Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Ursula, Sylvia and Horst – Political Prisoners Update

Three of our political prisoners in Germany are soon to be released from their prison cells out into…. the open air prison of Corona World.

It needs be said and repeated: these political prisoners are incarcerated for words. They have reached different conclusions about our world and about history from what is prescribed in the main stream. They had the nerve to talk about it. They are in jail for words. Peaceful expression of ideas, facts, conclusions. Simply words. The truth.

The information in this brief update is what I have gathered to be accurate to the best of my knowledge. If there are errors, please let me know in the comments.

Horst Mahler will be released October 27, 2020 from the Brandenburg / Havel prison. He has been in jail for over 10 years in total. Despite his poor health, the “authorities” never relented in their persecution of Horst.

Ursula Haverbeck will be released November 5, 2020 from Bielefeld prison. She is over 90 years old. It seems political prisoners never get early parole. She will be in court again on November 17, 2020, in Berlin.

Sylvia Stolz was given an 18 month jail sentence which began May 23, 2019. That should mean a release date of November 23, 2020. 

Those three political prisoners will be “free”, thank God. 

Alfred Schaefer still sits in jail, just over half way through a 4 year sentence. Address here.

Hervé Ryssen is a prolific writer in France who has just recently been incarcerated. His books tell the truth about those who wish to enslave us all.

Matt Hale has been in prison for 17 years in the USA, for a crime he did not commit. He also is a political prisoner, facing a 40 year sentence. 

This list is not at all comprehensive. There are more. These are only the ones I am most familiar with.

These political prisoners are heroes one and all, for having the courage to speak truth in an age of deceit. 

39 Responses

  1. Bravo, Monika! You dared to speak the truth about the HoloHoax, and now you dare to reveal the nonsense of the Plandemic. Did we have a world-wide flu epidemic? Yeah; I got it last year, was miserable for about a month, then it went away. Whoop-de-do. What we’re seeing now is indeed draconian government control, and it’s not likely to go away.

    1. Thank you so much for that video.
      For other reader’s info: the speech is in German, but is translated into English intermittently, so please do not give up on the video right at the start, just because you do not understand German. The translations come.

  2. How does one compromise themselves to a degree of working for the enemy?

    These kidnapped scientists were lifelong captives. We cannot know what they went through.

    Those are to blame who use these hoaxes to deceive the whole world, and extort and steal trillions…How many “went missing” just before 9/11?


    Update on the “Corona” insanity over here:
    Since October 24th everyone is being forced to wear a mask OUTSIDE & INSIDE (I have none, I use a scarf) or be fined 250€ – “Gaza is everywhere” – Coming soon? They work in that direction…

  3. [” Nothing can ever make up for their truth and heroism, and we need a million people like them, and yourself and colleagues…”]

    With Truth 1 is of a thousand 🙂 Agree, agree and supreme agree.

    What a collection of awesome comments…just when I needed a human caffeinated lift. Thank you Monika and like minded patriots…God Willing the great LIE will collapse under it’s own weight sooner than later…as hundreds of millions are crying out from the earth for Justice against those filthy jew/bolshevik perpetrators of torture, theft and murder. I had a funny thought, what if a million sent simultaneously the truth about the holohoax in comments/twitter/fakebook/etc, how flustered and vexxed the censoring would be all at the same time….lol maybe cause a comment tsunami. Truth cluster bombs as opposed to the jew cluster bombs used against Armenia and Syria. Truth shall prevail. Truth always stands.

    Btw…I am late on this subject so maybe someone here can send me in the right direction on finding the ‘truth’ about Wernher von Braun and the National Socialists. I find the American interest in him quite the fraud that I think he is…just like Einstein. After all the moon landing was a hoax TOO and I imagine he and Walt Disney had laughs all the way to the bank. I sent an inquiry to Dennis Wise but no reply yet. Thanks in advance. God Bless everyone. Keep the Faith. Strength until Liberty.

    1. “Operation Paperclip” was the total plunder of the German nation’s know how, tons of patents stolen… German scientists were kidnapped, brought to America to make them work “for the enemy” – Do you want to blame them?
      At least, Wernher von Braun warned that ((( they – the deep state))) are planning to stage an invasion of “aliens” to establish a one world government

      The slogan might be: We must all unify against the “common threat of humanity”! – “from outer space” – (((they))) have never enough bogeymen to deflect attention away from themselves – the true culprits.

      “The alien threat” – might well be coming next – ((( they))) use the world as their stage… BTW – IF the “aliens” (greys etc) are real, they have been here for a very long time…

      1. Hi Freya
        [“German scientists were kidnapped, brought to America to make them work “for the enemy” – Do you want to blame them?”]

        Not really. That’s why I needed more information via alt truth as opposed to mainstream. I will do some more research on “operation paperclip”. What troubled me was the fact he was a leader in helping to promote a moon landing and in fact went along with it as had actually happened when it has been proven it was an ugly hoax. How does one compromise themselves to a degree of working for the enemy? I also read that he was a Communist sympathizer…but I don’t know the truth on that either…although A.H. did have rules against that sort of thing. That’s why I’m reaching out. Thank you for the info. God Bless

        ps…just read this today:

      2. Greetings Freya. Many years ago I recall seeing a documentary about those plundering Germans and a discovered trove of their plundered paintings and ‘some’ patents that the US troops seized. By ‘some’ they meant more than 800,000 privately owned patents. These stolen German patents/information technology immediately advanced productivity in the U.S.

        To gain a proper perspective get a roll of toilet paper and unroll it. At the lowest end of the roll write ‘Stuff taken by the Germans’. At the top end write ‘Stuff taken from the Germans’. Due to the magic of the media we have been taught that the most plundered people on Earth after WW1 and then WW2 were the greatest plunderers.

        The website contains a comprehensive article regarding the plunder of Germany.

  4. My parents came to Canada from Hungary during the 56′ revolt, and made a great life for me and themselves. They told me about the Holohoax, and that the 6million was a complete lie. As I got older I started to see what was going on, and did my own research, only to find many many inconsistencies in the narrative, and that my folks were right. So I am totally with these people for coming out, and telling it like it was.

    Monika these people should get the highest civilian honors for putting their freedom on hold for soooo long!! I hope one day that any and all freedom fighters for the TRUTH are set free and compensated as best can be for their bravery. Nothing can ever make up for their truth and heroism, and we need a million people like them, and yourself and colleagues. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK,THANKS TO YOU ALL!!

  5. Just now I got a twitter ban for 12 hours because I made a claim that there was no order from Hitler to gas the Jews. That opinion got me a ban for “Abuse and Harassment” and I made no threats to anyone except saying they were ignorant and falling for propaganda lies.

    Once the holocaust becomes questioned ANYWHERE all hell breaks loose and I guess it is expected some blowback and silly accusations to ban or censor comes upon us…These Jews really are not nice people… I could say more with a few more adjectives but I’ll hold my tongue….

    The post are shown here..

    1. Hi! Joe It makes me SICK that the media whores have so much power! I hope and pray that Trump is not a sell out and will do something about these commie criminals.

      It will be very interesting to see what he does when he gets in. What bothers me is he seems to pander to the Jews, but we can only hope that, that is not going to happen.

      When he was running in 2016, he was heavily funded by Sheldon Adelson, so it begs the question? what is in it for Shelly? and why?

  6. Recently a Jewish writer writing for the Boston Globe USA, Jeff Jacoby, wrote his own piece about Facebook and the fact that “holocaust denial” is allowed on Facebook. Of course, he’s Jewish, and worse he has a dog in the fight with family members part of the holocaust lies to us, but gospel truth to him and his Jewish family members.

    Gee golly God forbid we get another side of the story here about an event that certainly has an abundance of critics…These crazies continue to push for censorship and a unique censorship that only applies to the topic of the holocaust and the Jews against all us revisionists….It breaks my heart that this witchhunt continues to go on over words and opinions that hurt no one, cause no violence except to those who have violence towards truth…

  7. Hi Monika I hope that you are well and that you get rid of those legal problems soon. It was insane what happened to you with the court dates. Thank you for the update. I left a comment on the last post that you sent me, about the train car full of holohoax bullshit in Toronto. They are telling people that victims were tortured and murdered. Something about six million dead in a horses cock.All of the best to you Monika.Les BTW did they have kosher tax on zyklon b?

  8. Thanks for the update Monika. In Toronto, they now have a railcar to show holohoax movies to students all around Ontario. I hope the students are like YouTuber Nudah who got kicked out of the Holohoax museum in Washington (Great vid, I can’t believe it was still up the last time that I checked, funny stuff). They are telling people that victims were tortured and murdered. They got the offence right, but the occasion is false. They should have the gulag train car and explain to people that God’s chosen people killed mostly Christians, at a rate of twelve Hollywood Nazi narratives.

    1. Man hat uns als kleine Kinder in der Schule schon erzählt daß unsere Großväter Mörder und wir daran schuld wären. Allerdings habe ich bei deren Horrorfilmen zur NS-Erziehung niemals Kinder gesehen, die drogenabhängig sind, verwahrlost, alkoholsüchtig, promiskuitiv, rauchen, homosexuelle Handlungen begehen oder gar Transvestitien sind. An einem Gymnasium in München (12. Klasse) bekommt derzeit ein Mädchen Hormone verabreicht weil es ein Junge sein will. Wahrscheinlich werden bald Operationen durchgeführt. Das sind die Dr. Frankensteins! Das sind die BRD-Medizinversuche! Ihre kranken Ideen kommen aus ihrem eigenen Gehirn und nicht aus unseren! Vielen lieben Dank Monika Schaefer für Ihren Einsatz, wir bewundern Sie, wir schätzen Sie, wir brauchen Sie! Ihre Freunde aus München!

    1. So weit ich weiß, kann man nichts extra schicken, ausser Briefe, Karten, Postkarten und Deutsche Briefmarken. Briefmarken sind immer willkommen. Nummeriere die Briefe, fals man öfters schreibt, und vielleicht ist es auch eine gute Idee eine höhere Stufe zu zahlen bei der Post, das man den Brief “folgen” kann. Nicht registriert, aber “tracing”. Ich bin nicht sicher wie das heißt.

      The question is what can be sent to a prisoner for Christmas. As far as I know, nothing other than the normal things, like letters, cards, postcards and (German) postage stamps. Those are much appreciated!

  9. Thank you, Monika. I want to send these out as well. Does Alfred have an estimated date of release at all? DianeSent via the Samsung Galaxy, powered by Cricket Wireless

    1. Hi Diane, he was given 4 years, and has now been behind bars for 2 years, 3 months. I updated the article just now.

  10. By observation I can tell you there are two offenses that are absolutely guaranteed to get you hard time behind bars in Germany: Holocaustleugnung und Steuerhinterziehung — denying the ‘Holocaust’ and not paying tax. Even for killing someone you can come away with just probation (Bewährung) — search for ‘Marcus Hempel Wittenburg’ to see a recent case of this.

    1. And ‘refugees’ or non-Biodeutsch often get the mildest sentences (in the example above, it was a Syrian who punched and killed Marcus Hempel) — here is another case of a Flüchtling (he came in 2015) who admitted to vaginal and anal sex with a developmentally handicapped 11 y/o girl — 2 years probation.

      But deny the ‘Holocaust’ and you’ll spend years in jail — Deutschland ist ein krankes Land.

    2. And a personal note to you Monika: when I first heard of your arrest (at Slyvia’s court appearance), I looked for a local news story about it, meaning in München und auf Deutsch — I found one, and after reading it I looked at the comments (more and more German media outlets don’t allow comments, for the same reason many American outlets no longer do) — there were only about a dozen, but every single one celebrated your arrest (which did not surprise me) — Germans have been totally brainwashed into thinking there is literally no crime worse than Holocaustleugnung.

  11. Thanks for the update Monika: Liked the “liked” button too, with my picture and quest. Barbara Ann Nowak has been keeping some of us updated on Renouf’s trial in Dresden and Alison Chabliz. Many of the Brits are with us too “you know, eh?” Anyone out there have information of our “Yellow Jackets” in France? or Nordic Resistance Movement in Scandinavia?

    We need a central information center for all the National Socialist movements in the world. Mike Walsh, Gandhi movement, maybe even Farrakhan, “Our Brother of African Heritage”. We are all fighting one common enemy, are we not? always hugs Dave Westerlund

  12. Vivimos en tiranías con apariencia de democracia. Luego mucho cacarear sobre los derechos humanos y tienen en prisión a personas que por su edad deberían estar en la calle hace tiempo. Me hubiera gustado que al comentario acompañaran las fotos de estos grandes y valientes héroes de la verdad. Creo que merecen un reconocimiento y homenaje en los días de su puesta en libertad. Habría que organizar algo para que vean que no están solos.

      1. Hi Dave,
        I copied and pasted the comment into an online translation service, and it doesn’t do a perfect job, but anyway here it is:

        “We live in tyrannies with the appearance of democracy. Then a lot of cackle about human rights and they have in prison people who by their age should be on the street a long time ago. I would have liked the commentary to accompany the photos of these great and brave heroes of truth. I believe that they deserve recognition and homage in the days of their release. You’d have to organize something so they can see they’re not alone.”

    1. It makes me so happy to hear that they will soon be free!
      God may save & protect them. ‘God with us’ makes sense.
      Yes – We need help and protection by the good forces;
      they do exist, the evil ones do, too – without any doubt…


      endederluege – Have a look at this:
      UPIK – FIRMA ‘Bundesrepublik Deutschland’
      mit DUNS Nr in der Unternehmensdatenbank eingetragen!
      Helpful to confront the “authorities”…
      Hat die weitreichendsten Implikationen…
      TÄUSCHUNG & BETRUG fliegen auf…
      den Betrügern um die Ohren…

  13. It will be a great day when all of thiem will be free , fortunately Horst, Úrsula and Sylvia soon, and i hope your brother too as soon as posible!!! . You are right, they are heroes, and you too Monika!!

  14. Thank you so much for this, Monika; it’s an important reminder to us all. My last sending to Alfred was returned to me, no reason given. I’ll try again. 8-88-14.

    Seth Tyrssen

    On Sun, Oct 18, 2020 at 1:54 PM Free Speech Monika wrote:

    > Monika posted: “Three of our political prisoners in Germany are soon to be > released from their prison cells out into…. the open air prison of Corona > World. It needs be said and repeated: these political prisoners are > incarcerated for words. They have reached different” >

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