Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Truth and Justice for Germans

The Truth and Justice for Germans Society was created in 2015 by a group of people in Vancouver dedicated to telling the truth about Germany’s history. Recently I have added a page to this website where I posted an article about this organization. We are working on creating a dedicated website for the Truth and Justice for Germans Society, but in the meantime, please see that page for information about it. You can find it by clicking on that page title which can be seen at the top of this website.

Jim Rizoli and Diane King created a video in which we discuss the why and the what of this organization. The video is here: JIM AND DIANE PRESENT MONIKA SCHAEFER, NEW PRESIDENT FOR TRUTH AND JUSTICE FOR GERMANS SOCIETY


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35 Responses

  1. Greetings Monika. Does any supporter have access to a Laser cutter to make some stainless steel medals? Many supporters should be recognised.

  2. Dear Monika,
    and dear all the rest of our German patriotism compatriots!

    presently there is a new hopeful development in central Germany where some of a few German national activists try to develop a new German settlement area.

    The idea is in my eyes so good and so hopeful that I cannot help to give a link to that German interview as I believe there are also German patriotic compatriots who might be interested in that idea as well

  3. I regularly give the true facts about WW2 and Germany’s role in fighting the evil Talmudic tribe. I openly, intelligently and unapologetically correct the record to mainstream people in real life and on any social media. I have continued my work with interviewing authors, documentary makers and political activists. I recently finished up with Dennis Wise on his documentary The Secret Masonic Victory of WW2. All the interviews, including the one with you of course, are on my bitchute. If there’s anything I can help you with Monika please let me know! Thank you for all you do!

    God bless!

    1. And thank you too dear Citizen Reporter for your work! Let’s talk again soon, in real time.
      God bless you!

  4. Susanne sent this via message, asked for it to be posted:

    Dear Monika,
    I start in English, as in English there is only “you”, meaning in German “du” or “Sie”. As good as I can, I follow your way in Canada. I wrote letters to you to Stadelheim prison in Munich, and you answered me two times. You did not receive all of my letters, one was sent back to me after your release.
    I love to reread your answers. I am proud of you as a German. I also wrote to Alfred, but I am not sure he received my letters. I sent him some cards, with different names, too.

    Danke für Euren Mut und Eure Arbeit. Ich bin Christ. Die germanischen Goten haben die erste Bibelübersetzung gehabt (Wulfila-Bibel), viel später ging die Reformation von Deutschland aus, der Buchdruck machte die Verbreitung der Bibel möglich. Die Völker der Welt begannen die Bibel in ihrer Volkssprache zu bekommen und zu lesen. Deutschland an der Spitze von Gottes Werk. Für mich als Christin ist das Neue Testament das Wichtigste. Nur im Geist von Jesus Christus kann man das Alte Testament richtig lesen und verstehen.

    Im Johannes-Evangelium steht in Kapitel 8,44: Euer Vater ist der Teufel. Er ist ein Lügner und ein Menschenmörder von Anfang an. Das hat Jesus zu den Juden gesagt.
    Nun, Jesus hat gesiegt. Die Wahrheit siegt immer. Die Propheten haben schon immer viele Opfer gebracht, damit die Wahrheit in der Öffentlichkeit gesagt wurde. Liebe Monika, danke für Alles, und ich wünsche Alles Gute und Gottes Segen für “Truth and Justice for Gemans”.

    Ich würde Dich gerne einmal kennen lernen. Dafür bete ich und für Euren Schutz.
    Liebe Grüße, Susanne

  5. Benton L. Bradberry, The Myth of German Villainy [comment added]:

    “Had America stayed out of it, it is almost certain that the [European] war would have ended in a negotiated peace [in 1916! and there would have been no WWII time line] with neither side achieving a victory. There would therefore have been no Versailles Treaty [Zionist Diktat of Versailles; the Germans had no say at all] Germany would not have been dismembered [mutilated, raped, plundered; the German people genocided] Germany would have maintained her army intact and would have maintained her peace agreement with Russia (Treaty of Brest-Litovsk). The Czar would likely not have abdicated and the German Empire would have remained intact. Bolshevism would most likely have been nipped in the bud instead of taking control of Russia [the Russian & Ukrainian Genocides would not have happened]. The Austro-Hungarian Empire would have remained intact. So, also, would the Ottoman Empire, which would have precluded the creation of the state of Israel and all of the negative consequences resulting from that… There would have been no Communist revolution in Germany, Hungary or Italy. The Spanish Civil War would not have occurred. There would have been no World War II, no Cold War, and Communism would not have taken control of central and eastern Europe [western Europe and the US]. A unified Europe, not unlike [very much unlike! The national sovereignty of the European nations would have stayed intact] the European Union of today, except much larger [why much larger? from Lissabon to Wladiwostok?] and much more prosperous, would almost certainly have formed with Germany as its dominant member [a balance of the continental powers]. In short, Europe would have stabilized and become a dynamic economic [culturally, spiritually enriching and pacifying] power in the world [“a true light onto the world”, the essence of the Christian identity]
    AMERICA’S ENTRY INTO THE WAR was perhaps [certainly] the GREATEST DISASTER IN EUROPEAN HISTORY in its unintended consequences.“ [fully intended! by The BEAST, the MONEY POWER, the Jewish Zionists of “the City“, new Babylon /Wall St, New York who feared to be put out of their debt slavery “money lending business“, organized plunder of the world’s wealth, the plan of Jewish world domination, Satanic rule]

  6. Pro-White Activism – How to Stop the Perpetrators of Genocide
    Talmudic rabbis openly boast about their plans for forced acceptance of “NOAHIDE” LAWS or death! Stories about thousands of portable guillotines, now resting/waiting to be implemented, stored in Georgia, Montana are floating around. They have even instructed their Jewish controlled jewdiciary to re-embrace BEHEADINGS as a form of capital punishment. The Talmudic Satanists want the DECAPITATION of Christians for “idolatry”. Chabad Lubavitcher rabbis are putting pressure on US president Trump flattering his ego… to become the “Mossiach”/Messiah they are waiting for and help them gain world dominion.
    “We will get rid of every single antisemite and nationalist left in this world because we believe in a tolerant future without hate.” (Anti-Defamation League official website)

    “tolerant without hate”/rs! Wow! Jewish hatred, Jewish intolerance, Jewish insanity is terrorizing the whole world! It’s the most preposterous claim coming from the mouths of intolerant Jewish haters pretending to be Semites (descendants of the Israelites of the Bible) who openly announce their intention to “get rid of” all nationalists and “anti-Semites”! Not only the white nationalists, ALL of them! Except Jewish nationalists, of course… Talmudic double standard, hypocrisy.

    The JEWISH WORLD is hell on earth! The Jewish mass murderers behave like demons straight from hell. They want to “get rid of “(imprison, silence, kill) all opponents by making criticism of Jewish crimes a death sentence crime, they want “ANTI-SEMITISM” LAWS to mass murder tens of millions of opponents as they did in Communist Russia! They have already killed hundreds of millions through revolutions, wars, multiple genocides. Genocidal Jews weaponize everything, attacking us non-Jews from all angles, playing us off against each other. /

    Who are the Jews to define for us the meaning of words? Jews invent/ed misnomers and distort the meaning of words to confuse the masses, manipulate and change the behavior (mass mind control – psychological warfare – brain contamination – conditioning – indoctrination – social engineering) to make us behave in a self-destructive way (Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion: “The Goy will become agents of their own destruction”):

    “hate” = the truth is “hate” for the haters of truth, lying Jews; “Jews fear nothing more than the truth” (Henry Ford)
    Jews cry “haters”! = to ritually defame the truth tellers; truth tellers are “haters” only for the haters of truth, lying Jews
    “hate speech” = the truth/free speech is “hate speech” for the haters of truth, lying Jews; “hate speech is what Jews hate to hear” (Brother Nathanael)
    “criminal offense” = criminal Jews make speaking the truth a “criminal offense”; they want to make speaking the truth a death sentence crime; nothing is more offensive for Jewish liars and criminals than the truth
    “hate speech” laws – ”incitement to hatred” laws – ”denial” laws = to protect the Jewish lies, criminalize the truth tellers and keep us all enslaved to the Jewish lies
    Jews cry “tolerance”! = to make non-thinking, gullible people tolerate the intolerable, the Jewish LGBTQ and P-perversions; they want us to tolerate the most repulsive depravity, insanity, lunacy, the Jewish sick-minded shit! Jewish intolerance, intellectual terrorism! “Our tolerant New World Order could not tolerate the truth and evidence I was presenting. I had to be shut down…” (Alfred Schaefer) That’s the Jewish world. Anything goes! Anything bad is allowed, the truth is forbidden! The truth is the offence. Jewish psychopaths have no empathy, and they weaponize the empathy, the good will to help those in need the white people have! They exploit white generosity and altruism as a weapon of mass destruction against us when preaching “tolerance“ and “all-inclusiveness“. ZERO tolerance for perverts, shameless liars, deceivers, destroyers, rapists, mass murderers!
    Jews cry “all-inclusive views”! – “no discrimination”! = to destroy the natural instincts to defend and protect oneself, to break down all self-defense and protection, basically against all forms of evil, destructiveness, debauchery
    Jews cry “liberte – egalite – fraternite”! = the chants of the “French” Jewish Freemasonic Revolution to abolish the French monarchy and establish JEWISH POWER in France! BEHEADINGS of the French king, queen, nobility, the Catholic church, the French intelligentsia. The same RED TERROR pattern repeated itself with the “Russian” Jewish Communist Revolution to abolish the Russian monarchy and establish JEWISH POWER in Russia! MASS MURDER of the Russian Czar & family, nobility, the Russian orthodox church, the Russian intelligentsia, tens of millions of opponents! The portals of hell were opened up!
    Jews cry “liberalism – liberty”! = defined as freedom from rules which is self/destructive! It’s Satanism: “Do what you want shall be the whole of the law!”
    Jews cry “equality”! = to make us forget that we are all different, and make us behave in a self-destructive, illogical way, by giving equal rights (even privileges!) to alien invaders, to disown and replace us, the rightful owners and heirs of our ancestral lands, countries, nations, white civilization! to impoverish and enslave us to aliens, a self-proclaimed predatory “Jewish elite” who bring more predators in to consume us & EXTERMINATE all nations of the white race!
    “fraternity – brotherhood” = international Jewish freemasonry, Kabbalistic Judaism, Satanism, Luciferianism for Jews & non-Jews, to recruit “useful idiots”, traitors to their own nations and race
    leftist “social justice warriors” = deceived, misled fools, “libtards”, “useful idiots” who don’t grasp that Communism is NOT about social justice, on the contrary: plunder of the world’s wealth & mass murder of all opponents
    Jews cry “diversity”! = to destroy the true diversity of nature, humanity, different races, nations, religions by mixing everyone & everything together in ONE BIG MELTING POT – to destroy all roots, and take away identity and strength to rule supreme over rootless, rudderless mongrel slaves
    Jews cry “anti-Semites”! = Jew invented misnomer to ritually defame truth tellers who criticize Jewish criminals and crimes, and tell the ugly truth about the Jewish deceivers pretending to be Semites, descendants of the Israelites of the Bible but are not; the international kosher mafia criminals think they are the “gods of the planet”, and consider criticizing their crimes as “blasphemous”, ”anti-Semitic” (misnomers)
    “anti-Semitism” laws = to criminalize any criticism of Jews as death sentence crime and kill all opponents, ritually defamed as “anti-Semites”, “racists”, “haters”
    Jews cry “neo-Nazi/s”! = Jew invented misnomers to discredit the achievements of the National Socialists and ritually defame all nationalists/patriots who love their own people/s and sovereign nation states; AshkeNazi Jews, National Zionists (“Nazis”)
    Jews cry “racist/s”! = Jew invented misnomer to ritually defame all white people who want to protect the white minority race and truly care for our survival
    Jews cry “white privilege”/”white supremacy”! = used in a vilifying manner as if it was wrong that Whites should be in power in their own countries and enjoy rights and privileges Jews and other aliens naturally should not have; the Jewish/alien supremacy over the white nations is unnatural!
    “apartheid” = used in a degrading manner as if is was wrong that different tribes, nations, races live separate from each other, in their own territories, countries, nation states – It’s the natural order!
    Jews cry “multiculturalism”! = to destroy the natural order! By mixing the different races, religions and cultures together in ONE BIG MELTING POT to disown, replace and annihilate the white race, flooding the white countries with multi-racial invaders to use them as proxy armies against the indigenous white people; race mixing propaganda; Jewish methods of White Genocide,total enslavement under Jewish rule
    Jews cry “German guilt”! = to induce a false guilt complex into their victims; blaming two world wars and a holy Hoax on the German people is falsification of history and turns the truth on its head
    Jews cry “White guilt”! = habitual Jewish liars and deceivers who have neither conscience nor morals and empathy are in no position to sit as judges over others and preach “white guilt”! The criminal Jews use agitation, deception, betrayal, bribery, blackmail, corruption, seduction, brutal force to make puppet politicians do what they want them to do, they drag white nations into wars, make Whites kill Whites, and others
    How about the Jewish guilt? = The crucial question is: WHO have been the agitators, the perpetrators? Without Rothschild-Balfour Deal (both Jews) there would have been no destructive WWI, WWII timeline… There could have been a negotiated peace in 1916 between the German Kaiser and the British Empire, without American meddling in European affairs (1917) there could have been a positive development for Europe and the whole world… normal and healthy competition would have helped to make great efforts and progress. And further back: without “Federal Reserve Act” (1913), there would have been no debt slavery to the international private Jewish banking syndicate, without Freemasonic assassination of the Austro-Hungarian archduke and his wife in Sarajevo there would have been no provocation to kick off an European war in 1914… to abolish the Russian monarchy, the German monarchy, the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, and the Ottoman Empire… the stabilizing order for Europe and the Middle East.

    WHO has been the destructive agitating force, the financiers and profiteers of revolutions, WWI, II, and all the wars ever since? (world Jewry, international freemasonry) Who was the target of two world wars, got ALL the blame and is supposed to pay “reparations”, “compensation”, “restitution”, lifelong pensions to the Jews eternally? (the German nation) What do we learn from that about the JEWISH ROLE in history? Where do we go from there? What kind of politics do we need?
    Truth & justice for Germans would be a good start.

    1. ~”Jewish psychopaths have no empathy, and they weaponize the empathy, the good will to help those in need [that] the white people have! They exploit white generosity and altruism as a weapon of mass destruction against us [while] preaching “tolerance“ and “all-inclusiveness“.”~(Freya)

      Exactly! They weaponize our generosity, our altruism, our good will AGAINST us. Thank you for articulating that, and so much more, in this excellent comment.

    2. After a request by the US Embassy in Berlin, Hitler and Himmler sent a Jewish German Officer (Bloch) to Warsaw to rescue the founder of the Lubavitchers, Rabbi Schneerson, and his family and escort them to America. Have the sons of Lubavitches ever thanked Hitler?

  7. Freya, whether you reply or not. which came first- the chicken or the egg? Boycotts etc seemed to have gone both ways according to historic accounts. You asked why the jews didn’t leave Germany which sounds like the political situation was hostile toward them whatever the reason and I would venture to say had I lived in Germany for generations and had a family business I guess I would be reluctant to go to Madagascar too. And to Polo, to be honest, this more or less peaceful invasion of France certainly was not true in Poland.

    It is very interesting that migrations and changing borders have occurred throughout history. I suppose the main crime of the Jews was that they didn’t assimilate well- and they had a knack for making money or money lending which never sat well with Christians and which in turn then became international banking in some cases (Rothschild) and as with most powerful institutions not just Jewish ones, a lack of empathy with the common people.

    As for the war, tragically, the allies were too slow to perhaps understand all the underlying dynamics of the German situation and burdens of the first world war, and in the end diplomacy failed.

  8. Pro-White Activism – How to Stop the Perpetrators of Genocide (2 pages, DIN-A4)
    #The Jewish obsession with hatred for the white race – WHITE GENOCIDE
    Internationally organized Jewry, the Jewish community worldwide works for the destruction of all white nations, for the EXTERMINATION of the white race! Lots of evidence from the Jews’ own mouths! Speaking the truth is not a crime, it’s free speech, our inalienable, God given right. Use it or lose it. Kabbalistic Talmudists – Satanists – Communists – Zionists want to totally subjugate, extort and ultimately exterminate all nations of the white race! They envy, fear and hate white people. Jews are guilty of multiple genocides through history! They have never stopped mass murdering the white race, making us fight and kill each other. The Jewish psychopaths want to do it again!
    “When the Messiah comes, Israel will reverse the Final Solution. Twenty, thirty atomic bombs on Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Nuremberg, Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Dresden, Dortmund and so on to assure the job gets done. And the land will be quiet for a thousand years” (Chen Ben-Eliyahu on March 11, 2015 before the Israeli Knesset, quotes in The Times Of Israel)
    When the “Coming of their (false) Messiah” (Anti-Christ) will be staged, they want to repeat the Holocaust of WWII! The Jews want to be their own Messiah, the Jewish community is Anti-Christ. Zionist Jews were the agitating force behind the Anglo-American firebombing of the German cities to genocide the German people! The Zionist World Congress declared Holy War on Germany in March 1933, in the name of world Jewry, and Jew Theodore Kaufman openly announced the plan to EXTERMINATE the German people in his book, Germany must perish, 1941. Jewish anti-German, anti-White extermination plans: Hooton Plan, Kaufman Plan, Morgenthau Plan, Nizer Plan, Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, UN-EU-Replacement Migration Plan… a plan to “exterminate the European Jews” exists only in the vivid imagination of Jewish liars; and “diaries” are easier to forge…
    Q: Who declared “Holy War“ and an international boycott on German goods on National Socialist Germany in March 1933? / A: The Zionist World Congress in the name of world Jewry. //
    Q: Why did World Jewry declare war and an economic boycott on Germany? / A: World Jewry wanted to starve the German people into submission (again! as they did before with the British hunger blockade to force the Germans to sign the Zionist Diktat of Versailles, 1918), force Hitler out of office, so that all Jews could stay or return to Germany, back into all their former influential positions, sucking the life blood out of Germany; business as usual, as it is again since 1945 //
    Q: Why did the National Socialists want all Jews to leave Germany, and all of continental Europe? Any rational reasons? / A: Since the Zionist Diktat of Versailles the Germans knew about the Jewish betrayal: Rothschild-Balfour Deal (1916) to bring America into the European war (in 1917, and again in 1941) on Britain’s side to defeat, dismember, totally destroy and plunder Germany. Without American meddling into European affairs, there could have been a negotiated peace between the German and the British governments in 1916! Britain refused the German peace offers (in 1916, and again in 1940) because the Zionists promised to bring America into the war on Britain’s side; the British government didn’t want peace in 1916 (and 1940), the British war goal to destroy Germany as an economic rival (“destroy the strength of the German people” ~ Churchill) was not yet reached. Britain promised Palestine as “Jewish homeland” in return. / The Germans agreed to an armistice to US president Wilson’s “Fourteen Points” but were betrayed and treated as if they were the guilty instigators and losers of the war. The Zionists, the main culprits, dictated an extremely harsh “peace treaty“ (1918), a declaration of war, falsely putting all the blame on Germany and punishing her with demands for devastating “reparations”, planting the conflicts leading to WWII.
    Q: Why were (hundreds of) thousands of Jews still in Germany, in 1939? Why did the Jews NOT GO AWAY in time? (1933 – 1939 – till 1941 they were free to go)
    ALL of them could have gone abroad! Why did they stay in Germany and in other European countries after the Jewish Zionist DECLARATION OF WAR (1933), openly announcing the Jewish plan to exterminate the German people! What did they expect to happen? All Jews were a security risk (assassinations and sabotage)! Why did they NOT GO AWAY? Were they told to stay? By their Zionist rabbis? To play the role of the “innocent, persecuted victims“? The “Jewish victimhood” extortion racket by falsely accusing, exploiting and enslaving the German people. The goal from the get go. They were told that America would come in and save them from the “evil Nazis”? / Answer: ?
    “The [Nuremberg] trials were also permeated throughout with an atmosphere of Jewish vengeanceseeking.“ (Bradberry, The Myth of German Villainy) Q: Vengeance? Revenge? FOR WHAT?! For refusing to be slaves to the Jews? For refusing to be slaves to Jewish usury and debt slavery? Holy War on the German people! WHY?! What impertinence is that! Why do Jews impose themselves on nations who want them to GO AWAY! Jews hate Jesus Christ and Christians, and were known to be evil operatives in Christian societies. That’s why they were confined to ghettos. The portals of hell were opened up with the “French” Jewish Freemasonic revolution. Napoleon (free mason) gave the Jews equal citizenship with the Germans. Why do they keep destroying the white nations while at the same time playing the “innocent persecuted victims“? / Answer: ?
    The “Final Solution” to the Jewish Question was separation (Nuremberg Laws) – emigration – expulsion (as many times before through history). The National Socialists simply wanted the Jews to GO AWAY, and the Zionists wanted the Jews from Germany to move to Palestine. Transfer Agreement (1933). But most of them didn’t want to go there, and America and England didn’t want to take them all in, the Jews didn’t want Madagascar nor go to Birobidschan (Stalin had given to them) either, so the Zionists saw the necessity to put them under pressure… by putting the Germans under pressure… Thousands of Germans in the Polish occupied German territories were brutally massacred, the Polish government was encouraged by the British and French not to agree to Hitler’s proposals to solve the Danzig problem, a corridor to connect cut off East Prussia with the rest of Germany. The Blitzkrieg on Poland gave them the pretense they wanted to declare war on Germany. Jews, Communists were put into labor camps to contribute their share to the war effort; a war of self defense forced upon the German people by world Jewry using the Allies as their proxies.
    It was Jews who holocausted and genocided the Germans, following the genocidal plans they had announced beforehand, and they committed the mass murder by using proxies, the All lies. Mean-spirited, vindictive Jews always blame their own crimes and depravities on their victims. Vicious anti-German holy Hoax propaganda, all Germans ritually defamed as “innately evil, sub-human Nazi villains”. The Jews believe their own lies. The Jewish lies keep terrorizing the world. Rabid Jewish psychopaths want to make Germany and Europe their battlefield again! Anti-German, anti-Russian, anti-Iran media campaigns to incite WWIII! Jewish Zionists are the agitators, financiers and organizers of destabilization, chaos, wars and genocide! Jews boast about the “Jewish values” of “Welcoming the strangers” However, that doesn’t apply to Israel! They don’t welcome strangers to Israel, they welcome them into white countries only to utterly destroy them, and commit White Genocide! All the while playing the role of “morally superior, innocent, persecuted victims”. Moral depravity is the only superiority they can claim. Jewish hate propaganda ritually defames white nationalists, truth tellers, Christians as “haters”, “anti-Semites” (what Semites?), “racists”, “Nazis”, “right wing extremists”, “white supremacists” The truth is: genocidal Jews are the true haters, anti-white racists, non-Semitic Ashkenazis, National Zionists (“Nazis” in short), greedy Capitalist, leftist Communist plunderers, agitators of chaos, wars and multiple genocides. Jewish supremacists are the worst of the worst! They want to make themselves “gods” and rule supreme over the world (conspiracy reality)! Jewish world tyranny, using the US, UN and EU as their tools! Hellish.
    Dresden Holocaust (*Ernst Zündel, speaking the truth, in 1995)

    *“Ernst” means “serious” in German; he’s seriously talking about very serious things; “zündeln” means “playing with fire”, setting the spark, and didn’t he make the Fire of Truth burn, so that it may enlighten the world sunk into the darkness of lies and deception?

    1. Well said ~Freya. I very much agree with your writing.
      In France too, in the 30’s the agitating forces in favor of war were Jewish : this is clearly explained in the books of Ferdinand Celine whom I am currently reading and whose books are forbidden in France nowadays (!! why?? we are in a free world : plse refer to Monika’s striking demonstration about the equivalence of forbidding books and burning books…)

      You are right in each and every point.
      In France, Jews are behind each crippling problem of the French nation.

      The noble gentle “goyim” people of Germany first understood the situation thanks to an exceptional 18/88 leader but then a Jewish satanic revenge took place against German civilians : no white should ever forget those war crimes and every white should understand that the bombings over our German brothers for what it was : a declaration of war against the whites all over the world!

      1. Hello Polo,
        this comment and another slightly older one were languishing in the “spam” box for some reason, and I have not checked there recently. So sorry, that is why the delay in getting this comment approved and posted. It is a reminder to myself to be more vigilant.

      2. Bon jour, Polo
        thank you so much for your kind words!
        We the people/s could do so much better without this evil infestation crippling us…such evil has never been the will of the people
        Vive la France! – and yes, we are brothers & sisters, and we better won’t ever forget that – we must all stand up together. How is it going with the “Yellow Vests” movement? The French protestations are being ignored by the jewmedia just the same as the victims of the Muslim and Black crime plague ravaging Germany.

      3. Merci Polo. Hitler understood the French language an did all he could to create peace with France. He gave Alsace-Lorraine to France although almost all of its population was German, and he returned the remains of Napoleon’s brother to France. He did not want a war with France and never claimed one millimeter of France’s land permanently. He allowed France to keep its government and its navy to protect itself. Compare this with the conduct of the Jewish-controlled All-lies.

  9. Since Jewish Communist death angel Morekill opened the gates into Europe in 2015, flooding the whole world into *Germany, and all white European countries, except Eastern European ones, Poland and Hungary are protected by patriotic, anti-Communist governments (good for them!), the Jews have used our police force to protect their synagogues while hundreds of Christian churches were attacked most viciously in France and Notre Dame cathedral incinerated, not yet in Germany, left totally unprotected against the Muslim/Zionist false flag terror attacks. I’ve asked a policeman sitting in his police car for what reason he keeps watching over the synagogue, *nothing bad* has ever happened here? He replied: “That could change”, and “Do you think I’m enjoying what I’m doing here?” Me (astonished): “Oh, you are thinking! That’s good.” , and I went my way.
    *what’s left after dismemberment is about the size of Montana; and what will be left if you flood the whole world in? Total chaos and destruction. All safety gone, except for Jews, they must be protected, they are the innocent ones, the endangered species.

    *not to Jews* anyways; the bombs fell on the Germans
    Recently – in a bank to the bank clerk: ”The Rothschild bankers are laughing about us! They print “money” out of thin air, charging interest on it, manipulating its value, causing hyperinflation by the huuuge amount of paper being printed, while they keep all the gold, silver, everything of real value.” “Goldesel”… and he was nodding in agreement all the time. Me (astonished): “Then, you do know all that!?” (well, I guess they should know when working in a bank)

    The common people are not as ignorant (“stupid”) as it might seem. They do observe and realize what is going on (“The Goyim know”)

      1. Thank you, ivernazza. Enjoy!

        Faun – Federkleid
        Über die Heide im ersten morgendlichen Schein ziehen die Vögel.
        Wo mögen sie wohl morgen sein?
        Ich folge dem Rauschen der Schwingen in das stille Moor.
        Uralte Lieder dringen aus dem Nebel vor.
        Komm und fliege mit uns fort!
        Lass den Wind dich tragen weit fort von diesem Ort!
        Komm und flieg so hoch du kannst, lass uns die Himmel jagen im Tanz!
        Nebel wie Seide streifen meine Haut so kühl.
        Weiter und weiter. Wo find’ ich meiner Sehnsucht Ziel?
        Ich schließe die Augen und mir sprießt ein Federkleid.
        Schon spür’ ich den Wind und mache meine Flügel weit.
        Komm und fliege mit uns fort!
        Lass den Wind dich tragen weit fort von diesem Ort!
        Komm und flieg so hoch du kannst, lass uns die Himmel jagen im Tanz!
        Die Himmel in dir, wie kann ich sie wissen, kann sie sehen?
        Wir tanzen im Fluge wie Sterne, die ihrer Wege ziehen.
        Komm und fliege mit uns fort!
        Lass den Wind dich tragen weit fort von diesem Ort!
        Komm und flieg so hoch du kannst! Lass uns die Himmel jagen im Tanz!
        Faun – Feather Gown
        Over the heath in the first morning light birds are flying by.
        Where might they be tomorrow?
        I follow the swoosh of their wings into the silent marsh.
        Ancient songs raising out of the mist.
        Come and fly away with us!
        Let the wind carry you on far away from this place!
        Come and fly as high as you can!
        Let’s hunt the sky whilst dancing! The fog like silk brushes my skin so cold.
        Further and further. Where to find my desire’s aim?
        I close the eyes and unleash my feather gown.
        Yet I sense the wind and unfold my wings.
        Come and fly away with us!
        Let the wind carry you on far away from this place!
        Come and fly as high as you can! Let’s hunt the sky whilst dancing!
        The heaven within you, how can I know them, see them?
        We’re dancing in the flight like stars which follow their paths.
        Come and fly away with us!
        Let the wind carry you on far away from this place!
        Come and fly as high as you can! Let’s hunt the sky whilst dancing!

  10. If I may again add a little fun to the wonderful mythology of Teutonic heroes and pure blood ( and I love the history) – I hear about the Germans and about the white race as though all history took place in the last couple of centuries. I dare anyone to take a dna test to find out their true origins. After all it was our ancestors, over centuries who were so fond of moving and mating and changing the dynamics of the landscape. Don’t forget that the Mongols invaded Germania too. if you have type B blood then you are a descendant of Genghis Khan ( not be confused with Cohen). I thought I was a Celt through and through and very proud to be part of Scotland the Brave, of old chieftains and defiance of tyranny . But I have discovered I am also Norwegian (Icelandic), German, and French. And most surprising of all I also have North African dna. Scotland is very diverse and this is not unusual, as in Ireland. I guess we must think of ourselves also in a bigger picture as diverse peoples or else plunge back into the dark ages or worse.

    1. Greetings dune mouse. You stated: ” And most surprising of all I also have North African dna. ” You may have been misled by the practice of some DNA testers to compare clients’ DNA with the Berbers of North Africa. The Berbers were originally Europeans who moved there. Trickery used against White peoplke.

      1. The Berbers of Morocco are the descendants of the prehistoric Caspian culture of North Africa. The “de-Berberization” of North Africa began with Punic settlement and accelerated under Roman, Vandal, Byzantine and Arab rule.

  11. Dear Monika,
    Congratulations for your work which I am discovering today.
    I have taken a red pill a few years ago and I am aware (more or less) and agree with what you are writing.
    As a French I feel so sorry that my country had to be in the evil allied side. A kind of satisfaction comes from the fact that the French eventually did not really fight during WWII and did not harm so much the great German people at least until 1945.
    Every French should express gratitude to the German for never bombing Fr cities and civilians, unlike the ‘allies’ who bombed tens of towns in the northern part of the country.
    Gratitude also for the behaviour of the German army during the occupation, made of loyalty, fairness, justice, respect etc. Particularly, almost no rape were committed during that period.
    Concerning the present situation, I would not be so pessimistic as yourself. Of course the situation is serious but thanks to your works and the works of many others, the truth is spreading very quickly. The brutal methods used by governments to silence us proves the very fragility of this system of lies ; we must keep hope deep inside !
    Finally I understand “Truth and Justice for Germans” but I prefer “Truth and Justice for Whites” because what is happening is clearly a war against the White people. WWII is not a war that ended in 1945, it was a tragically lost battle in a larger war which is going on.
    Finally this war must be won and to achieve victory, the Whites must unite worldwide and put their nationality as of a subsidiary importance.
    Warm regards

    1. Thank you Polo,
      “The brutal methods used by governments to silence us proves the very fragility of this system of lies ; we must keep hope deep inside !” ~ Polo
      Well said!

      I heartily agree that the Whites must unite worldwide because it truly is a war against the White people. And you are right that WWII did not end in 1945. Germany is still occupied by the “victors”, and these same self-proclaimed chosenites are the enemy of the White race. They say so themselves (see for example the writings of the late Harvard professor Noel Ignatiev – all about abolishing the white race).

      Why Truth and Justice for Germany? Germany has often been called the heart of Europe, and as Germany goes, so goes the rest of Europe. The Hollow Cost story was all about demonizing Germany and to keep her forever down. It also served to hide and distract the world from seeing the indescribable devastation that was brought upon Germany by the so-called good guys. By extension now, all Whites are kept down by the false holocaust narrative. When that Big Lie is finally exposed, all the rest come tumbling down. The house of cards falls.

      That is what is happening now. The house of cards is falling. The Light of Truth is shining brighter every day.

      1. Thank you Monika, It is a priviledge for me to receive an answer from you. It is so pleasant and warmful to discuss about real History with more and more people.
        I completely agree with you about the sufferings of the Germans.
        And by the way I sent a kind and reinvigorating letter to Rebecca Haverbeck, who has been jailed for saying words (!??!!) some time ago; she did not reply yet, and I think she is receiving thousands of supporting letters.
        But people like me, hidden behind you, we are legions!
        Amongst many books I had read, and documentaries I had watched, the one who personally deeply changed my mind was ‘hellstorm’ : I almost suffocated watching the footage showing our racial brothers be slaughtered in the most brutal way during late WWII…
        (Yes the French as well as all the other Whites are brothers of Germans!).
        When watching Hellstorm the first time, I already (roughly) knew about the atrocities done by the Bolcheviks in the East of Germany, but I did not know yet that the ‘good people’ of the ‘allies’ supposedly including my country, France had committed so many violations of duties as regardsto the Geneva Convention.

        Just one sentence :
        “Patton was murdered and Eisenhower went in the full Jewish-hate mode” : a hate against German brave men called ‘Disarmed Enemy Forces’ instead of the legal term ‘Prisoner of War’ (POW)”.
        My conclusion is :
        “Because I AM WHITE, I feel as A GERMAN also!”

        Warmly yours


  12. Well done Monika and congratulations on becoming the leader of the advocacy group. I’m sure you will put your heart into it. It was good to watch the sorry mom video again. That was a masterpiece to be sure. Good luck to you in your new position. You are up against a lot of money and power, it will surprise them when they lose.Les

  13. Hi Monika –

    Great interview!  Thanks for sending me all your news – I admire your perseverance in this cause.  Hope to see you again sometime.  Manny just left for India this week – he’ll be gone for five weeks.  Hopefully the Coronan virus won’t take over there!

    Let me know if you are ever around this way again.

    Cheers, Judy

    1. The man who has that website Justice4Germans, was a co-founder of this Truth and Justice for Germans Society. As for the actual production of the video, I am not sure. It did not open for me, “no longer available” type of message comes up.

  14. PCR has been sending these histories of German after WWII

    I read them and delete. I do have the last one and if you cannot get hooked up with the book or PCR. I can find what he’s sent.

    I’ve given up on a few as too grizzle for me. Like the rape and shoot of German girls is some condoned practice that

    I could not need to know. The whole book is a very difficult reading.

    Marvin ________________________________

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