Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Online Radio Interviews – WTFR (where thought is free…)

It heartens me to learn of so many good people doing good work in this great awakening of humanity. Not so long ago I became aware of Shaun aka Surplus from Australia who hosts a show called TCTA or Two’s Company, Three’s Allowed, on WTFR (where thought is free radio). On the 10th of January 2020 I had the privilege of speaking with him for the second time. Here is the link to that show (our conversation is the first half):

We spoke about the attack on children, resistance to their agenda, the year of perfect vision 2020 – the Great Awakening, the Australian fires – mirror of the Canadian fires of the last few years – are the fires being lit and / or helped along by chemtrails (in Canada they were)?!

The first time I met Shaun on radio was 2019 December 6th. During that show I gave him a basic history of how my brother Alfred and I ended up becoming political prisoners.

Conversation with Schalk van der Merwe and Karin Smith, November 26, 2019. Schalk spoke to us from South Africa. We had best pay heed to what is happening there to the white people, as the globalists are stepping up their game-plan against whites everywhere.

December 5th Jan Lamprecht and I had a lively discussion, posted on History Reviewed. We covered: update on Alfred, psychological warfare, how we have been set up to be at war with each other, between generations, between the sexes, between different nations within the white race. We also talk about the unsung (in the english speaking world) hero Henry Hafenmayer, who is facing the Inquisition in Germany.

24 Responses

  1. What the hell happened to Shaun’s site? I used to listen to his shows a lot, now it got taken down. Damn it.

  2. Hi Frederick,
    there is a new “bedtime story”☺ for all of you – coming up soon – a good idea to read/listen to them once you are warmly tucked in under the blankets at night; heavy stuff is best to digest while safely in bed, and surely you won’t fall asleep before you’ve finished the chapter… and later in your dreams you will go on working, thinking, a creative process… Do you know that the angels are working overtime? their wings getting heavy… your guardian angel will tell you that ALL hands are urgently needed on deck… and in the morning you will get up empowered, you will talk to at least one person a day about what you’ve found out while you were dreaming… en passant you may mention to everyone who is inclined to listen (only to those) Did you listen in your childhood to the tales of the brothers Grimm? Children can learn about reality from such tales, they learn that they need to be cautious, they learn discernment, as dark forces are truly threatening our life. Advanced tales are for the big boys… no Mommy right there beside you ☺any more. Big boys/girls are facing the “dragons, vampires, the living dead, the demons, fat cats, rats, poisonous snakes” in real life, on their own now, yet joining a veritable invisible army /
    Sparrow –
    You seem to know the German proverb “Die Spatzen pfeifen es von den Dächern” ? meaning “Everybody is in the know” / The “Goyim” know. We are not there yet but keep shouting the truth from the roof tops (figuratively speaking) “bis sogar beim Letzten der Groschen fällt” till even the last one gets it /

    Coming to mind in this context… how universal the spiritual experiences are… the aborigines of Australia talk about the dream time (portal to the spiritual world), American Indians would see their power animals (Krafttiere) in their initiation experiences when entering adulthood. They would identify themselves with, and choose names after bears, wolves, buffaloes, eagles … mice were out of the question! / There is only one modern day Disney world figure which was appealing even as a mouse a clever one, always outwitting the fat cats…“Speedy Gonzales”, a Mexican, an immigrant? the survival skills were truly astonishing /

    Interestingly, the tribal Germans were known for their weapons; “Ger-mans” means (man + Pl-s) ”men carrying spears” (Ger = spear) and their power animals are red or golden/yellow lions, eagles, bears, wolves, falcons … they are still carrying them in their ancient heraldry, reaching far back in time… lions in Europe? when the climate was tropical, hot even far north. That’s why the Scots (and the Irish) traditionally wear knee free kilts, tiger skin over their shoulder, and nothing underneath (so the saga goes) Some say they all came from the Middle East (saga known in Britain, not in Germany)

    A Germanic “Ger”/spear had an ancient swastika symbol on it for good (hunter) luck. The name “Gerhard” (Gerard, Gerald) means someone who can throw the Ger (spear) really hard
    “dune mouse”?
    hiding in the sand, burying your head in the sand? Why would you want to do that? Why choose such a name? You claim Scottish heritage? not Scot-like at all, an identity problem? (just wondering)

    That’s nice. Highland dance – homage to the Scottish friends/relatives

    Nova Scotia – lots of Canadians have Scottish roots, and allow Canada being taken over? By Jews bringing multi-racial immigrants in, promoting “multiculturalism” to destroy racial cohesion and unity, and disown and replace the white Canadians with European heritage; the same White Genocide “replacement” is going on in all white countries; the agitators of these unnatural mass migrations are proud of what they are doing to the white race, they openly say so! Doesn’t this make you think really hard what is going on? Jews are not friends (very rare exceptions); internationally organized Jewry is an alien, destructive force mobilizing the masses of multi-ethnic immigrants as proxy armies against the Whites; the invaders are raping and murdering all over Europe; crime rates are going through the roofs, the prisons are full… the anti-white, anti-Christian indoctrination continues in there (as Alfred has seen in Stadelheim prison)

    1. Freya,a little info : The Dune Mouse, refers to my travels in N. Africa and some stories I wrote about that period and the name stuck. Yes I am Scots and Irish, born in Dublin, lived in Scotland, now Canada and very interested in human interest stories of all nationalities. I see where you are coming from but of course don’t embrace your whole philosophy as I have enjoyed the hospitality in many cultures. Beside Irish and English literature I also love Celtic and Norse myth. I have a little Norwegian on my mom’s side. You can insult me if you wish but actually I believe I’m a fair person with no animosity toward most people. My “tail” and stories speak for themselves Thanks for including the video but I think it is unavailable to watch in Canada as some of them are. does this one work?- very moving esp at 3:43

      1. PPS: and Freya that was very interesting bit of history and culture you wrote about Germany and about kilts etc. I enjoyed that. Yes, it is traditional not to wear anything under the Scots kilt. I also have mentioned the aboriginal dream time in one of my for fun videos.(Dr. Chandra)

  3. Freya, it is always most enlightening reading your various posts. You should write a book. And to you, Monika, it is always a pleasure to listen to your various audio interviews. Mostly, I will wait to listen to them once I am warmly tucked in under the blankets at night where I can have no interruptions. Best to you both.

      1. Actually, “a book” has already grown out of the amount of leaflets I have written (and distributed) over the years… since my awakening – 9/11 was the last drop… I’ve tried publishing once in Germany to help speeding up the awakening… but although very “even-handed”, the truth seems “too hot” a potato… for well established publishers to touch… we need help from abroad… Monika, thanks a lot for the opportunity to contribute to your blog, and for all the help, and all the light being shone on the situation we are in, in the “freeest state ever on German soil” (Jewess A.Merkel) Actually, a kind of open air prison where totally peaceful people get ritually defamed, criminalized and incarcerated for speaking the truth in public. Always a very challenging “Drahtseilakt”. Our heroes of free speech and prisoners of conscience know that all too well from personal experience.

  4. It’s interesting how people hone in on only anything that has to do with the Jewish problem. Whether or not they want to do away with Europeans was not my point. It was perhaps more about “karma”. Colonial Europe did perpetrate their own atrocities on lesser developed nations. No one here wants to address what they did to the native people’s of North America either, They murdered them almost to extinction., displacing them from their tribal lands, giving them alcohol ( of which they had no tolerance or knowledge) to further decimate them and even small pox disease infected blankets were given to them ( for which they also had no immunity- and all because their lands were coveted by the white settlers! It’s history. As I said before evil is not particular to one race.

    Now as for immigration in Europe, I agree they do need to put a stop to it for many reasons.

    It will be harder to stop in Canada, where Chinese ( and other) immigration is huge. The Chinese were brought here to work on railroads in the late 1800’s and now they are reaching mega proportions especially on the West Coast. After Hong Kong reverted the ones that have come are very wealthy and have driven housing prices sky high lol. We are by our own government called a “mosaic” of nations which seems to imply that no one has to integrate here, just do your own thing.

    1. What would that washing machine do without an agitator? (david westerlund)
      … better not confuse an “agitator” with a good motor, the positive driving force your “washing machine” (society, nation) needs for a perfectly good performance and reasonable life expectancy (survival) After over a hundred years of propaganda lies, manipulation of public opinion, betrayal… excessive money printing out of nothing and charging interest on it… excessive bribery, blackmail, corruption… the international money masters, slave masters, agitators of revolutions, economic crashes, hyperinflation, famines, starvation, wars and multiple genocides will come to realize: the game is up! The Jewish system of lies, organized plunder, genocide, White slavery is coming down. Who needs agitators, destroyers, liars, deceivers, slave masters? Who wants them? Nobody. The moment when an avalanche of truth is coming out… is also the time when the destroyers try to kick off another cataclysmic war (on Iran, Russia, China), to bring about worldwide catastrophes. They are trying very hard… everybody who is not totally blind and dumb/ed down CAN SEE IN REAL TIME what the destroyers are up to, everybody can see WHO THE AGITATORS ARE. They are an alien, destructive force.

      … zombified “dune mouse”, blinded from too much sand (anti-German, anti-White nationalist, anti-White racist propaganda) keeps repeating the same programming, the Jewish “perspectives” proven to be distorted and false. Lies, fabrications, falsifications of history, sometimes the total opposite of what the reality, the historical truth is. From the Jewish “perspective” the white race is the “cancer of humanity” and “must be EXTERMINATED” (Satanic Babylonian Talmud: “The best of the Gentiles must be killed!”). Jewish hate propaganda makes all Whites responsible for the Evil in the world… for Black slavery, colonialism … but remains silent about the role the Jews have played in all of this … as slavery/exploitation/extortion rackets/organized plunder have traditionally been the Jewish specialties! The goal of Judaism: to grab all the wealth of the whole world for the Jews, the master thieves, the master liars, the master deceivers.

      (sarcasm ON) The Jewish “perspective”/”vivid imagination” sees “gas chambers” where there were shower rooms, the survivors of labor camps “survived death camps”, lots of “miracles” happened as it was WATER coming from the shower heads… life saving, regular hygiene measures, killing off lice to prevent typhus must have been “traumatizing”, “a unique kind of suffering” which makes the survivors eligible for lifelong pensions, even if they never saw a shower room/”gas chamber” from the inside and spent the war years in the lap of luxury in Switzerland or America. Surely, such kind of “torture” has earned them pensions, reparations and compensations from their German victims/ ”evil, cruel victimizers” (sarcasm OFF)

      1. Wow Freya. All I did was make mention of a few other injustices in history and suddenly an anti Jewish rant ensues along comments about my particular blindness. Don’t you read anything else that is not concerning Germany, WWI and II or Holocaust stories. You guys are fanatical. Freya I did agree that Germany was unjustly vilified. I do agree that the Bombing of Dresden along with Hiroshima were war crimes. That whole period is very interesting and disturbing. I agree that Jewish money does help make America go round so to speak. But I don’t understand why mentioning other injustices of history is being an “agitator” in your books. I look at history in a relatively unbiased way. No one here will even acknowledge other injustices that have occurred such as that of the Brits under whom my relatives suffered in the past. No one says anything about the human rights that are abused constantly in Saudi Arabia (whom we support) and who are taught in their Madrassa to kill both Jews and Christians, or all the suffering in other places. If it’s not about Jews it obviously doesn’t exist among the supporters of this site. But I do thank Monika for allowing Free Speech for all.

        1. Sorry dune mouse, but I have to say you are sounding like a broken record. What you are refusing to see is that the Jews have actually been the hidden hand behind many of these “other injustices of history”. Take black slavery as an example. Almost ALL the slave ships were jewish owned. The Jews have been instigating wars through lies and deceptions for thousands of years. They get others to fight their wars for them.

          You say you look at history in an unbiased way. What does that mean? Is that through the lens of university courses? Or the books promoted in the mainstream?

          I can tell you that any professor who dares to challenge the “approved” version of history or current events loses their job very quickly, or gets “accidented” out of this world, or dies of sudden illness. Or how about any news reporter who actually tells the truth about something like 9/11 – how long do think they keep their job?

          You like to talk about “unbiased” or “balance” or “looking at both sides”. I am sorry, but these are completely useless and misleading terms. We are NOT given “unbiased” or “balanced” information from the jewish owned and controlled mass-media! Nor from school textbooks or university courses! Those curriculums and textbooks are controlled by jewish publishers, jewish boards, jewish interests. We are NEVER getting “unbiased” or “balanced” information from the mainstream media. So, sites like this one exist to COUNTER the lies and deceptions. That might come across to YOU as being one-sided. So be it. The truth is the truth is the truth. I do not apologize for having a site on which truth tellers can tell it like it is. You are getting “the other side” every time you turn on the mainstream radio, or TV, or watch a Hollyweird movie, or go to a history class at university.

          1. ok I get it’s your mission here. I don’t see your blog growing in leaps and bounds as to everyone accepting what you call the only truth. I guess everyone else is blind. Also Apocalypse is coming according to many. Forgive me if I enjoy looking at all sides of an argument and enjoying discovering the history and science of the universe from many sources. The Jews and what they are doing don’t preoccupy my every waking moment. I’ll leave that to you all.

  5. I see the immigration problems in Europe as being a part of that backlash of the former colonialism of European powers.(dune mouse)

    The war on the German people – on the white race – has definitely nothing to do with “former colonialism”.

    The Jewish Zionist plans to exterminate the Germans and ALL white nations do exist… and are well known… Hooton Plan, Nizer Plan, Kaufman Plan, Morgenhau Plan,Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, UN-EU Replacement Migration Plan …

    Pro-White Activism – How to Stop the Perpetrators of Genocide
    #2020 – a “Holocaust Remembrance Year” The falsifiers of history keep pushing anti-German, anti-white nationalist psychological warfare propaganda: Hollyweird movies, “diaries”… constantly re-enforcing the same programming. The most malicious Jewish lies – non-stop – until you only want to throw up. Let’s make it a True History Remembrance Year! Let’s learn about reality. Provable historical facts. We need truth & justice. The truth is “hate“ only for the haters of truth. Speaking the truth is not a crime, it’s free speech, our inalienable, God given right. Use it or lose it. Who are the haters, the terrorists? Not white nationalists, not Christians, it’s genocidal Jews, Jewish Communists, Jewish Zionists, Jewish supremacists, Satanists who are the true haters, war mongers and international terrorists! Expose the truth about the horrific Jewish crimes! The fact that the masses are still ignorant is proof that media and education are under the control of the perpetrators.

    #COMMUNISM & ZIONISM were invented by Moses Hess, mentor of Moses Mordechai Levi alias Karl Marx (from a family of Talmudic rabbis in Germany) Both are Jewish ideologies on how to reach JEWISH WORLD DOMINATION by destroying the nations of the white race. ZIONISM is more than “Jewish nationalism”. Zionists not only staged two world wars to establish a “Jewish nation state” in Palestine (“Israel” since 1948; YINON PLAN: “GREATER ISRAEL” from the Euphrates to the Nile), they want a world of their own: a JEWISH WORLD! Jerusalem (ZION) as world capital! ZIONISM is essentially the belief of a self-acclaimed “Jewish elite of the world“ that god has chosen them to be the rulers of mankind; the demon god of the Talmudic Jews is Lucifer /Satan! The Satanic Babylonian Talmud plainly states the Jewish intentions to dominate the world and have the Gentiles (all non-Jews) as their slaves! True patriots/nationalists and Christians cannot be Zionists (and/or Communists) at the same time! Zionists are anti-white nationalist, anti-Christian (Communists are internationalists, atheist, anti-Christian)! Trump is a self-declared 1000% Zionist..

    #”The Great Ideal of JUDAISM is that the whole world shall be imbued [polluted] with Jewish teaching [$ick-minded $hit] and that in a Universal Brotherhood of Nations [Freemasonic bla bla], a greater Judaism in fact — all the separate races and religions shall disappear.” (The Jewish World, February 9, 1883) [a mono-racial world, only mongrels left; Jews are a mongrelized race, the “Jewish nation” is a social construct; Jews are the destroyers of the homogenous white European nations; Jews are identity thieves, not the descendants of the Israelites of the Bible] In 1887 the FIRST ZIONIST WORLD CONGRESS took place. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion… also known as “Cultural Marxism” describe in great detail the methods on how to infiltrate, subvert and destroy the white Christian civilization and reach the goal of Jewish world domination. Jewish supremacists talk about “Judaism” as their “great ideal”, yet most non-Jews don’t seem to realize what “Judaism” actually m e a n s: Jews openly say that they want to “disappear all separate races and religions”! They demand to “abolish the white race” (Harvard Prof Joel Ignatiev), the Christian faith, the white sovereign nation states and nations to become the supreme rulers of the world! Question:


    Let that sink in!

    “Religious” Talmudic Jews are the haters and destroyers of white sovereign nations, of separate different races and religions, the haters of the Christian faith! The Jewish haters tell us they want to make us all d i s a p p e a r! Jews have been the agitators of revolutions and world wars, the perpetrators of multiple genocides, they want to destroy the diversity of humanity by mixing everyone together in ONE BIG MELTING POT! Jews call it their “great ideal” to flood the world with their Talmudic Satanic, Communist, Zionist $ICK-MINDED $HIT! They hide their destructive intentions behind deceptive words: “Universal Brotherhood of Nations”. The United Nations Organization (UNO) is the Jewish Zionist tool to d e s t r o y these nations!
    The “brotherhood” is the fraternity of international Jewish Freemasonry! Satanists, destroyers of nations and races, not brothers! Liars, deceivers, not brothers! Talmudic Satanists are NOT the “elder brothers” of Christians! “Christian Zionism”, “Judeo-Christianity”, “Chrislam” are contradictions in terms! Polar opposites do NOT mix! The Jewish anti-white nationalist, anti-white racist, anti-Christian hate propaganda couldn’t be more blatant! Jewish haters throw their $ICK-MINDED $HIT straight into our faces! They express the deepest hatred and loathing for white people. Why are the Jewish haters being tolerated in the white nations they have been culling down over centuries (using proxies) and want to totally e x t e r m i n a t e? The agitators and perpetrators of world wars and multiple genocide always put the blame on their victims as scapegoats! Jews never take responsibility for their most horrendous crimes They never know when to stop. Hubris will be their downfall.

  6. Hi Monika!! I really enjoyed your interview with Jan Lamprecht, and I have good news for you. We just received a letter from Alfred in the mail, and I’ll be posting it on my web page as soon as I can get it typed out. I also shared that particular interview.

  7. ” Alt Right” a very interesting and informative documentary film on Netflix, exploring the idea of free speech as part of the first amendment as well as the freedom to hate if you wish. The film presents in a relatively unbiased way both sides (alt right and antifa) of the fence as it stands in the USA today and also the division and mess in which the USA finds itself

  8. Benton L. Bradberry, The Myth of German Villainy:

    “Through manipulation of the international information media, the Jews won worldwide sympathy for themselves with their sensational stories of “unique Jewish suffering at the hands of the cruel Germans.“ They claimed that Germany had followed a “systematic plan to exterminate all of Europe’s Jews“ [no evidence for such a plan was ever found] and that by war’s end had managed to kill 6 million of them [Kabbalah number. The Jewish media had claimed several times before WWII that 6 million Jews had perished in Russia! Jews always blame their own depravity and cruellest crimes on their targeted victims. The truth is: Jewish revolutionaries are responsible for the mass murder of tens of millions of ethnic Russians, the RUSSIAN GENOCIDE, and the UKRAINIAN GENOCIDE/HOLODOMOR. Zionist Jews and allied partners in crime are responsible for the systematic extermination of the German people, the GERMAN GENOCIDE, the Holocaust of WW II by firebombing German cities and towns. The Jewish-Zionist plans to exterminate the German nation (Hooton Plan, Nizer Plan, Kaufman Plan, Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan), and ALL nations of the white race (UN/EU Replacement Migration Plan) do exist!] The alleged method was to round the Jews up from all over Europe, haul them in trains to so-called “death camps” [suppressed truth: the “Russian“ Jewish death camp Gulag, and the Eisenhower Rhine meadows death camps were disarmed German POW were herded in and starved to death, fenced in in open field treated worse than cattle] where they were herded into gas chambers and killed, and their bodies then burned in giant crematoria, with, conveniently, no forensic evidence of what had happened left behind [there IS forensic evidence that Auschwitz and the other labour camps did have shower rooms (called “gas chambers“ by liars), and that Zyklon B was used to disinfect clothes and bedding, life saving hygiene measures] In the absence of forensic evidence, eye witness testimony [of Jews telling the most malicious lies; Jewish Hollyweird movie fabrications are taken for historical truth], no matter how bizarre, sufficed to convict Germany and to make her the PARIAH of civilized nations“ [unique German suffering at the hands of Jewish liars, perverts, psychopaths, and allied minions]

    [comment added]

    That’s the programming. The narrative constantly being hammered into the public mind worldwide. Germany and all white countries plastered with memorials and museums in remembrance of the “unique Jewish suffering at the hands of evil Nazis“. The kind of association everyone shall immediately have when seeing a bulk of Jews entering trains…allegedly “straight to the gas chambers“, a classical scene in Hollyweird movies…

    I wonder if someone (“dune mouse“?) would like to add the missing answers, and help us understand the “reasoning“ behind the official pro-Jewish-Zionist position, totally uncritical and unconvincing.

    Q: Who declared “Holy War“ and an international boycott on German goods on National Socialist Germany in March 1933? / A: The Zionist World Congress in the name of world Jewry. //

    Q: Why did world Jewry declare war and an economic boycott on Germany? / A: World Jewry wanted to starve the German people into submission, force Hitler out of office, so that all Jews could stay and return to Germany, back into all their former influential positions, sucking the life blood out of the German people; business as usual, as it has been again since 1945 //

    Q: Why did the National Socialists want all Jews to leave Germany, and all of continental Europe? Any rational reasons for that wish? / A: ditto. Since the Zionist Dictate of Versailles the Germans knew about the Jewish betrayal (Rothschild-Balfour Deal to bring America into the European conflict to defeat and totally destroy Germany). Zionists had dictated the “peace treaty“ of Versailles, a declaration of war, ruining Germany and planting the conflicts leading to WWII //

    Q: Why were thousands of Jews still in Germany, in 1939? when the influential Jews had finally managed to bring about war… the provoked “Blitzkrieg“ on Poland followed by the British and French declarations of war on Germany / Answer: ?

    Q: Why did the Jews NOT LEAVE in time (1933 – 1939 – till 1941 they were free to leave)? All of them could have gone abroad. Why did they stay in Germany and in other European countries? AFTER the Jewish Zionist declaration of war (1933) to exterminate the German people! What did they expect to happen? Why did they NOT GO AWAY? Were they told to stay? By rabbis? To fill the role of the “innocent, persecuted victims“? To play the crucial part in the bigger plan, the Holy Hoax “religion”? The “Jewish victimhood” ruse, an enormous extortion racket, a never ending gravy train, by eternally enslaving and exploiting the German people. The goal from the get go / Answer: ?

    “The [Nuremberg] trials were also permeated throughout with an atmosphere of Jewish vengeanceseeking.“ (Bradberry, The Myth…) Q: Vengeance? Revenge? FOR WHAT? Holy War on the German people. WHY? What impertinence is that! I’ve never understood that. Why do Jews impose themselves on nations who don’t want them around? Why do they keep destroying the white nations while at the same time playing the “innocent persecuted victims“? / Answer: ?

    1. The Dune mouse will try. Firstly it is obvious that a huge percentage of the American population are Jewish and many of them are very wealthy Economics etc play into this hugely plus the rabid anti communism of America during McCarthyism and later which was financed partly I’m sure by the (non communist) capitalist Jews.Capitalism gives way to all kinds of corruption ( Mafia also played a role). So sad that money talks! but it has been that way through the centuries ( and power).

      I also would also be interested myself, in apart from all this Jewish hullabaloo, why we are still supporting Saudi Arabia, if not for money. Supposedly they keep the west informed of Terrorism but fanatical Wahhabism (Sunni sect) gave birth to Bin Lauden and many others. This is another By Way of Deception story. The Saudis are the biggest abusers of human rights there are in that area.

      1. dune mouse – You are saying

        (from Germany / continental Europe)? WHY NOT? They STILL knew why it is better NOT to let them in (threat of Communist subversion)?
        McCarthy knew… and he was right – right?

        And Great Britain did not allow them in either? And the rest of the world? That’s rather unlikely: The Jews could have found some countries somewhere to go to, right? which leaves the question BASICALLY unanswered:


        Do you see what I mean?

        Nobody really wanted the Jews – and yet, Great Britain, all Commonwealth countries
        and America have been waging war/s FOR the Jewish-Zionist interests (since 1914 –
        America since 1917), FOR JEWISH POWER! FOR an enormous increase, concentration and consolidation…

        The truth is very dark & ugly:
        LEFT BEHIND…they could have helped them but they did not, on the contrary…
        they “sacrificed” them, they needed Jewish victims of the war; they needed to spin a “Holocaust” fable

        You call them “(non communist) capitalist Jews” – but I doubt that there are any capitalist Jews who are not Communist! Jewish Capitalists are Communists at the same time! That’s a contradiction only for those who don’t understand what Communism means. It has always been the Capitalist Jews who have financed the “revolutionary faction”; “Antifa” etc The Jewish Capitalists, Communists, Zionists, Satanists have all the same goal – Jewish world domination – and they work together!

        dune mouse – you’ve tried… and gave an honest answer – good…

      2. but one more thing as far as this history aspect goes. It just seems that even though I may agree with some aspects of what is said here, it’s all or nothing and get ready to receive a (verbal) bashing if you don’t agree . I do try to always look at the bigger picture of historic events and what you call my lies is what I see as my “perspective” on it and that I don’t believe Greed, Hypocrisy, Deception, is particular to one race of people.
        Bear with me: The white supremacists ( or neo nazi’s, far right etc) over in North America talk about taking America back for the white people- basically the English speaking people, as they were the first to arrive and create the constitution etc. ( In Canada it was the French). But everyone seems to forget that these same people through deception and greed, murdered and cheated the original native populations (thinking they were inferior of course) displaced them and practiced a type of genocide to wipe them off the land(these First Nations had been here for 10000 years). Likewise, these fine English gentlemen kidnapped black Africans for slaves bringing them to the new world to work them to death. Now the USA bears the legacy of those actions in the awful division that is occurring there.
        I see the immigration problems in Europe as being a part of that backlash of the former colonialism of European powers.

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