Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Letter to Beloved Young Friend

A few weeks ago, I had an email exchange with someone near and dear to me. She is a young woman — I will call her Katie — who is of mixed race. Her father is White, and her mother is Black. I love this young woman, and we share a special bond of friendship. She has a one-year old boy who happens to have blond hair and blue eyes. She does not live in my area, but she visited a few months ago on her way through, and even stayed overnight. We three — she, her baby, and I — had a lovely time.

What follows is our later email exchange, with slight alterations to protect her identity. I occasionally send emails to this small  group of personal friends including Katie, still trying to help them understand the matrix of lies that is being foisted on us, but which this group has been unable, thus far, to see.


Dear Friends,

I hope you are all doing well.
What I am sending you is on a different topic than usual. It is not about the “holocaust” and it is not about the Covid thing nor is it about 9/11, nor are jews mentioned. This video that I am sending you the link to is about the massacres of ethnic Germans in the Bromberg and Danzig areas of Poland, prior to WW2. This is very important history. It is one of the most hidden parts of our history of that time. I think if you watch this video with an open mind, it might help you to understand the origins of WW2 better. Is it really true that Hitler wanted war? Is it really true that he started the war? That’s what we were always taught in school, but could it be that the victor’s version of history is tainted by virtue of the fact that it is the victors who write the history books? Maybe you still think, like I did as a child: — “Who cares who writes the history books — don’t they just write the facts?”
Love Monika

from Katie this:

Hi Monika,
I will preface this email to say that I will not (ever) click any link you send to me because I am convinced they come from sources that support and spread a White Supremacist agenda. I did a small amount of digging on the events you mentioned. From what I can gather from your email, I am tempted to believe that, decades after the events, in some circles Joseph Goebbels did a great job as propaganda minister.
(Katie sent me an excerpt from a Wikipedia article on Bloody Sunday (1939). Here is part of that “politically correct” and sanitized version of history. Note the usage of words like “apparent” and “later claimed”)
 from Wikipedia article on Bloody Sunday (1939)> As British historian Ian Kershaw wrote:

For German propaganda, the attacks on ethnic Germans were exploited as an apparent justification for a policy of ‘ethnic cleansing’ that had surpassed in its first days anything that could be regarded as retaliation. The Germans claimed in November 1939 5,400 had been killed in the ‘September Murders’ (including what they dubbed the ‘Bromberg Bloody Sunday’). Then, in February 1940, on Hitler’s own instructions (it was later claimed) this was simply multiplied by around ten-fold and a figure of 58,000 German dead invented. [emphasis mine~MS]

Katie continues: An author I greatly admire, Reni Eddo-Lodge (who wrote Why I’m No Longer Talking To White People About Race) wrote this: “Freedom of speech means the freedom for opinions on race to clash. Freedom of speech doesn’t mean the right to say what you want without rebuttal, and racist speech and ideas need to be healthily challenged in the public sphere.”

While our email exchanges hardly qualify as the public sphere, this email is my rebuttal to you.


My Response:

Dear Katie,

I did not and could not answer right away, because I needed to digest what you told me. I have been working on this letter for a number of days. You’ve probably already guessed it; I was pretty disappointed in your answer. But it is what it is. What can I do?

Allow me to reply, and then I will not bother you again.  Your response is from a different Katie than the one I knew. Before I go any further, let me just say that the most important part of my message to you comes at the end, so please, even if you do not feel like reading the body of my rather long letter, at least read the end.

We are living in an inverted reality. Pretty much everything we have learnt from school, TV, Hollywood, and the MSM (mainstream media) is a lie. The history that we are taught — is a lie. The myth of German villainy — is a lie. The myth of White race = bad — is a lie. You are a victim of that indoctrination, just like everyone else.

The most current Big Lie is now being admitted by the CEOs of the pharmaceutical companies and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

“No we did not know if the vaccine would stop transmission. Oh, sorry about that”, and
“We now don’t recommend a fourth booster, because there are more deaths from myocarditis than from covid. Oops, sorry about that”, and
“There were no long-term studies, oh, sorry, we pushed it anyway”, and
“Let us all forgive and forget.”

These people are gas-lighting us. At the same time that they are admitting that the vaccines actually cause people to die (in great numbers!), they are still, in reality, pushing people to get more boosters, and they are still making vaccination a condition of employment in some places. That is very confusing, is it not? It is deliberately crazy-making. But I digress from the topic at hand.

Regarding your research, I just want to let you know that Wikipedia is completely controlled by jews. I am sorry if my mention of jews makes you uncomfortable (as it surely will, as we have been conditioned to never talk like that). I could send you articles and videos that explain how Israel hires many students to monitor social media and Wikipedia and make it “jew-friendly”. The jewish press admits this. But you have already given me notice that you will not (ever) click a link I send you, because you suspect the source to be “White supremacist”. Fine. (How ironic, when the only really “supremacist” group of people are the jews, “God’s chosen people”.) You have basically admitted that you have closed your mind off to learning anything new, or to using your own discernment, and using your own brain to think and analyze and draw conclusions based on evidence and what makes sense. Instead, you have announced that you automatically assume that anything I send will be suspect. I could, for example, send a link to a website that talks about virology and the current “pandemic”, and you will suspect it to be a “White supremacist” source. That is basically what you have told me.

It is very difficult for good people to believe that there can exist such bad people who would deliberately do bad things, like lie to us and try to kill us. So, I understand why you don’t believe me about these things — it is because you yourself are such a good person and you yourself would never behave that way. In addition, it is hard for us to imagine that the teachers in school would lie to us (most of them are duped too!), and that all the MSM are in on it. Check who owns virtually all the MSM – you guessed it, it’s the jews. Or maybe you doubt me, but you can research this for yourself. Look up CEOs of news media, etc, don’t just rely on Wikipedia. In some cases, the jews actually brag about their ownership and control, especially with regards to Hollywood.

At some point, when you are presented with so much evidence which conflicts with the prescribed narrative, you can’t help but open your eyes to it. Think about the fact that a group of people are so bad that they have to pass laws making it illegal to talk about the things they do. That is a fact. Talk about the things that Israel actually does (even just quoting what the jews themselves say that they are doing, and they say these things right in their own newspapers in Israel), and you are branded anti-Semitic. Being anti-Semitic is against the law. They say that we are “inciting hate”. I know that because I went to jail for it. What a concept!

I am talking about both the concept of ‘inciting hate’, whatever that is, and the concept of going to jail for reaching different conclusions about the history we are taught. I may as well add to the list, what a strange concept that we are not allowed to bring evidence into the trial! Seriously, we were not allowed to bring evidence or witnesses who would have explained or corroborated with us on the conclusions we had reached.

You have announced that you are not willing to look at anything I send you, ever. And then after discrediting my sources without even looking, you send me a clip from a jewish controlled site that is packed full of lies, and can be proven to be packed full of lies. “The victors write the history books”. Guess who the winners were. Germany? No. The Allies? No. The bankers? Yes. And guess who the bankers are. That group we are not supposed to name, lest we be called anti-semitic.

By the way, I looked up your revered author Reni Eddo-Lodge, and the first link I opened was an article in the Guardian Weekly about her with this opening sentence: “She has become the first black British author to top the UK book charts, partly prompted by the fallout from George Floyd’s death.”

Katie, I need to tell you that the official story about George Floyd is complete hogwash. His autopsy showed that he died of a drug overdose. The cop’s knee on his neck was all theatre. Also, you should know that George Floyd was a hard-core nasty criminal who did things like rob a woman with a gun to her pregnant belly, and yet, this convicted felon was given a funeral fit for kings. How is that possible in a sane world? Think about the hype surrounding George Floyd’s death, what was the prevailing theme? It was always “White violence against Blacks, and bad racist Whites, and bad racist White cops, and poor Black victims of evil White people, and ‘systemic racism’.”

You would be very surprised, Katie, to learn about the real statistics with regards to who kills who. I can assure you, very few Blacks get killed by Whites, whereas many Whites get killed by Blacks, and the most striking statistic is that the vast majority of Black murder victims are killed by Blacks. That’s right, Black on Black violence – that is the absolute biggest proportion of all. But the MSM only talk about the Blacks who get killed by Whites. And in some cases, they create a fictitious scene, such as the George Floyd incident, to create a certain narrative which serves their agenda. Whose agenda, you might ask? The jewish agenda of White genocide. If that shocks you, and you think I’m just making it up, no, they tell us that that is their wish and their plan. Many jews have told us that the White race must disappear. I cannot send you sources because you have told me you will not open them. It would be “White supremacist“, to point to jewish books and jewish quotes which talk about getting rid of this pesky White race. We are evidently “White supremacists” for merely wanting to survive. Your refusal to look at any source which might point to the truth about this creates a bit of a catch-22, don’t you think?

Katie, you seem to hate the White race. I remember you qualifying your support for a certain political candidate because you “didn’t really want to promote an old White man”. Why do you hate White people? Why did you marry a White man, if White men are so bad? He might be relatively young now, but your White husband will one day be one of those “old White men” that you decry. Do you hate your own father? and your paternal grandfathers too? Or perhaps they are self-hating, guilt-ridden White men, and so that makes it okay to love them?

There is this thing they call “Critical Race Theory” which they teach in school these days. Have you heard about it? You have been subjected to it as well, through movies and media and false history. These days, little children have been known to go home in tears after first day of school and ask, “mommy, daddy, am I bad because I am White?” Imagine that! An innocent little child being traumatized like that!

Without delving more deeply into what and why and who has conditioned you to think this way (that Whitey is bad), let me just leave you with the following to think about. This is the most important part of this letter to you. You are participating in creating a hostile world for your own son, Katie. Your beautiful young son is very White. You are helping to create the conditions for your own son in which the world he grows up in will be nothing but White-hating. He will be targeted because of his Whiteness. You are participating in that. Think about it. Why are you participating in this War on Whites?

That is all.

sent with love,

11 Responses

  1. Hallo Monika,

    It has been some time since we spoke over email. The last email was about CER moving from London to here. I never heard back, so I assumed I annoyed you with frivolous chatter and also you are busy. I apologise for annoying you and will refrain in the future and will simply post here when things I see ought to commented in.

    Concerning Katie, it is sad there was such a 180 degree turn. Was it actually her who wrote you? If it was, all I can say is that it is very sad she replied in her manner, but do not let this situation change you or having a welcoming heart. We cannot let incidents as this do that. Now if it were violent, then of course I would not be saying what I am. Your reply is exactly correct and it clearly shows that you do care, regardless. I thank you for sharing. It goes to show what the end result is from the brain being parasitized.

    Danzig documentary.. I have known of these atrocities upon our Volk for quite some time. The video was very well done and I saved it. What is sad, and I find this often in varying chat groups on social media platforms, is that many dispute these facts. There is nothing to dispute. Truth is truth. I will close with one of my favorite sayings by Soren Kierkegaard.

    There are two ways to be fooled.
    One is to believe what isn’t true;
    The second is to refuse to accept what is true.

    Gott mit uns

    1. Thank you, E (I edited your name out, not knowing if you wanted it public). Thank you for all your comments. I really appreciate them.
      No you did not “annoy” me at all, but the fact of the matter is that I am very busy, and sometimes emails slide down the pile and go out of sight and then out of mind. It is very difficult to keep up with online stuff, while still doing real-life things too.

      About Katie, those exchanges really did take place, but I gave her a different name to protect her identity. I am not wishing to hurt her, but the story needed to be told. She is actually someone that I have been close to from the day she was born, that’s all I’ll say about that. Sadly, she has become a product of the intensely marxist indoctrination.
      best wishes to you,

  2. Dear Monika!

    I just watched the video about the Danzig-Bromberg Massacres.
    Praise God, I am not altogether unaware of some of these facts, having been propelled along this line of history from since I was a wee child.
    Horrible! WW2 history has been twisted and mutilated like the bodies of those poor Germans, until almost nobody recognizes it. The same kind of provocations and refusals to accept their surrender were used against Japan to force it into attacking Pearl Harbour, just so the Americans could join the war and use its devilish atom bombs to destroy civilians in Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
    Thank you for doing what you can to “educate” folks. I have bookmarked the link for future reference.

    P.S. We have borrowed the book “Other Losses”.

    1. Thank you Lana,
      Yes, the more I learn about true history, the more I see that literally EVERYTHING is reversed and upside-down, the “good guys” and the “bad guys” completely inverted.

  3. Excellent reply which, I fear, may be wasted on ‘Katie’. She and so many others seem to be lost but that’s no reason to give up and you do not give up nor does your valiant brother Alfred give up although he has paid dearly.

    P.S. I note on Jim Rizoli’s site that Ursula Haverbeck’s case has been ‘dismissed’ although I find nothing to support it. Of course, I hope it’s true. Can you shed some light on this?



    1. Thanks Nick, yes the case against Ursula Haverbeck was indeed dropped for now. She had put in a complaint about the entire case being totally flawed and illegitimate and apparently someone in the system agreed, or perhaps at the very least, they might be afraid that they would make a martyr of this dignified old woman if she was to die behind bars. What they had done is press new charges against her, with the court date falling 12 days after she had been released from prison, and yet, the impression she had had going into that courtroom was that it was a continuation of an older case against her. Then they made other blunders, telling her she didn’t have to show up on the next court date because certain witnesses were not going to be there anyway, but then they finished that case in her absence without her getting her Last Word! Every defendant gets the Last Word – it is the one and the only remaining “right” that a defendant has in the German court. It was all quite outrageous. Anyway, I guess it was all a bit too much even for this tyrannical system in occupied Germany. If I find the link again to the article that I read, I will put it here, but for now, this information is to the best of my recollection of how the case went.

  4. Very good reply! Like Paul English said, you can only try and nudge people in the right direction.
    Thanks for all your great work, I always like listening to you on the alternative media.

  5. Your letters to “Katie” are very very good. You did exactly as I always did in putting in a lot of energy for these people as a test person or as a practice person. Very well done indeed, and “Katie” is so totally lost it is incomprehensible.
    The people slated for extermination are always dehumanised first and then slaughtered by the people who have been taught to hate them. Jews will always lead the charge in commanding the programmed zombies, as they did in the Soviet Union and many other lands. The best of the goyim deserve to be slaughtered. The culling operation in the Soviet Union resulted in over 60 million dead (some estimates go to 100 million) and an average IQ reduction of 5 percent.

  6. IMO, Katie’s comments do not deserve such an eloquent, well-informed response, except to use it for a website posting such as this.

  7. Your little friend Katie is missing out on a great wealth of information that you could provide for her on a daily basis.
    It’s so sad to see a young person miss the chance to be guided by the hand though the fog. Instead she will spend
    the rest of her life being a self-hating white and what’s really sad is her child will grow up the same.
    R.B .Guy

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