Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Not Busking

I had a wonderful time this afternoon at the park. My friends Tony, Steve, Gizella and Kyle sat with me on the Information Centre lawn in downtown Jasper while I played my violin. The instrument case was closed, I was not busking. I don’t have a busking permit, because of my “publicly proclaimed non-inclusive views”.

The tourists seemed to enjoy the music. Some came closer and listened. Others let the rhythm guide their feet as they bopped along while passing by. There was clapping. Someone danced joyously. A little boy drew a picture and presented it to me as a gift when I finished.

Apparently there is danger in letting me play in public. There might be enjoyment.

For me, today was a gift. I did not need to be busking. I received much more than money can buy, from the joyfulness of the passers-by. It was a half-hour of bliss.

3 Responses

  1. The privilege of busking in Jasper is subject to a morals audit. You’re DENIED the right to work for a living (such as it is), much like Jews in Germany after 1933.

    I know you freely acknowledge that Jews in National Socialist Germany were indeed discriminated against in similar fashion.

    But that wasn’t YOU there in Germany discriminating against Jews, was it? Did your parents? COULD they have? If this is turnabout, it still NOT fair play.

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