Free Speech Monika

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“When the Germans Invaded Czechoslovakia” open letter by Herta Ruthard

January 2019

“When the Germans Invaded Czechoslovakia” – Hearing this slanderous and hateful remark on my favourite “New Classical FM” in a commercial for the Blue Mountain Winter Sport Resort in Collingwood during the Christmas season, when people all over the world celebrate peace and joy, spoiled this holy time for me tremendously and came as a personal insult because I was born in 1931 in just this area in question. I thought I am calloused enough to be immune against this sort of German-bashing but all of a sudden my 87-year-old heart was aching and rebelling , urging me to fight back. It was the last straw and I will tell you who the real invaders were.

Sudetia, my homeland: since 300 before Christ this area had been Germanic settlement territory. For two thousand three hundred years, it was ours. Later, Czechs INVADED Sudetenland and soon subjugated the native Germans with the intent to wipe them out because the Czechs wanted the land for themselves. The living conditions were catastrophic: unemployment, no food, (babies were given black malt coffee instead of milk), no clothing, no medical care. There was a Czech doctor, Dr Stransky in Reichenberg, my hometown, who gave Germans seeking help the cynical advice:

the best for you is to throw yourself into the Neisse

(river running through Reichenberg), or

have you tried this?

~ and he motioned hanging.

I heard this from my mother – never to forget it. And when this genocide was reported abroad, silence was the answer. Then, in 1938, Hitler came to our rescue. He did not come as an invader, he came as our saviour. I owe him my survival. That was the “Sudetenland-Anschluss”.

After that, we Sudeten-Germans held out our hands to our enemies for reconciliation. The Czechs took these hands, worked for the victory of the Reich and were more German than the Germans themselves, so that they were soon entrusted with the most confidential tasks.

Then, in 1945, came Germany’s defeat and with it the Czech authorities’ fear of the consequences of their collaboration with Hitler-Germany. This fear turned into an unbelievable incitement against all things German, put the Czechs into a blood frenzy of an indescribable extent and started one of the greatest tragedies in all of human history. Documented in the book “Das andere Lidice” by Erich Kern.

Friedrich Smetana, a great son of Bohemia, would turn over in his grave if he heard what his beloved Moldau had to tell after May 1945. During his lifetime this river inspired him with its calming murmur or angry shouting for his world-famous symphony “Die Moldau“. Think about it when you play it for your listeners!

460,000 Sudeten-Germans were murdered in the most bestial manner, the rest of 3.5 million were driven out and the Czechs found themselves again in possession of the stolen Sudetenland and called it Czechoslovakia. Czech President Benes over the radio: “Take everything away from the Germans, leave them only a handkerchief to weep into!”

Smashed Germany took us in when she was carpet-bombed into rubble, Sudetenland was spared for the Czechs, and with us refugees Germany experienced her “economic miracle”. 

From 1946 on I grew new roots, strong and healthy, in the German soil. When my husband decided to go to Canada in 1972/74, I uprooted myself to go with him. He gave up a very well-paying job at IBM as a customer technician to go to the land of his dreams. Canada opened her border for us but not her heart. Not for a German, who has to forget his pride and honour and has to accept living under the lie and being a third-class citizen. It saddened me to my soul when I had to watch how he buried his dream, and it pained me for not being able to root in this anti-German Canadian soil. Canada failed her Germans miserably. All of them. Why?


The victor still writes the history of the vanquished.
The slayer disfigures the face of the slain.
The weaker leaves the world, and what remains is the lie.

~ Bertold Brecht (1898-1956, world-famous German poet)

Exactly this is what happened with Germany, she was slain, her face disfigured, and the lie stayed behind. That is why the hate goes on and on. Germany still has no peace treaty, still under the control of the US government.

It was a big mistake to emigrate to an enemy country, where my husband was greeted with Heil Hitler on his first day of work at Litton Systems Canada. Where society confronted our little 8-year old daughter with unconditional hatred after the film “Holocaust” was broadcast on TV. She lost her school friends overnight, was called a “Nazi”, and swastikas were smeared onto her desk. 

After 1945, the Allied-licensed media imposed on Germany was ordered to never ever report anything positive about the Germans or anything negative about the Allies. Needless to say, the same applies to the victorious nations to this day, and it will continue to apply tomorrow. 

Always remember: either distortion, selective negativity, condemnation, hatred, lies or nothing at all. And the people have been conditioned to it all their lives. 

The result was in the long run a people, deprived of its true great history, and consumed by self-hate and self-destruction. See the picture of these two young German women. 

Screen Shot 2019-12-28 at 8.22.15 AM

“Invaded by the Germans”

Poor little Poland suffered the same fate, didn’t she? Encouraged by the British she butchered her German minorities and then declared war on Germany, and THEN the Wehrmacht was ordered to attack on September 1, 1939. In a short speech Hitler said:

Now we are shooting back.

“Hiding from the Nazis”

I wonder what the next idea will be. My question is: what kind of message are you directing at your German-Canadian listeners? Filling your quota of anti-Germanism? These people are bad (see the preacher Billy Sunday) but their music is good and can be used for a crazy world. Crazy indeed: Too bad it can’t also be blamed on us “Nazis” too. 

What we see now is the beginning of the end of the White Race worldwide. 

“The weaker leaves the world and what remains is …” the Mix.

Herta Ruthard

86 Responses

  1. I have read the above update on Mr Cole – many thanks, Sparrow.

    The content of it came as no surprise; it is always a problem to confront hysteria and beliefs thick as bricks (especially rewarding ones). Similar threats were never far from the head of the now departed but still fine gentleman Roger Dommergue Polacco de Menasce. I am amazed, however by how easy it seems to be for some citizens in the USofA to change their names seemingly at will… If my memory is correct such techniques were first obvious in tsarist Russia during the bolshevist ‘revolution’ – merely “terror”, in fact. I repeat “obvious”… as it seems to have been current practice of the tribe in particular and also of many semitic people from the middle east in general (Lebanese for instance)… see also the case of Michel de Nostredame AKA “Nostradamus”, grand ‘son of the jew Guy de Gassonet (himself son of Arnauton de Velorges) the “de” in such instances simply meaning “coming from” or “having been conceived (or brought to light) at” (many people called « du Château » or « Castel » were in fact simply children of people having been employed in or around castles) who quite astutely chose the name of Pierre de Nostredame upon his grand father’s conversion (?) to Catholicism – Why not, after all not all were “pintos” (jews painted as Catholics: marranos) some could have been genuine…

    1. David Cole did a good job for a while… and then – all of a sudden – he fell silent. When the means of deception fall short our “friends” switch to the hidden part of the motto : “by slender, blackmail, threats and utmost terror”.

      1. ivernazza, while I don’t have the link (will look for it), David Cole has had so many death threats that he went into hiding. That’s the last I’ve heard anything.

    1. Freya, it’s never too long to expose the lies…ever. Thank you Conviction is like hiding from the sunlight.

      1. I was puzzled for a few seconds… and then I noticed the capital c on “Conviction”. It is a bit like my small k on the „kleinstdeutschland“ of today.

  2. Yes it’s hard to follow angry tirades…One thing I am NOT is a liar!!! (dune mouse)

    Unfortunately, the truth is: you are a liar. Your lies were quoted and rebutted – always in a matter of fact way.

    Some more “from the dunes”, too much sand in the eyes makes “dune mouse” blind:
    “I won’t condemn the Jews for everything.” // How benign! But that’s beside the point. Nobody here has done that either (“condemn”, “the Jews”, “for everything”). Criticism of Jews has always been specific! Generalization is an evasion; you haven’t been able to rebut any of the specific replies. And have you ever realized that “The Jews/Organized Jewry condemn the Germans for everything”? Obviously, you don’t mind the Jews doing t h a t …

    “The Brits did just as bad” // That happens when you are bound by a Deal with the Devil (“possessed”): the Rothschild-Balfour Deal (both Jews) caused WWI, WWII and all it entails; it became the directive for the British/Commonwealth foreign policy, waging the most ruthless wars for the Zionist interests and to always drag America in; the British/American puppet politicians have always been most willing to do what the slave masters want them to do (very dangerous for the whole world!), and Jewish hate propaganda has always manipulated public opinion. Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin, Eisenhower (all with Jewish heritage) were all too eager to commit GENOCIDE; for Jews a “religious duty”! Satanic Babylonian Talmud: “The best of the Gentiles must be killed”

    “very cautious and never jump on a bandwagon” // Aren’t you aware of your self-betrayal? You did jump on the Jewish bandwagon! Even if you are not a Jew/ess yourself, you are extremely “jewdified” (“judaized”), continually repeating the same programming (lies); manipulated, dumbed down (as we all have been to a certain degree before awakening); matter of fact observations not “insults”

    “But I wonder if you can answer me why there is so much said here about the Jews and communism being almost synonymous at the time and that of course the Nazis hated communism.” // Haven’t you figured it out yet? Communism lies at the core of the problems the German nation, all white nations and the whole world have been plagued with (over centuries)! International Freemasonry = Kabbalist Judaism (for Jews and non-Jews, to recruit traitors to their own people and race) = Babylonian Talmudism = Satanism = Luciferianism / Communism = ”Cultural Marxism” / Zionism are Jewish teachings / Jewish “religion”, a Satanic cult / Jewish ideologies on how to reach Jewish world domination, the enslavement of humanity, HELL ON EARTH for all non-Jews. Conspiracy reality. Jewish writings, statements of rabbis, Jewish professors give ample proof for that!

    “so it’s very hard to debunk anything or prove anything beyond reasonable doubt either.” // False, a lie again. It’s hard but not impossible. The Holy Hoax has been proven as hoax (Zündel trials, Canada), a fraud beyond reasonable doubt. That’s why they don’t allow evidence in a jewdified “German” court, and make presenting evidence a “crime”! self-defense a “crime”! free speech a “crime”! speaking the truth a “thought crime”, a “hate crime”! They defame the truth tellers as “haters”, suppress the evidence, and want to outlaw the truth by criminalizing all criticism of Jews! They want “anti-Semitism” laws carrying the death penalty (for anti-Zionism) to kill tens of millions of opponents as they did in Communist Russia (for anti-Communism)!
    They want WWIII. The SLAUGHTER of the Iranian people, next on their list of slaughtered nations, and the self/destruction of all white nations, and they always use the same methods/weapons: ritual defamation, deception, propaganda lies, false flag terror, political assassination to incite war..

    The sword of truth is hitting hard. The lies get smashed! That’s how it must be. “We are in the struggle of our lives. Nay, the struggle of our grandchildren’s lives, our very existence is at stake!” (Monika Schaefer) WWII / Act II of their world theater play has never ended. WWIII prophesies are warnings, not predictions of the future. We should not be the fools to turn them into self-fulfilling prophesies (like predictive programming). We ought to know better by now, and should not work into the hands of the destroyers (“Christian Zionists” are totally deceived/misled)

    “I thought that was Santa, Iver!” // “Santa” = Satan (anagram) – Exactly! That’s it all about. Satanism = Judaism. Jewish “thought” imbuing/polluting/destroying the world. here: the spiritual meaning of the original European Christmas tradition by inventing “Santa coming through the chimney”. Nothing saintly or “witty” at all: business idea of the Coca Cola (666) corporation, Freemasonic Talmudic pedo-criminality, sexualization, the programming/grooming of children to trust men dressed as “Santa”/”drag queens” to be their “friends”. Yet, the blind cannot see… what these Anglo-American, falsified “traditions”, “Halloween” is Satanism light for children, are up to.

    1. Congratulations, Madame, you have class.

      Incidentally, indeed, Santa (Klaus) – at least the commercially amicable fellow with the white beard and the red outfit – in whom every decent little consumer boy or girl are expected to believe for as long as business goes – is an advertising invention from the Coca-Cola boys… the guys with the secret ingredient… secret to everybody bare two rabbis who are to certify that it is kosher… yet, strangely enough the Saudis once* produced a deceptively good (I have tasted it) copy of it called the “Mecca Cola” and there was at least one other such successful copy named “Zam-zam Cola” (never tested, let alone tasted)… I wonder whom they got the recipe from? Compliments also for your understanding of numerology.

      * If my memory serves me well, it was around the time of operation “Hardened lead”.

    2. what can I say !! I”m doing the best I can. You and Iver can stroke each other as two peas in a pod, but I’m not ashamed of how I behave in this life of what I write, of what I question, of what I seek. My own blog tells who I am and if you have a problem with my character and what I do then I’m afraid it is just that ‘your problem.”

      1. PS, I was talking about the Brits long before your Balfour deal. I was talking about what they did during colonialism and their treatment of the Irish and Scots. I do know more history than that of the events of the last century. And as for the Santa joke. God bless you. I hope you find some humour, happiness and fulfillment one day too.

  3. “Freya’s replies are a bit too long and always an angry tirade for someone with attention problems and I cannot agree with her position that Germany was the only victim here.” (dune mouse)

    …the replies are – what I myself would see as – thorough.

    Have you got a concentration problem that everything is “too long” for you? … Anyways – better than superficial and false… You’ve been given serious replies to a lot of lies you have been peddling here… you have drawn a lot of attention… never satisfied, ending in a childish tandrum: “Poor me! I’m being victimized here!”

    That’s too boring… too foreseeable… You are not the “victim of insults” here. You have made a lot of false assertions, and you have been rebutted.

    If you feel insulted by the truth you should change your attitude – and try being more honest…

    honesty – where and when did I say “that Germany was the only victim”?
    Never and nowhere. (Stop telling lies. It makes ugly)

    1. Freya you and I got off on a bad foot and perhaps can be summed up as “never the twain shall meet” I fear and I think we both have tantrums. I directly challenged a few people here but I don’t think I called names ( see my previous post). Actually I was very interested in why people took this direction on this site. I am familiar with debate and rebuttal but I’ve never called my opponents Rodents, Liars, Sneaks etc. Yes it’s hard to follow angry tirades. I may have a touch of attention deficit (lol) but that’s not actually a disability as It allows me to look at many facets of any argument. I never focus on just one. I can only gather my thoughts in writing as opposed to verbal debate. Freya if I may address what you have said. One thing I am NOT is a liar!!! You seemed to me very biased in what you write about Germany and being a victim of the allies. Fair enough. I noticed that and rebutted that one and whether you see it that way or not, I saw it a different way and if I misinterpreted it I apologize. That doesn’t make me a liar. I also asked why, when Hitler was given the Sudetenland by the Munich Agreement did he invade all of Czechoslovakia. I don’t think that was answered or else I missed it. I am a keen history buff and I do read a lot and what I don’t know I will look up. Of course what I look up, is probably biased the other way as that is how the majority sees it and what we are taught….but.. I don’t disagree with all that is said here on this site. I can read between lines too and question both sides of the argument. As I said to Monika in my previous post I think I am fair or try to be. But I can get my back up too which is what perhaps happened here with the name calling etc. and my last response to you.
      I don’t think I’m boring at all – haha. You do reply!!- and I hold no grudges.

    2. Dear Freya,

      Once again you have hit the mark in style.
      And « en passant », you have also hit an interesting nail in particular: the lack of concentration ability… I too, have noticed, that for 99% of our people it is dwindling fast. It seems as if most are unaware that all is done to serve this purpose (poor quality food, poor sleep, encouragement to a disastrous laid-back attitude and mental easy-going superficiality). After all the rodents are masters in psychology 101.
      Add to it a malicious ability to play the smallest fiddle in the world “just for us” – just what it takes to send the emotional people in tears and deprive them from what is left of their common sense – and you have the whole sorry strategy in a nutshell.
      I have this recurrent vision of the “accused” entering for the first time the IMT tribunal at Nuremberg… robbed* – sorry “liberated” – and deprived of their orders and of their rank insignias, as well as of their dignity, as if they had already been sentenced… blinking to the floodlights and suddenly, now that the Pfennig had finally dropped and that they had discovered in Mondorf-les-Bains that they were to be treated in totally unbecoming and undignified ways – worse than the vilest common law petty criminal – that, after all, they had neither been facing “gentlemen” nor men of their word.
      When will our people realise that we are not and never have been facing anything approaching a gentleman?!!!

      * I’d love to know on whose orders? – It is interesting to note that at the trial in Kharkov (July 1943) which is worth being viewed (if for one thing to have a quick glance at the infamous Ilya Grigorievitch Ehrenburg) –
      Part 1/3:
      Part 2/3:
      Part 3/3:
      – the three German accused appeared in full regalia so I have a feeling that as far as the IMT trials were concerned it most probably was an Anglo-American decision… inspired by whom?… Pick a pool of ‘lawyers’… there is plenty of choice at hand.

      1. Iver, although I know that I probably won’t be given any quarter, in my own defense I will say that in spite of any “disability” I did get top marks and did get my degree. i do eat well , get exercise and have a keen curiosity and sense of humour. Spontaneity and out of the box thinking are also part of that particular condition. We are all different. I have also had a few published articles and stories. So I am not lacking in most areas. I also am impressed with much of what you have written and how you write and this in spite of whether I agree or disagree.

  4. omg Freya lol!! Still whining over losing the war. Well, there is more history than just that of Nazi Germany against the allies for sure. Check out my blog for the tragic battle of Culloden or the Irish uprising of 1798. Lots of people have had a bone to pick with Britain.

      1. Mea Maxi Culpa Monika and ALL: Perhaps I am to blame for Dagmar now on “FreeSpeechMonika” and her reply. In a personal email to Dagmar, I told her truthfully that her ~taking the other side was good for FSM. Dagmar is certainly not as far on the jew side as I was 45-85 years ago. She (in my estimation) is very mild in her replies. If we reply with more anger than she writes, then she deserves to reply with more, but she does not. That says much to me.

      2. C”mon Monika I add a little spice to the mix lol. I’m the one you should be trying to convince seeing I don’t disagree on all the points made here. Only the ones I question do I get jumped all over and insulted etc. No one ever actually answers whatever I have brought up or even advises me why I am wrong or what their position is and what to read on it – except Ivernezza and David who mentioned that book. I made an objective comment about why some books don’t make it to mainstream and again it was met with disdain though it was an honest observation. But I wonder if you can answer me why there is so much said here about the Jews and communism being almost synonymous at the time and that of course the Nazi’s hated communism. Why then did this so called ZOG American government who supported Pol Pot and other murderers etc do so because they (the Americans) would support any despotic government as long as it was against Communism. Yet I am called the Dishonest Deceitful. Dumbdown one, the one with the college degree. Anyone who questions anything here is the enemy. I follow a lot of historic sites.. I am intensely interested in history and alternative views I know how the Brits really behaved in the last centuries sans the evil Jew. This Jewish conspiracy thing only seemed to arise post WWII when so many flooded into America. There are some things here that I have actively questioned and sought answers to and some issues I agreed though those were ignored. You might get more followers if you would honestly allow discussion and not call people insulting names or be so rabidly anti Jewish that anyone who questions is labeled a Jew!!

        1. dune mouse: It is a little disingenuous to say nobody addresses your questions or comments. Have you actually taken the time to read, for example, Freya’s comments? It seems to me she has very thoroughly addressed/rebutted your comments/questions. I think David W is right that you have helped to stimulate some lively discussion here. But my comment to you from over a week ago bears repeating. Here is part of it.

          “According to you then, only someone who has some titles and letters behind their name are qualified?
          Everyone who disagrees with your version is always an “anti-Semite or a white supremacist(?)”. This is getting rather dull, dune mouse.
          That little meme about the truth-always-lies-somewhere-in-the-middle is such a cop-out. The truth is the truth is the truth. It is not somewhere in between truth and lies. It would be like two people arguing about the colour of a car they saw yesterday. One says it was red, the other says it was blue. Then you come along and say, oh no, it was purple.
          Enough already with your oh-so-conciliatory pretend-attitude about historical facts and fiction, and then the blanket smear about everyone supporting an alternate (to yours) version of events being “anti-Semitic” bla bla.[…]”

          There are so many good books you can avail yourself of, some of which have been brought to attention on this blog, for example Gerard Menuhin’s “Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil”. Have you read it?
          How about Douglas Reed’s book “The Controversy of Zion”.
          Or The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
          Any of the Holocaust Handbook Series which come out of Castle Hill Publishers are excellent. Look for anything by Germar Rudolf for example.
          There are soooo many good books these days. Hervé Ryssen comes to mind. Andrew Carrington Hitchcock is another, author of “The Synagogue of Satan”.

          Sometimes it just seems that your comments are contrarian just for the sake of being contrarian to the evidence and information that is brought in front of your eyes. And that line about “all of us have good and all of us have bad…” is quite tiresome. When all the evidence shows that the holohoax is exactly that, a hoax, and that this hoax is being used to extort and oppress and to ultimately bludgeon us (the white race) to death, and that the Jews can be the only logical beneficiary of this fictitious story, then “all of us have good and all of us have bad…” really doesn’t cut it. We are in the struggle of our lives. Nay, the struggle of our grandchildren’s lives, our very existence is at stake!

          Do you know the motto of the Mossad? By way of Deception, thou shalt make War!

          Please start reading some of the non-university-approved books, examples listed above. Universities are places of indoctrination. Maybe the mathematics and engineering departments are still safe.

          1. Monika the strange thing is yes I do know that about the Mossad and I do not agree with their policies!! I read that book. and Yes it’s true I don’t believe that one race is all bad. Evidence is always debatable as in a court of law so it’s very hard to debunk anything or prove anything beyond reasonable doubt either. I have no doubt of your passionate stance. Some things I have agreed with. Freya’s replies are a bit too long and always an angry tirade for someone with attention problems and I cannot agree with her position that Germany was the only victim here. If that makes me disingenuous then I can only say that all the name calling doesn’t induce me to read anything she might beat me on the head with. Saying someone is anti semitic or a nazi sympathizer can be valid and therefore not an insult to the one who takes that position though it may be a position unpopular with the majority, as it is, but calling someone ( me,) a rodent, a Dumbdown, Deceiver, (capital D) Dishonest sneaky Jewess,etc is very personal and insulting. You say I label those who don’t agree with me but look at what they say to me on your site if I don’t agree with them. Very very personal, I’m surprised they haven’t called me a “filthy” rodent yet. Who is disingenuous then?
            I also made it clear I did not agree with someone being imprisoned for their beliefs even if they are not mine. I also said I understood about the problems of immigration but that was all passed over because I won’t condemn the Jews for everything. To me the Brits did just as bad. As for the Holocaust there seems to be passionate argument and accounts for both sides. and if nothing else my philosophy has always been, with Bertrand Russell- “No I am not prepared to die for my beliefs, I could be wrong!”

            So Monika, I am sure that all of you socially are probably very nice people.and hopefully not actually violent. I should not have said that to Freya about whining and I would apologize if anyone ever accepted an apology on your site. I have no idea what her experience might have been if she was alive at that time of war or right after. I do know people suffered.
            I have read a bit of what David has sent me and the other book but of course it doesn’t mean I embrace it all. I am one of those people who are very cautious and never jump on a bandwagon. of right or left but I think I am fair for the most part.

          2. From David Westerlund: I’m having trouble understanding some emails due to the use of pronouns i.e. “she” instead of names like “Monika”. Also, when using a foreign word(s), could the word(s) be parenthesized in English.

  5. Pro-White Activism – How to Stop the Perpetrators of Genocide
    #WWII – The war on the German nation has not ended (in 1945)
    The video shows normal German citizens (smeared as “neo-Nazis“ for self-defense) protesting in front of the so called “Bundeskanzleramt”, another ugly example of Jewish “modern architecture” where the Jewish imposters are residing. The Jewish witch “queen” is inviting the world in. Totally contemptuous of the ethnic Germans, of law and justice. The Jewish occupiers, pretending to be Germans and Christian “Gutmenschen” want to replace everything German with $ICK-MINDED $HIT (“Great Ideal of Judaism” to imbue the world with “Jewish teaching”). The Jew controlled media are silent about the avalanche of crimes, the murders and rapes committed by the HORDES OF INVADERS! Multi-racial Muslim and Black mass immigration brought in by internationally organized Jewry, Jewish war mongers in the Middle East, Jewish haters, occupiers and usurpers. Jews brought Blacks from Africa into the Americas as slaves; and Jews bring multi-racial invaders into Europe. The Jewish haters think they can keep slaughtering the Germans, always using proxy armies while vilifying and silencing the nationalist and patriotic opposition. The Germans can see what is going on all over the country and who are the agitators behind! They observe and they cry out! NEVER FORGET: What the Jews have done to us! Safety is gone! The $ICK-MINDED $HIT, the DAILY TERROR is getting worse! Is there a single country left not yet tired of the “Ideal of Judaism”? Where are the last ones who still do not know what “Judaism” m e a n s? “The big vomit is coming” (A. Schaefer) “Inviting the invaders, the last big assault on Germany” (M. Schaefer)
    Sefton Delmer, Jewish-British anti-German war propagandist: “Atrocity propaganda is how we won the war. And we are only really beginning with it now! We will continue this atrocity propaganda, we will escalate it until nobody will accept even a good word from the Germans, until all the sympathy they may still have abroad will have been destroyed and they themselves will be so confused that they will no longer know what they are doing. Once that has been achieved, once they begin to run down their own country and their own people, not reluctantly but with eagerness to please the victors, only then will our victory be complete. It will never be final. Re-education needs careful tending, like an English lawn. Even one moment of negligence, and the weeds crop up again – those indestructible weeds of historical truth.”
    Re-educated, brain-contaminated shabbos goy zombies help the Jewish terror regime to run down Germany, run up the “national debt” owed to the Jewish mafia bankers by flooding the country with millions of alien invaders. All demand to be fed and accommodated. The invaded European nations are being forced to finance their own self-destruction and replacement. The UN-EU Replacement Migration Plan is the continuation of the Zionist plans to exterminate and replace the Germans (Hooton Plan, Nizer Plan, Kaufman Plan, Morgenthau Plan, Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan). Since 2015 lots of new Hollyweird movies have come out (local library). The story line is basically the same: white nationalists are the bad ones! violent “domestic terrorists”, “neo-Nazis” attacking and killing Muslim immigrants, children as victims! The aliens are the good ones. In real life the attacks on Germans are sky rocketing, German girls, women and children get raped and killed by alien criminals! White men are specifically targeted. Officially the German victims don’t count… the crimes get hushed up by police and media.
    “NSU” (“National Socialist Underground”), al Qaeda (means “data base” of mujahedin fighters recruited by the CIA), and ISIS (short for I-sraeli S-ecret I-ntelligence S-ervices) are self-created terrorist groups run by the CIA-Mossad international terrorists. Violent false flag terror operations are t h e i r methods to cause chaos, racial, cultural and religious conflicts in the targeted countries to de-stabilize them… and the Jew-controlled media blame the attacks on white nationalists to discredit any patriotic resistance and self-defense as “radical right-wing extremism”, “violent terrorism”.
    The deception does not work. The political “NSU” trials in Jew occupied Germany revealed that there were lots of “government agents” involved in the terrorist activities of what officially is called “National Socialist Underground” which led to the deaths of some migrant family members. Two accused German men died a horrific death in a mysterious fire or bomb attack on their van (official version “suicide”; you can easily blame the dead), and one German woman was sentenced for life although her involvement in the terror attack on the Turkish-Kurdish shop was not proven either. Obviously, the judges don’t need evidence, they need scapegoats. Political trials are lynch trials, vehicles to push the Jewish political agenda: anti-German, anti-white nationalist… and anti-Christian. Most of the aliens brought in by the Jews are Muslims, indoctrinated with anti-Christian hatred who want to conquer Germany and all of Europe for Islam. Lots of conflicts, chaos and destruction. That’s how the Jews like it. It’s the JEWISH WORLD – hellish.

    1. Yes, I can attest to the NSU proceedings. The first red flag went up for me when I was in the German Gulag at Stadelheim, and the MSM spewed NSU stuff 24/7. When that happens, you can rely on the fact that the jewish agenda is being served.
      Beate Zschäpe was in that jail too. One of the nicest people I met. Their 300 day trial spread over about 5 years ended with the revelation that there were 50 paid agents!!! This was a government operation from the get-go. The purpose of course was to paint all people who opposed the mass migration policy with the same brush, as being violent terrorists. You are right, that there was never any proof of Beate’s presence at the site of the terror attack that killed some people. And yet she was given a life sentence. She is a total scapegoat.

  6. “Here’s to hoping for all out mutiny of our military…otherwise they have become my enemy too along with the jew infested corrupt filthy perverted immoral bloodthirsty thieves that they are.” (quoting dear little sparrow, in agreement)

    and hitting hard in response to

    D for dumb(ed down) – D for deceiver – D for dishonesty and his/her lies:

    “they don’t see the forest for the trees” (lie) // That’s an assertion which implies the lie that we don’t see the historical truth on this blog.

    “your side of the propaganda” (lie) // Again, an assertion which is a lie. Provable historical facts – speaking the truth is not propaganda!

    “I’d like to know what ”truth and justice” really means? Everyone has their own viewpoint” // Again, it’s a lie to insinuate that the truth is a matter of perspective, as different as the viewpoints are different. The truth is the truth if it can be proven as such (hard evidence).

    “…that Allied bombing was worse than Axis bombing” // That implies the horrible lie that the German nation was not slaughtered by the Allies. To even question that indisputable fact adds horrendous insult to the injury. The Holocaust of WWII did happen by firebombing over 160 German cities. / How cold-blooded are you… to keep trying to hide the horrific historical facts.

    [Hitler]… “decided to invade Poland, Belgium, Netherlands, France, Greece, and finally (Communist) Russia (a huge tactical error).” //
    That repeats the lie that Hitler wanted war against the western Allies. Poland was invaded AFTER the allies Britain and France had prevented a diplomatic solution for the Danzig problem, making promises to the Poles encouraging them to provoke the Germans. Hitler came to the rescue of the Germans being terrorized by the Poles (Polish Jews), AFTER thousands of Germans on Polish occupied land (Zionist Dictate of Versailles) had been most cruelly massacred. The “Blitzkrieg” was over in only three weeks. But the Allies Britain and France had the pretense they wanted to declare war on Germany. They wanted a two front/a multiple front war to crush Germany in between. And Germany wanted a quick victory over France and peace on the western front. The Allies made Belgium and the Netherlands violate their neutrality pledge. The German army was a disciplined army; the claimed war atrocities against civilians were lies. /

    Question: Who was always first, and the Germans second to come after them? In Norway, on the Balkans, in North Africa, in Greece? The British! (to deliver on the Balfour Declaration! Deal with the international Zionists to defeat and destroy Germany by bringing America into the war on Britain’s side; in 1917, and again in 1941! The German peace proposals in 1916, and again in 1940 were ignored) And why did British troops invade Norway (to threaten the iron ore supply the Germans needed from Sweden), the Balkans, North Africa, Greece (to threaten the oil supply the Germans needed from Romania)? Why did the British do everything they could to keep the German troops busy, distracted, dissipated all over Europe and even Africa, their resources wasted? Answer: To keep them from fighting Communist Russia in time, to support the Jewish Stalinist Communist regime which was preparing to invade eastern and western Europe. To ensure Germany’s defeat by weakening the German forces, making sure they invaded Russia too late… later than intended to avoid the Russian winter…
    “…does he [Hitler] bear no responsibility for the deaths of his own people as well as thousands of others from other countries?” // That repeats the lie of the “German guilt”, all Germans smeared as intrinsically “evil Nazis”. The Zionist Jews and partners in crime who forced two world wars on Germany are the first to blame for the deaths on all sides. They are the perpetrators of wars and multiple genocide.
    “…what I hear on this site is that all other accounts and experiences of the war are lies from everyone else except for the Germans?” (lie) // Again a lie. What you hear is: “SHOW US THE EVIDENCE!” The Jews have never produced any evidence to prove their Holy Hoax lies as true. NONE. Only lies, lies…
    “In post war USA former Nazis (scientists etc) were taken in to work for the government, no questions asked and no prosecution. They were there to help American with the Communist threat. The world is full of hypocrisy” //
    What D for dishonesty writes is full of the same propaganda lies and hypocrisy. Isn’t it about time to get your head out of the sand… “dune mouse”… “gender-fluid” confused “poor Jew/ess”? who needs the German people (“Naaazis”) as scapegoats to have an “identity as victim”? Are you really as dumb and hypocritical as your permanently repeated Jewish propaganda lies sound? //
    The kidnapped German scientists “were taken in” (always useful to have “Nazis” as scapegoats; we all know the mantra: “Naaazis did it!”) “to work for the government”? How nice of them! Really? It’s called modern (white) slavery. To force the defeated Germans to work for the enemy (Jews on top) who had just bombed their homeland into ruins, killed millions of German civilians, women, children, starved hundreds of thousands (even millions) of disarmed POW to death (Eisenhower death camps), hundreds of thousands (even millions) more dragged into Russian slavery to work them to death in the Jewish Gulag, the largest system of concentration camps the world had never seen. About fifteen million Germans were expelled from their homes in the eastern parts of the German Reich, everything stolen and lost. How many made it to the west? How many millions perished? /

    The Germans kidnapped by Americans must have enjoyed that a lot…“to help the Americans with the Communist threat” Did we miss something? Weren’t the Germans the ones who fought the COMMUNIST THREAT / the JEWISH THREAT all along? Hadn’t the Allies helped the Communist Jews to defeat the Germans? Haven’t the Anglo-Americans been best friends with the Communist Jews, before, during WWII and ever after? Haven’t America and Great Britain (with the City of Baby-Lon-don) become the favorite homes for the Jews, the Jewish banker mafia and their Communist brethren alike? Universities and institutions overrun with Communist Jews, all teaching “Cultural Marxism”, “The Great Ideal of Judaism” on how to destroy the white Christian civilization and take over the world? After 1945 beloved “Uncle Joe Stalin” and Communist Russia suddenly morphed into a “threat” to America? A threat to the “western free world”? Seriously? The western Allies had abandoned the eastern European nations on a silver plate to the Jewish Communists to be terrorized behind the “Iron Curtain” for decades to come… The British government delivered hundreds of thousands of freedom fighters (who had fought on the side of the Germans) to the Russian Jewish Communists to be SLAUGHTERED (“Operation Keelhaul”)! And Communist Russia, the ally was suddenly a threat? A threat which needed to be fought “with the help” of German scientists? What an irony. Nonsense. The reality is something else. Through the two world wars the international Jews (Capitalists, Communists, Zionists, Satanists) had become more powerful than ever before, in east and west always working together. The Allies – the Jews on top – have been the victors and winners, the plunderers of hundreds of thousands of German patents. Germany devastated and defeated. All white nations have been defeated by the Jews, the masters of “Divide and Rule”… making white men fight and kill each other… a wound that can never heal. The military-industrial complex is in the hands of the Jews. They have exploited German expertise and American tax payer money to multiply their profits and push their NWO plans (black projects, highly developed technology kept secret). How many trillions “got lost” under Jewish auspices?

    1. Well said Freya thank you. One thought came back in my mind as you went down the list of atrocities of Uncle Joe. The reality (not storytelling) fact that he killed his own military and denied he had a son. How much closer to complete tyranny can you get? The fact that Jews in their bent, twisted, perverted ‘storytelling’ not only think they can rule a story by projecting their own guilt, but everything they do is in competition with The Almighty, to sit in His Seat and be God. The true understanding and description of anti Christ. The loathing projected because of the gold pieces they received to betray. The curse of betrayal, mammon and death especially toward Christians/Believers. The bombastic racism and hatred is seen and can be found anywhere except for usurpers like DM purposely here to steal the apple cart and replace it with rotten fruit. I am so used to these types, how much time they waste trying to control someones mind…with lies…serving their Satan well. As soon as they insert their debate (another word for manipulation) I know who and what they are. I appreciate your expounding of this important time as this is what explains and defines today’s communist take over of the west moving to the east. Judaism = Communism and their descendants were/are Bolsheviks pushing for Greater Israel by theft, murder and deception just as they desired before and after WWII with control over the world and its resources.

      1. Dear Sparrow. Because of a fast first reading on a cellphone, I misread “Uncle Jo” for an other “Uncle” to us Europeans; as equally close to a war criminal « par excellence » but one with a different first name: “(not so-) Frank…-lin Delano”… but was I so wrong after all?… thinking of the Pearl Harbor case, one could also safely bring forward that he too “killed his own military”. On these various points, I believe that you might like to hear what delightful Lady Diana Mitford (Unity’s older and possibly brighter sister) once had to say to a commie BBC ‘reporteress’:
        As for the rest of your text, I am, of course in full agreement with you.

        1. If Joe and Franklin did not work together, we would have a better world today. Another good book is “Day of Deceit”, written about 2000, about 50% documents released about 1995 on Pearl Harbor. FDR knew ~week in advance time/date of bombing. SAD sad world, and I live in the saddest country USA

        2. An excellent, comprehensive, study of something that any military analyst was able to figure out within forty-eight hours (when slow-witted): why where the essential ships (the aircraft carriers) conveniently off the harbour… and why were the planes congregated over the airfields like sitting ducks… which brings us to the essential question: why are people so blind!?

          And the answer is… because they are emotional…

  7. To Sparrow and to Monika:

    Over the last three years, it has suddenly dawned on me that, on this little planet, we might very well be sitting in a purgatory. I can see no other logical explanation to the nonsensical aspect of most of what is opposed to us and against which we have to fight.
    The interesting part of this hypothesis is that it fits as nicely with the Hindu Karmic explanation as with his lordship Richard Williamson’s view of things to come…

    To Monika: dear Monika… any chance to have a German translation of this lady’s open letter? I know of an elderly lady from „Ostpreußen“ who would very much appreciate my reading it to her… after all, she too has experienced similar ‘unpleasant’ sudden behavioural changes from people who were once enthusiastic about reasonably well-paid collaboration (Czechoslovakia being a good example of such). It is interesting to note the last advice given by the dying „Reichsprotektor“ Heydrich – a generally well-informed man – to his wife: “Leave Prague at once, go back to our home estate”.
    By the way… „Prag“ once was the most ancient university in German history…
    A Czech TV channel did an enlightening interview of Lina Heydrich. It can still be heard and watched at:

  8. ha ha Sparrow not so distinguished as that or whatever you call all that nonsense. lol. Sexuality in the third Reich!! or the the sex lives of mice!! No I’m only a humble storyteller and photographer, traveler and a one time musician You can find my innocuous blog on my profile.

    1. Dear ALL:
      How long have we known Dagmar? To pounce on the lady (which I feel she is) with our side of the truth hits her years of alleged brain washing hard. I went through 40 years of that brain washing and it took my best friend Harry, his mentor E.Zundel, many books and personal interviews with many National Socialist from Germany/France/Hungary/Holland and others. The jews did a fine job on me those 1st 40, and it took another 10 of looking on the other side.

      Using another jew lie, how many know the Titanic did not sink? It was the Olympic, for insurance money. There is as much suppressed evidence on that as Zundel/Leuchter did on the gas chambers. We must admit the jews are the GR8st (greatest) creative liars for $$$ (power, control, money).

      1. David, you are very kind to try to defend me although I may hold a different view and I accept the bashing, but yet my position is not against us all as human beings or against Germany for heaven sake. Yes, I’m a snowflake I guess who tries to see the good and/or the beautiful in a world that is probably heading for disaster. As I said before that no one has a monopoly on truth (red, yellow purple cars!?)I also say as human beings no one race has a monopoly on being evil. Look at what General Pol Pot did to his people in Cambodia or Mao Tse Tung in China , the Turks to the Armenians etc. Power and money always corrupt. We are all evil if given the chance and all noble as well. And to Ivernazza who is familiar with Hindu karma – all life is clouded by desire thus we are blinded.

        1. Pol Pot was an asset of the CIA and we all know who controls the USA. Israeli prime ministers have told us exactly who controls the USA.

      2. So David W., you’re saying the Captain, First Officer and the lookouts on the Titanic were all in on the insurance conspiracy? It, the Titanic, hit an iceberg, or more accurately, grazed it, because it couldn’t turn in time…period. That silly theory of what you state has been around for awhile.

        1. Your name seems to fit your personality. You writing you are nasty reminds me how much the jews always have to tell me they are jewish.

          You add much BS to what I wrote. I watched a documentary at the time of the 1st discovery of the alleged Titanic with a drone submarine. Since the documentary was removed immediately that the ship was the Olympic, why? Sounded jewish to me i.e. a cover up of a lie. jews are very NASTY that way.

  9. Dear Herta, Dear Monika,
    first: sorry for my bad and broken english! My mother was born too in Reichenberg (Sudetenland) in 1938. She an her sisters and parents must leave your homeland, a village in giant mountains, in 1946. I talked in 2015 with the neighbor (born in 1931 in Aussig, Sudetenland) from my parents. He told me: “I`ve seen how the czechs pushed the germans from the bridge in the river. I’ ve seen so many dead germans in the river Elbe. No one must say me what really happened in Sudetenland 1945.” I read some books about the eviction: Turnwald, Dokumente zur Austreibung der Sudetendeutschen; Resch-Rothenburg, Tage des Grauens; Thorwald, Die große Flucht. I never forget this! Horrendous! Dear Monika, your video “Sorry mum” was too a wake-up call for me! I had the short chance to meet your brother Alfred in 2018 and we talked a little bit. A great man! A hero! I hope the best for him! Best greetings from the Baltic Sea and best wishes for 2020, too for all people, on your website, whiche want truth and justice! Thomas

  10. after some deliberation I decided to add my two bits here. To Herta, I thought that the Munich Agreement (1938?) gave Sudetenland to Germany by agreement but not the whole of Czechoslovakia nor the whole of Poland. Let’s look at the bigger picture. As for the mistreatment of Germans in the New World, during and after WWII The Canadian and American Japanese were treated much worse than the Germans or Italians. Sadly this is the legacy of wars – yet we as humans don’t seem to learn and wish to resolve all differences with violence. As Ghandi said, “an eye for an eye only succeeds in making the whole world blind”

      1. and yet again no one answers direct to this poor blind mouse. what happened to the Munich agreement? (I do know some history- actually quite a lot and not just European ) and I will take a look but….. everyone seems so focused on one thing here ( this myth of German villainy) they don’t see the forest for the trees. Ok Iver, let me say a bit more and I have tried to look at your side of the propaganda as well. I’d like to know what ” truth and justice” really means? Everyone has their own viewpoint and everyone here seems to think Hitler was a victim, that Allied bombing was worse than Axis bombing – the Czechs killed the Germans in the end etc etc. If Hitler wanted “peace” as is said so often here I was curious as to why Hitler did not just take back Sudetenland ( to free Germans living there) as per the Munich Agreement but instead decided to invade Poland, Belgium, Netherlands, France, Greece,and finally (Communist) Russia ( a huge tactical error). Was he misunderstood by all allied countries and does he bear no responsibility for the deaths of his own people as well as thousands of others from other countries? Was he so desperate to preserve the honour and ethnicity of all Germans and that excuses everything? I am willing to concede that much may have been sensationalized as happens in war and that numbers may be incorrect but what I hear on this site is that all other accounts and experiences of the war are lies from everyone else except for the Germans?

      2. PS: here is another interesting bit of cheese. In post war USA former Nazi’s (scientists etc) were taken in to work for the government, no questions asked and no prosecution. They were there to help American with the Communist threat. The world is full of hypocrisy, I will give you that.

          1. Iver I am reading it online, and also before this I always felt Germany was unjustly blamed for WWI as well, but Bradberry is not a historian. but rather just someone who served and did some research. I do not disagree with some of what he is saying but I have always felt that “the truth” always lies somewhere between opposing ideologies. What I do find interesting is that everyone who totally supports this alternate version of events is always an anti-Semite or a white “supremacist(?)” My observation as an amateur historian anyway.

          2. According to you then, only someone who has some titles and letters behind their name are qualified?
            Everyone who disagrees with your version is always an “anti-Semite or a white supremacist(?)”. This is getting rather dull, dune mouse.

            That little meme about the truth-always-lies-somewhere-in-the-middle is such a cop-out. The truth is the truth is the truth. It is not somewhere in between truth and lies. It would be like two people arguing about the colour of a car they saw yesterday. One says it was red, the other says it was blue. Then you come along and say, oh no, it was purple.

            Enough already with your oh-so-conciliatory pretend-attitude about historical facts and fiction, and then the blanket smear about everyone supporting an alternate (to yours) version of events being “anti-Semitic” bla bla.

            Imagine there is a group of people who do such evil deeds that they make laws against pointing out those deeds. That is exactly what they are doing now, by passing laws against “anti-Semitism”. Did you know that being “anti-Semitic” in Bolshevik Russia carried the death penalty? Is that where we are headed?

            Those are rhetorical questions dune mouse. No need to answer.

          3. Monika, thank you for taking time to reply rhetorical or not and whether you agree with me or not. And thank God we aren’t in Bolshevik Russia I agree and if you mean painting swastika’s on synagogues or doing physical damage to Jews or their property then that should be punished by law. Speaking your “truth” should not be unless it falls under harassment or bullying. We are all human beings. I am not anti German and not anti Semitic either.

          4. Blind(?) Desert Mouse,

            Monika – who knows me well – will confirm to you (but no further – in the sense that I do not allow her to tell you on what grounds – so I am afraid that you shall have to take her word for it) why I am qualified to tell you:
            1. That all her points in her recent answer to you are perfectly valid;
            2. That everything that the unfortunately departed Benton L. Bradberry has written in his book has been well researched and perfectly documented and is therfore undisputable.

            And this will be the end of it.

            Enjoy discovering what is to be discovered through Bradberry’s perfectly honest and valuable work… or decide to carry on sleeping (…or trolling?).

    1. to the Dune Mouse: Somehow your history has been distorted for the same reason Monika has this blog. THE PROVERBIAL jew, or more truthful THE PERVERTED jew. Ethnic Germans and Italians born in the USA, USA citizens were put in USA internment camps numbering over 10,000 during WWII. Why don’t you know this? The PERVERTED jew media.

      After WWII many of the ethnic Germans born in the USA, imprisoned in the internment camps were sent back to Germany to starve to death in Eisenhower POW camps with German soldier POWs. Eisenhower (1\2 jew) did NOT have to follow Geneva Convention rules as the war was over. I personally knew of 2 Germans that died in one of those camps, because a brother of the 2 escaped. German suffering is hidden from the USA press because the USA press is controlled by jews. This is why Monika has this blog, to show the jew lies.

      Years after the end of WWII the “compassionate” USA government award every Japanese imprisoned $20,000.oo or in today’s inflated money over $100,000.oo. Hey, what about the Germans imprisoned? A German took this question to USA federal court, the court said the $$$ was only for the Japanese and the US Supreme Court refused to hear the case. Dune Mouse, this is why Monika has this blog, to show the inequalities for the jew controlled courts and media in what you call the New World. These jew rodents are everywhere of power in the USA today. And probably in Canada too, EH

      In 2019 in Longview, WA our local newspaper printed a Japanese decedent was speaking at the Longview Library and in print wrote “NO Germans were imprisoned in interment camps during WWII”. I Google’d and printed out the Truth, took it to the lecture. The Japanese man refused to read it, so I got up and read to all attending. The Jap man did not interrupt me as I thought he might. Immediately afterwords got a max. “letter to the editor” published where the editor agreed with me. So now the Japanese Americans are working with the perverted jew media?

      Thank you Dune Mouse for sending me this blog URL. Monika, you were sending me these, why am I NOT being sent them anymore? Anyone wishing documentation to anything I write, please click on my WordPress picture. My goal in life is to support only TRUTH, specially in history and to show people like Dagmar aka Dune Mouse the lies of the PERVERTED jews of the N(j)ew World Order. Dagmar is a brilliant, nice lady. We have been corresponding on regular email often. And yes, I did let Monika know my Quisling background. Be patient with Dagmar, her problem is she has been brainwashed like I was for my 1st 40 years..

      1. David, to your question why you are NOT being sent the blog notices anymore – I have no idea. Did wordpress mess with the “follow” setting, that people are no longer getting notices of new postings? It was not me personally sending any notices out. If you “follow”, then notices should be sent automatically by wordpress. Try again, with the “follow” button. Thanks!

      2. Just a reply to David before I sink into silence, It is important to keep an open debate I feel and David has been very fair in our discussion though we may not agree on everything ( of course lol). I appreciate his willingness to discuss his experiences and reasoning and answer my questions without anger or condescension against me. I always am curious as to how people come to their conclusions, whether I agree or not. As I said before I don’t think anyone has a monopoly on “truth” in the human experience as we all have our own perspectives, histories and prejudices etc that have been part of us in our lives.
        The Japanese suffered the worst during that time period. They really were looked on as aliens. Many of them lost everything ( assets) whereas Germans and Italians were sometimes cleared and sent back home from internment camps. However,I don’t know why a Japanese person would believe that others weren’t also sent to Internment camps in Canada and USA. Likewise you can’t blame those who suffered during that tragic time for their prejudices though we always hope we can rise above that and as time has passed to forgive and move on. Reconciliation with others is not easy.
        Now as for the Bradberry book, speaking from experience unfortunately in order to have “academia” take a work like that seriously a historical background is usually necessary. So often these writings don’t make it into the mainstream because of that.

        1. This remark is probably what the catholic church tried to serve on Galileo Galilei… it is dangerously flirting with the argument of authority. In my careers (both military and civilian) I have been confronted to many dangerously overqualified idiots… one of which I was on the edge of shooting (I was then living in a country where it was still acceptable do away with a damaging twit – lots of fresh diplomas… very little common sense)… we finally had to fire him instead of simply dispatching him with a few grams of lead… it only cost us a million US$ (of 1988) and, yes, the powerful company could easily mop up such a puny loss).
          On the evening of September 11, 2001, I told the following joke to Number three of a well-advertised intel agency (Douglas, if you’re reading this, I wish you all the best… we really had great times by the sea):
          “Holmes and Watson are out camping on a cold winter night. A nudge from Holmes wakes the good doctor:
          – Watson… do look above and tell me what you make of it.
          – It is a beautiful, clear, winter night sky… one can see the full northern hemisphere and it looks as if not a single celestial body is missing from the picture. I believe that tomorrow will be a splendid, cold but sunny, day.
          – Jolly good, Watson; an excellent work of deduction, bare one detail… Someone has stolen the tent.”
          This story sent my friend roaring with laughter… “I am going to make this story mandatory to the rookies when they come to [xxx]. I just love it when they come in their pin-striped suits with their attaché-cases in which – if you’re lucky – you may find an apple, a pair of scissors and a bundle of string. They’re fresh from college… they know it all… and yet… they understand nothing…”

          Take care and keep trying hard. It has been nice reading you.

      3. I’m curious. Would this ‘Dagmar’ aka DuneMouse be Dagmar Herzog?
        Dagmar Herzog (born 1961) is Distinguished Professor of History and the Daniel Rose Faculty Scholar at the Graduate Center, City University of New York.[1] She has published extensively on the histories of sexuality and gender, psychoanalysis, theology and religion, Jewish-Christian relations and Holocaust memory, and she has edited anthologies on sexuality in the Third Reich, sexuality in twentieth-century Austria, and the Holocaust….

        Also the author of [] ???

        If so that’s all we need to know…

        1. To Sparrow: I do not think you are correct with Dr. Herzog being Dagmar, but maybe. I have no idea though. I think Dr. Herzog would have read my email on the Jap/Nazi USA interment camps more carefully. Dagmar did NOT seem to see the issues of the $20,000.oo or the Japanese/American propaganda against the Germans going today.

          Dagmar is “keeping her eye on the sparrow” as that religious song goes. That mention is to put a smile on Dagmar’s face. (my humor Monika)

      4. ivernazza…so let mine to you count 🙂 One thing I don’t do with ‘debaters’ is debate truth. That is an unlimited jew trap wrapped in cellophane tongue twisting lies to obfuscate reality. Let’s say I like to de-bait them as lies always fall prostrate in the end. That is what dune mouse does…purposely ignore fact and prefer fiction on not the side of the suffering but favorable for the side of the guilty. She can keep an eye on me but won’t be able to respond. I’ve been around for awhile, just not always commenting. Learned a lot through dear Monika and Alfred, followed the news when she was in prison and prayed for her release and now Alfred’s. This is what happens when we stand on conviction…but for me there is no where else to go. Here’s to hoping for all out mutiny of our military…otherwise they have become my enemy too along with the jew infested corrupt filthy perverted immoral bloodthirsty thieves that they are. As far as the Japs in their silence and negation of the Germans after WWII…all I can say when I read that was “pay off” somehow worked for them. It was crime after crime against so many that this heinous jew controlled government has perpetrated to pour out the guilt of it on the stupid sheep. When will morality trump absolute evil and the common good in humanity…I sometimes lose hope. Nice to meet you and everyone here…and a special good wish to dear Monika…stay strong!

  11. Dear hurting Herta, Just so you know, not all Canadians hate Germans. I love my German friends, and appreciate reading your letter. A very sad one, but truth is precious. It’s wonderful to know there are still some German people alive who experienced Hitler’s goodness, and who are willing to speak out in defense of a man who, in my opinion, was definitely vilified into a monster by the liars who wrote the “history”! The advent of the internet was the best thing going to bring out the truths that have been covered up for so long!

    Monika, thanks for sharing this letter. I think I’ll do the same.

    1. Thank you Sparrow. I just happened to come across that Christians for truth link yesterday. I started listening to Eustace on the internet 10 years ago. Later found Rick Adams and Andy Hitchcock, John Kaminski and so on.

      Thanks again, God bless

  12. Thank you for sharing your perspective of having grown up in the Sudetenland region before and after the 2nd World War. You were in your early teens in 1946, and I had just been born in the Southeastern United States. I hope you had a good and blessed Christmas season.

    While you and your husband were relocating to Canada I was in my late twenties, and conscientiously objecting to military service in Southeast Asia. However, I never questioned the righteousness of of my father’s WW2 military service before I was born. My understanding was that the Germans under Hitler were under the evil spell of the horrible monster, who invaded Poland and all those countries in Europe and had the Germans idolizing him as a god, kind of like the Japanese worshipped their emperor. The Germans and Japs had to be stopped, and my father had served honorably and bravely in a noble cause. He had helped save us from the Nazis. I always thought that.
    It was all in my mother’s high school current events scrapbook she put together in the 1930’s (I still have it). It was in my high school history classes before social studies replaced history. And of course it was at the movies all the time. Still is.

    If it were not for the internet I would still be believing all that. Still much I fail to understand. I never knew Czechs had invaded Sudetenland. I thought the map had been re-drawn by the malefactors at Versailles.

    Anyway, I hope by the grace of God the European people’s will have hope and a future restored. Thank you for your very interesting letter.

  13. Es treibt einem die Tränen in die Augen. Frau Ruthard ist Teil der Generation, die alles erlebt haben. Leider ist diese Generation nun müde. Sie ist müde des Lebens und der Hoffnung. Wir danken ihnen für die unzähligen Opfer, die sie für uns erbracht haben.

    Nun ist die Zeit gekommen für den Endkampf. Diesen Kampf wird die Jugend ausfechten müssen. Und sie wird ihn gewinnen!

    GruSS aus dem besetzten Deutschland
    Henry Hafenmayer

    1. Dear brother…as an American and a witness to ‘Occupied Deutschland’ (via ex-US military spouse)…it was the First awakening for me to the beginning understanding of the real truth that has been hidden for so long. It was my Deutsch landlord (an ex-Nazi Navy) who began to open my eyes with sincere loving understanding I was open to. As I witnessed constant protests outside US/Allied bases, I took the side of the citizens who were occupied (by us) and how I would hate it too. It wasn’t until the internet that my eyes and heart became one with the truth. In short I want to say how sorry I am as an American for my evil government. I vote no more because I am totally against them and wait for their fall. My hope for Deutschland and her volk to be completely LIBERATED! I was liberated by my temporary stay there. And most of all I met the most wonderful and kind volk (very similar to my American/German grandmother whose grandfather emigrated (with her father and siblings) to America. VIVA DEUTSCHLAND SIEG HEIL!

    2. Gebet

      O Herr gib uns den Moses wieder
      auf daß er seine Glaubensbrüder
      Fortführe ins gelobte Land.
      Laß auch das Meer sich wieder teilen
      auf daß die beiden Wassersäulen
      feststehen wie eine Felsenwand.
      Und wenn di ganze Judenschar
      dann drin ist in der Wasserfalle
      dann o Herr mach die Klappe zu
      und alle Völker haben Ruh.

      Autor unbekannt

  14. Excellent letter. I accept it as true.
    However, in regard to those two scum females in the photo, it’s a safe bet that they are not Germans, they are enemy jews.

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