Free Speech Monika

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Ursula Haverbeck faces the Inquisition… again!

What does the state have to hide when they relentlessly persecute a 92-year-old peaceful woman who has never done anything that we normally associate with “criminal”, never did anything violent, never stolen, never vandalized, never defrauded anyone, BUT has asked an inconvenient question over and over again. This woman has just been released from jail, having spent 2&1/2 years behind bars, and less than 2 weeks later was in court in Berlin for more charges. Her name is Ursula Haverbeck. The Law is the infamous Par. 130.


This 16-minute video (in german) by the Volkslehrer (Folk Teacher) was sent my way recently by an english-only speaker, who wondered what was said. What follows is by no means a word-for-word translation, but a description giving the gist of it. I highly recommend viewing at least the first 8 minutes of the video even if you do not speak german, because it is beautifully put together especially the music and scenes at the beginning, followed by the interesting scene of reporters chumming outside the courtroom… excluding the independent journalist-reporter Nikolai Nerling the Volkslehrer – producer of this video.


The Volkslehrer asked Ursula Haverbeck for an interview before court began, but she explained that she was not allowed to speak to anyone at this time.

Then you see the throng of reporters outside the courtroom awaiting entry, all friendly with each other, laughing and joking, until one masked woman asks “who are you?!” to Nikolai. He introduces himself, shows his press pass, explains that he has been a journalist for the last 3&1/2 years. Condescendingly, she scoffs at him, accuses him of having made up his press pass himself (effectively calling him a liar), says this is nothing, it is not from uh.. uh.. a proper organ of the press, and then natters about putting the mask on properly. He answered that it had just slipped down.

After she disappears with his press pass, she returns, again delegitimizing him by saying his press pass has not been issued by a recognized institution [read “recognized” = jewish-controlled ~MS]. She cackles about not coming too near and that his mask is slipping yet again.

He read her the Grundgesetz – the foundational law which stipulates freedom of the press, to no avail. Nikolai Nerling was NOT allowed in, and was forcibly taken out of the building.

Next, Ursula Haverbeck was in fine spirits when she came out of the building. The remainder of the video is the interview with Haverbeck’s Attorney, Wolfram Nahrath.

Nahrath tells how Ursula spoke so clearly, so honestly, with dignity, with grace, brilliantly really, and made her case in court that day. She spoke about how she came to her present understanding of what really happened in WW2. It began in the 1960’s, as she was investigating the nuclear industry on account of her concern for the environment. She read much, researched much, which led her to question the official narrative of WW2.

She emphasized that she never denies anything, but that she has repeatedly asked the question over the years, to which nobody could ever give her an answer. Nahrath referred to that famous question which she still asks, but did not describe it in this interview. [The question is “where did the crime (the 6 million…) take place?”]

Ursula went on to say that actually there is nobody in the courtroom who would be capable of denying anything, because nobody was there to witness what happened. So if they don’t know what it is that happened (because they did not see it themselves), then none of them are in the position to “deny” it either.

[It is an interesting logic, because in German the word for deny is “leugnen”, and by the German definition, you cannot “leugne” something that did not happen. It is impossible. ~ MS]

Then Nahrath went on to say that Ursula had said all these things with a clear mind and spirit, and that she demonstrated that she has no guilt-awareness or better said, no guilt feeling. In all the 10 different trials she has been through, that not a single prosecutor nor judge nor anybody could answer her question. Nor did anybody attempt to answer her question. They simply declared her guilty.

[When they declared her guilty in the past, they proclaimed that Frau Haverbeck knows the holocaust took place, and yet she denies it (leugner). So she is guilty. ~ Evidently the judges and prosecutors engage in mind-reading. ~ MS]

We will see what the verdict is on December 4th, he says. He fears it might be as previous verdicts. Then it is far from over. There is another count that she is charged with in Berlin for which the prosecutor appealed because the 6-month sentence was not deemed stiff enough. Then there are the court proceedings in Hamburg still underway in which the prosecutor asked for 10 months.

Lastly, Nahrath goes on to say that Frau Haverbeck is in no way-shape-or-form agitating to incite. She operates on an intellectual level, searching for answers. He laments the fact that they are dragging a 92 year-old through the court. He of course makes the point that this Par. 130 should not exist at all, but really emphasizes how terrible it is that they drag an elderly woman through this. He talks about how at this age her health could take a turn at any time, and also that if she goes back to jail after these legal battles, there is naturally the possibility that she could be brought back out under a sheet directly to her grave. The fact that she is willing to seek answers at the age of 92, in full knowledge of the personal consequences — it rings forth – yeah – respect!


Nahrath’s emotions could be felt coming close to the surface when he said those things. The whole affair is such a travesty. But if they do put Ursula Haverbeck back in jail, do they not just show their desperation to protect their lies? Evidence is forbidden. Independent reportage is forbidden. They read the accused’s mind to say she KNOWS something only to deny it with the intention to incite hatred. How absurd.

How is it not blatantly obvious to every thinking man and woman?
The house of cards is tumbling down!

31 Responses

  1. I have just recently introduced to this new site, and after much reading, I am outraged and feel emotionally disturbed and ashamed by the tyranny of my folk.

  2. It has been said that the victors of war write the history books! well that does not have to be the case, We should stand up to the powers that be and take back our countries from there criminality. The time is now to do that as this PLANDEMIC is taking control of countries and the world. We need to act fast and get all true patriots to march on Heir Merkle, and all bought and paid for politicians and arrest them and her for crimes against Germany, and the world.
    It sickens me to see an elderly lady like Ursula, have to waste the last few remaining good years of her life fighting for free speech!! That is why I think that there has to be a way to wake up the people of Germany and do the right thing.

    I wish her all the best, and may she live to see the day the truth comes out for everyone to see.

    Belated Merry Christmas and a hopefully Happy New Year to her and all of you soldiers of truth.

  3. Every decent German should be at the courthouse to insist that the scumbags leave that courageous 92 year old woman alone.

  4. The enemy — jewry — is not “desperately” doing anything. They are simply doing what they do. They have the power, and they are using it. Protests of mere words and mere walking in the street have no effect on them — except to signal to them that all is well for them, they are not getting killed, and so they may continue to do as they please.

    The jews’ Communism, their quest for total, vicious control and for our destruction, is progressing very well from their point of view, as they put whomever they want in prison, they pretend there is a killer virus and take our basic rights away, they kill White businesses and White jobs, they continue the nonWhite destructive immigration, they openly say they intend to force their latest poison “vaccines” on everyone — except jews, of course. … And still there are NO groups of MEN rising up and doing what must be done.

    IF there are any such groups, what the hell are they waiting for? Well, they’re waiting for their line in the sand to be crossed — a line they keep moving so that they can claim it hasn’t been crossed yet. Generation after generation.

    I am one MAN, waiting for a second, and a third, and enough to fell the first domino.

  5. After reading your translation of the video link then watching it…it is blatantly clear they are milking this treachery to silence everyone who dare to question authority whether true or not to maintain complete communist control in a kangaroo court. Nuremberg 2.0. The msm headlines for this poor 92 year old be damned. I could see the obvious (even with masks on) controlled journalists lined up to report their given lines without any regard to an elderly woman, her rights and the truth. No cane, no walker, no wheelchair depicts their total fright that this woman may be heard by an overwhelming vote of agreement by the gentile public. Fear rules. My prayers for Mrs. Haverbeck continues. Thank you Monika. God Bless

    1. There should simply be 1 million volk at the doorstep ready to bash the brains out of any spineless resistance there would be to this. As for the use of tanks and armed soldiers.? Let the ignite their own mass execution of a million people , or attempt trying. The parliament would learn to honor their own long prior to kissing the asses of irrelevant non-countrymen who cannot even balance the lands of their own that they have never achieved for themselves in the first place.

  6. Thank you, dear Monika ! Bye Yvonne

    Le 04/12/2020 01:47, « Free Speech Monika » a écrit :

    > Monika posted: “What does the state have to hide when they relentlessly > persecute a 92-year-old peaceful woman who has never done anything that we > normally associate with “criminal”, never did anything violent, never stolen, > never vandalized, never defrauded anyone, BUT ” >

  7. Dear Monika, don’t fight a fight you can’t win because the criminals go free nowadays and decent people like you , haverbek and many others went to jail, without any chance to change anything. You know the German saying; Geld regiert die Welt und in den Demokratien blueht die Korruption. think of Trump, how much this man has suffered in the last 4 years and to-day and remember there is no Santa Justicia in this world and had never been. So better make the best of your life, it is the only precious thing what you got and it don’t last for ever.
    Kind regards! Your Claus

    1. Claus, this attitude is rather fatalistic, don’t you think? If we all think like this, then we certainly are doomed. Then there really is no hope. None of us would have been born if all our ancestors had this attitude. That is precisely the attitude (((they))) want us to have. I choose to have hope for a bright future, and therefore I work towards that.

      1. Thank you for your reply Monika! You are absolutely right! Assuming that everyone would do only a little bit for the liberation from the damaging Zionist influence Germany and Europe at all would be free countries!

        Just take a look what Adolf Hitler told about himself in that short clip!

        @Claus: please take care to give people “good advices” which tell us more about your personal frustration, enormous fear and your personal defeatist way of life than it is a real help for anyone! It serves only for you as a justification for yourself not doing your task which you should fulfill as a human being especially for a German countryman!

      2. Important to consider the uselessness of jail time, as Alfred is doing. Or Mahler, a convicted bank robber. Displaying the Swastika, showing the Gruß is pretty useless, too. Way better would be to get Jews on the stage, debate and defeat them, as Zundel did, that great guy and his wife. Most forget the regimes have myriads of mercenaries, you do not have. Frittering time and money away for courts and lawyers, are useless, too. You could have done way better things with that.

        1. @Reveillez, why the downer? By the way, have you ever tried debating the jews? Debrah Lipstadt (jewish professor) has made it very clear, gives instructions that jews should NEVER debate a “holocaust denier”. It is because (((they))) cannot win. They know we are right. I agree that Zundel was a great man, one of the greatest, but guess what, he went to jail too. So what is your point?

          1. He served a lot of jail times, not a novelty. You served one, too. As this was long before you and others it was a good opportunity to learn from him and those regimes. Why not taking precautions before? Debate the Thora and Talmud, so they do not have subterfuges, like the Koran, too, all books of engaged in death! Should be a very public debate, so many grasp the cruelty of their attitudes. Most religions are like that. There are knowledgeable non-Jews, who studied the subject, capable to refute them. Only one among many other measures to fight them. Strangely many Jews came back to Germany, instead staying away. One of my teachers, Meta Alexander, was a Jew, too. But that I could not find that in the Internet. She fled Germany for some time. Nowadays the German regime is stupid enough to shell out manpower and tons of cash for Israel and Jews, nobody is disturbed by that. Though that regime is bankrupt….

          2. @Reveillez, you are blaming the victims of an unjust “justice” system. What gives? Easy to give advice, eh?

      3. @ Reveillez: first of all it is not a “German regime” but the Allied respectively a Zionist regime called Federal Republic of Germany” (FRG) which is indeed not a state according to law of nations as it was installed by pure allied military force without having been legitimated up to now by us Germans! So why are you wondering that this Occupation construct FRG is “stupid enough to support Israel and the Jews”? I can see at that point that you have not understood up to now that the FRG is nothing more than a Zionist construction for taking advantage of the German people! So primarily it has nothing to do with stupidity but with the situation that the FRG regime, as well as judges consist of Zionist collaborators who think only on their own interests instead of advocating for their nation in the same way as the western “democratic” governments do with their people as well.

        I do believe that it is very important to have people who go ahead and risk an imprisonment for let people waking up.As more people write to Alfred and to the other political prisoners letters the more pressure is put up pressure to the regime as it shows their support in the nation!

        However we have to fight on different fire source that we need different warriors on different places against the “New World Order” of globalists.

        So it is important too to recover our culture live which has been destroyed by the Jewish globalism in huge manner when you look on our culture. So it is also our task to reactivate our culture so that we will as Germans (and white Europeans) rediscover our roots for knowing who we are for developing a national community which is – besides the historical truth – the most strongest weapon to heal ourself of the “guilt cult”.

        1. The time it has come, with 73 years done for Germany to trigger “Article 146” 
          That article says, for all Germans ways are to be held uniform and free for all Germans in Germany, not, as is the case for the Fatherland to continue in perpetual occupation of their nations.  The J’sh converso Brother Nathaniel is bringing up this sensitive matter on his youtube page making sure it stays within their controlling network.


      For the Desk of the Prosecuting Judge(s) in Regard to the MRS. HAVERBECK Defense:

      What weak minded slaves to the witchcraft and attempts to control sovereign nations that are not theirs to infringe upon; and the globalist cabal that continues to support such rhetoric and anti German sentiment.

      Your ethnic cleansing of German culture and it’s people have gone far enough, my equals. How DARE you continue to persecute this woman, or any other , who take interest in such a myth and simply would like to see the scientifically proven elements either completely confirming or denying either way. It is history and education itself that you oppress into the abyss of ignorance. I don’t care to hear your citation of bogus and anti German rhetoric listed as a man-made number . It is one or the other, and you refuse to confirm or deny any truth at all, as they continue to use this myth simply as a story to add to the already forgered bible of the afro asiatics. Where are your positives ? Scorn these sub human animals for their abuse of the true human rights and I DEMAND you leave Mrs. HAVERBECK ALONE INSTANTLY . I will be contacting this german press myself, along with the court of slavery there.

      Pass this information to the one who tends to the court docket and feed it to all judges . This is not a secret court hearing and I WILL be heard from America, as absolute representative of sovereignty and the “true human rights”. I clarify again. Leave her alone immediately. Any court that creates laws to protect themselves from the volk, and not the lyke is an evil one. That as well as your globalist poltroon way of draconian dictation. I will simply get a plane ticket and fly there to support her , above and beyond your oppressive witchcraft methods of oppressing anyone who has every right to ask, and speak the absolute truth. Would you DARE attempt to prevent a fellow German comrade from practicing his natural rights to self preservation as well?

      I demand this information be passed fourth to the appropriate individuals of the court and press .

      Sincerely Yours ,

      Brendan Bugar

      1. Hi Brendan. The judges don’t make the laws. They have in their judgement to follow the laws. The laws are made by the government via the parliament. It is not necessary to discuss the truth. Everybody if he is interested in knows the truth. But there are always people out , who lie because it serves their own interests. You know the saying, who you are not allowed to criticize, controls you and will be always the winner. I believe it is unwise to fight for a case, you will never win. Yes , there are always people out , who speak otherwise, but that is it all nothing more.

        1. That rests as fine with me. Won’t be cancelling my convictions not the convictions of millions who are done as dis service by their own supposed representing body.

        2. Whether it be judges , or the poltroons in parliament. The conviction lays with mine. Then send to both parliament , the chancellor, AND the judges. And I’ll be there soon.

          Thank You

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