Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Political Dissidence – in the “West”? Thought Crimes, Book Burnings and Jewish Power.

by Monika Schaefer

Growing up in Canada, this seemingly utopian country, during the 60s and 70s, I did not conceive of the possibility that political dissidents or prisoners could even exist here. I was aware of political dissidents being imprisoned in far away dictatorships, under tyrannical regimes. But here, we had freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and we had government for the people, by the people and of the people.

Or so I believed.

Several events have converged in the last two weeks which truly are breathtaking, conjuring up George Orwell’s powerful novel entitled 1984. We thought that was a science-fiction horror book and film. Little did we know that the MI6 agent was giving the world a warning.



In my last post, I mentioned the fake media reports that Alfred Schaefer had been charged in Germany. I wondered then if it was a case of “calling the shots”, or perhaps an attempt at intimidation. I had also wondered if it was similar to the 5 dancing Israelis caught “documenting” the 9/11 event, in other words, they had foreknowledge of the event.

As it turns out, the MSM in Canada and B’nai Brith Canada did indeed have foreknowledge in the case of Alfred Schaefer being charged with criminal incitement. They knew well before Alfred knew. A yellow envelope containing details of the charge arrived by ordinary mail in his mailbox on March 3rd, 2017. B’nai Brith Canada reported it in Canada Free Press on February 16th. The document detailing the charges was dated February 14 in Munich Germany, and the cover letter with it was dated March 1.

So there you have it, B’nai Brith Canada is at the top level of communication with the German justice system. Who is calling the shots I wonder.

Four people are charged, with Alfred Schaefer as the primary accused. The co-accused are Gerhard Ittner, Ursula Haverbeck, and Henry Hafenmayer. What a magnificent show that will be when this Powerhouse Foursome take the stage!


Such irony, that the charge against Turner proves his assertions are correct. They demonstrate to us that the very thing he is accused of saying and which they call “hate speech”, just happens to be true… Please read on.

excerpts from The Independent in the UK, 8 March 2017 in an article entitled

Crown Prosecution Service to review decision not to prosecute prolific anti-Semite: Jeremy Bedford-Turner’s case will be re-examined following a 13-month campaign

“The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has agreed to review its decision not to prosecute a far-right activist known for making vitrolic speeches against the “Jewish world order”.

“In a July 2015 speech to an “anti-Shorim” rally on Whitehall, Jeremy Bedford-Turner said

all politicians are nothing but a bunch of puppets dancing to a Jewish tune, and the ruling regimes in the West for the last one hundred years have danced to the same tune.

“In documents submitted to the High Court on the eve of that review and seen by The Independent, the CPS has admitted the decision was legally wrong and agreed that it “is appropriate a fresh decision is made” because free speech does not extend to hate speech.

“[The CPS] agreed to consult the CAA [Campaign Against Anti-Semitism] in future when making decisions regarding similar cases against Jewish people and whether it can be regarded hate speech or free speech.” (emphasis mine)

Well, doesn’t that just prove Jez Turner’s point? So the Crown Prosecution Service will consult first with the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism in future. Didn’t he say “…puppets dancing to a Jewish tune…” What is the CAA other than a Jewish organization looking out for Jewish interests. Now the British justice system is subservient to this Jewish organization.

In this excellent 5 minute video, Gilad Atzmon points out the absurdity of the double standard of who gets to identify Jewish power.


Another proof of Jez Turner’s and Gilad Atzmon’s assertions about Jewish power.

In a modern-day book-burning, Amazon has extinguished hundreds of titles from their site. The books and brochures which no longer exist on their site are those which go against the prevailing myth of “the holocaust”.

They are trying to close the barn doors after the horses have already run out. It highlights the absurdity of their futile attempts to keep the holohoax going any longer. The lies are crumbling as the truth breaks out everywhere. They must be very nervous right now, why else would they be afraid of these books?

I wrote a letter to our local Fitzhugh newspaper about this, and they are refusing to publish it unless I agreed to a “correction”. The editor Paul Clarke told me that only 3 titles, not hundreds, were deleted from Amazon. When I told him that I did not agree to the change, and pointed him to an article in CODOH, he scoffed and said “phffff, the committee for open debate on the holocaust, why would I trust them, that’s not a reputable site!”

I then informed him that I personally own more than 3 books from the deleted list, so the MSM reports that he “trusts” are simply wrong. He retorted “you have two choices, we make the change, or we don’t publish your letter! It’s either ‘A’ or ‘B’. Those are your choices!” Period. There was simply no way he was willing to believe that his “trusted” sources could be wrong, even though I can physically prove them wrong with my own small library.

I suggested he do his own primary research for 5 or 10 minutes, and put some titles in to the search bar at Amazon. He would have none of it.

As an aside: one may wonder why I was even writing to this small town paper which has not exactly been demonstrating ethical journalism with regards to this long-time resident of Jasper. The timing of the disappearing books at Amazon gave me an opportunity to respond to yet another nasty and defamatory letter by my arch-nemesis Ken Kuzminski, without lowering myself to the level of Kuzminski’s smear against me. When someone just throws mud, it is utterly pointless to try to negate or correct him on his rantings, as it just smears the mud around.

His hit-piece was presumably in reaction to this letter of mine the week before. His letter has nothing to do with facts, nor does it address the topic which I wrote about — namely the continued prohibition against me entering the Legion in Jasper, of which he is overlord, oops, I mean president. He chooses instead to re-ignite the hatred which many residents are directing towards me.

Here is my letter to the editor which the Fitzhugh refuses to publish:

I wonder if Ken Kuzminski is cheering for the modern-day book burning taking place at Amazon, one of the largest booksellers in the world. From one day to the next, March 6th, 2017, hundreds of titles disappeared from their site, as if these books never existed.

Welcome to George Orwell’s World.

Amazon acquiesced to calls for censorship, the most recent pressure coming from Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center in Jerusalem. The objective is to block access to accounts of WW2 history which put into question the orthodox holocaust narrative. Many scholarly works containing archival primary source material have simply been thrown down the memory hole, vaporized.

Why do these books present such a threat, and to whom? Truth does not fear investigation.  ~ Monika Schaefer

I told Paul Clarke that he was now a full participant in the Orwellian transformation of truth into untruth, books into unbooks. Not only do the books go down the memory hole, the knowledge of the books having existed will be erased. And the act of erasing them is also being erased.

He will get away with these things for now, with the power of the Orwellian state behind him. What did George Orwell say? “War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.”

But the times, they are changing. The people are coming out of their slumber. The edifice of lies is crumbling like a house of cards. The light pouring through the cracks cannot be extinguished. One candle can light up a whole room. It cannot work the other way around — once lit, a fleck of darkness cannot steal away the light. Ultimately, Light Will Prevail.

16 Responses

  1. Here is another comment from Sophie Johnson, who says my system doesn’t seem to allow her on here to post anymore.

    Hello, dear Monika!
    More on the CAA and its success at hauling Jez Turner before the courts: I came to realise only in the last few days that what is being said by the press about the CPS having agreed to consult the CAA on matters of prosecuting hate speech crimes against Jews is simply a lie. All the CAA can do, as it is doing in Jez’s case, is bring an accusation against him before the CPS. (It is as well to remember that the CAA is nothing more than a bogus charity of which the sole reason-for-being is to harass nationalists and revisionists who are talented and prominent.)

    What seems to be true is that the CAA had petitioned for a High Court Judicial Review of the CPS decision not to prosecute Jez Turner, and that the DPP agreed, on the very day before the review was to proceed, to initiate action against Jez under Article 17 of the ECHR, as the CAA was asking. Here is Article 17:

    Prohibition of abuse of rights
    Nothing in this Convention may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein or at their limitation to a greater extent than is provided for in the Convention.

    Quite what the CPS Crown Court might accept as Jez’s ‘destruction of any of the rights and freedoms’ of the CAA people is yet to be seen. In any case, Jez has not yet been charged. His first hearing happened on 30 October. It was very brief, with Judge Zani transferring his case from the Magistrates’ Court to the Crown Court for another hearing on 27 November. And he is on unconditional bail. We are yet to see whether he will be charged. But that he will be is not inevitable.

    Now: Either I’m a dizzy optimist or I’m onto something: My funny feeling (I’m not law trained) is that the CAA nasties and their working-for-it-pro-bono legal friends thought they now have, with the PM’s declared adoption of the definition of antisemitism by International Holocaust Remembrance Association (IHRA), a domestic ‘holocaust denial’ law that will give ECHR Article 17 real teeth, i.e., a law upon which Jez can be charged.

    However, prominent QC Hugh Tomlinson has pointed out that any organisation that adopts this IHRA definition risks being found in breach of Article 10 of the ECHR. He pointed out also that the IHRA definition, adopted or not, is not law, and that no organisation is obliged to adopt it.

    Many of us were successfully kidded that the IHRA definition had become law. It is just possible that the DPP himself (more an administrator that an expert in the law) had thought, at the time when he agreed to charge Jez, that the definition is law. But, thanks to Hugh Tomlinson QC, we now know that shabbos shiksa Theresa Maynot make law: Parliament does that. 😊

    So: It would be a great deal better if the CPS had left Jez alone. But still, Jez’s prospects look good. For one thing, the Crown Court does trial by jury. It is very unlikely that an English jury will be inclined to jail a fine upstanding Englishman of Jez’s personable bearing who too boot has done 12 years’ military service, just because that’s what the CAA want. So I pray.

  2. ‘… the Crown Prosecution Service will consult first with the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism in future’. Is this for real?

    Who in the Crown Prosecution Serice is entitled to recognise the shabby private organisation Campaign Against Anti-Semitism (CAA) as an authority it must consult?

    You are absolutely right, Monika, to point out that this outrage just proves that Jez Turner is right about massive extent Jewish power.

    And ‘hate speech’! The haters are the seedy CAA: they hate the sound and content of truth-telling, especially when the speaker is a fine upstanding man of Jez Turner’s calibre. For goodneess sakes! We must support Jez Turner! And we must demand the relegation of the CAA to the obscurity of its natural low-life standing.

      1. Thank you, Monika, for your agreement, and for your lovely welcome earlier. I have tried to write at length in response to your early note to me. But your ssytem seems to have locked me out, or I jammed it. 🙂

  3. It was over 100 books that got banned from amazon in March 2017 because my book was one of them. The truth is slowly coming out about the Jews.

    My books ‘The truth about Germany and the World Wars’ and ‘The 9/11 Deception & False Flag Terror can be found at

  4. Excellent work Monika. It is amazing how some of the zombies dig in their heels.

    Why don’t they understand the amazing opportunity these times present those individuals who can still think?

    These are the times where the men stand above the mice. These are the times where the traitors dig their own graves. I bet that Ken K is too cowardly to even consider watching “1984 + 33”.

    He thinks that having his head stuck in the sand, or up his rear end, will somehow be a better place to see how things are going. But, when he does come up for air, and wipes the sand or the shit out of his eyes, he may be surprised to see what is left of the holohoax with all those shrunken heads, soap, and lampshades. Poor Ken, the last creature to figure this out will probably go insane with frustration and rage.
    At least here in Germany, people are coming around quite rapidly. But then, I believe that the water has always been more heavily fluoridated in Canada than here in Germany, so these chemicals may have done their damage to his mind.

    Another point to remember is that the jews always go crazy when they think they are close to reaching their goal of total domination over the host people. That is why they are now going into this book burning panic, thinking that this will somehow make people believe their lies again since they can no longer purchase the truth at “Amazon”. That is about as pathetic as it gets. Amazon shoots itself in its own foot.

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