waiting for me to come home from a day of honest work. I showboated on my radio show and asked people to come to my house after the next broadcast with their guns and ammo and we could go on safari. Only the police came because all reasonable people could recognize a publicity stunt.

They obviously wanted to charge me with inciting hate and used this as an excuse. I have been outspoken about minority Jewish rule in Canada for a long time. The same Jews who say that “Even the best of the goyim must be killed” in Soferim 15 in the Talmud. The same Talmud in which there is the Kabbala where freemasons get some of their guidance from. You will find sometimes baldheaded freemasons in positions of power in police forces, fire departments, government, and they are also Crown prosecutors, judges and justices of the peace. They take their guidance from the Jewish books of instructions known as the Talmud in which it is said that “Jews may do to a non-Jewess what they can do to a piece of meat.” It also says that a Jew may marry a 3-year old girl the day after her third birthday. The Jewish men also suck the blood off of the penises of 8-day old baby boys the moment after they have been circumcised with their mouths. It is called Metzitzah B’peh.

These people and their masonic led police hate our western culture and try to destroy it in many ways. They impoverish nations with their communist interest charging banking system that prints money out of thin air that they loan or really sell to people but always ask for more back than they have created resulting in economies with more debt than money. People of nations are taxed infinitely with no hope of ever paying back loans when the amount of debt always exceeds the amount of currency in their economies. As the debts grow, more and more tax dollars are diverted to the bankers and away from providing citizens with public services, draining money from economies, resulting in nations defaulting on loans to these bankers. As people become desperate they resort to crime and substance abuse to exist and to deal with the pain of living hopelessly impoverished. This is not the western way and they don’t want honest politicians like me to turn our economy and culture around. This money printing has allowed them to buy the media, be it print media newspapers or television and radio media to broadcast lies to people, like high interest rates lower inflation. They don’t want people like me telling Canadians and people all over the world on my internet channel on Bitchute called Brantford News that when banks raise interest rates the prices on most goods in a world that runs on credit increase. Meaning that you can’t buy as much with your money as you could before interest rates were increased. Inflation has everything to do with how much you can buy with your money and nothing to do with how much money is chasing an amount of goods in an economy.

The media also erodes our high trust low violence western culture with shows promoting dishonesty and violence. They also use marxist programming to promote conflict between social groups that they have labeled people of being members of. Instead of Canadians being Canadians we are now split into races, religions, genders, wealthy and poor etc. This is to weaken us as our minority Jewish rulers write laws that make them a protected group who can’t be questioned or the laws and media will label Canadians as hate inciters or anti-Semitic despite the fact that the majority of our minority Jewish rulers are white. In fact white Jews ran the African slave trade in America. They are the white supremacists and not regular friendly white people.

Germany printed interest free currency that was backed by human labour to employ all Germans and eliminate hunger and homelessness during the Great Depression in the 1930’s while the world was freezing and hungry. Because they dared to reject the Jewish Communists’ banking system and were amazingly successful they have been vilified with lies about gassing and the intentional extermination of millions of Jews when the evidence suggests that not one Jew was ever gassed proven by the Leuchter report from the 1988 Ernst Zündel trial right here in Canada. Also, Charles P. Larson, an American pathologist, never found one victim of gassing in all of the autopsies that he performed in the labour camps as WW2 was ending. The false accusations against Germans have been imposed on all non-Jewish Whites who the loxist white Jews have been vilifying in their lying media to create hate against them so that whites will be shamed into not opposing minority Jewish rule and not helping to save the rest of humanity. Loxism is the hatred of non-Jewish whites by Jews who are mostly white Europeans and not Semites.

Dear reader as you can imagine these enemies of humanity don’t want an honest Canadian politician like me to become the Prime Minister. Unfortunately for them I and other people have other plans. Hopefully the news of my character and arrest spread throughout Canada and the world. People on the outside at this very moment are spreading the word with their broadcasts, interviews and websites. I am doing my part from prison to keep these people fed with new information about my circumstances and western philosophical views on monetary freedom and free speech as well as honest representation. For me the golden rule of public representation is to represent your people the way that you would like to be represented. I am the tip of the spear, I am in the enemy and I have been bent up a bit but I am still hurting the enemy from here.

Chapter 2   The Trap is Sprung – Who Trapped Whom

As my speaking skills improved and my knowledge of monetary solutions that would benefit Canadians expanded broader in scope I noticed that the corrupt organs of politics in Canada were trying harder to keep me out of the public eye. As the Jewish Masonic minority rulers of Canada accelerated their measures to shut down free speech to prevent criticism of their evil aforementioned plans, and accelerated measures to disarm Canadians before we figured out that this protected minority is trying to kill us, so that Canadians don’t take appropriate countermeasures, I upped my game and started more aggressive counterterrorist attacks against the exterminators with my voice whenever I could. I was banned from accessing my YouTube channel and had channels removed possibly in part for suggesting in one of my appeals to YouTube management that they should go and fuck the rabbis. Funny stuff. According to a local reporter, the NDP president Myles Hosie tried to have me excluded from the debate where I ended up coining the phrase “Lamp-shade Mafia,” which was a great moment in Canadian political history. Funny and true stuff.

Being arrested for opposing the hated Trudeau government, the hated police and the hated hidden hand of financial cruelty that have left Canadians worried about their existence, impoverished, homeless and dead from despair-influenced suicides put the good guy in the public eye. The fact that I legally owned 25,000 rounds of ammunition got the attention of firearms owners who in growing numbers know that gun confiscation will lead to the mass murders of Canadians by the Jewish minority government who will pay the masonic police to exterminate us like they did to Roger Kotanko the gunsmith from Port Dover at his residence. As soon as they entered his shop they shot him twice in the chest and once in the neck. They brought their own ambulance with them from Toronto. The Masonic Toronto police have a Masonic compass in plain view on their logo as well as the satanic caduceus snake and wings medical symbol on it, and the Talmud in the form of books on the logo as well. Sad stuff. Sick stuff.

Dear reader by being spotlighted for all to see, Canadians can now give my character and situation a better examination to determine if I may someday be chosen to wield the power of the people through the office of the Prime Minister. Being put into a cage for protecting our people from powerful villains is a badge of honour for me in the eyes of real Canadians who are likeminded. Doing so the powers that are hurting us have, in a way, put themselves in a trap.

Chapter 3    Intake – First Three Weeks

The first afternoon and night I spent my time in the police station holding cell. My biggest concern was if my wife was okay. I didn’t know what had happened to her and I was concerned. For myself I was in a war as a political leader so my fate is what it will be. My country and my wife come first so if I die in custody or if I am imprisoned forever it is just what it will be.

Many young Canadians have died in wars that benefitted Jewish interests. The most recent of which was the war in Afghanistan that was started when the Talmudic Communist Jewish state of Israel attacked America on September 11, 2001 when they demolished 3 buildings with explosives and blamed the destruction of lives and property on Muslims. Canada lost 159 soldiers in Afghanistan for all of the wrong reasons. Real Canadians love our soldiers and it shows when we crowd overpasses to show respect for the deceased soldiers as they pass underneath while being driven back to their hometowns for burial. If I was to be killed while fighting against this enemy on our own soil I would know why I died and not be under any illusion as some of those brave selfless Canadians may have been when they lost their lives because they followed orders from a corrupt minority Jewish led government who fooled the people of Canada with the Jewish media into sanctioning our involvement in a proxy war for the genocidal state of Israel. What helped me to get through the helplessness that I felt was the story of Genghis Khan who spent time in a cage and endured calmly. He didn’t quit he just endured and put his emotions in the gas tank.

In jail I endured some crushing personal moments where I just put my emotions in the gas tank. I did a few pushups now and then to expend energy and to improve myself. I am 53 years old as I write this about 4 months later. The day after my arrest I was taken to Maplehurst Correctional Complex and super-maximum security facility in Milton Ontario Canada. They put me in handcuffs and leg shackles for the ride in a stainless steel compartment in a prison transport vehicle. You slide around a lot even in the small compartments. When I arrived in Milton I was uncuffed and unshackled. They made me stand in an Xray machine to look for contraband. After that I was made to undress while I was watched by a guard. Then I was given an orange prison suit and oversize shoes. Following that I was handed a tray of food and was put into a large cell with other guys where I ate my cold meal. Not knowing what jail was like I listened to some others with jail experience to learn about the culture on the inside. The gentlemen were very nice guys and were very helpful and truthful. I was lucky that these were the first guys that I had encountered.

Prisons and hospitals were some of the only places at the time where there was still Jewish covid theatre. They asked me if I wanted to be tested and I refused. I was asked to wear a mask some time later and I told them that I was medically exempt. A guy wearing a mask overheard this and said he would say that very thing next time. My first few meals had a strange smell. My cellmates and I had strange smelling stool for days after. I was left wondering whether they had given us an oral vaccine without us knowing. The old man later had a heart attack and I suspect that I may have had a stroke about 3 months later. I with other new inmates to the prison were put into an isolation unit to make sure we didn’t have the nonexistent covid. Sad stuff.

My cell was about 8 feet wide by 16 feet long with 2 bunks and 3 inmates. A polite considerate young man 22 years of age took the floor while a 74 year old took the bottom bunk and I climbed into the top bunk. We exchanged information about why we were in there and started to settle into the routine. We only got out of that cell 4 times in the next 14 days. I started to do pushups and I paced a lot while I thought or just cleared my mind. It was a luxury to get out into a larger baseball diamond shaped area to walk around and to shower. It also gave me a chance to mingle with the other inmates and to build goodwill. Because I was the only one in my cell who was not convicted of anything I thought that I didn’t yet have an OTIS number that is in fact assigned to all inmates regardless of status. I didn’t know that I had money in my account or how to use the phone. For about 2 weeks I didn’t know that I had to transfer money into my phone account from my canteen account. When my cellmate gave me a free phone call I spoke with my wife for the first time and she told me that I had money in my account. Once I transferred the funds to the corporate phone company account I learned how to enter a secret identification code after my OTIS number to make the call.

There was a funny moment of uncertainty and risk-taking one evening when while I was out in the larger area an oriental looking guy said come here to the food slot in his cell door. At a time like this you have to ask yourself what is this? As I approached he asked me to call his worried wife for him and he would give me a free call. I was thinking to myself am I giving a signal to someone to complete a drug transaction or to initiate a hit against a rival in the asian underworld? I did want to speak to my wife and I agreed to do this thing. The guy gave me his secret PIN number and I called his wife but she didn’t pick up and neither did my wife. Later on I was out walking around again and I walked up to the guy and talked to him. When he gave me his information the previous time to call his wife I looked at his name and thought he was Vietnamese. I asked him his name and he said it was Thai. I then asked him where he was from and he answered Thailand. I said I thought it was counterintuitive. It was a funny deadpan type of conversation. I told him why I was in here and the topic of covid came up. He said that Oriental asians were taking a beating in the world of public opinion because they were blamed for covid. I said “that is stupid, there is no covid”. I told him that the Communist Chinese had put on a covid fear theatre for the world and told him about the oversell of the narrative with people falling in the streets and the metal bars being used to lock people into their apartments. I also told him about there being no quantified isolates of Sars-Cov-2 anywhere in the world to calibrate the fake tests with.

We continued to talk and it came about after a while that he heard me on the “Rock the Boat” radio broadcasts when I was a guest. I was in partial disbelief at this coincidence but he just kept talking. Eventually he mentioned my banner that he said was as big as my house and then I knew he was a listener without a doubt because I described the banner on the air and it was very close to the description that I gave. When he said that he saw my marijuana strain review I knew without a doubt that he watched my Bitchute Brantford News channel. He said that his buddies in London, Ontario also listened to “Rock the Boat”. After I told him a little bit about minority Jewish rule he said that he wanted my wife and I to come to his house to have dinner with him and his wife and children. I accepted. He was a beautiful guy. I am looking forward to meeting up with him again.

Whenever I told people why I was in jail they liked what I was trying to do to help Canada. They were amazed by my ammo collection as well. In the early days I thought that I may get bail but as time went on I had a feeling that Jewish corruption of the court system would keep me out of the fight for Canada’s freedom. The problem with leading from the front for a leader with next to no backup or support is that I am easy to be harmed. A few videos before my arrest-causing video, a guy told me that I would need protection soon. I made the last 3 videos like they were the last videos that I would ever make in my life so that Canadians would know how to correct the troubles in Canada and win the peace economically while protecting America’s northern border from foreign invasions from Canada.

Dear reader, I learned as a young boy that it is always better to make friends than enemies and that bullies are always a bad thing. Going to prison was like reliving my childhood with all of the playground rules of the jungle being applied. I am by nature a friendly easy going man and that was noticed in prison and by police in the court holding cells. I try to enjoy my time in prison as much as I can in a place where I don’t want to be. I have been helpful to deserving people as well as some undeserving ones until I found out that they were undeserving. Sadly. I am not a total sucker but I start an acquaintanceship with my counterparts by treating them how I would like to be treated. After that time will tell who I respect and who I don’t. They say here and other places that respect is earned and I believe in that adage. My third and last week was spent alone in my cell as my other two cellmates were sent to living ranges where they could stretch their legs more often by getting out of their cells more.

During this week while standing up to Canada’s murderous tyrant I heard Justin Trudeau, the tyrant in question say on the news that “people all over the world are standing up to their tyrants”. It was so bad that it was funny stuff. During the first few weeks after my abduction I was starting to get a feel for the corruption that I knew existed. I was denied bail over and over again and they set my bail condition as a sentence of house arrest instead of true bail for someone who is innocent until proven guilty. Perfectly acceptable sureties who would supervise me while I was out on bail were rejected by what I allege are corrupt court officials. I am truly a political prisoner as I stated to another inmate while I used the Scarface Tony Montana voice, but I wasn’t kidding.

Chapter 4    Home on the Range

At Maplehurst as well as other prisons from what I hear there are ranges where people have cells to sleep in and an open area where people can walk around or socialize with others if they feel like it. I wanted to go to a general population range to be with regular guys who are in on proper charges we’ll call them and not with sex offenders or informants. I was told by the guards at intake that at Maplehurst the gangs run the general population (GP) ranges and that I should go to protective custody (PC) if I want to do my time quietly. I thought it was a trick to place me in a range that had more vacancies and to save the guards the trouble of placing me on an overcrowded range in general population. I resisted then I agreed and being suspicious I changed my mind because I was in on respectable charges. A guard told me that the gangs were racist against whites and that’s what convinced me to go to PC. Peace and Comfort as I heard one inmate call it. I was sent to unit 1 range D cell number 13. Someone had added a 1/2 after the 13. The first thing that I noticed was that it was warmer in here than in intake. The next thing that I noticed was that the cells had bars on the doors unlike in the pods at intake where the doors were solid with a narrow tall window on the right side of the door when viewed from the inside of the cell. I then noticed all of the sheets and homemade adornments made from torn bedsheets to either provide privacy, keep the draft out or to hold items of use on the bars of the cells. It looked like something out of Puerto Rico or some third world prison. It was odd. After being here you get to appreciate the usefulness of such items and modifications. I was the third guy in the cell so I got to sleep on the floor. I was into exercising so I thought of being on the floor as an advantage in that I could make room to exercise whenever I wanted to roll up my mattress. I actually stayed on the floor even when I had seniority for a while but now I took the bottom bunk and won’t go back. If I’m going to be here for awhile I may as well make myself at home.

I came in late at night so the next morning I had a chance to first meet the guys. People are first curious about your charges to see who is what. I was asked to read the range rules and then knock on a table 3 times if I agreed to live by the rules. I read I knocked. I was glad to see that the rules said no sex offenders and no rats. It was good to know that I didn’t have to do time with rats and goofs. A goof on the outside of prison means an idiot but in jail it means a pedophile. PC at Maplehurst is like GP in most places I would think. I had to learn the culture if I wanted to get along which I wanted to do. If you do something stupid because you don’t know better like come out of the shower undressed to put your clothes on you get told to change in the shower and get a warning. To get along you do what the experienced guys tell you to do graciously otherwise it’s hockey night in Canada and you may not want that. To this day I may get told that I stepped out of the parameters of the culture and I comply graciously because rules in here are for good reasons, decency, security or hygiene normally. Learning the etiquette is interesting and all important in fitting in here. A gentleman was giving a young inmate some points about the etiquette at federal penitentiaries because the young man has been found guilty of an offence that is going to put him into one. I was paying attention as I worked away on some writing project because who knows what the Jews will do to me for 2 hours of free speech in the form of 2 videos when there is no free speech in J-dog communist Canada?

The Jews want to jail Canadians for 2 years for exposing their Holocaust fraud lies. The truth is said to be a lion and can defend itself. The holohoax is obviously a lie if it needs corrupt Talmudic Masonic police violence to silence Canadians with threats of imprisonment if we speak our minds and disagree with Jews. I found something odd, after a day in Brantford or even a video court appearance here at Maplehurst, listening to Jewish Crown prosecutors trying to save their Jew asses from an unknowing public by suppressing my truth about them and the Masonic Justices of the peace (I suspect), using flimsy arguments to keep a free speaker in custody while I am innocent until proven guilty. It is nice to return to the range with mostly honest guys who care about me more than the scum who are the organs of the Jewish government. I miss my wonderful wife and I want to be free but for now I am certainly home on the range.

Chapter 5    Kosher Tax

Dear reader, have you ever noticed symbols on your food’s packaging? Perhaps a letter “U” with a circle around it? Maybe the letters “COR” with an oval shaped border? How about the letters “MK” with a circle around them? Well, thanks to me the guys in prison have taken notice of these kosher tax symbols. The Kosher certification industry channels money out of Canadians’ pockets when they buy food and puts their money into the pockets of Jews.

Before I was abducted by Jews who used their Masonic thugs to bring me to prison, I researched kosher tax a little bit by calling a company and asked them what was involved. The person told me that they pay the Jews $6000 and then put a symbol on their product’s packaging. There may be other arrangements as well but when you go to the kosher tax industry sites on the internet they have you go through a screening process before you can find out what the different arrangements are. At a time when Canadians can hardly feed themselves this extra taxation to private protected groups only adds to the inflation and it adds to the suffering of hungry Canadians. The guys here sometimes approach me and show me the symbols on new products .They are amazed at how many products collect kosher tax for Jews. Almost all of the food products that we consume that are packaged have a kosher tax symbol on them. Trying to exist, let alone save money in a Jewish Communist bankers run nation with taxation and interest on loans is like trying to grow plants in the dark. Not good and not funny.

Chapter 6    Fresh Air

When I was in intake we didn’t get out of our cells much. The reason we have living ranges is so people can exercise their legs and bodies as well as get fresh air outside. I have been in prison going on 15 weeks now [as of this writing, early June 2023] and we have been outside a total of about 12 times. We go out for about 20 minutes or half an hour at a time usually, so that’s 6 hours of fresh air in about four months. The range isn’t very big either – it is 52 paces long and 4 paces wide. It is made to accommodate 26 guys and it now accommodates 39. There isn’t much fresh air in our cells that are 8 feet wide by 11 feet deep and are made with 2 bunks for 2 inmates but have 3 inmates with one who sleeps on the floor beside the toilet. When we are locked down the way that Doug Ford locked down the people of Ontario with his conservative commies and all other parties’ consent, we are confined to our cells. For us we are confined sometimes for 5 or 6 days in a row. There isn’t much fresh air in that confined space with so many people. This is how some people who are guilty before they are proven to be innocent are housed. We do our own laundry in our cells using soap bars. Hygiene is promoted in here to prevent illness but some people don’t have enough self respect to keep clean and this makes others suffer even more. Most guys by far are with the program and keep themselves correctly.

Chapter 7    Men of Action

All of the people who are in here except for the innocent ones have done something. They have acted. I believe that I am innocent of my charges but I acted and did something to do my part to deny evil a triumph. That is what good men are supposed to do. Goodness is relative. Despite even the greasiest of crimes that inmates are in prison for, those crimes pale in comparison to the mass murders committed by our government, doctors, police and the Jewish legal influencers who did the bidding of the Jewish World Economic Forum, World Health Organization and the Jewish vaccine makers. They injected 6 billion people worldwide with poison. Millions of people worldwide have been murdered and billions have been injured and will most likely be future murder victims when they succumb to their vaccine injuries. If you shoot someone with a bullet and that person dies years later from the wound it is still murder. You can add up all of the harm done to people by the inmates in all of the prisons and it wouldn’t even touch the harm done to Canadians by Trudeau and his Jewish Masonic police that take their instructions from the Talmud that says a Jew can do to a non-Jewess what can be done to a piece of meat the way that Jewish Masonic Jack the Ripper ripped open women.

I have met people in here who want to do good to help Canada free itself from this minority Jewish government rule. Men of action have stated that they would work with me on the outside to form an honest political force to defeat the communist parties. I told them that I appreciate their help and goodwill and I told them that despite what they have done they are now not only Canadian heroes but world heroes for taking a place right on the front line in a war against people who want to kill all non-Jews. They are willing to be honest politicians who will help to chart a new economic course for Canada that will eliminate taxation and across the board inflation by implementing an interest free labour backed currency to fund the civil service and lending. This measure will eliminate unemployment and homelessness for those people who will do honest work. I won’t change what is right or wrong according to the code of our western culture but I will, as a result of consulting with some men of action, change what is.

Some of the best and nicest people in here are in for stealing to buy drugs, selling drugs to use the money to buy drugs or have used guns to prevent people from taking their money or drugs. I had a theory about how to reduce the impact of the drug trade on nonparticipants who don’t want to be victims of thefts, robbery or stray bullets that are the results of people getting money for drug habits or the dangers of competition for market share of the drug trade. The experts on this were available to me to ask and they willingly and honestly answered my questions about their experiences to obtain money for their drug using lifestyles. It was always hard drugs that kept them working hard to obtain money. Some if not all of these people were very industrious in their work habits. One person estimated that he had committed 200,000 thefts over his time as a drug user. That, dear reader, is a lot of work. He said if he didn’t have to buy drugs he wouldn’t resort to stealing to support an irresistible chemical dependancy.

I did say earlier that I wasn’t trying to change our western standards about what is right and wrong but instead, what is. Money was always what they needed to obtain their chemicals. I believe an effective solution like many solutions in our western culture is an economic one. If we take money out of the equation it would prevent conflicts between the drug underworld and citizens who want to live in a high trust low violence society. If the government monopolized the drug trade by undercutting the drug sellers with lower prices or even free drugs the need for stealing would disappear which would be an improvement. The drug sellers too would be discouraged because there will be no money to be made and would more than likely retire from the business. Over time with an onslaught of information discouraging drug use and with the opportunities the new economy would give people to realistically achieve security and affluence in their working lives, fewer people will feel despair and will want to live more healthy lifestyles consuming less harmful imbibements. The spending that is saved from jailing and prosecuting people for all of this crime will easily buy the chemicals that people used to steal and kill to get. Work prison camps will be established to rehabilitate drug users who resort to stealing as an alternative to working. When they get out they will have learned to live and work without hard chemicals in a humane and decent setting. In the last years of their rehabilitation they will be paid full wages and will have money in the bank to establish themselves. They will earn a motor vehicle while they are in rehab as well as a cellphone and will have clothing and tools for their trade when they leave. If the private sector won’t have them then honest former inmates will have employment in the civil service. Canada needs good workers to serve other Canadians. An inmate told me that upon his release with nothing to his name, his survival instinct takes over and he steals a car to get around and also a cell phone and credit cards. It is literally a matter of survival. A well planned release after proper rehabilitation with job training and earned necessities of life would prevent Canadians from being inmates again. The solutions have to be practical and basic to be effective. Jail shouldn’t be seen as a sanctuary for people who are alone in life with no support. A caring government or better called representation of people could achieve in Canada that high trust low violence culture that we once used to have if not better than it has ever been.

I have made friends with some guys in here. One guy told me his brother told his family that he died in prison. Sort of funny stuff now but not at the time. The poor guy’s two daughters and mother were saddened for a while until the prison confirmed my friend is very much alive. This guy is a funny guy so eventually we were joking about the absurdity. As a matter of fact when he broke the news to me I believe he said he was dead. I want to work with him outside. He is one of the most sane people in here.

Since I am one of these guys I’ll tell you about how I have changed since I’ve been here. I am now up to 300 pushups every other day although I have taken a week off due to a possible stroke or some dizziness that is still with me but I am improving. I did 500 one day but that isn’t sustainable because of my joints. My wife said that I look like I am in the army. I sort of am for real as a politician but now I look more the part. I feel like my character has improved having to get through the mental strain that seems to wash over me and leave me clear headed amazingly enough. The fight for Canada continues from here with my writing and the good brave Canadians and Americans on the outside discussing my situation on the internet including live internet broadcasts as well as text websites. It kind of makes Cell 13 on “D” Range in Unit 1 the National Defence headquarters if I am to become the Prime Minister some day. Even if I am not to be the representative in Chief of Canada I am still working for Canadians as the little guy who won’t quit.

I have witnessed inmates being compassionate to their fellow inmates. In a large holding cell while I was waiting to be transferred to court for hearings, on two occasions I saw inmates take the coats off of their backs to give to cold shivering inmates. I gave an inmate in my range one of the two T-shirts off of my back. My new cellmate is a diabetic and an inmate came to his aid followed by more when he went down because his blood sugar was low. That next morning I recognized his symptoms and had the guard assist him. He later went to the hospital. Another time the 74 year old who was one of my first cellmates had a heart attack and I caught him under the armpits while others helped to support him while guys alerted the guards. There is a lot of good and decency in most of the people that I have met here in prison.

I am looking forward to changing the outside world with the help from some of these men of action to make it less like a prison on the outside for our oppressed and financially enslaved fellow Canadians. We need honest, determined, hard working representatives to make real change in Canada and I know that I have met some people with the right stuff in here for sure.

Chapter 8    The Prison Economy

Someone yells trays up and then people start to call out “juice for milk”, “jug up cookie for your lunch tray”, or something like “a canteen item for your dinner tray”. The range turns into a marketplace where items are traded or sold when meals are served. Food is one form of currency in prison. All societies have economies including the society that lives in prison. The value of items is determined by their availability and usefulness. Unlike the Communist run bankers stock markets, people make trades and never lose all of their wealth because someone in a central authority decides to devalue the stocks and rake in investors money. There is always an exchange of items either for other items or for cash from canteen account transfers into goods. The stock market crash of 1929 doesn’t happen here and banks don’t foreclose after people’s savings get wiped out by the instant devaluation of stocks. People are encouraged to pay their debts here. There is more honesty in the prison economy than we have outside in the Jewish bankers controlled economy where there is always more debt than money because of interest being charged on loans made from printed money.

Bank loans are like sponges. They are placed into our economy which is like a bucket of water. When the loan is paid it always comes out with water from the economy in it. Eventually interest charges will dry up the world’s economies because no interest money has ever been printed but is always removed from our economy making it impossible to print too much money because there is always more debt than money. It makes it impossible for nations to ever pay their national debts and the personal debts of citizens combined. Banks will foreclose on nations as a result and implement Jewish laws to enslave non-Jews in a Talmudic Masonic Communist hell on earth. Not good, dear reader.


Chapter 9
Book Review
Inmates Reactions after Reading 25,000 Bullets for Wife and Country

The best thing that I have done in my life was to try and protect the Canadian people using my voice against our minority Jewish supremacist rulers at a time that it is illegal to do so. That got me thrown in prison. While I was here I stayed on the offence defending Canada by writing a book called “25,000 Bullets for Wife and Country”. At the time that I am writing this a few guys have read the entire thing while the first part and the second part are still circulating around the range. I am happy to report that the men of action liked the book and the reviews are making my efforts feel like they were very much appreciated. The goal of the book was to entertain while it educated Canadians about monetary policy, Talmudic Jewish communist rule in Canada and the corrupt undemocratic structure of government in Canada. It has apparently achieved the goals that I set for it spectacularly. I thank the guys for taking the time to read it.

Here are some of their impressions. Hawk said he liked it. “It made sense about the money.” The guy who is back from the dead after his brother’s declaration said it was good. “Fucking J-dogs.” The librarian said that he liked it and he heard the book in my voice when he read it. Funny stuff. Tiger said it was good and he gave me a fist bump. He said “it sounds like you hate Jews.” I said that they want to kill all non-Jews so it is good to hate them back and that they acted on their bigotry and made poison vaccines to further their plans. Banksy said it was intense and bold. Cosmo agreed with Banksy. Another guy said “jew jab” made him laugh.

The men of action were the best study group to have polled about this book that focused on my political career and intentions to help to turn Canada around to make it a western nation again. The likeminded majority needs to be organized into an effective political force to save us from Communist minority Jewish rule. It is my intention to try to help organize this force and to try to lead my people as a trusted guide to a better place than they have ever heard of before. Some of the men of action will help me to do the hardest work to get the ball of creating a party rolling. The first steps will be the hardest and I am lucky, as is Canada, that we have some of the hardest men of action to help me to do the hardest work to start what will in the end restore our western culture and the prosperous western way of life.

Dear reader, I hope that you enjoyed this story about my time in prison and that you learned something practical from reading it. Good day.

~ Leslie Bory

11 Responses

  1. You are a good and courageous man Mr. Bory. I’m happy there are Canadians like you and Monika and Alfred. I hope I can be a more useful “Canajun” in this fight though I no longer live there.
    Having said that I think this is a much larger fight. It’s all about the survival of white people and “western” culture.
    God bless you sir!

    1. No, so sorry, I was just a bit slow on “approving” i.e. publishing it. I’ll try to stay on top of it moving forward. Thanks for commenting. Your comments are welcome.

  2. Stay strong Les. Jews are being exposed more and more every day. Thomas Sewell thinks we’ll rid ourselves of the malignant Jews in our lifetimes, and I agree.

  3. This is like icing on the learning cake I’ve been exposed to since the false flag, Netanyahu programmed Hamas terrorist raid into Israel. It’s becoming so clear to me that the one world order leaders are Zionist Israelis. God help us all, as so few are awake to who the enemy really is.

  4. Most white people in Europe think that defensive, thinking white people are psychopaths or extremists. The good people show more understanding for other races – especially out of fear they go with strangers and betray their own every day. This seems to start harmlessly. First in agriculture and cooking, but now in many other areas too, companies have work done by strangers. They are seen as having inferior quality, which is somehow offset – political representatives help with this – because these are different cultures. Germans are examined critically during the recruitment process and then rejected. As a result, a colorful group of idiots in politics, management, authorities and (Jewish, Islamic, gypsy…) central councils create shortages, poor quality and high prices with the foreigners.

    Even whites in the army and POLICE who are trained in weapons are incapable of defending whites and are more interested in the opposite. The paid fools chase cyclists, drag pensioners across the asphalt, impose fines for missing masks – of course only on white people with the Federal Republic of Germany ID card. Pacifists and esoterics stay out of it, often packaging fear and weakness in church or artistic terms, hoping for change, somehow feeling everything, but not unrest. You can’t expect women to be defensive, they’re not made for it. In 1989, only a few men in the GDR had the will for self-preservation, for independence, for self-defense, for self-development – despite training and practice in the profession and the army. FRG men cannot receive their wives and children; they send them to be vaccinated. Many European whites – with or without guns – became slaves.

    Thanks to Leslie, Monika, Alfred and the others who took the time to write down what they experienced.

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