Free Speech Monika

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Videos with Prof. Anthony Hall, Brian Ruhe / Podcast with Commander Dan

Professor Anthony Hall invited me to join with him to discuss current issues on the Brian Ruhe Show recently. We had this discussion in two parts. 

Part 1 – Coronavirus & Crime – Prof. Tony Hall and Monika Schaefer

Video description: Part One. Anthony Hall and Monika Schaefer discuss the frauds and misrepresentations permeating the supposed “pandemic” of COVID-19.
A primary focus is the global resistance coalescing against unjustified impositions like lockdowns and masking. Such draconian measures are being pushed on populations in the name of an engineered health crisis. A spotlight is placed on the extensive organization of truth-telling medical professionals in Germany. Of special interest are the comments of Robert F. Kennedy in Berlin as well as the arrest in London of Dr. Heiko Schöning. Dr. Schöning is one of the catalysts in the genesis of the World Alliance of Doctors.

With interventions from Brian Ruhe, Monika and Tony discuss developments in Germany where Monika, a Canadian citizen, was recently incarcerated for clearly articulating her views of the National Socialist treatment of Jews during the era of Hitlerian rule. Prof. Hall adds some remarks in the video. He refers to a related campaign aimed at muzzling him at an Alberta university. His alleged crime was to have declared his view that academic freedom should extend to open debate on the Holocaust and on every other subject for that matter.

Part 2 – Corona Virus & Crimes Against Humanity – Prof. Anthony Hall and Monika Schaefer

Video description: Part Two. Oct. 29, 2020
Anthony Hall and Monika Schaefer discuss the frauds and misrepresentations permeating the supposed “pandemic” of COVID-19. A spotlight is placed on the extensive organization of truth-telling medical professionals in Germany.

Along with contributions from Brian Ruhe, Monika and Tony continue their conversation initiated in Part One. Featured segments include Dr. Heiko Schöning’s remarks as he emerges from a London jail. Dr. Schöning initiates a conversation joined by Brian and Monika on Tony’s text, “Lockdowns, Coronavirus and Banking: Follow the Money.” Monika raises the issue of psychological traumas that inevitably arise in any conversation involving German history.

This video highlights an excerpt from an important discourse presented by German lawyer, Reiner Fuellmich. He describes the development of a major court procedure to hold the guilty parties accountable for purposeful fear mongering aimed at forcing economic lockdowns and mandatory vaccines on whole populations. The massive devastation created by such measures is integral to what he refers to as “the biggest crime against humanity in history.”

Podcast with Commander Dan

Here is an extra: It is a three and a quarter hour podcast of a conference call with Pastor Dan on By Yahweh’s Design. The cobbler Ryan Vale joined us to tell the story of how a fully-burka’d provocateur eventually led to his business lease in Edmonton being terminated. Frank Frost also joined us to tell about his intervention in a pedophilia and murder case, and how the totally corrupt court inverted the case, which led to his incarceration. It was a classic case of shooting the messenger. This marathon session went by quickly, as the discussion was never boring. Here is the link.

3 Responses

  1. I just watched both videos. They were as they say both entertaining and informative. Is it a theory when they conspire in front of you? The way that they did on the internet during event 201. Good day Monika.

  2. Hi Monika. Was just listening to part 2 when I noticed (@4:49) the two white women with bi-racial children (brown) in the back ground which is subliminally sending home this agenda. I share your suspicions with Dr. Shoning as it seems to be a pattern. There are certain words or phrases that pop up in a speech or conversation that are red flags for me too. That’s why I was disgusted when RFK jr brought up the fearful ‘Nazi’s’ at the beginning of his speech in Berlin when it CLEARLY was not needed. Keep up the steadfastness in conviction Monika…you paid the price for it. God Bless. PS…RFK Jr. is not ‘AntiVax’…he believes in ‘safe vaccines’ (in which I don’t).

    1. Thanks, yes, there are these “red flags”. The “nazi card” is one such red flag. And I have also heard that about RFK Jr, that he is not anti-vax.

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