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The Graham Hart Show — Brizer with Monika Schaefer, Dec 2018 — TRANSCRIPT


[In this 2 hour plus interview, Brizer, an Irish co-host of the Graham Hart Show, talks with Monika Schaefer about her journey towards seeking the taboo truth about WWII, the “Holocaust“, and the organized jewish perpetration of 9/11. Monika was arrested in Germany on January 3, 2018, and sentenced, and served, 10 months imprisonment for her 6 minute video that was put up on YouTube in June, 2016.

In that video she gave a heartfelt, belated apology to her mother, for blaming her generation of Germans for not doing enough to stop the alleged genocide of jews. She has since come to know that the so-called “Holocaust” is a gigantic, diabolical fraud, in that, yes jews were put into camps, yet there were no plans to exterminate jews, there were no gas chambers, and that far, far, less jews died in WWII than the “magical” number of six million.




The Graham Hart Show

Brizer with

Monika Schaefer

Dec 2018


Click the link below to listen to the audio:


Brizer: Okay, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Graham Hart Show with me Brizer. I’m here on Cornwall Revolution Radio I don’t. And out of grisson dot blogspot dot com, where Mami welcomes you to the best news aggregate site on the World Wide Web! It’s good to have your company folks. Now if you’d like to join us in the Chat Room, click on the HTML 5 link on the top right hand side of the page, just below the player of your choice.

So I’ve got that one out of the way. It’s my first time doing that!

So, welcome along everybody! We have a great guest on our show tonight, which I’m really looking forward to talking to.

She needs no introduction to many of you, I’m sure. Her name, of course, is Monika Schaefer — a sister of Alfred — who was incarcerated in a German gulag for pretty much most of this year, 2018.

Thankfully she’s back in her native Canada again. And she’s still quite willing to speak out. Jail didn’t do anything to shut her up, or anything! She’s still going strong, fighting the good fight for our people, for our cause. So, without further ado, I’ll welcome Monika to the show. And Monika please give small introduction to the people who made not have heard about you. But I’m sure most people have.

Monika: Thank you so much for having me on! I am just honoured and delighted to be here! And I guess it was the better part of a year ago that Alfred was on your show, and I quite enjoyed that. And I wanted to tell you the song at the end was just fantastic, “The Goyim Know!” I sure enjoyed that! So I’m so happy to be on. And just a short introduction.

Yes, you mentioned I spent the better part of a year, that’s 10 months in the German jail in Munich. And that was just as a political prisoner! You know, I didn’t rob a bank, or hit anybody over the head with a sledgehammer, or anything like that! They didn’t like the things I talk about, and they have some pretty draconian laws there. So that’s why it landed me in prison. Did you want me to get it?



Brizer: It’s all, because of a YouTube video, I believe.

That’s, a big crime these days if it’s not got the correct message in there.

Well according to the elite was they call the correct message. Well actually, there’s nothing really bad about the video you’re just apologising to your mother.

Monika: Yes that’s right the video is called “Sorry mom, I was wrong about the ‘Holocaust’”. 02s ing and it’s just 6 minutes long and I did it in English. I also did an original version in German. And within a few days of it being released, out into the world, other people, who I had never met, or seen, or heard of before, translated into several other languages.

I think within the first four days there are already 3 more translations, like where they had to put the — what do you call it — the subtitles, I guess once, onto the English version. And it just kind of took off! It took my breath away at the time. That was June of 2016. I knew when that went out into the Internet that it was a door that I went through. I knew that I was going through a door. But heavens, I certainly did not expect all the things to happen that did happen to me! It’s been quite an education. Yeah.


Brizer: So you actually recorded that video in Germany? Is that the reason why you were nabbed. Is that it?


Monika: Well, you know, we studiously avoided answering that question, because first of all it was irrelevant where it was created, although for “the powers that should not be” over there, it was very relevant. That’s all they were interested in was the technical aspects. They were not interested in whether the contents of the various videos were accurate historically, or not. I mean, obviously that’s what bothered them, because they were exactly, you know, telling the truth about matters. But the truth hurts to those who hate the truth!

And so they basically invert everything and that’s what happened with the trial. It’s what happened with the prison time. It’s what happened with the hearings to see if I should be let out on bail awaiting the trial. They’ve basically always had a verdict first and followed with the show, whatever the show would be, whether it was a hearing itself in front of a judge, or whether it was the trial, and all of that. Everything got inverted! So just as we have everything in inverted in our world, everything gets inverted in these kinds of trials. And also the words they use to describe us and what we’re doing. So would you like me to describe what’s in the video, a little bit?


Brizer: Yes please.

See: Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust — TRANSCRIPT

Monika: Okay. It’s a short video, so this won’t take long to summarize it. But basically, I start out and finish with a little piece of fiddle music. So that’s kind of a cheerful way to have this message. Because I wanted it to be cheerful, because I was very relieved and happy to have learned the truth about my parents and ancestors.

So when I was a teenager and learning all these “terrible, horrible, evil” things that those bad Germans were doing, I was horrified! And being a very sensitive person, I was just so devastated. And I reproached my mother. She’s the person who basically I was closest with in the family home. And there I was, reproaching, and saying:


Why didn’t you, and your friends, and relatives, … You should have organized! You could have organized, you could have gotten together and stopped all those things from happening!

And I remember her listening to that, and saying:

Well, Monika, we just didn’t know about those things, like those death camps! We just didn’t know!

And she was very solemn, and quiet, and that’s all she said to me:

We just did not know!

Anyway, fast forward, many, many years, to just a few years ago, when I learned that those stories we’re false! That we’re talking about World War Two. We’re talking about “Holocaust” matters, and the gas chambers. And I started to open my eyes. Actually, first opened my eyes with relation to 9/11. But even that, it took till 10 years after 9/11 to learn about that. And then I kind of kept going down the rabbit hole, as it were, and figured out that lying was not invented in 2001! And it goes way back.

See: Organized jewry Did 9/11 — The 16th Anniversary, 2017

And so, when I learned about that these things just did not happen the way they told us they happened, I felt really bad about those reproaches when I was a teenager. I never forgot that. I never forgot how I felt! I never forgot that I had reproached my mother, my parents, but mainly my mother. And so I felt really bad about that, and I regretted it, and I wished I could talk to them about it. But they were long gone, my parents had died already. And so, I didn’t have the opportunity to talk to them. So anyway, Alfred had set up, you know, he was already making some very good educational videos.

First one was about 9/11, “Gate keepers and Controlled Opposition”. And his videos were meant to educate people about how this all happens. How we have been subjected to the psychological warfare of deception and lies. Anyway, so with that, yeah, I was able to make an apology to my parents, and to my mother, to their spirit. And that’s what I did in that video. I apologized for those reproaches.


See: London Forum – Alfred Schaefer – Psychological Warfare – TRANSCRIPT


Brizer: It was a nice thing to do. I mean, you realized you were wrong. But, of course, back in those days you had no idea really. Most of us had no idea about this anywhere. So, when you do figure out something like this you want to apologize to your mother, in spirit. Just say:

I was wrong about all of this.

The German people were not the “nasty” Germans that we all were told that they were. So, yeah, you just kind of, I suppose, made a little bit of peace with her. Something like that?


Monika: Definitely! Definitely! And not just peace with my mother and with my parents but also this notion that the German people are just “bad people”! You see, because many of us — I am really not alone in having experienced this — but many, many of us in our generation, and several generations now, of Germans, were quite ashamed to be German! And there developed this real rift between us and our ancestors. And that’s all very deliberate too. So these lies they serve many, many, purposes.

And one of these purposes is to cut us off from our ancestors, our parents, which means cutting us off from having pride in our culture, having pride in who we are as a people. And when that happens, we become like little children really. And that’s what Cicero, I think it was, has a quote to that effect that:

If you do not know what happened before you were born, then you are reduced to being children forever.

And so this is what has happened to us. We have a false understanding of what came before us, and, of course, a false understanding of the world as it is right now. But if you do not understand your history, and you do not have a sense of pride in your people, well that is just a recipe for annihilation, isn’t it? And, of course, we know what they have in mind with us.

You see, all these things are related, and they like to compartmentalize us anyway, with all these control words, and weaponized words. And that’s something that Alfred is really good at describing, you know, these words that trigger us to stop thinking. You know, neo-Nazi, or radical, right-wing, or “Holocaust” denier! I mean, that’s just the most weaponized term, and what does it even mean? It’s a so completely a ludicrous term! Nevertheless, this causes us to become quite compartmentalized. But also, the fact that we have this disconnect, or feel guilty about being who we are, to be German.

I heard from so many people after I created that video. I’ve heard from German people from around the world who described to me the experiences they had growing up in wherever, like Canada, Australia, the States, wherever. People are just ashamed of their heritage and hiding it! And that’s what I did. I learned very early on to hide my German heritage. I loved it at home, and we had a very beautiful traditional, very German style. And this time of year, especially, now we’re in the Advent season, and then Christmas. That was a very special time in our home. I loved it! I certainly wasn’t protesting against it at home, but outside and in school, I really learned very quickly to hide that heritage, not make any issue of being German. I mean, if somebody asked me where did my parents come from, of course, I told them. And we spoke German at home, and so occasionally if friends came over to the home, they heard us speak German with the parents, and that kind of thing. So yeah, that’s kind of how it was. [chuckling]


Brizer: Yeah, I can imagine growing up, it must have been difficult because, you had to grow up in the sixty’s time, not too long after the war, really. That memory still and that whole thing of being German, was just kind of a blot on you, or something. Is that how you would feel?


Monika: Absolutely! And anything that was on television. I mean, we didn’t even get television till, I think it was the late sixty’s. But nevertheless, then we were exposed to the television series that really made fun of the Germans, or they were always kind of the “bad guys” and then the movies, … I mean, we all know there’s just hundreds of Hollywood movies that always depict the Germans as the “bad guys”. And then this got ramped up. I mean, as we’re talking about “Holocaust” that did not even really get going until it was in the seventies. And that’s exactly when I was going through junior high and high school.


And that’s when they really got going with “Holocaust” propaganda, and there was that mini series on television called “Holocaust”. And if you watched clips of it now, it’s just so absurd and ridiculous! But, you know, in the beginning the stories that were told about how people died in the camps were not even, … They kept changing the stories! I just read an article the other day that after the, quote, unquote, “liberation of Auschwitz”. First, there was nothing in the Russian newspapers for a few days, and then finally something came up. And they talked about:

Electrocuting the prisoners along conveyor belts.

And that:

They would drop dead into these pits.

So what a different story that is from what came out later! That the “gas chamber” story came out later. And now, the tourists are now led through these museums, or through what they say are the ruins of the camps now. And these are “reconstructions” that at Auschwitz for sure. And I think most of the other places, these are “reconstructions” and the Russians have admitted to doing that after the war. And then the reconstructions of what supposedly was there are so sharply done I mean, they’re just completely careless!

[Click image to enlarge]

And I’d like to mention the late, great, Robert Faurisson who just died. I believe it was October 21st, or 22nd, just a few days before I came out of prison, he died. And he did so much good work and if anybody was always trying to be exact in his research, in his methodology, his research. I mean, there is the man himself! Like, he spent decades researching and being very meticulous with his work. And he studied the architectural plans, and he studied a lot of other things about Auschwitz. And I’m not sure what other camps as well, but my goodness his work is tremendous!


See: Alain Soral – My Homage to Robert Faurisson, Oct 2018 — TRANSCRIPT



And I would highly recommend that if people want to learn more, to just look up some of his articles that he has written over the years, about those actual camps. And just did the absurdity of making out that gas chambers, all the showers were actually gas lines and whatnot! Well there were doors, wooden doors with cracks, and the windows! And what I mean, it’s so ludicrous what they report on! And then, of course, the numbers have changed over the years. That all these things change, and change, and change, and yet the mainstream goes on to just say well:


Yeah if you question this, then you’re a criminal! And you go to jail! You can’t question this!


And yet jewish “Holocaust” historians, they have changed their story so many times over the years! They’ve changed their numbers, they’ve changed the methods, they’ve changed everything so much, that you have got to, even just people who haven’t looked into this issue at all, you just have to ask yourself, well at what point does one just say:


Look! If this part is a lie, and that part is a lie, you know, the shrunken heads, the soap, and another part is a lie, and another part is lie, then how can it be that they have such a stranglehold on this?


Well it’s, because it’s turned into a religion! It’s “Holocaustianity”, that if you question it then you are a heretic, basically you get burned at the stake, figuratively speaking! Thank goodness they don’t actually burn people at the stake, because then I would not be talking to you right now on this program! [chuckling] There you go.



Brizer: Yeah. It’s silly, because my aunt now she’s quite elderly, but she went to Auschwitz and she’s still brainwashed by that stuff. I brought it up gently with her once. She said she was there and she was told:


The birds don’t sing at Auschwitz, because of all the terrible deeds that happened.


But yet she said the trees were full of birds! She said the birds were flying all over the place. So there’s the first lie right there!


Monika: Isn’t that something. And yet, this wasn’t enough to help your aunt?


Brizer: No, not really, because she’s just brought up with that whole generation and believes the whole thing. It’s hard to break through to the people who were, …


Monika: It is!


Brizer: It’s hard! With most people it’s very hard. But I think once we break this taboo, I think this is why the jewish elite are so afraid, because we are getting to that hundred monkey situation now, where more and more people are beginning to see through the lies of the whole thing.


Monika: Absolutely!


Brizer: And, then of course, what we’re doing is, and this is why when I talk to people about this I don’t go into the details of gas chambers. I kind of go into the situation, according to the jewish, their own records, it was 3,800,000 jews in Europe before 1938.


Monika: Yes.


Brizer: And then there’s what, 15,000,000 odd, jews in the world, I think in 1938. And there was still 15,000,000 left in 1948!


Monika: That is right.


Brizer: Let’s do some mathematics here! It’s very simple. And people are kind of scratching their heads and saying:


Oh, okay.


But it’s still trying to break that down! I mean, the conditioning that people gone through is quite incredible! I mean, I was there myself, but somehow I got into this. I was just intrigued, I don’t know why it was with me. Like, sometimes I wonder:


Why did I figure it out? And why can’t other people figure it out?


I just let go of stuff, because I was going through my own issues. After losing my wife, and then fighting for my house. I’m still doing what the banks at the moment. I realized I’ve just loosed the fear. Once you let go of all of that stuff, that baggage that we carry around with us, everything opens up. And we begin to really see. We step outside the box.




Monika: That’s exactly right! Yeah, many, many roads lead to the same conclusions. And something you said there, a minute ago, just really rings true for me too. That I often wonder how is it that some of us are able to peel those layers, you know, peel the lid off our eyes, basically, and see. And other people who with whom we grow up together in the same condition, same environment, are not able to! And I don’t know, I don’t know what that is! If we knew we could solve all these problems.


But I also want to point out something along the lines of what you’re saying. That these jewish sources actually tell us these population figures. Jewish sources are sometimes the best sources for finding out what’s going on. And then you can also just throw it back at those who are doubting us and say:


Look I got this from jewish sources.


Like, for example, the population figures before and after the war, and how many jewish people worldwide, and whatnot. And they often talk very openly about what their plans are, and what they do, and what not. So that’s really good to use those.



And I also wanted to bring up the fact that many, many, more people do know and understand the truth, than what is visibly apparent to the outside. And the reason for that is that most people who do understand it, they realize what the consequences are of speaking publicly about it. That’s why they make an example out of people like myself and Alfred, when we do speak out publicly about these things. And also what I went through in Jasper — my hometown since 35 years — before I went to Germany, here this last December, and then only to get stuck there, on an extended “State paid vacation”.[chuckling] It was involuntary, but, …


Brizer: Government hotel! [laughing]


Monika: Yeah exactly! [chuckling] I went through what they call “ritual defamation”, in this town. And there are many purposes of that ritual defamation. And one of the purposes is to scare other people from looking into these issues. To actually learn the truth, or if they do understand the truth, to keep them silent, and thereby it gives the appearance to the average person, that there are very few of us. And then, of course, they make us look like a total nutcase and insane, or whatever.


[Click image to enlarge]


I mean, I actually had the local doctor tell me that I need to go seek psychiatric help, or be charged! And this was a couple of years ago, when he told me that. So basically, he was prescribing institutionalization for me! And that’s the local doctor, you know, and I live in a town that’s a small town, 5,000, or so. And I was already sort of known. I was in the public eye, I could say, because I wore many different hats. I had the music hat on as a local musician, I also had run politically in elections with the Green Party — that’s a whole other story! I certainly am not part of the Green Party anymore, that’s for sure! And then I also wore a public hat, I guess, as being involved on some local boards, and the culture and recreation board and some other involvements that I had.



So I was in the public eye. And visibility enhances the vulnerability to ritual defamation, right? So, if I had been a sort of an unknown entity and came out with this public proclamation — like I did in my apology to my mother — they could have quite easily just ignored me and it wouldn’t have become anything.



But, because I was in the public eye it was for them, those who do not like what we speak, those who do not like the truth, it was important for them to take me down! And boy oh boy, did they ever try hard to take me down! Now luckily, I had the confidence to know that truth lies on my side. It doesn’t mean I know everything, and I’m always open to learning more and looking at the evidence.


If somebody takes issue with anything I’m talking about, show me the evidence. Have a discussion with me. However, to generally have truth on my side when I did this, … And I didn’t do anything bad, I didn’t do anything wrong! I’m apologizing for having reproached my mother as a teenager. And that I’ve learned more about it now, and so it was quite a kind of loving thing to do really, in terms of my relationship with my parents. And yet I’m being called a “hater”! And I’m being called all kinds of other things, and they’re trying to destroy my livelihood, and all these other things that they did, and do!


But I kind of stayed upright on my feet, and they were probably surprised by that! [laughing] And it’s very threatening to them when somebody stays upright and doesn’t apologize for what they just did. Because that’s something that a lot of people will do if they’re subjected to this ritual defamation, they’ll immediately go:


Oh I’m so sorry! I was wrong about that, and I take all that back!


And then they go overboard in the other way, or something. [chuckling] I didn’t do that!


Brizer: Yeah it’s interesting what you’re saying, because tonight, just before I come on the show, I was at an anti-corruption meeting, hosted by this very brave journalist Geraldine O’Doughty [word unclear] who is exposing corruption at very, very high levels. In fact it’s infected everything in the public life in this country! It’s quite shocking what she had to say. And there were a few other speakers there as well. And actually one, or two of the other speakers, this guy who was a chicken farmer and he was trying to get his business going. He realized that he was working with companies who are committing absolute fraud! Getting backhanders, left, right and center. And he tried to expose it, and he brought it to the police, he brought it to the government ministers, and the whole lot, and they turned on him!


You know, they actually turned on him! Threatened to take he has, ruin his business and put his family out onto the street!


Monika: Exactly! That is what they do.


Brizer: And so it’s coming down to all levels of how we live.


Monika: Yes. And so what that tells us, is that there are some very corrupt officials at the top levels of wherever, like the police, the politicians, they have some very compromised people! That’s a better word, there are compromised people at the powerful levels.


Brizer: And they use fear as a weapon, they threaten people and that’s why you might have people within the media who, you know, again the media, as we all know, is corrupt as hell! But there’s people in there who might want to say things. And she, this lady Geraldine O’Doughty [word unclear] and another great journalist, John Waters, another great guy who, … He just got out, because it’s a complete cesspit!


You know, they just try to threaten them, and they’re standing up and saying:


No, no, they’re going around the country, doing these talks and trying to wake people up to this kind of, … The bread and butter issues, if you will, just to see how we’ve been lied to, how we’re been deceived, how we’re being used! How they are using our tax monies against us! In every possible facet.


And it was kind of grim to hear all that stuff. But we need to hear it, to see that really deep level of how this goes. So, as I just say, it just goes up the ladder to all different aspects of what’s going on. Our history has been rewritten more, or less. Like even here in Ireland where I am, our history it’s been kind of erased. It’s going to be taken out of school books.


Monika: Oh my!




Brizer: We’re all supposed to be good EU citizens now. All this kind of stuff. All the kids have been programmed with its nonsense! And a lot of “Holocaust” stuff being pushed into their history books constantly! So let’s not talk about the genocide, which was the potato famine. No, no, we’re not talk about that anymore! Let’s not talk about 1916 where a few brave man stood up against the Crown to declare our freedom for Ireland! Well, let’s not forget about all of that stuff! We’re all good EU citizens! And you just shut up and obey! And here’s your toys and our gadgets, TV and all of that.


So there you go. It’s insanity! I’m really enraged by this! And then last Thursday I was at a meeting, I spoke on this with Denis Fetcho’s show. I rang in after that meeting, that evening. A new party came out called the Irexit, which are all but trying to exit out of the EU. Of course, you’ve heard about this “Global Compact on Migration” Have you heard about this?


Monika: Yes. Yes! It’s absolutely horrifying!


Brizer: Yeah. I know Canada is fully committed to it. I know our country is fully committed to it. But the people aren’t, but their governments are, of course.


Monika: Yeah.


Brizer: So we kind of held a silent vigil. Of course, they had their Antifa groups all set up. The “rent a mob” were there calling, shouting “Nazi scum off our street!” and all this party is saying:


We want to take control of our country again, take control of our borders, our economy, our laws. We want to take it all up back!


And yet we were called “Nazi scum”, “fascists” all this type of stuff.


Monika: Yes, …


Brizer: And by a lot of young kids who are in university probably. Who were probably paid some beer money just to let them do that. I mean it’s just disgraceful!


Monika: Absolutely! It is, I mean, that’s the thing, if you take away people’s history, … Well, how did that same go in the 1984 movie?:


If you control the past you control the future. And those who control the present control the past.



I mean, it is just absolutely spooky. And so they’re erasing the history from the history books, and I hear, I think it’s in some New York schools, they’re doing away with their actual physical libraries now. They’re getting rid of the physical libraries, so that it will only be virtual libraries online. Which means that they can just, at the click of a mouse, actually change these books online. Change the history. So it’s only when you have books that can last in a paper form that you can really check what’s going on in history.


I mean, when historians can look back at books that were actually printed in the previous century, in the thirty’s, forty’s, fifty’s, and see what was written in them, compared to what they’re trying to tell us now in sort of mainstream media, then you can verify it. If they’re changing it, or not. But if it’s just all online and you’re erasing, … I mean, that’s their specialty isn’t it? Like this group that we’re not supposed to name lest we be called “anti-semitic”. And they also talk about it in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, that the agents will become, sorry, the “goyim” will become agents of their own destruction!


And so with the programming that happens by all these lies and deceptions, and they’re going younger and younger into the schools to actually soften up the brains of the youngsters that is making them ill actually. Like you could say it’s causing the people to be mentally ill, because it’s just these poisonous lies!


And amongst those poisonous lies, they’re also doing this thing that they call “sex education” in the schools. But really, what I have learned, what they are teaching the children, it’s porno pushing! It’s perversion pushing! That they’re doing at a younger and younger age! It’s absolutely horrifying!


And this just softens up the brains of these youngsters that they can’t even get to first base anymore, to be able to look at something that they’re being told in the news. You know, maybe first base would be to figure out 9/11, and then second base might be to figure out something further back in our history books. And then 3rd base might be to figure out that:


Gee! They want to get rid of us!” [chuckling]


These things are all connected, these lies. And, of course, the “Holocaust” is the big, sort of like a chain, a hammer, that they can use on anybody’s heads when they start talking about:


Gee! I don’t know, we never were asked about all these people coming into our country. Like this is just kind of happening, and I don’t remember being asked about this!


So this is what perhaps is going through the heads of the average person. And they’re feeling uncomfortable about it. But lest you think out loud about it:


Oh! You’re xenophobic! The next thing, you know, you’re going to have another ‘Holocaust’!


This is how the “Holocaust” story, or fairy tale, is being used as a hammer, especially in Germany. And, of course, that’s where you see this invasion really going crazy! But it’s in all the European countries, and it’s in other White countries as well. You have this huge invasion of what they call “migrants”, but it’s basically opportunists from all kinds of places. And they lie about where they’re coming from! And I have firsthand experience with people lying about where they’re coming from. And if you want I could tell you a little bit about that.


Mark Collett — The Plot to Flood Europe with 200 Million Africans — TRANSCRIPT


But, yeah, so that’s what we have. These things are all connected. That they use one part of the history that they’ve changed they use it as a blunt hammer to make sure you don’t question anything else. And then the children are being just prepared for the slaughter, basically.



See: Red Ice Radio Interview: Invasion of Europe — TRANSCRIPT


Brizer: Yeah, they’ll throw it in anywhere. Again, I was on another kind of march against the banks and how they are evicting people out of their homes. And one guy had a placard — one of the banks is called “AIB” — it says:


AIB — Rothschild Sewer Bank!


And the media immediately jumped on that and said:


Anti-semites out marching against the banks!


Can you believe that nonsense?


Monika: Oh!


Brizer: They just throw that in, just to push people away from that, because they don’t want to be associated with that.


Monika: Yes that word, …


Brizer: You’re probably next, your family’s next! They’re coming after us, they want to dispossess us, they want to replace us.


Monika: Exactly.


Brizer: They want to turn our countries, our beautiful White countries into third world slums! Not while I’ve got a breath of my body, they are not!


Monika: Yes, that’s exactly right! This is an existential crisis. And I feel the same as you do, that while we are still breathing, I mean, this is just the most important thing! If we do not turn this ship around then, well, we’re doomed really!


Brizer: We’re gone.


Monika: We can never give up hope. And that’s a big part of it. And that’s why I do like to talk about some of the things I learned.


After creating that video I learned that there are so many more people who are aware, and know, and have their eyes wide open, than as apparent. And I found that out, because people are writing me, and calling me, and what not, just from all around here, for starters. But then from many other places in the world. And then I realized every little hamlet, every little town, every little billet, every place, has people who are wide awake! And it’s up to us to make it easier for people to talk about it, and to, … I don’t know, I mean, we can’t sort of tell people what to do with this. Everybody has their own abilities, their own ideas, and imagination, what they can do as individuals. But everybody has to somehow do something, get involved, whether it’s little, or big!


Everybody needs to get involved in this! And the more people’s eyes we can open the better. And nobody should feel that they’re the only one. They are not! That’s what the enemy likes us to think, that we’re just isolated little cliques of people, here and there. But no! We are many! We need to repeat that again, and again, that we are many! And we need to be educating our neighbors, our friends, our family! I mean, that’s also a way to immunize ourselves from being “burned at the stake”, so to speak. Because if we have people around us who do understand, then it’s going to be harder for them to persecute those of us who do speak publicly, right?





Brizer: Yeah, like I mean, tonight there was the Q & A afterwards. Like, how can we do this? What can we do to turn this around? And this guy John Waters says:


We have to get the conversation going. Get people talking about it.


Also there is that fear, because people are afraid they might lose their jobs, and all this kind of stuff. And that is understandable. There’s also the friction maybe, within families, with matters like this. I know many people who have had friction within their families.


Monika: Yes. That’s right, lose your fear! That’s one of the most important things. And I’m telling you it is extremely liberating! And in spite of all the things that have happened to me, for example, I have zero regrets! I have absolutely no regrets! I never ever, you know, perhaps in the evening, just before going to sleep, say to myself:


Gosh, darn! If only I hadn’t done that little video! If only I hadn’t done this, or that! That caused all these subsequent things to happen in my life!


No! Never! Not once have I felt that way, because it is extremely liberating! That old saying:


The truth will set you free!


It really, really is true. So I would encourage people to lose their fear. It might mean you have some discomfort, it might mean a decrease in disposable income, it might mean a few things like that. However, the rewards are far greater! It liberates you! It is an uplifting that there’s nothing that can compare really. And while I was in jail, I felt that as well. And I wrote that in some letters to people too that, if they were concerned that I was going to be in a deep dark depression in there, or something. No! No! I said I feel a 1,000 times freer than the jail boss, for instance. I would never want to change places with the jail boss there, and I felt free, still. It was only in body that I was incarcerated, and even with that though, once I kind of found my, … I mean, in the beginning, of course, it was a shock, and it was difficult to sort of de-stress myself about my concerns about the home front. I was sort of ripped out of my life, right? Out of my normal life — whatever normal is anymore, anyway — that it had already changed so much through the ritual defamation.


But then once I kind of settled into the fact that I couldn’t do anything about it, I didn’t have the key, they had the keys. They had the power to turn the keys and dictate the routine of my day. Like okay, open the doors at 10:00, you go in the courtyard, and bring the hot meal at 11:15, and then lock the doors again, and open the doors again, for an hour and a half in the afternoon.


And so they had the control over my daily life. However, once I resigned myself to, okay, this is where I am for now, I can’t do anything about it, well, I’ll just make the best of it! And I really did! I made the best of it. And I can tell you that for the most part I was in a very good mood. And yes, and you do get to know other people there. You become very close friends with other prisoners with whom you can share a little bit of what you’re going through there. We’re all in the same boat there! One tends to be not judgmental. You take people at face value, who they are, while there. And I’m telling you, I’m not the only person there and it shouldn’t be there, like in terms of being innocent. True wrong doing, right? And you just get into, well I got into a very good rhythm and had a good routine going. And yeah, it was fine that way. I’m not saying that a voluntary place to be. I didn’t go knock on the door on January 3rd and say, :


Hey! Do you have another room? And can I just come in? [laughing] I’d like to stay a while, and have bars across my window!


No, it’s not like that at all. But once you’re there and you can’t do anything about it, well you make the most of it.


And I’m telling you, it was a huge education, like, I learned so much! And you could just sit back and watch things happen to, and learn about other people’s story. I’m telling you, I learned a lot of things there that, oh my goodness, what an education that was! And I would say I got stronger and grew. I grew in different ways. I learned a lot, but I grew I think in a spiritual way, as well. And yeah, I made the best of my time there, I could say.


Brizer: Now, because I do know of few other people who were incarcerated for saying the wrong thing, or doing the wrong thing, or was perceived to be the wrong thing. And they came out even stronger, they didn’t come out in repentance to the government:


Oh I’m sorry! Oh my God!


They were actually coming out stronger and more committed to the cause, I think. So maybe sending people to jail isn’t such a good thing!




Monika: [laughing] That’s exactly right!


Brizer: I think you had your music as well to help you. Were you allowed to play? I know you’re an accomplished violinist. Were you allowed to play the violin much, or what?


Monika: Well thank you for asking about that. Yes. So I was incarcerated January 3rd, and I believe it was March 22nd that I got my violin into the jail. And, of course, I had no idea how long I was going to be there, and whatnot. So I was very concerned at first that I’m going to lose my skills. I’m going to lose all those tunes I have in my head, as well. Like I play a variety of types of music so not just classical music but also a lot of fiddle tunes and a lot of those are by memory in my head. And so I made lists of the tunes, the names of them, right at the beginning I wrote down every tune name that I could remember. And then every day I would just hum the melodies to these tunes, like maybe three, or four, or five of them each day, to keep them in my head. Because I was quite worried that I would lose them because, you know, with that kind of thing if you don’t play them, you lose them. I have to have a little sip here. My throat is getting, …


Anyway, excuse me, my lawyer, who is a brilliant, brilliant, lawyer, I cannot say enough about this man who represented me! He gave a very good argument to the court. He had to, we had to get court approval for getting the violin in. And it was all his idea to do this, too. But he argued, very well, that:


Look, I was there as an innocent person, because if you have not yet been charged charged and convicted then you are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. No matter what they think of you! No matter what kind of an evil ‘Nazi’, terrible persons they label me as. I am technically still innocent until proven guilty!”


And he argued that as a musician, who makes her living as a musician, everybody knows that if you don’t practice your instrument, you’re going to lose your skills. Thereby I would be losing my ability to make a living!


Now, I mean, just putting aside the fact that they’ve just ripped me out of my normal life, so I don’t have my capacity to make a living now, anyway. But just putting that aside, there they are holding me, awaiting some kind of a trial, that’s at some unknown date in the future. And possibly a long sentence. You just don’t know, right? Anyway, he argued that they were already punishing me by not allowing me to have my violin with me. They were already punishing me, and I am innocent, right? So that was his argument. He made it much shorter than in my description, just now. He was very articulate and succinct. And it took a while for them to decide. But they then decided “yes”, but then it still had to go through the prison authorities. And I’m telling you, they make their own rules there, which override the court if they deem it for security reasons — that’s always the catch all phrase:


Oh, for ‘security reasons’ we’re going to do this, and not the other thing.


But anyway, they did then finally permit me to have it. And I’m telling you that really improved my life a lot! It also opened the door for me, in many ways, into other people’s hearts! [chuckling] I can say, because people enjoyed it, that I had it. It was very unusual. Long term guards there had never seen anything like that. And I got to play every Sunday in church. And so it was like a mini performance for me, a mini concert opportunity. And I practiced every day in my cell for about an hour. Like, I didn’t overdo it. I didn’t want to overdo it. Now the way the cells are there, we’re all surrounding a courtyard. So all the windows of the women’s prison, it’s a sort of a small prison there for the women. Next door is the men’s prison, the much older Stadelheim, which is where Alfred is right now. And it’s huge!


But the women’s prison, it’s quite new there, that they made next door. And we all face into the courtyard. And so the windows all face into the courtyard. Now, in the first few days that I had my violin, I was just so excited about this, I noticed that when I played and my window was cracked [open] a bit, suddenly I saw all these other heads at other windows, like heads and shoulders. You could see them all coming to the other windows, and I realized:


Oh! They could hear me!


And so, then I just opened the window really wide, like not just cracked [open] but just opened it wide and stood in front of the window and played into the courtyard! [laughing] And we had a bit of a, sort of a, quote, unquote, “party” for a few minutes! People were just loving it and applauding it!


Of course, it’s illegal there to talk even, from one cell to another, through the windows. So this was really, we were breaking all the rules! And then there was one woman who got all excited, and she didn’t like it at all, and she screamed at me, and said:


Close your window if you’re going to practice that thing!


And so I guess, maybe she was traumatized once by somebody who played the violin! I don’t know. And then the others all shouted back at her:


No! No! We want more!


And it was really quite funny! Anyway, I did that for a few days in a row, just for a few minutes each day where I had it wide open like that. Do a little little concert into the courtyard.


But then all that ended when a guard caught us. I didn’t realize there was a guard in one of the windows. I hadn’t seen her. And then she was jotting down everybody that she could see that was shouting, or applauding through the windows, because that was highly “verboten” [forbidden]. And then they stormed my room and locked my windows shut for a few days! Like that was my punishment! And I got called to the jail boss’s office. And got the little “disciplinary action”! And it was really quite, … It was worth it anyway to have had that little bit of fun, like this joviality. And I didn’t care about the little bit of disciplinary action, it was all worth it. We had our fun.




And then, they didn’t take away the violin, thank goodness, that would have been the worst. But they also realized that the world was watching and paying attention. Because I did get a lot of mail. And that was a godsend for me! Because they probably would have treated me more strictly had I not been receiving all that mail, because they would have just thought they could get away with things. But there were other things that happened there, whereby I knew that the fact that I was getting all this mail was helping me a lot! Because they understood and realized that the world is watching. So anyway, they didn’t take away my violin, they let me have it, but they said:


Oh you have to always have your windows closed when you’re practicing.


But after about a month, I started to crack it open again a little bit, but nobody was applauding any more openly through the window. But I got a lot of positive feedback at the courtyard hour. People were really enjoying it. They would close their eyes and dream for a moment that they were somewhere else, that they weren’t in prison, that they were in a normal place. And so I got a lot of that kind of feedback, you know, I mean, it could be hardened criminals that are telling me that! [chuckling] And it was very nice for me to have that extra little thing that made my life a little bit more like “normal”. And also that I could keep up my skills, because really, I mean, if I had gone 10 months without having my violin it would’ve taken a lot of work to get back into it. And it just provided a little bit of enjoyment for not just me, but for others. So I was very grateful for that.


Brizer: And it’s kind of, when you think of it, it’s these small little things that you’re stuck in there on your own, you don’t really know anybody, and you’re able to get your violin which you can play and you can cheer yourself up, and the people up, and probably even a prison guards up. You know what I mean?


Monika: Yes!


Brizer: Just little small things like that can always make a difference. And also it just kept you kind of sane in many ways, because this is the love of your life, the music.


Monika: Absolutely!


Brizer: It just keeps keeps you’re kind of, you know, … Because you could easily sink into a deep depression and all the rest of it, couldn’t you?




Monika: Yeah, I think you could. I mean, I had many things going for me that would prevent me from sinking into any kind of depression. Like I said I was in a good mood most of the time. So the violin was definitely one of those things. And the letters were another of those things that really were a lifeline for me! And with that I would like to encourage people to write letters to political prisoners and Alfred, my brother, he’s in Stadelheim jail — I’m sure that you will probably put his address into the description, or something. But sometimes people say they don’t know what to write, and they are afraid to write because they don’t know what to write.


But, you don’t have to write anything that is controversial, or political. In fact, it’s probably just as well if you don’t, but it’s the support, it’s the encouragement. You could just write about your pet dog, [chuckling] or a funny story, or whatever! It just doesn’t matter what you write, but the fact that you’re writing something. It could just be two lines, and it’s very encouraging for the person in the prison, and it also shows “them”, you know, the staff, the guards, and the court, and whatnot, it shows them, this person has not been forgotten, they’re not alone. And, that is a really good thing, if the they are shown that we are watching what’s going on, and we are many! That does help a lot.


For example, I’ll just give you a little story too while I was in prison there with the mail. Like, when you are still awaiting trial, all the mail goes through the court. They read it and they might photocopy letters that they deem they want to use as evidence, and all this stuff, and whatnot. But they read it and they send it on to the jail, and then the jail people check it for inserts, or if anything has been smuggled in, or whatever. So they check it again.


Now, if it goes through the courts it’s supposed to be opened in front of us, and I realized after a while, and I learned from other prisoners what the rules were on that. And they’re supposed to open these big brown envelopes in front of us! To do the final check for smuggled goods, or inserts. But mine were all opened already. And so the mail room in the basement downstairs, they were already opening mine and they were doing another check in front of my eyes. But that was like the 3rd check now through my mail. So I was getting extra special treatment there, in terms of having my letters controlled. So I called a meeting with the jail boss on this. I requested a meeting, and I had a meeting. And I brought this up and I said:


This is against the law! You should be opening in front of my eyes in the office here.


And she said:


Oh no, in some special cases we open it already, in advance, you know, it’s a special case.


So I said:


What do you mean? Why special?


Oh, you know, for the safety and security of the institution.


And, because I was challenging her on the legality of it. And she pulled a binder off the shelf and showed, you know, “safety and security” and all that stuff. That catch-all phrase, right? That they use when they want to do things against us and keeping things secret. It’s always that catch-all phrase:


Oh, for security reasons! We can’t tell you this and we can’t tell you that. And we can do this, and we can do that.


Anyway, so I said:


Oh! Okay, well why? What’s this going to help?


Well in case you’re making plans! Maybe you’re making a gang here, or gathering followers, or whatever.


I said:


Oh, that means you’re reading my outgoing mail? I am sealing those envelopes to the court and sending them direct there. But you’re reading those too?


Oh no, just the incoming mail.


So, how are you going to find out about my plans, and my gang members, or whatever?” [chuckling]


And she says:


Well they might be responding to your letter and saying, ‘Oh yes! Good plan! Good plan!


Something like that. And I just burst out laughing at that point, because it was just getting more and more ludicrous. And then at some point I just said:


You know, if you’re so worried about my conversations that I’m having here with other prisoners, then really you should be putting me into isolation, like into solitary confinement.


I just said that right to her face. And she did not blink an eye, and she said:


That’s the next step!


And I did not blink an eye either, and I said to her:


The world is watching!


[chuckling] And that was about the end of that meeting with her. And I stood up and left. But I was very proud, and confident, and I think she was probably purple in the face, by then. She did not like me at all, the jail boss! Thank goodness I didn’t have very many interactions with her, or didn’t have to deal with her on a day-to-day basis. That was the big boss. But it was really true, that she knew that the world was watching! She knew I was right about that. And I think that give me a degree of safety. Because, I mean, it was a little bit uppity of me to say to her:


You really you should be putting me into solitary, if you’re so worried about things I’m talking about here.


And I just felt I could just get away with it! And I did. And they didn’t put me into solitary confinement, no way!


So I told you that she didn’t like me very much, I knew that. But, the guards, I have to tell you that from the beginning to the end there was a real transformation in how I was being treated in that jail. When I left and, of course, for months prior to leaving, I was being treated very well, with respect. I mean, they’re doing their job okay, they have to do their job and all that.


So they are strict and it’s not like they’re giving me special favors. But they treated me well. And in the beginning it was not like that. I was the “Nazi” coming in, and this is in “reeducated” Germany, where they’re all indoctrinated and programmed. And here I am, the “Nazi” coming in. And so I got kind of “extra special” treatment in the beginning, and I’m putting that in quotation marks. They really try to humiliate and degrade you in all kinds of ways.


And I think other prisoners also receive that kind of humiliating treatment, but they kind of loaded an extra dose of that on for me. And I know that for sure, because there were certain guards that, they just, … Oh my goodness! They just couldn’t stand that “Nazi”! And they gave me sometimes an earful.


Anyway, so that was an interesting transformation that took place through the course of time. And I think, because they saw that I was just a normal human being, and I was polite with them, and just tried to be friendly and normal. And they also can see that I’m in a pretty good mood most of the time. I’m getting along with other prisoners. I’m not creating strife, or conflict. And, in fact, sometimes I would mediate between people to try to smooth things out, that kind of thing. I mean, yeah it’s just life in prison, and I’m telling you, by the time I left I was being treated very well.


Brizer: Right. We’re just on the hour mark, or just over it. We can take a musical break, but before just that, Monika, I sent you a card ages ago. I don’t know if you remember, you probably got hundreds of them, but again it was just a simple message just saying I was thinking about you and praying for you and wishing you all the best. You know, that’s all you have to write.


I have a Christmas card here at home which I’m going to be sending off to Alfred. And I would urge everybody who is listening tonight to send Alfred a Christmas card! It’s that time of year. And I’ll just give out the address here, but we’ll put it in the show notes afterwards. It’s:

[see top of website sticky post]

So that’ll cheer him up no end. Just send loads of Christmas cards to him and just wish him a Merry Christmas, that’s all. You don’t have to say anything else. That will just cheer him up no end, I’m sure.


As you said Monika, it helped you big time, and I’m sure it’s going to help him. And we have to give him the support now because he’s there, where you were. We should keep him in our thoughts this time of year. It’s not going to be nice to be stuck in a prison at this time year, either.


Monika: That is for sure!


Brizer: So let’s do that guys, just get the cards out, it’s a simple thing to do. And it just makes a huge difference.


So, I’ll tell you what we’ll do, we’re going to play a song. I’m sure you might have heard of Monika, her name is Loreena McKennitt. She’s Canadian.


Monika: Oh yes! Love her music.


Brizer: I particularly like this song that I think she wrote when she came to Ireland. She connected with her Irish roots. And it’s called “The Old Ways”. And really, when you think about it, the old ways, okay, they weren’t perfect but they were a lot better than they are now, that’s for sure! And we can learn a lot from it. So we’re play this song, it goes on for about 5 minutes, so Monika, if you want to get a glass of water, or tea, or coffee, whatever. We’ll be back in 5 minutes folks and we’ll continue with this great conversation! So stick with us.




Okay, welcome back everybody! A beautiful song there by Loreena McKennitt, called “The Old Ways”.

That is the kind of music that just drives me on! Sometimes when you feel a bit down about all the stuff that’s ing on, the madness that is ing on in this world you just kind of go back to the old ways, think about our ancestors and what sacrifices they made. We’ve got to carry the torch forward, it’s as simple as that!


We have a special guest tonight, Monika Schaefer. We had a great first hour talking about her experiences. Welcome back Monika!


Monika: Thank you!


Brizer: Right, let’s go into the actual trial that yourself and Alfred went through, because I was reading a lot of this as it was going on. I never saw such a kangaroo court in all my life! An unbelievable nonsense! And I know a lot about law, because I’ve been going through my own situation regards the banks. And I see the lies and the deception, the corruption that is going on in there.


But in Germany it just seems to be a lot worse, from what I can see. I was shaking my head of disbelief. So anyway did you want to just kind of just go back to when it all started? So you were in prison at the time, but then Alfred was speaking out. You take it from there, Monika.


Monika: Okay. Yeah I’ll take it from there then. Yes, one day short of the 6 month deadline that they have, for how long they can hold a prisoner before trial begins — 6 months in Germany — one day before that, the trial began, July second. Now they would have just renewed that. It wouldn’t have been a problem for them, because I did meet other prisoners that were there a lot longer than I was without trial. So the things that go on in the prisons in Germany are just something that is unbelievable! I was shocked to learn that! Anyway it did start on July second. At first they had scheduled four days, then they scheduled seven days for the trial. But they just wanted to get it over with and done! And, you know, wipe their hands clean of it. They already had the verdict, of course, we know that. This was just for show, now. I mean, they made their verdict a long time ago, and now they need to to, … Because they still have laws, and it’s not quite overtly a dictatorship, but it certainly is covertly, one!


And yeah, that was the first time that I had seen Alfred in the 6 months. And it was a very joyous and jovial, very wonderful meeting. But what had been unexpected for me when I walked into that door — of course I was escorted there handcuffed to the guard — suddenly I am confronted with all these cameras! And I hadn’t even considered that would happen. But it’s just like in the news that you watch on television, where somebody goes through this throng of reporters, and all the cameras are blitzing away! And this is quite a surprise to me. And the door where I came in, that’s where Alfred was sitting, and he didn’t see me first, because his back was to me. And I just tapped him on the shoulder and he jumps up and out of his chair! And we have a big hug, and then he turns towards the cameras and he’s just giving them the whole spiel, like:


Yeah! The lies are going down! And we’re winning!


[laughing] It was really great! [laughing] Anyway it was quite the moment! It was such an adrenaline rush for me. Perhaps, because I just didn’t know what to expect. And, of course, having sat in jail for 6 months and then here is my first court day, you’re a little bit nervous going into that situation! Anyway, I could couldn’t even move my mouth, or my tongue, because everything had just became dry, I think it was a reaction as an adrenaline rush, reaction, or something. [laughing]


Anyway the camera people had to leave, because there were no cameras for the trial. So okay, got lead to my seat, this commotion all settled down then. And then there was the story of the water. Like, I needed water desperately, because like I said, I couldn’t even move my mouth! So if somebody had asked me a question, to even just answer my name, I wouldn’t even have been able to at that point. It was just completely, I was kind of paralyzed [chuckling] And we couldn’t get water. No, it was not permitted! No you can’t have water here! So you have to have a recess. Okay, well let’s have a recess and get water now! [laughing] I mean, this is the first half day, or the first day was such a show!


Then there was the issue of the microphones! There was a beautiful microphone system, all of us had one in front of us. Like each judge, the prosecutor, the lawyers, Alfred and I, we each had a microphone in front of us. But the system wasn’t turned on. And we were trying to have them turn it on! And the judge just dismissed that. He says:


No, no. We don’t need it. We can all hear each other.


But people from the gallery, the public gallery, were kind of shouting out that they couldn’t hear. And the judge got really angry at them for even opening their mouths. And he would just shout back at them, and say:


You have nothing to say! It is not for you to speak. Keep your mouth closed! You’re not to open your mouths!


He was really angry at them. And he was dismissing us about the microphones:


We just don’t need them!


He brushed it aside.




Anyway, this went on for some time, and then I just stood up out of my chair and kind of spoke out of turn. But I just couldn’t believe this was going on. And I just stood up and said:


Look, either this is a public trial, or it is not a public trial! If the public cannot hear, then they really are there just for show. And then what Alfred has been saying is true!


And, of course, Alfred was calling it a Muppet Show, and he was also calling it an “inquisition”. And he had done some other things, like he didn’t stand up for the judge when the judge walked in. That was very very, you know, going against the rules, and the judge was trying to get him to stand up. And the judge just didn’t know what to do with all this. But when I said that about either this is a public trial, or this is not a public trial, and if the public cannot hear, then they are just there for show, and then it really is a Muppet Show. Then Alfred is correct in what he has been describing this as!


And he still didn’t budge! Finally in exasperation I just muttered something about:


Oh! My hearing isn’t so good anymore. I can’t hear.


And that caught his attention! And I didn’t even, really say that very loudly. I just kind of muttered it, as I was frustrated. And suddenly though, his ears pricked up. He said:


You can’t hear?


I said:


No. No, I can’t hear.


And that’s when he got the technician in, and it took all of one, or two minutes to get this system turned on, and then we had microphones. But I’m telling you that was not at the beginning, that was halfway through the day, after we had a few recesses in this and that.


Now this this, what Alfred was doing there, that landed him in jail, that day. So he was held in detention. Actually, I think he was held in a police cell that night. And he came out the next morning on bail and certain conditions. Like, he had to give up his passport and show up at the police a couple times a week, or something like that. And then he was free again that week to travel back to his home each night. But the trial went for four days in a row there, the first week. And they went back to his home on Friday and picked him up, and arrested him. And he has been in jail ever since. And I did not know that until the following week. Then we didn’t have trial days til the following Thursday. And we’re all sitting there at 10 in the morning, or 9:30 in the morning and there’s no Alfred! And I’m looking around wondering what’s going on. And somebody is muttering something about the transport from the jail. And I’m just thinking:


What is going on?


And my lawyer looks me says:


You don’t know?


And I said:


Know what?


And he said:


He’s in jail.


And I just about fell off my chair! I did not know that he had been in jail already for 6 days, at that point. Right next door to me, basically. And I was just devastated! I was shocked that there he was incarcerated now.


Brizer: Was he held in contempt of court?


Monika: No, not at that point, okay. So the first night that he was held in detention it was, because of the behavior in court. I guess “contempt of court”. Thank you for that word, yes. After that they found a reason to put him away. And, of course, they couldn’t stand the fact that he kept talking to the world, you know, he wasn’t shutting up. And they found some reason and they said, called it [words unclear], which means to darken, which means, hiding evidence, which is completely ridiculous, because Alfred is doing quite the opposite, he’s exposing things, he’s telling things, he’s talking, he’s not hiding any evidence of anything!



And the other reason, I guess, they put was “flight risk”. And I mean, that was also ludicrous. It was clear that Alfred was very interested in attending court and being there for this inquisition. And basically giving them a big education and bringing them to the, well “plausible deniability”. That’s the term that he used a lot. They were going to be at the point of no return, that they could no longer use “plausible deniability”, as in, they didn’t understand it, or they didn’t know what was going on. I mean, that’s what the trial then was all about. But in the first week it was really quite tumultuous and wild. There were two other people besides Alfred who were thrown in jail. Sylvia Stolz that was thrown in jail for two days, for, in German [words unclear] which means, like, what did you say the word you used there?


Brizer: Contempt of court.


Monika: Yes, contempt of court. But she’s just said a word, at the end of the day, after court was already dismissed, but the judge heard her and didn’t like it. She just said:


This is terror!


When he had jailed Alfred. And she just said it very quietly, she’s a very soft spoken woman, but powerful! My goodness!


And she said that and the judge “woof” he just, you know, his ears pricked up and he and he threw in jail for to days for that. And then on day four, there was a fellow who had been attending all week, and he was thrown in jail and hauled off for four days. For something that he had said to the prosecutor outside of the court room. So again, not during court proceedings, but outside of the courtroom in the hallway. And he had said something to the prosecutor about:


That he hoped that she would see the inside of a jail at some point.


He just started out saying “shame!” you know, “shame on you!” hoping that she would see the inside of a jail. And then they fabricated more that he did not say. And there were witnesses around, but those fabrications stuck. And they were a little bit stronger than what I just told you and I’m not going to repeat them. Because, you know, you repeat fabrications and suddenly they become true. And they weren’t. So anyway, they have to lie even in things like that! So they threw him away for four days. And it was interesting when they were doing this, he stood up and said — just out of concern — he said:


Okay, what’s going to happen with my car?


Because obviously he was worried that his car was going to get hauled off somewhere, it was parked somewhere where it shouldn’t be parked for four days. The judge at that point lost his temper, and he just started screaming at this guy! It was unbelievable! Screaming at him:


I don’t care what happens to your car! I just don’t want to see you! Get over here! I don’t care what’s going to happen! I don’t care what’s going out to you!


And he just went off the rails there. And, in fact, the female judge beside him, she put her hand on his arm and trying to pull him down from his elevated state,


Brizer: Calm him down a bit.


Monika: Calm him down. And that happened several more times during the course of the trial. That she had to kind of bring him down a little bit from his state. And she could see that he was doing things that were not good, that were mistakes on their part. And she would kind of touch him, put her hand on his arm. And then they recessed. And he even said that, :


Yeah, we’re going to have to bring this down a little bit. We’re going to have a 20 minute recess.


Or whatever it was, to recompose, and come back. So the first week was just wild actually!


Now I could go into more details about what took place there, but I’ll just tell you what basically transpired during the trial, and then we can talk about some of the details.


At first, like I say, they wanted it to be over and done with very quickly. Why and how they thought it was going happen, is that they were going to just show little snippets, little clips, like a 30 second clip from this video and maybe a minute from that video. All the offending bits, the bits that they had outlined in the charges against Alfred and me.


Now for my part, that six minute video was so short, they were just going to show that whole thing, when it came time for that. But with Alfred’s videos as, you know, he has made quite a few educational videos. Some of them are one hour long, some of them are half an hour long. And there are a number of them. Now they picked little snippets and said:


This is bad! This is bad! This is bad! You go to jail!


Okay. Well, he had a brilliant strategy to force them to show the entire video so that they would be shown in context. And basically he did that by not answering certain questions that the judge was asking him, wanting to nail him, right away in that first week. They just wanted to nail him. Okay:


You produced this there, and that time, and there you pushed a button and sent it out to the internet.


Well, he just didn’t answer certain questions, the technical questions about where, and when, and how, and who, he produced this and put it on the Internet. Because those things then would just be enough for them to nail him! Because it’s against the law, and that’s it! :


Ba-ta-boom ba-ta-bing! Off you go! And we’ll throw away the key while we’re at it!


You know, that kind of thing. So finally the exasperated judge — they could see that they were losing this battle — they decided:


Yes okay, we’re going to see the videos in their entirety.


So then a lot more days were ultimately scheduled in for the trial. And it went on till late October. It was supposed to be over in July, right! But anyway. [laughing]





Basically that was huge chunk of time to see these videos. And if they were in English then the translator they had to give a translation, and the lawyers insisted that this be done properly. That they write the translations out so that it’s not just sort of simultaneous translation while the video was being shown. Because then you lose a lot. So they had to do that, like their homework. They had to translate these videos and then they would read the translations after the video was shown. And then there’d be question, answer, and discussion, and that kind of thing.


And it was a huge education! Alfred’s whole strategy here was to make sure that not a single person could sit through that trial and not understand what is really going on in the world. They could not at some later point in time, when this regime has collapsed, and fallen. And if they find themselves on trial, that they would say:


Oh we just didn’t understand it! We just didn’t know we’re just, you know, going with our understanding and following orders!


Brizer: Instead of the truth is no defense, lies is no defense.


Monika: There you go!


Brizer: That is the way to look at it. They are lying through their teeth and they know it! And they are getting away with it. That is where we come in to call them out on their lies. And we keep calling them out, call them out, call them out!


Monika: Exactly! Exactly!


Brizer: These people have been getting away with too much, for too long. I’ve had enough of them, and I’m sick of it! I’m sick of what they’re doing to my country! I’m sick of the doings of European countries! To our people! This is wrong! These lies have to come to the top and they will be exposed at some point, and it is getting there. We just have to stay strong and don’t give in.


Monika: Well, their means of upholding these lies are getting more and more extreme, so that it becomes more, and more, obvious that they are just upholding lies! That’s the thing, they’re kind of falling flat on their faces, because of the means that they use to keep these lies going.


Brizer: We will remember them Monika, we will remember those days and we will come to them and say:


Right! We hold you accountable!


Monika: Exactly.



Now you’re going to prison, we’re going to throw away the key! You’re going to be on the other side of it!


Monika: That’s right.


Brizer: And we’re definitely going to throw away the key this time. Because you people shouldn’t be out there! And don’t be coming go out with these excuses that:

We didn’t know!

Yes you did! You knew exactly what you were doing.


Monika: Of course, they know it. Absolutely they know it.


Yeah, I mean, they didn’t allow us to put evidence forth. Any of the motions for evidence, or requests for proof, that our side put forth, like Alfred, or his lawyer, or my lawyer, or myself, they rejected it. For example, if we wanted to have a historian, an historical expert to verify that what Alfred was reading out in these statements that he read out, like longish papers. That these are actually true, that these are real quotes.


For example, from jews who have said this is not about us. That they want to get rid of the White race, just simple things like that. Just minor details, okay, but that these are not just made up. We were not just making these things up. And an historical expert could come in and verify that these things were actually said by those people, the way that Alfred is putting it, either in his video, or in his statements that he was submitting. No! That was all rejected! All rejected!


And I’ll tell you about one specific witness who they weren’t even going to have, but he had to be called be due to exposing the fact that this witness had written a big long letter to the judge and they were hiding this from us! So, this man’s name is Gerd Ittner. You have probably heard of him, and many of your listeners may have heard of him, because he has been a political prisoner in the, what they call the BRD, Germany, for years. He’s out now, but again, he was in jail again for 6 months, or so just recently.


See: Entschuldigung Mama, ich hatte Unrecht was den Holocaust betrifft — TRANSCRIPT


Anyway, he originally was going to be called as a witness for this trial, the Schaefer Trial, then he was called off as a witness. Nobody explained why he was called off as a witness. But we think it’s because he’s in an “inconvenient” witness. And in the meantime he was in jail, and he wrote a very long letter to the judge. And it was because of our trial that he was going to be, how do you call it, [word unclear], like he was going to be taking, “lightening our load”, so to speak. I don’t know exactly the words to use. For example, one of the charges against me included the fact that in the video, “Dissidents Speak Out” which is an interview between Alfred and Gerd Ittner, they attached my 6 minute video at the end of that one, the German version. Because the German version was eliminated from the Internet in Germany very quickly. And Gerd Ittner had liked that video, and he decided he was going to give it more airtime, and put it on.


See: Alfred Schaefer – A Dissident Speaking Out – Gerhard Ittner — TRANSCRIPT


Anyway, so they charged me for that, because they said:

Oh, in collusion with Gerd Ittner.


And he was arguing that I didn’t even know. And that is true! I didn’t even know until after they did it, right? So it’s kind of like if you teach somebody the skills of building a fire and then they go down the street the next week and they light somebody’s house on fire, and now they charge you, because you taught them how to build a fire, like a bonfire in the backyard! It was just crazy logic!


And so, that plus he was also going to talk about the fact that the video interview that he did with Alfred, it was his inspiration, his talking, telling Alfred his own story, that inspired Alfred to go on and do all these videos. And then causing Alfred to be indicted now. So he was going to try to lighten that load, and take take the blame himself, right? And the judges didn’t let us know. But this was sent to the judges and they were hiding evidence. And they didn’t even share it with our lawyers, which is completely illegal!


But our lawyers caught wind of this long letter, and they brought it up. And suddenly the one judge turns red, purple in the face, and the other one goes White! They each had their physical reactions to this, because they knew that they really blew it! And suddenly he’s called in, yeah! I’m serious! [laughing] suddenly Gerd Ittner got called in for the following court day. Which was the Monday. And this was on a Friday.


Anyway, I’ll go back a little bit to just how they give a verdict first and then create their story. Going back, before the trial, when they were giving me hearings to determine if I was to still continue staying on in jail awaiting trial, or if they would let me out to go to my brother’s place, sort of in a form of house arrest. And this happened twice, that I went before a judge during that 6 month period, once in March and once, I believe it was, in May. And I guess that’s part of the rules, every so often you have got to have a hearing. But they weren’t going to let me out. There’s no way!


But at the first hearing there was some hope that I would get out. In fact, the judge in that case seemed very sympathetic, and she was talking about how I’d only have to go maybe twice a week to the police station to present myself. Whereas my lawyer was saying:


I should go every day.


And she’d said:


Twice a week would be enough.


So it really was going towards this notion that I would be let out, but not to go away from Germany, but to await trial. And at that point we had no idea when the trial was. I didn’t even have my charges yet, until late April. And this was in March.


Anyway, she said:


Okay, well I’ll let, you know, tomorrow by fax what the result is.


Everybody there thought that I was getting out. Even the guard that accompanied me, she was very nice, and said:


Well, one more night in the jail, it’s not so bad with us, is it?


She was being friendly. And the next day no news, and the day after that I kind of knew in my heart that I was getting out. And I had kind of a rough day that day because I started to get my hopes up! Then kind of crashed then. And then the day after that, I put the pictures back on the wall, because I had packed everything. Because, if you do get let out, you can’t go back in the cell. And then by Monday, or Tuesday, finally the reply came. And by then, I knew anyway. But the reply was “No!” And then they have to give reasons.





And one of the reasons was a complete fabrication! It was a complete lie! They said that something about my “active letter writing”. My letter correspondence with Gerd Ittner. Now I had not had a single letter from him, which also meant I had not written a single letter to him, because I wouldn’t have had an address, anyway. But not one letter went between us!


And they’re using this is one of the reasons like, oh, by the way, the judge why she said she would give the answer the next day, because she had to still talk to the prosecutor. And that’s what did it. The prosecutor gave her a bunch of lies, and one of these lies was that I had this active letter writing correspondence with Gerd Ittner. And this was a dangerous thing, I guess. I don’t know how they justified still keeping me in. Maybe they just didn’t want me to communicate with him and this is preventative, rather than reactive.


But there you go, it was a complete and utter lie! And that’s how it changed from giving me all indications that they were going to let me out to:


No, you’re staying in.


Right? So they give the verdict first, and then they make up the story. And so that was a hearing back in March. But fast forward to the trial, Gerd Ittner comes in. Then it didn’t work out in the end, because the judge was very impatient with him. And while he indicated that he wants to testify as a witness, but first he wanted to clarify this identity problem with him. Because they have him in there with the wrong name. But the judge was very impatient. Now the judge could have handled that differently and just said:


Look okay, are you the person that appears in that video?


And then he would have just said:


Yes that is me.


But anyway, that’s neither here, nor there.


The important part they were going to avoid him, because he was an “inconvenient” witness.


And I’ll tell you a little bit of an aside here, about another trial that was going on at the same time. But it had been going on for 5 years, and it finished up, I believe, it was in August that it finished up. And that was another trial which Gerd Ittner was supposed to be a witness too, but they kept him out of it, because they only want witnesses that are “convenient” to their side a story, and not the “inconvenient” witnesses, the ones who tell the truth and actually do have knowledge of what transpired. And that is the NSU. Did I tell you about that already in the first hour, I don’t think so?


Brizer: No you didn’t, no.


Monika: The NSU, that’s stands for the National Socialist Underground. And this is a very interesting story, because it tells you how these operations happen, and a little bit about, you know, deception coming from the government agencies, and whatnot, or the spy agencies. So the National Socialist Underground, it was basically a terrorist organization. And there was a woman in jail there with me that I got to know a little bit. And she has now been given a verdict of life! Life in prison! And like I say this trial that went on for about 5 years and, of course, the whole time she’s in prison, and I think she was in prison already before that. And maybe 300 court days, and very, very, many witnesses. Okay. So that wrapped up.


And I’ll just tell you in summary here a little bit about that, and it just knocks your socks off! Over 50 witnesses, or over 50 people, sorry, over 50 people it was revealed that they had been paid agents. So they’re called [words unclear] is the letter V. And that stands for [word unclear] And these are like, it’s like a secret agency type of thing, you know, to protect the Constitution type of agency in Germany. But this is a constitution built on a country that’s built on lies! And it’s not even a sovereign country, so the whole thing is just a criminal regime!


So there were over 50 people who were involved in this NSU. Some of whom became really good friends with this woman that I got to know, who was now a “fall” person. She was like one of the real people who was not a paid agent, but she was pulled into this organization. Now they could never prove her presence at any of these actual bombings, and actual events where people died. They actually could never prove her presence, but just from all the other surrounding, circumstantial evidence, and whatnot, they have convicted her to life in prison.


And get this, 120 years is how long they have locked the files away! So in 120 years if somebody wants to access them through Freedom of Information, or whatever rules they have at that time. Yeah, several generations later, they can access these files! Now what does that tell you?


Brizer: There’s something big to hide there!


Monika: Absolutely! So what they do is they create a story, and then, you know, they create the problem and then they create the solution. So the problem in this case was this organization was terrorizing immigrants okay, so well, these migrants, or invaders, as Alfred calls them. And that’s how they should be called, because they are being invited in by people who want to demolish us, and replace us, and destroyed us! And he’s their opportunists, and quite often they’re criminals themselves that, you know, maybe they’ve emptied their jails in some of these countries. Where they’ve just let them loose on our countries. And so, some of the people did die. There were some families that died and whatnot. And now this NSU, so National Socialists Underground, this is neo-Nazis, and there are all painted with this brush of being this, you know, they’re Nazis, they’re neo-Nazis! Oh my goodness, they’re radical right wing people!


And now all the people who are talking, raising their voices in concern about immigration policies, or about how we’ve been lied to about World War Two, are we being lied to about some of these other events going on now? We’re all painted with the same brush, all of these radical right wing people. And look at them, they’re violent, they kill people, and they’re awful! And then the general public, they don’t know what to make of this. And that’s how it goes, they create the problem, and they create the solution. Create a police state, more and more. And if anybody speaks out against all these people coming in, they scream “racism”, or they scream about xenophobia! They use all these weaponized words against us!


Brizer: Yes. And now that’s becoming a criminal act by voicing your opinion.


Monika: Exactly.


Brizer: And that is why all these “hate speech” laws are being pushed in all these countries. That’s what they’re going for now, because people are beginning to talk about it.


Monika: Exactly.


Brizer: The conversation has begun, and it’s getting bigger, and it’s getting bigger. So they have to shut that down. And the way to shut it down is just label people “neo-Nazis”, “fascists”, whatever. Whatever they want. But the way I look at it, it’s just a label. They can put it on me, I can take it off again, okay? I just a sovereign man who cares about my country, my people! I don’t want to see it turned into a 3rd World slum, it’s as simple as that!


Monika: Yeah!


Brizer: I have no animosity towards these people, wherever they come from. None at all. I wish them well in their countries. I’d love to see them thrive and do, but they don’t need to come here!


Monika: That is right! I am so glad you said that, no animosity towards these people. No. And think of it this way, if they are skilled people, and talented people, and they can do work, then they should have stayed home and done work in their own country and stayed there. They have abandoned their own countries. Now, if they are the criminals being let loose on us, we don’t want them either! Like go back home! I don’t have any personal animosity to any of them, either. And in jail I got along with everybody, no matter who they were really.


Brizer: You judge people by their character.

Monika: Exactly! Exactly! It’s these policies that are being made by people who want to replace us and do us in. And that is the important point. So people need to open their eyes and learn about it. And also they need to learn to not react to those words! Just let it fall off like water off a duck’s back, and laugh back at their faces.


Brizer: Laugh at them! That’s what we did on Thursday night when we were called “Nazi scum, get off our streets!” We just laughed at them! We all had our Irish flags. You know what flags they had? I saw an EU flag and a communist flag. That is what they had. There you go, that is very telling, isn’t it? And they were shouting:


One race — human race!


All this kind of thing. These are just idiots! Brainwashed idiots! A few people tried to go up and talk to them. And ask them, like:


Why are you like this? I mean, we’re just standing up for our own country.


And it was like:


Fff-off Nazi! Fff-off fascist scum!


Monika: They have nothing to say!


Brizer: They have nothing to say! They’re complete brainwashed idiots! And sadly Monika a lot of them, I could see, are university students. And with know the universities now, are complete cultural Marxist cesspits!





Monika: They are!


Brizer: Where they’re not being educated at all, they are being programmed and pumped with this nonsense!


Monika: That is right.


Brizer: I’m more worried, like this the next generation coming through, who are supposed to be educated. What are they going to be like? It’s bad now! What is it going to be like in 20 years time?


Monika: Yeah. The people who are getting it the easiest, are the people who are the ordinary folk working with their hands, the people who have not been “highly educated”, you know, in quotation marks. Because “highly educated” people have been highly programmed, [laughing] you know!


Brizer: A lot of people I meet in my circles of people who started up their own businesses and fell on hard times — no fault of their own — had literally everything taken off them.


Monika: Yes.


Brizer: So there’s nothing left, so they’re shouting out about it now and saying:


I’ve not much left to loose.


So I’m shouting out there. And maybe it has to kind of go down that way a bit. I don’t like to see people going through hardship, a lot of it is going on. But sometimes we have to kind of get into the darkness to come back into the light again.


Monika: Yeah.


Brizer: So we’re getting there. And another thing I wanted to bring up, I remember you were talking about it on the Andy Hitchcock Show, not too long ago. How any statements you make in your defense [Monika chuckles] can be used against you as another offense!


Monika: Yes.


Brizer: And I believe Alfred is due back in court in January, sometime.


Monika: Exactly! Now if that doesn’t make George Orwell roll over in his grave I don’t know what will! I mean, that is just mind blowing! What can you say? That in your own defense you cannot actually defend yourself. Like, for example, explaining how you reached these conclusions, or anything like that, because and you just recommitted another offence!


Brizer: Ohhh!


Monika: It’s laughable, except it’s so serious. And I’ll tell you one other example. I know we’re probably getting almost towards the end here but, …


Brizer: We can go over a bit, Monika. There’s no problem if you want to go over.


Monika: Okay. You were saying how the antifa people, or the counter demonstration people there, they just tell you to fff-off. They have nothing to say.


Well, I’ll tell you about a little incident in the trial too, where the prosecutor had absolutely nothing to say! This was after my lawyer had given a very rousing and, just a super powerful speech, I think was about 45 minutes long, and just filled with good information. And it was just such well documented information and whatnot. And he read it out, because in Germany that’s another issue — but we don’t even have time to go into that — if it’s not submitted in writing there’s no record of it. It’s just unbelievable! It’s like a secret trial in the Deep Dark Ages, that nothing, there’s no records, no transcript, no recording, of what went on in the trial!


But anyway, he did this, and when it came time for the prosecutor — they always have an opportunity to give a rebuttal, that kind of thing — well, she stands up and she says:


You showed too much emotion in your speech!


She was complaining about his tone of voice, because there was too much passion and emotion in it. Now, she had obviously found nothing that she could critique in the content of what he just said in this wonderful speech. And so she attacked him on that he was too passionate, or too emotional, and he looked over at the gallery once in a while, because he wasn’t just looking at judges. But it was just a surreal moment! And I did bring that up in my last word to that. I said:


These issues that we’re talking about, this whole trial is about issues that go towards peace, and war, or destruction of our culture, or preservation of our people, and our culture. This is about the very fundamental question of life and death! And if we can not get emotional about these things, then what on earth can we get emotional about?


And so I did raise that as an issue in my “last word”. And I just looked her straight in the eye when I said:


If we can get emotional about these things what can we get emotional about?


And I paused for a while and she starts squirming and having her funny smirk on her face that she always had when she was being like the devil. And it was surreal! It was surreal!



Brizer: Now you see these judges and politicians, they are all career judges, career politicians. Where all they care about is the big paycheck they get every month. From us, mainly!


Monika: Yes.


Brizer: From us! And then of course, you know, the lawyers who are making off like bandits, as well. So it’s a big corrupt system going on there. I suppose for say, you and Alfred to be going in there, you’re just ordinary people, you are up against a huge machine here. I’ve seen it myself, in my own experience, it’s daunting. But there’s more and more people now, who are going through the same thing. Whether you, like, facing eviction from their home. The homes that they worked hard, … [accidental musical interruption]. People now are beginning to see this.


And then this UN Global Compact thing has woken up quite a few people over here, because our government can’t WAIT to sign on the dotted line! Like Trudeau, over there in Canada.


See: Salim Mansur – Globalism and the UN Compact for Migration, Dec 2018 — TRANSCRIPT


Now we have a gay, half Indian, prime minister over here, Leo Varadkar, an absolute traitor! I mean, this guy does not give a, I’ll say it, he doesn’t give a shit about the people of this country! None of this party, or none of the opposition, anybody! There’s no politicians who are there who will actually stand up for anything. We’re beginning to realize now it’s, of course, it’s up to us!


Monika: That’s right!


Brizer: We’ve got to get these gangsters out of out here!


Monika: Yeah, yeah.


Brizer: And the thing is again, it’s about getting the conversation going and getting more and more people, and maybe put in some kind of political party. And there are couple who are out there. I mean, the only problem I find with political parties is that they can get corrupted, as well, and infiltrated.


Monika: That’s right, they do get infiltrated. It’s like this Catch 22, how do you come up against it?


Brizer: Exactly! So we have to be aware of all of these things, we have to look at all the tricks that they pull in the trade.


We can use against them, in many ways. But just keep exposing them for tie lies and corruption.


Monika: Yeah, that is right. Like their measures are getting more and more extreme. And it’s like the devil is dancing more wildly, and ever closer to the light. And the light being truth, and the people waking up. But the devil is dancing, closer and closer, to the light, so that the shadows get worse, darker and more clear cut! And I mean, that we are all witnessing how they do seem to be going quite berserk, and they make a lot of mistakes, and so this does help a lot of people to see and wake up about it. So yeah, …


See: Andrew Hitchcock with Alison Chabloz – “No Regrets!” — TRANSCRIPT



Brizer: Your trial and Alfred’s trial has shown that. See what happened to Alison Chabloz in the UK, same thing.


Monika: Yes.


Brizer: She didn’t go to prison, but she’s on a suspended sentence. But she hasn’t shut up either. She can’t go on social media, but she’s still writing, still calling out the lies of this organization called the “Campaign Against Anti-semitism”.


See: Inside the Eye Live with Alison Chabloz – Mar 2018 — TRANSCRIPT


Monika: Yeah!


Brizer: She’s received death threats and all this type of stuff.


Monika: Oh my goodness!


Brizer: I mean that’s a criminal offence right there! Where are the police there? Where are they? Where are they?


Monika: Oh! And speaking of that kind of thing. Like the things they do to us, and our comrades, and then they call us the “haters”!


Brizer: Yeah!


Monika: And they’re charging us for “hate” speech! And what is this “hate speech” thing anyway? When I talk to ordinary people about free speech and then they say:


Oh, oh, of course, I believe in freedom of speech! But hate speech that’s different!


And then you try to call them out on, what is that? What is “hate speech”?


Brizer: Well, we’re not preaching “hate”, Monika! Were preaching love! Love for our people, love for our country!


Monika: Exactly! And during the trial whenever there were non-court days following trial days, I would be telling my friends in prison how they were proving to us, over and over again, how they were supporting lies and that truth was on our side. And just by the things they were doing, and saying, in court and not allowing us to bring evidence. And just everything they’re doing.


You know, this prosecutor complaining about the emotion that my lawyer showed, critiquing what he said. So I was quite joyful, and happy, and telling them how we’re proving, over and over, how the truth lies on our side. Of course, I realized that wasn’t going to necessarily go in our favor, but I was just happy about it anyway. And then at the very end the judge said:


We proved over and over again what haters we were!


And then he looks right at me and he says:


Oh! And we even learned that musicians and composers can be good haters too!


[laughing] It was quite something! I mean, just everything is inverted! Everything is inverted!



Brizer: Everything! I’ve just come to realize that pretty much everything we’ve been told is a lie! Pretty much everything!


Monika: Yes.


Brizer: If it’s not a lie it’s been spun out in some way which suits them but not us. We’re being shafted, the ordinary folks of our country! We have been lied to, shouted to, and robbed!


Monika: Yeah.


Brizer: Our country has been stolen from underneath out feet!


We need to really get ourselves together here to save our civilization.


Monika: We really do.


Brizer: I’m committed to this! I don’t care, I’m going off, I’m ready! I’m ready for it! And I’ll do what I can.


It’s got to be said a lot of people are waking up. I spoke to a lot of people last Thursday night who know all about the jewish Question. They know big time what’s going on! And it was very refreshing, because I thought a lot of them were just kind of wanting to go on about, you know, :


The Muslims are taking over!


Yes. We know they are all coming over and we don’t want them here, particularly. We’d rather they stay in our own country and do their our own thing. Not against them or anything, but we don’t want them here. But we have to look beyond who’s controlling that. Who is on top of that pyramid? And people are beginning to get it now! And they know all about the “Holocaust” lie and are seeing it. And it’s very, it was really, it made my heart feel good, you know what I mean? Knowing that people, … I was in good form going home that night, knowing that my fellow folk are waking up to this and are beginning to realize this. And more, and more, people are doing it. That’s why, as I said they are coming go in now trying to bring in these “hate speech” laws.



See: Red Ice Radio: Dr Andrew Joyce – The History of Jewish Influence — TRANSCRIPT (Part 1)


Monika: Yes.


Brizer: We can challenge all of that, because again, speaking your mind, or even being hateful, is not a crime!


Monika: That’s right!


Brizer: It’s as simple as that!


Monika: And I like how you’ve expressed it too. Just, because you don’t want these people in your own country, doesn’t mean you have something personally against them as individuals. No! You just don’t want them in your own country.


Brizer: Exactly!


Monika: That’s all!


Brizer: Think about it. Bring it back to your own house. You are not going to invite all and sundry into your house, and feed them, and clothe them, and look after them, and give them everything! Of course, you’ll invite your friends and people you know. You’re going to be a nice host and look after people. We all do it. But you are not going to invite strangers in, to just take everything you have and then just throw you out! [Monika chuckles]


Monika: Exactly!


Brizer: But this is the same with our country, because our country is our home. This is our home! We have nowhere else to go to!


Monika: That’s right.


Brizer: So, we can’t emigrate to Nigeria, or Somalia. They won’t let us in. Wrong skin colour! Well that’s racist! There we go!


Monika: Didn’t you hear about it? The only people that are able to be racist are whites? Didn’t you hear that? [laughing]


Brizer: Oh yes! It’s the same again, blacks and Africans can come to Europe, and move in, call themselves “migrants” and “refugees”, or whatever. White South Africans? Oh, no! No! No! Can’t have them!


Monika: Isn’t that just something else! Oh my goodness! We should actually be looking towards South Africa to see what they have in mind with us. I mean, the real story of South Africa, because they certainly don’t talk about it in the mainstream media very much, what is actually going on there right now. It’s just an absolute tragedy what’s going on there.


See: A Blind Eye to Murder of Whites in South Africa


Brizer: Clearly. We’ve had guests on here about that.


Monika: Yeah, that’s good., you know, thing I’d like to say, kind of as a hopeful thing, is that they are in such a panic! And they keep showing us what a panic they’re in, you know, they’re trying to shut down this and that site. And they throw people in jail. That means they’re in a panic. Now if they’re in a panic, that should actually be a sign that there is hope for us. Because if there was no hope for us, then they wouldn’t have to resort to these measures. They’d already have it all all fixed up, and done with, right? But they don’t!


Brizer: No they don’t.


Monika: Yeah, that’s my message of hope! It gives me a lot of hope! I think that if they were so, … Why were they so worried about me? Little old me!


Brizer: Yeah!


Monika: Like why were they worried about me?


Brizer: Yeah, some little lady in Jasper, Alberta playing her violin. She’s a threat to humanity, somehow? That is amazing isn’t it?




Monika: Yeah.


Brizer: That is crazy! A here’s little old me who’s worked most of my life, trying to take my house away. And I’m fighting back. I’m a threat. Because I talk to people who are of a like mind, or care about the country, I’m a “fascist”, a “neo-Nazi”! Whatever! But I don’t care! I don’t care about any of that. I just get on, talk to people about it. I used to be a little bit reticent a few years ago, but not anymore!


Monika: Yeah!


Brizer: Time for all of that has stopped! I speak out my mind. If you disagree with me, fine!


If you don’t want to listen to me, well go away then. Because I’m not going to talk to you if you don’t want to listen to me. But I’ll talk to people who want to listen to me. And there are people who are listening. There might be only one, or two, in a group of ten, but that is one, or two people. If somebody even listens to you a little bit, and gets a little bit of what you’re talking about, that’s a result!


Monika: Yeah. That’s great! Actually, having gone to jail for me, like I mean, I was already feeling quite free to speak oh before that. Like, as soon as that video [Sorry Mom] went out into the world, I felt freed up by that. Because okay, now I’ve broken the big taboo, now I can just talk freely! That was very liberating for me.


And then going to jail and then discovering that they do their verdict first anyway, and then they’ll put the show on afterwards, it also kind of gives a certain sense of freedom, ironically, you know?


Brizer: Yeah.


Monika: But it does. It frees you up, we’re free!


Brizer: Yes, you’re free! Because you don’t worry about anything anymore! You don’t worry about any of these labels, nothing! I don’t care about it any more. And I just get out now and just say, I speak my mind, and I don’t care what anybody, I don’t care about it really. I used to be like that:


Oh! What will the neighbours think?


That nonsense! Just say it! Speak your mind.


Monika: Exactly!


Brizer: It’s wonderful, let it go!


Monika: Yeah.


Brizer: Before we finish up Monika, how is Alfred doing? Have you been in touch with him? Any kind of communication with him?


Monika: Oh yeah. He writes just such excellent letters. So we’re writing letters. They take a long time to get back and forth. But, you know, he is such a positive person and in good spirits! Pretty much all the time. Although it was heartbreaking just after the trial was over, because suddenly he felt very, very alone there. But he got over that pretty quick. And then, he’s its just such a positive guy! And he’s got a job, and the job is not to get rich! He’s making about one euro twenty an hour in the job, in the laundry there. But the job gets him out of his cell and socializing with other people.



And he’s such a sociable character too, that I think he’s going to find that people just gravitate towards him and like him. He’s funny as get go! I mean, he has me in stitches so much, and the thing is [chuckling] I grew up with this guy, so I had the benefit of having that great sense of humor around me as we were growing up. And then during the trial too. Like once he was imprisoned, as well as me, and we’d be filed in and out of the court room from the basement dungeon’s waiting cells — because we’re in separate waiting cells always. Like, they wouldn’t allow us to be in the same waiting cell, because that means we might actually have, you know, conversation with each other.


But even the guards there, they got pretty friendly, and kind of turned a blind eye to us yakking the whole way down the halls and up the stairs, and all that. We were yakking, and just in stitches, laughing sometimes! I mean, his sense of humour is just terrific. And he always sees the silver lining of the cloud, in any situation. And we saw that before when they raided his home, and then he right away says:


Okay, well yeah, thank you very much for that opportunity! I’ll make another video out of that!


That type of thing. And he carries on in that vein, so it’s just wonderful. And I just want to stress to people that if you write letters, write cards, write whatever, just do it! It’s a really easy thing to do, but I know for younger people, they sometimes need instruction of how to do that! [laughing] You know, you just have to stick a piece of paper in an envelope, seal it, put a stamp in the right hand corner, go to the post office, get a stamp for the right amount, and address it, and send it off! And I mean, I know it sounds funny to be giving instructions, but I know for a lot of younger people they’ve never sent a letter in the snail mail letter system!


Brizer: Yeah, the old fashioned way of doing things. The old ways!





Monika: Yeah. [laughing]


Brizer: Well just put out the address. It’s coming go up for Christmas folks. And you still have time I’m sure. Send a Christmas card to Alfred. Just wish him a Merry Christmas, that’s all.


Just say you’re thinking about him and all the rest of it. That is all. It’s:


Alfred Schaefer
Stadelheim Prison
Stadelheimer Straße
81549 Munich,

[As of 2020]

Hindenburgring 12

86899 Landberg am Lech




And I’m sure he’d love to get them from all his supporters all around the world who know what he’s been doing, what he’s going through. It looks like he could be there for a while. Do you ever think he might get out early, on good behavior, or something like that?


Monika: Unfortunately they don’t, … Other prisoners, they could be violent criminals, they could be in there for whatever, they generally can be let out at two thirds, if they’re on good behavior, that kind of thing.





But not political prisoners! No! They kept Ernst Zundel, they kept him until the very last 5 years sentence, the maximum sentence. They don’t let political prisoners out one day early, ever! But he would get out earlier if, for example, the regime changes! That if the regime falls! And once again Alfred is optimistic that, that will happen. He’s in now for 3 years two months. But they have another court case coming up in January. Plus he’s still got this Dresden thing hanging over his head, that still hasn’t been dealt with, finished, for a speech he gave there in, I think it was in 2017.


There’s all these things, like they intend to keep them in there for a long, long, time. But hopefully that’s not going to be the case.


Brizer: We are praying for him. We have to put ir out there into the universe, all of us, to stop it, because this is pure injustice! There’s only one word for it. This is totally wrong! Totally wrong!


So, anyway Monika your last words please, to everybody. All I can say is, you’re a heroine! One day they will be naming streets in Germany for you, and Alfred, and others. Ernst Zundel, Robert Faurrison, and others who went before us.


Monika: Yeah.


Brizer: You know, we have to look to that day that we will get there. We have a big struggle ahead, there’s no doubt about that. But as long as we stand together, start talking to people about this, getting people to think, getting people’s heads out of mobile phones, and the TVs and all that nonsense, the mainstream media which is just filling their heads full of crap! Let’s get out there and do the ground! It’s up to us, as you have said. It’s up to us!



Monika: It is indeed! It is indeed! It is up to us. And thank you for those very kind words. And I also want to just thank you, and Graham Hart, for putting this together, and just for doing all the work you’re doing. It just is so important, and it is up to us! We can’t just wait and hope that:


Oh it’s going to get better all on its own!


Because it isn’t going to get better all on its own! We need to do the work! And it is not just a little game. Our very existence is at stake here! It is big. This is the big times!


Brizer: We are living in credibly “interesting times”, as the Chinese say. We are at a unique point in history, because this is probably the first time where a civilization is at risk here, the White race, the White people!


But we’ve got a small window of opportunity to turn this around. But as each day goes by, that window gets smaller.


Monika: Yes.


Brizer: And we have a corrupt, … We know what’s running the whole show at the top of the pyramid, but we know that. But we’ve got a corrupt government, corrupt officials, everybody, playing their part for the shekels. And we’ve got to pull them down first, and then well come after the others. Because then they will have nothing. They’ve got nothing else to stand on, have they? They’ve got nothing!


Monika: That’s right, because they suck their energy solely from us, or from the host. I mean, it is a parasitic relationship! They have used those words themselves. And we’re not just guessing this. It is that way, and we do need to regain our spirit, and regain our health. And part of that regaining of our health is from detoxifying ourselves of the lies and the deception. And what you said is so good, about unhooking from the television, and the mainstream. It is poison! It is poisoning our minds! Yes. And so we need to get healthy again and regain our spirits.


See: The Realist Report – Tanstaafl: The Jew As A Parasite — TRANSCRIPT




Brizer: Eating healthy and doing the healthy things to get our body strong, because if we’re not strong, in ourselves we can’t fight this. And that is another way they’re attacking us, is on the health front. GMOs and fluoride in the water, all this type of stuff. Vaccines, we know what they are doing.


Monika: Oh yes!


Brizer: And that is another form of genocide that they are pushing on us, you know what I mean?


Monika: Yes! They’re attacking us chemically as well. That’s right, that is a whole other topic.


Brizer: Another whole topic. Another whole show on it. They’re attacking us from every angle. And we’re kind of in a corner. But the one thing is, that there are more of us than there are of them. So the more of us that get together, … And it is growing, that’s why I’ll always kind of remain optimistic, even though I get very frustrated sometimes when I see it the apathy around me. But there are a lot of people, and I’ve met them, and it’s great to know that they are on my side. They’ll support me, I’ll support them! That’s what it’s all about. So there we go.


Monika: Yes! Thank you so much for having me on!


Brizer: Monika, absolute pleasure having you on. Thank you! You lost pretty much a year of your life there, but you’ve come out, you’ve put out a beautiful message there. You’re still just standing strong, not giving up. We’re all praying for Alfred and wishing him well. Let’s keep it going, guys! It’s up to us, as you said.


So Monika, thank you very much indeed! Wish you all the best for Christmas, and the New Year! May it be a lot better than the last one. Put it that way.


Monika: Thank you so much, and to you too! I wish you all the best! Thank, you very much. Bye, bye.


Brizer: We will call it a day. Monika, if you want to stay on for a little bit afterwards, no problem.


Monika: I certainly will. Yes.


Brizer: Hang in there. Folks, thanks very much for listening.


We’ll be back again next week, same time, not sure the guest. I think we could be having Max Igan on. But I’m not sure yet. But all going well, next week, same time we’ll be back, okay. So take care folks! And as usual we’re going to sign off with a great song!


The Goyim Know!


And by god the goyim do know! And it’s growing! Take care folks.


[Song lyrics]

The Goyim Know.
Hey, ha Chaim.
I think the goyim know.
(That’s ridiculous, the goyim don’t know!)
I think they know, there.
(They don’t know)
They know.

The goyim know, the goyim know.
They know all the things that we have done.
And now they’re telling everyone.

The goyim know.
The goyim know.

They know all the things we did back then.
And now we’re trying to do it again.
But the goyim know, the goyim know.

We wanna open the borders to their countries.
And fill them with diversity.
But the goyim know, the goyim know.


The goyim know (the goyim know)
The goyim know (the goyim know)

We wanna turn the women into men.
And make the guys more feminine.
The goyim know (the goyim know)
The goyim know (the goyim know)

We wanna make the white man, feel guilty.
And put the black man all over the TV.
The goyim know (the goyim know)
The goyim know (the goyim know)

And soon they won’t want us around.
We’re gonna have to shut it down..

Cause the goyim know.
The goyim know.
The goyim know.
Cause the goyim know.
Cause the goyim know.










See Also:



Brian Ruhe — Monika Schaefer’s First Public Appearance Since Imprisonment in Germany! Nov 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

Brian Ruhe Show — Monika Schaefer – One Month in the “Free World”, Nov 26, 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

The Graham Hart Show — Brizer with Monika Schaefer, Dec 2018 — TRANSCRIPT

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