Free Speech Monika

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Victory! Lady Renouf vindicated over Dresden speech

After 32 months German courts back down, Renouf acquitted

This article is reprinted from the Role Model on Trial blog.
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In a last minute reversal, German prosecutors and a district court judge in Dresden have ended their criminal case against Lady Michèle Renouf, terminating a 32-month process, days before it was to come to trial.
Having arrested and charged Lady Renouf in 2018 immediately after her impromptu speech at a commemoration in Dresden, German prosecutors opened proceedings a year later under Germany’s notorious §130 Volksverhetzung law alleging “public incitement”, but the case has now ended without Lady Renouf being found guilty of any offence. (She has had to pay only a modest fee for the costs of a translator.)
“This decision was extraordinary – almost sensational”, says Wolfram Nahrath (Lady Renouf’s German attorney) who points out that such an ACQUITTAL of the charges in a ‘Holocaust’-related trial is a first in Germany. [emphasis mine ~MS] The German authorities did not want to take the risk of putting Lady Renouf on trial, given her background and the German constitutional issues that would inevitably be highlighted.
The §130 Volksverhetzung law has been used to jail German scientists, authors and even lawyers in recent years. ‘Holocaust’-related offences of ‘public incitement’ almost inevitably lead to long prison sentences.
Yet the unique circumstances of Lady Renouf and her 2018 Dresden speech led prosecutors to withdraw.
The blog and related social media accounts will examine the extraordinary fabric of the Renouf case and explain why the German state chose to throw in the towel.


M.S.: To see the 6 minute video of Attorney Wolfram Nahrath speak after the acquittal, please go to the original article linked above, or view it on youtube entitled “Dresden Victory – Attorney Wolfram Nahrath reports German prosecutors’ surrender in the Renouf case”.

Please see my previous article about the Dresden event. Within that article you will find a written description of the Lady Renouf speech, as well as a link to the video of her giving the speech.

Many more articles and videos about Lady Michèle Renouf can be found at 

Addition: Updated 16 November 2020

Video of discussion regarding this acquittal Monika Schaefer with Brian Ruhe on The Brian Ruhe Show.

14 Responses

  1. # (((the Jewish usurpers)))
    and if I may add – It’s tiresome… (yes, maybe these thoughts too)
    It’s sickening to see how the Germans, ‘German’ authorities (German only by name) always get the blame for what (((the Jewish usurpers))) do to the country, to the enslaved German nation, and to all of Europe.

    Isn’t it almost as bad in Britain?
    Who is in power there? Jez Bedford-Turner was sentenced to one year in prison simply for publicly stating and criticising the obvious: the Jewish powers that should not be. So – you should all know how the Jewish tyranny feels like.
    (((The Beast – the Jewish Money Power))) resides in “the City” of Babylon/don, its tentacles are everywhere. The tight grip of debt slavery forced upon the nations. There isn’t a British government either. Everywhere selected puppets on strings. That’s how autocracy – ‘demoncracy’ works. The British monarchy is totally compromised, de-legitimized, too.

    Prince Philipp said he wanted to be reborn as a ‘deadly virus’. The “NWO” genocide agenda backed by the British monarchy? What ought to have caused an outrage got totally ignored? I wonder how Prince William can give ‘legitimacy’ to Rothschild’s fiefdom named ‘Israel’ without having any credibility himself? Bowing his knees in Yad Vashem, married to a Jewess Kate Middleton, their children ‘Jews’ who will be claiming a ‘right to return’ to Palestine?

    A ‘King William’ or their son the future ‘King of the Jew World Order’, crowned in Jerusalem?

    Would the British and ‘Commonwealth’ ‘subjects’ bow their knees to that Beast, claiming to be the ‘Lion king of Judah’? Would they fall for that Walt Disney Hollywood epos? Or would they see through the game? Would they see how wrong it is?

    Shakespeare’s Macbeth explains why. Traitors eventually meet their fate; traitors committing betrayal and regicide are rejected, hated not loved.
    The legitimacy of monarchs has always been about bloodline. The wrong bloodline, a mixed up, ‘contaminated’ bloodline destroys the legitimacy. That’s the ancient tradition of the European kings and queens – reaching far back in history.

    (((The Jewish usurpers))) so called ‘court Jews’ sneaking in, taking over by bribery and inter-marriage, making themselves nobles, kings and even popes – is a completely different story. (((They))) call it “New World Order”. The overthrow of the ancient order by violent and cultural revolutions and two world wars***

    Shakespeare’s Globe theatre –
    Shakespeare – ‘shaking spear’ – in fear of ‘the Jews’?
    Whoever the author behind the pseudonym was – he knew what the problems of the Elizabethan age were and he pointed them out in his plays – for ex the drama ‘Romeo and Juliet’ – There was no union, no love story with a happy ending possible between Romeo Montague (Jew – of the so called Black Nobility – Cromwell brought the expelled Jews back into England again – they rose under King Henry VIII – Queen Elizabeth I) and Juliet Capulet (Christian) Or vice versa between a Jewess and a Christian – death was seen as the only solution – no mixing of different races.

    The modern British monarchy wants to be ‘inclusive’ – ‘racially mixed’. Both princes William and Harry married Jewesses. Communist Cultural Marxism on steroid. The ultimate takeover. The British monarchy, the House of Lords, the British nobility has become mostly Jewish by inter-marriage. They have de-legitimized themselves.

    Vindictive Jews label such a statement: ‘racist’, ‘anti-Semitic’, ‘non-inclusive’, ‘intolerant’! oy vey, oy vey. We must be ‘tolerant’, ‘all-inclusive’? Why should we? To allow ourselves be destroyed? There is nothing wrong with making a factually correct statement – how it traditionally has always been and should continue to be. Traditionally-minded Brits will know that. No resistance against this onslaught of insanity by ‘Cultural Marxism’? which is destroying the fabric of white Christian society and traditional monarchy…***

    As for the Germans – If there should ever be a return to the monarchy – a constitutional monarchy maybe – hopefully, king and emperor will come from a bloodline which is uncompromised – and he will be acknowledged by all his people. It didn’t occur to me until recently how extremely important this tradition for our ancestors was – the tradition to protect the ancient bloodline – very biblical (OT) – Is it because they were Christians – or did they live that way already before they became Christians? The latter I guess. It’s all about legitimacy. And legitimacy came with the bloodline. There was the concept of ‘Königsheil’. Protection for the tribe by the legitimate king/ruler – and that’s very ancient.***

    1. Keep your notes and writings Freya…they will not be in vain. For I believe you were born for such a time as this. May The Almighty fulfill His Plan for you. Truth Will Prevail friend!!! It Will… It’s a Promise and I see it happening in so many ways. Keep your Faith and your love for Justice. The ever so vexed and patient Martin Luther fulfilled God’s Plan, and that fulfillment is still in action just as our Messiah is. Thank you for using the divine gift given. There is an Arabic word used for steadfastness…Sumoud…shared with me by a Palestinian. And I remember it everyday I lose hope. Sumoud dear Freya. May we all be Liberated by the lies that oppress us. God Bless
      PBS – Martin Luther – Complete documentary. (Parts 1 & 2)

  2. quote from The blog:
    “Now those same German authorities are seeking revenge in a wholly unwarranted prosecution of a British citizen for a perfectly normal and reasonable (though unplanned and unprepared) speech in Dresden two years ago, a speech intended as a humble acknowledgment of British guilt and contrition for a terrible crime against German civilians committed 75 years ago.”

    “seeking revenge”?
    With all due respect – but that’s a totally twisted and wrong perspective.
    The so called ‘German’ authorities are (((Jewish dominated))) – which should tell it all! Please, don’t consider a ‘German’ government, ‘German’ chancellor what is German only by name, in fact Jewish Ashke”nazi”, Communist, Zionist and anti-German! Death angel Morekill (her mother was a Polish Jewess) is (((the Jewish usurper))) of the German government which should explain her anti-German genocidal policy flooding the country with alien invaders (“no limitations”). It goes without saying that the Jewish Zionist Communist anti-German politics imposed upon the German people – a hidden tyranny since 1945, an open tyranny since 2015 – do not serve the German national interest but totally ignore it. The ethnic Germans are being denigrated, insulted, the dead and the alive ones, legally prosecuted if they dare openly and publicly speak in favour of the German people! Our true history! They are in immediate danger of being smeared as “right wing extremists”, “evil Nazis” who must be hounded and expunged. What German patriots say in public gets falsely quoted to denigrate their completely reasonable approach (for example Björn Höcke, AfD). Patriotic Germans get criminalized and penalized for honouring and commemorating the dead of WW2. It’s almost as if we already have open season on the ethnic Germans as “Antifa” Communists are allowed to publicly push for German genocide, for white genocide by shouting slogans such as “Never again Germany”, “No borders – No nations”, “Bomber Harris, DO IT AGAIN!”, “We love Volkstod!”, “Abtreibung bis zum Volkstod!” – “Antifa” agitators are never charged under para 130 ‘public incitement to hatred’ (“Volksverhetzung”) law – they are part of the system, the Communist Jewish RED TERROR tyranny, now going into overdrive under cover of a “Covid 19 virus” scamdemic.

    Lady Michele Renouf’s honest and brave remarks are well received and fully understood by those who see the full scope of what is at stake – for all white nations. Not only the German people – the whole white race is now being targeted for annihilation! Know your enemy! Better not fall into the same old traps (“Divide and rule”) all over again. We need to learn from our errors and come together in a common effort to free our nations and all of humanity from global slavery (“N/Jew World Order”), a planned genocide on a global scale, a plan to “cull down” the world’s population to a more ‘managable’ level – ‘United Nations’-“population reduction” plan… ‘Georgia Guidestones’… the insanity of Talmudic psychopaths – global slave masters – who claim to be the (((gods of the planet”))).

    Not ‘revenge’ – truth and justice is what the Germans are yearning for. Not at all easy for those allied enemies of two world wars who are not prepared to face up to the truth. The truth about our true WW1 + 2 history, about mass murdering soldiers, they call ‘boys’ and are used to celebrate as war heroes. It would be way better to call them out for the inhumane war crimes they keep committing, and stop them from being trained to become killer robots for the “Jew World Order”. The bombing of the German cities by the Second World War allies has effectively become a precedent for war crimes against civilians including the wars against Gaza, Lebanon, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria. The genocidal onslaught on the Palestinian people by the criminal state of (fake) Israel, the non-stop wars in the Middle East for Zionist world domination (Yinon Plan, PNAC) must be stopped. All countries ought to be free from foreign occupation.

    Lady Renouf’s celebrity status worked in her favour, her trial would have focused worldwide media and public attention on the extraordinary (((Jewish))) laws – not German – that deny normal historical debate and rational argument. The jewdiciary could not have held a secret lynch trial the German (Austrian, Canadian) defendants have been faced with since the Nuremberg lynch trials set the precedent in 1945. The persecution against historical sceptics (WW1 + 2 revisionism), the jailing of Ernst Zündel, Germar Rudolf, Wolfgang Fröhlich, Gerd Honsik, Monika and Alfred Schaefer, Ursula Haverbeck, including the lawyers Horst Mahler and Silvia Stolz, and many more… did not get much media attention, hushed up and swept under the carpet… The general public is not supposed to know…
    (((The Jewish usurpers))) feared to be caught in flagrante by the light of publicity shone on the outrageous bending of the law: free speech forbidden – evidence forbidden – self-defence forbidden – Imagine a so called ‘judge’ shouting “I want to give you a warning. That’s new crime”! “new crime”! at the defendants trying to explain and defend themselves in court. The Schaefer siblings trial has been one of the latest examples of this blatant miscarriage of justice! There was no fair trial! The Canadian consulate was forbidden to be observer at the Schaefer trial! Could the British consulate be treated likewise? Quite unlikely.
    (((The Jewish usurpers))) could not as easily have followed through their usual procedure of how they incarcerate innocent people (((The controllers))) might not have been able to totally control the uncontrollable. They had to fear a worldwide media fallout, a public uproar – that’s why they bowed down – did not risk to put Lady Renouf on trial, withdrew, threw in the towel, backed down…

  3. It is now ‘common knowledge’ that truth, justice, laws and the legal system in Germany have been perverted by anti-Germans, who should be identified. At the previous Dresden Commemoration a lying ‘German’ politician staed that Dresden was a retribution because Germany started the war. He thereby slandered Germans and should be charged under section 130.

  4. A.Merkel’s Communist RED TERROR regime – an open Jewish tyranny since 2015 – is crumbling under the heavy load of lies – lies – lies… Just stating the truth – what really happened in WW2, in Dresden and in over 160 German cities firebombed by the Zionist controlled Anglo-Americans – historical facts deeply burnt into the collective German memory – facts which n o b o d y can deny… no court on earth – the unprecedented mass murder of hundreds of thousands of defenceless civilians, women, children… hushed up allied war crimes – was the best move of Lady Michele Renouf to make – it’s a breakthrough. For a l l of us! The beginning of freedom and healing… of relations on the basis of honesty, truth – as inconvenient as this might be. It’s not the nations, it’s the perpetrators behind who are to blame – and must be stopped.

    And BTW – what (((the overlords – BRD = Banditen regieren Deutschland))) call Germany now is not a state – behind our backs they have privatised everything – transformed everything into COMPANIES! we Germans don’t have a constitution – the FRAUD committed against the German people is HUGE… a lot has to be done… and justice must be served. I can see the light in the tunnel…

  5. The German prosecuter backed down, scared to cause a public outcry. Since when needs the truth a law ? Santa Justicia was never independent. Criminals are on the top and decent people are in jail! That is life in Absurdistan !

  6. It’s good that Lady Renouf is free and clear. BTW my YouTube channels are now smoked I believe. I guess my Remembrance day special was a bit much. I’ll wait and see. Time to change venues. Good day Monika, you will be back up on the screen again on my new channel. I’ll keep you informed.

    1. That’s too bad about your channel being taken down. I saw that you sent me something by email and I did not yet have the chance to watch it. Oh darn, I missed it.

  7. Vindication for Lady Renouf means conviction and declaration of Dresden war crimes. Truth will prevail. Thank you Monika for posting updates to Ursula Haverbeck too. May she also see vindication. God Bless

  8. “Every person shall have the right freely to express and disseminate his opinions in speech, writing, and pictures and to inform himself without hindrance from generally accessible sources. Freedom of the press and freedom of reporting by means of broadcasts and films shall be guaranteed. There shall be no censorship.” – German Constitution, Art. 5

  9. Thank you for posting this news, Monika. Have been stressed waiting to find out what was going to happen to Michèle.


    Lady Renouf vindicated over Dresden speech
    After 32 months German courts back down, Renouf acquitted

    After so many brave truth tellers went to jail, this is a major victory.

    Brava, Michèle!
    Bravo, attorney Wolfram Nahrath!

  10. I heard the speech of Lady Renouf on video. She exactly described the historically truth of the “toasting” of “600.000 refugees from Breslau” in Dresden, as Churchill demanded – plus 300.000 of the inhabitants of Dresden.
    This was the directive for this mass murder of civilians – the singular biggest and one of the ugliest war crime killing in human history.
    All this is layed down in the book “Cruel Britania” by the most valued british war historian.
    By making the pure speaking out of this event a criminal case everything is said to characterize the FRG and it’s strange dogmas and postulations concerning history.
    It’s disgusting! So guess who is reponsible for this nonsense…

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