Free Speech Monika

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Horst Mahler is back – Unbowed


In late October, 2020, Horst Mahler was released from prison after having spent over 10 years as a political prisoner. He was incarcerated for thinking and speaking “unwanted” truths. If he was speaking nonsense, he would have been ignored. His words were obviously very threatening to the PTSNB, the powers-that-should-not-be.

The interesting thing about Horst Mahler is that many years ago in his younger years, he started out on the opposite side. Then when he realized what was really going on in the world, he switched 180°. He gave up a lucrative career as a lawyer in his quest to speak the truth about Jewish power, Jewish religion, and Jewish deceptions.

The enemy has given Horst Mahler a gag order, but he is not silent. Why would a freedom fighter follow a gag order which harms his own people? Can a decent German remain silent if he can show the way to freedom?

Embedded in this article, there is a video of Horst Mahler’s first talk to the public since coming out of jail. This is for my German-speaking readers and listeners, as it is in German and I cannot give a translation here now – I could not do it justice. But very briefly: he speaks about Jewish power, their holy books, how they have put themselves into our heads and our entire way of thinking. He points out that the Jews are carrying out what is in their “holy books”, which is to destroy all peoples, the gentiles. Their God is Satan. We can counter their program by recognizing this reality and by getting the Jewishness out of our heads. He speaks about why the Germans especially have been in the crosshairs of the Jews.

Here is a link to a superb interview of the brilliant Attorney Wolfram Nahrath on the Nordic Frontier website. This one is in english. It is a fascinating interview, just over 3.5 hours. In the first segment, Nahrath talks about his own history as a leader in the Viking Youth. In the second segment there is much about history and heritage and our current state of affairs. In the third segment, he talks about Horst Mahler as well as others – such as Ursula Haverbeck and Lady Michèle Renouf – that he has defended. (It was my great fortune to have him also defend me in 2018). He speaks of the special circumstances of being a lawyer in such cases and how they are hamstrung in the Inquisition-style courts. He speaks of Horst Mahler as being one of the most brilliant men he has ever met.



31 Responses

  1. Monika do you remember i send you a letter in jail in Germany. i was wondering if you got ? my name Henry Kahrs ?

    1. Dear Henry, I would have to check my records about that letter, at the moment I cannot remember. If you gave a return address, I would have answered for sure, as I answered every letter I received if there was a return address. And I kept all those letters. I treasure them. I cannot check right now, as they are in a box in the shed, and to get to the shed I would have to brave the blizzard raging outside right now! In case the letter did not arrive, or if there was no return address, I still want to say thank you for writing!

  2. I think that this system which is putting people in jail for challenging high school WW2 histories is crumbling under its own muppet showmanship. Its shameful treatment of Mr. Mahler is just one of many examples of the tragic clown show these liars hypnotize us with. The more the curtain is pulled back to expose these demented wizards the sooner people will be free of these shackles of illusions and delusions.

    1. I’m not so sure these injustices are crumbling. you need to realize, the truth will be fought to the death by vested interests. If the truth was accepted no sane government would ever write another cheque to the parasitical state of Israel. The Israel Lobbies would dry-up and blow-away. There would be a great rewriting of text-book histories and the mainstream media would become a pariah. Well, I suppose that last point has actually happened. Do not forget who owns the money supply, the media, the entertainment business, the education system, and the publishing world. But, we have something the Oligarchs do not have. We do have the truth or at least explanations that are closer to the truth than the current historical narratives.

      1. Yes, but there will come a point where it will be like a gigantic vomit from the awakening masses. That is how Alfred describes it anyway:-) It will no doubt get worse before it gets better, and blood will be shed that too there is no doubt. We have much work to do. It is like a tinder box now.


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    [“Social media companies that remove posts whose content is legal can be fined up to €1.8 million under a new Polish bill. Users have welcomed its introduction as an antidote to other countries’ growing censorship demands.
    Any social media company that removes content or blocks accounts that do not violate Polish law can be fined under the new legislation, announced in a press conference on Thursday by Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro. The bill also creates a special Court for the Protection of Freedom of Speech within one of the district courts…”]

    [“…Secretary of State Sebastian Kaleta said this solution represents a significant improvement over attempts by countries such as France and Germany to handle such problems, noting that their efforts are “primarily repressive” and focus on the quick removal of content rather than protecting free expression…”]

  4. What you described is indeed breathtaking!

    However for me it is inexplicable why so many judges and prosecutors participate in that corrupt system?!? So even if someone believes in all the so called “obvious facts” as a jurist one has to remember on the basic principles of law and evidence! So even if the judge is convinced by himself of the so called “Holocaust” he must allow the defendant to bring evidence for his thesis! So the question for me is why the judges are acting in that way? Do you believe that these are selected judges where “people behind the scene” know that they can rely on that judges to make the judgment in that sense they have to judge? In other words: do you believe that these judges and prosecutors get a briefing behind the scenes? And do you believe that our enemies check behind the scene the judges political view?
    And do you believe that the judges are convinced by themselves about the so called “obvious facts” or do you think that they are in fact “Holocaust deniers” too without admitting it and condemn the defendant on evil motives?

    One interesting point in that context: when Henry Hafenmayer was charged the judge explicitly made the statement that it is okay to discuss openly about so called “obvious facts”. The only problem was that the defendant did not pay attention that the so called “public peace” was kept. This is a clear contradiction to Meinerzhagen’s statement. So it is for me indescribable how the “public peace” is endangered by contradicting the official narrative which is both good for us Germans and for Jews!

    For me this state of perversion of justice is unbearable! Do you believe that real justice for an open discussion about the so called “Holocaust” will come soon on German soil too?

    1. When my bail hearings failed to get me out of jail even with proposed conditions of house arrest whilst awaiting trial (give up my passport, present myself at police station every day, etc), my Attorney explained to me that these judges cannot be seen to go easy on a “holocaust denier” – especially when I was receiving international attention – because the mainstream media would demolish that judge with screaming headlines. Just think about who owns and controls virtually all the MSM. Jews brag about it, but if we point out that fact, we are called anti-semitic.

      Most judges are compromised. They are either jewish (they are the self-admitted enemy of Germany – so that should automatically disqualify them from judging the case), or they are beholden to the hidden hand of power (who is the victor of the war – the jews), again disqualified, or they are freemasons (Freimaurer) and they are of course controlled by that hidden power too, or they have dirt on them so in that case they are controlled too.

      The fact that such a law (Par.130) even exists is testimony to the fact that Germany is not sovereign and is under the control of an alien enemy. It looks like peacetime but the war never really ended in 1945. That law was brought into force only in 1994, so many years after the open hostilities of the war ended. The group who benefits from the law (guess who?) had to lobby hard for 10 years to get that law, because there was enormous opposition to it from Germans and I think even from within the system as well.

      Here is another interesting tidbit about a judge. The judge who presided over Ernst Zündel’s trial in Germany said at the end (and this was actually reported in one of the big newspapers in Germany): “It does not matter whether the holocaust happened or not. What matters is that it is against the law to dispute it and you broke the law!”
      There you go, that is about as open an admission as you can get, that the judge knew that the holocaust did not happen.

      The lies are collapsing under their own weight. Especially now with the BIG eyeopener for even the sleeping masses, and that is the Covid fraud.

      1. I do agree with you Monika that the sleeping masses are going to wake up through the Covid lies. The only “problem” is that they do not see the “big picture” in the sense that they are not aware that the Covid fraud is nothing but a continuation of both World Wars only with psychological weapons instead of guns and fire bombs. And they also think in general that the allies were on the “good side” against the “bad Hitler regimes”. So they do not recognize that Adolf Hitler fought against the same enemy who is also responsible presently for lockdowns, masks and possible mandatory vaccinations. Moreover they compare the Merkel-regime with the former National Socialist Government in the sense that Angela Merkel and the MPs of the FRG would introduce an Enabling law and therefore they are as evil as the National Socialist government was. On these theses we can see that they do not understand the big historian context of World War 1 and 2 in relation to the present Covid fraud. Moreover they are crying for the so called “democratic resistance” without understanding that democracy is one of the main reason why the Covid fraud can be realized by the pepople behind the scene as these democracy is in fact only a false backdrop with corrupt, incompetent and uncharacteristic submissive politicians in parliament and government who are nothing more than recipient of an order of these globalist tyranny. The half-woke protesters reminds me to the 9/11 truth movement where they became “awake” however they made the same “mistake” by comparing Donald Rumsfeld with Adolf Hitler without understanding too that Rumsfeld was on the side of the Jewish agenda in comparison to Hitler who wanted to end the political Jewish globalist system.

        Moreover these protest movements such as “Querdenken” in the FRG or the former 9/11 truth movement in America do not claim any political power to change anything in our sense. And on your and the other Revisionists legal proceedings we can clearly see that in doubt persons who have the political power (and therefore they have the military power and the police violence) they decide how judges and the legal system have to work and not the other way around tin the sense that people who are right have automatically the political power.

        Therefore I believe that it is not enough to let people awake. A real political change will presumably only be possible by building up a political national movement with a leading charismatic light figure who also manages to inspire people with a clear and optimistic future version and worldview as a counterpart to the present Jewish globalism. And the question is why we as “awakening persons” have not managed up to now to build up such a cultural/politcial national movement which gives our German people hope and optimism for their future life as an alternative to the Jewish globalism? The parties which we have in the FRG and in rest of Europe are only concentrate on symptoms but are not able to build up a cultural identity.

        My observation is that many enthusiastic and idealistic fighters in national circles do only show with the finger to the enemy and make the sleeping sheep bad feelings without presenting them an own concept for the future which brings them hope and good feelings for awakening in them the fighting spirit and at the same time to deliver them from their zombie existence. As soon as we manage to fascinate with our positive ideas and with clear political goals a great part of our people we are undefeatable for the enemy! And I have the feeling that we do not use our full ideological potential which is the present degenerated globalist mind totally superior!

        1. Very good observations and comments!
          I just read a copy of a letter from Alfred to another patriot in the USA. I will just quote a tiny excerpt here:
          “I’ll tell you a little secret – the people, the young people who are figuring it all out are the happiest and most energetic people I’ve met. They know what is worth living for, what is worth fighting for, and what is worth dying for…”

  5. @papascha408 and @deutscherlandsman

    There are many many people in Germany who are trying to fight this Orwellian system, and that would include some lawyers and even judges. But I am not aware of an organized movement – perhaps some of my German readers can help out with this question.

    As for the mind-reading, yes of course, they use their crystal balls ha ha. In this upside-down system where black is white, war is peace, ignorance is strength, and freedom is slavery, anything goes in order to achieve their predetermined verdict. The truth must be suppressed at all costs!

    In addition to what deutscherlandsman said about Ernst Zündel’s trial, here is a stunning exchange that took place at Sylvia Stolz’ trial. The Zündel trial presiding Judge Meinerzhagen was on the witness stand. Stolz asked Meinerzhagen if he had realized that Zündel was to defend himself with the thesis that he did not lie, but was telling the truth, and had the proof that he was telling the truth. Judge Meinerzhagen answered as a witness, that it is the most natural thing in the world for the accused to want to do this, but then the lawyer has the duty to inform his or her client that it is unlawful to do so.

    So, instead of the judges being on trial for perverting the law, they put the Attorney on trial for doing her job too well. Then the judge on the witness stand makes the admission that of course the accused would want to present evidence but their lawyer must inform their client that the evidence is forbidden.


  6. I do know that the judges impute that the defendant “knows” the existence of the Holocaust (whatever the judge means by that?). However in a “real” and fair trial the court must check in a procedure of taking evidence if the defendant is convinced by himself about his hypothesis about the Holocaust or are there any circumstances which imply that the defendant is convinced by himself about the “Holocaust” or if he is convinced by himself that the “Holocaust” did not took place. So even if we assume that for the judges the “Holocaust” is “evident” they have to prove that for the defendant it is “obvious” too! Either they can prove that the defendant was himself present at the alleged crime scene or there are any other circumstances which support the prosecutor’s assumption the defendant disputes the “Holocaust” against his better knowledge!

    Moreover there is logical problem: how can a judge assume that an event is “obvious” without giving an exact definition what the event really was?

    The same procedure we can observe very often when car accidents take place and the the driver commits a hit and miss. It not sufficient that the driver leaves the scene of the accident without permission. Furthermore the prosecutor must give evidence that the driver noticed the accident and nevertheless moves away from the scene of the accident. In car accidents where a real damage take place it is indeed “obvious” that the driver must noticed the event. However in cases where the driver causes a scratch to an other car behind him when parking it is not always clear if he took notice the accident and “knows” it. For checking if the defendant knows/notices or do not know/notice the car accident the judge take evidence by means of a sworn expert opinion who checks based on technical data if the thesis that the defendant did not recognize the accident is true or not. The same procedure must be done in so called “Holocaust trials” otherwise it is to my estimation a perversion of the law even if the assume that paragraph 130 is guilty. Therefore in most cases not the defendant makes punishable but the prosecutor and the judges! That was the reason why Sylvia Stolz gave a warning to the judges in Zundel’s trial that they could be charged themselves in front of a court in case they convict Zundel.

    And Alfred is right that Jewish people changed their story more often. In the old days the claimed that in Dachau people were gasses and nowadays you can see a notice in four different languages that there has never been taken place one gassing! The latest example is the lie that thousands of Poles were gassed to death in Warsaw which is published in a Jewish newspaper. Actually I do not like to give links to that papers but this is an exception

    So my further question is why is there any charge against these Polish people for the incitement of our German ancestors? And why is there any charge against the liars who claimed that in Dachau gasifications took place?

  7. Thank you so much Monika for sharing with us the interview with Wolfram Narath! There so many important and good points he is speaking for. Yes, we still need today a cultural Youth organization as the Viking youth was. And this is exact the reason why the Jewish allied forces forbade the Hitler Youth an after the war the Viking youth as in these scout groups young boys and girls learned leadership and taking responsibility for their young compatriots. So it is exactly the other way around how corrupt historian are telling us: in comparison to the youth of today in the FRG the former youth in the time of National Socialism learned to develop an own strong will and learned not only taking responsibility for others but also developing a strong and honest character. People with such an attitude towards life would never put on a mask due to a fake virus. You can only manipulate people who are very fearful and are degenerated such as lost young people in the Black Lifes Matter or the “climate change” scam movement!

    In my view Wolfram mentioned also a very important point about the three monotheistic religions Judaism and its two religious secessions Christianity and Islam by mentioning in very diplomatic form that all these three religions want to bring their religious belief all over the world with full of violence(see time period 2:23:00 in the linked interview) and that we should live in our heritage and our tradition instead of adopting a religion which has its origin in a desert far away of Europe. Finally Wolfram ends with his translation of a non Christian song about Yale where he seems to indicate us in which cultural direction we might develop us Europeans for finding back to our cultural roots.

    The only thing where I have an other estimation than Wolfram is his statement about the judges in the FRG: even according to the FRG-law paragraph 130 passage 3 it is not punishable to dispute any alleged crime against the Jews! It is only punishable to deny(!!) the so called genocide against Jewish people! Furthermore the term “Holocaust” is not defined in 130. Therefore cannot convict a so called “Holocaust denier” for two reasons: first one the term “Holocaust” is not defined and therefore it is not clear what is not allowed to “deny”. And even if the term “Holocaust” is defined and even if it is “obvious” that the “Holocaust” took place the prosecutor needs to proof that the defendant not only disputes the “Holocaust” but also denies it! That means the prosecutor must proof that the defendant believes himself at the Holocaust. In other words the prosecutor must give evidence that the defendant disputes the “Holocaust” against his better knowledge. Therefore these convictions are nothing more than perversion of justice even if we assume that Section 130 is lawful and valid (which is under jurists controversial).

    1. I love the work you do, Monika. Please, keep it up. It is an inspiration to all people of European heritage who have been red-pilled.

      1. ich bin einfach sprachlos was da so angeht in Deutschland. meine Kinder wollen nichts vom Krieg hoeren . So wurde denen ihr koff gewaschen. Aber im Internet kan ich hilfe bekommen . so langsam kan ich darueber mit denen diskutirren

    2. You are correct that the “holocaust” is not defined in Par. 130, in fact, that word does not even appear in the legislation. You are also correct that nowhere is it written or defined exactly what is this thing that is not allowed to be “denied” or downplayed, so it is impossible to know what we are allowed to say or not. Wolfram Nahrath talked extensively about that during our trial in 2018. Alfred brought many examples into the court of how the jews own story has changed and changed again and again, and he pointed out that all these jewish writers were not charged with this crime even though their story has changed so wildly. Were they not also “denying” the holocaust, by having a different story than the previous narrative?

      The way they get around the fact that you cannot deny (in German “leugnen”) something which did not happen, is that the prosecution engages in mind-reading. They say that the accused “knows” that the holocaust happened, but denies that it happened. Very convenient, isn’t it.

      1. Engages in mind-reading??? Really! I suppose the prosecution lawyers and a few of the judges must have crystal balls they peer into and get messages back in the form of politically-correct nonsense supercharged with Talmudic foresight. lol. I must ask you, Monika, are there any movements in Germany trying to fight this Orwellian jurisprudence system.

  8. every single person pointing at evil things is a gain for mankind …let’s say the Gentil-Mankind. The remaining 0.8% … so what?!







    Den 20/12/2020 03:45, skrev Free Speech Monika:

    > Monika posted: ” In late October, 2020, Horst Mahler was released from prison after having spent over 10 years as a political prisoner. He was incarcerated for thinking and speaking “unwanted” truths. If he was speaking nonsense, he would have been ignored. His words wer” > >

    1. Thank you Nicholas, I looked this up just now. In 2005, Mahler told an Israeli reporter that he is partly of Jewish decent, being one-eighth Jewish.

  10. Horst Mahler is a very brave man and deserves our respect and regard. I have often wondered if Horst is a relative of the great German composer Gustav Mahler. I hope he is doing well.

  11. Thank you Monika, I pray every day, many times a day for the complete and utter destruction of this evil pedophile Satanic Tribe. Let them be completely destroyed on this planet, every last one of them.

    On Sat, Dec 19, 2020 at 9:46 PM Free Speech Monika wrote:

    > Monika posted: ” In late October, 2020, Horst Mahler was released from > prison after having spent over 10 years as a political prisoner. He was > incarcerated for thinking and speaking “unwanted” truths. If he was > speaking nonsense, he would have been ignored. His words wer” >

  12. Once again, wordpress blocked me from publishing the article with certain “categories and tags” that were prohibited. Their notification said, “Updating failed. Sorry, you are not allowed to assign the provided terms”. By trial and error, I figured out which of the provided term was prohibited. It was his name, Horst Mahler. That is how dangerous his name is to the jewish inquisition!

    1. The irony is Horst is a threat to the Jewish leadership even though he was born a Jew. I predict this Jewish controlled censorship will come back to haunt them in the form of a whirlwind of retribution.

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