Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Truth And Justice for Germans Society Website up and running


It is a work in progress and there is much yet to be done. But I would like to let the readers know that the Truth and Justice for Germans Society new website is up and running. 

addition (my oversight): We have a dedicated group of volunteers – thank you! You know who you are. God Bless you.

Take a peek, browse the site.

Why is truth and justice for Germans still relevant and important, you might ask.

We are having a “pandemic” now and all that stuff happened so long ago!

The simple answer is that we are living in a world built on lies and deceptions. We are living in a manufactured matrix. If we have half a chance of coming out of this matrix and freeing ourselves from the chains of planned enslavement, we need to know the truth about our history and current affairs, and right ourselves back up in this upside-down world.

We need to recognize what is really happening and who our enemy is – and that we even HAVE an enemy. We are in a war, not a war of our choosing and not a war which we started. Most people do not recognize that we are in a war, because we do not have physical bombs raining down on our heads. There is no possibility to win a war when we ourselves are seeing everything backwards and inverted.

The war on Germany and Germans never ended. It began long before the two “World Wars” and it has continued after the bombs stopped dropping in 1945. 

The war on Germany extends to a war against all Europeans worldwide!

We have been taught to believe that we are our own enemy. We have become agents of our own destruction. The guilt cult has brought us to our knees, and this guilt cult is based on deception and inversion of truth.

When one group of people behaves in such a way that they must resort to making laws against criticizing them, we must ask ourselves what are they hiding.

They have driven their lies and deceptions so hard, right into this scamdemic in 2020, where the frightened and programmed masses are “obeying” their way into enslavement. An awake populace would not be willingly walking into their own annihilation such as what we are witnessing now. That is why learning, understanding and telling the truth is so important!

We need to say NO. We need to RESIST. We need to stand up and take back our world.

The Truth will set us Free!

21 Responses

  1. Please help solve 6 million puzzles
    P1 : Where was the missing 6 millions ?
    Population per World Almanac of the American Jewish Committee USA
    1939 —15, 600,000 1940 — 15,319,359
    1941 — 15,748,091 1942 — 15,192,089
    1945 — 15,192,089 1946 — 15,753,638
    1947 — 15,698,259 1948 — 15,500,000
    1949 —- 15,713,638 1950 — 11,500,000
    Note: these were from publication before 1960
    P2: How do you explain war time 5.5 yr vs cremation time 11.5 yr ?
    It takes 3 solid hours to cremate a dead body in today’s high efficient crematorium.
    There were not more than 180 crematoriums used within concentration camps.
    That meant if all 180 crematoriums worked non-stop, each would take 100000
    hours (11.5 years) to complete cremation task of 6000000 (per Holocaust claim, and
    Steven Spielberg movies)
    On top,where was the scarcity of fuel from during war times?
    P3: How reliable are the survivor testimony without cross exam ?
    In Book Proverb (Bible), there are many verses warned against
    lie & false witness among each other and God during ancient Jerusalem time.
    Ask contemporary lawyers/prosecutors/judges on trustworthiness of eyewitness
    testimony under cross exam. Men have a long history of misbehavior.
    P4: Most victims of concentration camps were results of collateral casualty ?
    Foods and medicines supply lines were cut off as a result of the Allied saturation
    bombing on highways, railways, buildings, and bridges. All WW2 war lords had
    their shares of bloody hands !!! The first wanted to preserve his Empire, the second
    wanted weapon business (Arsenal of Democracy) to get out of Depression, the
    third wanted to spread communism to dominate the world , and the fourth wanted
    to restore partial territory pre-WW1 and wipe out communism from itsneighborhood.
    P5: the Allied had to shift its blame game to justify the war ?
    Yalta conference (Feb 4-11 1945) Churchill,Roosevelt,Stalin and Potsdam
    conference (July 17 – Aug 2 1945) Churchill/Attlee,Truman,Stalin. Among many
    issues discussed, Holocaust question not existed practically; while Polish question
    was outstanding between Churchill and Stalin, consumed bulky time. Britain and
    France did not show their muscles on Polish theater, when war was declared on
    Germany. By Feb 1945 Polish territory lost completely to more monstrous
    Communism than Socialism. Churchill knew all his effort to preserve sun-never-set
    Empire was lost; he could never admit the gigantic disaster on his part; therefore a
    conjugate scheme had to kick in to justify the war and to benefit both Allied and
    Zionists through non-stop demonizing the Third Reich as an entertainer money
    making business.
    P6 :Truth needs no law to protect it !? Strategy against revisionist:
    1) don’t engage open debate, because of weakness in facts.
    2) name-calling its opponents;
    3) denial/hate speech laws: jail/silence them. (Note: it is a white-color terror law)
    Those revisionists in jails for their TRUTH are similar to Galileo persecuted for
    earth-around-sun in 1632.

    1. We’re all aware of that. Except for the terrified ostriches busy burying their heads in the sand(or deep in their rears when meeting with concrete) because of the little visitor who falls just in time to divert attention.

  2. Thomas Dalton has a new book out which is apropos:

    Eternal Strangers: Critical Views of Jews and Judaism through The Ages (January, 2020). It can be purchased at

    Keep up the great work, Monika.

    1. An excellent book! I have added it to my library of understanding jewish behavior and their history. One every GOY should have.

  3. Well said. I have learned the truth and I see many more waking up.
    I believe that they are in panic mode. As more people are not buying what the jews
    Are selling as easily. They always push it to far.
    They will lose in the end as always.

    1. Yes, “well done to the team” and a big thank you to the volunteers. You know who you are:-) I will add a note to the article. That was an oversight on my part.

  4. This is great to see Monika. Though I am not of a German background(but they are our first cousins), my Wife and Mother-in-law(rip), certainly are. My Wife’s uncleHorst fought with Luftwaffe unit KG53 and her Mother was on the staff of General Ritter Von Griem in the last seven months of the war. He was a real gentleman said my Mom in-law. I will be checking out this site thoroughly, thankyou, now that I know the truth.   Stephen Yuill,  Oshawa,  Ont.

  5. Dear Monika, you are absolutely right in every point you are mentioning. You are a real Charakter, So I feel sorry for you seeing you are fighting a war you will finally destroy your life, because you and nobody can win it. Pane et ludi will do it since many thousand years and Geld regiert die Welt. There will be never a change of this world, otherwise it would have happened already thousands of years ago.Human beings are gregoriously by nature and will never change. Take care for yourself !

    1. You are amplifying the jewish message to us that there is no future and no hope. They want us to believe that. Because when we believe that, it becomes true. It is self-fulfilling. That is what the jews want – for us to give up and roll over.
      I, for one, will never give up or lose hope, and I am joyfully resisting their agenda. I choose to live without fear and to live my life with purpose.

    2. You’ve got to be kidding?! We’re winning! They are already down to plan B which is playing the “nice guys” ‘ part, pretending that they are coming to save us from plan A which is already falling. Do you have the faintest idea as of how many we are? Or perhaps you are on a mission? We don’t give a damn about “gregarious people who dream to be led”. Winner takes all. And we shall win.

  6. Thanks, Monika!

    My wife is German as are my stepchildren who are in their early thirties. Through my wife, I’ve met many Germans and none have heard of Udo Walendy or much of anything else. The brainwashing continues to be very successful, unfortunately.

    I hope this will change…Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt. 🙂

    Best wishes from southeast Norway,


    Den 21.05.2020 17:48, skrev Free Speech Monika:

    > Monika posted: ” It is a work in progress and there is much yet to be done. But I would like to let the readers know that the Truth and Justice for Germans Society new website is up and running. Take a peek, browse the site. Why is” > >

  7. Excellent “speech” Monika! Most people are like toddlers playing around on a battlefield, unaware of the bullets flying past their heads.

  8. Freeing the Germans from their jewsh captors may aid in freeing the rest of White Folk worldwide. All of the jewish historical narratives are breaking down and the truth is gaining ground. Naming the jew behind all of their destructive behavior will one day succeed in bringing righteous justice.

    1. The final solution to all our problems IS most likely to be German, or at least of Germanic nature. Consciously or unwillingly, the Christians (and I am one of them) have been playing the part of Trojan donkeys to provide for the ultimate benefit of this minority which never wished well to anyone alien to their people. If you study the German societal development prior to the Verden Carolingian war crime of 782, you will find that – contrary to many myths and misunderstandings around it – it was a very balanced and a profoundly human society. Of all the Westerners, I believe that the Germanic people are amongst the peoples which truly have in mind the very good of their own folk; starting from the basis upwards. Not so with most other Western peoples from which the individuals are heavily disadvantaged by their usual mediocre, vain need for acknowledgement.

    1. Indeed, the jews are having a problem when they continue to stomp on truth mushrooms. The spores just float off and start a new. Websites are popping up faster than they can shut down.

      James Mason announces

      Susan Nosenblatt says:
      May 19, 2020 at 5:59 PM

      Reported to the ADL
      Today, we’re pleased to announce the launch of The American Futurist. There have been many months in development and planning, and this is only the first step of many. The goal of this website is simple: To provide a medium for Radical Fascist propaganda, and to spread the ideas of many Fascists, including the ideas of James Mason. Through this website we will empower fellow fascists by helping their ideological advancement. Unlike other Fascist/NS/White Nationalist publications, our staff is our user base. Any user can submit self-made media to be posted. It can be articles, artwork, music, videos, video games, etc. We’ll host it, as long as it’s pro-white, and in line with our worldview.

      With this structure of decentralized staffing, we are decentralizing the information war itself. We shall give opportunities to those within our movement to express their own pro-white perspectives, to find in themselves the writer or artist that they hadn’t seen before.

      This creates an issue for the Jewish System itself. Forcing them to fight the hydra, and to play an endless game of whack-a-mole. The fact of the matter is that propaganda is just as important as anything. It’s as important as guns. Propaganda brings forth new followers and new propagandists.

      1. Anyone with a reasonable knowledge of „Hochdeutsch“ will greatly benefit from the two-part interview given by the last Reichsjugendführer (German National Socialist Youth Leader) Arthur Axmann to a German television channel. Those of us who are accustomed to scrutinizing facial expressions will quickly understand that this man does not lie… and will sometimes discover a few fleeting expressions of amused contempt from a man who exudes honesty – especially when asked questions that have a forced politically correct character in the last twenty minutes of the interview. Reichsjugenführer Arthur Axmann passes the examination with flying colours and provides us with an enormous amount of valuable information… particularly with regard to the legal distinction in Germany between the concept of „Landesverrat“ and that of „Hochverrat“ (a mitigated form of the crime of high-treason solely directed inside the country without the intent of serving the purpose of the enemy the Colonel Stauffenberg made himself guilty of as he decided to carry out his attempted putsch on July 20th, 1944). Part one: (Those with little time on hand will go directly to→) Part two:

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