Poetry for Seekers of Truth
….shared with permission….
Please Share
….shared with permission….
What a pleasure it has been for me to have these enriching conversations with Kathleen Dudley @SeasideReflexology. Kathleen is a fellow Albertan by birth and
I told them that I was expecting an explosive awakening, but that the actual force of this explosive awakening has even surprised me. It is
“To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not
4 Responses
We shared your publication. We hope the author agree. Kind regards to you Monika.
Definitely and thank you! The author is happy for the poem to be shared. Please make note of it if only part of it is there.
I love to read, and to write, poetry. Thank you for this post! Says it all in so few words!
Apropos, having found myself ensconced, once again, in a “Free Speech Zone”, I share this real-life anecdote. Once or twice, I submitted “poetic” comments to a website (Veterans Today). A “senior editor” took immediate exception. He sternly informed me that VT’s “comment board” was for serious contributions, not self-aggrandizing, publicity-seeking, would-be poets! Any more poetry and I would be banned!
And, so it goes! May your blog remain free and clear, Monika!!