Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Update – Books still under CBSA Review for Hate Propaganda

The Canada Border Services Agency responded immediately with a letter of acknowledgement that they received my correspondence of May 3, 2019. Other than that, there is nothing new here, simply a reiteration of legalese jargon, and a statement that the books are under review, “as they were suspected to constitute hate propaganda”. Below is the contents of the letter.


PIU #2019-0041

Canada Border Services Agency
Prohibited Importations Unit

c/o CBSA Mail Processing Unit
2215 Gladwin Crescent, Entrance C
Ottawa, ON  K1A 0L8

May 9, 2019

Ms. Monika Schaefer

Subject: Request for the immediate release of five detained books — Regional Control Number: 2019-7011-K19-0001

Dear Ms. Schaefer,

This letter acknowledges receipt of your correspondence dated May 3, 2019 in relation to the above-noted regional control number. The Prohibited Importations Unit received your letter on May 8, 2019.

As per the Notice of Detention/Determination (Form K27) issued to you on April 24, 2019, the five books were detained for a determination of tariff classification as they were suspected to constitute hate propaganda. The items were sent to the Prohibited Importations Unit (PIU) in Ottawa for determination of their admissibility into Canada under Customs tariff item 9899.00.00 and pursuant to section 58 of the Customs Act.

The books are currently under review and you will be informed of the determination and their admissibility into Canada through the completion of Part B of the Form K27. You will also be provided with various options at that time.

Canada Border Services Agency
Prohibited Importations Unit
(613) 954-7049

12 Responses

  1. Monika, why do you refuse to post my profanity/insult-free, content related comment above?

    [I should have made it clear in my last comment to you four days ago, Jim, that I was not going to publish any more of your comments. The only reason I gave you any more time at all (after having cut you off) was because I had let a comment through that asked you a direct question. So I had to let you answer. You did, I posted several more of your comments, and I thanked you.

    Now cease and desist please, and don’t waste your time (and mine) posting comments here because they will not be approved. In the last four days you have sent another 18 comments over, and they will not appear.

    If new readers are wondering why I am blocking Jim Mannella, just browse through the thread under the photocopy shop article. Jim has been given plenty of explanation about this being a site for discussion, exchange of ideas, debate and yes, disagreement, but NOT for slander, profanity, and personal attacks, of which Jim partook of plenty. It is high time that I stop engaging with Jim Mannella. ~Monika]


    Does that mean they want to criminalize books about the Christian belief too?
    New Jewish move to criminalize symbols of the Christian belief as “offensive“.
    Of course, PM Trudeau will still be able to dance at gay LGBTQ pride parades.

    The symbolism of Satanic Freemasonry (Judaism for the “goyim“ i.e. “cattle“ for all non-Jews), the symbols of Talmudic Satanism (“Luciferianism“) are openly displayed, and forced upon the public in all western countries which are traditionally Christian!

    Abortion is being celebrated as freedom to kill babies! At birth! Infanticide legalized (NYC)!

    Sexual perverts are being allowed admission to toddlers in kindergarden, to pupils at school! All kinds of sexual deviancy is being forced upon children as the “new normal“ (which it will never be). Sexual abuse of children under cover of “education“! If a society takes away protection for its weakest members, such a society is slated for total decay and destruction. To allow sexual deviants free admission to children is a criminal offence. That’s extremely offensive!

    Talmudic perversions are truly most offensive! Extremely immoral, unethical, and criminal by definition. Not so to Jews; their Satanic Babylonian Talmud allows them everything: “ANYTHING GOES!“ No crime is forbidden and/or punishable by Talmudic law if non-Jews are the victims…

    Jewish religious symbols – Giant menorahs are on public display at Christmas time! When Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ as light onto the world, Jews celebrate “Chanukkah“, the remembrance of successfully genociding ancient Greek people. Jews celebrate genociding the German people (WW I + II continued; unlimited, non-White, Muslim mass invasion since 2015) in the midst of Berlin at the Brandenburger Gate. On “PassOver“ Jews celebrate the remembrance of genociding Egyptian newly borns (infanticide). On “Purim“ Jews celebrate the remembrance of genociding Persians. On “Yom Kippur“ Jews pray their “Kol Nidre“ prayer which makes all their promises and vows they make in the following year null and void. Jews don’t know and don’t owe any loyalty to their host nations. They are allowed to lie and cheat. That’s their “religion“. There is no ‘Good’ or ‘Evil’ to Jews. What’s good for Jews, what serves Jewish interests is defined as ‘good’ (whatever that might be). That’s what Jews call “religion“.

    Judaism-Talmudism is about Jewish supremacy and Jewish world domination, a genocidal death cult centered around ritual blood sacrifice, the mass murder (genocide) of opponents! Books about Judaism-Talmudism-Cabbalah-Zohar-Satanism-Freemasonry have free access to Canada, and to countries all around the world. The worst hate propaganda ever written is not denied admission…

    Under Satanic Rule: Critics get criminalized, the criminals run free, their crimes go unpunished.

    In Germany the ruling “Nationalrat der Juden“ currently rages against a chapel a farmer built on his privately owned land (in Bavaria), as a place of prayer against abortion… a multi-million legalized genocide. The Jews claim that’s “anti-Semitic“ and “hate“… It would “minimalize“ the “Six million Holocaust“ as the worst crime ever committed, unequalled, unreached by any other in its bestiality…

    … and DON’T YOU EVER DARE to question that Jewish claim!

    1. Freya, We must and will dare to speak up against this evil. Good comment! I just have one difference with you regarding the Passover: while the “jews” celebrate God’s judgment upon the Egyptian firstborns, they are missing the entire point of passover. This was a picture of Christ, the Lamb sacrificed for our sins. As Christians, we remember that Christ was that very Lamb at the time of Passover to “pass over” or, forgive our sins, but the “jews” have deliberately “passed over” that fact, choosing rather to glorify death rather than the LIFE this Passover Lamb brought!

      1. Canadian wildflower
        … I must admit I have serious doubts re rabbi Saul aka “St Paul” and his “theology”.
        “Redemption from sin – Salvation through animal and/or human blood sacrifice”? A “PassOver” Lamb? A slaughtered or burnt offering? That sounds exactly like Talmudism… rabbinical Judaism… sneaked into the Christian belief through the back door… From that comes the absurd accusation that Christianity, the Christian belief is a “death cult”, even “spiritual cannibalism” … about “eating the flesh and drinking the blood”. Of course, these are silly misinterpretations of Jesus’ words by those who obviously don’t belong to HIM; they are unable to understand his parables (as Jesus said himself).

        Jesus was HATED & MURDERED for speaking the truth. He called the Talmudic pharisees “Synagogue of Satan”, “liars, deceivers”, “children of their father, the Devil”. No need to glorify his RITUALISTIC MURDER, perpetrated by his enemies. No need to “adjust” Jesus teachings as to make his message easier to understand…
        I eventually came to the conclusion that Paul by doing so actually falsified Jesus’ gospel at its centre.

        Jesus was a spiritual teacher. He taught about the very narrow path leading to God… about the many who are called, and the very few who are chosen. That doesn’t sound as easy … and it’s not meant to be easy. I’m OKAY with that. I wouldn’t expect anything different.


      this is what (((they))) wanted all along, they finally show their real face now

      can you imagine a white Canadian proposing similar legislation against jews? the (((media))) would go into overdrive

  3. Canada has been Libtarded for decades, so this is no surprise. The US isn’t really much better, but so far I can still get away with blatantly telling it like it is. I’m watched, and my phone is tapped, and my house is “bugged,” but I can still do it. For a free sub to the new Thunderbolt e-zine, just email

  4. This is so typically Jewish. You know it’s interesting here they are trying to tell you what you should be reading when they should be telling you whatever you do read make up your own mind and don’t be told by somebody else what to read and what opinion to hold, we call that free speech…

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