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Ursula Haverbeck Ordered Back to Prison – and her Rebuttal to this Order

Ursula Haverbeck, born on November 8, 1928, has been told she must turn herself in to the prison within two weeks of having received the order, to serve her one-year sentence. This would mean presenting herself at the gate by October 25, 2022. The nearly 94-year-old German woman is guilty of none other than asking inconvenient questions about “the Holocaust” and where those alleged murders took place. After years of asking questions and never receiving answers, she drew “politically incorrect” conclusions.

With the help of an online translator and a few of my own corrections to it, this is my best effort to present an English version of her letter which she submitted to the court authorities. Frau Haverbeck’s original letter in German follows the English version. If bilingual readers find errors in interpretation, please put those in the comments.

It is simply astonishing with what hutzpah the so-called “justice” system in Germany operates, in order to keep the official narrative going. Someone – I wonder (((who))) – must be very afraid to let the truth emerge about what really happened in Germany during that chapter in history commonly referred to as World War Two.

For previous articles about Ursula Haverbeck on my website: please see this and this, both articles from December 2020 and this one from November of 2020 just after she was released from her 2&1/2 years in prison.

Here is the letter from Ursula Haverbeck:


District Court Tiergarten
10548 Berlin
Business reference (251b Ds) 231 Js 1640/16 (54/16)
Objection to your communication of 07.09.2022
Notification to the Regional Court of Berlin

October 11, 2022

Dear Sir or Madam,

The judgment of the District Court Tiergarten of December 4, 2020 cannot be final, as the trial took place without charge. As a defendant, I had no idea what the trial was about. I was released from prison 12 days before the trial, had to find my way around my house, where there was water damage, and only at 4 p.m. the day before the 1st day of the trial (November 17, 2020, 10 a.m.) received the message that I had to attend in Berlin. I arrived in Berlin completely tired out and confused. I also do not have the Charges. That is why I could not prepare. On the 2nd day of the trial, the judge told me that I did not have to appear on the 3rd date on December 4, 2020, as only two witnesses were to be heard. On December 4, 2020, however, these witnesses were not heard (although present), but in fact a verdict was announced, without my presence and without the Last Word of the Accused. I still do not know the verdict of this case. Could you be so kind as to send me the indictment and verdict? Thank you!

Thus, the judgment of the Regional Court of April 1, 2022 is also invalid, because it states there and in your communication of September 7, 2022 quite clearly that the first judgment of the District Court Tiergarten of October 16, 2017 in conjunction with the second judgment of December 4, 2020 had been combined to a total penalty. Without the second trial at the Tiergarten District Court, the overall sentence would not have been possible. The sentence of six months would have remained or the appeal would have had to be upheld: i.e. no penalty.

How is it at all possible that a “judge at the district court” (cover page of the judgment of April 1, 2022) makes a judgment in the regional court – in a complicated and publicly known case?
With this multitude of procedural errors, why was my appeal simply rejected without any justification? Even legal laymen can see that something is wrong.

I request the termination of the proceedings and the annulment of the judgment of the Regional Court of April 1, 2022. I would also like to point out that I am no longer in a position to serve a prison sentence due to my health.

Awaiting an early reply and
with kind regards,
~Ursula Haverbeck

Here is the original letter in German from Ursula Haverbeck to the District Court and to Berlin.

Amtsgericht Tiergarten
10548 Berlin

Geschäftszeichen (251b Ds) 231 Js 1640/16 (54/16)
Einspruch gegen Ihre Mitteilung vom 07.09.2022

Nachrichtlich an das Landgericht Berlin


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

das Urteil des Amtsgerichts Tiergarten vom 04.12.2020 kann nicht rechtskräftig sein, da der Prozeß ohne Anklage stattfand. Ich hatte als Angeklagte keine Ahnung, worauf sich das Verfahren bezog. Ich bin 12 Tage vor dem Prozeß aus der Haft entlassen worden, mußte mich im meinem Haus zurechtfmden, wo ein Wasserschaden war, und bekam erst am Vortag zum 1. Prozeßtag (17.11.2020, 10 Uhr) um 16 Uhr die Mitteilung, daß ich mich in Berlin einzufinden hätte. Ich kam völlig übernächtigt in Berlin an und war vollständig verwirrt. Ich habe auch keine Anklage. Daher konnte ich mich auch nicht vorbereiten. Am 2. Prozeßtag sagte mir der Richter, daß ich zum 3. Termin am 04.12.2020 nicht erscheinen müsste, da nur noch zwei Zeugen zu vernehmen wären. Am 04.12.2020 wurden aber diese Zeugen nicht vernommen (obgleich anwesend), tatsächlich dann aber ein Urteil verkündet, ohne meine Anwesenheit und ohne das letzte Wort der Angeklagten. Ich kenne das Urteil dieses Verfahrens bis heute nicht. Könnten Sie so freundlich sein, mir Anklage und Urteil zuzusenden? Danke!

Damit ist auch das Urteil des Landgerichts vom 01.04.2022 hinfällig, denn es heißt dort und in Ihrer Mitteilung vom 07.09.2022 ganz eindeutig, daß das erste Urteil des Amtsgerichts Tiergarten vom 16.10.2017 in Verbindung mit dem zweiten Urteil vom 04.12.2020 zu einer Gesamtstrafe verbunden worden sei. Ohne das zweite Verfahren am Amtsgericht Tiergarten wäre die Gesamtstrafenbildung gar nicht möglich gewesen. Es wäre bei der Strafe von sechs Monaten geblieben oder es hätte der Berufung statt gegeben werden müssen: keine Strafe.

Wie ist es überhaupt möglich, daß eine ,,Richterin am Amtsgericht” (11. Deckblatt des Urteils vom 01.04.2022) ein Urteil des Landgerichts fällt – in einem komplizierten und öffentlich bekannten Verfahren?

Bei dieser Vielzahl von Verfahrensfehlem: Warum wurde meine Revision einfach verworfen, ohne jede Begründung? Da können selbst juristische Laien erkennen, daß etwas nicht stimmt.

Ich beantrage die Einstellung des Verfahrens und die Aufhebung des Urteils des Landgerichts vom 01.04.2022. Zudem weise ich daraufhin, daß ich mich heute gesundheitlich nicht mehr in der Lage sehe, eine Haftstrafe anzutreten.

In Erwartung einer baldigen Antwort und

mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Ursula Haverbeck

26 Responses

  1. The extremely callous and very disrespectful situation that dear Ms. Ursula Haverbeck is currently living through within that formerly great nation of Germany pains me dearly, further leaving a profound ache within my heart and both confusion and bewilderment within my functioning mind. How can it be that such cruel behavior exists upon the part of the German authorities who so fecklessly and willfully abuse such a fine, thoughtful and caring, elderly lady who obviously exhibits via her well thought-out words, actions and mental reasonings a profound maturity and intelligence that makes virtually everyone within positions of power and authority look both pale and nauseating in comparison.

    When one looks back at that most impressive intellectual brilliance of the political (and judicial) leadership of National Socialist Germany but three quarters of a century ago it is like everyone in positions of leadership today are mere neanderthal peons in comparison. How can such extreme devolvement be explained? Well, without going into a world of discussion I do believe we all know those whom are responsible – I’ll leave it at that for now.

    I, personally, have nothing but the most sincere and profound respect and admiration for this great lady. Her very person expresses an eternal beauty, natural elegance, commonsense intelligence, subtle humor, loveliness and repose sadly all too rare in this day and age. She reflects the best of a dying breed of thoughtful, well-rounded persons once so much more common and central to any and all advanced civilizations. More so, isn’t it telling with regards to our present world situation how such a fine quality of being sadly in this day and age comes off seemingly freakish in comparison to the real established freak show(s) exhibited all around us.

    God, forgive us for what we have become.

      1. Update: I have just learned that this decree that Ursula Haverbeck be spared from jail is temporary. She could still be picked up at any time and thrown into the gulag.

  2. Henry Abramson website, Jewish History Lectures is interesting insight for us Europeans.
    If you just listen to one of his lecture on the Maccabean Revolt (Jewish History Lab), he clearly admits this was a Civil War of the Jews, by the Jews, in regards to the dispute over Greek Culture being absorbed.
    If you listen to the lecture Who was King Bulan of Khazaria? Jewish Biography as History—-does the last part “Biography as History” give a clue to how history is Fabricated/Embellished. This video is one of a many Henry Abramson admits “Arabs, Muslims have a bilateral relationship with the Jews, in Jewish history.”
    The more I listen to Henry Abramson, the more I laugh about how old this Propaganda machine is. All Jewish Diaspora is Embellished/Fabricated.

  3. Orland Park Police arrest Homer Glen man charged with “Hate Crime”
    Prosecutors have said “Islam phobic messages on the sidewalk outside Muslim woman’s home”
    As I have stated, the Jews you all are looking for are Arabs/Muslims, that converted before 1676.
    They were absorbed into Judea before Christianity.
    The Arabs ran the Slave Trade in Africa at the first incursion of Muslims in 640 AD. until the 1920’s. It encroached all the way to Central Africa. Arab Colonist, all directed from the main Islamic Slave Trading island outpost of Zanibar on Africa’s East Coast.
    It took European intervention in 1876 to abolish the trade in Blacks. In 1884 in the Berlin Conference, Central Africa was turned into a “Congo Free State”
    WAKE UP: It was Dark Skinned Arabs who ran the Gulags in Russia. It was Dark Skin who caused the Russian Revolution. The Real Jews of Israel are Not dark skin.
    What group of people migrated to the State of Minnesota in the U.S., in the city of Minneapolis, before the “George Floyd” incident…Arabs/Muslims! They work with the Black communities just as they did during the Slave Trade in Africa.
    Who was the last Nation to Abolish Slave Trade…Saudi Arabia, in the 1970’s. & who still has their hands in the Slave Trade….

    1. Interesting information. I have never heard that Arabs ran the slave trade in Sub Saharan Africa from the mid-17th Century on into the 1920’s.
      So, don’t Jews in present day Israel and Ukraine have significant involvement in sexual slavery/human trafficking even now?

      1. Judge what you can see, were out of time to squabble over Israel. I see the notorious Muslims taking over our Lands, (as what they are good for)taking over infrastructure & All. Look how much energy went into making us believe in a country/nation state that never existed, Palestine! This is what they do.
        I posted that news article first sentence because the Arab/Muslim woman is yelling “Hate Crime.” Muslim’s (as well as Jews) have set the trap for Anti-Semitic B/S. But they are relying on our ignorance. We are all Semitic. We are defined by our Languages. The Proto-Indo- European Languages root from Aryan Languages, is traced back 5,000 BC. Aramaic Language. (not to be confused with Arabic).

      2. Amos, The Arab’s ran the African Slave Trade 1st Century till 1920’s. This was indeed a Thousand year enslavement of Black African’s by Muslim Arab’s.
        What should piss off any European, no matter where on Earth we live, is this constant Propaganda against us, European’s regarding “Slave” history, in general. We were Not the ones rounding up the Black African’s, the Arab’s were! Europeans were purchasing them & we were the first to make it illegal in our lands.
        These people were evil, they practiced castration on black males & procreated with the fine looking, lighter skin, African women & girls. That’s why we have Black Arab’s. Just look at their children’s hair!
        Mutilation is a normal practice from Muslims, of their enemy’s, hence the mutilation that was going on in Poland of the Germans, that began in 1938. Hence, the Mutilation that was going on in Russia from the time of the (non) Russian Revolution.
        You can still purchase book Title: “The Fall of the Congo Arabs” author: Sidney Langford Hinde
        Barnes Review .org
        Besides there are a few sites that write about this hidden history.

        Would you like the names to look up from this time period? I have a list from Dr. David Duke, he lived in Russia 4-5 years to Research & Study the (non) Russian Revolution. He had excess to the Records that were archived in their Library. One can plainly see these are indeed Arabs!

        1. Yes. That would be interesting to have Dr. Duke’s list of names of Arabs rounding up black Africans, and Muslims involved in the castration of Germans in Poland that began in 1938. I put the book by Hinde in my Amazon shopping cart.

          1. Sorry to confuse you on the list from Dr. David Duke, it is a list of names from the Bolshevik in Russia.
            I am conferring them in Poland due to the practice of mutilation & time frame overlapping with the Bolshevik in Russia. Actually, if we all would pay more attention to Dates, our eyes would be wider opened to there being No coincidence in the Europeans ending the Slave Trade in Africa (that the Arabs had established for 1,000 years) & the turmoil around the World at the time, even the American Civil War.
            The book “The Fall of the Congo Arabs” speaks for itself, so get it out of your cart please.
            I’ll type in the names from Dr. Dukes books tomorrow.

  4. I would be So-So proud if this lady was my Grandmother.
    The (((Evil Ones))) hate the Germans. Holocaust-ing them is the end game. Thus is part of the intended Holocaust, to actually happen. The Germans have been conned into the (((Hate))) the self syndrome. Germany is the front line, then other tribes will and are following. Why attack ones enemies?
    We are like the snake that’s eating it’s tail. Self loathing is not the heavenly key to salvation. The more we tell the world about our now and past sins, while begging for forgiveness, the grater we thus become, unforgiven. Our enemies need not forgive themselves. Why; because the need to forgive is our cross, not theirs. The list of real Saints will not appear in statues in Catholic Churches. Should justice prevail one )))find day((( then images of Ursula Haverbeck will prevail, in churches with the then Popes blessings. It’s not do or die. We are doing the doing, and will die as a consequence. The evil ones only requirement is in writing our history lessons, to effect the here and now, thus then, can and do, demand ours as with their own future road map. To control our tomorrows, one only needs to enforce (((their))) rendition of yesterday. Why is something so simple to say, largely stay unsaid? Controlling the unsaid, rest in total domination.

  5. Germany has certainly sunk to a whole new level of pathetic. On one end they’ve got the man with the little cap, slidin’ the kishka in and out, on the other end, Uncle Sam. The German people ARE gettin’ it coming and going by two of the biggest, MOST two faced, backstabbing bandits on the face of the earth. You have to wonder how long before the lightbulb comes on and they realize Russia would be the better business partner…

  6. Ursula expresses herself well and always had a wise strategy of asking questions rather than making claims and denials. She will be strong to the very end and we are with her!!

  7. So the allies invade and destroy Germany because they are bringing ‘democracy’ there and then no one can question the fake holocaust. Doesn’t sound like a democracy to me. Sounds like they turned the fake holocaust into a fake religion that you are not allowed to question. Actually it’s worse. You can question the existence of Christ and no one will get upset except a few religious zealots. But you better not question the existence of the almighty holocaust.

  8. Curmudgeons comment was right on!
    The Just-Us or Jew-dicial system of law is corrupt to it’s core, and needs to be removed!
    This is soooo beyond a travesty to do this to Ursula, I have no words, other than keep up the good fight, and if enough people
    read what she has to say about the holohoax, then just maybe there will be a change, but it may have to come at a cost of blood being spilled.
    hopefully it is not hers or her followers.
    As for me, I was brought up not to trust the jew, as they will use you and throw you to the waste, and the more I learned about their ways and means of getting into the halls of power it became very clear that my parents were right about them, and their actions. I hope we all can see the day that this vermin is removed from top positions of power.
    Ursula, I hope and pray you do not have to go back to their prison, especially with your health issues.
    Keep up the good fight as long as you can! we need a BILLION MORE LIKE YOU TO GET THE TRUTH OUT!

    Just one more thing I did a quick calculation about the 6 million the war was on for 6yrs that is 2,191 days, that would mean the German army would have to kill 2,738 jews a day! or 19,169 a week, this would be impossible to do with a war going on and shortages in supplies.

  9. Imagine her as your mother in her last years. This should give you an idea of how world Jewry feels about non Jews & the refutation of the Holocaust lie. We are an expendable lower form of life as their Talmud states.

  10. In 1955, the German Constitutional Court ruled that the “Old Reich” – the Wiemar Republic – still existed, but was without form and function. I understand that there have been subsequent rulings confirming that. I understand that Frau Haverbeck wishes to hoist the purported justice system on its own petard, something she is doing quite well, but it seems to me that she should also be making it clear to Germans, that they are still occupied by their enemy and that Germany has an occupation government. I’m afraid it matters little that she can run rings around the prosecutors/persecutors, facts do not matter when the result is pre-determined. With the current political climate in Germany caused by the US 2014 coup d’etat in Ukraine, the US arm twisting of European countries to act against their own best interests, and the obvious US and/or UK backed destruction of Nord Stream and the German economy, now would be the time for her to remind Germans that their Government and “justice” systems are run by traitors.

  11. Germany has a huge guilt complex and runs totally ape when someone has an opinion .
    It is a shame to to drag an old woman into court for pittance reasons.

  12. Dearest Sister
    With Horror we are watching this complete travesty of so called justice from afar in America, A once proud and great nation such Germany that is Kowtowing to the Jew-Dicial system on such an unimaginable magnitude that they feel incarcerating an elderly woman that is having health issues is called “Justice” They should be ashamed of themselves and I honestly don’t know how these Zog Enablers can sleep at night. However I will be bringing light of this issue in every possible way from this very moment moving into the future and will be checking my sources for any possible way to assist you in this matter.
    With Love And Regards

  13. Es wird oft und auch oft zurecht über die Zustände in der DDR die Nase gerümpft. Allerdings mußte in diesem “Unrechtsstaat” niemand der über 80 Jahre alt war ins Gefängnis. In was für einer SCHEISSLOCHVERANSTALTUNG wir leben mag sich jeder selber denken… .

  14. Dear Ursula: Your writings, or at least the translated version in English by Monika Schaefer again brought tears. Not sure if they were happiness at your stance against the joo world order, or sadness at another prison term. Did you get the letter I mailed to you a few years ago while you were in prison? There are still places in this world where you can tell the truth about the holohoax and not go to prison, but you do lose many friends.
    88&8’s.(meaning Heil Hitler & hugs, Dave Westerlund

    1. Experience has taught me that you are right about telling the truth about Hitler and/or the hollow hoax can make you lose friends. About 3 or 4 holiday seasons ago I gave my wife’s best friend’s husband a copy of THE BAD WAR by M. S. King for Christmas. He asked me what it was about. I said that partly it was about saying that Hitler wasn’t such a bad guy after all. He said “Does it deny the holocaust?” I nodded yes. After this conversation he didn’t want to be my friend anymore. Lol.

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