Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Speaking Tour Canada

13 Talks in 11 Cities: Unbowed and Proud

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The Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE) hosted me on a Canadian speaking tour, beginning on January 19th, 2019. Unbowed and Proud was my motto. I spoke about My Trial, My “Crime” & 10 Months in a German Jail. The first 10 talks took place within a time span of 9 days, all the way from Ottawa, Ontario to Victoria, British Columbia. The remaining 3 talks in B.C. and Alberta took place February 8, 9, and 10. We had some great views while flying.

I was happy and grateful that the Hamilton event was recorded, as well as a Vancouver event. Here is the link to the Hamilton talk.

This is a recording of one of the three Vancouver events, a slightly less favourable camera angle, nonetheless the talk is documented. Parts of this talk are similar to Hamilton, however because I was speaking without a script, there are some different stories. Naturally the question and answer session during the latter half is different as well, covering some important subjects.



16 Responses

  1. I’ve been doing my own free speech performance art in my front yard for over four years now. In January 2018 I was interviewed and my “provocative signs” were featured in the Eye on New Mexico feature of the KOB4 TV 10 O’Clock News. It was at very favorable story they aired, andd the most prominent sign they showed both on-air and on their website was: “Holocaust” is a Hoax. See it for yourself at a Yandex Disk archive with public access for now:

    Besides the signs hanging on that tree there is a whole new chapter shown on some videos and still pictures of old computer equipment, and grafittied CDs all sitting in the dirt and every item marked with the word LIES in red enamel paint. The front yard art a work in progress and always changing. It gives me a feeling of great freedom to be living in a place where I can make those public statements without fear of persecution or imprisonment.

  2. Please be aware that Carolyn Yeager makes some outrageous accusations against both you and Alfred in response to a post at her blog, as follows, in which she can’t even spell your name correctly, yet claims to have perfect knowledge of how you came to spend 10 months in German prisons:

    Monika Schaefer did 10 months for “Sorry Mom” posted from Canada

    t’s not the case that Americans are liable to European laws, unless they say “illegal” things when in those countries where it is criminalized.
    Maybe Monika too mistakenly believed that. Her 2017 “Sorry Mom” video was made in Canada and posted to Youtube and she was held in Stadelheim prison 10 months for Paragraph 130 for apologizing to her dead mother for her false accusation of doing nothing to stop the alleged mass murder of the magiical 6 million Jews by gas by Hitler’s order, giving the world a new bogeyman to take attention away from the doings of the Antichrist children of the father of lies in the synagogue of Satan.

    Sat, 06/04/19
    You are misinformed

    … and passing on your misinformation irresponsibly. I once believed that too, and Alfred and Monica allowed us all to repeat it. But it came out at the trial in Germany that Alfred uploaded the video to Youtube in Germany, never in Canada. Monica knew that all along also; she said so at the trial. That’s why Alfred is still in prison, where he seems to want to be. He thought he could make a martyr of himself and get lots of publicity.

    What’s worse, people are still saying it was uploaded in Canada and that German law thinks it can control the world. No. Not true. So I hope you will stop passing on misinformation so readily and also tell other people that this is an incorrect story.

    1. Thank you Frontyardart,
      There seems to have been an inordinate amount of interest in “where” the video was uploaded, rather than on the fact that a certain group of people would criminalize the peaceful expression of dissenting views in the first place. Then there is the detail of the world wide web being exactly that, world wide. It should not be relevant where we were when we made the video.

      There is a reason why I did not correct people in my letters out of jail as to their misconception of where the video was made. I knew that the court was only interested in those technical details. That would constitute their “evidence” against us, and that would suffice for them to give their verdict and throw away the key.

      We were interested in much more than that – we wanted this to be a trial which exposes the lies and illuminates the truth. Alfred purposely did not answer the technical questions in court during the first few days of trial, because they would have had their “evidence” and be done with it. Trial would have been over. The whole idea was to show evidence (for example, to show entire videos, not just the “incriminating” bits out of context), and drive this to the point of no return for the judges’ plausible deniability. In other words, when the tables have turned and these criminals are in the dock, they cannot claim that they had not understood the situation.

      As for the comment about Alfred, all I can say is that we are ALL in some sort of prison, only in some cases you can feel and see the bars, and in other cases those bars are not visible to the eye. Such disparaging comments as the one from Carolyn (whom I greatly respect) are not helpful. I think it was made in haste.


        Germany, Country under the Rule of Law: Role Model or Illusion? A Critical Inspection
        By Germar Rudolf, Published: 2017-08-27


        In the whole world, the Federal Republic of Germany enjoys the reputation of being a liberal, democratic country under the rule of law. This self-portrait will not be simply adopted here, however, but it will be critically reviewed. The litmus test for a country under the rule of law is when the state’s interests collide with those of its citizens, that is to say, when the state finds it expedient to prosecute and punish its citizens. Then it will show whether the law can prevent the authorities from misusing their omnipotence against defenseless citizens. Crucial in this regard is the Code of Criminal Procedure. It defines the rules according to which the judiciary may deal with those in the courtroom who got into the government’s crosshairs for whatever reasons. Good laws prevent the state’s misusing its power in the courtroom. In this regard, however, Germany performs abominably, because its Code of Criminal Procedure gives judges all the instruments needed to deal with defendants which ever way they (or their masters) please. They can gag the defense, deny all their motions for evidence, prevent any appeal, hide from the public what a case is all about, and they can claim anything they want in a verdict, because no protocol is made recording what is said in the courtroom by any party. Hence, if push comes to shove, the German judiciary can do arbitrarily whatever they (or their masters) want. And that is exactly what they do. But see for yourself.

  3. what a pity not having access tot your published talk on YouTube as I have already listened to your reports on Henry’s channel about your prison sentence here in Munich. I am a Bavarian guy who woke as a sleep sheep not at least due to your so called “hate speech” case:-).

    That’s the reason why I am following your blog. I hope you are doing fine in Canada and have the chance to come back to origin strength.

    P.S.: it would be wonderful if you could start a new blog about your view of compulsory schooling. Yesterday I heard your comment abut that topic on Henry’s channel as well and it was quite interesting for me to hear your libertarian point of view which was quite different to the rest of participants who seemed to be very reserved to abolish compulsory education.

    Best wishes from Munich,

    1. That explains it – you are in the BRD (Federal Republic of Germany, FRG) where everything is censored like crazy. And that is in the “freest land that was ever on German soil” according to Angela Merkel. And where you have total freedom of speech, they say.

      Good idea about an article on compulsory “education”, and maybe extend that to compulsory vaccination, compulsory anything… I will think on that.

      Thanks so much for your support. Best wishes!

      1. You are absolutely right Monika! What makes me so angry are the double standards which we have here in the area of the BRD: on the one side Merkel and the so called left wing goody-two-shoes proclaim to be humane with alleged “refugees” who are in fact in the most cases illegal immigrants and on the other side courageous citizens as you, your brother and the peaceful and elderly person Mrs. Haverbeck are jailed for exercising the right of free speech. Suddenly there is no single word of humanity.

        The crucial question is how we can regain our liberty?

        Is it possible to go and see your brother in Stadelheim which is only a few miles away from my home? Or are visits only restricted for family members? Do you have any informations on that?

        1. Visitation is not restricted to family-only, however it is severely restricted in total time-allotment per month, regardless of who visits. Each prisoner has an upper limit of time, and up to 3 visitors can go at the same time. One has to apply for and receive a visitor permit. Please send me a message through the contact option if you want to know more about it works.
          A much better option at this point would be to have a letter-writing correspondence with Alfred, and you can find the address on the sticky-post at the top of the website.

  4. Hi Monica,

    unfortunately your talk is blocked on YouTube. Is there any alternative platform to listen to your talk in Hamilton? (e.g. bitchute,

    Have a great day!


    1. Unfortunately not yet on another platform. However, I am able to pull up the Hamilton talk, after clicking the “…understand and wish to proceed…”. Not so where you are?

    1. Ich habe glückliche Erinnerungen dieses Lied mit den Chor im Knast zu singen.
      I have happy memories of singing this song with the prison choir.
      The joy I felt whilst we sang together in the prison “church” is indescribable.

  5. I just finished watching your talk in Hamilton and I must say that I enjoyed every single minute of it :-). Your kind and honest way of explaining your experience should convince a lot of people that the truth is being withheld from them and that it is a matter of time for a final showdown to take place.
    I confess that at about 1:10 your beautiful violin piece made me feel very emotional 😉 On the brighter side, as you were explaining your suspenseful moments at the Amsterdam airport I remembered an old Dutch song: Geef mij maar Amsterdam, dat is mooier dan Parijs ( Just give me Amsterdam, it’s nicer than Paris ) but I thought that in your case the words could have been: Just give me Amsterdam, it’s safer than Frankfurt :-).
    How Germany has changed since my younger years is beyond comprehension.
    Thank you, Monika, you are a breath of fresh air.

    1. Germany is blocked of all those interesting real information. The retaliations, brain washing,oppression, doping the citizens with lies, is every day, all day on a subconscious level. The jewish organizations rule over every system, the entire country is infiltrated, another epoch of white slavery. Very sad and degrading to see that done to this great Nation.
      Luckily quite a few people are waking up and recognizing the vicious plans behind all those events. Mostly unthinkable high insurance frauds, (9/11). It gives the impression all that jews can think of is Money, Power, Control, and some other destructive stuff.
      Normally, I don’t like generalizations, however, out there in California, I have met a lot from that “tribe”, not 1 person genuine, honest, appreciative, only running around looking for money and making “a deal”.

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