
One year out after being ejected from the German Gulag, I just completed a short speaking tour, visiting and meeting interesting and wonderful people.
A dinner engagement at a twelve person table was hosted by Paul and Pamela Viminitz on October 25th, 2019 in Lethbridge Alberta. Most of the guests were “normies”, people who had not YET had their eyes opened to the truth about history and current events, still hypnotized by the lies and deceptions of mainstream media, Hollywood, and modern “educational” institutions. They call their dinner series “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” events, and I was this month’s “Guest of Dishonour”. Truly, that is how I was introduced, in jest of course.
The rules are simple: small talk, get to know one another until the dinner dishes are cleared away, then the real discussion can begin. We talked about the 2018 speech crime trial, and everything and anything relating to that.
From there I drove into western USA, visiting with friends in Idaho, then Washington and Oregon. The Thomas Paine Meetup Group in Salem Oregon hosted a talk by yours truly.
Crossing back into Canada was a breeze this time, nothing like my Calgary adventure in April when they stole my books. Here was my first article on that, and this was the latest, with a few other articles in between. That battle is not over yet.
Brian Ruhe hosted me to give a talk in Vancouver on the 31st of October, and the title of the resulting video is
Here is the link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/cNPnQOEjeRBf/ (1 hour 21 minutes)
It was very enlightening for me to witness the different response to our predicament from the “normies” and the “red-pill” awakened people. All were extremely respectful and attentive. There were absolutely no problems there, but when it came to arriving at conclusions and recognizing the agenda of white genocide, the response from people who have not YET understood the truth about history and current events shocked me.
Oh well… Everything changes… The sun is going to burn out anyway eventually… We’re all the same… Maybe its our turn…
After decades (or more) of induced insanity through imposed false guilt, lies and deceptions, those people don’t even care about surviving, or about their children and grandchildren surviving. They have no concern about our people surviving. This is almost like a mass suicide wish.
We have work to do! We need to resurrect a love of our culture and our traditions. We need to learn and regain the natural respect for our elders and ancestors. So not only do we need to dispel the lies about our history and our ancestors, we need to learn about all the positive achievements, and the beauty of our rich heritage.
Enough already about the guilt guilt guilt! Most of what we have been made to feel guilty about is false anyway. The imposed guilt feeds into the jewish agenda to destroy our nations.
Learning about the falsehoods is not enough. The “normies” response to learning about the agenda demonstrated to me the urgency in resurrecting knowledge and appreciation of our rich and beautiful cultures.
32 Responses
[comment added] – 1 –
Dagmar: “It’s you [David] and Freya who use such disparaging names toward me such as rodent and liar” [Dagmar IS a liar calling Freya a “Nazi, hater and holocaust denier”; denigrating misnomers used by Jews and shabbos goy zombies to insult, ritually defame and criminalize truth tellers]
“I’m accused of violence, deceit, genocide – ha etc.”
[ha – playing dumb again… It’s about the JEWISH PROFILE! Dagmar’s Jewish profile, the “rock”, the mask, playing the harmless… the deception the genocidal Freemasonic Jews like to hide behind! The violent “Antifa”, “black block” shock troops are not harmless at all; US-Jewish “Orange Revolution” in the Ukraine: snipers, mercenary killers – massacre of people in the streets and buildings – always the same… The same Jewish subversives and their methods…
The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry stems from the Knights Templars, Baphomet, Satan, Lucifer worshipers who fled to Scotland hiding from persecution after their leader was burnt at the stake. Sexual child abuse is said to be rampant in Scotland. Satanists hide in chapels and churches, they erected Satan’s throne in the center of Christendom! Pope Pius XII (+ 1958) resisted the Satanic Jews but his followers are Freemasonic Talmud friendly “Jew World Order” popes: John XXIII (Talmudic rabbis were the authors of the papal encyclica “Nostra Aetate”, as testified by cardinal Bea in his memoirs) – Paul VI – the one exception, anti-Freemason John Paul I was murdered after 33 days – John Paul II – Benedict XVI – Francis I! Ethnic Jews as popes, each one horrible in his own way! False teachers, deceivers, liars – The SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN took over the Catholic church! Talmudic rabbis tell the popes what to do and what to teach… Cultural Marxism wrecking the church. Falsehoods serving the Satanic Jew World Order! Satanism as “One World religion”! Talmudic immorality. Jewish censorship of liturgical prayer, and the New Testament. Jews want original traditions replaced, overturned, subverted into having opposite meaning and effect! The American Coca Cola (666 logo) invented “Satan Claus” pedophile figure sitting on a golden throne in malls and at Christmas markets, “Men in Red” frightening children. I’ve overheard a three years old girl saying: ”Halloween scares me!” Absolutely right! “Satanism light” for children, “drag queens” are scary! Talmudic Freemasonic Jews work hard to transform Christmas into a “winter festival”, a Satanic “light festival” celebrating their god, LUCIFER (Satan), the false light bearer!
Jacob H. Schiff, Zionist leader, financed the Jewish Communist takeover of Russia (RUSSIAN & UKRAINIAN GENOCIDES) and the rewriting of the Bible under Jewish auspices. (Jacob H. Schiff, His Life & Letters by Jacob H. Schiff, p. 63, also American Mercury, 1958, p. 120) Jewish Zionists falsified the Bible (Scofield Bible)! Falsified Bible translations created “Christian-Zionism”, “Judeo-Christianity”, a contradiction in terms! Judaism, Talmudism, Satanism, Communism, Zionism reject Jesus Christ as true Messiah, the Christian belief confirms him! Polar opposites don’t mix! You cannot serve two different masters at the same time: God (Jesus Christ taught about), the Forces of Good – and Satan-Lucifer, the Forces of Evil. Judaism, Talmudism, Communism, Zionism, Talmudic law, Islam and Sharia law are intrinsically Satanic! Ideologies of conquest, subjugation, enslavement and world domination hiding behind the cover of “religion”]
“I don’t hate.” [It’s a sign of hatefulness, great mischief to smear white nationalists as “haters”, “Nazis”, “holocaust deniers” etc for speaking the truth about the Jews! Jews are the perpetrators of wars and genocides! The Germans, the white race, and other nations and races are targeted victims]
“That’s the department of well, I guess people on this site.”
[hypocrisy, lacking knowledge, self-reflection and the yearning for the truth, not much if anything in common with an ethnic Scot! It’s the same with Africans who think they become Germans by aping German cliches they learn about in “integration classes”]
(((Jews like Dagmar))) are definitely not the lost tribe of Israel….
To Freya, David and al, I see it’s pointless to try to discuss on any level. I am not sure how old you are but it sounds though you may have grown up during or at end of WWII probably by parents who followed the Nazi regime. You may soon be gone but most of the young today will not be interested in this biased rhetoric and blatant prejudice. No one will care about WWII except historians.
This intense jealousy you have of this very interesting ( historically) race who have contributed a lot to humankind is very interesting. Of course I agree there are bad apples with the good and some who did harm.
As for Nazi Germany, I can only know that France and Poland did not want to be marched upon or forced to have an ideology thrust upon them whether they liked Jews or not, nor did England of course and Greece the birthplace of democracy said a resounding Oxi!! even Italy got fed up with Mussolini.
You make such sweeping statements such as educated vs the poor dumbed down whites, those poor ignorant souls who like my own ( educated) parents worked hard, went to school and were able to achieve and enjoy many of their dreams, and after moving here, more good education, health care, art, music and all ( in spite of evil Jews waiting to thwart and undermine them). They were proud of their children, their country, and what they saw others achieving here. A dear family friend was a Jew and pointed (oh my God, no!! he what!!?) my father into a beneficial direction in his career.
I’m sure you will again call me a closet Jew and- I love this- a rodent, but still waiting for cockroach. I also am a vile deceiver, a supporter of genocide, perpetrating lies and all other insane accusations I’ve never head before, coming from unsound theories or minds. I tried to make some effort to wish all well even if we disagree but the well of bitterness (sometimes disguised as right wing Christian teaching) is too deep here, but anyway, in the spirit of the season, Merry Christmas, God Jul, Nollaig Shona oh and hey, why not/ Chag Urim Sameach
I hope people like the Scots! After all there were some who thought they were the lost tribe of Israel. Nahh- just bunch of warlike Picts and Celts who painted themselves blue.
Hi, David – the following is addressing anyone who is interested to know my thoughts on the subject matter from the German perspective (not D. in particular, a shabbos goy zombie as Jewish as it can get! even worse IF she/he should be for real… not only playing a role, and not even realizing how jewdified he/she is)
“…to treat everyone fairly and with respect whether I like them or not.” (Dagmar)
Sounds good? Sounds right? Does it, really? What is the meaning? If applied in a universal sense – with a total lack of discernment?
#Jews want to be treated fairly? Do they, really?
Like “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life”? That’s what Jews must fear most – to be treated fairly, to be treated the same way as Jews have treated their victims… It would mean that Jews would be completely exterminated. It’s what Jews have done to the white nations! Jews have annihilated tens of millions of the best people! And they have announced their intention to exterminate the white race! There are Talmudic rabbis who boast about hundreds of millions of Christians murdered over the past centuries.
#Do Jews deserve respect for what they have done through history? Certainly not!
The Jewish demand “No discrimination!” is another example for blurring the true meaning of what is the result if applied universally. As if discriminating against something bad was a bad thing, but it is not! The demand “No discrimination!”universally applied takes away all self-defense & self-protection! Discernment & discrimination is crucial for self-protection! It is necessary to separate oneself from what is potentially harmful! You cannot be “all-inclusive”, it is self-destructive! Exactly what the Jewish subversives want.
#To use Christmas (“Christmas season is almost upon us and good will to all men”) for the demand “to be helpful” (“to do good and try to help their fellow man who ever and where ever he is, near or far” – Dagmar) is another nefarious Jewish ploy. The vile intention behind? To exploit Christians, especially during Christmas season! But we are not supposed to help the Jews in accomplishing their plans to exterminate us! “Cut the throats of the unbelievers!”, “Chop their heads off!” are the battle cries of the Muslim invaders brought in by Jews. Muslim Dschihadists as proxy armies to kill Christians and they do behave as enemies do (insult, rape, kill, plunder all over the white countries; crime rates are soaring).
STOP THE JEWS! STOP THE ZIONIST WARS! STOP THE PERPETRATORS OF GENOCIDE is the best help! REMIGRATION is the best solution for all the problems and conflicts artificially created by the genocidal Jews who claim to be “humanitarian”! “JEWS FOR REFUGEES” equals “JEWS FOR WHITE GENOCIDE!”
#The “Jewish profile”: Jews manipulate, poison and degrade everything! They mutilate our language, the meaning of words, disrupt our capability of clear, critical thinking, our perception of reality by blurring the true meaning and implications of words (tolerance – equality – inclusion – slogans of the “French”/Jewish Freemasonic Revolution: egalite – liberte – fraternite) with serious consequences on our lives if universally applied. We can NOT tolerate everything! We are NOT all the same! We are NOT supposed to include and serve Evil! Jews invented paradox misnomers (Nazi – anti-Semitic – holocaust denier – racist) to use them as weapons against white nationalists to ritually defame us! Throwing paradox words at us like casting hypnotic spells is a kind of “black magic” to paralyze the opposition. Masters of mind control, master liars, master deceivers, master thieves, master criminals without any scruples, morals and conscience. “Anything goes!” is what the Talmudic rabbis teach, and call that “religion” and “freedom”. It’s slavery to Talmudic immorality! Kabbalist Talmudic Judaism (Freemasonry) is a LUCIFERIAN SATANIC CULT!
#Jewish Satanic traditions & “values”: The Talmudic Satanists celebrate “Hanukkah” (Greek massacre) when Christians celebrate Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ, the Coming of the Messiah as light onto the world. So – don’t wish “Happy Hanukkah!” to any Jew; it equals the Jewish death wish “White Genocide!” The Jewish Satanists come after our children! The Talmudic LGBTQP(edo-criminal) anal sex perversions are being foisted upon them to groom toddlers and school children to have sex with adult perverts! “Halloween” is Satanism light! It’s a Satanic holiday! Children who are being exposed to that kind of (Anglo-American) “tradition” (conquering the European continent since 1945) don’t learn how to discriminate between Good and Evil… they get the message that there is no difference (“all the same”)…
Jews are destroyers and our forefathers knew who they are (((The Synagogue of Satan))), and they had to live separate! Separation is the natural order! To tolerate Satanic destroyers within our midst and grant them equal citizenship, equal civic and political rights (even privileges) is absurd, absolutely insane and has been the death knell to white Christian societies! Evil-minded Jews have been undermining the Christian values ever since! They have made Christians so confused that they don’t understand the common sense basics any more: To decide between Right and Wrong – Good and Evil – friend and enemy! If you cannot recognize your enemy, you cannot defend yourself! Jews render their victims defenseless before attacking with full force from all sides… making sure the highest death rate, the worst possible damage is inflicted…
Jews were constrained and got expelled from white, Christian societies for very good reasons! Power greedy shabbos goy idiots like Cromwell and Napoleon (Freemason) brought them back in…
Imagine, there is a protected internationally organized “group” so disgusting that they make it illegal to tell the truth about them! they make speaking the truth about the Jews a “criminal offense”! they call free speech “hate speech” (a “hate speech” crime), and made ”Holocaust denial”/“incitement” laws! and want international “anti-Semitism” laws to imprison and/or put to death all opponents as they did in Bolshevik Russia! Murderous Jews so disgusting that they openly announced the Jewish plans to annihilate the German nation (Hooton Plan, Nizer Plan, Morgenthau Plan, Kaufman Plan, Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan), and after ganging up the world under their control on Germany twice (WWI + II), they are now targeting ALL nations of the white race with extermination (UN-EU-Replacement Migration Plan)! The white race is not welcome on this planet, the genocidal Jews say so! Just imagine, the scope of insanity, anti-white racial hatred and hubris!
Extremely dangerous psychopaths are terrorizing and threatening the whole world!
Freya: Nice summary at the end too.
Your “speech” above is what I have discovered through 1st hand experience with the jew. It did take me 40+ years, due to jew influence in the USA to see the other side. The jew is the major problem on this earth. Much of their power is in division of people, Black, Brown, White or Yellow. Yes, today their strongest division is with the White, by religion, education, location. The jew appears to be succeeding. Again, my “1st hand experience” the other races (educated ones) see the jew problem in greater numbers than the dumbed down Whites and want to work with the Whites. Why not work with them?
I think, David, that in a sense the “masses” and their opinions are somewhat irrelevant. The trick is to expose the “Elite” as morally bankrupt. The Soviet Union collapsed when everybody knew that the Communist regime was based on lies and fraud. When everybody knew that everybody else knew this to be so,then the whole system collapsed; as per Hans Christian Andersen’s tale of the Emperor who wore no clothes. It needs the little lad to speak out, “But the King has got no clothes no.” We should be that little lad, and not be deterred from continuing to expose the lies and the fraud..
Best of Luck to all campaigners for the Truth.
Richard: Hope you are correct. The USA has been too dumbed down to recover, I feel.
When returning home from an overseas trip to Europe / Germany and then invited to speak to a group of friendly “normies” , I think that “our” man/woman should broach the subject of our interest along these lines:
“I’ve just come back from a trip to Europe / Germany. I can tell you that things are changing over there. The Europeans / Germans are starting to assert themselves. They are starting to question and to oppose the whole concept and practice of the Globalist and liberal One Word Order. There are serious objections to the presence of the war-mongering US military NATO alliance in Europe; there are urgent calls for the closing of Europe’s frontiers to mass-Immigration. The Germans in particular are calling for an end to the demonization of Germany, derived as it is from the Allies’ Second World War propaganda; in particular the Germans want the right to examine by employing the latest scientific, forensic, objective techniques the allegation that the Germans murdered millions of Jews in homicidal gas=chambers during that Second World War.
” I think friends, Ladies and Gentlemen, we can expect to see some far-reaching changes in Germany and on the continent of Europe, major shifts in political alignment comparable to the fall of the Berlin and the collapse of the Communist regimes in Eastern Europe. Thank you for your attention.”
I think that at this point our speaker can then take with questions, etc. Curiosity etc. having been aroused.
Must clarify typo error before I am accused of being a Jewish fag. It’s the Fairy “Flag” of Dunvegan (on Skye) the Fairy Flag!! lol. A very interesting story too.
I love blogs, so many subjects and varieties. So yes, according to David, Monika thanks for posting my rants under Free Speech too. I was once a violin student and you are a wonderful musician. I do believe in free speech though I may not agree with all. Such a dour, ill humoured lot of followers you have which brings me, While some of you are picketing out on corners and slandering those you do not like, bitter about the government, I”m off to Scotland , the land of golf, castles, Albannach’s, selkies, great stories and fine whiskey. A dinner with Grey Friar’s Bobby is always in order. Hopefully a wee ski on Ben Nevis in the great glen. You can all cheer now and hope I break a leg and never come back. But let’s think about the Christ Child and what the prince of peace who loved us all would want. in the days of aul lang syne.
Monika: What a story, 1984 magnified on your Blog. Tell the truth and spend more time in jail, or perpetuate a lie and take a dream vacation. Perhaps the greatest enemy of truth is the ignorance of those that believe lies, not the lies themselves. Where would the state of i$rael be today if it were not for the ignorance of non-jews?
David since you like to mention me, I’m going home to visit relatives! These are people who work hard, play hard, give back to their communities and as far as I can see love their fellow man. Who gives a sh– about your so called perpetuation of lies by people like me. I don’t march or protest. I am just a humble history major- having a discussion.My main concerns are over our environment.
As for this Holohoax thing,Those days are now gone 70 years and you are not going to change history or the perception of Hitler. Most children growing up will have concerns of their own and sadly forget all about the sacrifices of their grandfathers and great grandfathers Of course you are allowed your biases and prejudices in a free country as long as you do no harm to others. David I had sympathy for what happened to you but you made it very clear that you are so full of bitterness that you wear it like a badge of honour. I
t’s Christmas so do something practical for your community – not an anti Semitic picket line.Give some proof that you are not just another crackpot on some crazy mission. Hand out a pair of warm gloves to someone homeless. Give them a meal certificate or be like my own brother, who fixes up toys and actually goes and visits the poor and shakes their hand. “I was naked and you clothed me” Take a little time out from bitching about the Jews and the horrible government.
“…t’s Christmas…” a quote from the desert rodent aka Dagmar. What should the poor and homeless do the rest of the year? Giving to the poor and homeless should be more education why they are poor and homeless i.e. the jew problem aka N(J)ew World Order and should be done throughout the year.
In the last 2 years I have donated over a month of my pension to homeless THROUGH OUT the last 2 years, but most important to the cause of the homeless, the truth of the jew I have donated in 2019 more than all my pension money. At 85, I am fully retired but still able to support truth.
Monika, it is a shame Alfred is not able to respond to these comments. That would be like D-con to this cheese.
WE (Dagmar, Monika & David) do have the violin in common. I did forget to show you my picture, at 16 in the Chicago Tribune, and explain why I lost 3rd chair in the Chicago West Suburban Symphony to a jew man. I got 10x the votes in competition. The conductor was jewish too. And I foolishly was pro jew & i$real for another 30 years.
David, I apologize. You are more charitable than I by the sounds of it though I love Christmas. We all love music too. So even opposites may have something in common. However, It’s you and Freya who use such disparaging names toward me such as rodent and liar, I’m accused of violence, deceit, genocide – ha etc., I don’t think I have been that denigrating though I may have called you Nazi’s. But then you like that so it shouldn’t be an insult to you. But as for losing 3rd chair – hey I got passed over for a relative of the boss once. This is life. I am not bitter. There is a lot of injustices in the world- I can only spread what good will I have in small ways. I don’t hate. That’s the department of well, I guess people on this site. I’m not unhappy. Check out my art sometime if you feel like it. Always art and music can be a common denominator in bringing all kinds of people together. I’m sorry ( well not sorry) I don’t hate the Jews or communists the way you do. I don’t walk in anyone else’s shoes and I have taught my daughter to respect all people’s and cultures. I hope Alfred gets out of jail at his age whether I agree with his politics or not. I have a feeling though that some of you might like to put people like me, i.e. rodents into cages.
I have come to the conclusion that Jews act as Freya has outlined so diligently, without shame and introspection. I feel sorry them.
good grief, don’t feel sorry for them! They are out there playing tennis and violins with their children and practicing medicine and working on American rocket programs and actually contributing positive things as well as trying to take over the world. Einstein won the nobel prize for physics. There have been 902 nobel prizes – Jews won 203 of those.
“…to treat everyone fairly and with respect whether I like them or not.” (Dagmar)
Dagmar – Sorry, but that’s definitely not the impression you make by giving denigrating names to those who do nothing but speak the truth, offering historical facts contrary to the official Jewish narratives (hoaxes) made up of lies
You haven’t earned it – but you may have my lenghty reply (the last one to you; enough is enough)
““Jews like Dagmar” are Communists, Zionists” (Freya)
“Nahhh, just a seeker of “truth” and believer in humanitarianism and world peace, a storyteller and photographer non political, and have a profile unlike most here.” (Dagmar) “I’ll leave all the intrigue, hate and conspiracies to you and your brethren David.” (Dagmar)
#The Jewish profile – “By way of deception thou shalt do war!” (Mossad)
All the tools out of the Jewish playbook… the same WORDS thrown at us as if casting hypnotic SPELLS… trying to put all the blame and shame on the truth tellers calling us “haters, Nazis, Holocaust deniers, conspiracy theorists”…
The spell is broken. The jig is up! The cat is out of the bag and won’t go back in. The truth is out, and as ugly as it may be, it’ll make us free!
“Dagmar” (as Jewish as it can get) is a seeker of “truth”…
“Jews like Dagmar” seek “truth”… but the truth based on provable facts is not the Jewish concern! The Jewish definition of “truth” and of “what is right” is anything that serves the Jewish interests! That includes deception, the most enormous lies! The Orwellian “1984” nightmare, Huxley’s “Brave New World” are blueprints for the JEWISH “NEW WORLD”, the HELL ON EARTH the destroyers create. In the JEWISH WORLD everything is turned upside down: lies are called “truth”, slavery is called “freedom”, war is called “peace”, ignorance is called “strength”… The most preposterous JEWISH LIES and HOAXES to keep their multi-billion extortion racket gravy trains going are called “true” and “real”… ludicrous fabrications are only “real” in the imagination of mentally ill Jewish liars! The falsified reality they foist upon us! Jewish insanity is wrecking the world! Who needs factual evidence – we do, Jews don’t! Jews are psychopaths (rare exceptions from the rule), born and bred to become habitual liars, deceivers, living a parasitic existence leeching off of productive nations. Preferably the white nations where they can hide best, pretending to be what they are not (identity fraud), destroying the hosts from within.
“No Rothschild is English… No Baruch, Morgenthau, Cohen, Lehman, Warburg, Kuhn, Kahn, Schiff, Sieff or Solomon was ever born Anglo-Saxon [No Henoch Kohn alias Helmut Kohl, Merkel, Weidel etc is German…]. And it is for this filth that you fight. It is for this filth that you murdered your Empire. It is this filth that elects, selects, your politicians.” (Ezra Pound, March 15, 1942 radio broadcast)
“Dagmar” – a believer in “humanitarianism”… and “world peace”
“Jews like Dagmar” are talking “peace” while preparing for more war! “Peace” on Satan’s terms is not peace at all! It’s endless terror and war (in every shape and form). We will NEVER FORGET what war mongering, mass murdering Jews have done to their innocent victims! Killing tens of millions of defenseless civilians and prisoners, in revolutions and wars all staged by Jews, without the slightest human remorse! Are they even human? They are inhumane! Freemasonic “humanitarianism”, “philanthropy” and “charity” is only the veneer to hide their dark genocidal, anti-human, anti-white, anti-Christian agenda behind! “Jews like Dagmar” pretend to care for Palestinians being robbed of their land, livelihoods and lives. They “love” the Palestinians so much that they want to bring them all into Europe and North America! They don’t love them at all! They rather hate the white nations so much… that they want to exterminate us by flooding our countries with multi-racial, Muslim mass immigration from the Middle East and all over the world! To dispossess, rape, kill and replace us! Millions of Muslims and Blacks, Latinos and Asians as proxy armies! That’s WHITE GENOCIDE systematically planned and engineered by international Jewry!
“Dagmar” – a story teller…
“Jews like Dagmar” tell the most incredible stories, idiotic narratives to obfuscate their enormous crimes and expect us non-Jews to believe them… envy them for their “cleverness” to deceive the world and evade justice. Who would envy what is most detestable?
“Dagmar” – a “social justice warrior”… also part of the “Jewish profile”…
“Jews like Dagmar” pretend to care for the plight of ordinary people, of workers in factories, of farmers in the fields. “Socially-minded” Jews have always been nothing but pretenders, deceivers. Their promises are empty. Jews only serve their own COMMUNIST-ZIONIST plans to take over the whole world (political figures like Jeremy Corbyn, very wealthy Jewish champagne socialist, COMMUNIST-BOLSHEVIK, playing the role of “humanitarian supporter of the Palestinian cause” nothing could be further from the truth; political theater, deception) Jews are interested in spreading Communism, causing social unrest to take political advantage of the CHAOS they create! They promise all before taking all! They promise “freedom” and a “better life” before enslaving and killing you. That’s what the Jewish revolutionaries did in Bolshevik Russia: Communism means abolition of property rights, dispossession, making everyone equally poor, except the Jews who take it all! and genocide of tens of millions of anti-Communists, dissidents! “ANTI-SEMITISM” LAWS carrying the death penalty for anti-Communism! Opposition to the JEWISH COMMUNIST RED TERROR, resistance, self-defense was made an “anti-Semitic crime”…
COMMUNISM & ZIONISM are both global Jewish movements! International Jewish lobbyists are pushing for a JEWISH WORLD (Jerusalem/Zion as world capital) and want to eliminate all opposition to their JEW WORLD ORDER! They want an “International Definition of anti-Semitism” as precursor for INTERNATIONAL “ANTI-SEMITISM” LAWS carrying the death penalty for anti-Zionism, making the criticism of Zionist crimes an “anti-Semitic crime”(no surprise: Jeremy Corbyn, due to his Jewish heritage, is accepting/promoting the Jewish “definitions of anti-Semitism”!)
“We cannot state that all Jews are Bolsheviks, but without Jews, there would never have been Bolshevism. For a Jew, nothing is more insulting than the truth. The blood-maddened Jewish terrorists had murdered sixty-six million in Russia from 1918 to 1957.” (Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn)
The mass murdering Jews keep repeating history. And now they want to go global!
GLOBAL RED TERROR (GREEN on the outside) – GLOBAL GULAG – GLOBAL GENOCIDE – fighting the “Evil of anti-Zionism” (Donald Trump, 1000% Zionist stooge)
“Dagmar” – a liar and hypocrite…
“Jews like Dagmar” are liars, hypocrites, actors playing roles, deceivers, haters of the truth and of truth tellers, not “non political” at all; they don’t answer with a clear “No!”, they say “Nahhh” and cannot conceal their true colors! hostile, spiteful… Communist and Zionist… in favor of Jewish supremacy over white nations… Jewish impertinence and hubris to deny white nations the right of existence, freedom and self-determination… in favor of WHITE GENOCIDE, all the while playing the role of the “innocent, victimized Jews”… ignoring the enormous crimes committed by organized Jewry… “world citizens”, “open-minded liberals”… ready to ruin the lives of their opponents, white conservative nationalists, patriots who want to protect their children, families, nations, countries, race, culture and heritage; normal people! “Anything goes!” for Satanists! No borders, No scruples, No constraints… an amoral “liberal, all-inclusive” attitude which turns the world into hell! an ugly environment! everything healthy, good and beautiful what others cherish, Jews enjoy destroying; invaders, thieves, parasites, predators, psychopaths, masters of intrigue and deception, a deadly plague… ready to kill everyone for refusing to be their slaves… for refusing to become equally depraved… “all the same” as they are… The Jewish vision, the JEWISH WORLD… a totalitarian BOLSHEVIK COMMUNIST BEAST SYSTEM… Cashless for total slavery! most convenient for the Jewish slave masters! CONSPIRACY REALITY.
“Dagmar” – a “photographer”… “non-political” – “open-minded”… “tolerant”…
“Jews like Dagmar” are “photographers”, “art students” or else, “travelers” in the Middle East, “journalists”… usually covers for spooks… a “profile” as “unpretentious” as a “Z” on the forehead, playing a cartoon character “Dagmar C. Ronaldsdottir”, the role of self-destructive “shabbos goy zombie”, too dumb to be real… totally oblivious to the reality of WHITE GENOCIDE done by Jews savaging, dismembering everything they touch (art, tradition, truth), always peddling anti-German, anti-white hatred while claiming moral highground… not harmless, extremely hostile, spiteful, typically Jewish, revengeful (“revenge” for what? Simply for refusing to be slaves to the Jews! A refusal which couldn’t be more honorable)
“… the real haters like to hide behind a rock while they sling their mud and spew their venom… They can never provide logical argument or evidence to counter what the truth-teller says.” (M. Schaefer) The Jewish profile in a nutshell.
To Freya: Replying to Dagmar is a waste of time. jews are a violent race of liars and can not be changed. Truth and history has taught me that.
wow Freya and David. That’s the best you can do? Actually I’ve been quite even tempered for the most part judging your quoting me. I think you just further alienate the “normies” by this lack of open communication and real listening to what others may say.
How many times do I have to say I am not a Jew, Do check out my blog if you don’t believe me or find my baptism in in the Church of St. Mary’s in Killarney. Not that it matters.
““… the real haters like to hide behind a rock while they sling their mud and spew their venom… They can never provide logical argument or evidence to counter what the truth-teller says.” (M. Schaefer) The Jewish profile in a nutshell.”
Shite! I am so easily discovered behind my rock, not at all like the anonymous’ no profiles on this site. David Emailed me and I was nothing if not polite. I felt bad for him being knocked about by thugs.
Of course you found me out! As a pseudo Jew I am plotting to take over the world while writing about the fairy fag of Dunvegan and The Last witch of Scotland ( true story)” joke joke ,
As you say, there is not one bit of evidence proving the holocaust according to you. -but you have not proved it did not exist either, where as there is some evidence to the contrary at least.
A very wise Scotsman once said while we toured Rosslyn Chapel of Knights Templar fame- a place where history is ambiguous and very mysterious, people who believe they are in the know begin with the phrase, “It is almost certain that…” which of course means it is not certain at all!” History is never black or white, documents sometimes get lost or destroyed. It is a matter of perspective and you have to have some faith in those who eye witness it and write it down for posterity. History fades with time and those who made great sacrifice are mostly gone. As for name calling and slander you guys are the best when you don’t even know or care to know know the person you disagree with except that their beliefs may be different. You seem very narrow minded and not able to meet or converse on any other level except that of pro Nazism and down with the Jew. Maybe you are different at home or with friends and family, I hope so. These sites seem to great places to vent and get the uglies out.-but I’m not convinced that is therapeutic.
First off Christmas season is almost upon us and good will to all men! so here is my thought
To David and Freya et al, I do not hate you at all just because I disagree. Did I say I hated you? If I did then I was wrong to say that. I do not hold with bigotry or extremism whether Jewish or non-Jewish, far right, or far left. I do not agree with violence and am against what extreme groups like Antifa did to an 80 year old man on a street.
There is a photo here of people with a sign saying “why is America fighting Israel’s wars.” This is a good question and I’m sure there are many answers depending on the point of view. I do believe that some points brought up here are worth inspection.
I tried to bring up some of my own observations but as I see it – the subject always turns back to the evil Jew and because I don’t believe all Jewish people are as portrayed on this site, I am labeled a “hater,” a Jew, or a “Jew lover” and even a “snowflake?” I am usually given very rude and rather mean spirited replies. People are defensive-fair enough- yet there should always be room for open discussion and debate from all sides instead of being met with anger and hostility.
Freya, It’s true I am not a Nazi sympathizer, nor a supporter of Communism, extremism and Totalitarianism of any kind. I do understand the circumstance of what later happened in Germany after the humiliation and injustice of the Versailles Treaty
Oh, – and David, according to you I spread lies and therefore am responsible for the incarceration of the Schaeffers and their supporters. I can’t imagine what lies I spread. Political speeches or ideological writing are not my forte but I am always curious as to why people believe the way they do. I know everyone has their own perspective. On Remembrance Day I do honour Canadians who died in all wars. My mission if any, should be, to try to treat everyone fairly and with respect whether I like them or not.
When you hold an unpopular view I guess anyone who might disagree will be labeled an enemy. I am sure you know that you will receive (and may want and invite)
a certain notoriety and flak. Nevertheless I hope that everyone will agree that here’s to those who actively attempt to do good and try to help their fellow man who ever and where ever he is, near or far.
“not one iota of prejudice or hatred” in “Dagmar’s replies”?
For what did you call Freya a “hater”, “Nazi”?
For nothing but for writing the truth…
You are a liar…evidently…
To Freya: When I’m called a Nazi, I reply with a thumbs up and “Thank you” and proud of it. To a jew, truth is “hate” speech (usually) if it’s about jews and many lies make the truth as with the gas chamber hoax. The lies the jews tell about their suffering during the Nazi 3rd Reich is part of their heritage. The sad part of Dagmar and (other?) jews they boast of their lies, are proud of it, and have the legal system to help them.
first off – though I have been put down on this site for my own opinions – I am not the enemy. I do believe in Free Speech even if I do not agree with the content, Secondly of course, I do not believe that all the ills of the world fall on Jewish shoulders. Thirdly, I am curious as to what North Americans might mean by preserving their white “culture.” Yes, there is German culture, Italian culture, French etc etc. but most North American who have been here for a couple of generations or more cannot claim a single culture. They may be a mix of French, English, German, Italian,Irish etc etc and/or including black or first nations- very mixed. They are used to being “multi cultural” whatever that means also. My husband is Greek and over in Greece right now it is the Muslim population that according to News reports , ( fake or what?) are trying to bend the will of the Greeks to their way of life- one was their request to build a Mosque on the Parthenon and recently wanting to ban the sale of Pork at public souvlaki vendors, so we have many other problems now besides the Jews trying to run the world I think or how many died in the holocaust. Now the Greeks, Italians etc have a unique heritage and culture. We in North America ( Canada) have a problem if we say we have a culture considering the new wave from Asia etc and in Vancouver where orientals are getting close to matching the number of “white” population. Of course the last century saw huge number of immigrants from third world countries and other. After Hong Kong reverted Vancouver became the place for the wealthy Chinese to come and housing market prices became driven off the map. If we didn’t want this influx of other races why was it allowed in the first place? It will be interesting to see what happens in the future.
To Dagmar: What is driving the Muslims to Greece? The choice of being bombed by the jew police force (USA where I live) or moving north. Where I TRY to protest the jew influence at Pioneer Square in Portland, Oregon, many Muslims come up to me and discuss they would like to return to their native land, but fear the turmoil. When I say “try”, look at my picture with my sign that Monika took in Salem OR, sign with the Star of David and more.
About a year ago at Pioneer Square, Oct 12 2018 2 hooded people attacked me from behind and knocked me unconscious for a few seconds, stole my sign, running away yelling “He hates jews” 700′ away. I was 84 then, they outran me. Do you think those people were not jews? Yes, I was back at Pioneer Square the next week with a new sign.
You say we can’t blame the jews for everything. In the USA to get Democrat Party money to run for Congress, you must sign an oath to support i$rael or you don’t get money. All members of the US federal reserve are jews. It is a business, not part of the US gov’t. Hareetz, Jerusalem jew newspaper quotes most US media is jew controlled. We can blame these rodents for almost everything, yet they make up less than 3% of the USA population.
To Monika: You have morals as GR8 as the Hitler I have read about in the true press, to allow lies like Dagmar and jews spread. It is people like Dagmar, that had You, Alfred, Ursula, Sylvia, Zundel and others jailed. Yes, Monika, you are correct for the free speech, but did You and Alfred have free speech?
oh boy now I am laughing!! So I am the enemy and Hitler is a hero. Well, Good luck with your mission and final solution and all and on a happier note I just got a short story published and there’s not one iota of prejudice or hatred in it but there is a moral – a real one and I am not a liar. Sometimes you just have to make the best of it. Ill leave all the intrigue, hate and conspiracies to you and your brethren David.
Monika, What a gorgeous photo of Mt. Rainier!!
Yes, by the sounds of it, you did meet some interesting people…
Dear Monika, I have just listened to you interview of 1 hour 20 minutes but, my dear, dear friend, I can say that I am quite amazed at what you are saying and about your optimism. Of course I don¹t know about Canada but, believe me, in Europe, I mean at least in France AND in Germany, our enemy is far from losing and in those two countries most people DO still believe in the Holocaust !!! I¹m so sorry to tell you that, because you have such a nice smile and I would like you to smile all the way long. Only I feel I have to warn you that the situation in Europe has nothing to do with the situation in Canada you are describing and that the enemy is far, far, very far from losing ! I¹m saying that only for you not to be too surprised if things don¹t turn up the way you expect them to turn out… Please forgive me, dear Monika, for that email… Bye Yvonne
Le 08/11/2019 01:50, « Free Speech Monika » a écrit :
> Monika posted: ” One year out after being ejected from the German Gulag, I > just completed a short speaking tour, visiting and meeting interesting and > wonderful people. A dinner engagement at a twelve person table was hosted by > Paul and Pamela Viminitz on October 25th, ” >
BOCAGE aka Yvonne and all: Optimism spreads optimism as fear spreads fear. Like the song that goes “There’s a life between love and fascination,…” there is also a quest between optimism and fear. I had the GR8 pleasure of speaking with Monika face/face and she bolstered my fear upward to optimism as she did with others in Salem OR.
In the USA I see Europe at least fighting against the onslaught of i$rael pushing migrants from the Africa, Middle East up to Europe. Europe has legal Nationalist political parties. In the USA, EVERY US Congress person must (and has) pledged support of/to i$rael. It is a requirement to have money to run for office. USA is over 90% normies, 7% Truthers and 3% enemy. It appears our neighbors to the north (Canada) follows the USA.
The USA is a police puppet of i$rael, bombing enemies of i$real in the Mideast, forcing their people to flee north. Muslims I speak with in Portland OR., most would like to return to their native country, except for fear of bombing. Questions? Click on my picture for more information.
hi monika, hope things are going well with you.
can alfred receive books in prison?
glad to hear about your tour. did you make it to ashland,m oregon as well? you have some supporters there.
On Fri, Nov 8, 2019 at 1:51 AM Free Speech Monika wrote:
> Monika posted: ” One year out after being ejected from the German Gulag, I > just completed a short speaking tour, visiting and meeting interesting and > wonderful people. A dinner engagement at a twelve person table was hosted > by Paul and Pamela Viminitz on October 25th, ” >
Thank you Panther. About Alfred receiving books in prison, no, sending books to him does not work. There is a long complicated process for him to receive books, but it really is not practical to even begin to describe that process. Suffice it to say that he does have access to a lot of books from the prison library. Also, some people send him thick letters, which he does receive. So, if there are passages or chapters from books, or articles you wish to send copies of to him, feel free to do so.
A reminder: the sticky post at the top of this website is all about how to contact Alfred and a few other political prisoners in Germany.
Monika: What is “…the sticky post at the top of the website…” you refer? I clicked on everything and could not find addresses. I have a touchscreen and dragged my finger over entire screen and nothing sticky either. Please explain.
Hi Dave, “sticky post” is a term I only learned recently too haha, sorry I should explain. It simply means the post will always stays at the top. So when you open my freespeechmonika website, the first post is called “Alfred Schaefer – Support Details”. Part of the article is visible, then click the “continue reading” and the whole article appears. Or just click on the title of the article, and that works too.
Nicely said Monika: Maybe your speech to normies is more productive than preaching to the choir, as you did in Salem, OR? If you changed one normie, that is progress.
You are right David!