Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Villain and Victim Reversal

“The Jews have used our good qualities against us — our high empathy and high trust. Those qualities… serve us very well when we are amongst our own people. When we are infiltrated by an enemy, those qualities can be used against us.” ~Monika

A listener of Blood River Radio sent a thoughtful comment directed at me. Host Eddie “the Bombardier” Miller forwarded it to me, which prompted me to write back. Eddie felt it worthy to read my letter aloud on his show, and so that gave me the idea to publish it. 

Excerpts from the commenter’s letter comes first, followed by my response.

April 27, 2021

Hello Monika:

I was thinking of you this morning. I’ve enjoyed your presence on Blood River Radio- a welcome place of refuge for the constantly vilified German. Recently I came across a book called Political Ponerology by Andrew Lobaczewski. On its cover were sinister looking portraits of many “evil political psychopaths” from past centuries and as sadly expected, Adolf Hitler was shown among that crew of miscreants.

In my last letter to you in May, 2020 I said nothing of the Covid fiasco which has dragged on now for well over a year. I’m not sure where you stand on the “must get vaccinated” issue, I assume you will not be taking the jab, I most certainly will not. I’m sure you’re aware that there exists a clear demarcation between the mainstream narrative and those seeking to expose the hoax that is the Covid “virus” with the latter being severely censored.

I’m again troubled that so many “Truthers” continue to invoke Hitler and the Nazis when speaking of the fake crisis. People like Vernon Coleman a respected British MD; the Health Ranger-Mike Adams; the Libertarian Tom Woods and many, many others who provide otherwise sound information about the crisis yet insist on taking the smear-Nazi-Germany route in order to arouse their viewers. I believe you have said many times that the holocaust is the ultimate “linchpin” to understanding truth about recent world history. I agree and would augment that sentiment by saying that the holocaust is also the ultimate “third rail” that neutralizes all reasonable discussion. If more people could remove the blinders from their eyes concerning National Socialism and Adolf Hitler they would recognize that Germany in the 1930’s exposed the very same criminal cabal the “truthers” of today are trying desperately to identify. NS Germany was not part of the cabal but should be recognized as the heroes they truly were.

Was it in one of Hitler’s Table-Talk speeches where he spoke of the innocence and gullibility of the German people and how their kind nature could easily be taken advantage of particularly by unscrupulous Jews? In his book when analyzing the psychopath one of the main points Mr. Lobaczewski elucidates is how ordinary people who have a good moral compass are manipulated by the psychopath. I see a pattern here, one that indicates Germany as the Moral Compass people and another group that behaves as the psychopath. We understand how Jewish Hollywood to this day continues to portray Germans as villains and Jews as poor victims. Yes, the holocaust must – and one day will – see the light of truth and then maybe the Covid nonsense can also be resolved. I’m not holding my breath though I remain positive in the battle!

Nochmals vielen Dank für Ihre Ehrlichkeit und Ihre Hilfe bei der Verbreitung der Wahrheit. Gott mit uns!
[translation: Again, many thanks for your honesty and your help in spreading the truth. God with us!~ed.]

Dear Kurt,

Thank you so very much for your insightful message which Eddie has forwarded to me. What you quote from Hitler about the innocence and gullibility of Germans is profound, and no doubt in large part the reason that the Jews have enjoyed being amongst the Germans so very much. The host that has treated them the best, is the biggest target for extermination for the psychopathic Jews. It is so perverse, that it makes it even harder for “normies” to recognize the lies, because it is nearly impossible to believe that there can be such evil.

And so it is that this evil psychopathic group has made the innocent and gullible German out to be the biggest villain there ever was, and the greatest tragedy of all is that so many Germans believe that of themselves! My relatives included.

My way of expressing it has been like this: the Jews have used our good qualities against us – and I am talking about the white race in general, but Germans are at the heart of this – our high empathy and high trust. Those are qualities which we have, and they serve us very well when we are amongst our own people. When we are infiltrated by an enemy, those qualities can be used against us. The Jews are experts at that, aren’t they! By way of deception….

So, essentially, our high trust turns into gullibility, and our empathy is turned against us by putting the guilt onto us for all the alleged bad deeds we have done. We go out and save everybody else, or we invite the world into our countries, we volunteer for all the third worlders either in our countries or in theirs, etc etc etc.

Like you, I am also troubled by all the excellent truth-tellers on the Covid Hoax who feel they need to pull out the “bad Nazi” card, or the “bad Hitler” card. Everything is compared to the Nazis or to Hitler, in an attempt to arouse their listeners. I call them out every single chance I get. I send comments, or emails, or try to find a way to communicate with them. Sometimes I have had success. Then I know that they genuinely didn’t know. Everyone is on a learning curve. I get that. BUT, if they are not receptive to learning, then I think they are controlled opposition.

Thanks again for your message.

Gott mit uns,

3 Responses

    Very deceptive.
    They use our altruism against us.

    Their greed to take possession of all the world’s wealth knows no bounds..
    That is why Jew “Klaus Schwab” hiding behind a German sounding name, founder of the “World Economic Forum”(WEF) and his cronies tell us “You will own nothing and you will be happy”

    The end result is meant to be total enslavement of the “goyim” to the Jewish overlords who want to own and control everything. “Every Jew a god and every non-Jew a slave” (Babylonian Talmud)

    No true freedom left.

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