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The ‘KGB’ Kaminski-Gaddy-Braintrust on Speak Free Radio

When the Air is Sucked out of the Room: That was the title of John Kaminski’s introductory essay to our two-hour interview on the fantastic new venue Here is the link to that lively conversation held June 9, 2022. They call their show the Kaminski Gaddy Braintrust, hence the KGB. The dauntless John Kaminski and the true-history expert Mike Gaddy have a regular show on Thursday evenings at 5 – 7 Eastern Time.

In addition to talking about the insane state of affairs in the German courtroom and how the criminals run the show and keep the lies going, we talked about Alfred, as well as other political prisoners in Germany. Here is the opening essay by John Kaminski:

When the air gets sucked out of the room

How fear of a certain word controls the whole world

By John Kaminski

(Because young people are so poorly educated these days, and hence, so dense, I have to explain what the phrase “when the air is sucked out of the room” actually means. It is employed when something so startling is said or done that everyone involuntarily inhales in surprised astonishment that is often tinged with a combination of embarrassment and fear, and therefore, at least metaphorically, sucks the air out of the room.)

So, have you ever experienced this? It’s like the air being sucked out of the room . . .

The minute you mention the magic word, people start looking over their shoulders to see who’s listening. Their eyes dart around the room, their voices become hushed, they lift their hands and pat the air as they suddenly and subconsciously begin to worry about their futures, and who might be listening to them that they don’t know is there.

Mentioning things people are afraid to talk about is an indication of how the minds of the world are controlled by fear, controlled by a force that can ruin your life in an instant, which compel you to involuntarily modify the truth even though you can harm yourself by doing so.

More importantly, it also can leave out important things that desperately need to be said. It is something that is also called self-censorship.

Because you know your brainwashed neighbours will frown upon what you say and whisper to their friends that you are a reckless person, you censor yourself, and by that action, the freedom which you insist you covet slips a little further from your grasp.

Some would say that the freedom of speech we constantly boast that we still possess has been long gone for years, or worse, has never even really existed.

But the genuine fear generated by the use of the word “Jew” is no laughing matter, because we realize many of the people we know and love are in jail today because they ignored that fear, and we are justifiably afraid of suffering the same unpleasant and unjust consequences, or thousands of lesser penalties such as social ostracism, loss of income or seriously sabotaged reputation among the more shallow minded.

We may calculate how drastically the concepts of freedom and free speech have atrophied by the degree to which casual use of the world Jew in mixed company has been reduced to an expression of forbidden and foreboding blasphemy.

Among some closed-minded people fearful of the consequences of their own thoughts, this infraction makes you an instant pariah, but in others more attuned to the principles of honesty and healthy living, it becomes a badge of courage and a sign of honesty.

Thus the people who use the word freely become a hero to some and a villain to others.

The final determination on this matter becomes the behaviour and events in the real word that use of the word “Jew” signifies. Jews claim they wish to unite the world under their ugly banner of world peace enforced by cold hard cash. Their opponents know without reservation that Jews are the enemy of every country — and every non Jewish person on Earth — as they seek to destroy all of us whom they do not wish to make their slaves.

If you dispute this assessment you automatically know into which category you fall.

The final verdict on this matter requires us to know that to venerate the so-called “chosen” people is to sell our souls to the financial bottom line and become blind to the horrors of the bloody details required to do so. The alternative is to realize that we are more than savages who require knowing there are people on whom we can depend who won’t stab us when our backs are turned.

So those who speak against the false actions of international Jews who have ruined every country they have touched across the vast distance of time deserve our highest praise for courage and honesty. Thus it is to our advantage to know what happens to those who are sucked into the vampire’s vortex of criminal penalties for contesting Jewish lies, often at the cost of their lives.

Although this conflict extends to just about every area of human endeavour, the principal battleground of Jewish lies vs. objective truth dwells in the territory of poisoned propaganda about World War 2, which is now mouldering some 80 years in our past but is present every day in our lives due to the constant barrage of Holocaust Museums bellowing how important it is to remember what the evil Nazis did to the innocent Jews all those years ago.

Perhaps there is some sort of mathematical corollary between the financial inflation Jews have inflicted upon the world and the imaginary number of people slain by Nazis which the Jews number at the sacred 6 million total, a figure they have used to fleece funds from Gentiles for nearly a hundred years before World War 2 ever happened.

The International Red Cross right after WW2 numbered the number of work camp casualties at slightly less than 300,000, but ever since Holocaust hoopla began to be generated in earnest in the late 1960s, the magic 6 million number is repeated at least once a day on the evening news of the Jewish television networks and tens of billions of dollars have been awarded to so-called survivors and their offspring of the so-called Nazi death camps by generously corrupt Jewish judges and lawyers.

Despite the amazing triumphs in less-than-supportive courts by Revisionist pioneers Ernst Zündel and Robert Faurisson — as well as many others — which prove the hoax of the Holocaust hoopla, German courts have refused to accept any evidence from those whom it charges with violations of their banning of any mention Holocaust ideas other than their own, truth tellers continue to be dragged off the streets and charged with violations of these unjust laws, sentenced to prison terms for daring to speak the unbiased truth against these lurid lies Jews declare as unchallengeable truths..

Two such articulate heroes — the Schaefer siblings — are shining examples of maintaining the courage of truth while navigating through the minefield of Jewish lies. Both have been imprisoned for telling the truth in a country where minds are locked by laws demanding they believe facts that are simply not true.

Brother Alfred Schaefer is still locked up but sister Monika is here today to tell us about this mindless madness that to this day insists that lies are the truth, and the real truth may not be discussed because German courts declare it is a crime against humanity to discuss the real facts of a real crime against humanity.

So Mike, we welcome the inspiring Monika Schaefer with lessons and cautionary tales to remind us about the danger of humanity’s greatest enemy.

What’s it like, Monika, in a German jail when you know the truth but are told you have to believe in the lie or you won’t get out?

John Kaminski and Mike Gaddy

interview Monika Schaefer

on Speak Free Radio 

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.

30 Responses

  1. Exactly – “Azov bataillion” mercenaries allegedly fighting side by side with the Ukrainian forces, the Ukrainian nationalists smeared as “Nazis” who are being set up by the Jewish Zelensky regime – “President” Zelensky i.e. his handlers want the Ukrainians to fight to the last man… They want as many Ukrainian men killed as possible to empty the country and make room for the returning Jews… who claim the rich natural resources of the Ukraine worth trillions for themselves…

    Lavrov must know WHO is to blame for all his grievances… WHO is to blame for not abiding to the Minsk agreement, and for using the US, EU and NATO as their tools to provoke Russia into war… Lavrov must know WHO is in control of the US government, the EU and NATO…

    Lavrov must know that he is barking up the wrong trees… by putting the blame on “the west”, on “western leaders” who are nothing but puppets on strings.

    Lavrov is afraid of naming the JEWS? The criminal cabal of international Freemasons, “Illuminati – Luciferians”, Talmudists, Satanists, Zionists, Communists…. Putin is a Freemason himself, and Lavrov is a Freemason, too?

    They are all members of the same “Club”, playing their “opposing” roles, putting on an act, telling lies, deceiving the “cattle” is part of the game.

    The insiders are in the know, they know the plan, the choreography, the winners, the losers.

    The winner would be Russia – This is obviously the goal – as everything is being done to weaken and wreck the western countries and nations…

    1. With Kind regards Freya, Your looking at this only one way, “wreck the Western countries and nations,” I believe that was already down before, during and after WW2. Ukraine outlawed Russian language, besides Ukraine technically never registered its borders as a sovereign nation. As I’ve pointed out twice about the Trust & Gold, so they couldn’t.
      There is more going on than to yell “Jew.” Quote from Queen Elizabeth 3 weeks ago “The opioid device by our Rothschild families at the rub of the falling out, which was not our design, but they make money where they can, and pretend to be not what they are. In the end common is common, and Royalty & Imperial rise above it.” Let’s not forget these same usury/moneylenders sent King Charles I head rolling down the street January 30th, 1649. It was King Edward I that abolished “all forms of usury in 1290.” So once again England became shackled in Parchment Bonds of debt with the execution of Charles I, in 1649.
      Read what Queen Elizabeth stated, “the opioid device, was not our design” No it wasn’t, it was the Sassoon’s, the Rothschild of India. They too were of Jewish descent from Baghdad Iraq.
      The Usury Money Lenders were the ones who came out of Spain in 1492 and “Sailed the Ocean Blue” they also went to Amsterdam. Amsterdam is where they came from in 1642 to cause England to go into a Civil War 1642-1648. And in 1648 arranged to Purge ‘The House of Commons’ in England, so to put the King on trial, these are the Sephardic Jews, also known as Conversos Language: Ladino=mixes of Spanish, Hebrew, Turkish & Arabic dialect.
      My point here is that there is a lot going on, there is a lot coming to a head that has been planned out in advance 100 years ago to take these “all forms of Jews” down.
      I observe, and what I can say with certainty is that the gentleman that published Queen Elizabeth’s quote, is the same one that showed cement barricades around all Federal Buildings in Washington D.C. What is interesting about that is we never did receive our refund check from the IRS. Tax season is always a big deal here in the United States, a big deal for the Federal government for those who owe. I never heard a word about the deadline in April….
      Roe vs Wade was over turned in the Supreme Court. The reason why that is a big deal is because we were always set up to be “State Rights” so we see the over reach of the Federal government abortion laws overturned overnight.

        1. Yes Freya, they are also known as Hasidic Jew. They come in an abundance in New York City after WW2. They expect their women to breed ten children each.
          The problem I have with you yelling “Jew” is about the Ukraine situation. It is the Ukraine government that has been behaving like the Chabad/Lubavitch control grid. I am shocked that you cannot see this. If anyone believes that Russia is going to put up with another “Bolsheviks” at their door step is smoking something that dulls their senses. Ask yourself why Russia was in Kazakhstan before Ukraine…

          1. “It is the Ukraine government that has been behaving like the Chabad Lubavitch control grid” (LaVerne)

            Exactly – but not only “behaving like”… Since the 2014 JEWISH coup d’etat the government of the Ukraine has become JEWISH (Chabad-Lubavitch-Talmudic-Satanic perverted and owned)

            The Jewish actor Zelensky playing the role of Ukrainian president has not the best interests of the Ukrainians at heart. The Ukrainians are not his people. Patriotic Ukrainian nationalists are very much hated by Jews, and they are being set up to be eradicated (Putin wants the Ukraine “de-nazified”)

            Zelensky’s role has been to provoke Russia into war and he keeps trying very hard to pull the US, EU and NATO military in… by imploring them to “help defend the Ukraine against Russian aggression” by sending heavy arms. And he demands always more… ever more US and NATO troops got stationed to Poland and the Baltic countries threatening Russia…

            The JEWISH main Shit media are demonizing Russia to escalate the Ukrainian-Russian conflict into WW3! Exactly what the international JEWISH war mongers and war profiteers want!

            Death by rope – the punishment for high treason and premeditated mass murder – By forced poisonous “Covid” injections… for the provocation to war, for ruthlessly jeopardizing the peace, safety and survival of the western European nations..

            The corrupt US-EU shabbos goys, Canadian, British crypto-Jews on clown parade:


            Meeting in the country they are targeting most

            The offer of EU and NATO membership to the Ukraine is extremely irresponsible and a provocation to war!

            Such an offer serves only the JEWISH interests and is fatal for everyone else.

  2. Great podcast Monika! I feel the critical mass drawing near. The insanity that now grips Germany is so tragic, but it is also spreading to Canada and beyond. Freedom comes through truth, and it is so important to keep telling it, even if the world thinks us insane. Our freedoms today are disappearing, and without freedom we are slaves.

    1. “The INSANITY that now grips Germany is so tragic…” (Fred)

      The PUSH BACK to that insanity of the “authorities”… the RESISTANCE to that heinous, premeditated mass murder by POISONOUS injections (“health protection measures”) (((they))) want to legalize… and war mongering against Russia (“Defend the Ukraine”) is getting stronger – The cries for PEACE – FREEDOM – SELF-DETERMINATION are getting louder… to wake many more people up from the slumber

      The Europeans stand UNITED – Second Mass Demonstration gathering in Frankfurt, Germany

  3. The phenomenon ‘Dr Füllmich’ is a blatant example for the avoidance of THE WORD…

    The not naming of THE SAME USUAL CULPRITS – THE JEWS !!!

    For the deliberate mass murder genocides in the 20th century and now, in the 21st century… The “Covid plandemic” the latest example for such psychopaths committing deliberate global genocide, true crimes against humanity of the most horrific nature

    Dr Füllmich is regurgitating the Jewish propaganda lies about WW2, the Nürnberg trials; he doesn’t know any better, obviously he has not yet learned about the true history of the world wars, the falsification of history by the Allied Freemasonic Talmudic Satanic Zionist Communist victors…

    Nonetheless, I think his intentions are honest, he wants to give a role model of what has to happen now!!! In an HONEST court of law – and I want to add: NOT a dishonest, CORRUPT Jewish Nuremberg 2.0 lynch trial where true evidence was not permitted… only false “witnesses” and testimony

    The evidence is right there… TO STOP THE PERPETRATORS IN THEIR TRACKS:–COVID-Vaccine-Murders-Court–Cast-YOUR-vote-

    Masses of victims in Germany and worldwide – known and unknown:

    A storm is brewing – The RESISTANCE is only growing if the madness continues:–Q&index=2

    1. Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov:

      The same phenomenon again! The true culprits are NOT named, Lavrov totally avoids mentioning the elephant in the room: THE JEWS.

      Lavrov keeps repeating the Allied Jewish WW2 propaganda – totally untrue – he blames the coup d’etat in the Ukraine (2014) on “Nazis”… to smear the Ukrainian nationalists who want independence from Russia… Totally beside the point.

      Or are Victoria Nuland and the ilk who took over the US governments National Socialists? Nope.

      And the alleged torture and murder of ethnic Russians in the eastern Ukraine regions Lavrov blames on “Nazis”, too. He totally ignores that there are JEWISH “special forces” fingerprints all over. Who always creates the bogeymen they need themselves? Who recruited and financed the terror organizations “al Qaeda”, “ISIS” to keep a “war on terror” going over 20 years…

      and who uses the SELF-CREATED bogeyman “Nazis” in the Ukraine?

      Lavrov must know that all of this hasn’t anything to do with National Socialists…

      He must know that the true culprits are AshkeNAZIS, NAtional ZIonistS (“NAZIS” for short) sitting in America, the UK, Israel and elsewhere. They are calling the shots, NOT their puppets called “western leaders”.

      Dishonesty, the usual hypocrisy on Mr Lavrov’s side as well.

      The questions which he should be asked are NOT asked, the assessments which should be made are NOT made.

      Hence, the analysis of the Russian-Ukrainian war and of the roles the players involved are playing in this war theatre is NOT correct, it is false, essentially a misconception!

      The consequences for continental Europe and beyond… will be extremely tragic – AGAIN – if the agitators are NOT named and NOT stopped. (((They))) keep steering the world into WW3. Again, using Poland… and Lithuania (the puppets in place) is playing with the fire too – all of them hoping to be rewarded afterwards? With more stolen land?


      1. I found this entire interview ironic, Lavrov is like listening to Adolf’s predicament. Freya, I think your to touchy about that word. Lavrov mentioned Azov Battalian a few times. These are not Ukraine Nationalist, they are Militants/Mercenaries that were installed by United States and other Western powers that flagged them up to look like Nazi’s. They are Bolshevik’s acting like Bolshevik’s. The game has always been to project as someone else, hence “False Flag.”

  4. @Adrian: Basically, you’re right when you say that Christianity and Communism are two sides of the same coin. However, Monika is also right when she says that especially in these times it is important to stick together and not let us split. Christianity was also a great dilemma for the National Socialists at the time when they hat the power in Germany: on the one hand, the majority of our German ancestors have admitted to Christianity (as is unfortunately the case today) and on the other hand, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels were also aware that Christianity is in principle a Trojan horse of the Jews and Communism is ultimately Christianity for atheists as described correctly in your linked article.

    Just check these two 4 minutes clips and make up your own mind in which Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels take a clear and diplomatic position on the subject of Christianity linked here and here

    1. You all deserve a badge of honor by the Synagogue of Satan for peddling anti-Christian NON-sense.

      I am not in the mood for a “debate” about certain non-sensical statements – and Monika prefers us sticking to the subject of the podcast which is NOT Christianity vs Communism or even most ludicrous: Christianity IS Communism. Which is the same as saying white IS black and vice versa. It must have been a “Christian paradise” behind that Iron Curtain where tens of millions of Christians were slaughtered by Communists over decades.

      I wonder why the “Luciferians” want to exterminate all Christians if we are “all the same”?

      I am closing my case here. This is too stupid.

      1. In her podcast, Monika spoke, among other things, about brainwashing people in the FRG and in general the fight against Germany. These conditions would be unthinkable without the political Jewish-Zionist political and social influence. So we have to ask ourself how could the Jews even gain this huge influence in Europe with such disadvantageous consequences to the whole white race? And this influence can be only be explained by Christianity as you can see the more Christianity is widespread the more the political Jewish power is visible. Since the Bible consists of more than 80 percent of the Old Testament which is nothing but the Jewish Torah, Christianity can never have a negative attitute towards to Judaism due to its religious basis. Therefore a Christian who rejects Judaism is comparable to a meat eater who hates the butcher for slaughtering animals.

        Moreover there are many obvious similarities between communism and Christianity which I cannot go into all of them now: for example both in Christianity and communism race and origin does not play a role so that it is no problem for a Christian white woman and a black Christian man to get married and have children together which is in fact an act of destroying us by “race mixture”. Both in communism and Christianity race does not exist except the race of the so called “Chosen Ones”. Or can you tell me any Christian church in which to their official rules only couples can marry each other belonging to the same race?

        Both ideologies are weakening our self-confidence especially of the relatives of the white race by implementing a guilt cult: while communists are implementing the guilt cult by telling their story of the so called “Holocaust” story, Christians are implementing the guilt cult by their belief in the “original sin” which is the central dogma of Christianity and this origina sin is by no means any triviality in Christianity. Both Christian original sin and communist Holocaust story are used to hate ourselfes which is something very unhealthy and is the central problem of the white race at the moment.

        Or the Christian pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer who prayed for his country’s defeat in in World War II. Subversion of national defense is something very typical for Christian as well as communist people and therefore I do not really believe that Chritianity is something useful to us. It might be better to come back to our pagan roots which we as Europeans have lost through the forced Christianization in Europe by Charlemagne who did by that brutal Christianization a huge disservice to us Europeans.

      2. The Bible is “anti semitic” and refers to jews as the synagogue of satan..liars, decievers, murderers….it tells the truth about them…Thats why jews hate Christianity!
        #GodHatesjews..even if they really were gassed by specially trained SS rape dogs who forced them to poop diamonds, climb trees and crow like roosters until they fell to their second deaths!

        1. The Jews hate Christianity because there was an empty cross, and Judah/Hebraic Judeans got blamed for a murder that never took place.
          The ancient people understood at the time the Mythology was taken from Krishna of India, and other savior stories of a male born to a virgin.
          Justin Martyr was one of the early Therapeuts/Gnostics Samaritans, an ancient network of religious brotherhood. These mystery school writers wanted to make Jesus a real historical figure. They produced different gods in different regions. Their main school was associated with The Great Library of Alexander. This network linked Britain and Europe, through Palestine to India, and all the way to China. All the Solar Hero’s and God Myths emerged from this same route.
          It’s time to take the body down off the Cross. We are Sun Worshipers & not a thing wrong with that. The Sun, the Source of all Life.


        The Jews tried to kill Jesus because he wouldn’t walk in Jewry (John 7:1).

        The Jews proudly proclaimed their responsibility for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and put His innocent blood on their descendants hands (Matthew 27:20-25).

        The Jews took an oath to not eat or drink until they killed the apostle Paul (Acts 23:12-14).

        The Jews mocked Peter as he was performing the gifts of the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:13-15).

        The Jewish Sadducees deny anything spiritual or supernatural (Acts 4:1-2, Acts 23:6-9).

        The Jews killed Jesus Christ, and attempted to prevent the apostles from preaching to the Gentiles (1 Thessalonians 2:14-16).

        The Jews crucified Jesus Christ (Acts 3:12-15, Acts 4:8-12, Acts 5:26-30).

        Jews are enemies of the Gospel (Romans 11:28).

        The Jews are unruly, vain talkers, deceivers, they subvert whole houses, they teach things which they ought not for filthy lucre’s sake (Titus 1:10-16).

        Jewish fables turn you from the truth (Titus 1:14).

        1. Canadian, May I ask what denomination of the Christian Religion do you follow? Just curious. I was born and raised a Catholic. Searched, and tried Born again crowd in my youth. Studied with Jehovah Witnesses as a young mother for 5 years, impressive with how they tear open a bible, very thorough. Went into silence and never stopped reading the scriptures. Never stopped searching. Never stopped observing. I find the Bible a beautiful piece of Literature, that is intended for learning and reproving. But even the scriptures say it is in the form of “Allegory” and that Jesus spoke in “Parables”
          Now at 60 years of age, I look back with fascination on the Catholic faith because reality is, is that they are the closest to the truth, just look at their symbolism. They don’t hide it, it’s there to see, Jesus is the Sun. Sincerely LaVerne

      4. “And this (JEWISH) influence can only be explained by Christianity as you can see the more Christianity is widespread the more the political Jewish power is visible” (David)

        That’s not true. And “only”?

        The Jews (AshkeNAZIS & Sephardics) always moved to the countries where the white Christians live. Ask yourself: Why have they always done that? They have always conspired to take over, wreck and destroy. The methods are multi-fold (see: Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion)
        The CONTROL OF THE MONEY SUPPLY is the most effective and destructive weapon they got their hands on. They can corrupt and buy nearly everyone and everything

        Hitler took that MONEY POWER away from them and freed the German people from the Jewish debt slavery system. That is the reason why the Jews hate him so much, second to Jesus Christ. Jesus exposed the Talmudic priests, scribes and pharasees as liars, hypocrites, the synagogue of Satan – who turn the word of God into the opposite.

        Most Jews do NOT follow the Ten Commandments, the Satanic Babylonian Talmud supersedes the Torah…

        1. Actually there is no clear proof that Jesus has ever existed. But in case you are believing in the official Christian story and thus believing in the existence Jesus himself was a Gallic Jew.

          And if you are comparing the political Jewish influence in the Christian aresuch as Europe and America in comparison to the non-Christian area such as Islamic countries such as Turkey or Iran where the Holocaust conference took place under the former chairman of the Iranian president Mahmud Ahmadinedschad the fact that the Jewish influence is combined with the spread of Christianity will be visible.

          Moreover it is completely incomprehensible for me how you can be the opinion that Judaism and Christianity stand in opposition to each other if Christianity consists of more than 80 percent of the Old Testament which is nothing but the Jewish Torah. In a nutshell every Christian is in fact a Jew by definition as in the Christian belief the Old Jewish Testament is explicitly not rejected by the Christian Believers, quite the contrary: Christians have all in common that tehy profess the Jewish Old Testament.

          You mentioned Hitler who was deeply religious but in fact antichristian proofed by quotes in the linked video on below and tried to handle Christianity in a diplomatic manner as he knew that the majority of his nation is mentally bound to Christianity so that there was no realistic chance to let the “false religion” disappear by laws.

          Your analysis that Jewish political power is caused by the monetary system is too superficial due to many reasons. In the current money system money can be only created when someone takes out a loan. Therefore our money system is just like the Holocaust a guilt cult which both have actually their basis in the guilt cult of the Christian original sin. So even the Jewish money system can be explained by the Jewish Trojan horse of Christianity which is for the Jews a perfect tool to damage the self-consciousness of the “stupid Goys”.

          So if we want to minimize the Jewish politcial influence we have to say Good Bye to Christianity in order to relieve us from self-imposed guilt caused by the Christian belief and come back to our pagan religion of our ancestors which was brutally destroyed by the forced Christianization of Charlemagne.

      5. David – let it go…

        Discernment is crucial…
        You have to know what you are talking about and differentiate – to see through the lies… the deceptions – the manipulation of perception by manipulating the language and the meaning of words…

        For example – WHAT is “Judaism”?

        Judaism = Babylonian Talmudism = Satanism “Luciferianism”

        WHAT is Communism – Zionism? et cetera – in short:

        Communism (atheism) and Zionism (“Jews the Chosen people” by their God, Satan-Lucifer to rule the world) are two sides of the same coin! Same origin, only on the surface “different” paths to the same goals (Jewish world domination)

        “You CANNOT serve two masters”! (Jesus)

        Christians do NOT serve Satan…

        Satanism IS the polar opposite to Christendom, the Christian belief…

        WHAT is meant by the “orginal sin”? (the trespassers ought to feel guilty for) Disobedience to God… the commandment of a well- meaning father “NOT to eat from a certain tree”… as the fruit is deadly…

        To cut a long story short… the outcome is well known… Humankind is disobedient to the Creator-God and the Paradise (in union with God) got lost…

        The Satanists define FREEDOM along these lines: “ANYTHING goes!” “Do whatever YOU want shall be the whole of the law!” Hubris – The false promise of Satan, the seducer “You can become gods themselves”… The truth is: Such people are the worst, the destroyers of everything good and beautiful, of life itself…

  5. It’s a true pleasure listening to the three of you.

    I only would like to mention…
    that the tune of the third stanza of the German national anthem (Deutschlandlied) played by Monika is actually the only one in use now and not forbidden (verboten)

    There is nothing wrong with the first and second stanzas either. They are not per se forbidden – they are out of use. It remains historically the German national anthem (3 stanzas) from the time of the national unification movement –

    Two world wars changed the borders significantly, and it is only a small territory half the size of Texas left – which is being flooded with invaders from all over the world.

    A false meaning has been attributed to the first stanza by our enemies – It was always about the unification of the German people in one nation state, the patriotic love to one’s people and country which naturally always comes first – It was never about “world conquest” or “world domination”… –

    The (((enemies of humanity))) always blame their own endeavors (a Jewish one world government) and evil plans (three world wars, multiple mass murder genocides to EXTERMINATE all their opponents, a global Communist slave system, “N/Jew World Order” – “The Great Reset”), the most heinous crimes against humanity on their targeted victims.

    1. Thank you, Freya, for expanding on the national anthem, and explaining how the true meaning had been perverted by our enemy to mean something else.

    2. As you know Freya, their was never a Peace Treaty signed after Germany’s surrender, so the Third Reich still exist as does its borders. Perhaps that’s what is really going on with Russia and Ukraine as well. We know that England has to honor the Gold Trust from 100 years ago. Perhaps that’s why “They” were trying to create a Bitcoin currency, to undermine the Gold that is returning to Russia & Prussia/German Empire.
      Perhaps this is what Dr. Goebbels meant when he said his goodby’s to the German people April 28th 1945, “It is not that we be alive to influence the future of our people. Germany will outlive this terrible war. In the future you must only know one duty, to prove yourself of the great sacrifice. Do not let yourself be confused by the uproar that will reign throughout the world. The lies will one day break down under the weight and the truth will again triumph. The hour will come when we shall stand pure and undefiled, as our aims and beliefs have always been.”
      “It is not that we be alive to influence the future of our people. Germany will outlive this terrible war.” Did Dr. Goebbels know that in 73 years the Gold Trust Tsar Nicholas II and Kaiser Wilhelm II put in the Bank of England in 1918 was due to expire in 2018. ??

    1. Hi Adrian, haven’t heard from you in a long while. I see you are still as combative as ever – that can be a really good thing, except when it is aimed at our own side and serves to further divide us. As you know, we need all hands on deck, so don’t be throwing good people doing good work overboard.

    2. … “know about this stuff” – what “stuff”? Some basics:

      Christianity is NOT Jewish – Jesus Christ was NOT a Jew.

      Christianity and Communism are polar opposites and do NOT mix.

      The Golden Rule is Christian ethics in a nutshell.

      You are allowed to love yourself and all your loved ones… you are allowed to protect and defend yourself, your family, tribe, nation, country…

      Some basics… our enemies turn upside down to totally confuse the non-thinkers and turn the world into a madhouse…

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