Free Speech Monika

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Revolution Radio – 2 shows – The Perfect Triangle & Truth Jihad Radio

Both of the following shows were broadcast on Revolution Radio Studio A. The Perfect Triangle show is archived in video form here. Giuseppe Vafanculo and Scorpio and I talked for a stimulating couple of hours on the 4th of February, 2022.

From the show notes: Freedom fighter and truth-teller Monika Schaefer returns to discuss the latest events in Canada, updates about her heroic imprisoned brother Alfred in Germany, and break down the latest evils from the synagogue of satan.


On January 28th, I had the pleasure of speaking with the host of Truth Jihad Radio Kevin Barrett once again, together with Henry Herskovitz. I joined their conversation in the second half of the hour. We discussed Jewish Power, how they keep the lies going, and Alfred’s current situation, among other things.  This one is audio only: Click here.

Henry has been holding vigils in front of a synagogue in Ann Arbor, Michigan, to protest jewish power since 18 years, and has been called anti-semitic for doing so. The irony is that he is jewish himself, or, as he says, he is an ex-jew. There is now a court case against him for these vigils.


27 Responses

  1. Monika, This Website publishes on the ground and Parliament videos in Canada everyday, every few hours. Best news outlet I have found for Canadians.
    Marcel lrnie you tube
    I’ll type in the link, but…
    His emblem is a racing motorcycle.

  2. LaVerne – thank you for putting things into context…😉

    We, the peoples of the world are up to the worst mafia criminals the ordinary folks cannot even imagine exist!!!

    (((They))) consider themselves in a permanent war against us (all of humanity) and “anything goes” for them – Seriously, what did you (Canadians, Americans) expect?

    It looks like the truckers with genuine intentions are being played, deceived, as I have said before – the way the Convoy has been “organizanized” and controlled (course of action, donation money, media narrative) is very fishy and does not bode well for the truckers individually, and symbolically for the “white men” … (#Operation Trump)

    Too much is running on (creating and manipulating) “emotion” – Too little clear headedness – whereas those behind the scenes are the most unscrupulous – they have all the tools at their disposal to keep terrorizing the ordinary folks worldwide

    Where lies the power of the people?

    The world keeps waiting… for the masses of Canadians and Americans to JOIN IN… The world needs the great numbers of Americans, Canadians etc protesting for PEACE & FREEDOM on a regular basis in cities and towns ALL OVER!!!

    Europeans have been doing that FOR YEARS… patiently and relentlessly… didn’t you notice? Our only means left, our only hope… so that eventually the breakthrough will be unstoppable.

    Neither in Europe nor elsewhere!!! TAKE YOUR TROOPS HOME!!! Your mercenary soldiers will spoil everything – again!!! – if they are not stopped by public opinion in their homelands. Will you ever care? STOP your so called war heroes, they are nothing of that sort. Your veterans should know…

    1. The RESISTANCE on the ground in Ottawa

      (((The perpetrators of GENOCIDE))) by promoting wars, toxic “Covid-19” injections, and race-mixing celebrate themselves for their achievements…

      while they KEEP AGONIZING the people – hammering their agenda especially hard in traditionally white countries – stressing out families with children – with new “COVID” scares – “variants” bla bla

      WHO are the TERRORISTS? (((They))) must be stopped.

  3. “They inherited them from long ago” – From who? Aliens?

    There is much more to it than some “tunnels”…

    Wouldn’t it be rather ridiculous to deny the existence of “black budgets” for modern secretive military “black projects”? The existence of Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS) – actually whole cities interconnected by high speed trains – harboring highly developed alien technology is not exactly “a secret” any more, the locations and details are (military secrets). Unfortunately, the (((evil forces – enemies of humanity))) are in control. Under cover of “national security” they are a deadly threat to world peace and safety. Extremely dangerous psychopaths, they mean war when they pretend to seek ‘peace’

    The whistleblower Phil Schneider was an engineer of German descent whose testemony I find credible (youtube videos of his speeches are blocked now) He was assassinated shortly after he had started to talk publicly about the high clearance underground building projects he was involved in – and an unexpected encounter with an alien race living underground…

    1. They were inherited from our Higher self. Humanity has devolved, not evolved. We also inherited the Great Cathedrals, which are much older than the controllers of history tell us. We were not capable of such magnificence. We also inherited many great Arches, that are actually part of Magnetism energy, such as ‘Arc de Triomphe’ in Paris. Look at the detailed ornamentation to give you an idea of our higher self. We had a connection with Source.
      Adolf Hitler was an artist and studied these monuments, he knew. Germany was Carpet bombed where many Monuments stood, representing the Old World Energy Grid.
      Star Stations were also bombed during WW2, they were Geometric shaped farms, that were always by water. There is record of them in Dresden, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne and Berlin.
      We also inherited many Great Canals. Volga Damn did not begin construction in 1950, there is record it began in the 16th Century. These Controllers Plagiarize to No End.
      If you like I can guide you to seven great videos on the subject. I’m not big on technology my Links don’t work, but I’ll try:
      I’m not taking this gentleman word on the video’s, I am incorporating knowledge from my past from Religion, to Scripture, and WW2, ect…

      1. Since my Link worked, wanted to add that all 7 Video’s that I watched twice, are on the “Playlist” section below this video, to get the same Narrator.

  4. LaVerne
    still a loyal monarchist at heart?
    Alas, monarchs and nobles have often forsaken the ordinary folks… and made it easy for the thieves to break into the nations – subvert and take over the realm…

    The financial branch of the “NWO Beast” system is centered in “the City” of (Baby)London (and Wall St/ NY), protected by dragons… the “Crown” (Corona) is not identical with the British monarchy which has been subservient to the Beast for centuries

    Now gone into hiding? Out of fear of the “virus” or rather something else?

    Maybe, you have reliable sources?

    Lots of rumors around.
    Check out the DUMBS – a system of deep underground military bases (cities) built over decades where the “New World Order elites” plan to go into hiding while the “shit hits the fan” on the surface…

    The usual suspects eagerly stoking and poking to instigate a ww3 inferno…

    1. Elites may plan on going into hiding, but they certainly did Not build the underground tunnels, they inherited them, from long ago.
      Just because I’m giving news about the Queen, does Not mean I support Monarch’s, just putting things into context for you Canadians why the Convoy has to be there.

  5. It occurred to me Why Canada was Chosen instead of the United States for the Truckers Freedom Convoy. This is bigger then you realize Canadians:
    Dr. David E. Martin Drops Shocking Covid Info on Canadians
    He works for the Patent office, worldwide for over 20 years
    If you don’t have the time at least watch 14 minute – 29 minutes

  6. Prepare For is another Good open website. Just Posted: ‘Freedom Convoy Address To The Nation’

    Lets focus on listening to those that are there on the ground, that are directly involved in this movement.

  7. Lets focus on the Positive news coming out of Canada. Forbidden website posted an interview with attorney Allison Pejovic, who works for ‘Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms’ in Canada. She states that “the Canadian Military is refusing to remove truckers.”
    Title of interview: Freedom Convoy Attorney: “Trudeau not Responding Request to Talk”

    1. “Trudeau not Responding Request to Talk”

      Of course not.

      Why should (((they))) change their methods? Why should they treat Canadians differently?
      Never heard about Deborah Lipstadt’s: “DO NOT DEBATE A HOLOCAUST DENIER!” – ???

      Which means she advises to NEVER engage in a factual debate – (((They))) do know that they would lose any debate. They have no solid grounds…

      Actually, the truckers can consider themselves lucky not to be accused of some “antisemitic attack” on Jews (false flag psyop)… …

      The Germans are not that lucky. During the infamous “Nuremberg Trials” shrunken heads, soap and lampshades… allegedly all made out of poor Jewish victims were on display to prove how intrinsically evil those “Nazi” Germans were – perpetual vilification of the German people – then anything goes – seems “justified” … …

      “The power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. When there are not enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime (“unlawful”) that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws” (quote attributed to Alissa Zinovievna Rosenbaum alias Ayn Rand, subversive Jewish intellectual)

      So, all the state (((those in control))) has to do is make any claim they like – without evidence or investigation or verification – and that’s it! LIES are called factual truth – and FACTUAL TRUTH is called lies and a crime, and is not to be questioned…

      THAT TERROR has been the reality for Germans since 1945 – and the world seems quite satisfied with it.

      1. “Trudeau Not Responding” is just the name of the video, with Freedom Convoy attorney Allison Pejovic, from ‘Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms.’ She has been on the ground & thought it was worthwhile to listen to what she has to say.
        Don’t know why Deborah Lipstadt was mentioned on your comment, nor have I ever heard of her.
        Forbidden Knowledge tv . net
        I see I typed in the word “change” instead of “knowledge”, but I don’t think that is where the confusion lies.
        P.S. I have No war hero’s, nor do I know anyone who fought in WW2. Nor do I glorify any Veterans, since I woke up before September 11th 2001.

  8. ‘Forbidden Knowledge . net’ has good information on trying to keep up with Convoy news. ‘Amazing Polly’ video titled: ‘Reaches Critical Moment’, is worth watching, 12 minutes in spokes person for Ottawa Convoy, Tom Mazzo, is explaining their request to be heard on the safety of these vaccines. Tom Mazzo is surrounded by his people of specialist to represent their concerns on all Mandates. Is a website that for over 2 years was allowing me to expose the truth about WW2 through my comments, so I don’t want to hear anything negative! Keep in mind they are an Open Website that publishes News on any side, of any topic. They have 2 new updates this morning on the Convoy.

  9. In principle it is a very good sign that the truckers protest against the regime. However I gradually come more and more to the conclusion that the “leaders” of them are gatekeepers for making the truckers to scapegoats to a coming possible food shortage respectively to a general scarcity of resources. We can learn from the past that the communist regimes produced hunger crisis for enslaving the nations. Is the motto of them exchange compulsory vaccination for food shortage? At the end they blame the truckers for a starving population although it was planned by them themselves. My second question is why they need commercial road vehicles instead of using normal passenger cars for closing off Ottawa so that the truckers can be used further for essential goods?

  10. Freya, I’m confused on your video postings. Is the first one meant to be taken in a negative tone? I do not see this Convoy being able to combat all aspects of Covid vaccines/bio weapon. That would have made them look crazy. It was a good ‘Freedom Convoy’, we have to start somewhere. As far as Benjamin Dichter, he handled the questions well. Are we suppose to assume every jewish person is guilty of genocide against us. Even the ‘Third Reich’ had half European jews, because they were considered German citizens. Besides Mr. Dichter looked rather European to me, there are what 5 or 6 different Sects of jews. Which ones are we suppose to be calling out?? I would start with the Hasidic jews that where those funny hats that always pop up in the White House every time there is a change in leadership in D.C.. Second choice Mizrahi jews, from my observation here in the U.S. Midwest area, they like taken hold of Local Governments.
    The second video is out of context of the here and now of the ‘Freedom Convoy’, and a year old.
    I mean well, Sincerely LaVerne

    1. Laverne, I haven’t had time to look at all the videos, BUT I do think that this jew Benjamin Dichter is an enormous problem. Why do the jews insinuate themselves into every movement and every organization? How do you control the opposition, you become the opposition. Jews always get on all sides.
      That does not mean this movement is a failure, far from it! But it is up to all of us, with our creativity, resourcefulness, and steadfast resolve, to support the truckers and win this war!

    2. “Out of context”? Really?

      False “Nazi” comparisons and the smearing of patriots / of white nationalists as “haters” – often completely out of context – are a central to the Jewish anti-German hate propaganda, the manipulation of world opinion 24/7 for over a hundred years… surfacing in whatever context – even here in reference to the Freedom convoy… the Ottawa police… the Truedau government…

      There is an obsession with the “Nazis” and an underlying anti-German sentiment – always portraying Germans as the “ultimate Evil” … always present, a constantly looming threat… Sick.

      (quotes)”Shame on you, Ottawa police! You have officially become the badies. Brown shirts just following orders. The last time a country acted like that against its own citizens was: Germany in the 30’s. WAKE UP!” (WOW)…

      and more of the same disinformation and misconception: “I feel really bad for the ww2 generation knowing all their sacrifice was for naught. Evil wins through greed and deceit”

      More precisely – world communism won because of the Allies having fought for its victory. A “fight to the death” against those “evil Nazi Germans”.

      Such obsessive “Nazi” comparisons are out of context and simply false. Agreed?

  11. Will (((militarized police – “special forces”))) come for breakfast? Nope. Will they come for lunch? Nope. Will they come for dinner? Nope. Will they come like thieves at night? Maybe. – Watch out for the body snatchers descending upon the truckers when it is the least expected.

    Is something like that likely to happen? It would certainly cause a worldwide uproar…very bad publicity for the protagonists of the Jew World Disorder…

    The truckers would not be the first ones, arrested, falsely charged as “terrorists”, “insurrectionists” and thrown into prison.

    At least 9 million dollars of donation money – GONE? Effectively stolen by professional thieves? The “police” are thieves too? They stole the fuel? Nothing too embarrassing to them? And communication (phone, e-mail) was cut off? (((XXX))) want to steal everything they possibly can from the truckers to force them into submission, to give in and GO AWAY. No option for the truckers, or is it? They said they were there to stay until the mandates were lifted.

    Jewish organizers make for a Jew-controlled, Hollywood-Rambo style organization of the Freedom convoy… by putting up road blockades and barricades called “siege” and “occupation” by the police chief –
    a form of physical violence on the one hand to put on pressure – but claiming and following a code of strict non-violence on the other hand – obviously out of fear of the usual name-calling (“antisemitic white supremacists”, “terrorists”) but nonetheless not escaping it…

    The narrative is extremely controlled. Only about the freedom of choice to take or not to take a “vaccine”. No mentioning at all of the fact that the various “COVID vaccines” are in fact bioweapons, seriously maiming and killing lots of people! And that the staged “COVID pandemic” is in all aspects a Jewish genocidal operation (as was 9/11)!

    Such truthful criticism would be called “antisemitic”. It won’t happen – The leading, dominant spokesperson is Jewish. Not even a trucker himself.

    No place for the truth. Very concerning. The video description says it well.

    While killing us off… the haters of humanity organize “Unite against Hate” rallies… regurgitating ad nauseam their Holocaust propaganda lies–Rally-at-The-Florida-Holocaust-Museum

    1. We can see where this is going.

      Canadians, you cannot desert the truckers trapped in Ottawa now! They need the support of people coming into the city, regularly and in great numbers! It is the same confrontation everywhere – and we, The people must win…

      New Zealand


      1. Freedom fighters around the world – BEWARE of the Jew World Disorder ‘police’ tactics – escalation not de-escalation – coralling the peaceful protestors in – treating human beings like cattle… The privatized ‘police’ forces are the aggressors not the demonstrators – ordinary folk going for a stroll in the streets… harassing and terrorizing them by fencing them in… trying to provoke acts of violence… The people shouting “Peace! Freedom! Self-determination!” (Frieden! Freiheit! Selbstbestimmung!) are not the “terrorists”… msm lies – ramped up ritual defamation…

        by American international media – under Jewish-Zionist control

        1. THE SAME terror has been going on in Europe over the past years. The TERROR is everywhere, and the nations are waking up from their slumber in great numbers and start fighting for their freedom – The push back has always been ferocious..

          And so it begins in Canada against the Trucker movement

          The Yellow Vests’ grassroots movement originating in France has been treated EXACTLY in that aggressively violent way to totally suppress it – with no success – for it is life or death!!!

          Riot police using tear gas, even rubber bullets aimed at the eyes causing blindness…

          NO SCRUPLES at all to inflict serious bodily harm, even before 2020 when the inhumane (((tyrants))) started to roll out the global scamdemic to injure and kill as many people as possible by TOXIC INJECTIONS!!!

          Imagine!!! KILL SHOTS – BIOWEAPONS invented, produced by Jewish-owned pharma corporations, and forced upon the corrupt, bought off governments worldwide!!!

          Poisonous injections made compulsory!!! Mass murder by coercion, by mandate, by law!!!

          Under the guise of “necessary measures to PROTECT the health of the people’ – The most monstrous deceit. Wickedness beyond words!!!

          THE SAME mass murderous Communist Bolshevic RED TERROR from the past, as always financed by THE SAME financial mafia, now gone global.

          THE SAME deadly threat that Italian and Spanish fascists, and German National Socialists (smeared as “Nazis” by the Ziomedia) fought against to protect their nations. Mussolini, Franco and Hitler fought to defend and save their nations, not to destroy them.They were on the side of their peoples, which means on the right side of history.

          False comparisons prove nothing but ignorance, and the will to cause further mischief.

          1. It is far from over – There is no middleground – It is life or death…


            and (((they))) say so OPENLY and BRAZENLY

            (((Mass murderers and their lackeys))) cannot claim the moral high ground…

            The wheels are falling off their lies – (((They))) have lost the plot!!!

            WE, THE PEOPLE ARE THE RED LINE – Worldwide solidarity for freedom from “NWO” tyranny – No “Great Reset” – No to “Build Back Better” 666 Satanism right into the abyss…


          2. And as Dr. David Martin exposes, this Bio-Weapon has major ties to the University of British Columbia, in Canada. Trudeau has a major financial stake in it. This is why Queen Elizabeth washed her hands of this mess in Canada & made a statement as such, In the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Queen Elizabeth is recognizing in Law the Canadians fundamental Freedoms. This is why Britain/the Queen sent 1,500 trucks to Canada, as well. This is orchestrated is right, to take down the Pharma. This is why Canadian Military refuses to remove the Truckers.
            Stand Tall and Proud Canadians, you are taking down a Beast.

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