Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Letter from Gerard Menuhin

The following letter came to me just over a month ago (15 November 2019), and when I asked permission to publish it Gerard Menuhin said yes of course,


I  just found a thread and went on writing.


It just so happens that Gerard Menuhin stars in the story that led to my last article, since it was the review about his book Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil which Sonja Dickey had found so offensive, and ultimately led to her refusal to provide copy service to me.



Dear Monika,

As I had noted Alfred’s court appearance on the 12th, but hadn’t heard anything about it, I looked him up and found your site with all your latest experiences.


It’s good to read about how active you have been. Also the regular persecution you fearlessly face, from people too dumb to think for themselves.


I’ve never been to Canada, except for a transit once at an airport many years go. Obviously, there is a connection between the two enormous captured domains of Canada and Australia in that both were parts of ‘the Commonwealth’. Assuming that all colonization and exploration, leading to domination, was a quest for local riches and cost money, it surely isn’t stretching a point to suppose that the backers of such ventures were always the same.


It’s probably not an exaggeration to assume the same of the Dutch West Indies and of the French overseas colonies. Again, who funded Spain’s excursions to South America and Portugal’s to Macao, etc.? All leading to ‘empires’, something for the ruling countries’ populations to be proud of, while their under-privileged slaved away in the factories of the industrial revolution.


Then, one by one, these ‘dominions’ were relinquished by their colonizers, leaving behind multi-nationals to continue to plunder the land, and huge numbers of natives, eager to migrate to the home countries of their former rulers, whose languages they often spoke and whose governments were incapable or unwilling to stop this migration. (Australia and Canada were exceptions, as their native populations had been largely wiped out, as was that of the U.S.)


Political control occurred simultaneously with the theft of natural resources. In much of Africa,  it sufficed to bribe a local tribe leader. In South Africa, the Boers had to be wiped out. In the more sophisticated countries of Western Europe, governments and populations had to be undermined by subtler policies, always based on the financial incentives of their respective central banks. These incentives led to immensely profitable world wars.


The largest and most important colony was not dominated by another nation, but by criminal infiltrators, under the flag of a false ideology. After about 70 years, this ideology lost its local magnetism, or was abandoned at about the same time as the rest of the captured world had submitted to financial domination. No coincidence. Its threat was no longer needed, as its driving force continues to subvert the entire world.


Now, through the degradation of all culture, traditions and education, and with the help of captive media and propaganda or lies, almost all the targets have been reached. Regional wars have provided the incentive for migrants to flood ‘democracies’ which already cannot afford to maintain their standards. So control is almost complete.


Is a Third World War really necessary? The doomsday weapons have been invented and are ready. As capability dictates policy, they may be used. Will the destruction of air and water occur within our lifetimes? Only those whose will has determined the planet’s unfortunate evolution know this. Their constitution is rooted in destruction, so they have no alternative.


Basically, the dilemma derives from the difference between natural and unnatural. Being attached to the soil (“bodenständig”) versus eternally floating above it. The enemy understands our human weaknesses, including perhaps above all, our superstition. These weaknesses are used against us. Responsible humans don’t need to worship anything or anyone. They need only to respect nature. Nature should be our only ‘God’.


Our only salvation rests in ourselves and in our respect for nature. The millions of illiterates and otherwise uneducated who have never learnt to use their minds are lost. They cannot be awakened, as you have discovered. The effort is too great.


But these thoughts are only mine, they need not distract you from your own mission.


Let’s hope for the best for Alfred.


Best wishes,

21 Responses

  1. Hi Monika, it was very nice of Mr. Menuhin to write such a nice letter to you. He has huge balls to shame the devil. Mr. Horst Mahler also mentioned a nature backed belief system in his last public address before leaving Germany. All the best to you Monika.
    Leslie Bory

  2. [questions/some thoughts for more clarity]

    Gerard Menuhin:
    “But these thoughts are only mine, they need not distract you from your own mission.”

    “Now, through the degradation of all culture, traditions and education, and with the help of captive media and propaganda or lies, almost all the targets have been reached. Regional wars have provided the incentive for migrants to flood ‘democracies’ which already cannot afford to maintain their standards. So control is almost complete. Is a Third World War really necessary?
    [Of course not! The war has never ended! The destroyers want TOTAL CONTROL – TOTAL SLAVERY – WHITE GENOCIDE. The Georgia Guidestones show how they define “necessity”?]

    The doomsday weapons have been invented and are ready. As capability dictates policy, they may be used. Will the destruction of air and water occur within our lifetimes?
    [The weaponization of weather, of nature, the poisoning of air, water, soil and food is already occurring; even the electromagnetic field is being weaponized, 5 G – It’s genocide on all levels!]

    Only those whose will has determined the planet’s unfortunate evolution [No “evolution”, it’s utter destruction!] know this.
    Their constitution is rooted in destruction, so they have no alternative
    [The destructive Jewish nature leaves no alternative? What alternative does that leave to us, the targeted victims of genocide?]

    Basically, the dilemma derives from the difference between natural and unnatural. Being attached to the soil (“bodenständig”) versus eternally floating above it
    [You mean “Judaism” means “eternally floating above”? above what? “above the soil”? That’s not what “Judaism” is about. Jews are the most materialistic people of all, and not at all spiritual! greedy for power and the wealth of the whole world, they have the most unnatural, self/destructive desires; and they force their perversions on the communities they have infested like the plague; they have no connection to the principle of life; they are like the “walking dead” they show in their Hollyweird horror movies, zombies, and they degenerate everything they touch; Judaism is black magic Satanism; Kabbalah, Zohar; they worship evil powers to draw Satanic energy from]

    The enemy [are they human? They are the anti-thesis to everything human]
    understands our human weaknesses , including perhaps above all, our superstition. These weaknesses are used against us.

    Responsible humans
    [responsible to who? Only to oneself? To one’s own conscience? And if there is none?]

    don’t need to worship anything or anyone. They need only to respect nature
    [and what do you mean by respecting nature? to acknowledge that there must be limits? protection, boundaries? obedience to something higher than oneself?]

    Nature should be our only ‘God’
    [“our only ‘God’”? what concept of ‘God’? God IS spirit, the source of all life, not some “worshiped anything or anyone”; and our aim as Christians is spiritual union; Jesus was a spiritual teacher (“I am the way, the truth and the life!”), he used the language of symbolism/parables to talk about the spiritual reality behind the visible one; in that sense: to decorate a ‘Christmas tree’ does not mean to “worship” the tree in a materialistic sense; to assume that would be utter non-sense! ‘Christmas’ is always a celebration of life/birth/rebirth/the circle of life/light (as Christians we celebrate Jesus/God’s Holy Spirit) coming into the darkness to heal/save the world. Nothing is wrong with celebrating winter solstice, summer solstice. Old traditions of a people cast out in the wilderness, living with nature to survive. Having respect for nature also means no predatory exploitation, re-build wherever you have destroyed; “law of nature” NOT defined as “law of the jungle”, “might does NOT make right!”, we talk about the difference between barbarity and civilization; “mother nature” How you treat your mother… the female principle of life in balance with the male principle; there must be balance in all regards, giving and taking, no exploitation for greedy motives, NOT hunting “just for sports”; that would be respect]

    Our only salvation rests in ourselves
    [“our only salvation”? Self-responsibility for one’s deeds, yes; but only self-reliance, nothing from above? no subservience, no obedience to ‘God’? That easily turns into the hubris “to declare oneself god”, into an insatiable greed for power and that’s always where the trouble starts… the Talmudic Satanists /Luciferians think they are the “gods of this planet”, but they are nothing more than demonic destroyers, and their hubris will be their downfall; Judaism/“salvation, redemption by blaming one’s own guilt on scapegoats”/ritualistic killings/ritual sacrifices of animals and human beings (Talmud: “cattle”) to their God Satan/Lucifer/Molech/Baal is evil; the firebombing of the German cities, the murder of Tsar Nicolas II and his family, of US president John F Kennedy, 9/11 were ritual sacrifices by perverts guilty as hell]

    and in our respect for nature
    [and what do you mean by that? / The attachment to nature is of a spiritual kind; that’s the deeper meaning of ‘bodenständig’ in German; only if you have deep roots, tribal, racial unity and cohesion you can reach the sky; that’s why the Jews, the enemies of life, of the German nation and of the white race want to cut all our roots, destroy our genome]

    The millions of illiterates and otherwise uneducated who have never learnt to use their minds are lost. They cannot be awakened [cannot be cured? cannot be healed? Some of them can], as you have discovered [Who said it would be “easy and comfortable”?]

    The effort is too great.”[“The effort is too great.”? No defeatism! If you have love, if you care for your people you don’t give up easily. Actually, you never give up. There is no alternative to serving life/God. We need to re-create an environment which is wholesome and the ailments will heal. If you think that a struggle is lost, it is lost. The evil doers, the destroyers of God’s natural order know that they will lose in the end. Law of nature. God’s law. The truth is stronger than all the lies. The Jewish lies are weak, and they are already falling apart. Our duty/mission/deepest desire is to keep telling the truth. To sow the seed, the rest lies in God’s hands]

    “Responsible humans don’t need to worship anything or anyone. They need only to respect nature. Nature should be our only ‘God”. (Gerard Menuhin)
    Yesss!!! All in a nutshell. (ivernazza)
    “Our strength is BECAUSE we worship and serve God.” (dianekking)
    EXACTLY. (Canadian Wildflower)

    Gerard Menuhin & ivernazza – “need only to respect nature” What do you mean by respecting nature? Can you explain that more precisely?

    Tell the truth, and shame the devil. The truth is like water in the desert. We need the water as crystal clear as possible. We need to have a clear understanding of what we are talking about. Do we mean the same or something (very) different?

    The truth (about history etc) will set us free and heal the wounds, and the ailments our societies are suffering from. The Jewish power relies on lies, treachery, trickery, deception. They fear the truth. Liars must fear the truth. The truth will stop the destroyers, the perpetrators of genocide.

    1. Dear Freya,

      I’m not sure that I am answering to the right person who put the question on my comment on GM’s assessment of the laws of Nature. But just in case. Whether I believe or not in a superior intelligence / energy / consciousness (name it as you wish… even god – one or many – if you so wish) is my privilege and should be nobody’s concern. Suffice to say that I am fascinated by most people’s need to believe (it does wonders to advertising agents’ bonuses), as I am equally curious of most people’s need to admire. I admire no one… only sometimes what people may produce (especially in terms of thoughts and art). Admiration leads to unconditionality and I am unconditional to nothing. But I may have held and hold some people – Sylvia, Alfred and Monika being three good instances of such people – in high esteem… occasionally. I am equally reluctant to accept the argument of authority: “It is so, because I say that it is so or – worse – because it has been written down in an alleged bestseller”. But what I DID notice – through patient, careful observation – with the laws of nature, is that you can not go against them for long without getting an unforgiving backlash. Anyone might argue that there is divinity above nature – why not?!… and who am I to tell this anyone if he is right or wrong? I have just deliberately decided to stop at the level of nature for the sake of any argument. Whether the people who think that they can freely fool around with the laws of nature are devil (small d here) worshipers or mere Prometheans or just simple psychopaths is no concern of mine: I think that sooner or later, nature will prove them wrong. If you want to tell me that nature is only an intermediary level, I will gladly reply to you that I don’t mind the idea of a superior level, I just don’t wish to be lost in byzantine conversations.

      When I was fourteen – ages ago* – a learned Indochinese mandarin, who had escaped from the turmoil of Vietnam to practice his art in France who was honouring me with a casual conversation suddenly paused… “Do you know that you have a Buddhistic way of understanding this life of ours?” – he said. “Much obliged, I replied, but I am not even sure that I can spell the word correctly”. I did receive the gentleman’s remark as a compliment though… but I am still not sure that I can spell the word correctly so many years later… even if I am now aware that there are three Vehicles…

      Wishing you a happy New Year (and I strongly believe that this year is going to be a year of surprising revelations as “Titanic II – the Century old con-job” has now finally hit the bottom of the ocean).

      * Monika is in a position to vouch for this remark of mine.

  3. “The Degeneration of our Music and our Art: Who is Doing this to us, and Why?“
    There was a great uproar in 1990 when the National Gallery of Canada purchased a piece called Voice of Fire by Jewish American Barnett Newman for $1.76 million. It consisted of a huge canvas 18 feet tall and had a vertical red stripe in between two stripes of blue. That’s it. What kind of insanity was this, Canadians asked? Of course the “critics” made all their high saluting statements about abstract expressionism, and if people didn’t like it well they just didn’t understand art.

    Or geopolitics? In 1990 US President Bush sen (crypto-Jew, Talmudic Satanist with Jewish heritage, his clan known for making the Devil’s horns hand sign) proclaimed in the Congress the plan to create a “NEW WORLD ORDER”. Eleven years later the Jewish US “Neocons” and the government of US President Bush jun were involved in the CIA-Mossad-Pentagon false flag military terror operation on 9/11/2001 launched to kick off the “War On Terror” (War Of Terror) to destroy Israel’s neighbors in the Middle East. Endless war since 2001. The Yinon Plan comes to mind: The Plan of a “Greater Israel” from the Euphrates to the Nile (including Suez Canal)!

    The insanity might represent the rivers Euphrates and Nile! In between ZIONIST GREATER ISRAEL, the “Voice of Fire”, the Zionist war mongers calling for more war… to ensure Jewish hegemony over the whole region… war on Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and on Iran… which could involve Iran’s allies Russia, China. WWIII, more fire over the world, more rivers of blood, more holocaust, more worldwide genocide to force the whole world into submission to the JEWISH WORLD TYRANNY. The psychopathic destroyers use “modern art” and “modern architecture” to depict their curses/magic spells, the destruction, the chaos they wish to see in the world; a horror picture show.

    In the new Bundestag in Berlin, the “modernized” old Reichstag, you can see such a curse under the glass dome, the “idea” of a Jewish “architect” (more of a black magician?): It looks like a thorn from above driven right into the heart! And have you seen how the “modern architecture” of the “war museum” in Dresden looks like…. again, the “architect” was Jewish. Jewish malice – legendary indeed.

    Thank you! and the blessings of the season to Gerard Menuhin, for writing to you, Monika, and for his sanity amidst all the insanity… refreshing like water in the desert…truly exceptional

    1. It is an all-out attack. Our problem is that we have been tactically trained for millenia onwards to look for the center of gravity (the Germans rightly call it „Schwerpunkt“). Well… there isn’t any „Schwerpunkt“ to look for: the rodents are attacking us on all fields and on all fronts. The rather ironical point at the end of the game will be that when they will, yet again, meet withtotal failure, they won’t understand where they went wrong. And the key to it is deadly simple: you just cannot cheat with the laws of Nature!

  4. To you, Monika, and to all of our mutual kindred spirits out in the larger world striving for truth and justice I take this opportunity to wish you all a very, very Merry Christmas. Keep your heads held high. You are all in my prayers.

  5. I am one of the dumb, yet recently awoken, thanks only to those who took the time to speak
    The truth. We ARE at war, and should start acting accordingly. While victory may be not in sight, and the stuation looks
    Grim…when losing is tantamount to extinction and slavery of onself and ones loved ones, one has a duty I think to fight regardless.

  6. Keep up the skeer Monika. Am sending a note card to Alfred today. Merry Christmas and best wishes to all, Nancy

    On Sun, Dec 22, 2019 at 12:49 AM Free Speech Monika wrote:

    > Monika posted: “The following letter came to me just over a month ago (15 > November 2019), and when I asked permission to publish it Gerard Menuhin > said yes of course, I just found a thread and went on writing. It just so > happens that Gerard Menuhin stars in the story t” >

  7. of course Jim and I disagree with his take about being weak because we worship God. Our strength is BECAUSE we worship and serve God. But the rest of what he said was dead on …  unfortunately … Explains everything.Merry Christmas, Monika.Love from Jim and DianeSent via the Samsung Galaxy, powered by Cricket Wireless

  8. “Responsible humans don’t need to worship anything or anyone. They need only to respect nature. Nature should be our only ‘God”.


    All in a nutshell.

    Thus the hatred against the Germanic tribes and later the Germanic peoples. A hatred which sent ‘Frei-Frau’ Haverbeck in bewilderment. They were “par essence” the people who had understood this unquestionable principle, much to the chagrin of the imbeciles.

  9. Dear Monika,

    Thanks for sharing Gerhard’s gift part of which I posted on my FB ‘page’.

    I hope some day we’ll be able to say “es lebe Deutschland” again.

    Best holiday wishes from south east Norway,


  10. Gerard: You state “The largest and most important colony …..” but leave only that as the clue. Are you talking about the USA?

    The 3rd world war has already been started, a war of the minds. It appears the jews have conquered the USA and Canada with just a few small pockets of resistance, which Pres. Trump will soon stop. Hungary, Yellow coats in France, Nordiska resistance movement in No. Europe may still stop the enemy, but that’s what I thought at the end of Dec. 1943 as Manstein approached the outskirts of Stalingrad.

    In my quest, I have found much of our enemies forces are Christian Zionists i.e believers in a Bible that say jews are god’s chosen people. On the other hand, I have found the Blacks are our ally, but still we shun them. Barbara Ann Nowak just sent me a GR8 (great) article on Farrakhan, where the jews are trying to bribe him. He does not cave 1mm. We need all the allies we can get.

    ALL: Click on my picture to contact me.

      1. Correct, dear Wildflower!

        In this specific case, ‘religion’ (or rather gullibility) has been used as a very efficient Trojan horse to serve definite interests which are by no means the interests of the “Christian ‘Zionists’ ” (quite an amazing oxymoron « en passant ») – but those of them who are still candid are by no means aware of this.

        Apart from this ‘minute’ detail, I see no contradiction between people who believe in their god(s) – AND do not worship the devil (small d here) mind you – and those who have chosen to stop “half-way” and are happy to consider the all-important (on this planet of ours) Laws of Nature.

        Wishing you a pleasant „Julnacht“ (a bit late for this one) or a Merry Christmas…

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