Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Prosecutor Appeals: Asking More Jail-time for Alfred Schaefer for Speaking in Court!


If you think it is bizarre that a person can be jailed for the things they say in their defence in court for an alleged speech crime, hold on tight, this will blow your socks off. The Muppet Show continues. Alfred will be back in court on November 12, 2019, to face his inquisitors. Why? The 18 month prison sentence (which is in addition to the 38 months he is already serving) is not enough – according to the prosecution.

Almost one year ago on the 26th of October 2018, the final day of the Schaefer Sibling Trial in Germany, the judge sentenced me (Monika) to 10 months – time served – prison, and my brother Alfred Schaefer to 38 months prison. This was not for theft, vandalism, murder or rape, no, this was for having “wrong-think” about our history. It was for making videos, educating the public about what is really going on in the world, and in my case for an apology to my mother in my “Sorry mom, I was wrong about the holocaust” video. Transcript here.

During the 20 day trial, there were several instances when the judge interrupted Alfred to warn him that the things he was saying could lead to additional charges. Alfred waved those warnings off and said,

You want to lock me up for 6 million years anyway, so I will continue because I am simply speaking truth.

On 8.8. 2019 those additional charges led to the added sentence of 18 months (article here). Both sides are appealing. The prosecutor had asked for 24 months at the time, and is not satisfied with 18 months. If they get their 24 months, the total sentence would be over 5 years. All for speaking peacefully.

Meanwhile there are countless examples of rape and/or assault by “new Germans” which garner far lighter sentences than that, because “they don’t understand our culture” in the words of the judges.

When history comes to you enforced by law, you can count on one thing being for certain: it is a lie. Why else would they legislate a story into existence? Can it get any more brazen than when they make it impossible to make a defence in court, to explain how you have reached your conclusions, or to bring forth evidence which support your conclusions?! How can any thinking person not see the Orwellian tyranny in this? Words elude me.

Through all this, Alfred remains in good spirits. His letters radiate triumph. I know from experience that when you have truth on your side, it is easy to keep your spirits up, and to feel free in heart and mind and soul, even when physically in prison. It also helps immensely to know that we are not alone. Our enemies try their best through their psychological warfare to make us think we are “lone nut-cases”, when nothing is further from the truth.

Just a reminder: letters and postcards are immensely appreciated not only by the political prisoner but also for the authorities to see that the prisoner is not forgotten. Alfred Schaefer’s address: Stadelheimer Str. 12, 81549 Munich, Germany. 

69 Responses

  1. Dear all,

    I want you let you know that Alfred’s trial is on 12th of November 09:00 am in room A229, Nymphenburger Str. 16, Munich.

    It would be very important that all people who are on the side of the German folk will take part as audience.

    Moreover you can also help Alfred by spending him money on his prison account:

    LJK BAMBERG FUER JVA MUENCHEN, IBAN DE34 7005 0000 0000 0249 19, BIC BYLADEMMXXX purpose of payment: Alfred Schaefer born on 30. Januar 1955

  2. >>> “You want to lock me up for 6 million years anyway, so I will keep speaking the truth”

    the truth isn’t welcome in any courtroom these days

    1. Mr. Shalomo
      You sound so resentful! Are you jealous? No question that the Jews are very clever,
      and there will always be those who profit from the misery of others and I don’t believe you can put one race or face on that situation although you continue to let forth the same vitriol over and over, blaming the jews – and then claim that German National socialists did no such thing. Surely you agree with that part of the history. But it would be so simple to blame everything on one group of humans as you do but in doing so your blinkered vision will keep you stuck in the fringe group that goes no where and accomplishes only the return of the contempt you have given for others. I have not seen one legitimate historical source that you can quote as evidence for your stance nor have you told me what your own historical credentials are. I’m willing to look at that. Meanwhile the real historians, seekers of truth and peace and the true scholars will carry on. One great man said “an eye for an eye will only end up making the whole world blind.”

      1. To Dagmar: Did I sent you my 1st hand experience with #88 Auschwitz to your personal email and our (Sigmund & I) in 1995 at the pope’s visit to NYC? I dressed as a Catholic priest (I’m Atheist). Sigmund had picture copies Nazis took when Sigmund entered Auschwitz. Also brochures from a Catholic/jew org. in Edmonton, Canada. I was dressed as a priest, as what better way to get around NYC during the pope visit? Sigmund was a sonderkommando (jew allegedly pulling bodies out of gas chambers) as the lie goes. Sigmund was protesting Catholicism because of Pope Pius XII.

        I had just become a Holocaust TRUTHER. showing Zundel tapes “Another voice of Freedom). I never let Sigmund know I was on the other side, took him to dinner with a ladyfriend posing and dressed as a Catholic Nun. Sigmund certainly did NOT know his chemistry about Zykon B, explosion proof lighting needed for the gas, gas mask usage, sealing doors and much more, but blurted lies like Niagara Falls blurts water. I did let Sigmund know years later on his blog, but he never answered me back.

        Monika: May I post that picture on this blog or would you?

        1. No David you didn’t but that’s ok, we won’t see eye to eye on it I”m sure lol. Still I hope you are safe and taking time to smell the roses as they say and enjoying this great weather we have right now on the coast. Thank you for being civil with me.

      2. >>>I don’t believe you can put one race or face on that situation although

        blah blah blah

        who cares what you believe?

        jews have controlled the media in western countries for half a century at least, that’s why everyone has heard of Mengele and the 60 million but nobodys ever head of Genrikh Yagoda or the Holodomor you idiot

  3. Pope Pius did give up his poping in 1958 when he died, and was Pope during WWII. Now I hope I make it until 02032020 for results, if any.

    1. I do know that but I believe the inquiry is more into how well the vatican ” helped” the Italian Jews who were being rounded up at the time. This from an Italian Newspaper-

      “The two faces Italy displayed toward Jewish citizens and refugees just before and during World War II have become the focus of recent historical research that both undermines that country’s wartime image as a nation of benign captors, and rekindles memories of heroic Italian individuals.”

      1. poor jews

        when will there be a study and some concern over how jews in the NKVD treated small business owners and upper middle class Latvians, Lithuanians and Estonians after the Soviet takeover in 1941?

        they sent them to the gulags

  4. (Suggestions for DIN-A4 flyers – repetitions are inevitable and intented)

    #Pro-White Activism – How to Stop the Perpetrators of Genocide
    #2020 is going to be a “Holocaust Remembrance Year”
    (((The falsifiers of history))) are ramping up the anti-German, anti-White psychological warfare propaganda to a hysterical pitch! The most malicious Jewish lies – non-stop – until you only want to throw up! Let’s make it a “TRUE History Remembrance Year”! Let’s learn about reality!

    “The purpose of history, as I see it, is to uncover the forces which move the pawns on the chessboard of the world. This and only this is real history, and anything else, in the final analysis, is of no intrinsic value.” (Willis A. Carto)

    Provable historical facts! GERMAN GENOCIDE – HOLOCAUST of WWII. The Anglo-American Allied firebombing of the German cities to kill as many German civilians as possible. KILLING FOR THE SAKE OF KILLING. The masterminds and controllers were: Jews. Zionists. Communists. Capitalists. Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin were hidden Jews subservient to the City of London / Wall St DEEP STATE financial powers responsible for engineering the two world wars. We need historical truth & justice for Germans! The truth is “hate“ only for the haters of truth, mass murdering Jews. Speaking and exposing the truth is not a crime, it’s free speech, our inalienable, God given right! Use it or lose it! Who are the haters? Who are the terrorists? (((Genocidal Jews, Communists, Zionists, Jewish supremacists))) are the haters, terrorists and mass murderers! Talk about the horrific Jewish crimes! The fact that most of the world is being kept in the dark about these enormous crimes is proof that most of the media are in the hands of the Jewish perpetrators!

    #Post-Apartheit South Africa – The true horrors of the “rainbow nation“ – The Jewish obsession with hatred for the white race – BOER GENOCIDE (continued)

    The (((Jewish puppet masters))) behind the Communist Black South African government decided to change the constitution so they can seize white peoples’ property without compensation. The “Black Land First“ party in South Africa does not hide their genocidal intentions towards the Whites (Kill the Boers! Kill the Whites!) Blacks are being used as proxies to torture and murder white farmers in South Africa! The liberal Whites thought that if they stood with the Blacks against the Whites they would be protected, but have had a rude awakening. The white Boers settled in South Africa before the Blacks and built the country but the seizure of land owned by Whites in South Africa has begun; the banks (((owned by – guess who?))) have said that Whites who have their land seized are still liable to pay the mortgages on it… What has happened to the Whites in South Africa: The BOER GENOCIDE by the Round Table / Jews Disraeli / Rothschild / Rhodes / Milner Group, queen Victoria’s prime minister using the British military, THEFT of LAND & RESOURCES, gold and diamond mines by greedy Jews – COMMUNIST MANIFESTO. DISPOSSESSION. GENOCIDE is planned for Whites across the world. (((Genocidal Jews))) have been the driving force for what has been done to the Boers, to the Russians, to the Ukrainians, to the Germans since WWI, to the Palestinians since 1948…

    MULTIPLE GENOCIDES! (((Mass murdering Jews))) are the most vindictive, mean-spirited, vile psychopaths. To them it’s “religion” to dispossess and kill tens of millions of people who stand in their way, their Talmudic rabbis (of the Synagogue of Satan) teach them to do so… in their unholy books, the Satanic Babylonian Talmud:

    ”THE JEWISH PEOPLE as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain WORLD DOMINION by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this NEW WORLD ORDER the children of [fake] Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the JEWISH RULERS to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have ALL THE PROPERTY of the whole world in their hands.” (Baruch Levy, 1879)

    1. To Freya and all: This AM reading, our local newspaper, the Vatican is going to release records on WWII and the alleged Holocaust. Day of release is reported to be 02 March 2020. Pray or prey.

          1. duh, because it has come to light that after Mussolini’s alliance with Hitler, Italian Jews were stripped of their assets. Plus there are many existing records of Italians helping Jews to get out the country . The question is only that – did the Pope condone this or not! Why don’t you guys read more history besides just what supports your own set of beliefs. Brought up Catholic, very interested in church history – a lot of which is less than holy, and also have an open mind.

        1. Pius 12 was also a bishop or something in Germany before becoming the Pope in the Vatican.

          A Sondokommando I met in NYC 1995, #88 Auschwitz from Edmonton Canada jew/Catholic organization was picketing whomever was Pope in 1995 while the Pope was parading in NYC. The jew/Catholic org. wanted Pius 12 “exposed” as a Nazi or something like that. I was posing as a Catholic priest (I’m a born again Atheist} and interviewed Sigmund privately for over 3 hours. He was (died in Cuba} a GR8 liar. I had been showing/watching Zundel tapes, so questioned him about the gas, doors, lights, etc. while he did not know I was a Holocaust Truther until years later when I posted a “Thank you” and explained to him what I really was when we met with my picture of the 2 of us on his blog.

      1. the current pope is a whore of the jews so don’t expect anything significant unless it makes Christians look bad

        1. …Except that Pius XII’s file is empty. Maybe with some adequate forgeries… thanks to the team up at the Vatican since Roncalli…
          Someone came up somewhere with Mussolini stripping the Jews of their assets… must have been after the Sarfati… so what?

      2. dagmir goldbergstein said:

        >>> “Why don’t you guys read more history besides just what supports your own set of beliefs.”

        since you’re so open-minded why don’t you research and tell us how at the end of the Soviet Union jewish oligarchs managed to loot the large state-owned properties?

        or maybe let us know about the jews in the U.S. who got rich buying up the properties of interned Japanese-Americans for pennies on the dollar because of (((inside connections)))

        or maybe tell us how many million Christians the jewish mass murderer Genrikh Yagoda killed?

        do tell us more about these poor jews

      3. >>> “it won’t be a holocaust denial.”

        jews are the original deniers – NYT aka Jew York Times denied the Ukrainian Holodomor

  5. You are right.

    In mitigation, I’d say that illiteracy and total absence of a proper culture are mostly the cause which produces such gullible (often well-meaning) people sarcastically dubbed “useful idiots” (more or less what the real Germans label as „Gutmenschen“ by there very remote-controllers. These naïve people can’t even be labelled as traitors to the simple truth and to their equals. They are the instruments par excellence of the rodents.

    This also accounts for the ever-dwindling levels of schooling and education in all of our countries. Helots are easy, comfortable, and unexpensive to handle.

    1. Just a correction: instead of ” by there very remote-controllers.” please read ” by their very remote-controllers” (I suspect a trick from the so-called ‘artificial intelligence’ triggerring an automated corrector). Thank you.

  6. #Pro-White Activism – How to Stop the Perpetrators of Genocide
    #2020 is going to be a “Holocaust Remembrance Year”
    (((The falsifiers of history))) are pushing their anti-German, anti-White psychological warfare propa-ganda to a hysterical pitch! The most malicious Jewish lies – non-stop – until you only want to throw up! Let’s make it a “TRUE History Remembrance Year”! Let’s learn about reality! Provable historical facts! We need truth & justice! The truth is “hate“ only for the haters of truth – for the (((mass murdering Jews)))! Speaking the truth is not a crime, it’s free speech, our inalienable, God given right! Use it or lose it! Who are the haters? Who are the terrorists? (((Genocidal Jews, Communists, Zionists, Jewish supremacists))) are the haters and terrorists! Expose the truth about the horrific Jewish crimes! The fact that most of the world is ignorant about these enormous crimes is proof that most of the global media are in the hands of the Jewish perpetrators!

    #HUGE THEFTS – LIES – HOAXES – CRIMES – TOOLS used to establish tremendous Jewish power. Incessant Jewish lies about Germany (Hitler, “Nazis”), Afghanistan (Taliban), Iraq (Saddam Hussein), Libya (Ghadafi), Iran (Ahmadineschad), Syria (Assad), Russia (Putin)… national leaders as bogey men… and self-created enemies (al Qaeda, ISIS)… international Jewish false flag terror operations… 9/11 & others… constant efforts to keep the wars going and start new ones… on Russia, Iran, China… (WWIII) Only useful idiots still believe the Jewish lies and cannot see how they spin the most idiotic narratives… to push the Jew World Order agenda. “War is Peace”, the peace of graveyards, vast KILLING FIELDS… culling down the nations of the white race over centuries! The SYSTEM OF THE 8th BEAST of Revelation promising “Peace by War” is failing… The (((Jewish psychopaths))) have overplayed their hand! The breaking point is approaching. The PARASITIC FRAUDULENT SCHEMES have reached gigantic proportions:

    – “Federal Reserve” FIAT MONEY HOAX since 1913 / DEBT SLAVERY SYSTEM enriching & empowering international organized Jewry while exploiting and enslaving all non-Jews
    – “German Villainy” HATE PROPAGANDA HOAX to instigate WWI + II / to genocide, totally plunder, destroy, extort and enslave the German nation, most productive and progressive at the time
    – Jewish Zionist “ISRAEL” HOAX since 1948 by pretending that “Jews” are Israelites (of the tribe of Judah but they are not – IDENTITY THEFT! Jewish Almanac 1980: Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a “Jew” or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew), falsely claiming a “biblical right” to occupy Palestine as “Jewish homeland” / “Greater Israel” from the Euphrates to the Nile / Jerusalem (Zion) as center of a JEWISH WORLD! GLOBAL ZIONISM GLOBAL COMMUNISM / GLOBAL SATANISM / GLOBAL SLAVERY! HELL ON EARTH!
    – Hollywood MOON LANDING HOAX since the sixties / Where did all the trillions go? Hidden budgets… advanced research and highly developed technology kept secret by the Jewish “Deep State” rulers of America, the western world – D.U.M.B.S – Deep Underground hide away system…
    – Hollywood “SIX MILLION” HOAX since the seventies / multi-billion “reparations” extortion racket to finance the existence of the parasitic “Israel” entity, a carefree life for Jewish hoaxsters
    – US-Jewish Zionist transnational “EUROPEAN UNION” slavery & extortion racket / Deep State project to destroy white European sovereign nation states and abolish national self-determination
    – Hollywood 9/11 FALSE FLAG TERROR HOAX / Where did the trillions go that “went missing” before 9/11 from the Pentagon’s purse? What’s the rabbi’s name who held the strings?
    – “WAR ON TERROR” HOAX since 2001 / TERROR & WARS as multi-trillion extortion rackets by the Jewish Deep State financial powers, the military-industrial “national security” complex – to wage war on all opponents to the JEW WORLD ORDER TYRANNY (the 8th BEAST)
    – “GLOBAL WARMING” / “CLIMATE CHANGE by CO2” HOAX / global CO2-tax extortion racket to exploit and enslave all of humanity, by taxing & controlling all aspects of life

    HUGE HOAXES are the dripping stones the Jewish mafia terrorists have created for themselves. The last straw will break the camel’s back. Don’t the liars know that? The “gods ruling the planet”? Jewish power relies on lies and deceit! On the gullibility of the deceived – a HOUSE OF CARDS tumbling down… The truth is out, and nothing can stop the truth. Jews must fear the truth and want to totally suppress it, create a “post-truth world”, a world without truth, by criminalizing the truth tellers! By creating HELL ON EARTH, where truth is no defense, where truth is the “criminal offense”! The environment demons enjoy. The BIG CRASH will bring the BIG BACKLASH! After over a hundred years of the most excessive “money printing”, extortion, exploitation, blackmail and corruption, the next FINANCIAL COLLAPSE is overdue. The next pre-planned step to JEWISH WORLD TYRANNY by trying to foist upon the world a ONE-WORLD CURRENCY (“digital money”): TOTAL GLOBAL CONTROL – TOTAL GLOBAL SLAVERY! “Most convenient” only for the Jewish slave masters! SCAMMING the world won’t work… The world will throw up and spew them out! The (((Self-Chosenites))) will fail… and fall back into the bottomless pit… They do all they possibly can to bring it upon themselves!

    1. Excellent summary, Freya. Inevitably comes the time when most sly cheater has to show his cards. Their boat is now sinking fast. We will see it happening and we will make them accountable for their deeds.

    2. To Freya: Wonderful article, but forgive me for additions. I only wish I could write like You, or Mike Walsh or Kaminski.
      1:There is another group of terrorists, the Christian left that believe jews are Gods chosen people.
      2.Your comment “Only useful idiots still believe the Jewish lies…” seems to be 90% of the US White population or there are many closet Truthers, and the problem is getting worst. Our schools teach Holocaust lies instead of critical thinking, our U.S. news media is totally controlled by jews.

      1. >>>1:There is another group of terrorists, the Christian left that believe jews are Gods chosen people.

        My God told me I’m second-best and if i suck enough jew d*ck i’ll get into heaven

        1. Congratulations, you’ve put it – abruptly but efficiently – in a nutshell. The rodents’ game is deceitfully simple; they play the match in each and every available team (“by means of deception” – remember?) according to a strategy which the French delightfully labelled « entrisme » (in English, a form of infiltration known as “entryism”; a technique brought to a rare point of refinement and efficiency by the « lambertistes » – a “dissident” group of Trotskyists) so as to make sure that should their non-elected ones win… they’ll still be there, to eat up the enemy from the core.

  7. YES, Alfred and others have/are taking the “…FULL BRUNT”. I had suggested when Monika went to prison Jan. 2019 that an “insurance company” be set up, giving these people $$ on their release. I went to a federal prison for -2 years when 20, but my parents supported me. The “suggestee” did less than nothing.

    WE can not just “preach to the choir”. We have to preach to those misfortunate that have been deceived by the N(j)ew World Order. I did preach to the misfortunate for ~25 years, but after a few physical beatings and now 85+, I’ve had to go back to the “choir”, as there’s no one to protect my back(side). The beatings escalated this year.

  8. The Jews move in incremental steps. In America we think we still have the Constitution, but if we have a Civil War, they can declare martial law and shut down all free speech, just like they did whenever the US was engaged in a (((Jew created))) war. In Jew controlled Soviet Russia, there were secret trials, secret witnesses, no right to face one’s accuser. This is Jewish Talmudic Law operates and it is very different to Aryan Common Law. They could not subvert Justice if they didn’t do things the Jewish way. Look at what the Jews are doing now to Donald Trump, who has done so much for the Jews. The last half of the broadcast is MSM, and they call the so called Justice System they are using “Soviet” Style. I wish they could call it “Jewish ” Style.

  9. I think it was Christopher Bollyn who said that Germany is still under U.S. occupation since the end of WWII. Supposedly never signed a peace treaty. The German judicial system is just as rotten and corrupt as the U.S. judicial system. Here’s one example of how rotten the U.S. judicial system has become: There’s a lot more … Ross’ is the most egregious.

    Look at all the obese Americans running around in WalMart buying the unhealthy food. Now that we are the so-called world “leader”, the obesity epidemic has spread around the world.

  10. Hello, dear Monica! Your news about your brother is very upsetting. Thank God, in Russia there is no law about Lohokoste, a Loh means a deceived fool.
    With best wishes!

    1. …but I saw Putin on camera sitting with Chabad Lubowitsch people (black clothing, black hats, beard).
      Putin stated, that the HC is of course an evident historical reality. That’s for sure… of course.
      I think, he sold his country like Woodrow Wilson did for just some numbers on paper – for hot air.

      1. With one remarkable nuance: the Russians (and Putin) have had the handling manual for centuries now… the Americans, on the other end… are still engaged in the costly learning and discovering process… a “giant” step short from a healthy liberating reaction.

        Still… a powder keg is totally inert a fraction of a second before the explosion.

        Keep watch for boats starting to leave the American harbours to look for the next welcoming shores (if any at all)… a sure signal that most American people will have awaken (too late)…

  11. It is evident, that thousands of Jews lied under oath to vilify the Germans, my people.
    They invented such cruel, physically impossible and absurd things, every other human being is unable even to think of.
    Of course this dirt and lies can only be maintained by force, by repression – putting another crime on the huge heap of their guilt.
    I just read about the Lüftl-Trial. Mister Lüftle was the president of the austrian Chamber of Engineers. He got in contact with several delegates, authorities and media people – just to make a case against an additional and absurd law to protect jewish lies.
    …and he succeeded!
    Lüftl stated, that lots of testemonies were complete nonsence.
    In the trial against Lüftl the prosecutor(!) brought in an “expert”, he could be sure, thinking and knowing completely within the orthodox HC mainstream.
    This expert was Prof. Jagschitz, an historian.
    Jagschitz testified, that he read about 5.000 – 7.000 testemonies of jewish “witnesses”. Excluding technically aspects resp. impossibilties Jagschitz found 2/3 of the jewish testemonies false – saying this in front of the austrian judge.

    Okay. If I was such a liar, just caught in front of the public – I would be ugly ashamed.
    Not so our jewish friends. They put even the next lie on the heap and lobby for the next law, to protect their lies, being even more worse.
    That’s the difference between us and them.

    Alfred get’s his weekly newsletter with lot’s of unbelievable news and absurdities from the daily muppet show of Germany.
    As long Alfred doesn’t walk free of the jewish inquisitions prison, no one is free.

  12. Youtube is censoring like crazy. Youtube took down Red Ice, Brian Ruhe and many others. I was listening to a Christian site on youtube called TruNews, which has pretty good news, and they are very anti Zionist and very anti Christian Zionist, but the main guy is of German descent and believes in the Holocaust of the Jews lie. I kept getting the suggestion for other youtubes, and one was of various Jewish Holocaust “survivors”. I posted these two Jewish Holocaust survivor’s youtubes on one of my facebook pages, don’t remember which one because my Catherine page got a fresh 30 day block. In both of these youtubes, these women were pushing the lie about German homicidal gas chambers. If it weren’t so evil and tragic, it is almost funny to see them dancing around their lies. One of the Holocaust Jewish Liars was presenting to college students and the other to teachers. In neither one did I hear a drop of compassion for the Germans, and one said she was in Hamburg when it was bombed. Sort of similar to how many of the thousands or millions of Jews who received the Odigo Israeli Text or got the Jew call called police or fire, they just let the Gentiles die.

  13. Today, Oct 23, is my Oma’s Anna birthday; she died in 1981 and had moved back to Germany in the 1970’s, but we saw her a lot because my father worked for an airline. I woke up this morning thinking of my Grandparent’s best friends Henry and Mina Leiplein. Both my Grandfather and Henry Leiplein were athletes. My Grandparents and the Leipleins moved to New York in the late 20’s early 30’s because of the economic difficulties (((our friends))) caused. They used to go to a lot of German National Socialist meetings in New York. The Leiplein’s little son, about 10 or 12 years old, was playing ball in the street and was run over by a Jew. Another one of my Grandparent’s friends used to put up German Natl. Socialist flags after Germany had military victories, they were hauled before the judge in New York and their son was drafted into WWII. My Grandfather was the oldest of 21 children, 19 lived to adulthood. My grandparents only had two children because of the Great Depression and because of being separated by immigration. My father’s older brother enlisted and was used as human bait in the Philippines to see if there were Japanese on the island. My father was drafted at 17 out of High School and was in boot camp when his brother was killed, yet he didn’t get out of the Army and had to fight against Germany in Northern Italy. Several of my German Uncles were captured by the Russians and spent years in Gulags in Siberia. I think they didn’t come home to Germany until 1955. My Grandfather’s youngest brother came home from Russian Gulags in 1955 only to be thrown in jail in Germany for supposed war crimes, after WWII, my Grandfather was the only one of the other 18 siblings to write to his youngest brother because the others still lived in Germany and were afraid of being harassed. My Grandmother Anna’s youngest sister was married to an SS officer who was tortured to death in France. The youngest brother of my Maternal Grandmother was down to 89 pounds after being shot up at the end of WWII, luckily my Great Grandfather worked for the railroads and my Uncle Michael and Great Grandmother had to travel to bring him food every day. I never met my Maternal Grandmother because she died from Lupis in 1953, the same year my Paternal Grandmother died. All the girls in my Maternal Grandmother’s family had auto immune diseases like MS or Lupis, and one girl died at age six. The years they were growing up were the years of the starvation blockade. I had sort of forgotten about all these family tragedy caused by the Jews. We grew up in a neighborhood in New York where Uncles had been killed in WWII by the Germans. My father had pretty bad untreated PTSD and would inexplicably fly into rages. I was the only child in my family who went to Public Gov’t School where the Jews dominated and was subjected to all their hateful lies, and I had bad things done to me in work situations by Jews. I went to Public School from Catholic School right after my Grandfather died. Another horrible statistic was what was done to the Russian Christians. I don’t feel well when I think of the deeply evil and sociopathic people who call themselves God’s chosen. If the Holocaust of six million happened, we would not continue to be oppressed by God’s chosen. Sometimes I really wonder what is going on here and wonder if these self chosen will ever get the justice they deserve.

      1. Hi Ivernazza. I was just saying what they call themselves. I do not think the (((Tribe’s))) actions indicate that they have anything remotely to do with any God, Creator, any sense of Goodness. Israel murders a Palestinian child every 3 days for the last 11 years. The Jews who took over Russia murdered 66 million Russian Christians, often using torture, and 40 million Ukrainian Christians by stealing their food. There are films of the Russian Jewish Commisairs coming in and taking not only every last drop of food, but even tools, and patting a little boy on the head, knowing that is his death. The Jews and the Tressoloniki Free Masons were responsible for the Genocide of Armenian Christians, and they used Kurds to kill the Armenian Christians because they promised the Kurds they would get the Armenian’s homes, and they crucified young Armenian girls. The Irish Potato Famine was in fact at gunpoint food confiscation, and we know this from the food shipment records published in the newspapers, and this was done because the Irish Nobility got in debt to the Jewish Bankers because the Jewish Bankers were practicing exorbitant usury. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion call for getting rid of the Christian Kings, because the Christian Kings were all which stood in the way of the Jews totally ruling the host countries. The Jews accused Austrian Princess Marie Antoinette of having sex with her own little son. Only a Jew could even think of something so disgusting, they actually do those things, it is condoned in the Talmud and the Jews always project their own crimes onto their victims, the book the Khazarian Jews really follow is the Talmud which says God goes to the Rabbis for advise. The Satanists who call themselves Jews do not follow the Torah or Old Testament of the Bible, but they will parade the Torah around because they are pretenders. The first law the Jews got after the French Revolution was the overturning of the prohibition of usury. Something like 75 million Germans were actually killed in WWII. Not like the Jews imaginary six million. And it was the Jews and Free Masons which started every Revolution and WWI and WWII. After I wrote what I wrote, I remembered some other casualties from my family. One of my cousins in Nurnberg was run over by an American Jeep; she was about 6 or 7 and died in her brother’s arms. Jeeps were notorious for malfunctioning, but it is also possible that a Jew or a Christian American poisoned with Jewish Propaganda intentionally ran her over. I also had two young relatives in the Rhineland, in Velbert, who “died from eating grass”. I don’t know if this was because of starvation methods used on Germans after WWII or a euphemism for Jew Eisenhower’s Rhine Meadows Death Camps. These kids were teenagers. There is so much which happens in families when a people are conquered. I am 61 years old and I didn’t learn anything close to what really happened until the last few years, thanks to the internet. My parents spoke in German as their secret language and didn’t want us to know it. Strange things happen in the families of conquered nations and races, and people turn on each other. I know the Schaefer’s relatives betrayed them. The Jews use psychological warfare and divide and conquer. This is why free speech about the Holocaust Lie is so dangerous to them. If the Holocaust Lie is exposed for what it is, the Jews loose so much of their power. The Jews are really very feminine. Aryans are more of a masculine led people, and this does not have to mean that women are subjected, it means that it is the men who go into battle to protect women and children. The Muslims are closer to the Jews than most people realize. The Koran says it is ok to abuse other people and exact tribute from them. Aryans have always used the Solar Cross, while Muslims have the Moon in their flags. The Sun gives life, and it is under the moon than life decays. The Jews have gotten into the heads of Aryan Christians and used their ability in warfare to trick them into fighting each other. The Russian Christians were killed if they didn’t move forward, and if a Russian soldier was captured, he was killed or sent to gulags along with his entire family. I do not know what is the solution for the problem of the total Jewish control of all gov’ts. The Jews destroyed Germany, Russia, Iraq, Libya, and so many other places. I don’t even think they are really Jews. I think the Bible was written by Aryans, the same as how when the DNA of the Mummies was tested it was learned that the Ancient Egyptians were Aryans. I think the Jews are just the cast offs of all cultures and the remnants of the evil Khazarian Empire, which constantly attacked and enslaved Aryan Europeans. The Jews, or those who want us to believe they are Jews, are a force of enslavement and destruction. Maybe they are Edom (they always like the color red, Soviet flag, RothSchild or Gog and Magog, which the Bible says there will be an ultimate battle with. Somebody one said to me that the Jews are so evil because they know they are going to be destroyed in the end. The Jews destroyed so many Christian Churches and Isis (Israeli Secret Intelligence Services) destroyed Ancient monuments. The Jews want so many statues taken down in America. The Jews are just a force of destruction and there are probably cultures that they destroyed which we don’t even know about.

    1. Yes Catherine: Memories about the jews. At 85+ y.o., most of my bad memories involve jews too, although most of my memories are GR8 (great). The jews are ~1% of world population and 3% US, yet today they seem to be everywhere, controlling US Congress, US media, US banks, 90%+ of the US people and a major part of the world through the N(j)ew World Order. How can we stop them?

      1. The smaller and weaker a dog is… the louder it barks. The final solution is to show total oblivion of the loud-mouthed nuisance and to certainly face the self-deluded would-be threat and to lead it to understand that if it carries on, you are going to march on it… It works wonders on rodents too. Try it, you’ll love it.

      2. I’m Russian. Number of Jews in Russia 2019 – 0,1-0,25%. They control the government, the economy, Finance, culture, the media.. My country is being robbed and humiliated. Traditional values are eroded, spat upon, the cult of Mammon, Sodom and guilt is implanted. Jews, half-breeds and shabesgoi triumph and destroy the spirit of the Russian people. Jews call it the second great Jewish revolution in Russia, and chief Rabbi Berl Lazar broadcasts: “never here Jews were not so good!”The stunned population is confused, helpless and still relying on fake democracy. People who speak publicly about ZOG are prosecuted on false charges. And anti-Jewish sentiment is growing fast.

        1. Friend, this comes to me as no surprise. But with great sorrow. All of us still have a lot to do ahead of us.

          But think about the elation and the fun, once that we have succeed.

          And we will; as we have the laws of nature on our side.

          To work on it, we have to defeat any incentive to WWIII (‘The sequel’). And in particular fake-news that do ‘wonders’ on weak minds and formatted people. The issue whether at this point civil wars should be avoided or not is still unclear to me (I believe that there is one brewing on the North-American continent). AND we must never fail to acknowledge the courage and the determination that a handful of immensely courageous and far-seeing people such as Sylvia Stolz; Horst Mahler; ‚Frei-frau‘ Ursula Haverbeck and Alfred Schæfer (to quote but a few still alive by order of their having been arbitrarily thrown into detention).

          But one thing is certain (and therefore heavily hidden out from public knowledge) multitudes on this planet are becoming aware as to who is stirring the shit to a maximum benefit and so much enjoying it.

    2. If you haven’t already, may I suggest that you read the late (he died on September 25th) courageous Benton L. Bradberry’s book “The Myth of German villainy” giving back to the German the honour which had been stolen from them by the usual criminals from 1933 onwards:
      You will find it enlightening…

      I can’t for the life of me remember where I read the following epitath on Bradberry:
      “Benton L. Bradberry was a Man of Honor. He spoke the truth when others remained silent.”

      I’d say: Benton L. Bradberry was a man of an ancient race… so desperately few of which are left…

      1. Yes, read his obituary. There are many people of honor today. It sometimes means going to prison like Alfred, Monika, Ursula, Sylvia, Ernst and many others.

    3. Catherine, if it’s any consolation to you, they most certainly WILL receive the justice they deserve! There is coming the day of judgment, and those who have done evil will be punished for it, and those who have suffered so much at their hands, like your entire family by the sounds of it, will be rewarded. God is not unrighteous, and he is full of mercy.

      These usurpers are most definitely NOT “God’s chosen”: God’s chosen are the ones who come to him by Jesus Christ, as taught in the bible. We are encouraged in the word of God not to fret against the evil doers, but to trust in our merciful and ever-loving Lord.

  14. You know, Monika, it simply amazes me that the german (small g for puppet germany) prosecution system and judiciary system in general is still surviving the inbred ridicule of it all…

    These poor souls will not break your brother… they will simply make him a bigger, stronger hero at each and every attempt. Clearly, to be biased to such extent, they must be in panic mode and in dire need of mental and psychological counselling.

    “Titanic II” (the sequel – with the orchestra frantically toy-toying with their instruments) is now sinking fast… these sorry little creatures should begin to fear judgement day…

    Take care…

    1. To Ivernazza: Titanic history. There was an interesting short video after cameras (and I think divers) explored the “Titanic”. Picture near the front showed the name plate Titanic coming off with rust/age/underwater growths and Olympic (or Olympia) name underneath. Then a short story about the Olympic was previously damaged beyond repair, the ship company (still in business) purposely changed the nameplate to collect insurance money. The video was taken down shortly. Perhaps another “fake news” either way? Today, with the N(j)ew World Order, who can we trust?

  15. Monika: My computer and book keeping skills always have been lacking, but now at 85 y.o.are gone. Could/would you publish in your newsletter Alfred’s prison address? I just went through your newsletter and could NOT find it. Yes, I have it from a letter he mailed me about 2 months ago, but for others. I have written Alfred ~5 times, Ursula last week,

    It does appear we should not fear what we write as Alfred is very truthful in his letter to me. I wish I could be at the gate when Alfred is released, but fear the rodents controlling the US/jew occupied German government would lock me up.

    1. Alfred Schaefer
      Stadelheimer Str. 12
      81549 Munich

      Alfred’s prison address is also in the sticky post at the top of the website, where addresses can be found for Ursula Haverbeck, Sylvia Stolz, and Horst Mahler as well. Thanks for writing!

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