Free Speech Monika

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More from Alfred to Frederick / 2.2.2021

Political Prisoner Alfred Schaefer has been enjoying a dialogue with Frederick. Here is a link to previous letters, for background. In that previous exchange, Frederick retold his uncle’s profoundly moving wartime stories from Berlin, and Alfred answers with his deep insights.

Here follows another letter from Alfred to our friend Frederick, but first, this short letter to A&A.


Dear Amos and Amy,

Thank you so much for your very thoughtful card and letter. The card carried a most important message – to look back to where you’ve been (come from) and to look forward to what’s ahead (where we are going). Our ancestors knew what was good and were prepared to defend what’s good with a sword in their hands. They never wore an obedience and subservience diaper over their face just because some Jews told them to. In other words, to go from sword in hand to diaper to hide face behind, is not the right direction.

On every 30 of January I cannot help but think of the 10,000 innocent fleeing refugees who were sunk on the Wilhelm Gustlov by a Soviet submarine in the icy Baltic Sea on 30 Jan, 1945, to escape the advancing Communist horde who were whipped into frenzy by the Jew Ilya Ehrenburg, to kill every German they possibly could.

“If you haven’t yet killed a German today, then your day has been worthless. If you have killed a German today, then kill another, and another, and another.”

This vile hatred directed at the very heart of the European peoples has now been expanded and directed and focused on whatever is left of the White Race. “The destiny of the White Race is in our hands”. Jewish boasting about our imminent extermination. But let me tell you something my friends, the one thing that is even dumber than poking a lion to test if it is sleeping tight, is to continue poking it as it wakes up and rises to its feet.

We are waking and we are rising!

The only thing that the Jew can now do with the pathetic brain-dead nutcase sleepy Joe and his little bitch is to determine the severity of the retribution that is now growing its resolve and focus. If I wasn’t white, I would much rather be our friend than our enemy. To think we will now be led to the slaughterhouse with a diaper over our face and our thumb stuck up our ass, is poor judgement.

The Jews themselves realize this and have, in their desperate panic, started attacking their own, just like Benjamin Franklin prophesied back in 1787 when he wanted to keep Jews out of the United States of America. Those worms who believed to have found a soft and safe place by slithering to a place beneath the belly of the snake, now have an unenviable position. They lack the strength to stand on their own feet and will be devoured as the snake eats itself up. Here a picture to illustrate their problem. The good thing about Sleepy Joe being the idiot for the Jews in this fraud election, is that the American People now know what needs to be done, and that they must rise to their feet, as we all must do. The later in time that our stragglers come round, the greater will be their passion to prove to us that they are on our side, and God help those who are still behind them. Victory is Ours!

Sincerely, (Worst Case) 88 Alfred

[WC – see editor’s note at bottom]



Dear Frederick,

thank you so much for your letter from 23 Dec 2020 which arrived here in my cell on 26 Jan, so it came by boat. I felt completely in synch with you reading your letter. You wrote many things where I thought – amazing, that is 100% exactly true.

There is so much to say, got to start somewhere, so I’ll start with a meeting I had with the late Richard Edmonds. It was in Bretzenheim where both he and I were speakers to commemorate the countless Germans who were deliberately starved to death in Rosenfeld’s  Roosevelt’s death camps after Germany was “liberated” by the All-lies in 1945. As we all know now, the Jews intended to actually exterminate as many – if not all – Germans as possible, in their drive and obsession as stated in their mantra: “The best of the goyim deserve to be slaughtered.” Remember, the Jews had in the recent past before this time (1945) slaughtered without a shred of human remorse, countless millions of the best European blood under “Communism” in the time since the “Russian Revolution”.

As Alexander Solzhenitsyn stated: “You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be over-stated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.”

Back to Bretzenheim (I think it was Nov 2017), Richard gave his speech before I gave mine, which was good otherwise the effect would have been lost. He, as an Englishman, stressed the need for the British to apologize for what they did to Germany. Later on, when it was my turn, in my speech I stressed the need, not for apologizing, but for people to understand this. I asked them, in my speech, if I were manipulated to take a dagger into my hand and stab myself into my heart, but I survived this madness, would I expect an apology from my hand? No, only an understanding of what has been done to me through manipulation so I can prevent it from happening again.

Now, in 2021, we see clearly, with our backs against the wall, we, the remnants of the White Race, are marked for extermination. This time not with bombs, but with Rat Poison. Not bombs against Nazis, but Vaccine against Corona.

How did the Jews reward England for their “help”? A Muslim Pakistani mayor for London and muslim grooming gangs for English girls for sex. What is the reward for anyone foolish enough to take their Jew Shot “Corona anti-infection super-duper totally safe strawberry flavoured vaccination”? Slow certain death.

A good rat poison has a delayed trigger so that the smart intelligent rats do not see a link between the tasty baited rat poison and their own slow agonizing death. Pictures of happy rats 24/7 on all channels eating Pill Bill’s tasty rat food helps. Baby rats cannot even begin to imagine that the trusting grown-up rats would be so stupid to feed them poison.

But now Frederick, I want to tell you why the tide has turned for all to see. Just one example, and there are lots. The snake has turned on itself. It is eating itself up. Vampires are like that. This situation is rapidly closing the window of opportunity for people to detach themselves from their position beneath the belly of the snake. How they do this is up to them, and whatever they do during this critical time that is left, will determine their fate for the rest of their lives. Sort of like leaving a burning house by risking the sprint through the flames. Your sprint will be, for you, the defining moment for the rest of your life. You may not make it, but if you don’t even try, you will burn to death for sure.

My point: 2020 was the year of 20/20 vision. We saw what needed to be seen. 2021 is the year to act on that what we have seen. On Jan 1, 2021 the “Jüdische Rundschau” which is a Jewish Journal for Jews, a piece was published that just rips apart Anetta Kahane who is a real Bolshevik Jew, for her treason against other Jews in the former Communist East Germany. So, Jews now attacking other Jews. Wonderful. Those worms who are glued to the underside of the snake with their own slime and unable to slither away or stand up, will be eaten by the snake as it eats itself. Anetta Kahane was only the beginning of the Tail section, now the eating continues forward. [see image above]

From you letter: “Strange, but of late there are now more and more stories emerging of other wartime soldiers…” It all makes good sense Frederick, what all those soldiers experienced and saw did not fit into the propaganda of that time. They could make no sense out of it and if any did speak they were pounced on and shredded as being evil, bad, bla bla bla and not patriotic, so they remained silent.

(George Patton spoke up and he “died” very fast to set an example. JFK started talking, and….
Also – fraternization was prohibited between the “All-lies” and the “Nazis”. Today interbreeding between N___ and Whites is pushed 24/7 on all channels.)

Then, to prevent them ever from talking, the Jews started putting out their “Holocaust” BS really thick after they killed Kennedy in 1963. The “Holocaust” was already seeded in the Nuremberg “Trials”, but could not be brought out until a safe period of time had passed. Now that we have come full circle and these lies are killing us, it is only natural that those who still can, do come out to relieve their conscience as well as possible. Because it makes sense and it gives their life a value. They can then die happy and relieved without their burden of the monstrous lie of this manipulation.

Now I want to talk about the dramatically reduced half-life value of the big lies. Look how long it took for the “Holocaust” lie to get seeded, born, harvested for all its worth, and carried to grave. Then look at Nine Eleven. I didn’t really figure that out until about ten years after, around 2010 or 2011. So many people I talk to had a very similar timeline. Now of course it is so dead they struggle not to mention it at all, and if they must, it is at retardo level what they tell us. Now look at Corona. They seeded that a long time ago, but it was born March 2020, and now, before it is one year old, [the lie] is already dead. Compare that to the Hollow Hoax, quite a difference. And the very fact that any Jew who thinks he can capitalize on the Corona Hoax is in fact accepting the cumulative guilt of everything his Jewish forefathers have inflicted onto the world, and will harvest the wrath this entails. No Jew can then claim: But it wasn’t me, I didn’t do anything. We remember the true Holocaust, in Dresden alone, on Feb 13&14 when 500,000 innocent German mostly women and children got basted, the Jews wanted to murder 900,000 in one night and had to content themselves with half a million which they propagandized down to “up to 20,000 Nazis”.

With all this in mind, I can understand why the Jews now want to quickly exterminate the White Race, what’s left of it, because retribution is on its way […]

This Fear is now driving the snake to eat itself. Good for us! Bad for the Jews… ha ha ha. In these days we are rapidly peeling away layer after layer of the lies we’ve been wrapped up in, and reaching down to our genetic heritage which is our DNA. Once we have succeeded in decontaminating ourselves, then we know with whom we want to live, and it ain’t any of the invaders. The decontamination process ought to help us take off the Corona face diaper and take up a sword in our hands and do what our ancestors did and defend our homeland.

I know of not one single animal that is strong and intelligent that would give its territory away to a fast breeding [invader] species. That would be reverse evolution.

You are right when you say we did everything right to have met in this struggle. You are also right to say that our struggle has a purpose. For me, this time in prison is like a space capsule that I am in, on a mission from earth and back to earth again. I left the earth after noticing that it will be undergoing a major historical change and hope that my re-entry won’t kill me and I am able to touch down safely after the rebirth, or transformation has more or less reached the critical point. In the space capsule there is only a tiny window to peek out of, the people on earth have only a suffocating idiot mask to breathe through, so they can’t be very happy. I can’t visit people, but then the earthlings can’t either. I might get killed during re-entry to earth, but so too, earthlings are dying by the score as the Orks flood into their once beautiful towns and cities. The Orks are torching and raping, they call them BLM for Burning Looting and Murdering and Raping Orks, why would the earthlings say that the Burning Looting Murdering Orks are so important? Why don’t they just deal with them? Nobody needs Orks, they are no good. They’ll kill you.

On a lighter note: When I bought myself a new bike here in Germany after I started working for IBM in Munich in 1985, it was also a Raleigh Touring bike but with the racing handlebars. I think it had 14 gears. [This is in response to Frederick’s letter in which he talked about his bicycle. ~ed.]

I could write pages and pages but I want to send this off now.

Your sincerely,

(WC) 88 Alfred

Editor’s note: WC stands for Worst Case, which is what Alfred was called in a MSM major German newspaper after his 2019 trial. Alfred Schaefer is a “Worst Case Holocaust Denier.” He takes great pride in that, and so he should. In the inverted world of lies and deceptions, ‘Worst Case Holocaust Denier’ actually stands for ‘Best Case Truth Teller’.

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