Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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The Book is Published!

On December 21st, 2022, my book was published. What I thought might be completed in one year took a little longer — about four years — as something called Life happened in between. Here is the link where it can be purchased from the Barnes Review.

Sorry Mom, I Was Wrong About the Holocaust

I was honoured by the interest shown to me by way of several interviews about the project. The following is the video interview with Kathleen Dudley on bitchute and on rumble.

The Jim Rizoli interview was done the next day, here.

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock hosted my brother Alfred Schaefer and myself on his regular broadcast, this one was called Alfred’s New Inquisition and Monika’s New Book. It can be found (for the next few weeks) at his website here, or you can listen to the link below.


Other Podcasts on our general State of Affairs: On New Year’s Day there was a grand four-hour Roundtable discussion hosted on the Republic Broadcast Network in which Alfred and I participated, which John Friend posted here. Participants included Blackbird9, Giuseppe Vafanculo, Mallificus Scott, Brizer, Dr. Jim Fetzer, plus callers.

Special: I MUST include this interview of my brother Alfred Schaefer in this list, as I found this one to be one of his best. The good folks at Nordic Frontier spoke with Alfred on December 20, 2022, and the actual interview begins at about minute 23 of this podcast.

Another very enjoyable conversation that I had the honour to participate in was the Roundtable Part 2 which Blackbird9 held on December 21, 2022 and that can be found here. We can call that Christmas Past, Present and Future.

I continue to be a regular guest (or co-host) on Blood River Radio, which goes out live every Saturday and has now expanded to three hours! It begins at 3 pm Central Time. Eddie Miller is our intrepid host, and Nancy Hitt, Rayn Owen and Gene Andrews are the other regulars there, about whom I cannot say enough. I love them all. I encourage people to tune in either live or go to the archives. The website is at

Update – April 2023

There is now a French translation of the book and can be ordered here:


17 Responses

  1. Monika, Love your book as I knew I would since I heard your 2016 violin recital on the same subject. In fact I purchased two books, one for me, one for my Wife, from The Barnes Review. Truth about WW2 and what the German people went through, and who put them through it, will come out eventually.

    1. Thank you Stephen! You are right, the truth is erupting like a volcano now. People are receptive to it finally.

  2. Dear Monika,

    Just a few words to let you know that I am very, very disappointed!!
    Now that I have your attention, let me explain:
    Disappointed that I finished reading your fascinating book. I wish
    it could have gone on forever!
    Words are not enough ( no pun intended) to express my appreciation.
    Your book should be on the Best-Seller list, anywhere!
    I do encourage you, and Alfred, to put your efforts together and write
    a ‘ siblings ‘ book

    Du hast meine grösste Bewunderung!

    Meilleurs pensées,


  3. Dear Monika,

    Foregone generations are thanking people like you and Alfred for having such courage to speak the truth. So many have suffered and succumb to the organized evil that you are helping to expose. I believe that we, as a people, are now ready for such truths. Thank you (and Alfred) for taking a lead role.

    I just finished reading your book. I was speechless. What an inspiration you are! I love your style, humor, mission, unassuming intelligence, insight, wisdom, forthrightness, and of course, the words that you choose .…. I could go on and on. I’m floored.

    The ritual defamation part sends chills down my spine and brings tears to my eyes…. Truly a sin, what you were made to endure …. the level of cruelty from people.

    I was already hip to 911 but things make even better sense when I include the holocaust. Many thanks for this eye opening. I can see why you see it as the key.

    Yours truly,

    1. Hallo Norbert,
      jetzt noch nicht, aber wenn jemand es übersetzen will, das Angebot wäre wilkommen! Es freut mich zu sagen, es wird bald in Französisch übersetzt.

  4. AL Muqaddimah: Muhammad The Prophet 571 CE – 632 CE
    Takes us into the prophets violent ways against the Jewish tribes, & how it was Islam that was constantly attacking & expelling them.
    Jews & Arabs are at war with each other. They share the same language, which makes them closely related.

  5. Hi Alfred and Monika!

    Very much like your energising straightforwardness and spot-on analyses. Such an addictive breath of fresh air……

    Alfred’s optimism, fighting spirit, virile talk and even strong language are so exhilarating! Wow!…
    We want more of these radio programs!

    Great to hear good things said about National-Socialism, the only system of thought that truly scares the talmudic snakes, and about Adolf Hitler, the greatest and most visionary leader of people the world has known in the modern era. May his spirit rise from the grave; and the world will know that he was right!

    Love you both. All the best!

    Alex from unrecognizable France.

  6. As Alfred said in one of his letters from prison to you, Dear Monika, “Now you know why your smile was so important for the people to see.”

  7. Your brilliant smile radiates your truth and honour! Thank you for your encourgement, and most of all, your action, which is shy among the poeple, when action is the true testament to the courage to stand freely!

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