Free Speech Monika

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Two Shows: Fred Leuchter & Jürgen Neumann on Blood River Radio on “the holocaust”

What an honour and a pleasure to have had the opportunity to do these two shows with Eddie “The Bombardier” Miller on Blood River Radio, two shows which utterly destroy the holy holocaust myth. March 6, 2021, we had Fred Leuchter on the air telling us the story of how, as a forensic expert, he became involved with Ernst Zündel, Auschwitz, and telling the truth about the so-called gas-chambers. It was a fascinating and enlightening two hours.

Hour 1:
Hour 2:

Two weeks later, on March 20, 2021, we had Jürgen Neumann tell his story on this same “forbidden” subject. He was Ernst Zündel’s right-hand man for over two decades, and became the main camera man and film-maker. In this capacity he made 4 trips to Poland to visit the concentration camps, participating in hands-on primary evidence-gathering. The stories Jürgen told were absolutely gripping.

Hour 1:
Hour 2:

There were some technical difficulties during the very last segment of Hour 2 on March 20th, so unfortunately Jürgen was cut off, just as he was answering the question “WHY”? The major Canadian newspaper the Toronto Star gave us the answer in the headline of an article on November 26, 1991: Memory of Holocaust central to new world order.

Between those two shows, what an education you can get. If you are new to the subject, be ready to have your world rocked, and if you are already aware of the hoax of the 20th century, there will surely be something new for you too!

Please stay tuned for more, as we bring both these brave and righteous men onto Blood River Radio together next time in Round Table fashion.

One Response

  1. God may bless you and His angels protect you for what you are doing — we here in Germany desperately need help from outside — the muzzles (Maulkörbe) are real, you can hardly SAY ANYTHING TRUTHFUL IN PUBLIC without risking being reported to the “police”…btw a federal institution of the state “transformed” into COMPANIES – the so called ‘Federal Republic of Germany’ itself has been “transformed” into a COMPANY… D-U-N-S Nr.: 34 – 161 – 1478 CAN YOU IMAGINE THE FAR REACHING IMPLICATIONS…? A massive, gigantic DECEPTION & FRAUD of the German people
    privatization means expropriation… the Communist Manifesto… COMMUNIST RULE – the RED TERROR by neo-Trotskyites…

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