Free Speech Monika

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Ursula Haverbeck is Free

The following message was penned by the eloquent Michael Walsh of Europe Renaissance. I couldn’t have said it better about the persecution and release of Ursula Haverbeck. I will add that she will be facing the Inquisition once again on November 17, 2020 in Berlin for additional charges under Germany’s notorious Volksverhetzung law Par. §130. 

! Freiheit


 It is with delight that we learn that Frau Ursula Haverbeck, persecuted and imprisoned since 2004 [persecuted since 2004, jailed since 2018], has been released from her German jail.

Dubbed ‘The Nazi Grandma’ by toxic corporate-owned state-subservient mainstream media, the venerated denizen of truth-over-lies was, in fact, harassed because she determined to put an end to extortion posturing as reparations for deaths that have been constantly shown to be false.

In effect, Ursula Haverbeck was persecuted and imprisoned for claiming that you cannot convict a nation or its people for murder without showing genuine evidence of the victim.

Well, Ursula is not a No Body anymore is she? In fact, it is the esteemed heroine’s triumph. Her persecution and her imprisonment has drawn international attention to crimes of the German judiciary and the foulest media that ever blemished the fair face of freedom.

I attach a victory meme. I invite you to use it as widely as possible to give two-fingers to her captor, the judiciary and the presstitutes of the West. Danke Ursula; you are everyone’s favourite grandma.
Michael Walsh, Europe Renaissance.

UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes the right to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.


23 Responses

  1. Ursula appears very ladylike and queenly with her bouquet of flowers and her unquenched smile! 😊
    If they can pick on an elderly lady, they will pick on anybody. Never give them what they want!! Keep speaking truth!!

  2. Ursula is the candle they can’t blow out, she’s an example of our peoples mettle and fortitude, she’s also an example of the cowardice and deviousness of the bolshevik! What kind of disgusting, sociopathic coward goes after an elderly woman like this?? There should be some sort of fundraiser for her, does the Truth and Justice for Germany have a fundraiser for her at all?..I would like to donate to her comfort from these animals!


  3. Out of jail for now, soon to be imprisoned ,like all us rebels for THINKING the jew is a liar, by the coming nwo. Good luck dear ladies and sincerest regards.

  4. “crimes of the German judiciary”

    sorry – to contradict vehemently – but there is no German judiciary around.
    We are deeply infested by an alien force, occupied and enslaved again since 1945
    We – the Germans – survivors of a genocide and Holocaust – can hardly breathe any more… The turn is on you now – to come to grips – the Anglo-Americans in particular – don’t fall for Trump, a 1000 per cent Zionist and for Biden either – the choice between pest and cholera is no choice at all – why are there nver any protests against this “election theatre” always legitimizing the same deep state criminals…?
    Can the Americans be that “stupid” (stupified)?


    Thank God, Ursula Haverbeck is still in good health, and survived this ordeal they have put her through. (((They))) truly like to torture innocent people. ‘Torture’ in every sense of the meaning, there are the more subtle ways too.

    THANK YOU ALL for your support.

  5. Hi Monika, I’m glad that Ursula is free. We have more problems in Ontario with Bill 168 the Jewish supremacy bill. It has passed second reading and no one knows about it. Maybe something eye catching and attention grabbing needs to happen to alert people to this Communist rule number 1 from being implemented. I wonder what could accomplish that? Lol. I’ll get back to you later with a video if I can manage to dream something up. Btw a Zionist said that our war memorial needs to be toppled in Brantford. They lack the decency required to be in our country. I got this.
    All of the best to you brave Monika and to the lion Ursula Haverbeck.
    Leslie Bory

    1. Oh that is terrible that that Bill 168 is still working its way into law! I remember learning and talking about it quite a few months ago. Thanks for the update.
      Even in this little town of McBride, there are rumblings about changing the name of the town. Not on my watch! We are watching them erase our history.

    2. Leslie,
      could you expound that bill a bit, for people living on foreign shores? Zundel fell prey of that people-same bill or way newer? Thanks.

    1. You are absolutely right. I thought about putting quotation marks around “free” in the title of the article. That is how I talked about “freedom” in the Political Prisoners Update article almost 3 weeks ago, when I said: “Three of our political prisoners in Germany are soon to be released from their prison cells out into…. the open air prison of Corona World.”

  6. Splendid. This is wonderful news. It takes a shocking kind of low to imprison the elderly for empty agendas, and I am glad to see she shall not end her life in a ZOG prison for no good reason. Gott sei dank, is my poor man’s Denglish for the day.

  7. Thank you, Monika. Best wishes to you both. JD

    On Thu, Nov 5, 2020 at 9:57 PM Free Speech Monika wrote:

    > Monika posted: “The following message was penned by the eloquent Michael > Walsh of Europe Renaissance. I couldn’t have said it better about the > persecution and release of Ursula Haverbeck. I will add that she will be > facing the Inquisition once again on November 12, 2020 ” >

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