February 20, 2021
Dear Jim and Dear Diane,
Thank you very much for your mail, the latest which was from 20 January and it has even been let through to me despite the strictest orders not to let a symbol of the four-bladed sun wheel through, so this is a first in this strange place in Landsberg. That was no problem, but the head honchos here are brown-nosing Satan and normally they slither well beneath the belly of the snake.
I want to let you in on a dirty little secret, so I’ll just whisper now. Before the election results were announced for the great demonocracy USA, I was hoping for, but dared not speak, for exactly the results we now have. They make me very very happy! Ha, I heard you … you said something about “WC” is losing his mind. [Worst Case – refers to the moniker which the German MSM has given Alfred, of which he is very proud, because if you are a “worst case” in the inverted world, then you really are the best. ~ed.] No no, I’m okay. You see, it’s like this: if you have been dumbed down enough so that you don’t notice that the cook is constantly pissing into the soup he is feeding you, then it is better that he openly s**t on your table for all to see so that you get on your feet and knock him down. With Donnie and his Jews, the American people would have continued to slurp up the piss they get served, but with sleepy Joe and his little whore, chances are better that they realize where their demonocracy has taken them.
Question for you: do you know of even one functioning family that runs on democracy? Example:
Dad: Okay kids, it’s time to go to school now.
Kid #1: No dad, I want to play. I hate school.
Dad: Oh, what about you kids?
Kid #2 and #3: We want to play too. School is s**t.
Dad: Okay, we are a good democracy, have fun.
Thank you for the excellent PCRoberts article about how the demoncratic election unfolded.
I could write volumes now about so many things but I wanted to share with you the reasons why my time here since 3 December 2020 has been most valuable and necessary. [see https://freespeechmonika.com/corona-tyranny-alfred-schaefer-in-the-mask-war/ for the full story of what happened on December 3rd – ~Ed.]
First of all, I have to say, I could not have written a better script for a movie than how it unfolded for me on that fine day. I felt my time running out, 5 to midnight, got to do something. Outside innocent women and children are being brutally beaten down by uniformed state apparatchik [member of the communist party] and henchmen simply because they want to breathe. I’m in prison having a jolly good life and they are dying out there … for breathing. That is a lose-lose situation. Breathing = getting clobbered to death. Suffocation = death by suffocation or by rat poison injection if you are still alive when the industrial scale injections reach your neighbourhood.
So on 3 December 2020, I saved my ass from eternal shame and then it got real good. Total – bunker – 24/7, video camera for HQ and 24/7 lights on for better video monitoring. No nothing but me, myself, and I in this tiny room. No pen, no paper, no timepiece, no nothing, no information for how long this will last. All my pleading for a pen to write was declined. Nyet! The details of this episode would fill pages but I’ve got to keep it short now to get to the point I want to make. [see link above ~ ed.] Seeing myself stuck in this coffin with no idea for how long, I decided to be out by Christmas either in box or as a free man. No more food.
On about day 3 or 4 on my way out, being escorted to the courtyard for my 60 minutes of fresh air, another prisoner who was cleaning in the hallway who knows me spoke as I passed by, through his mask only audible to me, “stay strong,” and this subtle message produced incredible happiness and joy and euphoric energy in me that lasted for a long time. Under normal circumstances in our zombie world, how many people can experience this level of pure unadulterated energizing motivation and drive? I believe this helps me now to understand so much more than I ever could before and compare this to processes that we can observe in nature all the time.
For example, look at the Salmon. They are born in some high up mountain creek, go down to the ocean, and then after swimming around in the huge endless ocean getting big and strong and having lots of fun they become receptive to a very subtle message, perhaps it’s a molecule that reminds them of home sweet home in their earliest days and this fills them with pure energy and so much nostalgic love to just go back there, that they drop everything they were doing and follow this subtle scent that nobody else even notices all the way back up the mountain creek they left years ago. This behaviour is rooted in the salmon’s DNA. Here it gets its instructions.
When my prison buddy, a white guy from Serbia, told me to “stay strong,” I believe I felt the same energy that the salmon feels on his way back home.
Why is this important? Because for me it was the result of having been stripped of all distractions for only a few days. The corona lockdown will have a similar effect on ever-larger numbers of people who managed not to lose their mind after their life of trivial “fun and games” distractions have come to an end. They will become receptive to our natural heart bonds and these will prevail over all else. The more time that passes in this healing process, the quicker the poison of the lies is detected until it eventually reaches the point of triggering an allergic reaction.
The mere mention of the “holocaust” triggers that revulsion in ever more people. Not hate against the victim Germans, but other revulsion against the lying jew. I do not need to taste the stuff on my plate if the Jew s**t on it. My nose prevents me from doing that. My nose receives its orders from my DNA like the salmon. Is it any wonder that the jew is now hell-bent to poison us on an industrial scale “premeditated genocide” to exterminate our DNA with a DNA-altering rat poison packaged as “Corona – anti-infection mandatory strawberry flavored super duper vaccine?” Kill us all, put us to sleep like sick dogs before we wake up. Make the goyim wear oxygen-reducing masks to numb their brains until they get their jew shot. My bet is that in about a month or two you will not be able to find a single person who will admit to ever having believed the corona lie. Everyone will always have known. Those who did get poked with the dose of rat poison with their jew shot, if they’re not yet dead from it, will become terminators [… ]
Our present system is one that produces no real value anymore and all resources are diverted and used to protect the parasite and to bring poison into the formerly productive populations and to de-educate formerly well-educated people. All this is happening from all sides 24/7 to make for a safer environment for the global criminal psychopaths who need chaos in order to get away with this.
This breakdown of our civilization will leave us as a race no choice if we are to survive. The conditions of the breakdown itself will leave people with two choices. Continue down the slippery slope to certain death or wise up and fight for what’s worth fighting for because we’ve got nothing left to lose. And I know with whom I want to live and whom I don’t want in my area. The ones I love have white skin. When I see a n***** on TV pretending to be a German because he talks German, I feel physically sick. I would never buy a product that resorts to a n****** to advertise their product. An Audi after they show one driving one? No way! I want to be with white people only like in the good old days. Then we don’t even need police anymore.
I spent a lot of time in Africa and that was fine but they do not belong here in our cities. They are our death. And if we die, so do they. This has been a race war from the beginning so now it will break out on a grand scale. The jew thought he could breed us down with fast breeding, low IQ dark people until we are too stupid and too occupied with ourselves to ever be a threat to him and he can rule the world forever. It ain’t going to happen. In fact, the Jews are so in a panic now they are starting to openly attack each other.

This silly Corona lockdown and mask bullshit opens up unlimited opportunities for all kinds of real fun for the entire family and friends. Can you imagine going with dozens of people all nicely wearing a mask to get into a mask-only store, everyone filling up a huge shopping cart with 1,000s of things, then let one person take off his mask, and as soon as any store employee says one word, everyone removes their mask and leaves!!! When we were young, we would never have put up with this bullshit.
How low have we fallen to believe a silly hollow cost and walk around with a face diaper and with two fingers stuck up our ass waiting for the lethal Jew shot! I give the Corona lie a month or two and nobody will admit that they ever believed one word of it. The pure rage that is now coming makes being a Jew nothing to envy. They really seem to be begging for it.
Thank you again, so much for your mail.
Yours Sincerely, Alfred
One Response
It’s unbelievable how upside down the world has become. The fiction 1984 is only a sample of today’s reality.