Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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The Battle of the Busk

Three years of battling with the bureaucrats of Jasper about busking and I have finally won! They probably wish they had never harassed me, or put obstacles in my way, and had just sold me the busking permit without fuss three years ago, and the negative attention from around the world would not have come their way.



Busking is the act of playing music in a public place for voluntary donations. Back in 2016, they determined that because of my “non-inclusive beliefs”, I should not have a busking license. Whatever those “non-inclusive beliefs” are (transcript of my video), what has it to do with fiddle music in the streets anyway? Absolutely nothing – but they made it matter, and they shone a light on it all, having had exactly the opposite effect as they anticipated or wanted.

There is a lot of background about this silly saga, which you can find in these various articles:
Busking Permit Denied August 2016
Not Busking August 2016
Tony Hall’s Interventions on the Denial of Busking Permit to Monika Schaefer Aug. 2016
Addressing Town Council on Busking and Thought Policing February 2017
The Jasper Busking Story July 2017
Joyful Resistance October 2017
Fiddle Retreat and an Update on Busking February 2019

On Tuesday the 25th of June 2019, I finally got my busking license. Hallelujah! No fuss, no muss, just signed the form, paid and picked it up. There was, however, a bit of a lead-up to this, and smooth sailing it was not!

In late May I began making inquiries as to the acquisition of the busking permit. I had heard that in 2018 when I was safely tucked away in the gulag in Germany, they abolished all their rules and procedures for applying and auditioning for one of these elusive permits. They had invented (and then broke) all those rules just for me. Rita Hindle, one of the five “judges” on the panel in 2017 bragged to a visitor in 2018 how they had only ever refused to license a single person, and that was Monika Schaefer. To her surprise, he replied, “Oh, she is a friend of mine!” ha ha.

At any rate, there were now no more stipulations or procedures, one only needed to go purchase the license.

I went five times to the Habitat for the Arts in the new cultural center/library during posted open hours, before finally on June 5th, I found Marianne Garrah in the building. She told me that the busking licenses were not available yet. “Really? I thought they like to have buskers out there by the May long weekend. And there have been buskers already.”

She replied:

What I’ve been telling people is “just go busk”. Stay off of municipal land for now. Council is still working on getting this “Busking Pilot Project #5” off the ground.

That’s hilarious, I laughed. She agreed that it was very frustrating.

So it was that with her blessing I went out busking during the following days. I assumed I would be contacted when the licenses were available.

On Saturday the 15th of June a bylaw enforcement officer [aka, “Mr. Bylaw”] walked over to me, stopped right beside me. I continued my tune. He semi-circled to my other side. I played my tune to the end, then lowered my violin and addressed him. He seemed bothered by the fact that I did not stop immediately when he appeared, but I saw no reason to stop in the middle of a tune. He asked if I had a busking license. I explained that I had tried, but that they were not available yet. Then I asked him if they are now available. He said,

They are always available!

I told him I would get one on Monday, and that now I would continue playing. He asked for my ID, and I said I do not have any on me. Incredulous, he spoke a little louder, “you don’t have any on you!?” No. I then told him,

I am sovereign of my domain, and I do NOT consent to your harassment of me.

At that he recoiled and in a very agitated tone retorted:

Oh, we’re going to go that way are we?!

He retreated a few feet, and took out his phone, looking very officious and important, while I merrily played on. Several minutes later he disappeared without a trace.

The next day off I went busking again. On my way downtown I saw the same bylaw officer across the street and when he spotted me, his body literally jerked! I carried on to my busking spot.

A few minutes later the officer walked by s-l-o-w-l-y with his camera held high, filming me the whole while. Evidently he was gathering evidence of my big crime of making music in public. Oh, how frightening!

A few minutes later, a big suburban with (non-flashing) reds-and-blues on top appeared, and out stepped a female officer, ahead of Mr. Bylaw, and over they came and stood right in front of me. Again, I chose to finish my tune before stopping. They exchanged knowing glances, clearly having already discussed my “bad” behavior from the day before.

The female officer was very friendly, and explained there was a problem with busking without a permit. I cordially explained everything to her, about my attempt to acquire the permit, about meeting Marianne Garrah and her telling me that the permits were not yet available but that I could go ahead and busk in the meantime, as long as I stayed off of municipal sidewalks.

She listened attentively, said she would call Marianne Garrah Monday morning, and all was fine. She had no problem with my story. All was good. However, she then carried on that NOW there is still the problem of busking without a permit and that I need to shut it down. I calmly but firmly replied,

No. I am not going to shut it down. I will get my license when they are available, but at this moment I will play my violin, right here, right now.

With that, I raised my bow and began to play. As the two officers retreated she called out,

You’ll be receiving the ticket in the mail!

Two days later on June 18th I had a long telephone conversation with Neil Jones, the manager of bylaw enforcement in Jasper. I learned the names of the two officers whom I had already met in the street: Husan Arafat and Madison Bath. After explaining the whole long story to Jones, he apologized about the misunderstanding and that his officers did not have full information regarding the status of the busking license availability. There would be no ticket in the mail.

Jones also explained that the officers will still be doing their jobs, and that I cannot busk without the license, and if I did, they would have to do their job. The implication of that was clear — they would issue me with a ticket.

I said to Jones,

Lucky for you, it is raining today. No busking in the rain. Tomorrow I am going out of town for a few days. When I return, I will be busking, with or without the permit.

If the licenses are available when I get back, I will get one. If they are not available, I will be busking without one. I have been acting in good faith. I have been trying to give them my money for a license, and have done absolutely nothing wrong.  Furthermore, I can tell you that no time nor paper need be wasted on tickets, because I will not pay a single penny for any fine!

I received the email from Marianne Garrah before I even returned to town, subject line Busking is a go this year! with the forms attached and a statement telling me,

I will inform bylaw that we are still printing the passes for buskers but you are licensed!


23 Responses

  1. You are brave and willing to “go the distance” and an inspiration to us all , so thank you.
    I don’t see why anyone in a “free” country needs permission from a bureaucrat to do anything lawful ie do no harm to any other flesh and blood man or woman. “Legalism” is quite a different matter, it’s (((their))) system.
    Sadly this fight , in all its aspects , wouldn’t be necessary if it weren’t for the “shabbas goy”. Jews are a baleful influence but I don’t think they’d get very far without these traitors and/or useful idiots.

  2. Thank you Monika. Your adventures should be recorded as a serial publication for Canada’s national library. Send information about your busking adventure to Canada’s law society. Send a copy to Canada’s police association. Send a copy to a local council association. Help them all!

  3. Made my day, Monika. My French-Canadian wife (30 years of marraige) just completed her tour of Western Canada, including a stop in Jasper. I cannot tell you how goose-bumpy I feel. Thank you.

  4. hi Monika, Glad to hear you won the battle of the busk. I sent Alfred a letter a while back from Alexandr Solzentizen (or however you spell his name). It’s a bit weird trying to do what I’m doing in occupied territory. There’s a guestroom here in Rheinfelden, if you ever want to visit. It’s right on the Swiss border, close to Basel.



    On Sat, Jul 6, 2019 at 5:56 AM Free Speech Monika wrote:

    > Monika posted: “Three years of battling with the bureaucrats of Jasper > about busking and I have finally won! They probably wish they had never > harassed me, or put obstacles in my way, and had just sold me the busking > permit without fuss three years ago, and the negative ” >

  5. The Battle…
    # The Right to Self-Defense vs the Slave Masters’ Tyranny
    Yellow Vests: Police go on trial and priest slams puppet Macron; the death grip of subversive Jewish Freemasonry on the governments of white nations; lots of fraudulent scams, neo-feudal extortion rackets, “Global warming by CO2“ hoax & “climate tax“ while totally suppressing and ignoring the genocidal, real dangers to environment and people’s health (Pentagon/NATO military project of Weaponizing the Weather, Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP, electro-magnetic 5G Radiation) The Yellow Vests must be wary that Rothschild-Soros agents don’t infiltrate and derail the movement. To make France French again the migrants must be repatriated. The Zionists are carrying out a war against the West, a war against the nations of the White race. It’s the Jewish agenda of WHITE GENOCIDE, under the guise of “religion“. Satanism, demon worship. It’s the same old battle, the same enemies.
    Everyone can see now in real time who the war mongers are… After WW I, WW II, the same evil forces want WW III, global genocide, an apocalyptic cataclysm. The US military at war with Iran would drag the whole northern hemisphere down the path straight to hell… NO MORE WARS FOR THE ZIONISTS. After celebrating Independence Day Americans must truly free themselves… We need mass resistance.

  6. The Battle… lots of afflictions… very serious stuff indeed
    #Is Judaism a religion?
    Or a Satanic sex cult – Talmudic Satanism – Sodomy – Child Sacrifice
    The Talmud is Judaism’s holiest book (actually a collection of books). Its authority takes precedence over the Old Testament in Judaism. Evidence of this may be found in the Talmud itself, Erubin 21b (Soncino edition): “My son, be more careful in the observance of the words of the Scribes than in the words of the Torah (Old Testament).” The Talmud is the very law that Jewish followers must follow. The Talmud is the comprehensive written version of the Jewish rabbinical oral law and the subsequent commentaries on it. It originates from the 2nd century CE. The word Talmud is derived from the Hebrew verb ‘to teach’, which can also be expressed as the verb ‘to learn’. The Talmud is the source from which the code of Jewish Halakhah (law) is derived. It is made up of the Mishnah and the Gemara. The Mishnah is the original written version of the oral law and the Gemara is the record of the rabbinic discussions following this writing down. It includes their differences of view.

    The unholy Babylonian Talmud and likewise immoral verses of the Quran seem to hold the secret to the murderous child abuse rings (Freemasonic and/or Muslim) that have been operating in Britain (and elsewhere) for decades and have seen thousands upon thousands of innocent children, girls and boys raped and killed.
    Ex-police officer – Shocking revelations outside The Old Bailey
    “The British Government wilfully allowed British children to become prey to Pakistani rape gangs. They issued a blanket ban on investigations.“

    What we do know for certain is that Talmudic texts (and Quran verses) give an indication that in Judaism (and Islam), non-Jewish (non-Muslim) children are considered absolute filth, not even human, and can be treated like animals (sanctioned by the Jewish Freemasonic God/s Satan-Lucifer-Molech-Baal-Baphomet, or whatever name; Satan’s “Chosen Ones“ worship themselves as “gods“: “Every Jew a god, every non-Jew a slave – “Goys“ (cattle) created for the sole purpose to serve the Jews“):

    “When a man commits sodomy with a boy under nine years of age, it is not deemed as pederasty” (Sanhedrin, 54b,55a) “Sexual intercourse with a boy under the age of eight is lawful since it isn’t fornication“ (Sanhedrin, 69b) ”A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old.“ (Sanhedrin 54b) “When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing.“ (Kethuboth 11b) “All Gentile (non-Jewish) children are animals.“ (Yebamoth 98a) “Only Jews are human.“ (Baba Mezia 114a-114b) “Although the non-Jew has the same body structure as the Jew, they compare with the Jew as a monkey to a human.“ (Schene luchoth haberuth, p 250b) “The Jews are called human beings, but the non-Jews are not humans. They are beasts.“ (Baba Mezia, 114b) “Jews may use lies (subterfuges) to circumvent a Gentile (non-Jew)“ (Baba Kamma 113a) “A Jew need not pay a Gentile (non-Jew) the wages owed him for work.“ (Sanhedrin 57a) “It is permitted to take the body and life of a Gentile (non-Jew)“ (Sepher Ikkarim III c 25) “Every Jew who spills the blood of the godless (non-Jews) is doing the same as making a sacrifice to God.“ (Bammidber raba c 21 & jalkut 772) “It is lawful for a girl three years old to have sexual intercourse“ (Abodah Zarah, 37a; Kethuboth, 11b, 39a; Sanhedrin, 55b, 69a,b; Yebamoth, 12a, 57b, 58a, 60b) “Since all Gentiles are only animals, all Gentile children are bastards“ (Yebamoth, 98a)

    What’s wrong with you & your values when you take pride in tolerating the intolerable?

    1. Hello . That’s a very well informed comment…..but Israel Shill “Tommy Robinson” (actually Stephen Yaxley-Lennon) and his yarmulke wearing handler are on the stage with the former cop. Israeli flags can also be seen in the crowd.She’s seems genuine to me but seems unaware of who’s pulling the strings and why. It’s jews , again, and it’s to divert attention from themselves and all their twisted doings.
      Apart from that it’s a good comment. You may have got much of this information from :

  7. Seth, I’ve had to unapprove your comment as your avatar image has been messing with Wordpess somehow, creating a large image across the page.

    In any case your comment was;

    “Fiendish, big-time crime, all right!”

    Perhaps if you put in a different or modified image as your avatar, that will fix the problem. Give it a try.


  8. The Battle… lots of afflictions
    Any public swimming pools in Jasper? Any havoc, sexual harassment, rapes and murder by African Muslim invaders? Not yet? Otherwise the town council might have to start pondering about taking some serious non-inclusive, protective measures… …

    Before the flood gates were opened in 2015 (by Jewish witch power) jumping from a 10 metre diving board was the test of courage; today it’s visiting a public swimming pool… or other places. At best you stay away; better for your children and yourself. The invaders have taken over the country. They turn more and more space into “No go areas“, and it’s getting worse, sometimes totally out of hand. It’s that way because it’s official policy; no long-term remedy wanted, efficiency goes out of the window, exactly what the JEWISH TYRANTS want (they have earned the title); the invaders do what they are expected to do. The invasion has never stopped; masses of aliens are being brought in by plane and ship to “enrich” even the smallest rural village; the Jews in power who pretend to be Germans (but are not) use them as their weaponized tools. Terror & destabilization.
    While slaughtering the victim (A), Jews are whining about growing “anti-Semitism” (B)
    and as always – there is no connection between A and B. It’s always the Jews who are the victims. Always totally innocent. It’s always the Jews who can do nothing wrong. That’s what they tell us anyways…
    … …

  9. Very happy for you and Jasper, you’ve done a great service to the freedom loving ppl of Jasper, Canada and the World…Thank you Monika Schaefer!!

  10. I applaud you Monika, excellent civil resistance.

    Having said that, eventually this war is going to require skilled, motivated and pissed off hardened men to take care of business in a very real way.

    (((know who the REALLY enemy are men and what must be done to stop this))).

    Well done Monika.

    1. Artie Fufkin, you are right that we need to know who the real enemy is, and what to do about it. However, you are sadly mistaken about the first, therefore, unable to know the second.
      God says, “Ephesians 6:12 (KJV)
      12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
      The devil and his pervasive spirit of evil is the real enemy in this battle. Not men, though they are greatly used by enemy #1, having been deceived into it.
      The solution is for each and every individual to acknowledge their own sinfulness, and repent, thereby freeing themselves from this enslaving enemy; and turning to God, and by the Spirit of holiness, wreaking havoc in the devil’s territory.
      There’s no other way… 😊

  11. I like your spunk. I have somewhat backed down on my Portland OR commitment, as I am too alone and anti-fa is SUPPORTED by the Portland police. Met Barbara Ann in TN and 4 of us (one David Duke) had breakfast together Sunday morning Jun 30th…..davew


  12. Santa Monika’s Tribulation

    She suffered in her cell unjust incarceration
    Her jailers came from hell with vile indoctrination

    She uncovered the truth of her hoodwinked generation
    And discovered the root of our people’s liberation
    She speaks and sings with ease, a source of inspiration
    Her fiddle holds the keys of inmate celebration

    She played Don Messer’s breakdown
    Candles glowing in the wind
    And danced us to the end of love
    With her burning violin

    First she took Alberta
    Then she took Berlin



    Good Truthers Go To Jail Because the Truth is No Defence – John Kaminski (Brian Ruhe)

  13. Way to go Monika! Your nerve and bravery and persistence out do me, that’s for sure. I can hear your music!

    1. Thank you Brian. But I beg to disagree my friend. You are one very brave man, with all your educational outings you do downtown Vancouver. I take my hat off to you!

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