Free Speech Monika

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a Year and a Day

by Monika Schaefer

It is the one year anniversary since I went through a door. I was very well aware that once through this door, there was no going back. My life changed on June 17th, 2016, with the release of the “Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust” video, followed a few days later with the German edition “Entschuldigung Mama, ich hatte Unrecht was den Holocaust betrifft”.


Though I had a sense of a serious transition in my life, I really had no idea what would follow. The intensity of reaction, both positive and negative, took my breath away. The video was translated with subtitles into 3 languages within the first 4 days. Spanish, swedish and french. A transcript was made. The view count shot up. Within a month there were 60,000 views, and currently it has over 133,000 views on one channel alone only in English.

Apparently the video struck a chord. Who would have guessed it would resonate with so many people? Many have had similar experiences as I did – reproaching or resenting their parents for being part of a generation of monsters, only to find out that everything had been turned on its head. For those who reached similar conclusions as I had reached after much research, there was deep gratitude, relief and appreciation for the simple message in my video.

For those still stuck in the matrix of lies, the video came as a shock and surprise. For those whose identity and interests were threatened, I became a grave threat and was pronounced the enemy. I learned all about Ritual Defamation in a town which boasts tolerance, inclusiveness, and “embraces diversity”.

Victims of ritual defamation become ostracized, shunned, humiliated, and isolated. An attempt is made to destroy the victim economically as well as socially. Mental poison is injected into the community, and it infects many well-meaning people.

Organizations and political parties stepped over each other to make a public show of expelling me. The Alberta Society of Fiddlers, the Jasper Environmental Association, the Alberta Green Party, the Green Party of Canada, all gave me the boot, and put it loudly into the record. The media dutifully reported, using weaponized words to trigger the programs that had been drip-fed into people’s brains to react in a predictable manner. “Neo-nazi holocaust denying hater!” What do those words actually mean? Nothing!

I wonder how many of my former friends took even twenty minutes, or perhaps three hours of their lives to view one or two or all three of the recommended videos at the end of my 6 minute video, before throwing away our friendship. Why would they not want to look into why I was making controversial statements which went contrary to everything we have been told all our lives about “the holocaust”? Do they really believe that I had suddenly lost my mind? Or were they afraid of what they might learn?

Many have told me outright that they will not discuss this topic, they refuse to look at it, refuse to debate it, refuse to question anything about it which would run contrary to what we have been told all our lives. It seems clear to me that this refusal to even look is the result of the psychological warfare that has been conducted against us. Do the weaponized words frighten us into submission? Does it make sense to ostrasize and shun a dissenter while refusing to look into the subject?

Why would there need to be laws to defend their holocaust if it really happened? They could show the evidence instead. Only lies need to be protected by laws. If the event was so rock-solid like they always tell us it is, they would not fear investigation. To me, the existence of laws against questioning “the holocaust” is enough to tell me there is something wrong with the story. I can never understand the mentality of people who tell me “you see Monika, the laws prove that you are wrong!” instead of recognizing the absurdity of the need for a law to protect a story.

It strikes me that real genocides are suppressed while the fictitional one is stoked up with a fury which seems to grow stronger every year. Real genocides such as the Holodomor are hardly known while Jewish “holocaust studies” are becoming mandatory curriculum in many places around the world.

This short introductory video to the “Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust” website is one of the so-called crimes which caused Professor Anthony Hall to be suspended from his tenured position at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta. Any thinking person should recognize that there is something deeply wrong when a history professor is persecuted for saying we should be able to examine our history.

No Regrets

The old saying “the truth will set you free” is really true. In spite of some hardships, I have a deep sense of peace and serenity. This stems from the clarity in my mind and heart and soul, that I have truth on my side. We are at the core of the peace movement when we seek to tell the truth. Lies and deceptions are what bring us wars and turmoil. Remember the Mossad motto: By way of Deception, thou shall do war.

There are “red-pilled” people everywhere. That I have learned for sure, as I have heard from many of them. They are in every little town, village and hamlet. The people are waking up in droves, every single day. The rate of awakening is explosive. There is no doubt in my mind that truth and light will prevail.

The fact that there is such a ferocious attempt to stifle dissent proves that Jewish Power depends on mass deception. An awakening will destroy that power. Why else would they need to silence anyone who steps out of line? Why else would they feel so threatened by truth revealers, if their power did not depend on keeping the people deceived, deluded, distracted and demoralized? If their power did not depend on us being asleep, they would not be in such a panic when some of us wake up.

For that reason, I know there is hope! I also know we have our work cut out for us, as the demoralization runs deep. Each and every one of us really has no choice but to do everything in our own power and ability to contribute to the ripple effect of the grand awakening. We must educate ourselves and educate others. Many many people are doing just that, and that includes Jews as well as Gentiles.

I, for one, will not stop!

15 Responses

  1. Dear Monika
    I (Adrian) admit that I’m not very computer savvy, but whenever I post the following comment on your FB page, in my reply to Pam, it seems to disappear, so here is a copy of it if you haven’t already seen it:

    The so called “Neocons” were totally responsible for the destruction of Iraq based on false evidence of “weapons of mass destruction” which had been created by Israel. So why didn’t another country declare war on the neocons puppet country America?
    You claim to be well read in history but do you know (off the top of your head) why Germany entered Poland in Sept 1939?
    Britain and France declared War on Germany under the illusion that it cared for Poland but a couple of weeks later when commie Russia entered Poland Britain didn’t declare War on Russia too. Far from it, it indebted itself to Wall Street by paying for and supplying arms to Russia and after the defeat of Germany in 1945 Russia was handed the whole of Eastern Europe on a plate. Poland then suffered from the effects of jewish communism for the following 45 years.
    France didn’t do too well for being dragged into WW2 either.. The British sunk its navy at the beginning of the war and after a very peaceful collaboration with the Germans ended up being very seriously bombed by the so called British! Churchill was jewish by the way and so were his masters.
    If you don’t know why Germany was forced to enter Poland when it did, the clue is Gdansk.
    Finally, if you still don’t trust the Germans, you have very good reason not to, because the jews have controlled Germany since they defeated Germany with the war that they declared on Germany in March 1933.

    1. Thanks Adrian, your comment did appear on my fb now too. I just made a little correction here on the date Germany entered Poland – I am sure you meant 1939.
      I appreciate your helping to educate the folks on fb with excellent comments such as this one.

      1. Thanks for the complement Mr Sock
        Here is another comment that I recently made on the same thread that I think you will appreciate too:

        R.E. The most dishonest 3 minutes in television history.
        Had Judaism never have been invented, then by the end of the 19th century there would no longer have been any need for any more wars, because humanity had become civilised by then. The different races had all found a place in which to live and where they felt they belonged, and rightly so… But then came along the; “war mongering jews” who knew that they could make lots of money out of their industrial military complexes…
        So what’s the difference between digging holes and filling them in again, than with, destroying cities and rebuilding them again, e.g. Dresden

  2. This is the result of many years of brainwashing… the fact that you had to apologize to your mother (and her generation) for believing that they did something that they never had done. For what I see the German people, I see a nation which has its national spirit shattered and destroyed… for what? For the sake of “democracy” and “never again Holocaust”. Their only “sin” –because they commited a “sin” was to rise against the jewish powers that were strangling their nation. Corrupting it, and debasing it to the core. That was their “sin”. And after they lost the war, they brainwashed the rest of the population that didn’t die of famines or raped, or detained as “disarmed enemies” (that was the label that Eisenhower the jew gave to the German POWs so to do with them whatever he wanted)… A lot of people do not know how much ill will the jews harbor towards us, and that, coupled with their victim status (a fake one, BTW), makes them get away with everything… If the people that think that the jews are poor victims only knew what the jews really think about them…

  3. Thank you so much Katana, “Sockpuppet”, Tom, Alfred, Alan, and jrfriend for your great comments. Much appreciated!

  4. Great article Monika – your video is still having an enormous impact even one year after it was released! You did a very courageous and bold thing producing and releasing the video – well done!

    I’ve had an almost identical experience with many of my closest friends once I went public with my knowledge of the lies surrounding 9/11, the “Holocaust” and many other topics, and the lying, deceiving, criminal Jews behind them. Many people, sadly, refuse to discuss or even entertain alternative ideas about these very controversial topics. As you noted, it’s a sign of the powerful effects of these psychological operations. It renders its mindless victims incapable of even contemplating other perspectives… It’s really a sign of how weak and pathetic our society has become, thanks largely to Jewish influence.

    Keep up the great work! I hope we can do a podcast again! 🙂

  5. Thank you, Monika, and congratulations on celebrating your anniversary!

    As someone so rightly observed, those who think a single, small individual can make no difference have never slept in a room with a mosquito. We seem to have, however, companies of exterminators ever prepared to leap into battle should a single, small individual dare to whir about with a high-pitched hum disturbing the peace of darkness and the bliss of ignorance. All you true fiddlers, beware!

    Tom (June 20, 2017 at 1645, 1729) wrote that, in his opinion, people’s pride precluded them from admitting their being deceived. “Loss of face”, perhaps, does play a role. Confronted with having to admit to “wrong thinking”, “faulty reasoning”, “incomplete research”, or “premature closure” does appear to drive some, ironically, ever deeper into denial itself!

    I think a more powerful reason most people shy away from even thinking about a lower count of deaths among Jews during WWII is FEAR: Fear of ostracism, personal and professional; fear of loss of job and social standing; fear for safety of person and family; fear of consequences for close associates and relatives. The same applies to the series of now well understood “false flags”, some that killed, some that did not. For example, “nutjob”, “conspiracy theorist”, “off your meds”, and like epithets flow quickly in the wake of honest inquiry and logical, well evidenced, firm conclusions about these and other mass deceptions. And, if one were so effective as you, Monika, one could and should expect to have those companies of exterminators spring into action!

    As we joked when we had youth and greater innocence than we have going for us today, “Just because you’re paranoid does not mean no one approaches you with ill will from behind.”

    May GOD bless and keep you, Monika — it’s another year for us all!

  6. Thanks Monika for your historic video. The timing was perfect. It gave the world wide awakening about this reality a noticeable boost. The hysterical response you had to endure is proof enough.

    As Katana states is his comment, they had instigated the biggest bloodshed in human history with their mass murder of tens of millions of the best people in the former “Soviet Union”. In fact, after they were done, the average IQ within these areas went down by about 5 points, as “the best of the goyim deserve to be killed”, according to the Talmudic mass murderers. They butchered entire layers of human beings, all those who may offer some resistance to their tyranny. Those were the thinking and working people. The traumatised rest just went along.

    If we are too slow in awakening, this is the fate in store for us. Our own people, physically and mentally disarmed, unable to defend themselves. will be like sheep being led to the slaughter. All our lives we have had to endure the slogan, “never again Auschwitz” only to wake up ourselves, in the slaughterhouse.

    The mantra, “what is so bad about no more white people?” being repeated by our European peoples is a symptom of our having lost our will to survive. Dr William Luther Pierce warned us about this, stating that the very worst thing that has happened to us is the loss of our will to survive.

    Understanding the lies and who and what we really are, will get us back onto our feet. Then, and only then, will we understand what needs to be done to remedy the situation and survive. The entire world is waiting for us to do this. For they know, that if we fail, the task of dealing with it will rest in their hands.

  7. I’m of the opinion that most people’s “pride” is more important to them than the lives of the alleged 6 million.
    Let’s suppose for a moment, that the ADL published an official statement which stated that there wasn’t 6 million that perished after all, but only 3 million… Surely if people really cared so much about the Jewish people, then they would be elated by such good news that 3 million of the original 6 million hadn’t died…
    If they really cared about the Jewish people they should feel very relieved about the very good news. But would they? Of course they wouldn’t do, because their pride is more important to them than admitting that they had been deceived; either by accident or by deliberate intention.

    1. Regarding my above comment, the same “principle” applies to any other “questionable event” such as: “Sandy Hook”, in which 20 children and 6 adults allegedly died.
      Unlike “most people”, I would be delighted to be reliably informed that those 26 people hadn’t died after all…
      But would the “pride” of “most people” permit them to admit that they had been fooled and that those 26 people are still alive? I don’t think so…

      • 1A fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behaviour or for a chain of reasoning.
      ‘the basic principles of justice’

  8. Congratulations Monika on the one year anniversary of your heartfelt, yet belated apology to your mother, for blaming her generation of Germans for a crime that you came to realise, never happened.

    In that YouTube video, that was seen around the world, but especially taken note of in your small town of Jasper, you talk of your realization that the “Holocaust” is in actual fact:

    “… the biggest and most pernicious and persistent lie in all of history!”

    I also have gone through such a realization, through a careful study of the facts, minus all the hysteria and lies that have been carefully crafted to create the diabolical fraud of the “Holocaust”.

    Anyone who claims that you are a “hateful anti-semite” for “denying the Holocaust” is simply ignorant of the facts. Ignorant of all the information now available on the internet, and in print, that simply demolishes the “Holocaust” and the lies that it has been fabricated from.

    Once you have done your homework and understood that the “Holocaust” is in fact really a “Holohoax”, then you are ready for even greater realizations, horrific ones, that make the “Holocaust” myth turn into small potatoes, even if it were actually true in its own separate reality.

    Because once you realize that the “Holocaust” is a deeply evil fraud, then the next question is how and why this fraud continues to this very day? How is it possible that such a gigantic fraud is supported by our governments, by our institutions, by our historians, by our media, and so on?

    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn answers those questions in his last book “200 Years Together”, where the great Russian writer alludes to a worldwide Jewish conspiracy behind the Bolshevist takeover and oppression of Russia.

    “You must understand that the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered [tens of] millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse.

    More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their blood stained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time.

    The fact that most of the world is ignorant or uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of its perpetrators.”

    And those same perpetrators are the ones that ensure that the Holohoax continues to this day, along with carrying out many other crimes, including 9/11 and the flooding of the West with the Third World.

    Monika did something courageous in putting out her video one year ago.

    And now, one year on, she should be an inspiration to all of us, but especially to the people of Jasper, for her perseverance in fighting for the truth in the face of social ostracism, often from well-meaning but misled people, and then of course, from the fools and traitors.

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