Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Truth Bomb

We are in a war. It is not a war of our choosing. We did not start this war, but we are in it, so we had better become aware of it. That is the problem – lack of awareness. How has the enemy of humanity (the usual suspects) managed to get such a large portion of humanity to become agents of our own destruction, obliviously sleep-walking en masse off a cliff? Decades of drip-feed lies and deceptions and degenerative programming – that is how!

We can use Truth as a weapon to get ourselves back on our feet and heal ourselves from a lifetime of contamination from toxic lies, and most importantly, to stop participating in “their” war against us. If we all just say No! Enough! If we all just stop OBEYING these criminal mandates and rules and restrictions, then we can take back our world.

A while back I made this little leaflet, filling a normal size piece of paper both sides in easy-to-read font. I hand these out at every opportunity.

My dear friend, the late Fay Ash from Calgary Alberta stressed how important leafletting is. She was the main player in the successful battle to get fluoride removed from the Calgary water years ago. She always said, leaflets, leaflets, leaflets! It is street-level activism and it works. They also lobbied hard at the city council level.  

I am sharing this here with the invitation to take the following information as a template for YOUR leaflet. This information can be added to, subtracted from, updated, whatever you find is appropriate. Adjust the formatting to your liking. The purpose is to inform, to get people to think for themselves, to give a few concrete sources to investigate. This is not mainstream media information; in fact this type of information is heavily censored, and so it is up to us to help people find it.

The Leaflet:


Covid-19 Pandemic?

Total deaths from all causes has remained virtually the same over the last five years.

The flu has all but disappeared.

Reporting: Doctors and hospital administrators receive financial incentives as well as political pressure to mark “Covid-19” on death certificates, even in cases of death from other causes.

Tests: The PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) is not designed to test for disease. The inventor, Kary Mullis said that “PCR does not tell you that you are sick. It is a process whereby you take a tiny amount of something and make a whole lot more out of it.” Beyond 30 to 35 cycles, anything can test positive, including a papaya or a goat. In BC, LifeLabs confirmed that “Yes, LifeLabs performs COVID-19 PCR (swab) testing. For public health MSP testing, we mostly use the BCCDC assay which uses 40 cycles.” This results in MANY false positives.

If the tests are invalid, then the house of cards falls down! Fear of the virus is based on a FRAUD.

Masks are ineffective at keeping viruses from passing through. It is comparable to stopping mosquitoes with a chain-link fence. Masks are harmful to our physical and mental health. Oxygen intake is reduced, and the mask becomes a breeding ground for pathogens which we exhaled and then must re-inhale. Masks impact us psychologically, and can induce fear and trauma.

Isolation: Old people are sometimes forced to die alone. Children are being made to feel guilty about the possible death of their grandparents if they visit them. Suicide rates are skyrocketing. We are losing our humanity.

Lockdowns and closures: Untold numbers of small and medium sized businesses have already closed permanently. Cultural gatherings have become a thing of the past. All because of a 0.01% death rate of a disease they have renamed? Remember: the total death rate from all causes has NOT increased.

Asymptomatic spread? A study of 10 million people with no asymptomatic transmission, should prove that people without symptoms are in fact, healthy.

Vaccines”: these are not vaccines in the conventional sense. Pfizer calls it a “biological agent”, and it is in the “investigative stage”. Moderna (stands for MODify RNA) calls it an “operating system”. These injections are a synthetic manipulation of your DNA. It is difficult to imagine how a “vaccine” can be developed for a virus which has never been isolated. See source:

You can learn more about the risks of the injections otherwise known as vaccines, in the first 30 minutes of this interview with a highly credentialed physician, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. Before submitting to the experimental injection, read the article or watch the first half of the video embedded in this article, and then you decide. It might just save your life. Here is the URL:

Vaccine Deaths and Injuries are already prevalent. Source:

Many doctors are telling us that there is no pandemic, that the injections are unsafe, that lockdowns are hurting us, that masks are harmful, or useless at best. These whistle-blowers have nothing to gain and everything to lose by speaking out publicly. Why do they do it? Because they have done the research and feel compelled to ring the alarm bells. They are telling us that governments are lying to us about Covid-19. The mainstream media is lying to us about the so-called pandemic.

See this website:  and search for the article “doctors around the world issue dire warning: do not get the covid vaccine

Dr. Coleman says this is the most crucial video he has made about covid-19:

Immunity from Liability: Did you know that pharmaceutical companies cannot be sued if the injection harms or kills someone? They are protected by law against liability. Why would they need that, if these injections were safe?

Predicted and Planned Pandemic: Look up Event 201 which took place October, 2019, an exercise to simulate a coronavirus pandemic.

Research Operation Lock Step 2010

Look up Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030

The Great Reset: Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum tells us that by 2030,
“You will own nothing and you will be happy.”

Klaus Schwab tweeted this: “The World Economic Forum are working with the Biden Administration to ensure that most people will survive the coming food shortages. Citizens that have up-to-date vaccination documents will receive regular packages of plant-based protein products.”
You can find that information in this video: When the ‘Powers That Be’ share their plans” on this site:

What you can do: Research the science, talk to your friends and neighbours and

REFUSE to comply any longer.

We the Citizens of Canada must retake charge of our lives.

All businesses should return to business-as-usual removing all COVID requirements for their employees and customers.

For Citizens who are worried about COVID, you are free to continue self-isolating and masking as you see fit.

We the Citizens of Canada are free to make our own health decisions. You may choose to live your life based on your own decisions for your own health. If we all take action effective immediately, we the People of Canada will take control of our nation back from our government.



5 Responses

  1. Thank you for that excellent template. It really sums up alot of information.

    I modified it to suit my locale & sent it to some friends. I am hoping they will take an interest in it.

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