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Transcript of The Realist Report interview with John Friend – May 31, 2022

This is a transcript of the interview which John Friend did with me back on May 31, 2022. The transcript is by Katana, whose website is at Please keep in mind, this is a conversation, not a speech, so the composition is not always perfect.

Before presenting the transcript, I simply must highlight this quote by my brother Alfred Schaefer, who is about to be released after having spent 4 years behind bars for words.

“I know the power of words in this dark and stormy sea, they are the lighthouses that guide the ships to the safety of the harbour of truth!” ~ Alfred Schaefer

The following from Katana’s website:

The Realist Report – Monika Schaefer – Canadian “Holocaust Denial” Bills – May 31, 2022 – Transcript

[John Friend talks with Monika Schaefer on a proposed law by ZOG Canada that would make “Holocaust” denial a criminal offence. Making it a crime to expose a diabolical lie.

The only reason such a law is being pushed, nearly 80 years after WWII is that Orgjew fears their hoax of the 20th century – the “Holocaust” of six million jews being mass murdered – will be exposed to more and more thinking people, which in turn will cause exposure to their actual White genocide agenda now in progress.

Orgjew’s strategy is to make any form of White resistance to Orgjew’s genocide agenda of Whites as being genocidal to jews, using the “Holocaust” hoax as “proof”. As in the Polish saying, “The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you!”



The Realist Report


Monika Schaefer

Canadian “Holocaust Denial” Bills

May 31, 2022


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Published on May 31, 2022

The Realist Report – Monika Schaefer: Canadian “Holocaust Denial” Bills

May 31, 2022 Realist Report

On this edition of The Realist Report, we’re joined once again by Monika Schaefer, a German-Canadian activist and revisionist. Monika is back to discuss some recent news items, including a controversial bill introduced in Canada that would criminalize “Holocaust” denial, and to give some updates on her brother Alfred. Alfred is currently imprisoned in Germany due to his publicly expressed views

 on the alleged Jewish “Holocaust” and other aspects of WWII history. We also discuss the Kehillah, a very hierarchical Jewish secret society that Ben Klassen wrote about in his book Nature’s Eternal Religion.






(80:18 mins)

John Friend: All right folks. Welcome back to another edition of The Realist Report. This is your host John Friend. Today is Tuesday, May 31st, 20022.

Of course, my website is where you will find an extensive archive of these podcasts. You will also find all of my blog posts and articles, a contact page, my Twitter feed, which is embedded in the right-hand sidebar of the website, and many other useful and important links.

You can also follow me on Twitter and Gab at Realist Report. And I am also on Telegram at There is also an RSS link in the right-hand sidebar of the website, as well as below each podcast post.

For those who are interested in subscribing to the audio feed for all of the podcasts appearing on I am a regular reporter for American Free Press – America’s last real newspaper. And I also contribute to the Barnes Review, the bi-monthly revisionist history magazine. Please do subscribe to these fine print publications if you do not already. Check out and for all the details.

And recently I have received emails from a couple different listeners asking how they can support my work here. I have been banned from virtually all online payment processors. But if anyone is interested in financially contributing to my efforts please do send me an email. And I can give you some options.

Again there is a contact page right at the top of the website. Also another easy way to support my work is simply to subscribe to the Barnes Review and American Free Press. Two publications that I have been contributing to for several years now. But again, anybody interested in contributing directly to this website, please shoot me an email. And I can provide you with some options for contributing.

All right, with that said, let me introduce our special guest. Monika Shaefer is joining us once again. Monika is a German-Canadian activist and revisionist and her website is All right. Monika Schaefer. Welcome back to the program. How are you today? It’s great to have you.

Monika Schaefer: I’m doing very well thanks John! I’m just so looking forward to this interview and talking with you again. Yeah thanks.

John Friend: Yeah, you’ve been a guest a number of times on the program. And you’re one of my favorite people to talk to. And, of course, there’s no shortage of topics to cover. And I want to kind of jump right into it. Your website is and I will, of course, have a link to your website when I post this podcast program. I’ve also got your website linked on the right-hand sidebar of my website under the recommended sites. So people can find it that way as well, or just go to

And I know you’re also involved in the Truth and Justice for Germans Society which is And I recently read an article that just came out just a couple days ago. And it was a sort of like a Q&A written conversation that you had with NS-Kampf ruf. Am I pronouncing that correctly?

Monika Schaefer: Yes it was also in the New Order this is NS, National Socialism. But it’s a fellow in the United States, who has also been persecuted and jailed for his views on, you know, National Socialist Germany. And he did this interview with me back in during the winter. This came out in the January and the February issue. And I had it on my own website. But I just recently put it on to the Truth and Justice for Germans website as well.

John Friend: Okay. Very good. Yeah, it’s great. Yeah. I know it’s great. It kind of gives your background and your sort of wake up to Revisionism. And I want to remind everybody we actually did a what it turned out to be a really good Q&A as well. Sort of similar to this. We covered a few different topics but we actually published it in the Barnes Review, as sort of like a written Q&A interview with Monika Schaefer, persecuted Canadian thinker. And we talked about your situation in Germany, and your views on the “Holocaust”.


And kind of got into some of the information relating to Alfred, your brother, which we’ll talk about as we wrap up this podcast.


But I just wanted to remind everybody that was in the November, December 2020 issue of the Barnes Review. And, of course, I would highly recommend everybody to go out and subscribe to the Barnes Review. It’s really the last like Revisionist print publication. One of the top ones in America. I know this other one that you mentioned, the New Order. Do they actually print physical, …

Monika Schaefer: Yes.

John Friend: Okay. So there is, …

Monika Schaefer: And they get translated into many languages as well, online. Now their website got taken down recently, but the fellow who is doing this he is working hard at getting a few like a series of websites back up. It’s incredible actually. It’s Gerhard Lauck. And you may have heard that name, or perhaps, yes?

John Friend: Yeah, I know that sounds familiar.

Monika Schaefer: He’s an incredibly hard worker. And he’s been out this for decades really. I mean, he was born into activism, I think! [chuckling]

John Friend: Very good. Well, that’s cool. I’m glad to hear that. There’s not enough printed material anymore. It’s always a challenge to do that. There’s costs involved with it. But I think it is important. I mean, as you said, we can get censored so easily online.

Monika Schaefer: Yeah, and his publication it’s like four pages each time. And it’s just pages that are stapled together. So it’s not like the Barnes Review magazine, which I will do a shout out, to add to what you just said, to highly recommend that people subscribe to. It really is excellent that publication. And I was just so honored that you did that interview with me! Thanks, John! [chuckling]

John Friend: Yeah, of course, no problem. Yeah, I think it turned out really good. Very sort of unique and the Barnes Review is always covering a lot of very unique aspects of history. So again everybody check it out. It’s Barnes, or you could go to Barnes Review dot com it basically takes you to the same place. And you can check out some of the articles, some of the interviews. And, of course, subscribe to the print publication.

There’s also a huge list of books for sale including pretty much all of the major “Holocaust” revisionist books. So check it out!

Anyways, Monika I want to talk first about this recently introduced. Well, I guess it was back in February, there was a government budget that was introduced in Canada. Basically criminalizing “Holocaust” denial.

Monika Schaefer: Yeah, I don’t want to interrupt you.

John Friend: But, oh no, just real briefly. Just some quick background. It was a basically from my understanding – you can correct me if I’m wrong – it was a new Criminal Code offense for denying the “Holocaust”. And this was inserted into a recently proposed Budget Bill.

And then there was also from what I understand a near identical piece of legislation that was proposed in the House of Commons by a Conservative MP named Kevin Waugh, W-A-U-G-H. I’m not sure if I’m pronouncing that correctly.

Monika Schaefer: I think you are.

John Friend: It was basically introduced as an actual piece of legislation. And then also it was introduced as part of the Criminal Code in the Budget Bill. And it, from what I understand, both of the legislation and the actual budget are still in the process of being ratified. So it hasn’t officially been adopted from what I understand.

But anyways, why don’t you comment on that. What do you know, about the situation? Carolyn Yeager wrote a really good article on May first, that I’ll have linked when I post this podcast, kind of outlining everything and discussing it. And, of course, talking about the jewish organizations that were central in promoting this legislation. So go ahead.

Monika Schaefer: I’m going to read that article. I haven’t read that article yet. But here’s what I know. It seems to be that the Criminal Code amendment, … See the Criminal Code of Canada already has this Hate Speech law in it, Section 319 of the Criminal Code of Canada. And they want to add this other part, to that specifically makes “Holocaust” denial a criminal offense.

Here’s the thing John, why did they embed this in the Budget Bill? Now, what does legislating how history went down. First of all that shouldn’t be legislated in the at all! I mean, isn’t it a ridiculous thing to legislate our history? Isn’t that something that historians should be dealing with, not the law?

But even if it was something that was appropriate for the lawmakers, what are they doing putting it into the Budget Bill? It kind of reminds me of I used to hear a lot about your Omnibus Bills in the States, where they would put, you know, maybe 300 different things within an Omnibus Bill, so that half the people, the representatives that are voting yay, or nay, they don’t even know what’s in it! They just go along with what they’re supposed to do. Like the party Whip tells them how to vote.


So a Budget Bill, that’s an annual thing that happens every year. And the NDP in Canada that’s the New Democratic Party. There are, I’ve already said, they’re supporting the Liberal Party which has a minority. So they basically are constituting the government. And it’s already must have gone through the third reading, because it’s in front of the Senate right now.

I read an article, just a few days ago, what the B’nai Brith Canada, they are making recommendations of course, you know. That’s how it works. These jewish organizations, and B’nai Brith is 100% jewish organization, they make recommendations to the Senate on this new “Holocaust” Denial Bill.

So some of the things they’re saying is, well they want this word “distortion” in it, rather than “downplaying”. So anybody who distorts the so-called facts about the so-called “Holocaust”, that instead of this word, “downplaying”. I’m not sure what their reasoning on that is. But here’s the big one that we need to take note of they specifically say that they want to remove the ability for anyone to use “defense of truth” against the charges.

So if you’ve been charged with this “Holocaust” denial Criminal Code offense, then you cannot say in my defense “I have truth” in my defense. You cannot use that since, quote:

“The facts around the ‘Holocaust‘ are well established, and well documented.”

This is what they’re saying. I mean, isn’t that the mantra? Yeah go ahead.

John Friend: Well isn’t that a common tactic in some of these “Holocaust” trials where the judge will take, I believe they refer to it as “judicial notice”?

Monika Schaefer: Exactly!

John Friend: Where they basically affirm the standard “Holocaust” narrative. And they basically say it’s common knowledge. And it’s not really up for dispute, or questioning, therefore you can’t even present your perspective. Yeah, it’s really, talk about like Orwellian, tyrannical like in your face!

Monika Schaefer: They brought up Ernest Zundel’s case, B’nai Brith did in their recommendations to the Senate. So they were saying, because Ernst Zundel, the retrial in his case, the court there took judicial notice that the “Holocaust” existed, and allowing a defense of truth would be a step backwards. This is what they say. This would be a step backwards.

Yeah, they want this, because otherwise this “defense of truth” can be used to repeatedly litigate whether the “Holocaust” happened. You see, they really don’t like it when the “Holocaust” goes on trial, because they don’t have any facts on their side.

John Friend: And they get exposed big time. Yeah, they don’t want any sort of discussion, or honest debate, or questioning, or just open dialogue on this subject.

Monika Schaefer: And the history of this judicial notice goes right back to the Nuremberg Trials in which Articles 19 and, 201, so people can look this up. We don’t just make this stuff up.

Those two articles in the Nuremberg Trials basically – just to paraphrase it because I don’t have them in front of me. But they said that evidence is not required, because it is something that is common knowledge. And something that is common knowledge does not require evidence. So if it is self-evident, it does not require evidence.

So they basically just declared the “Holocaust” happened. And there was not going to be any room for defense, or facts about what actually happened, or didn’t. Well, in particular, any facts that were telling the truth about what didn’t happen.

You see here they allege something happened. And then they put the onus on the people who are saying it didn’t happen, to prove it didn’t happen, which I really think that the onus is on the wrong people here. Like in all the cases since then, where they took judicial notice thereof.

And the Ernst Zundel trials in the 1980s, in Toronto, that was a big exception, where evidence and facts actually did make it into the court. And it was historical! It was absolutely phenomenal! And if I had taken the time and the care at that time – I was in my 20s – to read the fine print of the newspaper articles that reported on this, I would have learned a lot. Because the newspaper articles if you read the fine print, they actually did report a lot of what was said.

However, the headlines were still even portraying Ernst Zundel as kind of a madman, a bad man, maybe a crazy man. All those things, right. And also the radio. I mean, day after day. I remember my father liked to listen to the CBC radio news. And so it was kind of background noise. Actually, it wasn’t. I was out gone from the home. But I guess I listened to this stuff. It was background noise for me. I didn’t really pay too much attention to it. But all I knew was:

“Sounds like this guy is kind of a nut case!”

That’s how they portrayed him. However, if you had read the fine print [chuckling], you would have learned a lot! [chuckling].


John Friend: Yeah. And realize:

“Oh, this guy actually makes a lot of sense!”

And is presenting a very legitimate and rational perspective. And he’s not at all this evil monster, or this irrational, jew hater, or something like that. I mean, he was a very knowledgeable, bright, funny, compassionate, very affable man. I mean, that’s how Ernst Zundel was. And that’s the way he came across if you just sat down and listened to him.

Monika Schaefer: All of the above is true! It’s so true! I mean, I’ve listened to quite a few of his interviews, and I’m telling you cannot help but like the man. And he is highly intelligent. And yeah, I mean, he’s a pacifist. He’s a self-proclaimed pacifist.

He came to Canada, I think he was 19, or 20 years old. He was a war baby he was born in 1939. So his childhood was kind of shaped by war-torn Germany. And then he wanted to go to a country where there was no draft, because of his pacifism, and this kind of thing.

And then it was sometime after he arrived in Canada that he started to learn about the truth about Germany. And he wanted to restore the honor of Germany and Germans. Like he wanted to restore the honor, because really Germany and Germans have been vilified and demonized, not just during and after World War II, but decades before that. And ever since! Don’t you think John? I think that the vilification of the Germans hasn’t really abated.

John Friend: No, you’re absolutely right! And I think it’s actually only expanded to incorporate the entire Western world.

Monika Schaefer: Actually, yeah, you’re right. It’s expanded to incorporate all White people!

John Friend: All White people, exactly.

Monika Schaefer: All White people.

John Friend: Well Ernest Zundel’s struggles to restore Germany’s honor are definitely carried on by people like you, and the Truth and Justice for Germans website, that society. I think that’s some very, very, very important work.

And really anybody talking openly and honestly about World War II, about the alleged jewish “Holocaust”, and engaging in historical revisionism sort of carries on this legacy, and I think it’s one of the most important endeavors. Certainly from a scholarly, or historical perspective.

Because this is one of the most weaponized narratives of history, that is constantly rammed down our throat! It almost seems like every month there’s some sort of like “Holocaust” Remembrance Day, whether it’s in America, or Israel, or any country around the world. There’s these “Holocaust” Museums everywhere! All across the world!

Monika Schaefer: They’re certainly ramping it up, aren’t they?

John Friend: Yeah, it’s insane! One thing I was curious, do you think that this is gonna backfire? I mean, won’t it sort of wake more people up to the concept of “Holocaust” revisionism, and get people to start to question, why can’t we openly discuss this one event in history? What is so special about this?

Monika Schaefer: Yeah. I think you’re right. Although they just carry on, they carry on. However, I think what has woken people up, or caused people to maybe look twice at all of these things, more than anything else, is this last couple of years of this Covid scam! And all the things they’ve been doing to us with that!

I know a lot of people have gone along with it. But they do skew the numbers on that, too. I mean, I know we see masked people. And so a lot of people have fallen for it. And they’re very, very afraid of that very, very bad, bad, bad, virus! [chuckling] And now it’s going to be the Monkeypox!

But so many people have actually woken up. That is a really good thing. And so then it’s really important, it’s up to us to connect the dots for people that when we do talk about World War II history, the “Holocaust”, all these new laws and, …

John Friend: Okay Monika. I’m sorry about that. I’m not sure what happened.

Monika Schaefer: Yeah, [the connection] just suddenly [was] lost.

John Friend: Yeah. But look we could just pick up right where we left off. You were saying something about how these new laws were gonna start sort of waking people up, I believe is where you’re going.

Monika Schaefer: Yeah, basically connecting the dots with what they’re doing right now with the Covid scam, what they’ve been doing in the last two two and a half years, with all of that. So many people know there’s something not quite right with that. And so this is the time when we really need to connect all these dots for people. That these things are not separate from each other. They’re not in little boxes, and categories, separate from each other. I think that is really important right now.

John Friend: Yeah. I know. I tend to agree with you. And that’s also what some Civil Liberties groups in Canada are saying. I’m looking at an article here from the National Post, which I believe is one of the top newspapers in Canada, correct?

Monika Schaefer: Yes.

John Friend: Like one of the more mainstream.

Monika Schaefer: Yeah, it’s definitely mainstream.

John Friend: This is an article from May 19th. So just a couple weeks ago. And the title is “Government Bill on “Holocaust” Denial Ineffective and Likely Unconstitutional”. Civil Liberties group. So the Civil Liberties group is basically saying that this is not even going to work. And it’s probably illegal! Let me just read a couple excerpts here from this article:

“Civil Liberties groups say a proposed law that would make “Holocaust” denial a criminal offense is likely unconstitutional and unlikely to be effective in dealing with anti-semitism. The Liberals have included a proposed change to the criminal law in their budget that would make, quote ‘condoning, denying, or downplaying, the “Holocaust” a criminal offense’. Cara Zwibble, director of the Fundamental Freedoms Program at the Civil Liberties Association said the Bill is more about politics, than actually addressing anti-semitism. Quote ‘we are opposed to this. But that’s not, because we don’t think “Holocaust” denial is egregious, and terrible. And it’s not, because we don’t think it’s harmful. It’s because we don’t think that the criminal law is the way to approach it.’ she said ‘We’re talking about putting people in prison for things that they said.’”

Yeah, it’s so crazy! Like we have to say that out loud. Like that’s literally what they’re saying. Like, we’re gonna throw you in jail for something that you said!

Monika Schaefer: That’s right. I did see that article. And I think that that Civil Liberties group is a controlled opposition group. Well, you can see that just from what they say that:

“Oh. It’s not that we don’t think that “Holocaust” denial is egregious.”

And basically terrible and evil. But that we should just have freedom of speech. So yeah. What do you think? I think it’s controlled opposition. However it’s hopeful that they said this law wouldn’t even work. But I don’t know what to make of that. It could be just, … They kind of create the frame for what we’re allowed to talk about:

“But oh, “Holocaust” denial is still really bad!”

And so pretending that we have true opposition to it. I don’t know. What do you think about that?

John Friend: It’s interesting. I think you’re probably right. It probably is some sort of limited hangout, controlled opposition type group. Just like the ACLU [American Civil Liberties Union] is in America.

Monika Schaefer: Yes.

John Friend: And if they were genuine defenders of Civil Liberties and free speech, they would be suing the government to prevent this Bill from even being passed, because it’s a total violation of freedom of speech. Which I believe is actually enshrined in the Canadian Charter, right?

Monika Schaefer: Yeah. I mean, …

John Friend: Maybe not to the extent it is in the First Amendment.

Monika Schaefer: It’s not like what you have in the States. And actually, I can’t really address that right now. I’m not fresh! I’m not sure exactly what’s in there. But it’s not like what you guys have. Like we always look to the Americans for any remnants of hope for maintaining that freedom of speech, even! You guys don’t really have it either, because they find other ways to go after you, right?

John Friend: Oh, absolutely! Well, one of the big concerns that this lady has with the Civil Liberties group is that she actually cites in this article the case of Zundel, that we talked about previously. And she basically wants to prevent a trial like that from taking place, which would give somebody like Zundel, or somebody like you, or I, a platform to make the arguments against the official “Holocaust” narrative. And so that’s one of her big concerns.

She also talks about how there’s already basically laws on the books that criminalize promoting hatred, which is tied into questioning the “Holocaust”.

Monika Schaefer: Yeah, that’s Section 319. And I mean, people like Arthur Topham. He was chased, and criminalized, and dragged through the courts for more than a dozen years. And they used that Section 319, this Hate Speech law. So really that would be my answer to what we just talked about a moment ago about do we have free speech in Canada. No! They say:

“We do. Oh! But hate speech is different!”

Right. So all these countries and, you know, where lawmakers, where they say:

“Oh yeah! We have freedom of speech. But this is different. Like hate speech is different!”

In Germany, when I was in jail. And I would tell fellow prisoners what I was there for and I said:

“Yeah, just for words spoken.”

And they say:

“Oh, no. That’s not possible. We have total freedom of speech in Germany! It’s in the Grundgesetz!”

Which is the foundational law. And then I would tell them but it was about the “Holocaust”. And they’d say:

“Oh yeah! That’s different!”

John Friend: Yeah, that’s different! Yeah. You can’t question, the “Holocaust”! You can’t criticize, or say mean things about jews. I mean, if we really do have free speech, then we should be able to question, the “Holocaust”. We should be able to question any aspect of history, no matter what it is. No matter whose feelings it hurts. No matter who gets upset by it. We should be able to openly discuss, and talk about, and criticize specific groups of people, whether they’re jews, or blacks, or Whites, or whatever.

I mean, certainly we can openly criticize and condemn White people!


Monika Schaefer: Oh. That’s the only people you can openly criticize and condemn these days. That’s the only group of people you can do that to! And like that’s just fine, White people.

But here in Canada right now it’s getting to the point where you can’t even point out anything about what the native people are doing, factual, or otherwise. It doesn’t matter. That’s like your “Black Lives Matter”. We’ve got the equivalent going on with the native people here. And we had those supposed mass graves found. Not a single bone has been found, or dug out.

John Friend: It’s basically another atrocity propaganda hoax.

Monika Schaefer: Yes, it is.

John Friend: Yeah, it is. It absolutely is. I’ve followed it. In fact, I wrote an article for American Free Press. It’s probably been about a year ago. But I remember Lauren Southern did the documentary about it. That was really well done.

Monika Schaefer: So yeah, people don’t want to talk about it. Because they know that it’s to their advantage to kind of just conceal the fact. Like they didn’t want to talk to Lauren Southern when she tried. And no, no! They don’t want to do that, because she would expose that, gee there might be some problems with these graves that they supposedly “discovered”. And so the native people it’s in their interest to keep it hush-hush. They’re going along with the mainstream agenda that is basically to elevate them into some higher status.

And it’s to get Whitey off the land here. I mean, the bills that they have passed, Bill C-15, it’s one that basically is out to dispossess us of our lands. I was recently visiting a friend in Powell River, BC, and the natives there are trying hard, or it’s a handful of people are trying hard, to change the name of that city. And I mean, it just goes on and on. It’s basically dispossess Whitey.

John Friend: It’s White genocide.

Monika Schaefer: It is.

John Friend: I mean, it’s part of the broader, global, White genocide agenda.

Monika Schaefer: It is.

John Friend: Taking place in every formerly Western country, including Canada, including the United States. Including basically every country in Europe. It’s obvious. It’s on display on a daily basis. And yet it’s never presented in these terms. It’s never pointed out this way.

Monika Schaefer: Yeah, and why is it that it’s happening all over the world in White countries, all at the same time? And the same things get reported in the press, like almost word for word for word. Some people sometimes put together these little sound bite collages, where reporters in Australia, reporters in New Zealand, Canada, United States, and UK, everywhere they’re saying virtually using the same words when there’s some new idea, or new event, or new something.

John Friend: It’s like they all have the same talking points as if they’re somehow like internationally coordinated through some sort of like jewish secret society.

Monika Schaefer: Oh yeah!

John Friend: Right. And, of course, we’re referring to the Kahilla, which is a word. And it’s something I was sort of familiar with that I come across in doing research over the years. But you actually sent me an interesting article that we’ll talk about here in just a moment. There’s just a couple things I want to mention more in this article from the National Post. And then we can move on and discuss that topic.

Let me just pick back up here. There’s just a couple of last excerpts that I wanted to read here and get your take on. The article continues. It says:

“The new Criminal Code offense was included in the Budget Bill, but a near identical piece of legislation was also moving through the House of Commons, as a private member’s Bill, which was introduced by Conservative MP Kevin Waugh.”

Again, I’m not sure if I’m pronouncing that correctly. And I sort of alluded to that previously. It says here:

“The Budget Bill is currently working through the House of Commons. It also includes funding for education programs around racism and anti-semitism, as well as 20 million dollars toward a “Holocaust” Museum in Montreal.”

And then it quotes the Simon Wiesenthal Center President and CEO, Michael Levitt. And he’s basically advocating in favor of this new Criminal Code, saying that:

“Anti-semitism is on the rise. “Holocaust” denial is on the rise.”

Which, I don’t know. Is that true? I mean, you live in Canada. Are there people out there like denying the “Holocaust” and condemning jews left and right? Is that going on? It’s like the jewish community, you read the jewish press, you read like the ADL, you follow groups like the ADL. And every single day there’s a report about how anti-semitism is rising in Canada, in Germany, and Brazil, in Argentina, in Australia! Everywhere around the world! It’s like this constantly reinforced meme and persecution!


Monika Schaefer: Yeah! Who does that? Who is it that sets up events that make it look like oh anti-semitism is on the rise? And which high-ranking rabbi was it, maybe you remember, who said that anti-semitism is their best friend! They create these things, like when there’s gravestones that have been painted with swastikas, or whatever.

It’s always jews who do that, because they need to have this idea, this meme out there, that anti-semitism is on the rise! It’s not like there’s people out in the streets standing on their pulpits saying.:

“Yeah. The “Holocaust” didn’t happen!”

I mean, yeah. I think a lot of people are waking up to the truth about that the jews lie about history. And they’ve been lying about events. And that they’re behind the Covid thing. And I mean, a lot of people are waking up to what the jews are actually doing. But when they call this:

“Anti-semitism is on the rise!”

You know, maybe they’re really scared and worried, because people are starting to wake up to their game. And what they’re really doing.

John Friend: Right. It’s like those memes of like the rabbi on the telephone:

“The goyim know! Shut it down!”

[chuckling] And that’s what it is. It’s the organized jewish community, they simply cannot have anybody knowing and looking into what they’re up to! They can openly do these things, and talk about how they want to fight anti-semitism, and lobby the government for more money for “Holocaust” Museums, for Israel, for jewish organizations.
I mean they run like one big extortion racket. It’s like one big international criminal conspiracy that they openly, … You follow them and read what they have to say, or hear what they have to say, in their press conferences and stuff, and this is how they operate. Yet, if you notice it, and if you’re opposed to it, or criticize it, then you’re some irrational hater! It’s totally ridiculous!

Monika Schaefer: You just have to point it out, right, John. You just have to point out what they’re doing in real time. We don’t even have to talk about history, we could talk about what they’re doing in real time, reporting things from their own press. But they see that you are noticing. And then they call you “anti-semitic”. They call you the “hater”.

John Friend: And all of their puppet politicians line up and say the same thing and back this stuff up. And pledge their unwavering support for Israel and the jewish community, and how they have to continue to fight anti-semitism and bigotry, and all this other nonsense! They’re all totally controlled, at least almost every single one of them.

Monika Schaefer: And back to that Civil Liberties organization and that article that you were quoting from. That’s why it bothers me when groups like that, just the fact that they’re such controlled opposition. The fact that they had to put that in there:

“Oh, it’s not that we don’t think that ‘Holocaust’ denial is egregious.”

Because really what they’re doing is they are propping up and supporting – by making that statement – they’re supporting this money being spent on these “Holocaust” Museums. Like this huge budget amount that goes towards the “Holocaust” denial prevention, or whatever they want to call it.

John Friend:20 million for a museum in Montreal! Why does Montreal need a “Holocaust” Museum? And if they do, why can’t the jews themselves organize money to fund it?


Monika Schaefer: Yeah. And then there’s that Kotler, Irvin Kotler, I think is his name. He’s the minister in charge of whatever it’s called. I don’t know what the ministry is called. But somehow this anti-semitism ministry, or whatever!

John Friend: He’s like the anti-semite, or anti-semitism envoy. Like the US government has a position it’s a ambassador level position in the State Department. The Envoy to Combat Anti-semitism. And it’s that hideous jewish witch, Deborah Lipstadt!

Monika Schaefer: Oh, my!

John Friend: Yeah, she was recently nominated and was actually just sworn in recently. I put up an article, it’s actually on American Free Press’s website and on my website right now. It addresses it and talks about her position. And I think we’ve actually talked about it previously.

It’s a position that was basically created by the federal by the US federal government to basically advance jewish interests around the world. And there’s positions like this in almost every Western country. You could look at Canada, you could look at the UK, you could look at all these European countries. And almost all of them have some sort of like anti-semitism envoy.

Monika Schaefer: Yeah.

John Friend: That’s there to sort of prevent the goyim from knowing, right.

Monika Schaefer: Yeah. Why don’t they have a minister for preventing the hate that’s being told and spread about White people? Why don’t they have a minister that’s in charge of teaching people about our own history, and about our own heritage, and about our own culture, and all that stuff? No! Like they don’t teach that!

And in high school curriculum in Canada, my friend showed the high school curriculum to me, the Social Studies curriculum. And I just was astonished! I thought:

“Wow! If all the White children don’t commit suicide before the end of the school year, I’d be astonished!”

Like it was nothing but guilt! Guilt! Guilt! Guilt! Not one stitch in there about anything about their own European heritage! Where they came from, their culture, their traditions. Nothing! It was all guilt!

John Friend: It’s psychological warfare.

Monika Schaefer: It is!

John Friend: That’s what it is. It’s weaponized narratives designed to target us at a very deep emotional and psychological level. The way Western history is presented all over the Western world, it’s presented as if White people are the oppressors, like the evil people that have been responsible for all of the world’s problems.

Monika Schaefer: Yeah!

John Friend: When in reality, like an objective assessment of Western history, would be 100% the opposite. And this is what was so astonishing reading Mein Kampf, and hearing Hitler present it this way.

Monika Schaefer: Yeah. Who goes to Africa to build schools, or to volunteer to dig wells and whatnot? It’s always White people who do these kind of things!

John Friend: Yeah. Who’s cleaning up the parks on the weekends? Who’s cleaning up the harbor? Who’s cleaning up the streams and the rivers and the lakes? Who’s taking care of the environment? Who’s taking care of the homeless?

Monika Schaefer: Yeah! Who takes care of the beached whales! Like who does all that?

John Friend: Who takes who takes care of these refugees, in their little dinghies washing up on shore in Italy, or Greece, or California? I just saw a video the other day of a bunch of Mexicans – I’m assuming they were Mexicans – well, you know, Central Americans, Mexicans, washing up and just scattering as soon as they got on the beach. Just running for the hills basically!

Who’s taking care of the unwashed masses of the world? Well it’s White people! It’s White money. It’s White societies. And, of course, it’s all part of this broader jewish plan. But yeah.

Monika Schaefer: It’s this guilt thing John. There’s just one thing that just popped into my head. When I was in Powell River and I attended a meeting where the public could talk about this name change, pro and contra. And there were these young White women, you know, blonde, blue eyed, young women. Those were the ones who were the most fanatical about that we must change the name. And they were saying things like:

“Oh, I’m fifth generation colonialist!”

And this one in particular, still the image’s in my mind, like she was just about in tears. She’s feeling so guilty for her forefathers fifth generation colonialist! She’s absolutely just dripping with guilt! And I’m thinking:

“Oh, you poor girl!”

She’s been traumatized.

John Friend: Yes, she has had her mind poisoned!

Monika Schaefer: Yes.

John Friend: By anti-White, jewish propaganda! That’s it. I mean, that’s what it is. And it’s totally unacceptable!

Monika Schaefer: Yeah.

John Friend: So it shows how effective this propaganda is. And we have got to take control back of our destiny, and think for ourselves, and stop listening to these people. Because this is how they present everything. It’s always the White, you know, devil’s fault for everything.

And it’s just totally not even true, first of all time objectively. We ought to be proud of founding America, and founding Canada, and founding all of the great civilizations in the world, all throughout history.


Monika Schaefer: Yes indeed. That’s why it’s so important to tell the truth about our history. That’s what it comes down to. Because we have to, like you say, take pride in our people, love our people. And also if we are so ashamed of our ancestors it means that we don’t want to take on their traditions, or keep their traditions alive. Which means that there’s a vacuum.

And what does that vacuum get filled with? Smut and degeneracy that the jews are pushing on us!

John Friend: Every time! All throughout history.

Monika Schaefer: Yeah.

John Friend: Well, get this. There’s one last thing here I want to quote from the article. And then we’ll move on. They quote a guy, a David Taylor, who’s a spokesperson for justice minister David lametty. And he’s basically saying he’s representing the government. He’s basically, again advocating for this law. And he says:

“Our government takes the fight against anti-semitism and all hate crimes very seriously. No jewish Canadian should be subjected to racism and hateful rhetoric. That has no place in our country.”

And this sort of rhetoric is exactly what you hear from US officials, and British officials, and German officials, and any government spokesman, the whole world over, essentially. And this guy Taylor, the spokesperson for the justice minister, said that:

“They are confident that the Bill will stand up to any judicial scrutiny.”

And he says, … Get this. Okay. This is the hypocrisy and the double think you have to engage in to actually take what these people say seriously. He says:

“Freedom of expression is a fundamental freedom protected under the Charter. Like all rights and freedoms it is not absolute, and maybe subject to reasonable limits under the Charter. This Bill was reviewed for consistency with the Charter. It is our government’s position that the offense is consistent with the Charter. And this proposed new offense mirrors existing hate crime provisions.”

So I mean, again, think about it. The total hypocrisy of our elected officials, who say they support free speech and freedom of expression, yet they back bills criminalizing using free speech and free expression, and freedom of intellectual inquiry to basically criminalize anybody that is voicing criticism, or skepticism of various aspects of history, especially the alleged jewish “Holocaust” narrative.

So I mean, it’s just a total, in your face, blatant hypocrisy, that is just insulting!

Monika Schaefer: Yeah. The Charter, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, that has that “not withstanding” clause in it. And while that excerpt from the article didn’t exactly say those words, the “not withstanding” clause, you did refer to it though, where reasonable limits like “subject to these reasonable limits”. So yeah, we have all these rights except for there need to be these reasonable limits. That comes from this “not withstanding” clause. Which is like basically okay you have this Charter. And then you just shred it! It’s just well, worthless!

John Friend: Right. Well, you have free speech unless it offends jews. And then you don’t. And then you don’t have free speech [chuckling]! Either jews, or they’re like puppets, you know, minority groups that they’re manipulating and using to advance their anti-White agenda. That’s basically what they’re saying. So we’ll see. It’s pretty outrageous.

I wouldn’t be surprised if we start seeing calls for legislation similar to this in the United States. Shortly after the alleged shooting in Buffalo, which took place a couple weeks ago. And that’s a shooting that I have a lot of questions about. An alleged shooting, I should say, because I’m not even sure that anything like that even really took place there. It looks extremely suspect.

But anyways, immediately after that there were calls for more domestic terrorism laws. And they passed a resolution in the Congress that was approved by everybody except for one representative Thomas Massey, a Republican from Kentucky. And it was an anti-semitism resolution that condemned “Holocaust” denial, and condemned anti-semitism, and condemned unquote “conspiracy theories”, like the Great Replacement, which they say is this delusional conspiracy theory.

Meanwhile you look at any demographic statistics from any city, any state, any Western country, and it clearly shows that there is, in fact, a great replacement happening. And the White European demographic continues to decline. And we’re going to be replaced in the countries that our ancestors founded!


Monika Schaefer: Yeah. And I think it’s kind of interesting that they can call this “conspiracy theory”, and they call it bunk when those same politicians, or their colleagues, can talk quite openly about how:

“Oh by the year such and such, Whites will be in the minority in this region, that region. And the other regions.”

John Friend: They celebrate it! And they brag, and they boast, and they celebrate it. Yeah, exactly!

Monika Schaefer: They celebrate it. And then on the other hand they’re saying.

“Oh. This is just a bogus conspiracy theory! Where’d you get that idea?”

John Friend: Well, that’s the psychological warfare. That’s the gas lighting! The in your face abuse that you’re supposed to sit there and put up with.

Monika Schaefer: Thank you. “Gas lighting” is a good term for that. It really is! It makes you crazy have isn’t it? I mean, it just makes you crazy. That’s what they’re trying to do. That’s what they do with that kind of stuff.

John Friend: Yeah, exactly. It’s enough to drive you crazy! It makes me crazy just sitting here thinking about it. [chuckling] Yeah, it’s outrageous. And yeah, we’ve been talking about this sort of stuff for a long, long, time, over 10 years. And you start scratching your head. It’s like:

“Is anybody paying attention? Are we going to actually do anything about this?”

I think we’re making some progress. But it still feels still feels very, … I don’t want to say hopeless. But I think the political solutions are very, very limited at this point.

Monika Schaefer: Yeah, definitely! The political solutions like in terms of voting and getting representatives, … I mean, like Ezra Pound’s words on democracy. He says:

“Democracy is jew-speak for country run by jews.”

John Friend: Yes. Absolutely! Well, Hitler said the same thing about democracy. One of the best books I’ve ever read is For My Legionaries by Cornelius Codrianu. A Romanian, basically like National Socialist type revolutionary figure. Are you familiar with that book?

Monika Schaefer: No, I’m not.

John Friend: Oh you’d love it. Yeah you got to read it. It’s great! I can’t remember off the top my head. But I want to say he was active right around the time that Hitler was as well. But anyways, the book is outstanding. And he basically makes the same points that basically in a democracy whoever controls information, whoever controls the media, basically controls the government. And that’s exactly what we have in every Western country. And it’s been this way for a very, very long time!

Monika Schaefer: It has.

John Friend: And that kind of leads us into the next topic. This Kahilla sort of organization that you actually brought to my attention shortly before we started the podcast. And I’m going to have a link over to an article that was actually published at the Renegade Tribune, A really good website. I used to sort of be affiliated with the Renegade Tribune. But they still do a lot of good work. And it’s an excerpt from a chapter in Ben Klassen’s book, Nature’s Eternal Religion. And you can actually download that book online for free as a PDF. I’ll have a link to do that in this podcast post, when I post it. And this chapter talks specifically about the Kahilla. Am I pronouncing that correctly, by the way?

Monika Schaefer: That’s what I think. I might be wrong on that. But I just have Kahilla. I’ve heard that word for a long time. But I didn’t really know what it was all about until I read this article. It blew my mind! Right. Well it’s basically like an organized secret society of jews based on a very strict hierarchy. And this would explain how they’re able to instill and reinforce these narratives and talking points in public policy all across the world. Right?


Monika Schaefer: Yes. This principle of sevens, did you want to talk about that, or would you like me to talk about that briefly?

John Friend: Yeah, go ahead. And then there’s a really good excerpt that I’ll read from the chapter. But yeah, go ahead. I want you kind of explain it to us.


Monika Schaefer: So over the entire world they’ve got a leader in the Eastern hemisphere, and a leader in the Western hemisphere. And the Eastern hemisphere is based out of London. The Western hemisphere based out of New York City. That’s where the headquarters are. It’s on the “sevens principle”. So there’s seven layers of seven so okay they make decisions. And there’s a board of directors. That’s 300 people. They have to be over 60 years old. And they are full bearded jews, okay.

So there’s board of directors. They’ll discuss things and make decisions. And then this leader in the Western and the Eastern hemisphere, they each call seven people that are under them, and tell them do this, or do that. Then those seven call each of them call seven under them. So you got 49. Then each of them calls seven under them. Now, I don’t have the numbers in front of me. Then there’s seven layers like that. By the seventh layer you’ve got almost a million people in the Eastern hemisphere. And in the Western hemisphere, each.

So you’ve got like over one and a half million worldwide. And it’s very secretive. The people who are being called, they’re all jews, of course. They don’t even know who each other are. And they carry out this agenda. And that’s why really any one of them only has to make seven calls. And then there’s the seven layers of this. And that’s how you can get this huge number of people.

And these jews have insinuated themselves everywhere, like into organizations, into government, into media, into everywhere. And that’s how they can so quickly have their agenda unfold and be in lock step with one another world wide! I mean, it is amazingly fast and efficient method to communicate.

And in 2017 Alfred was on a speaking tour in Canada. And he talked about internet stuff. And he talked about this jewish internet before the internet existed. And I don’t think he named the Kahilla, or named this specific method of organization. But he said that they long before we had heard about any of these things, they had their methods of communicating really quickly all over the world. And I guess this is the method. This is how they’ve been doing it I don’t know how long this specific, the Kahilla, has been in existence. But this is just incredible!

John Friend: Yeah. You’re right. You make a lot of good points. And it’s an interesting way of looking at the situation. I don’t know if there’s too much concrete, hard proof, of the existence of this sort of organization. Maybe it existed at some point in history. And I’m not even denying that it exists today. I wouldn’t be surprised if it does. But you can just look at the way jewish organizations network with each other. And the way they coordinate. And they’re all on the same page, always!

Monika Schaefer: Yeah.

John Friend: And most of these organizations have connections to the media. They have connections to the government. They have connections to synagogues, local synagogues, international. So they’re all very, very, well networked and organized.

Monika Schaefer: Yeah. Church organizations, not just synagogues, right. But there’re all the other churches, they’ve been all infiltrated. And then teachers organizations.

John Friend: In Masonry, unions, exactly.

Monika Schaefer: Absolutely.

John Friend: Well, let me just read briefly an excerpt here. It says here:

“With a secret, dedicated, fanatically loyal organization, with this kind of structure it is easy to see how orders can be communicated and carried out with the minimum of delay, or red tape. When the hemispheric head of the Kahilla gives orders to his seven, from there on there are only six steps down the line of command in order to have every one of the one million Kahilla members notified in short order. All that is necessary to make seven sets of phone calls down the chain of command. Remember each man only has to make seven calls to the seven men below him, and in a matter of minutes the whole network of one million members has been given their marching orders. This is how the jews manage to set in motion strikes, agitations, student riots, or whatever is the order of the day, all over the world at the same time. This is the leadership principle at work. Among other things the Kahilla members are taught to infiltrate the management of our schools, colleges, and universities, in order to indoctrinate our younger and rising leaders with their false philosophies.”

And it goes on to discuss how they’ve also infiltrated media organizations, and other secret societies, like Freemasonry, and the Catholic Church, and the Jesuits, and things of this nature. So this actually makes a lot of sense. And even today I don’t know if necessarily it’s this sort of a hierarchical. Because there are so many jewish organizations that are so well networked and connected. That it’s almost this is just how they operate.

I mean look at how like the Black Lives Matters protest got off the ground, back in 2020. Nationwide in a matter of one night, virtually every major city in the country had a major, basically violent revolution at on their hands! That’s how these people operate.


Monika Schaefer: That’s right.

John Friend: We see that same thing going on recently with the Supreme Court leak. I don’t know if you followed that, but somebody within the Supreme Court. It had to be one of the clerks working for one of the Supreme Court justices, leaked a draft opinion that would have basically overturned Roe vs Wade. And it was leaked to the media.

And almost overnight there were massive protests. And all these radical crazy abortionists, and feminists, and Antifa. And all these very crazy like Left-wing radicals were out in the streets. They were protesting in front of Supreme Court justices private homes. They were surrounding the Supreme Court in Washington DC. I mean, like literally like an insurrection organized instantly. That’s how these people work. That’s how these people operate.

Monika Schaefer: None of that happened organically [chuckling]!

John Friend: No! Absolutely not!

Monika Schaefer: Yeah. No, it’s quite something isn’t it?

John Friend: Yeah. Anyways, very interesting. I’m glad that you brought that to my attention. Like I said, I was sort of familiar with the concept. But that article is very interesting. And if anybody’s interested definitely check out the article. And you can even download the full book and read it. I’ve actually never read Nature’s Eternal Religion. I am familiar with Ben Klassen. I know he’s like very anti-Christian which has always kind of turned me off to his writings, and his work, and stuff. I haven’t really investigated it all that closely. But for anybody interested it’s there. You can find a link to it when I post this program. Was there anything else you wanted to mention about this topic?

Monika Schaefer: No. We could move on.

John Friend: Okay. I gotta ask you really quickly. And we don’t have to spend a lot of time on this. I’m just curious if you have any opinion on these alleged mass shootings that have recently taken place. I talked extensively about the alleged shooting in Buffalo with Russ Winter on a recent podcast. So I’d encourage everybody to check that out if they haven’t heard it already. But between then there was also another alleged shooting in Texas, which was very, very bizarre. It almost looks like, …

Monika Schaefer: You’re talking about this Uvaldi [sp], or whatever it’s called? It just smacks of false flag, and lots of problems with that.

John Friend: Yeah.

Monika Schaefer: I’m not somebody who has looked into and researched all the details there, but right away a lot of red flags went up. So I think that there’s a lot of problems with their story, with the authenticity of it.

John Friend: Absolutely. It’s one of the most bizarre official shooting stories that I’ve ever heard. It very much reminds me of like a Mexican version of Sandy Hook! Like Sandy Hook was extremely bizarre. And the interviews with the alleged parents, and none of it added up. The official story didn’t make any sort of sense. And it’s the same exact thing in this case.

I actually just read an article that was published by the New York Post – so not some like random blog on the internet – talking about how there was a drill, a mass shooting drill, that took place in the same town at the high school. But this was back in March. And so it seems like there’s always like some sort of drill involved leading up to an alleged mass shooting. I don’t know what to make of that. But it is very interesting.

And if you just read the official story. I mean, it’s literally like the most asinine, ludicrous story! This kid shoots his grandma in the face with the weapon that he only recently purchased. He apparently bought two of these high powered assault rifles. Which, I mean, they’re like thousands of dollars. Where is this kid getting the money to purchase these weapons, to purchase all this ammunition? He had tons of ammunition. How was he carrying it on himself and like running around and shooting everybody.

He apparently got in a truck and drove his truck into a ditch. If you drive your truck into a ditch how are you not injured? I mean, he like instantly like jumped out of his truck and was like running around and like shooting people, shooting at people. And then he entered the school, and the door was opened by a teacher. [chuckling] I mean, it’s just like the most ridiculous story!


Monika Schaefer: And then the part that I thought was really weird makes no sense, is that the police didn’t go in for an hour!

John Friend: Exactly!

Monika Schaefer: What’s that all about? I couldn’t even make sense of what they’re trying to achieve with that part of the story.

John Friend: It’s almost like they’re trying to like discredit the police. And they’ve been trying to do that for a long time with these Black Lives Matters sort of protests, and police brutality, and yeah all this other nonsense. And the police do make mistakes. Obviously, they’re not perfect.

Monika Schaefer: But it’s part of that drive I think to defund the police. And then you have total mayhem right.

John Friend: Yes. Exactly! And to make them look totally incompetent. And in many cases. I think they probably are incompetent.

Monika Schaefer: Yeah. No doubt. But still there’s an agenda here. Because then they’ll, you know, accompany that with the violent sort of BLM which I call, Burn Loot and Murder [chuckling]! It’s what it stands for.

John Friend: Absolutely. So anyways, we don’t got to spend a lot of time on it. I don’t know how closely you’ve looked into it. But it is a very, very weird bizarre situation that makes absolutely no sense!

Monika Schaefer: I put that into the false flag, you know, staged event category. And we can move on.

John Friend: Yeah, okay, all right, good. So we’re on the same page there then.

Monika Schaefer: Yeah.

John Friend: I kind of figured we would be. We’ll go ahead and wrap up with our last topic. And that is I wanted you to provide some updates on Alfred. You have a letter, it’s like excerpts from letters.

Monika Schaefer: Excepts from four different letters that he wrote recently to me. And I just thought he really has a knack for thinking of comparisons, metaphors, analogies. He has a wonderful way of being able to formulate our problem that we have, and make comparisons to nature. I just think there’s some real words of wisdom in his writings, and I was inspired to put this article up. I hadn’t done one in a while where I’ve just put Alfred’s letters and stuff.

So yeah, you had put a little excerpt there in your message to me. Do you still have that in front of you. It was just very, very short. Why don’t you start with that. That would be good.

John Friend: Yes I do. He was talking about free speech. Let me see.

Monika Schaefer: Oh yeah!

John Friend: Yeah I have it. And, by the way, let me mention this. I’ll have a link to this post on your website. But again your website is And it’s the most current post right now anyways, as we’re speaking. It was published may 28th. So just a couple days ago. And he says:

“We do have free speech, that has been granted to us by god almighty at the time of our birth. That is our birthright. And by that we shall live, and also die as free men and women.”

And boy, that totally resonates with me! Certainly!

Monika Schaefer: Yes. It’s really important. It also kind of reminds me of when I was in jail and I wrote this in some letters. And I really felt it. I genuinely meant this when I said:

“I feel a thousand times freer than the jail boss.”

So that is related to what Alfred said there with the freedom of speech. That we have freedom of speech, it’s a god-given right. I mean, they can pretend that they’re taking it away. Those are just blots of toner on paper. He talks about when their laws, their so-called laws against, that we can’t say this. And we can’t say that. He just calls it “blots of toner on paper”. Well they mean nothing! We have these rights, they exist! They can’t take these away.

John Friend: Right. And what’s so incredible about America is that the founding fathers recognized these as specifically god-given rights that could not be taken by any man. These were rights that were given to us by our creator. And they were in enshrined in the US constitution in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights. And Canada and other Western countries have sort of a version of this, although it may not be as explicitly stated as it is in the First Amendment to the US constitution.

Monika Schaefer: No. We really don’t, we really don’t. Then there’s that Hate Speech law that just nullifies and voids anything that we might think is freedom of speech.

John Friend: But nevertheless this is a bedrock principle of Western civilization!

Monika Schaefer: It is.

John Friend: And it’s something that our societies and our civilization has been based on, and founded upon. And it’s something that we all ought to take very, very seriously. This is what our society is all about. And what made us the greatest civilization in the history of the world!


Monika Schaefer: That’s right. And I think that White people in general have this very strong spirit. It’s an individualistic spirit. It’s a spirit of that we have this innately in our blood. You could say that we feel that we have the freedom to speak, to be, and not to have somebody lord it over us. Now, we have been rendered quite ill right now. And I say collectively, we have become ill, because we have been subjected to decades and decades of lies, and deceptions, and demoralization, and degeneration.

But genetically we do have this free spirit. And it still courses through our blood. And we have to get back up on our feet. Which is what we are, you and I with this. And all the work you do, and the work that I’m doing, the work that Alfred’s doing.

This is what we’re trying to do, is it is get our people back up on their feet again. So that we reclaim these natural, god-given rights and blessings and abilities. And just our natural selves, who we are.

But I guess all those reasons, all those qualities that we that I just talked about, is why the jews hate us so!

John Friend: Right.

Monika Schaefer: Is why they hate us. So we are the biggest obstacle to their being, their agenda, all through history. But they also love to be in the parasitic relationship with us. Because we create, we have this creative spirit. We create stuff, and create civilizations.

And they, you know what better host than somebody who’s creative for the parasite to be latching on to. But you see it’s this love-hate thing they have for us. And right now, they’re hell-bent on destroying us. And yeah, it’s not going to work out very well for them, is it now [chuckling]?

John Friend: Yeah. I pray. And Alfred, yeah you’re right, he’ll have some extremely profound statements in a lot of these letters that you come across. Some little gems that you frankly won’t really hear, or see anywhere else. He goes on with this quote. He says here:

“If someone thinks they stand above god almighty, let them step forward. But we shall never abandon, or relinquish, or abdicate, this god-given right, especially not if the psychopaths asking us to do so, are known mass murderers, and child rapers, …”

That second part. I mean, yeah, that’s a little bit more controversial. But absolutely these people that would basically legislate our right to free speech, to freedom of expression, to freedom of inquiry, of intellectual, or historical inquiry, these people are the scum of the earth! They are mass murderers. Many of them no doubt are sexual predators, and sexual deviants. There’s no doubt about that. And they have no right to rule over us, or to take away our rights!

Monika Schaefer: Yeah. That’s right. There’s another very short quote here I’d like to read. And it was in response to, … I had recently been in touch with Kai Muros. I don’t know if you are familiar with him. But he has made some excellent speeches! Very, very inspirational. Anyway, when I sent his greetings to Alfred in a letter. Then Alfred writes back. He says:

“Oh, of course, I know Kai Muros! His quotation is so wonderful! His words have never left my inner compass. It has been people like Kai Muros who have left an indelible mark on me and gave me the total confidence that we will reach our mark. He speaks from the very core of our DNA. The tiny message from you about Kai is like a turbo boost of energy for me, because I know the power of words in this dark and stormy sea! They are the lighthouses that guide the ships to the safety of the harbor of truth!”

Isn’t that beautiful?

John Friend: Yes, absolutely!

Monika Schaefer: :

“I know the power of words in this dark and stormy sea, they are the lighthouses that guide the ships to the safety of the harbor of truth!”

I just love that statement there! Oh, it’s actually giving me, you know, tingly feeling up and down my arms and my back! It’s beautiful.

John Friend: Yeah, absolutely! Well I gotta ask you one last thing I guess, unless there’s any other topics you wanted to get to. But at the very beginning of the excerpts that you have in your recent post, he talks about the criminality that we see today is beyond imaginable. And he was actually talking about how you can’t even leave Canada without taking the jab. I know he’s been very, very suspicious of this whole fake pandemic, right? From the beginning.

Monika Schaefer: Right.

John Friend: Yeah. And he refuses to wear the mask. He refuses to get tested, and get, of course, get the jab. Can you not leave Canada without taking the jab, like without presenting proof that you took the vaccine? Is that true?


Monika Schaefer: Well, I think it is. I mean, I’ve been talking to quite a few people about it, and from all indications I think it is true, although some people say:

“Oh well, if you drive you can’t go. And if you fly you can. Then you go to quarantine for 14 days.”

But it’s very confusing. Like, I myself, am not going to go buy an airplane ticket and then get stopped, because it sounds like we cannot leave. That’s from all accounts.

Now if somebody can tell me otherwise that’s great, if there’s a way. I think that maybe there’s a way to go and just, I don’t know.

John Friend: Gosh, it’s so unbelievable, we’ve gotten to this point!

Monika Schaefer: We’re behind the Iron Curtain here, the purebloods. The purebloods we’re behind the Iron Curtain. And I have kind of heard rumblings about this Monkeypox thing that they’re rolling out. It’s going to be very different from the Covid roll out. They’re going to be putting intense pressure.

And they’ll start with certain segments of the population, perhaps the gay population. Because the gay population is very, very Leftist, bought into the agenda already. So they’re going to be easy to kind of get high compliance on getting the jab for the Monkeypox, now. Even though this Monkeypox supposedly is very mild. And I think it really is just the effects of the first jabs series, right? So people are going to have lesions on their skin, and this and that. So then they just call it this new virus. And they’re going to say:

“Okay, we need another vaccine jab.”

And then they start with some segments of the population and then really come down hard on those who are going to resist. And all the way up to putting them in camps. I don’t know it’s just something some rumblings I’ve been reading and hearing about how they’re going to perhaps roll this out very, very differently than what they did with the Covid, with general lockdowns. It could be that it’s quite different.

And also when they do these things by incremental, then people just kind of carry on, just keep going, and just go along to get along. And:

“Okay, it’s not happening to me. So I can just carry on.”

Like it’s kind of a dangerous situation. We need to really be alert to that. So I’m just putting that out there just to, I guess, just to have people be alert to what methods they are gonna roll out here.

John Friend: Right. Well I think the biggest thing is just people have got to stand their ground and have a backbone, and just say no! I mean this whole time that’s been my approach is like:

“Look. No, I’m sorry, I’m not taking a vaccine. I’m not doing this.”

Yeah. I mean, in certain situations especially with like the face mask it was almost impossible. Like, if you’re taking a flight, for example. But I mean, I think much of this medical tyranny that we’ve seen over the past couple years has really just been the public caving in, and just giving in, and not even fighting back.

Monika Schaefer: Absolutely!

John Friend: That’s the biggest part of it. Including people that like will tell you that they don’t want to take the vaccine. They’re skeptical of it. They don’t trust the science. They don’t even buy into the whole narrative. And yet they will still go out and take it, because they think they have to, or whatever.

Monika Schaefer: Yeah, they want to travel, or to keep their job, or to do this, or to that, which is really this disastrous situation. Because what they don’t fully understand where this is taking us. And also what that jab may, or may not do to them. I mean, depending maybe they got the placebo. But if they are against it, but they take it anyway, I guess they don’t really understand it. Like if it’s just to:

“Oh I want to travel.”


“I want to have my job.”

Well, you’re not going to have any of those things if you keel over!

John Friend: If you have a heart attack for taking it. Yeah, I just saw an article. There was a marathon in Brooklyn recently. And it was like, I can’t even remember off the top of my head. It was like 10 people. Like, I don’t know if they died, I can’t remember. I should have pulled it up before. I didn’t even realize we’d be talking about this.

But this is happening all over. Professional athletes, and just all sorts of people, are having very, very serious negative health consequences, and other consequences, after taking the vaccine. And I don’t know exactly what is going on. You mentioned there may be like some sort of placebo. And other doses may be actually the real deal. And it’s really impacting people.

Monika Schaefer: Yeah.

John Friend: I don’t know. I think vaccines in general tend to impact everybody differently, depending on your, I don’t know, your genetics. I mean, everything, your diet, your overall health in general. I think everybody’s impacted by these things differently. And some people may not, you know, face any sort of negative health repercussions. Other people may be severely debilitated.

Monika Schaefer: Absolutely, or keel right over. Right?

John Friend: Yeah. And that that appears to be definitely happening from all indications. And it’s so evil. And so wrong yeah. And it breaks my heart that people have just caved in like this, when simply all you to do is say:


Look you ought to be a free person to make your own choices and not be bullied into taking, basically like a forced medical intervention. I mean, it’s insane!

Monika Schaefer: Yeah, it is. If everybody had just said “no” right from the get-go about the masks, we could have really stopped it in its tracks. I think right from the get-go if everybody had just said:

“No! Sorry.”

John Friend: I don’t think I could wear a mask again, at this point. I think if they wanted to kick me out:

“Okay. Sorry, I guess I just won’t shop here.”

Whatever. I mean, I haven’t even been forced into that sort of situation for a long time now. But for a very long time, you know, especially when this the whole thing first rolled out in like 2020, it was like you couldn’t even step foot anywhere without somebody asking you to put a mask on, or threatening to kick you out, or whatever. So it’s tough! It’s tough. But I think, at this point, no. I do not comply! I will not take the vaccine! I’m not putting a face mask over my mouth. I’m not going along with this.

Monika Schaefer: And there’s a lot of us John! Like they skew the numbers on purpose to make it sound like everybody’s taking it. But no. There’s a lot of us who just will not comply. And that’s great! And we need to really reinforce that message for people that there are many of us. So yeah,

John Friend: Including your brother.

Monika Schaefer: Yeah. That’s the whole reason he’s in solitary confinement since December 3rd, 2020! He has been in solitary confinement. And then they upped the level of solitary, in a quarantined solitary confinement, when he refused to even take the test. So he’s standing on principle, because he insisted on breathing freely. Like this is why they put him in solitary since then. It’s absolutely unbelievable that this could happen in a so-called Western, free, democratic country!

John Friend: Right.

Monika Schaefer: Well, anyway he’s getting out! He’s getting out of jail! He’s got his get out of jail card for July 4th, independence day for you guys.

John Friend: How appropriate!

Monika Schaefer: Yeah, he likes that. He likes the symbolism of that, that’s for sure. But it’s just amazing to me, because when it was starting to get close, because it was always like this forever thing. Like it seemed like he was in jail forever. For me it just seemed like:

“Oh this is just forever!”

And then about two months ago I just realized:

“Oh my goodness! This is coming right up. And it’s gonna go so fast!”

And it is indeed. Like now it’s just a matter of weeks. And he’s going to be out. And we’re going to be able to talk in real time via Skype, or whatever. I would love to fly over there John to meet him at the gate. Oh my goodness! I would just like that so much. But I can’t!

John Friend: Yeah.

Monika Schaefer: It’s not possible. But he’ll want to do interviews, I know that. So I know he’ll want to talk with you. You were one of the very first people that interviewed him when, I think it was after he did his first major video. And you had contacted him. I think you, or maybe one other, was the first to reach out to him for one of these kinds of interviews. So there you go John. He will be happy to talk to you again, that’s for sure.

John Friend: Oh yeah! I know. I very much look forward to doing just that.

Monika Schaefer: Great!

John Friend: Yeah, well okay Monika. Thank you so much for joining me once again. This has been a great conversation, as I knew it would be.

Monika Schaefer: I’ve enjoyed it immensely! Thank you so much for having me on again.

John Friend: No problem.

Monika Schaefer: And I look forward to doing it again.

John Friend: Okay, sounds good. Yeah. We’ll stay in touch, and we’ll have to coordinate something as we approach Alfred’s release date. Which is, as you said, in about a month, a little over a month.

Monika Schaefer: Just over a month, yes.

John Friend: Very good. Okay. Well, god bless you and god bless your brother.

Monika Schaefer: God bless you too.

John Friend: Yeah, I very much look forward to speaking to Alfred. Okay, take care Monika.

Monika Schaefer: My pleasure. Thank you.

John Friend: No problem. Thank you very much. Bye.



2 Responses

  1. What I cannot fully understand –

    A “Holy War” –
    a WAR OF EXTERMINATION had been declared on the German people by the traitorous German Jews in cahouts with the international Zionists in the name of world Jewry – as early as March 24, 1933 –

    but Hitler’s National Socialist government NEVER issued an EDICT OF EXPULSION? It would have been nothing but a matter of efficient bureaucracy – no? What kind of unsurmountable obstacles did they encounter? By the Zionists… who wanted the Jews from Germany to migrate to Palestine but did NOT want ALL of them to leave…

  2. GUILT – TRUTH – REDEMPTION – SALVATION – LIFE – What is this all about?

    “The truth will set you free!” (Jesus)
    – and only the truth, nothing but the truth. There is no real life without truth. Only the truth paves the way to forgiveness, makes free to go forward, opens the door to a new chapter – to a new life.

    Doing away with FALSE GUILT – Confronting inconvenient truth and dealing with failure and guilt.

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