On Thursday 23 May, 2019, Sylvia Stolz was incarcerated in Germany to serve an 18 month prison sentence for a speech she gave in Switzerland in 2012.
If ever there was a demonstration of the absurd lengths the occupiers of Germany will go to suppress the truth, this story has to be their crowning achievement. Layers upon layers of legal back-flips are required by the criminal regime to keep their holocaust fairy tale going.
First, you are not allowed to say “XYZ”. Then, at trial, you are not allowed to explain how you reached those “XYZ” conclusions. That would constitute new crime, because you would be talking about “XYZ” in public, i.e. in court. It is debatable how “public” those trials actually are, because neither recordings nor transcripts are made or kept. It is an intimidating place to go, and for those brave enough to attend in the public gallery, note-taking is restricted.
Evidence for your defense is also not permitted in those courts. You read correctly!
The next layer of the “speech crime” inquisitorial legal construct is that you are not allowed to describe the above. Because that is exactly what Sylvia Stolz did in her approximately 90 minute speech entitled “Speech Forbidden, Evidence Forbidden, Legal Defence Forbidden: The Reality of Freedom of Expression”, which she presented at the 2012 Anti-Censorship Coalition conference. For that, she is now in jail.
She did not “deny the holocaust” per se in that speech, she simply described Par. 130 of the law in Germany and why it is problematic. She spoke about evidence or lack of evidence, and what is allowed or not allowed to be said in court. She recounts what happened to her while she was acting as defense attorney for Ernst Zündel years earlier. Sylvia Stolz is a lawyer who went to jail for doing her job too well while defending her client. She spent three years and three months in prison from 2008 to 2011.
My own story ties in with that of Sylvia Stolz, in that I was arrested during one of the dates of the Inquisition – sorry – her trial, on the 3rd of January 2018. I was in the public gallery when “they” spotted me, called a recess and hauled me away.
In an interesting twist of fate, Sylvia Stolz was arrested right in the public gallery at the end of Day 1 of my brother Alfred’s and my trial, for expressing in a word her strong disapproval of the day’s proceedings. That was July 2nd, 2018. She spent the next two days in prison for that.
Back to her trial. She received a guilty verdict in February 2018. She appealed. Her appeal process finally ended, failing to overturn the verdict. Sylvia Stolz was arrested at her home on Thursday, taken into custody to serve an 18 month sentence. For a speech she gave in another country – essentially about speech.
Update 26 May 2019 – to write a letter or card, here is the address:
Sylvia Stolz
Münchener Str. 33
86551 Aichach
55 Responses
The adress of Sylvia is the same or is she now in Stadelheimer munchen ?
Sylvia Stolz’ address is still at Aichach. I believe she will be released in November of this year 2020. That will be the 18 month sentence for the speech she gave in Switzerland. They never let political prisoners out early, like they do for most other prisoners.
I want to write her but i was not sure about the adress, thanks a lot for answering Monika
Where can I find a copy (video or text) of the speech?
That link will give you the transcript by Katana17.
thanks, Monika!
This is all very informative. Until now, I didn’t know that The Beatles were a Tavistock secret intelligence project for social engineering. I”m very interested to learn more about this. Freya, how do you know so much about this? This is all new to me. So much to learn. My eyes are really opening now.
McGowen’s “Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon”. How the CIA hijacked the anti-war movement – 65/72. The SOB’s murdered JFK, covered-it-up, launched and prosecuted the Vietnam war, murdered 3,000,000, murdered MLK, RFK, murdered John, Jr., his wife, and sister-in-law, that crash was the same profile as Senator Wellstone and Ohio’s Connell. They’re still at it. Mossad/CIA. – I hope Monika can get to the USA – we can still talk, write, etc. but not much longer.
#The war zone in Jasper:
david westerlund said: August 18, 2019 at 08:47
What have jews contributed to the World? More HATE than all other peoples combined while making themselves look like the victims.
Dagmar Ronaldsdottir said: August 30, 2019 at 20:54
pretty sad mindset David – who are the haters here?
#Sylvia Stolz incarcerated for a speech crime:
Marian B. said: August 3, 2019 at 11:54
I agree with you, Dagmar, there people here, commenting with a mindset that is determined to find a stick to hit a dog and without knowing, join the attitude of the ones they condemn in their vomiting. I find it strange and intriguing how certain people, possibly unhappy with their lives, or bored shitless, throw out nonsensical views with conclusions that are fully out of context. If the subject wasn’t so dark, I would call some of these comments hilarious, reminding me of shouts of school kids, who try to be high in the pecking order.
Dagmar Ronaldsdottir said: August 30, 2019 at 20:58
indeed. It’s like disgruntled people everywhere that need to blame others. and sadly it happens a lot as the genocide in Rwanda although people on these sites will say it’s another lie and A Jewish conspiracy I guess.
Dagmar Ronaldsdottir said: August 30, 2019 at 21:47
PS: Marion these are very unhappy and angry people on this site. they are entitled to live their lives that way but don’t worry – there’s only 70 of them.
Avatar “Dagmar Ronaldsdottir“ evading true factual debate – obviously unable and unwilling to explain to us what the lauded “Jewish persuasion“ is all about… The Satanic Babylonian Talmud, Kabbalah, Zohar. Too much to hide, isn’t it?
Dagmar Ronaldsdottir said: May 30, 2019 at 08:52
ps: also/or he [Leonard Cohen] was “parodying” the extremist positions of the day – his lyrics were always symbolic but he certainly was no extremist calling for a new world order. He was the original beatnik from Montreal! – Just to be clear and sane about the artist.
Dagmar – The Beatles were a Tavistock secret intelligence project for social engineering… and Leonard Cohen a Hollywood music industry product – for what purpose? Guess what… “parody“? “… I’m guided by this birthmark on my skin. I’m guided by the beauty of our weapons. First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin.“ (a veiled threat)
The “Goyim” know how (((they))) did 9/11. They used the “beauty of their weapons“, didn’t they? We know about the “SAMSON OPTION“, and the nefarious Jewish Zionist plan to bomb the German cities again (HOLOCAUST of WWII) when (((they))) stage the “Coming“ of their fake Jewish “Moshiach“ (ANTI-CHRIST). (((They))) are openly bragging about their power to threaten all of Europe into submission and to take over the whole world.
So – What are you talking about? How about learning some true history?
If you are from Iceland – then I am the emperor of China, right? “transgendered“ of course – just like the “First lady“ Michael/Michelle – The Obamas – another secret intelligence project for social engineering… for bringing in their “New World Order“ Everything turned upside down. HELLISH.
https://dailystormer.name/diversity-macht-frei-blog-banned-from-wordpress/ How much longer will they allow this blog to be hosted on wordpress? Do you have archives saved? There are software tools to “spider” a website like HTTrack but they couldn’t preserve all the links of usernames in the comments section so all the comments would be essentially lost if wordpress delists you. WordPress did their first purge last summer I believe. Maybe you have no capability orhelpers to migate elsewhere.
Thank you frontyardart. I am taking note. The censors are going absolutely crazy. The truth just hurts too much. The Jews are screaming “ouch” while killing and torturing Palestinians, and they scream “anti-semite!” while attacking and shutting down the truth-tellers.
These trials are very reminiscent of thew way they were conducted in Nuremberg….
At this point, you ought to recognize/concede that is no longer just “occupiers” — it is the entire German Establishment, and most of the population — the politicians really need to show obeisance to Jews and reverence for the ‘Holocaust’ in order to demonstrate their moral fitness to lead — today this is absolutely an integral part of mainstream German politics at all levels — not to mention that denying or minimizing the ‘Holocaust’ is a crime, for which there is no defense.
An ‘Avatar’ with Icelandic sounding name – cohencidentally, keeps playing stupid…
Trying to denigrate ‘by association’… that small Icelandic population that dares to withstand the Jewish bankers’ debt slavery system – Good for them!
Lashing out… against anybody who dares to show the slightest sign of opposition to the Jewish despotism terrorizing the world – All Whites better catch up with the Icelanders – really soon!
Playing down… One must be extremely dumbed down to claim how harmless the music industry is… the Jew Leonhard Cohen in particular… and to take a Satanic ritual for a harmless “song contest“ – Satanic Jews will never have enough ‘useful idiots’. The ‘EuroVision Song Contest’ held in Jerusalem – of all non-European places! The world terrorists have been found out, and it’s not rocket science. Jews are smug and vain; they are shouting it from the roof tops! Obviously!
Jews are bragging about their JEWISH POWER. The Jewish control over the fraudulent money-debt slavery system, the main $hit media (M$M), the advertisement, music, film and porn industry, the corrupted governments… and all positions of power and influence disproportionally owned, dominated and manipulated by Jews to serve their interests. The Jewish plans of WHITE GENOCIDE & WORLD DOMINATION. The Jewnited States of Jewmerica and Jewdified ‘EU’ are under a Jewish Communist tyranny. Jews are boasting about their success; how they are the ‘smartest’, the ‘most intelligent’ people in the world. The vilest, the ones without any scruples, with no honour, morals and ethics. That’s the only superiority the destroyers can claim. The ‘Goyim’ (‘cattle’ for all non-Jews – Satanic Babylonian Talmud) knows how the Jews want to dominate the world; eventually, even the slowest one will come to understand what really is going on; a War on Truth is going on. The HATERS want to criminalize and imprison as many truth seekers as possible for simply speaking the truth. In their eyes speaking the truth is a blasphemous crime…The HATERS of truth want to rule a world built on lies and terror.
The World fought and defeated the wrong enemy; information banned from jewtube. The Truth does not fear investigation; liars and deceivers do! The suppressed historical truth is their worst enemy. The truth is more powerful than all the lies. And the liars know that, and they run from their fear… What are they afraid of?
Freya, it seems that your own hatred, for whatever reasons triggered, begins to resemble the one that you’re going on about endlessly.
What’s your problem, Marian? Do you hate white people? Do you hate Christians?
Are you Jewish yourself – by any chance – and do you think the Jewish (mongrelized*) “tribe” ought to be l o v e d for their most horrific crimes they inflict on their victims?
What is it you don’t like specifically?
Do You know what?
It’s OKAY to be anti-Judaism.
It’s OKAY to be anti-Talmudism.
It’s OKAY to be anti-Satanism.
It’s OKAY to be anti-Communism.
It’s OKAY to be anti-Zionism.
It’s OKAY to be anti-Genocide.
It’s OKAY to be anti-Jewish supremacy.
It’s OKAY to be anti-Jewish world domination.
It’s OKAY to oppose & resist the Synagogue of Satan.
That’s all the same. Tentacles of the same Jewish octopus.
It’s OKAY to say “NO!” to the destroyers of white, Christian civilization.
It’s OKAY to show “ZERO tolerance” to those who want to annihilate you,
your people, your nation, your race – everything you hold dear …
It’s OKAY to want justice be served, the historical truth be revealed
It’s not only OKAY to defend yourself, it’s everyone’s right and duty!
(*mongrelization might explain for the leaning to depravity, ugliness, criminality, viciousness and malice, the only superiority Jews can rightfully claim)
There are no “shared values”, there is no such thing as “Judeo-Christianity”. The unholy books of the Babylonian Talmud are proof for that. “You can’t serve two masters at the same time” (Jesus) You can’t love Jesus (who stands for everything good), and serve Satan (evil, destructive forces) at the same time. The so called “Christian Zionists” should know that. The Zionist Jewish efforts in falsifying the Scriptures have been very successful; the Scofield Bible causes lots of confusion & division, leads many astray, especially in America
ps: also/or he was “parodying” the extremist positions of the day- his lyrics were always symbolic but he certainly was no extremist calling for a new world order. He was the original beatnik from Montreal!- Just to be clear and sane about the artist.
get a life!! Pretty sad when you have to denigrate a wonderful Canadian songwriter. talk about Satanic visions, did you take your medication today. this is a joke , right?
EXACTLY – it’s about getting our life back!
Satanists, NAtional ZIonist$, non-Semitic AshkeNAZI$ terrorize the whole world,
threaten mankind with WW III, worse than WW I and II together.
Not a joke at all… not the least funny …
Nobody should be proud about one’s ignorance.
Of all the beautiful songs Leonard Cohen wrote you pick out one and like Charles Manson and Helter Skelter imbue it with a Jewish conspiracy message. Ignorance? no just plain crazy. The reference to Manhattan and Berlin was a musical one, as even the Beatles got their start in Germany. He was one of the greatest song writer /poets of his time.
I agree with you, Dagmar, there people here, commenting with a mindset that is determined to find a stick to hit a dog and without knowing, join the attitude of the ones they condemn in their vomiting. I find it strange and intriguing how certain people, possibly unhappy with their lives, or bored shitless, throw out nonsensical views with conclusions that are fully out of context. If the subject wasn’t so dark, I would call some of these comments hilarious, reminding me of shouts of school kids, who try to be high in the pecking order.
indeed. It’s like disgruntled people everywhere that need to blame others. and sadly it happens a lot as the genocide in Rwanda although people on these sites will say it’s another lie and A Jewish conspiracy I guess.
PS: Marion these are very unhappy and angry people on this site. they are entitled to live their lives that way but don’t worry – there’s only 70 of them.
Thank you for the information. I was talking to some men today. They were younger than me (I am a post WW2 baby). One of them said his son had been stationed in Germany, and told him his outfit drilled with Germans. The Germans were not allowed to carry rifles. They carried broomsticks. I said that was because Germany is still occupied. Then I said I thought it was about time our country got out of Germany. All the men agreed.
I am sorry Germany was attacked twice by the whole world. If Germany does not re-moralize and arise, then Western Civilization will die with it.
I am sorry my country was attacked in 1967 in the Mediterranean. I pray people will soon awaken at least enough to acknowledge this historical fact. Then maybe we could begin to see the truth about the attacks in 1963 and 2001 (President Kennedy, World Trade Center). And what they call World War 2.
25.05.2019, 02:30, “Free Speech Monika” <comment-reply@wordpress.com>:
Monika posted: ”
On Thursday 23 May, 2019, Sylvia Stolz was incarcerated in Germany to serve an 18 month prison sentence for a speech she gave in Switzerland in 2012.
If ever there was a demonstration of the absurd lengths the occupiers of Germany will go to suppress t”
“… they finally show their real face now ….“ (anon)
“…the morally superior, in Oregon, are now passing laws that were inconceivable a short time ago. Frightening“ (marvinsannes)
(((Freemasons – fake Christians – misguided “Christian Zionists“))) play the “morally superior“ … and Who are they in reality … the deceivers & the deceived…
(((Satanic Jews – “Luciferians“ – “Illuminated“ by the false light of Lucifer))) plan a “new Pearl Harbor“, another 9/11 terror attack? First Manhattan, NYC – then Berlin?
Leonhard Cohen – an insider Jew made a song
The Jewish chutzpah is unbelievable.
First We Take Manhattan
by Leonard Cohen
They sentenced me to twenty years of boredom.
For trying to change the system from within.
I’m coming now, I’m coming to reward them.
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin.
I’m guided by a signal in the heavens.
I’m guided by this birthmark on my skin.
I’m guided by the beauty of our weapons.
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin.
“the beauty of their weapons” – The Planting of mini nukes, Controlled demolition, Directed Energy weapons (DEW), Chemtrails & HAARP, Climate change by Geo-engineering, Poisoning of air, water, soil, food, Weaponizing the weather, Manipulating the ionosphere, the elecro-magnetic field, 5 G deadly frequency technology etc Full Spectrum Dominance. Warfare on all levels, attacks on life itself from all sides, turning the environment, the whole world into killing fields
THE DESTROYERS spoil everything they touch, and turn it upside down.
The “Green Party“ (green outside, RED MARXIST COMMUNIST inside) excessively promoting “Cultural Marxism”, the LGBTQ-agenda, the “genderism – transgenderism“ insanity are first rate polluters of the environment. They promote the “man-made“ CO2 “Climate Change – Global Warming” swindle, and ignore the real environmental issues.
False flag terror attack on the Berlin Christmas market!
Mossad agent was “accidentally“ at the scene… and proclaimed the false official narrative: a Muslim terrorist did it! “Crisis actors“ at work; 9/11, Boston, Sandy Crook, and other stage managed terror “events“, and WORSE TO COME? After orchestrating WW I, WWII and “War OF Terror“ (following 9/11), the Chabad Lubavitcher Satanic “End Times“ sect wants to instigate an apocalypse; demonic Jews want to be their own “Messiah“ and “fulfill prophesy“ by playing out a Hollyweird script. Jewish insanity, forces of Evil, destroyers terrorize the world.
“EuroVision“ – SATANIC VISION of Europe’s future. Dumbed down “goy“ Sheeple go to such concerts, applaude their own demise, the genocide of the nations of the white race; blind to what’s really going on. Jews think they are the “cleverest“, their lala smokescreen “perfect“, singing and dancing with demonic glee … The tares are allowed to grow till harvest comes (Jesus). And what are we supposed to do? Sit idly by and watch our world go to hell?
If we, the people don’t stand up for what is right, if we don’t choose the narrow path, if we don’t confront and oppose Evil, it will become the darkest time ever
Now compare this EuroVision decadence with the following:
Give me the latter, anytime! Just an example of the Caucasian culture.
Gives me goosebumps every time I watch it!
Chuck, the Germans are a beaten down people.
The true Holocaust of WW II happened through firebombing the German cities, the whole country was laid into ruins, the people left were deeply traumatized. I’m born after WWII, and I grew up full of admiration for my German people, my forefathers, the ancestors all hard working people, and Germany blossomed again.
All Europeans, all people of European descent can be proud of their heritage. STOP listening to stupid Jewish anti-White propaganda. STOP the wars. UNITE & BUILD a future for our children. Sounds too simple? The truth is simple.
We have all the true diversity of nature. European beauty. UNITY is our strength. We see JUSTICE as necessity of life. FREEDOM is our birthright. TRUTH is what we are yearning for…
No one is flooding the African continent with Non-Blacks and encouraging everyone to “mix”. No one is flooding Asian countries with Non-Asians and encouraging everyone to “mix”. Only citizens of White/European countries like the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and all the countries in Europe are having uncontrolled, non-White mass immigration forced upon us.
A genocidal agenda pushed by international Jewry.
This “diversity“, “assimilation”, “all-inclusive“, “integration” or blending efforts are nothing else than attempts to wipe out the White race!!!
It’s WHITE GENOCIDE, and it needs to STOP NOW!!!
NOT AVAILABLE? – Rather annoying how everything truthful & beautiful gets banned on anti-White jootube
This is Europa – A European Tribute
This is beyond beautiful; it is celestial! Thank you for the link.
Above video “no longer available“, eh? Well … that calls for another video from the same source:
This is Europa
There are some brave people left in Germany. I always thought of the Germans as sensible practical people. Today they have come to prefer comfort to higher principles like patriotism and justice. Sylvia is a modern heroine they should emulate.
…and by the way
“Nazis“ is NOT short for National Socialists …
It’s tampering with language, with words and their meanings to mislead, cause division and confusion. A Jew invented smearword: smear the messenger to smear the message.
Another example is the Jew invented, weaponized misnomer “anti-Semitism“.
When Jews are pointing fingers at the Germans as “evil Nazis“, they are actually talking about themselves, their own crimes. “Nazis“ is short for NAtional ZIonist$! Most modern-day Zionist Jews are AskeNAZIS, proselytes with Asian, Mongol, Turk DNA, and an admixture of all the nations and races they have ever lived with. The Jews are a mongrelized race, NOT Semites.
So, what Semites are these liars and deceivers talking about?
What criminals are we not allowed to critisize?
Not “simply for being Jews” but for their most horrific crimes against humanity.
Are we not supposed to critisize Polish AshkeNAZI Jewess Kazmierczak aka Kasner-Merkel for opening the gates into Europe for a new Muslim invasion and conquest? Are we not supposed to critisize and punish anybody for the Genocide of the white European nations through non-white mass immigration and miscegenation.
Are we not supposed to critisize Polish AshkeNAZI Jew Milaikowski aka Netanyahu for his war mongering against Iran to kick off WWIII …
Are we not supposed to critisize the Jewish Zionist-Communist takeover of America and the use of US economic power and military to wage all the Zionist wars (since 1917) for Jewish world domination …
“The Jew alone regards his race as superior to humanity, and looks forward […] to its final ascendancy under the leadership of a tribal Messiah.” (Goldwin Smith, The Jewish Question, October 1881) An observation which has been proven to be true…
“Jewish blood and a Goy’s (Gentile’s) blood are not the same.” (Israeli Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg, Jerusalem Post, June 19,1989) Infering that killing isn’t murder if the victims are not Jewish… That’s Talmudic law.
“Are we not supposed to criticize and punish anybody for the Genocide of the white European nations through non-white mass immigration and miscegenation”.
If you’re criticizing the supremacy of the Jewish pureblood race in confusion and living a lie, thrown in a variety of cultures now, nevertheless acting out crimes of all sorts, your words which I copied above, may prove that you’re in the same boat with them.
There’s no supremacy of race, there are only human beings of different backgrounds. The tactics of mass migration, refugees entering Europe’s nations, is meant to disrupt the existence of the present style European Union, by means of the destruction of European societies, in order to install a New World Order in the offices of Brussels, once occupied by the former EU members.
Does it sound familiar? Divide and conquer? It’s the oldest law of warfare. Make the people yell for a savior who has set up the stage for that to occur. Remember Hitler?
Hi Marian, I’m not sure what you mean by “Remember Hitler?” in the context of your comment. It sounds like you are assuming the official version of history concerning Hitler to be true. Surely you realize that he is the most lied about man in history.
Whatever the opinion about Hitler’s role may be, I mentioned his strategy, which is as old as humanity exists living as a society. It’s the strategy of creating an enemy by the demolition of living conditions for the people and beginning to accuse an enemy that is fictional, but guilty of creating havoc. Since all wars are orchestrated, Hitler was in that sense a pawn, chosen for his character treats and charismatic appearances in sync with black magic (of his own choice while being a psychic person), the wealthy Jews, who were into banking much also, were chosen as the enemy of the German people amidst a financial crisis with much poverty and struggles in tow.
And so, during the ’30s the German people were prepared and showered with promises to make life better, creating fast-growing support for Hitler and the Bundeswehr. You may think it’s impossible, but a reptilian ET race contacted the Nazi party due to a shared interest: superiority of race, of bloodline, of power.
The same storyline, different characters, was present in recent decades. The warmongers and schemers in the top of the pyramid of power chose Islam as humanity’s enemy, uniting the global population in one voice against it, by the demolition of the Twin Towers. The 3rd world-enemy is ET existence so that there’s an argument for space wars, uniting planet Earth as one voice against the evil aliens.
It’s all orchestrated, see what I mean? The winner takes it all.
No, sorry, I do not see what you mean. That’s okay, we can disagree.
“This week Oregon’s Legislature will pass SB664 which requires Oregon students to be educated on the Holocaust to graduate from High School…“ (marvinsannes)
The RED TERROR is going to get much worse.
Young people should learn about reality, about true history. Instead, they are systematically being lied to. Manipulated. Brain contaminated. Dumbed down. Deceived… They don’t receive education for free human beings in a free society; it’s mass mind control for slaves!
It’s all being done deliberately. It’s the Jewish plan to subvert, pervert and destroy white, Christian civilization, and to dispossess and genocide the nations of the white race by all means possible. And the terror increases as the scum elite fears to lose their grip…
High school graduates should know … about a Jewish “contribution to philosophical thought“ called “CULTURAL MARXISM“! Actually, methods of how to destroy the western, Christian civilization! Young people should know about this threat to their very existence but they are intentionally being kept in the dark, manipulated by leftist, Communist ideologues.
To undermine Western civilization and the Christian belief, the Frankfurt School “philosophers“ (all Jews) called for the most negative and destructive criticism possible of every sphere of life.
Instead of learning to think critically, in a constructive, positive way… students get alienated from their own society, heritage and civilization. The aim of mentally sick, hate-driven Jewish revolutionaries masquerading as “philosophical“ intellectuals has always been to de-stabilize western, Christian civilization and bring it to its knees, to engineer collapse, to produce crisis and catastrophe…
Their poisonous ideas, they hoped, would spread like a virus, continuing the subversive work of the western Marxist-Communist-Bolshevic revolutionaries by other means. By means of “Cultural Marxism“, “political correctness“, LGBTQ-agenda, “genderism-transgenderism“, sexualisation, pornography etc
To further the advance of their “quiet” subversive, “cultural revolution”, the Frankfurt School “philosophers“ made the following twelve recommendations, all of them calculated to step by step undermine the foundations of western, Christian society and create the catastrophe we now see all around us:
1. Control of media and dumbing down of non-Jewish society (Six Jewish companies control 96 percent of the world’s media)
2. The creation of “racism“ offences and “hate speech“ laws
3. Non-White mass immigration to destroy national identity and foment race wars
4. The systematic promotion of sexual deviance in society
5. The homosexualization of children and their corruption by exposing them to child porn in the classroom
6. Promotion of excessive drinking and drugs
7. Continual change to create confusion (e.g. in school curricula)
8. Undermining of parental and teachers’ authority
9. An unreliable legal system with bias against the victims of crime
10. Dependency on state benefits
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family
12. All all-out attack on Christianity and morality
Under Stalin and the Communist Jews, the emptying of churches was accomplished by burning the churches down, thousands of them. Christian churches were systematically destroyed (Recently in France: arson attack on Notre Dame cathedral; very unlikely that the fire occured “by accident“; it looks as if our enemies would like to transform this iconic symbol of Christianity into an “all-inclusive“, multi-religious temple of Satanism, the “one-world religion“ they want to establish) And the Russian orthodox Christians were persecuted under the Jewish leaders of the Russian Revolution. Tens of millions of political dissidents were killed under “anti-Semitism“ i.e. anti-Communism laws. We see THE SAME RED TERROR unfolding in the West…
Not surprisingly, the objectives mentioned above were set out prominently in that alleged forgery, THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION (book forbidden to own in Communist Russia). The Jewish “philosophers“ of the Frankfurt School, it seems, had been heavily influenced by the Protocols (most likely originating from Talmudic rabbis). They implemented its recommendations in their own sinister agenda.
One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of “pansexualism”: the search for indiscriminate sexual pleasure, the promotion of “unisex”, the blurring of distinctions between the sexes (“genderism – transgenderism“; the insane idea that one’s sex can be chosen and altered to and fro), the overthrow of traditional relationships between men and women, and the undermining of heterosexuality at the expense of homosexuality — as, for example, in the idea of “same-sex marriage” and the adoption of children by homosexual couples.
The Frankfurt School’s, Communist long-term agenda is: To make the West so corrupt that it stinks. All imbued with Jewish Talmudic insanity. The most horrific perversions pushed on the public as the “new normal“; in the past just the same as today.
(We’ve had that already in Germany during the Jew dominated Weimar Republic following WW I; and the National Socialist movement had drained the swamp)
Please keep in mind that there’s a possibility of an extraterrestrial presence, ruling the conduct of those who create havoc on planet Earth and in people’s lives. Realize, that these people act while being held on strings, moving about but not by their own will.
I’m not suggesting that I’m condoning these atrocious acts, just pointing out the deeper layer underneath the global stage. The lie is different on every level. For a reason, see?
The day is coming. They are going to swing from lamp posts for their crimes against freedom.
“When the truth shall come to the surface. There won’t be enough lamp posts in Manhattan to hang all the culprits”. Henry Ford wrote this sentence (quote from memory) in one of the commented versions of the ‘Protocols’. It is about time!!!
This week Oregon’s Legislature will pass SB664 which requires Oregon students to be educated on the Holocaust to graduate from High School. The Bill passed Oregon’s Senate 27.- 0, and will pass the House 60 – 0. No criminal penalty, yet, in Oregon for speaking against this Bill, but a public pillory was executed in the press. It’s going to get much worse, the morally superior, in Oregon, are now passing laws that were inconceivable a short time ago. Frightening.
It’s 1984, on steroids.
For Free Speech – Anti-Censorship Conference (2012)
Interview with Sylvia Stolz
The truth does not fear investigation, liars do.
Liars must fear the truth; they avoid any open debate.
They call free speech “hate“, “incitement to hatred“
and criminalize the alleged “haters“.
L -I – A – R – S.
The haters of truth take away the right of free speech,
and the basic right to defend yourself in court.
The worst haters accuse truth tellers of “hate“
That’s what liars, deceivers, hypocrites do.
H – A – T – E – R – S.
The haters of truth suppress the truth;
they want a world without truth,
they suppress free speech,
Their regime is built on sand:
L – I – E – S & T – E – R – R – O – R.
The world knows – The “Goyim“ knows
who the terrorists & war mongers are.
They give us lots of proof for the facts:
conspiracy reality.
They can’t help boasting about
their success… Their insolence,
their chutzpah will be their
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This is so disheartening…. but that is what they want us to feel, to slowly wear us down. Thank you all for your work & strength. I hope the truth movement will continue to grow & expose this ruling corruption for what it is. God help us.
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Sometimes you wonder if we are all in a dream that is turning into a nightmare in our quest for free speech
Exactly! In 1933, six years before the outbreak of war. David Gurion, Zionist leader, approached Hitler about Transfer of Jews, back to Palestine. Soon after, in 1934, the first labour camps were built. Where they for reluctant Jews, or a war Hitler knew nothing about?
Also, what was the Zionist input into WW2, leading to and during. They appear to have created a very good smoke screen to escape in 1945? Then went quietly about their business, removing Nazi’s, with USA help under Operation Paperclip?
It appears answers to these questions are forbidden! In case the truth comes out!
There’s an insightful document online called “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”.
It’s a free PDF download. Translated from Russian into English around 1900.
Due to its age, one can find evidence of events on the global stage, described in this report. Due to its controversial and confrontational content, many have tried to debunk this document as a fake one. See for yourself if that is so.
Quote: Sometimes you wonder if we are all in a dream that is turning into a nightmare in our quest for free speech
Sadly, yes. It seems that mankind ( sorry JT, for you that is peoplekind is moving backwards instead of moving ahead. Our world is turning into a real circus controlled by evil sinister people.