Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Recent Shows

I’ve had the privilege of participating in a number of shows lately, and am behind in posting them here. I hope you find the time to listen to one or two.

It was my first time to be a guest on Hammerstream. Three of us, Jaz Searby from Australia, “Hammer” from the US and I enjoyed a lively conversation about Alfred’s and my first hand experience of how the lies are protected by force, everything from the German court corruption to jailing the lawyers who do their job too well.

Hammerstream has a channel on Telegram, of which I am not yet a member, so they uploaded it to Bitchute for me – thanks Jaz!

Blood River Radio shows

Lately on Blood River Radio, we had Kathleen Dudley join us to tell us about Common Law, Sovereignty, asserting our natural God-given birthrights versus going along with the “Legal system” which manifests in the courts as Maritime law, or contract law. It is all done by trickery! Kathleen breaks it all down in very understandable english, in stark contrast to the legalese language that is made so purposefully impossible to understand. Oops, there’s a good word that we should know! Judge says “do you understand?” We say, “no, I do not stand under (your authority), but if you are asking if I comprehend the words you spoke, yes I comprehend.” Hour 2, 22 Jan 2022 Our interview begins around minute 9:30.

On January 29 we continued our discussion about the controversial constructs of Maritime law versus Natural law. We talked about how corrupt the entire system of justice in this country is, and how to regain our Natural rights. Hour 1, 29 Jan 2022. Interview begins at about minute 9:15.

During the second hour, Attorney Jason Robb responded to what Kathleen talked about in the first hour, and lots more. Hour 2 Jason Robb

Going chronologically backwards, Jan 15 Hour 1 BRR. We discussed the contradiction of, on the one hand the Plandemic is being exposed as a big lie even by mainstream sources, and on the other hand our criminal governments tighten their stranglehold on us in the name of keeping us all “safe”. Then H.A. “Buddy” Kirkland, 93 year old former member of the NYPD, presents his in-depth and thorough investigative report on the tragic case in Georgia involving three innocent White men who were railroaded by the out-of-control communist penal system. A career negro criminal was caught red-handed in the act of committing a felony – just one in a long series of crimes, many of which turned violent. Three White men, a father and son duo along with a neighbour, attempted to detain the negro for questioning – that’s when things turned tragic. To make a long story short: all 3 Whites are now incarcerated serving life for the accidental killing of a black career-criminal. What a travesty! Imagine reversing the colours of the people involved… would it be handled differently?

Hour 2 Jan 15 Fred Leuchter joined us. Fred has such a depth of knowledge about history – always interesting! We covered quite a lot, including that Hitler got Germany out of the jewish money system, which of course the Jews did not like! We also touched on the illusion of power and control and how we need to reclaim our sovereignty.

Now we go all the way back to the New Years Day show on BRR. The subject matter is very heavy, but extremely important, because this example of brutal murder by blacks of a young white couple is all too common. The mainstream media give these stories as little attention as they can get away with, so it is vital that the alternative media such as Blood River Radio talk about these things. Rayn Owens, the Alabama Chairman of the League of the South tells the story about the terror, torture and murder of 23 year old Hugh Christopher Newsome Jr and 21 year old Channon Gail Christian. Our intention had been to cover other issues in the second hour, but when it came down to it, we needed the two hours for this important story. We know that if the colours were reversed for perpetrator and victim, the MSM would be on it 24/7. So these two hours are really just barely doing justice to the story. Hour 1. Hour 2.

16 Responses

  1. Hardly anybody commenting here anymore? Lost interest?


    The most heinous crimes against humanity under cover of a fake pandemic – NWO depopulation agenda – sterilization – global mass murder by forced toxic injections…

    The criminals must be stopped and brought to justice – Can it be done? How?

    An international people’s court?

    I am deeply grateful for all the hard working courageous people who never give up and keep trying to make a difference – a breakthrough might be happening – some day – somehow

    1. English versions –
      Lawyer Rainer Füllmich

      A people’s court based on natural law

      So far so good…. except for “experts from Israel”… as long as this layer of DECEPTION is not pulled off, the picture is not yet complete…

      … and the Canadian truckers better become aware that The Manifest of their Freedom convoy was written by Jewish influencers (no “conspiracy theories”, “hate symbols” bla bla) to control the narrative and opposition – to protect the Jewish lies and culprits , the Hollywood version of history by refering to the “Nuremberg Code”, as if the Nürnberg lynch trials (No defence, no evidence allowed on behalf of the German defendants! The dogma of Jewish victimhood! No justice!) were the ultimate and best example to follow…the truth, the whole truth needs to come to light

      1. Frey, I did want to mention I am making use of that Bishop Richard Williamson video you posted on Alfred’s Forbidden Christmas Card comment. That is where my attention still remained, the holocaust hoax. The Bishops reference to the holohoax and covid is perfect examples of this mess. We must not forget that Pope Pius XII was helping deliver Adolf’s many generous Peace Treaties. And till the day he died (Oct. 9th, 1958) he refused to say publicly anything against the Nazi’s.

    2. Frey, I watch, I listen, I look up what gets posted, I’m thankful. But I’ve lived my life in peace these last 2 years because people for the most part are followers, is that not what the propaganda against our German brothers and sisters taught us.? There is a “Harvest” going on, who am I to stand in the way of it. Find comfort in the Sun, its warmth, it is the source of life.

  2. Once again, dear Monika, you have provided me with more thoughtful and engaging podcasts to sit back, listen to and reflect upon during these cold winter months. Thank you so very much.

  3. … but you do know I prefered not to “be right” on this one…

    do not want to sound pessimistic – but the border blockades needed to be ended by the truckers themselves and immediately – Who appointed the Jews for their positions in organizing the convoy, as spokespersons? A change in leadership and course of action is necessary – The control over the donation money needed to be taken away from them…

    If nothing of that kind will be done, the escalation of violence is pre-programmed and the outcome predictable… Hoping for the best is not enough – If good leadership is lacking..☹️☹️☹️

    1. The funding of the FREEDOM convoy

      More than 10 million Canadian dollar donation money held back… and the FREEDOM convoy smeared as “antisemitic white supremacist” movement…

      which means NO SELF-DEFENCE allowed for the opponents of the COMMUNIST RED TERROR –

      NO PROTEST allowed against the mass murder genocide by toxic injections and global tyranny of Jewish supremacists

      Their message: Keep your mouths shut, slaves!

      Time to take control back… a worldwide endeavor

  4. “In spite of it all, this convoy has broken the dark spell…They cannot get the genie back in the bottle… The world is awakening”

    This is undoubtedly true.

    Yet – you cannot expect different results if the same mistakes are made all over again, and nothing done to remedy the damage.

    Awareness of the JQ? Are most of the truckers aware WHO the enemy within is? WHO they are up against? How can they accept Jewish leadership in the first place, and expect anything good coming from that? Blocking the US-Canadian border is not a smart move, counter-productive to their own cause. It plays into the hands of the Jewish tyrants. (((They))) love the division among the vaccinated and unvaccinated truckers. The blockades will cause the break-down of the supply lines, and will turn into hunger blockades! Empty shelves and starving people will turn public opinion against the truckers and create the pretext for the military to step in and heavily crack down on them… At that point it will be easy to pick them up one by one and drag them away…

    Very nasty indeed.

    And will there be enough public support to protect them in any shape or form?

    “They will pull out nasty stuff in their attempt to prevent the inevitable…”

    (((They))) are doing that constantly. Bioterrorism! The illnesses and deaths caused by the “COVID” bioweapons called “vaccines” will be skyrocketing, and be blamed on the phantom “pandemic” and on the unvaccinated to highten the pressure.

    Weather warfare! The manipulation of the weather by chemtrailing and HAARP causing horrendous catastrophes called “natural disasters” are blamed on man-made “climate-change”

    Directed Energy Weapons (DEW)!

    5G – Electromagnetic warfare! Killing nature and people!

    These are all military operations against us The people! These mercenaries must be totally corrupt and braindead.

    (((They))) want total chaos and war. Now the Ukraine is once again being used to create a crisis, a military conflict with Russia – constantly poking and provoking the Russian bear… and it is always the Anglo-Americans sending more troops into continental Europe, always meddling, never learning, always bringing the threat of war, more death and destruction, always dragging others in…

    The peoples of continental Europe are WAITING for the Anglo-American world to finally WAKE UP, and THROW OFF the shackles of the Jewish supremacists, psychopathic tyrants who want to immerse the whole world into a hellish inferno…

    Only a higher consciousness can save humanity and the world.

    To prevent that from happening (((they))) are ramping up the usual “Holocaust”, “antisemitism”, “Nazi”, “racism” “Jewish victimhood” propaganda – yawn – and there are still the many who fall for the same old stale crap. False comparisons. Lack of knowledge.

    We will see… Time will tell…

  5. In full support of the Canadian truckers

    Hopefully, they have planned thoroughly and well ahead, and filled their trucks with food… to be able to hold out for weeks if the support with food by volunteers should be getting less or will it be McDonald’s trash food for weeks? The strategy of the “authorities” will be to totally ignore them… that’s how the Yellow Vests movement in France gets treated… and to starve them out…

    and hopefully the supply lines in Canada won’t break down because of this FREEDOM action – Such a break-down would work into the hands of the tyrants…

    Some may say that Europe should follow the Canadian example – I would not agree to that because in European countries we do our protests differently – Not only protests in the capitals of Berlin, Vienna or Paris – but the people turn out into the streets on a regular basis in the cities and towns ALL OVER the countries – and the opposition to the tyranny is gaining strength – the more pressure the more righteous the anger… the hunger for freedom increasing…

    In the UK, Denmark and Ireland all restrictions were lifted – for good? The staged pandemic called off? Is this really true or fake news?

    Not so in Austria and Germany. It is getting worse here.The opposition growing.

    1. I have heard that Trudeau has funded antifa to the tune of $44 million. There are many infiltrators, and apparently they are beginning to cause havoc. Any “incidents” or “racist flags” are coming from them. The “spokesman” is a Jew who is not even a trucker. His name is Benjamin Dichter. Apparently he has also taken control of the donation money. We can see where this is going. But at the same time, there are MANY truckers and supporters who are fully aware and awake. They are there for the long run. Prepared to spend months.

        1. Oh my goodness!

          The Manifesto! Jewish fingerprints all over! The organizers, the money collector, the brains behind the convoy are Jews! If this is playing out like another “Arab Spring” scenario, martial law will be declared and the military will dissolve the protests… the hopes smashed, we The people screwed again.

          The truckers are totally unaware? They better read The Manifesto – and understand that we can easily be duped by words – by good sounding words – good only on the surface. Communists NEVER fulfill the promises they make.

          That is very disappointing. I hoped they would be careful enough not to be co-opted. But it happened again. Another “Occupy movement”, another failure in the making?☹️☹️☹️

          1. In spite of it all, this convoy has broken the dark spell. It is as if the people have come back to consciousness after a flash-freeze that lasted 2 years. They cannot get the genie back in the bottle. We are winning this war! I think the jews are squirming with fear, they are in their death throes, which means they will pull out nasty stuff in their attempt to prevent the inevitable. But they are done. The world is awakening.

          2. Meanwhile in France…


            Meanwhile in Germany…


            In Finland, Norway, Sweden the “COVID” threat (Certificate Of Vaccination IDentification – digital “Green Pass” for totalitarian enslavement to the fringe minority of Jewish supremacists, an international genocidal cabal of mafia criminals) banned? All restrictions for the untested and unvaccinated lifted? Or fake news?

            …the fight for FREEDOM worldwide is far from over.

            The main culprits and those complicit to the most heinous crimes against humanity must be removed from power. Justice must be served. World peace preserved. NO MORE MEDDLING of Anglo-American troops in Continental Europe!

            LEAVE Russia in peace!
            LEAVE the Ukrainians in peace!
            LEAVE the European continent in peace!

            LEAVE! GO AWAY!
            You bring war, death, and destruction.

            We Europeans have had enough!!!

            ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

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