Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Open Letter to my Member of Parliament

Occasionally I still engage with a political representative in the hopes that I may stir one or the other well-meaning politician into good and honest action to help us confront the beast which wages war against us Gentiles. This, in spite of having reached the conclusion that our democratic system is not where we will find solutions to our problems. I tend to agree with the great American poet Ezra Pound, who said that

“Democracy is just jew-speak for ‘a country run by jews'”

It just so happened that my Member of Parliament was making himself available to meet with members of the public at a local diner. I jumped at the opportunity and was the first to sit down with him at his table. I truly do believe that Bob Zimmer is a good and well-intentioned man, but that he has no idea about who is pulling all the strings of government and what the big picture really is. After we spoke for some time (I did not check the clock but I would guess that it was about 15 minutes), there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see an elderly woman, who loudly admonished me,

“Do we have to line up here to get a chance to talk with our MP?!”

I apologized and told her I didn’t know that people were lining up. In actual fact there was no literal line-up, but there were people at other tables awaiting a turn to join our MP at his table. I soon left. 

Here is my follow-up letter. 


July 18, 2024

to: Mr. Bob Zimmer
Member of Parliament for Prince George – Peace River – Northern Rockies

Dear Bob,

Thank you for taking the time on Monday July 15th, 2024 at the Beanery in McBride to have a conversation with me. I noticed that some of the things I said were surprising and unfamiliar to you. I can assure you that I have reached my conclusions after a great deal of research and inquiry, combined with personal experiences which have proven to me that many of my conclusions were correct. I am always open to learning and to changing my mind if presented with evidence which shows that I erred.

Rather than try to persuade you of this or that, I would like to leave you with a few questions, as stimulus and food for thought. I do not expect you to provide me with answers to these questions as I do not believe that you have answers just yet, from what I gathered during our conversation on Monday. My hope is that the questions will be the seeds which will germinate one day soon. Perhaps some of these questions will prompt you to do your own research into these matters. Once you really see what is going on in the world, you cannot unsee it. Nor will you want to, even if the truth is uncomfortable at times – at least that is my personal experience. This old saying is apt: The Truth will set you Free.

I simply ask that you please send me acknowledgement of having received and personally read this emailed letter (not just one of your staff members). Here are my questions for you to ponder:

  • Why are there many countries, including Canada, which enshrine history into law? Is it possible for past events to be forced into existence by laws? Can events of the past be altered by the stroke of a pen today?
  • Why do we not leave history for historians, scholars, researchers and archaeologists to decipher and revise as new evidence emerges?
  • If there are laws forbidding us to question the Holocaust, why are there no similar laws criminalizing the questioning of the Holodomor? Or the Armenian genocide? Or any number of other genocides?
  • Why is evidence forbidden in “Holocaust trials” in Germany? (The defendant can be charged a second time – or a third and fourth time and so forth – for presenting evidence during the trial – I know this to be true because it happened to my brother.)
  • Why do lawyers go to jail for defending their client in these “speech crime” trials? (Just as an example, research Sylvia Stolz, a German lawyer who went to jail for doing her job too well while defending her client.)


  • Why were Jews expelled from countless nations, states, and regions during the past several thousand years? Are Gentiles simply born with an “anti-Semitic” gene that makes them want to evict Jews after having welcomed them in? Or is it possible that the behaviour of the Jews caused the Gentiles to evict them?
  • What exactly is “anti-Semitism”? Is it an emotion? Is it words? Perhaps words which state uncomfortable facts? And why are there laws criminalizing these words and emotions?


  • When I spoke to you about geo-engineering (i.e. chem-trails), you asked why they would do this. That is a good question. Why indeed? And what are they spraying us with? Why are there so few insects anymore?
  • Perhaps on a related note, why do they call CO2 a dangerous gas, a pollutant which must be reduced, when in fact it is the stuff of life? Why do green-house operators pump more of this “dangerous gas” into their greenhouses?
  • Did you know that we are actually at a very low level of atmospheric CO2 when viewed in the long historical record? And did you know that average temperatures in the distant past have been significantly higher than they are now, and that the earth was teeming with life during those times?
  • You did acknowledge that the many fires in Alberta in 2023 started all at once, indicating that they were man-made. Yet we never stopped hearing about “climate change” in relation to the fires. Why would these man-made fires be conflated with the “climate change” narrative?


  • Why have so many food processing plants mysteriously or “accidentally” burnt down over the last few years?
  • Why are so many small family farms being attacked by way of ever-increasing government rules and regulations, and orders to kill their livestock due to some invisible non-existent virus or too much “greenhouse gas” emissions or any number of other invented and invisible threats?


  • Why did they tell us the “vaccine” was “safe and effective”, when in reality it was never “safe” nor “effective”? (now by their own admission)
  • Are you aware that the jab was an “experimental” gene-modifying “therapy”? (also by their own admission)
  • Why were we coerced (fired from jobs, not allowed into universities, prevented from travelling, shamed and blamed, etc) into taking this “experimental” injection?


  • Is there any evidence to substantiate the serious allegations about the mass murder – or even a single murder – of Indigenous school children in Canadian residential schools? Why have none of the alleged “unmarked graves” been dug up? Why the resistance to investigate?


  • Do you know and understand the contents of Bill C-63, Canada’s Online Harms Act? Do you know that it includes provisions to make a court order against a person for “hate” speech which they are suspected they might do in the future?
  • Do you know that the penalties section of Bill C-63 includes life in prison for certain “speech crimes”? (I realize that your party is opposing this bill – that is great – but still, I would ask why every single Member of Parliament is not screaming from the rooftops about this tyrannical bill. My online search in the parliamentary records of your spoken words did not yield results for this particular Bill – but I stand to be corrected if I err.)


  • Have you ever heard about the Bolshevik revolution?
  • Did you know that the Bolshevik leaders were predominantly Jewish?
  • Are you aware that tens of millions of Russians were murdered, tortured, starved and terrorized under Bolshevik rule during the previous century?
  • Are you aware that there were laws in the Soviet Union against “anti-Semitism”, prior to and during the reign of terror? Are you familiar with Section 319 of the Criminal Code of Canada, the “hate speech” law?Can you connect the dots?


There are many more questions I could pose, but that is enough for now. I truly hope that these questions will cause you to pause and reflect, why nothing really makes sense in the world as seen through the prism of the mainstream narrative being prescribed for us. Our very existence depends on enough of us waking up to the truth about who is doing what to us.

Thank you for reading this. I am copying a few other MPs and I am also sending this letter by blind copy (bcc) to many other people. It is, in effect, an open letter.

Monika Schaefer
McBride, British Columbia, Canada


This is the stock response which I received four days later: 

On behalf of Bob Zimmer, Member of Parliament for Prince George-Peace River-Northern Rockies, I would like to acknowledge receipt of your email and thank you for taking the time to share your concerns with him on this important issue.

Please be assured that your correspondence will be brought to Mr. Zimmer’s attention at the earliest opportunity and that your views will be carefully considered.

Thank you again for contacting our office.


Paul Noble
Legislative Assistant
MP Bob Zimmer
Prince George-Peace River-Northern Rockies

6 Responses

  1. “I truly hope that these questions will cause you to pause and reflect, why nothing really makes sense in the world as seen through the prism of the mainstream narrative being prescribed for us. Our very existence depends on enough of us waking up to the truth about who is doing what to us.” (MS)

    Why would they do that to us? – They are Satanists, destroyers. Jesus called them the Synagogue of Satan.

    Paris – 2024 Olympic opening ceremonies – Satanic rituals – Mockery of the Christian belief / Jesus Christ’s Last Supper as Drag Queen Event

    Closing ceremonies – Satanic invocation rituals

    Summoning Satan-Lucifer, the Fallen Angel and demons coming through a portal (CERN) into this world

  2. “….confront the beast which wages war against us …”

    Thank you, Monika, for your tireless efforts. I wholeheartedly agree and share your concerns.

    What happened to Jasper and the National Park just recently? Allegedly about one third, others write half of the town burnt down? This headline here sounds unreal, too much exaggeration but the video gives an impression of the devastation – “One of Canada’s most beautiful cities is now GONE – Jasper is now burnt to ashes” (bitchute)

    Weather warfare (hidden military operations by the powers that should not be) comes immediately to mind. It does not look like “natural wildfire” at all. It looks like Santa Rosa, California, 9/11? Ominous “energy weapons” involved? Toasted cars…

    The kind of damage done to houses, cars etc does not look like “natural causes”. Natural fire does not cause such kind of damages.

    Summer has become a regular season now for ritual sacrifices it seems – They make the weather more extreme by weather manipulation – Unusual amounts of rain, flooding… or unusual heat, drought, forest fires… precious trees burnt down, or crops lost through too much rain, farmers under attack

    The Opening Ceremony of the Olympics in Paris, France, was once again a weird Self-Celebration of Jewish Freemasonry – Kabbalistic Satanism

    They celebrate their successes through the centuries… The “French” Jewish Freemasonic Revolution, the takeover of France by abolishing the French monarchy – The French King and Queen Mary Antoinette (daughter of Queen Maria Theresia of Austria, Habsburg Empire) were beheaded… The Old Order / the Ancien Regime in France was finished…

    In England (the legitimate heiress to the throne, Mary Tudor, Queen of Scotland was beheaded – followed by Queen Elizabeth I who had John Dee as her Kabbalistic Talmudic “advisor”), Russia, German Empire / Austrian-Hungarian Empire followed in line…

    9/11 marked a total takeover of the United States (Jewish Money Power since 1913 already, “Federal Reserve Act”), endless wars for Jewish Power & World Domination, WW1+2 were staged to finish off Germany, HOLOCAUST on the German people by the Allied firebombing of the German cities (hidden behind a fabricated one) – WAR OF EXTERMINATION was declared against Germany by the Talmudic Zionists on March 24, 1933!

    By now, they keep pushing for WW3 – as always starting on the periphery (Ukraine, Palestine/Gaza) – trying to make Germany the main target and battlefield once again by stationing long-range US missiles on German soil threatening Russia…

    1. Hi Freya, it is true much of Jasper burnt down. Devastating. Jasper is surrounded by forests, a lot of lodgepole pine and there was a massive forest fire. Not dew weapons. But I do think that the conditions for this massive fire were created. Chemtrails which “prepped” the forests and also engineered the weather.

  3. Well done. I’ve thought for years now that questions are more important than answers. They are what propels us to think, search ,verify and ask more questions.
    The form letter is just the usual bullshit response of the controlled politician. I doubt you’ll hear anymore from that fellow but who knows ,you may have planted a seed.
    Interestingly , in my local market yesterday a young woman started a conversation amongst us in the queue about Chemtrails. She came out with an avalanche of questions as though coming up for air: how long has it been going on , what’s in these things , why? etc. Then it got on to the vaccines (she told us her husband works for Pfizer!) In the fifteen or more years since I first looked into this and tried to get people interested I’ve never heard anyone mention this. Don’t know who planted the seed but well done them. I think this “awakening” thing is real.

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