We are in a war. Alfred Schaefer is a Prisoner of War, in a jail in Occupied Germany. The snakes are upping their game, and what they are doing to Alfred amounts to arbitrary tyranny and torture. I just received a scanned copy of a recent letter from Alfred to a friend in Germany – mail moves much quicker within the country than the time it takes for the snails to swim across the ocean.
They are trying to break this man — why? — because he is “Worst Case”, according to the Press in Germany. If you are called “worst case” by those who tell the lies, then that makes you Best Case Truth Teller. The real criminals fear men like Alfred, because they fear the truth being told.
Some background: Alfred has been in solitary confinement since December 3rd, 2020. That was done to him because of his insistence on breathing freely. Please read Corona Tyranny: Alfred Schaefer in the Mask War for the full story on that. It is gripping.
The image shows the back of the envelope of Alfred’s recent letter to a German Patriot. The letter, which I have translated into english, follows.

Dear [German Patriot],
First of all, thank you for your latest letter.
I am rendered speechless what is going down here. They have put the spurs to me again, laid me across the anvil and struck with full force. [Alfred is speaking metaphorically here.]
My cell was completely devastated. During 3 hours that I was put into another cell, 2 or 3 screws took every single bit of paper out of every single envelope, shelf, binder, and including out of a box that I had sorted to go into the storage, really everything, absolutely everything pulled apart. They stole all my postage stamps so that I would finally be silenced. But little do they know me. Actually I think they do all this to finally arouse the indignation of even the brainless, castrated do-gooders.
No problem, we are doing our best. They also achieved a feat with the Consulate incident a few months ago. [more on this below ~ed.] They just want to prove that they’re still on it. They even stole the evidence for my upcoming trial on August 5, the new Muppet Show 2021. Hey, are they still sane?
Israeli “freedom activist” Uri Avneri – his most important statement that I can remember goes something like this: “Israel is like a big breeding ground for a virus that it spreads to all the world. That virus is ‘antisemitism’. The Jews thought they had a safe haven for when everyone hates the Jews, but the opposite is true. If they want to hide there, then the world will come and hit them there. The world will ask itself, who has caused all this? It is obvious, and there is no hiding anymore.”
Those wise words are approximately how the Jew, Uri Avneri wrote them, around the time of the first Gulf War against Iraq. He knew that at some point, things will not go well anymore. And today, with the CORONA rat poison for 7 billion people, the Jews know it.
Israel Shahak, Jewish Professor, died shortly before Jews did 9/11. His main thesis was that it is always the craziest, most radical Jews who expect all the others to fall into line. This behaviour always leads to more Jews being killed by Jews than by non-Jews. This time it could go differently, when the Corona vaccine dead and sick comprehend that they are being murdered, slow and agonizing — there will be a reaction. For the dead ones, it will be too late. Others, rightfully, will say “you injected my child and for that you will die”. Cheers.
That is why it doesn’t matter to me if they kill me here, then I don’t have to listen to the whining anymore, for the Jews do not stop on their own.
OK, let’s see if this letter reaches its destination, without postage stamps, because the Stasi stole them all. Shame on you Stasi. Thank you Stasi for this story.♥
Something just occurred to me about our situation here, and I’ll say it like this – Story Time:
On your stroll through the city you come across a Negro who is raping a 5-year old little German girl. You ask him politely what is he doing, as the girl is screaming. He replies in a calm voice, “I’m giving her my Lolli, it is good for her.”
You: “Don’t you hear her screaming?”
Him: “That has nothing to do with it.”
That is about how the program is running worldwide, especially against Whites, with the “COVID-19” rat poison genocide.
When doctors lose their job because they asked the Negro what he is doing with the child address the problems with the injection √, that would be like if you were now punished by all the Negros for daring to bother one of them while he was raping the little girl.
Since we know that the Jews control all MSM, and all pillars of the government right up to the U.N., everything is crystal clear. Why did the U.N. never say a word about the Jew’s 400 nuclear bombs? Why does the Negro not admit that he is raping the little girl, rather he prattles “she likes my Lolli”.
During these times, everyone must choose a side and take responsibility and bear the consequences. I despise the people who pretend to be stupid so as not to lose their “job” for the Jews. Those are the worms, attached to the belly of the snake that is eating itself up.
Israel Shahak, Israeli Professor, wrote books, one of which was “Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The weight of Three Thousand Years”. He said that Jews hate themselves more than they hate the people.
The Jüdische Rundschau (monthly German-language Jewish newspaper) proved that with an excellent article on 1.1.2021. “Wie Anetta Kahane in der DDR Juden denunzierte” https://juedischerundschau.de/article.2021-01.wie-anetta-kahane-in-der-ddr-juden-denunzierte.html The article talks about the SED-Dictatorship and about “fighter against antisemitism” and so on. What is happening now, in any case, is that which all Jew-wise people have known since a long time already – the snake is eating itself. The worm stuck to the underbelly of the snake has no future. (What is the standing of the worms under Anetta Kahane’s belly, if her own Jewish brethren are portraying her as a brazen criminal. Jews would love to murder this Anetta themselves.) I won’t stand in their way.
A quote from Voltaire: “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” For example: Covid rat poison vaccine is good. Or: she likes my Lolli down there.
Alfred Schaefer
Consulate Story
Twice per year, an expat prisoner in Germany has the right to be visited by their Consulate, in this case the Canadian Consulate. The Consulate’s responsibility is to check on his health and how the prisoner is being treated. Alfred speaks very highly of the Canadian Consulate in Munich, and so these twice/year visits are very important to him. A few months ago, when one of these “visits” was to take place via the telephone (because of the scamdemic) the prison staff displayed rather insane behaviour. That prompted me to write the following letter to the jail boss, which I have translated for this article.
Monika Groß
Director, JVA Landsberg
Hindenburgring 12
86899 Landsberg am Lech
RE: Political Prisoner Alfred Schaefer
My brother, Alfred Schaefer, is incarcerated at Landsberg. He is a peaceful man and has not committed any violent crime, and is jailed solely for his peacefully-expressed views. I am telling you this only to make it perfectly clear that my brother is not a violent nor a dangerous man.
Isolation and Bunker
Alfred Schaefer was forcibly taken to the Bunker on 3.12.2020, because of his resistance to wearing the mask. It is torture to be kept in such conditions. Is it now commonplace in Germany to torture prisoners?
A few days ago the Canadian Consulate in Munich was to have a telephone conversation with Alfred. This call was cut off shortly after it began, because Alfred declined the mask.
The Right to a Consular Visit exists.
Currently these visits occur by telephone instead of in person. The conversation with the Consulate is normally private, just like a conversation with a lawyer would be private in jail. But yet, there was a guard in the room, behind plexiglass. So it was not private. Fine. But additionally, this guard demanded that Alfred put his mask on, even though this conversation was taking place over the telephone and the guard was behind a plexiglass barrier!
It seems like a bad movie. It is pure arbitrary nonsense. Or is the goal to break the spirit?
One can hardly be understood through a mask over the phone and nobody else was in the room other than the distanced guard behind a barrier. How would it make sense, under those circumstances, to be forced to wear a mask?
Cutting this Consular telephone visit was completely illegal. Please correct this matter, by contacting the Consulate for them to make another appointment ASAP.
Even if this Corona Virus was an actual pandemic, this complaint would be completely legitimate. Even if a mask could stop a dangerous virus, and even if it made sense to stop people from having contact with one another to protect them from this epidemic, even if social distancing and mask guidelines protected the people, then this complaint would still be valid. Because — there was distance, there was separation, and Corona viruses cannot be transmitted over the telephone, as far as we know.
The bigger topic is this — there is no Covid-19 pandemic. All these measures are completely nonsensical, and there are thousands of doctors, nurses, biologists and other scientists who tell us that we are being lied to. Normal flu, colds, old-age symptoms, heart failure, cancer and many other conditions have been called Covid-19. Healthy people who test “positive” from the PCR test are called “cases”. The PCR test is not a legitimate diagnostic tool for illness. There are many false positives.
There is clearly something else at play.
But, again, the complaint is valid either way.
The episode with the Canadian Consulate was the last straw, and it underlines the arbitrary torment of my brother. The world is watching what is going on in the Landsberg prison. It does not look good.
Thank you in advance for your prompt response.
Monika Schaefer
The Director’s name is Monika Groß. The assistant director is Dr. Harald Eichinger. Here is an email address: poststelle@jva-ll.bayern.de or send it in the mail to:
Hindenburgring 12
86899 Landsberg am Lech
19 Responses
Did you send the above letter on Feb 13? — did you get an answer? — es wäre eine Überraschung.
Yes I did receive a response, written on 19. Februar. 2021 (sent by mail, after they received my letter by email and followed up by snail-mail). Contents follows:
hier: Anordnung von besonderen Sicherungs- und Disziplinarmaßnahmen
Sehr geehrte Frau Schaefer,
in Beantwortung ihrer Anfrage vom 13. Februar 2021 darf ich mitteilen, daß Ihrem Bruder, falls er die gegen ihn angeordneten besonderen Sicherungs- bzw. Disziplinarmaßnahmen für rechtswidrig erachtet, nach dem Bayerischen Strafvollzugsgesetz mehrere formelle und informelle Rechtsbehelfe zur Verfügung stehen, über die er informiert ist und die er jederzeit einlegen kann.
Ebenso steht es natürlich auch Ihnen zu, sich über Maßnahmen oder Entscheidungen der hiesigen Justizvollzugsbehörde bzw. deren Mitarbeiter zu beschweren, die Sie persönlich betreffen.
Ich sehe allerdings in den vorgebrachten Angelegenheiten keinerlei Eigenbetroffenheit Ihrerseits und damit auch keine Beschwerdebefugnis, weshalb ich für eine inhaltliche Auseinandersetzung mit den von Ihnen angesprochenen Beschwerdepunkten keinen Anlaß sehe.
Hierfür bitte ich um Verständnis und verbleibe mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dr. Eichinger
July 15, 2021 – One village among many in western areas of Germany and farther in the east – idyllic spots where tourists liked to visit before the “pandemic lockdown” – after heavy chemtrailing – very suddenly and unexpected huge amounts of water from the sky – no normal rain
Before the attack
And after
Weather warfare? To create “natural disasters”… to push the “Jew World Order” political agenda, the “Great Reset” – “climate change by CO2” agenda – to gain votes for the “green” party, the LGBTQPedo-criminals – the cultural Marxist polluters of our spiritual environment. The plague of global Communism.
Morekill is leaving
a trail of destruction behind – Biden is already missing her
Very strange and unnatural phenomenons in California – British Columbia
Thank you for posting this, Freya. There is no doubt in my mind that this was an act of weather warfare. (((They))) have been conducting weather warfare for longer than we think, and where I live in British Columbia Canada, we see their chemtrails almost daily. All one has to do is look up. Natural skies are becoming less-than-normal these days. Then, after one “natural disaster” after another, whether it be flood or drought or wildfires, they ramp up their global warming/climate change narrative in the MSM. They accuse us of bringing this about, when in fact they are doing it to us. Always the same MO: they accuse their targeted population of that which they do to them.
From bad to worse…
She is angry… at the “police” who sent the helpers away!!!
People from everywhere near by and from far away as Hamburg WANT TO HELP but they are not allowed to…
She says the “police” keep sending them away… the people who lost nearly everything get little help – Help comes only VERY SLOW from the “authorities” … unnatural and anti-German – The MSM tell lies as usual – The “officials”, those snakes are disgusting – You can hardly bear to see their faces and hear their empty promises
Not only Morekill – ALL OF THEM will have to go. Nothing but empty-headed mouthpieces of the globalist “green” RED COMMUNIST agenda – “climate change” bla bla – More money, money, money – MORE DEBT – only to fill the coffers of the usual culprits, the GREEDY PREDATORS for them to create even more “natural disasters” – WE ARE IN A WAR most people are not even aware of – They do not know that we neither have a “German government” nor a “police” – They are not there to help
and she is finally realizing that…
but her conclusion should not be “Shame on Germany” (not self-loathing again) but naming the true causes and perpetrators – but that goes beyond her comprehension – she has no inkling of what the reality is – The MSM create a false reality – floods of lies – floods…
all kinds of floods…
The English started singing at last… anti-lockdown, anti-vaccination protest in London
They want us all silenced. Thank God Alfred, among others, will not be silent!
Thanks for posting all this, Monika. The world will hear, even if they don’t listen.
Alfred is an inspiration to us all.
Sad to hear about all the unjust treatment.
We can no longer rely on our governments, not that we ever could.
We can no longer rely on our courts, they are as corrupt if not more so. The judge gets 30% automatically into his or her pension fund from the day’s fleecing.
We can no longer rely on policy enforcement units, not that we could since they are trained by Israeli goons to think of citizens as potential enemy combatants.
So, who can we rely on?
Only our selves and some of us are ticked off enough to consider rope therapy for the Entity responsible for all our woes for the last 3000 years at least.
We are at War and in times of war the strong go hunting for the enemy and exterminates for the diabolical pest it is. We refer to this as, ‘The Final Solution.’
PS: I got a very positive, uplifting letter from Alfred. No matter what they do to him his spirit is beyond the enemy’s comprehension.
We are in a war – White genocide is the objective – by weapon of multi-ethnic mass immigration into white countries only and heavily pushed miscegenation
https://worldtruthvideos.org/watch/white-genocide-is-objectively-taking-place-by definition_WIRTtqOjdmKvqvT.html
Just a “coincidence” – Jewish Press explains why there just happens to be so many Jews behind the Corona “vaccines” – causing various severe short term and long term damages – sterilization! – and/or sudden death…
“Operation jab them all” – global total economical and financial collapse – WWIII to kill off the world’s population – a genocidal agenda driven by lunatics, psychopaths, Talmudic Satanists – the Synagogue of Satan
Dear Monika,
just like you … any person reading about the dump, inhuman, criminal show delivered to Alfred wants to blow up the walls of the jails, where peaceful truthtellers are incarcerated …on behalf of the jewery.
This is not on behalf of the german people or any other nation. This show is just a symptome of the acting of the hateful, the liars, who fear the truth, Alfred is telling.
It’s a shame like Germans act against their own folks. These people are totally victimes to the propaganda of their enemies. But be mercyful – they are lied to just from their early years.
Nevertheless it is tyranny. They behave exactly as they would be the ones, the think to fight. It’s jewish, radical, bolshewist tyranny. Look at Stalin, at Mao or just the political “justice” in Germany.
It is quite obvious: there’re persons at the very top who serve the Father Of Lies, who is afraid of the truth. And if he and his disciples wanted veracity they wouldn’t even think of silencing a person who believed he was speaking truthfulness even if it was not. Fear causes cruelty, and this is the most extreme proof of the terror that thrives in the hearts and minds of the cowards whether they are in power or not, ergo their souls are corrupted. Mister Alfred Schaefer is a living victim of this mind set and its actions. God Bless, Aristo Boho
We think of Alfred all the time. Sending strength to him!
Yes, when I grab my morning milk coffee and go to work (to my PC), I remind myself, that Alfred cannot do, such things.
A bunch of traitors take his humans rigths off of him – just to slow down the spreading of the truth, Alfred is speaking out … into the world.
Sorry – it is not the original video. The original was a direct interview with Tony Bliar aired quite recently (on BBC, CNN or something like that) – quite an impressive display of “humanitarian righteousness”, an urgent appeal to get everyone vaccinated to overcome the pandemic. Call it hypocrisy or worse.
Obviously enough reason to hide it from scrutiny.
Tony Bliar wants to vaccinate the global population as fast as possible…
and a global COVID vaccination pass to prove vaccination and get freedom and rights back… If that is not enough “incentives” to want the kill shots, the “humanitarians”, “philantropists”, “saviors of the planet” intend to make it mandatory…
In remembrance –
Victims of the “COVID-vaccine” kill shots – global mass murder – long planned, on an industrialized scale…
…and gradually, I began to hate them! -AH
that’s inevitable. To take someones live time is a decision, that has to be very well founded.
Alfred is just telling the truth, everyone can read – easely.
But: … even if you use ONLY official documents .. it don’t protects you.
Arnold Höfs was sentenced to 1,5 years in prison by a judge at a state court in Hannover.
This beautiful person mentioned that Arnold exclusively put together official documents. … but these documents pointed at … the real criminals.
Such despicable treatment of a powerful truth teller.
Saddam Hussein and Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction – the Bliars do
Tony Bliar wants a “COVID 19”
digital “vaccine pass” for everyone.
He wants everyone injected with deadly “vaccines” for “protection”
Such a nice guy, a “humanitarian”
The “vaccines” are bioweapons – weapons of mass destruction – to do serious bodily harm and/or kill on the spot as many human beings as possible
COVID-19 = Certificate Of Vaccination IDendification – 19 years after 9/11
We are in a war.
It is time to choose the right side.