Free Speech Monika

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“The Event” Show with Jim Fetzer and Giuseppe Vafanculo

This is a show that aired on Revolution Radio on November 3, 2021. The link posted here is to the video version on “The Event” by Dr. James Fetzer, with Giuseppe Vafanculo.

The Event

We talked about the so-called mass graves which were said to have been discovered in Canada recently on the sites of former residential schools for natives. We discussed what agenda is being served by the distortions, obfuscation and outright lies that have been told, and the timing of all of this in the war on whites. Of course we addressed who is behind all this. We are at war, not of our choosing. In order to win, we must first recognize and name the enemy.

3 Responses

  1. You must check this out Monika:

    I want to think this is a purposefully bad translation??? Can you find out from your network and leave a comment back on what you think.

    How can Hitler have said that Black people are the true Israelites, but that Aryans are the master race. The media will surely never touch on that seeming contradiction.
    It seems odd that Hitler had Jewish soldiers, and volunteer soldiers from cultures all over the world from nearly every ethnic background, including turban wearing Sikhs and others, who all seemed to realize the importance of what he was fighting against. Even Gandhi supported Hitler!
    That’s obviously never mentioned at all, and it’s such obscure knowledge, that even as I do this full time, I can’t remember where I found that out.

    This all seems designed to get even Black people to hate him…. because if he praises Hitler, they have the newest reason to squash any of the growing awareness of Jewish machinations and of course, all the facts and perspective and freedom of speech around this root cause of global human suffering – Jewish power and lies. This Hitler thing is the single most important and odd piece of this whole puzzle.

    If the quotation is actually Adolf’s real words, Henry Makow may be right in saying that maybe Adolf was a controlled opposition Rothschild shill, which I do not want to believe and doesn’t make sense unless most of the global system back then was already under commie Jewish bankster control much like Brendon O’Connell shows Iran to be right now when to even super aware folks like us, seems hard to believe… where all the commotion is just theater for the masses while the globally interconnected wealthy get rich off the military industrial complex, increase their power, while also further and more strongly corralling the public’s perception of who the good guys vs bad guys are. Wasn’t Khomeini in a CIA safe house in Paris for a while before getting installed.

    But what did this SUV attack do really… Well, how many people are going to feel more comfortable praising Hitler or even trying to show him as a neutral guy or the true victim of history after this quote was used by this black rapper to justify killing folks. Seems to me that if someone hates the Masons, Illuminati, and Jews, they don’t go run over a bunch of middle class white people at CHRISTMAS. You’d wait go to an Orthodox neighbourhood, any wealthy district in Manhattan or Miami etc. or wait for the Hanukah parade, wouldn’t you?
    What he did, is not congruent with what this Hitler quote is saying. And it can’t be that he did it because of the Rittenhouse verdict, since no Black people were even killed, only a couple of Jews, one of which was a hyperaggressive pedophile felon.

    The ONLY thing that makes sense here is that this is a distraction and redirection from these facts. A way to nip in the bud the growing awareness and actions of Black rappers outing elite Jewish control. How many rappers are now going to double down and criticize Jewish power?

    Also, what better way to hide the Jewishness of those shot by Rittenhouse, by flipping the script from Jewish villains to Black villain inspired by Hitler, only in an objectively much more extremely violent situation that leaves no doubt in anyone’s mind who the bad guy is. People will now forget about Rittenhouse and be onto this. Seems too good to be true for the Jew. And knowing them, it surely is, or it will be shortly if it’s not already.

    So is Henry Makow another good Jew like Gilad, Eisen, and so many more, who outs everything to do with the historical and current corrupt satanic dealings of Jewish power? Or is dear Henry is a crypto Masonic Jew who pushes crypto Masonic Alex Jones on occasion while simultaneously attacking him for the obvious shill he is, where maybe the entire purpose of all these historical actors from Hitler and Khomeini to Henry and Alex on down, is to confuse the minds of the truth telling conspiracy realists like Monika and I and other well intentioned folks, so we never know where the true facts of an issue lay, and thus with that uncertainty, you just give up.

    They’re doing it with this Rittenhouse thing too. Video of a foot disappearing in the court gallery prompting idea of it being a green screen. (a deep fake to muddy the waters? they control the internet, so I’m fairly confident that if they didn’t want us to see that, it would be gone, but then on the other hand, they want two or three sides to every story, that way everyone argues and there’s no coherence) Rittenhouse oddly putting his hand in his coat making a Masonic gesture just for a second for the cameras. Rittenhouse saying he supports BLM in the Tucker Carlson interview. Tucker Carlson being a judas goat controlled opposition actor (pacifying the semi awake into thinking that there actually is an unbiased ‘news’ outlet on tv instead of it being a very very slick propaganda effort to corral Patriot energy just like Trump is.

    You don’t have to do anything everybody, no personal responsibility to get out there and act or Be the Media, just vote Trump and just don’t watch anything other than Fox. KEEP FOLLOWING.

    Same thing here with controlled opposition oufit Anonymous, which is definitely NOT our saviour organization if they are hacking EPIK, which is basically the only web hosting service people like us can host our facts and perspectives through.

    If you watch the Christmas Parade killer’s music video, he is making lots of Illuminati symbolism and he’s at level ‘3’ in the parking garage for a reason.
    He’s leaving their calling card it seems. I mean it makes no sense for him to do those things in the video if he’s supposedly against the Masons, Illuminati and Jews. He would have made it a lot more clear that he was co-opting the symbology by somehow shitting on it. Like an X or taking a piss on the letter 3. Or something like in Michael Jackson’s video “They Don’t Care About Us”, where his lyrics are ‘kick me kike me, don’t you black or white me’, and the points at the all seeing eye in the pyramid on the wall. They definitely killed MJ after video of him at a rally saying that history is all a lie and he’s going to blow the lid off the conspiracy during his last tour. Of course they couldn’t let him do that. MJ described how as soon as he got too popular and thus powerful, they invented the pedophile shit and even gave him vitiligo according to him.

    Another concrete example of how they operate…
    I just bought Gerard Menuhin’s book Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil, first published in 2015, and yet when I Googled the title, 5+ different authors wrote 5+ different books with the same title in 2016. Obviously designed to muddy the water and make it harder to find.

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