Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Two Little Stories that Illustrate why Truth and Justice must Prevail!

The first story is about cowardice, and the second story is about the terrible irony of how the reversal of villain and victim reaches right into an old age home, affecting human relationships.


Germany has been brought to her knees, and the people suffering under the weight of the guilt cult have been turned into wimps.

An American friend and supporter asked me how she could help my brother, political prisoner  Alfred Schaefer. I told her the very best thing she could do was to write a letter or a postcard. The subject of stamps came up, and I explained stamps could be sent inside of a letter, but that it would only make sense to send stamps from Germany, as they had to be German postage stamps. She immediately got in contact with her friend in Germany, to request that he send some stamps to Alfred. He wrote to her afterwards that he had done so and that he sent the envelope from a post office in another town, not his home town. Furthermore, he added:

“… and of course, I wore rubber gloves to handle the stamps and envelope!”

After my initial surprise, I came to the conclusion that he must have been making a satirical joke. He could not possibly have meant this for real. I expressed this to my American friend. She replied that he was dead serious. She knew him well enough.

Might you wonder why on earth the man thought he should wear gloves in handling a letter that is being sent to a political prisoner?  It is rather absurd, isn’t it? By the way, it had NOTHING to do with Covid. Apparently the taboo of questioning certain subjects is so intense in Germany, that they fear even sending a letter to the dissident prisoner who has dared to do so. This man feared they might trace the letter back to him through his finger prints or through a DNA test of some stray skin cells, and go after him for sending stamps to the bad bad dissident!

What has happened to the Germanic Warrior?!?!

Terrible Irony

I visited an old friend in a nursing home. I’ll call her Mary. While there I saw another old friend that I have known for decades, and I’ll call her Helga. Helga is of sound mind still, but is losing her physical mobility. Background about Helga – she was a little girl in the east German lands (what is sometimes referred to as middle Germany) during the war, where practically every girl and woman aged 4 to 94 was raped, and many were brutally tortured and murdered by the advancing Red Army. Many years ago, Helga told me some stories about those terrible times.

I got down to eye-level with Helga. With an intense gaze, she solemnly repeated,

“soon, I will be smiling… soon I will be smiling..”

I smiled and reassured her that yes, soon she would be smiling.

Simultaneously, at the other end of the table, an ugly-minded hag was squawking at Mary,

“SHE’s the one [referring to me, Monika Schaefer] who thinks the holocaust never happened!”

Ahhh, the irony of that moment. There I was talking with one of the real victims of atrocities in WW2, while her cohort living in a Canadian nursing home was only concerned about the “holocaust denier”, thereby implicating the German woman as being part of the evil group. If the old hag only knew the truth.

The victims are villains and the villains are victims.

Two recent shows

11.11.2021 Livestream with Reuvin of the website Gott mit uns, formerly had a website Jews for Hitler, here is the show:

Contents of the show:
– The first 15 minutes are beautiful music
– From minute 15 to 57, Reuvin talks about evidence regarding the impossibility of the gas chambers
– Minute 57 to 1:03 replay of “Sorry mom, I was wrong about the holocaust” the six minute video which landed me in jail
– From 1:03:00 to 2:12:30 we have a conversation together. We cover many things, especially about how they keep the Big Lie going. Trials and such.
– From 2:12 to the end (another 12 minutes or so) Reuvin finishes up with some very interesting thoughts about his role in this truth-telling endeavour as a half-Jew himself.


Kathleen Dudley contacted me via my website a little while ago, telling me her story about being a very recently awakened person. She is such an inspirational example of someone who really understands the gravity of our predicament. It did not take long, once awakened, for her to swing into full action. She now has a YouTube channel and an Odysee channel, conducting interviews and making videos, in a quest to help wake up others. I enjoyed our conversation immensely. Here is our conversation from 13.11.2021:
True History. A Conversation with Monika Schaefer

We used language that would not trigger the censors at YouTube, but made our descriptions clear enough that everyone will know what we are talking about. That show is also up on Kathleen’s channel at

13 Responses

      1. One caveat –

        It is always about truth & justice – The justice which comes with the historical truth – a kind of “revenge” – a better word is retribution – which is not blind

        Always know and name the true enemy – Especially hard to discern the enemy within – to see through the Jewish deceptions

        UNITY (which naturally includes racial unity/homogeneity), JUSTICE (which comes with truth) & LIBERTY / FREEDOM are the pillars of true happiness – for every race and nation

        Appreciation for all races and nations – for the true diversity of God’s creation is essential – all should strive for excellency and live a life of self-determination

        There is nothing “odd” or “contradictory” about that – only in the Jewish hate mongering DIVIDE & RULE propaganda

        There were volunteers of all races in the largest multi-racial army of all times – all fighting Jewish banksterism – the common enemy of mankind

        The myth of German villainy / culpability

  1. Hi Monika. Thanks for the two little stories.

    The first one reminds me of myself 😞when I wrote to you in jail. I didn’t include my return address for reasons of cowardice, and therefore deprived myself of a beautiful letter from you (because I know how beautiful your letters from jail were, as others posted a few online.) So please forgive me; that is not happening with Alfred! 🙂

    And the other story just goes to show how narrow-minded some folks are. It’s sad, really.

    Keep up the good work! Hoping you are well.

    1. Hi Canadian Wildflower,
      please see my reply to Freya. I understand the anonymity, but it was the rubber gloves that surprised me!

  2. Always judging “the Germans” – how easy that is

    They are the “cowards”, right?

    Think again. Pleeeeaase.
    Monika, have you forgotten – about how you had to flee from here?
    Have you so quickly forgotten?

    It is way too easy always judging those “weird Germans”, they are so “direct, unfriendly, impolite, grumpy” – and “backward”! (all quotes) They still prefer using cash… They rather prefer freedom to debt slavery, I guess…. The shops are closed in Sundays! They prefer spending time with their family. How “inconvenient” for the Anglo-American immigrants who are so used to going shopping all the time – “everything is so cheap” over here, they say at least – they have their paper dollar “Federal Reserve” notes – When hyperinflation hits again they will be as careless as can be – “everything is alright” – right?

    It must be so hard on them – all these “inconveniences”, simply “SHOCKING”!! In multiple videos they keep whining about the “cultural differences”, they call it “cultural shocks” – those poor liberal, progressive Americans being traumatized by those backward, weird Germans…

    So sorry….

    (sarcasm OFF)

    Truly fed up…

    1. Dear Freya, it was really about the rubber gloves, not so much about sending the stamps without a return address. I understand that part, but it was the extreme measures taken, to guard against the possibility that someone might actually take a fingerprint off the letter. I hope you see the difference. I should perhaps been more explicit about that in the article.

      1. All these very important demonstrations and protestations
        mostly in traditionally white countries



        against the “COVID” (= Certificate Of Vaccination IDentification) digital “Green Pass” show the level of consciousness rising in the general public – all these people will NEVER take the kill shots – a very good sign – we freedom warriors will never lose hope – The system of Red Terror Communism will fail – a safe bet…

        1. …and the Anglo-American etc military occupiers of Europe will have to leave continental Europe and finally GO HOME!!!

          Just as they had to leave Afghanistan after 20 years of war and terror inflicted upon the Afghani people… oppressing them, destabilizing the country at the behest of (fake) Israel – empowering the Ashkenazis there who want to become the hegemons of the whole region (Yinon Plan – “Greater Israel” from the Euphrates to the Nile – world government – Project of a new American (= Jewish-Zionist) Century”/PNAC of the year 2000 by fifth column dual American-Israeli nationals, so called “democrats”, Trotzkyites, Communists calling themselves “neo-Conservatives”…

          Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Sudan and Iran… “Israel’s” Muslim neighbor states
          had nothing to do with the terror attacks of 9/11… an alleged “attack on America” – an alleged reason for dragging the Europeans (Nato) into a never ending “war on terror” (Muslim terrorism), using the Muslim hordes as their tools as well…

          but everything has to do with THE ENEMY WITHIN –

          What does it take for the Americans to finally see the light… and discern between friend and foe – lies and truth?

          What does it take… What else has to happen?

    2. You are right. Today the germans cannot be the same like 150 years ago. Today the enemy stands inside the occupied country. Jewish politicians, strange justice, colored foreigner especially in West Germany, wrong telled german history in TV make it difficult for people to think, speak and be german. The company “Bundesrepublik” in (not of) Germany takes germans down.

  3. Thank you Monica for the truth as your strength and wisdom help others that can think for themselves. Even though we are in tough times with the wicked pushing so much, it’s great to know we’re gaining folks who are finally realizing what’s really going on. Prayers for you, stay strong.

  4. Thank you Dear Monika for ALL that you do: I admire you so very much and appreciate your clear words.
    We keep on “picking up survivors” (as Jim and Dianne say).
    God Bless and GOTT MIT UNS.

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