Free Speech Monika

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Open Letter to Canadian Government RE: CBSA Modern-day Book Burning

I spent a few hours putting together a comprehensive list of all 338 Canadian Members of Parliament E-mail addresses, as well as over 100 Senators (the house of sober second thought), and sent them the following open letter on 2020 January 16. For background to this story, please see my last article from September 2019 here, and within that article are links to earlier articles about this Orwellian saga.


RE: Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) theft of privately owned books at Calgary Airport


On 24 April 2019 upon my return from the USA to Calgary airport, five books were seized / stolen from me by the Canada Border Services Agency. I had been flagged, and was harassed and detained for three hours.

I wrote three letters, May 3rd, July 2nd, August 12th, 2019 plus an appeal October 18, 2019 to the CBSA, in an effort to get my books back.

Two out of five books were returned to me, and the others were deemed to constitute “hate propaganda”, prohibited under Customs tariff item 9899.00.00 pursuant to section 58 of the Customs Act.

The 3 books which are still in the possession of the CBSA are:

  • The Commission   by Richard Barrett
  • The Great Impersonation – The Mask of Edom   by Pastor Eli James
  • Mystery Babylon: New World Unveiled Vol. 1  by Eli James and Clay Douglas

The explanatory form that was sent to me had the following boxes checked off, indicating what the so-called “offence” was:

Alleging that an identifiable group:

    • is to blame for serious economic or social problems
    • manipulates media/trade/finance/politics/government to the detriment of society
    • is inferior/superior
    • weakens or threatens society

There was no indication that it mattered or not whether these forbidden allegations were grounded in truth. Truth is not relevant here. It only matters that certain things (the Truth?) are not allowed to be said or read.

Ultimately I was supposed to PROVE that the stolen books were NOT “hate” by providing evidence that they were not hate. The absurdity of the entire debacle reached a level not possible in a sane society. Allow me to quote from my third letter to the CBSA dated August 12, 2019.

First, the deadline for rebuttal is impossible to meet. Your letter, dated July 16, 2019, took 9 days to reach me.[…] Your letter stipulated that you must receive, by mail, my evidence and arguments within 14 days of the date on your letter[…]. If my letter took as long to reach you as yours to reach me, it would already have been too late, and would have allowed a negative amount of time for me to, in your words, ‘submit evidence, regarding the admissibility of the material […]’.

The more serious matter is that the onus of proof is reversed. You say I should provide evidence that these books do not constitute “hate propaganda”. If something does not exist, it is a moot point to prove it does not exist. If it does exist, then the person alleging that it exists should prove that it exists. The onus MUST be on the accuser to prove their accusation. Your logic is false.

The next flaw in your case against me is that you have stolen the evidence! You have taken away […] the books that you deemed offensive. How am I supposed to gather and submit evidence regarding the “admissibility of the material” when you have taken the allegedly-offensive books away from me???

I have not read the books. I do not have copies of these books in my possession. You seized them. Explain to me how I am to gather evidence about an object that you have stolen from me.  Would these books not be the very source of “evidence” with which I am supposed to prove that they are NOT something that you allege they are?

As any logical-thinking man or woman can see, it is an impossible situation. It is as sensible as breaking both legs of a runner and then telling him to go win that race. Would that be a fair race? Or is the outcome pre-determined.

I could avail myself of what appears to be the only option remaining, that of litigation against the CBSA. However, it is not worth my time and resources to participate in this game, a totally rigged system, to get my books back. I do not wish to feed the proverbial beast.

It would of course only be done on principle, as the books are worth far less money than the time and resources it would cost to litigate. As for winning, truth and righteousness are on my side, but the entire so-called justice system is so corrupted that my chances of success are about as good as the runner with the two broken legs winning his race.

The Canada Border Services Agency is de facto an arm of the government. It is at best a sign of moral and ethical bankruptcy and at worst it is treachery and treason for you, as so-called government representatives, to engage in such tyranny against the people who you are supposed to be serving. The government no longer serves the people, but is serving an enemy within.

It is interesting to note that the Talmud has not been stipulated as “hate propaganda”, yet this Jewish holy book calls the Gentiles cattle and calls for our total enslavement. This double standard on which books are “permitted”, demonstrates who you are really serving. Your “Act” which prohibits certain books (and thoughts and spoken words) is a modern day book burning.

I challenge every and any one of you government representatives to rectify this situation. Get rid of the “thought and speech laws”. Have my stolen books returned to me.

In the meantime, I can and have replaced the books through other channels. I am sovereign of my domain and can decide what I can and want to read or not.

I am compelled to publicize widely, this Orwellian act of treachery by an agency which represents Canada at our borders. We truly are living in interesting times.

Monika Schaefer

38 Responses

    1. Thank you Bryan, that is a good link, and yes, it turns out that it is a “hotlink” so people can click directly on it.

  1. FSM: Will all agree that the jew inspired holocaust the largest step to the N(j)ew World Order? Maybe 911 the second? Now we have the Corona Virus. Will that be another large step, requiring all to be vaccinated, maybe with a jew loving additive?

  2. Hi Monika! You mentioned the “Jewish holy book, the Talmud”, which I would have referred to like this: the Jewish “holy” book… There is absolutely NOTHING holy about that blasphemous piece of filth!! As you already know.
    Glad you saw the utter uselessness of litigating, and that you wrote them to that effect. I believe the well-wielded pen can still be mightier than the sword. 😊

    1. You are absolutely right there should have been quotation marks to show the sarcasm that was oozing out of my inner voice. Thank you my sweet Wildflower.

    2. I agree as far as the pen goes. But have you ever seen intelligence triumphing over stupidity? – Not since May 8th, 1945 at least. And certainly never in a “modern” democrassy. Which is why this decoy for the sheeple has been on promotion by every conceivable means. And utterly bombed into their minds.

  3. Monika. Since you have told them you have replaced the books I advise you to replace your front door with something cheap because they are coming in the night to kick your door in and rip your house apart to find those books (maybe drop a bag of drugs they will bring concealed in their sock). This is how they work, what they do. Good luck. I am going to find those books and read them myself.

  4. Sending any message ending with “sincerely” to such “organisation” is tantamount to a vampire dipping his hand in a holy water font in a cathedral… not only your letter… but the goodbye message at the end of it must have sent them in trances! If these people weren’t these people – what a talented correspondent on Disqus gloriously calls “the usual suspects” – I could almost begin to feel for them.

  5. Bravo, bravo, dear Monika !!! This is definitely how you had to do : not bend before them and fighting back ! I congratulate you a thousand times !!! Bye, dear friend, with a big hug Yvonne

    Le 18/01/2020 02:35, « Free Speech Monika » a écrit :

    > Monika posted: “I spent a few hours putting together a comprehensive list of > all 338 Canadian Members of Parliament E-mail addresses, as well as over 100 > Senators (the house of sober second thought), and sent them the following open > letter on 2020 January 16. For backgro” >

  6. Brava, Monika.

    At your convenience, if you so choose, do you know who wrote:

    “Alleging that an identifiable group:

    is to blame for serious economic or social problems
    manipulates media/trade/finance/politics/government to the detriment of society…
    …weakens or threatens society”

    Describes the traitors in the Congress of the USA.

    1. Hi Elena, Yes that whole section describes the self-chosenites behaviour exactly doesn’t it. But for us to point it out, or for such ideas to be printed in a book, that is very hateful indeed. They do not seem to care that these things might be true, (i.e. that an identifiable group is to blame for serious economic or social problems..etc). it is only forbidden to speak of it.

      That section is what was on their official form, with the so-called offence. I hope I understand your question correctly.

  7. Most unsettling and especially telling is the fact, that an agency of a gouvernment deemed democratic, acts in a way disabling the most fundamental principle of a democracy: the free discussion of facts and thoughts in order to form the public opinion.
    Therefore everybody needs to be able to reach (nearly) any information and has to be able to discuss his thoughts openly and in public to put his opinion to the test and to deliver his part to the opinion-forming.
    So, Monika, surprise! You live under an undemocratic dictatorship.
    Your crime: you ask, who is this dictator and maybe the group he comes from and he acts for.
    …this is nasty, it is antisemitic as the truth is 🙂 Have a nice weekend. Don’t forget: some people can never ever make it to the shore of truth. They will always stay in the moral mud they produced by themselves.

  8. Serious “joke” or why we need Dagmar on FSM. Maytag washing machine manager met with the Black group leader 10 minutes every month. This day the Black leader complimented the manager on many things, but complained about no Black washing machines being built. Both go down to assembly line and Black leader points out “See, not one Black washing machine”.

    White manager walks over to a white washing machine, opens the cover and says “But inside we have the most important part, a Black agitator inside ever one”. Could it be Dagmar is the most important part of FSM?

    What would Greta do without Dagmar? What would that washing machine do without an agitator? And Monika, who spends more time than any of us, putting stories on FreeSpeechMonika while fighting against Canadian Book stealing, playing the violin, and giving speeches about (against) the N(J)ew World Order. All of you make life a wonderful adventure…..hugs to all, Dave Westerlund

    1. ha ha David. What would the world be like if no one had any complaints or if everyone agreed with everyone else. We’d be like the eloi of H.G. Wells Time Machine. Sometimes it seems here that everyone is focused on one period of history that many feel was unjust in the last century and because of that suddenly all of history is declared a lie and thus all universities are peddling lies in the history dept that is although is is extended to Psychology as well( probably because of Freud and Jung). I’m not sure about Literature which was my major esp Irish Literature – my fave.
      I hope Monika gets back her books nevertheless. Also this is the price sometimes for being high profile you get noticed and scrutinized a lot more than the average “nebish” ( joke joke.)

  9. Monika’s Kamph Our greatest battle was fought 80 years ago Monika. There are still pockets of resistance fighting for TRUTH and freedom like you. The N(j)ew World Order is not in full control yet.

    1. Not only are they NOT in full control… but they are in fact failing… and they sense it without being at all able to understand WHY? A true gentleman’s delight.

  10. I have no doubt that we must have a 3rd American Revolution, and start with a clean sheet of paper. Frankly I doubt that we’ll see it, though. The Sheeple are either fearful or unconcerned. After all, there’s football on TV and beer in the fridge.

    1. Of course, a civil war / civil wars (in any – and if possible the entirety of – Western country-s) is / are precisely what “the usual suspects” (alongside other fine decoys such as Ms Thunafish’s global warming perfidy) are desperately working on to distract the attention from their already torpedoed (thanks to the recently late Prof. Faurisson and many, many others) “Titanic II – the sequel: ‘The smallest fiddle in the world… and it’s playin’ just for us… the Gentiles’ ”…

  11. God bless you Monika. We here in the USA are beginning to see more of our rights namely the 1A and 2A being torn from us right before our eyes! Trump and the other sellouts have no interest in taking back nor preserving our country and our rights! The future is very uncertain

  12. Thank you Monika.

    I surface mailed every MP and Senator documents showing that we are being lied to about 9/11, 2001.

    No replies.

    I wish you well.

    John Duddy. Mexico.

      1. To Sparrow: The Bible is a printed book, much like The Diary of Anne Frank. These are books written and printed by perhaps the same ethnic group. In my experience, I do not understand how people that see the logic of the WWII work camps, forensic evidence, lies of “survivors”, photos; can not see the logic of science, astronomy, evolution and life itself. God created man? or man created god in man’s fear of death.

        M.M.O’Hair, founder of American Atheists, the person most responsible to get christian prayer out of schools in the USA was a holocaust truther. The picture Monika took of the Salem Truthers are Agnostic. I will use the word Agnostic instead of Atheist. I did hear from M.M.O’Hairs mouth, there is a 3% chance of a god. I thinks she was exaggerating.

        How many Christians would you say “believe” jews are god’s chosen people? “BELIEF” is in the mind. Yes, jews are the greatest at bending our minds.

      2. I’m not sure who put together the new testament but I believe ” the church fathers of the time (probably in Rome) decided what was to be included in it as many of the gnostic gospels were passed over including one written by a woman (Mary Magdalene)of course and one by the disciple Thomas. These 5th century papyrus accounts were declared apocryphal by the Church.

        1. That “Holy” Bible is chock full of Jew-worship. Any average kid can rattle off the names of David, Jacob, Moses, and the lot; not one ever heard of Hengist and Horsa, or Herman, or have the slightest idea what OUR OWN people were doing back then.
          Everyone’s welcome to their point of view where religion is concerned, but I’ll pass on that one.

          1. Oh Oh yes, shades of Beowulf!
            just providing some historical research on the New Testament in Christianity, I venture to say Muslims and Buddhists, Hindus never heard of Hengist or Horsa either.

      3. You are throwing the baby out with the bathwater from another baby! The Jews are not God’s people and never were. The Bible is not their book and never was. They masquerade as God’s people, stole their identity, and turn God’s true people away from God—which results in our destruction. Well has their plan worked. They fooled you. Even as the corrupt occupied government of Germany has brainwashed its people into hating their own ancestors, and even themselves, so also have they fooled you into rejecting the Bible, the only standard of morality (but what is taught now as Christianity is not, it is humanism). Read Uncovering the Mysteries and God’s Chosen People by Balaicius; as well as A Bolshevik Primer, A Greater Miracle… and 100 others.

        1. I’ve heard this argument before, and don’t believe it. The raging Jehovah, the bad behavior of all those “holy” people, etc.; it’s so obviously Jewish, that only those terrified of their Boogeyman (but who have the sense to dislike Jews) would think otherwise.

          1. You’ve heard the “concept”, but you haven’t studied the issue. Over 1,000 books have been written about this for 400 years, and thousands of scholars supported it, and the book I recommended is the result of 10,000 hours study… and yet you dismiss it offhand. That’s like someone dismissing Trigonometry saying, “Yeah, I’ve heard of numbers before; but I don’t think it adds up”. How many books have you read on Trigonometry? Well, none… but it just doesn’t “feel” right to me. Do you care about the truth or only if it is what you want to believe?

          2. You are confounding the counterfeit with the genuine. Do you throw all the $100 bills in your wallet away simply because some counterfeits exist? Would you say, “I don’t believe in the founding of the U.S. by Europeans because the majority of people in the US are Third World aliens? You have seen what has happened to the US and Europe and Britain in a half decade–nearly complete replacement. Do you think the original Swedes are Syrians? original Germans Turks? original Norvegers were Iraqis? original Danes Saudis? The very same thing happened to Spain, France, Greece, the Balkans—and the land of Israel over millennia. You reject the original because of the modern counterfeit. There is no relation between the two. The true Israelites were completely replaced by Edomite-Canaanites (close cousins to the Turks)—and that is while the vile modern people bear no resemblance to the true ancient Israelites; even as the modern Syrians, Persians, Greeks, Egyptians bear no relation to the original founders of those races and empires… the great replacement always takes place when moral and racial entropy is ignored… the importation of slaves, and the destruction of the race, religion, culture, government—as we are seeing take place before our eyes in all the nations of Christendom.

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