Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Letter from Alfred October 2019

Please note: Much has transpired in the relatively short time since this letter from Alfred was written. 2019/11/22/alfred-moving/ and /2019/11/17/update-on-alfred, on his latest trial and on his move to a different prison.



Dear Monika,

just got your letter from Oct 12 and your new address. I love the honour that my dear Pawlow gets. He’s such a wonderful companion and quite the jumper. Am I ever glad that I sent my telepathic line check out because now it would be too late. They would say the results have been fudged. Monika, no matter what short term inconveniences they may throw at us, they are conceding defeat. They are not the monolithic entity they like us to believe they are, and more and more of “them” are helping us. Since living in this fine guest house, I have been given 4 Jack Pot Lottery wins. No shit. I may have written you this already, but I’m so happy, I’ll say it again.

1) Thomas #1
2) Möne’s NY Speech
3) “Worst Case” 8.8.2019 Article
4) Thomas #2

All these things, they are beyond magic, they are gifts of God. I won’t delve into #1 & #4 too much right now, because “one should never touch running machine”. That’s an old Indian IBM saying.

What does all that tell us? Easy. We need to increase the pressure and step on it, full throttle. They keep helping us, but we must not slack off. The big vomit is coming. Believe me, that is why we are getting very good help, because the “insiders” want to be able to have on record: “Look, I helped you here, or here.” Of course, us being honourable people, we will not chop their head off if we are satisfied that what they present is, in fact, valid.

[…] A chosenite spokeswoman is pounding down on our Volkslehrer [his website here] She is one of these despicable sheep dogs, vile, ruthless, psychopathic.

[…] Here where I am in this lovely Hotel, I am in the “Eliten Gang” because of the special “Leonhard” Project… Of the course members, one is a Kenyan who has been in Germany since he was 5 years old, about 22 years or so. His ambition is to go back to Kenya and do politics when he is out of here, and he commented to me that big movements of people have always resulted in warfare. He understands. I told him that is absolutely right and we need people like him as our partners.

[…] The same about Naomi from Kenya. She was appalled that no European men have balls. She was totally flustered. Personally, I am 100% convinced that once enough of our people land with their face in the mud, they will remember how to fight in the mud and the blood and the beer. […] Love, or hate are sentiments with no value once these processes commence. What value did the Germans have who were butchered, by the score, only 80-85 years ago, by our racial brothers. Food for thought.


After starting this letter so much has happened and I let this letter rest while tending to other work. The most important being a long letter I just sent to JFH. [Jews for Hitler, videos here] You need to get a copy of it after he gets it. It is letter #5 to him. Remember your dream on Jan 2, 2018? Of course you remember that one. You talked about it at the breakfast table. One could say, Oh, that was just coincidence. But these coincidences are increasing. They are observable, not well understood events. We do not have to understand everything. In the letter to JFH, I wrote about one of these “telepathic” things that has to do with one of my very favourite new memes that I now use all the time. I’ll go straight to the meme here now bypassing the magic miracle way that it came about. It’s so simple that its almost stupid.

Its about butterflies. Every single butterfly that you have ever seen was once nothing but a caterpillar that was only concerned with crawling and eating. Crawling about, eating and crapping. Crawl and eat. Crawl and eat. During this phase, there is not a single one of these crawling things that can even imagine what its like to be a butterfly. Then after having crawled and eaten for long enough, an overpowering urge convinces them to find a sheltered little hideout and build a little prison cell for itself, an impenetrable secure little prison. A tiny little Gasthaus Gitterblick. Once they enter this transitional phase, there is no going back and every single cell in the old crawling eating thing follows a very strict set of rules, not democratic, not tolerant, but very disciplined and determined, and then after the “sentence” is served, out comes a butterfly. This butterfly never wastes a single thought about going back to being a crawling little eating worm type of entity. It can’t even imagine going back to that primitive state.


Monika, did you know that those people who still fall for the pathetic lies are not the stupidest people at all? They are only the second stupidest. The very stupidest are those who take the baton in this relay race, and run with it, thinking they get a prize at the finish line, when in fact the finish line is a cliff and at the bottom is hell and death. That is why, as the race comes to the end, the ones who take the baton are always stupider than the last ones who passed it on. That’s where expressions come from like “Die Letzten beissen die Hunde”. [The last ones are bit by the dogs]. How stupid do you need to be to take the baton now, and run with it, when there are huge numbers of cocoons developing into beautiful butterflies everywhere.

Knowing that in all time, traitors have always been dispatched when the tide turns. Whether their heads come off or they get stomped to death on the street, they always die.


Another simple calculation Monika. Lets get scientific now, OK. If you don’t care at all about your new shoes, or your new carpet, or not even your new best friends when they are right in front of you when you throw up, how much do you think that the earth’s human population will care about blots of toner on paper when the entire earth throws up on the eternal enemy of humanity? Because all of the laws that (((they))) make to protect themselves are, in the end, “blots of toner on paper”. After all, the child raper is not helped with “my penis hurts”.

[The “my penis hurts” meme is a reference to an earlier metaphorical story which Alfred had written in previous letters, and goes like this:

The Jewish Propaganda is comparable to a child molester who has been exposed, after he has raped every little girl in the neighbourhood, lying and lying about it, and then demanding compensation and pity because his penis is so sore from all the “work”.] 

Do you think blots of toner will matter more than your new shoes?

Hey, I just thought of something I want to share with you, but first I want to draw you part of my shrine, my temple. The new addition is very pretty.


Uncle Adolf was a far far far better artist.

Do you recognize yourself in any of the above drawings? Its called modern art. You just don’t understand it. I’ll get my friends at the museum to pay 6,000,000 Shekels for it, out of your taxes. Then my friends at the newspaper will write about what a good deal it was for the museum. That the artist deserved a lot more. Then my friends at the other museum will pay 60,000,000 Shekels for it, and then my friends will write about how fair that was. I get 66% from every sale. I just realized, in my haste to make all those shekels, that I forgot 2 cards and had to add them in hindsight. With plenty of imagination, you may be able to visualize this 60,000,000 Shekel drawing. Don’t you think its worth at least the modest price paid by that museum?

[Note: Alfred might be making an indirect reference to one of my previous articles on this website called “The Degeneration of our Music and our Art: Who is Doing this to us, and Why?“, click on the link if you wish to view entire article, but below is a relevant excerpt.

[…] There was a great uproar in 1990 when the National Gallery of Canada purchased a piece called Voice of Fire by Jewish American Barnett Newman for $1.76 million (right-hand image above). It consisted of a huge canvas 18 feet tall and had a vertical red stripe in between two stripes of blue. That’s it. What kind of insanity was this, Canadians asked? Of course the “critics” made all their highfaluting statements about abstract expressionism, and if people didn’t like it well they just didn’t understand art.

So we are not allowed to trust our senses and our own ability to think. The pundits tell us this is “good” art, brilliant actually. But we are just too stupid to see it.


The insanity continues. Peter Simpson wrote in the Ottawa Citizen on July 31, 2014:

Recently, a senior member of today’s National Gallery personnel mentioned to me, off the record, that Newman’s Voice of Fire “is worth well over $40 million today.”(2). 

Who says? And who would pay that? Some public gallery, in other words the taxpayer! Guided by the thought-leaders! And who are those thought-leaders?


back to Alfred’s letter:

Sorry, I got sidetracked here. More focus please. O.K., O.K. What I wanted to talk about was the relay race. When the race started, a long long time ago, the contenders would run as far as they could, making tons and tons of shekels as they ran, and would always pass the baton on to the next runner to continue. Slowly but surely, the projected finish line of World Domination and total eradication of all nay sayers, came into focus, and was something very different. In fact, even the baton changed its composition. It morphed from a magic wand that could put a spell on people and paralyze them with magic words such as “anti-semite”, “hollow cost denier”, “racist”, “hater”, into a stinking fish bone that could do nothing. And to make matters worse, the finish line was a cliff, and at the bottom, a pit of fire. If you did not get killed from the fall off the cliff, you would be stuck in a hell fire with no escape. With a stinking fish bone in your hand. A tunefish Grete.

The self proclaimed chosenites figure that if a shrunken head worked so well, why not a fish bone. The shrunken head made trillions of shekels, a fish bone is good for gazillions of shekels. They call it Greta Tunefish so we won’t notice, and lets see how the show goes. With the shrunken head the white people all hated the Krauts, aka Nazis, and with the fish bone, all the very young white people hate all the old white people, and will maybe kill them all. Then all the brown people can move in and have lots of fun.

Hey, too bad you can’t pop in to cheer and laugh at the next show. Starting soon! Yippeee, I got a leading role. I’m so happy.

dein kleiner Bruder [your little brother], Alfred.

P.S. I just reread your letter and wanted to say a few things. First of all I assume you got the telepathic line check letter. If not, I realized that you have the anti-devil in your corner, its hidden in plain sight [….]

A very good thing to remember in all of our dialogs with people is this: They have mixed huge amounts of poison lies in with the truth, making any truth seem silly mixed with all the lies. And also, we do not have to understand everything, and if there is a point of contention that has us locking our horns, we say: Lets agree to disagree on that and we will come back to this point when we have resolved the very obvious problems we all recognize, and when we have resources available and science with integrity, we will resolve that.

We cannot afford to repulse our people who are still very contaminated and struggling. They need to feel comfortable with our “radical” “views” and “opinions”. This “re-education” we have been subjected to is very deep and very lethal.

Think of truth as a single thread through time and space. As they took us away from this truth, they put lots of garbage on the other side of this thread in order to make it more difficult to ever land on this thread.

We are now getting closer and closer to what can be proven as being the truth. We do know that all the vaccine stuff they push now is to exterminate us slowly, and ever faster. That does not mean that there exists or has been a vaccine that actually didn’t do some good. I do not know, I’d like to see the science.

One thing I will say very clearly and I do not believe I will hear a single peep of resistance from you or Frank: I feel an ever growing revulsion for anyone who at all pretends that our world is OK and “they” will manage it all. A person who is over the age of about 12 years old is by nature responsible for what is happening around us, and someone not stepping up the plate and take responsibility is for me an asshole. Like […] their hearts have turned to stone. They are the walking dead. How do they look into the mirror and not vomit. When I see them, I see pathetic little dogs, licking, barking, and biting as programmed. They have learned what to hate, when to bark, and when to crawl and lick. Like little teachers pets. Everyone used to HATE teachers pets. Nobody ever respected teachers pets.

I’m so happy that you have landed where you are and am so looking forward to sitting around the campfire with y’all at your place. Hey Monika, isn’t it amazing what your little apology [Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the holocaust video transcript here] has accomplished in such a short time. How can anyone opt to play in the sandbox when life can be so exciting and meaningful? And its not over yet. All that so far was only the opening drumroll. Now come the bagpipes and so much more.

What do the zombies even talk about? Did ___ ever even read your NY speech Monika? [transcript here] Or did they not have time. Or was it “too heavy”. Did they ever comment on it? It was a historic speech Monika. It moved people. My Thomas #2 said: “Sensational!” You will eventually find out about this.

Alles Gute, Gott mit uns
1488 Alfred

9 Responses

  1. #Convenience as a rule? The easy KILL SWITCH – is convenient for who?
    Especially Americans are known for it. Americans prefer convenience, as a way of life. All native English speakers do? If that is true – what’s the reason? (my guess: they are being kept distracted; the wars they have been fighting for the last hundred years have not been on their own soil; so they don’t see, they don’t feel WHAT WAR DOES to the war victims, the “liberated” countries, bombed into ruins and permanently occupied) The “comfy” way, convenience, the short cut, simplification has its right – but as a rule? Who wants fast food every day? It’s not the best choice. Quality is important. Detail is important. Discernment is important. In all areas.

    Another example is MONEY: Germans want to keep physical money, they prefer the tangible over “convenient credit and debit“ cards. Much too “fluid“, can most easily disappear completely… as does the “value” of paper money issued and manipulated by Jewish bankers. The same goes for the contents of “e-books“ or the “cloud“ where “smart“ people keep their data on. The Jews like it “fluid and flexible”… most easily controllable. The destroyers work tirelessly to bring everything under their total control. They want to abolish physical money altogether; it would be most convenient for the slave masters to have the EASY KILL SWITCH. TOTAL CONTROL. TOTAL SLAVERY.

    Hopefully, the world won’t fall into the JEWISH TRAP again… as the Americans did in 1913 with the “Federal Reserve Act“! The international Jewish private bankers have been printing MONEY CREATED AS DEBT, out of nothing, charging interest on it for over a hundred years now! Imagine, THE FOLLY, the amount of corruption and blackmail to allow that to happen! To give the right to issue money to the Jews – by law!!! To give the MONEY POWER to the Jews – by law!!! Incredible. Since then it has been a piece of cake for world Jewry, the most ruthless internationally organized crime syndicate to take control over the world! You can basically corrupt and virtually chew up everything and everybody if you have a quasi “endless” money supply at the expense of the “stupid Goy“, and the US-GB military (and after WW II: NATO countries) as “Go(y)lem” to fight the Zionist wars for them!

    After over a hundred years of EXCE$$IVE MONEY PRINTING (causing lots of inflation, devaluation, expropriation, organized plunder), and ENDLE$$ WAR since 1914 (to destroy opponents; two world wars to destroy the opposition and strength of the German nation), instigated and engineered by the Jewish war profiteers, the TOTAL CRA$H OF THE FINANCIAL $Y$TEM is on the horizon, and now the Jews want it all: “DIGITAL MONEY“! WORLD CURRENCY! THE CHIP FOR TOTAL SLAVERY (666 THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST; the 8th Beast of the Book of Revelation)

    The JEWISH DEBT SLAVERY SYSTEM MUST BE ABOLISHED (the dragon must be slain) to regain freedom. Money defined as value based on productive labor was the principle which worked well for those “evil Nazi“ Germans who have to be demonized ever since; the Jewish slave masters don’t want us to learn from good example on how to stop the organized plunder. Getting the banks off our backs… is the most difficult First Step. We need to spread awareness of that simple truth.

    How the psychopathic Jews turn our world completely upside down is insane! How they change our way of life, how they mutilate and manipulate our language, our perception of reality, our way of thinking and feeling… is way too much! The “gender fluidity”, “transgender”, LGBTQ and P pedo-criminal child abuse $ICK-MINDED $HIT is intolerable! The Jewish depravity, the ZOMBIFICATION is intolerable! Totally unacceptable! The perversions of a Jewish minority are being foisted upon the majority of non-Jews (non-Muslims). The Muslim invasion into Christian countries is being used to “normalize” the perversions. “Child marriage” is part of the Muslim “culture and religion” too. Sexual child abuse IS the same as murder! It’s sickening! Normal human beings can hardly breathe any more!

    Jewish perverts systematically destroy the traditional family, the “Keimzelle” of white, Christian society, actually of any healthy society. The “Obama family” is the “new family model” which was foisted on the American/world public. And there are Americans who haven’t even realized by now that Obama is a homosexual “married” to a transgender Michael/Michelle, and they “adopted” two girls, the daughters of the female doctor who “delivered” them, a CIA psyop.
    … and there is no push back from the Americans? None at all? Why not? The Americans of today are a mixture of all different peoples from around the world; there is no unity (only in war?); the Jews in control see to that. They have turned America into their Go(y)lem they use as they see fit. And they force the “American model” on Europe; the Jewish “EU” tyranny is all around us, western Europe is being flooded with peoples from all over the world (even from Asia, India). Muslims and Blacks can most easily be agitated and weaponized against the native Whites. The murders and rapes will bring about the push back. The people won’t take it any more. We’ve seen enough rape, plunder and murder in Europe! Europeans are FED UP with the $ICK-MINDED $HIT!

    “Drag queens” read their $ICK-MINDED $HIT “stories” to our children… to drag them into hell with them. Do you all remember the “Rumpelstilzchen” tale from your childhood? About the alien, vile gnome who wanted to steal the young queen’s newborn baby (life itself)? How he lost his power over her? How she saved her child? Do you remember?
    Hollyweird’s $ICK-MINDED $HIT doesn’t teach children anything useful, only what makes them weak and sick, the Jewish gnomes steal our children (the white nations) by polluting the minds, hearts and souls from childhood on… Old folk wisdom tells us what needs to be done to solve the problem… every tale ended with the question: And what do we learn from that?

    Lots of work needs to be done to make normal life possible again.
    The white people are no longer in control of their own nations. Those “evil Nazi” Germans took control back (in 1933) and have been demonized ever since… and the Russians took control back (after 1990). Did they really? Is Putin truly a man of the Russian people, working for their best interests or is it only that the orthodox Christians are being used, their labor force, their labor morale to build the country for the Jews to suck it dry? Hopefully, not to lead Russia into war again, and not to serve the destructive “Jew World Order” goals of the Synagogue of Satan (as did Stalin). Is Putin truly in opposition to the Jewish world tyranny or is he an agent PUT IN to serve them as a free mason, as did Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin? The goals of international freemasonry which is JUDAI$M…TALMUDI$M… $ATANI$M… (membership to freemasonry is always a red flag; the allegiance is not to the people)

    Do soldiers ever ask what they are fighting for? Are they all mercenaries who don’t care? All zombies, trained to be non-thinking killer automatons? Nothing is too embarrassing to them? Is it as bad as that? Brain-contaminated fools (useful idiots) made sick by Jew induced insanity. Not to support the troops is “unpatriotic”, is it? Why? Do they protect America? They don’t protect Europe either! They have always brought more war (WWI, WWII)! We don’t have peace. “Peace” on Satan’s terms is no peace at all. The war has never ended! We have war on all levels. We have slavery not freedom (not self-determination)!

    Quite a roller coaster… Everyone alright? Everyone still on board? Safely tucked in? Need some rest… … And off we go…

  2. Alfred Schäfer: “We cannot afford to repulse our people who are still very contaminated and struggling. They need to feel comfortable with our “radical” “views” and “opinions”. This “re-education” we have been subjected to is very deep and very lethal.”

    “Die Letzten beißen die Hunde!” meaning “The last ones are bitten by the dogs”! If you come in last, “the dogs” will get you…
    Proverbs, fairy tales, language itself: are sources of folk wisdom… our common European white culture is as diverse and vibrant as our people/s are.

    “They need to feel comfortable” (Alfred)? – Well, well…
    As we are used to the “real hard stuff” here… as we want to have the truth… the truth, and nothing but the truth… the historical facts… which can make you feel r e a l l y uncomfortable at times… let’s do something r e a l l y “comfy” and relaxing for a start into the new year, shall we? Let’s have a German grammar lesson! (Whaaat? Oh my goodness! I can hear you… Just hold on… it won’t be too bad… I’d like to tell you something; and that’s not always e a s y, you know) Grammar is about the rules you will follow if you want to speak the language properly. Yes, it’s about rules. We need rules. In the bigger context: It’s the law (God’s law, the law of nature) we have to follow, we have to respect to allow the organism (society, language, culture, civilization) to function and develop in a proper and healthy way. That’s the first bit of truth to swallow, to digest… to accept as a matter of fact. How many rules do we need? Which ones do we need? Which rules must be respected? All of them? A hierarchy of rules? (The Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule)
    Questions, philosophical & practical.

    The very First Step would be to learn the basics – the alphabet; in German the letters a, b, c etc are pronounced differently to English. After learning the alphabet in German, you will know how to pronounce the words correctly. As English is spoken all over the world, it’s a little bit of a problem that most native English speakers don’t take the trouble to learn foreign languages, or even bother to care for the correct German pronunciation of words and names; they rather alter the original names into something different: Nürnberg becomes Nuremberg. Germans usually leave the foreign names in their original form; it wouldn’t occur to them to alter them deliberately. Isn’t that interesting. It’s the appreciation for detail, in one’s own language and in a foreign one. (Are Germans less ruthless, easier to be run over? Too accomodating?) However, as always there are exceptions to the rule (Yes, even Germans break the rules if the situation allows them to do so)

    Secondly – some more basics. There are different kinds of words: nouns, articles, adjectives, verbs etc (there is true diversity in all things… nothing is “all the same”! different words have different functions, language follows logic, wires our brains from childhood on)

    Nouns in German
    are written with capital letters: der Hund (Sg) – die Hund-e (Pl); the dog – the dog-s
    Nouns have different Pl-endings

    Nouns have Articles
    (der/die/das), three different articles for three different genders (m/f/n):
    der – männlich – male, masculine (m) – engl the
    die – weiblich – female, feminine (f) – engl the
    das – sächlich – neutral (n) – engl the

    Articles can be decisive (der/die/das) or non-decisive (ein/eine/ein)
    der/ein Hund (N, m, Sg) – die Hund-e/- Hund-e (N, Pl); the/a dog; the dogs/- dogs
    die/ein-e Frau (N, f, Sg) – die Frau-en/- Frau-en (N, Pl); the/a woman; the women/- women
    das/ein Kind (N, n, Sg) – die Kind-er/- Kind-er (Pl); the/a child; the children/- children
    The German nouns have different articles, and different Sg/Pl-endings (four cases)

    (das (n) Kind/the child; das (n) Baby/the baby is gender neutral in the German language, meaning: Hands off of children! The sexual child abuser is equally detested as the murderer! Sexual child abuse IS murder! / There are different words with different functions. We are all different. That’s the true diversity of nature. Not at all boring. As the French say: Vive la difference! We are individuals. How strong can a nation of strong individuals be? Very strong, if united, if truthful, if law-abiding, if truly freedom loving. Unity – Law/Justice – Freedom. Most cherished values as the foundation of happiness enshrined in the German national anthem: Einigkeit – Recht/Gerechtigkeit – Freiheit. And freedom is NOT defined as freedom from rules. “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law!” (motto of the Talmudic Satanists) does NOT work, it’s self/destructive!)

    are written with small letters: der/die/das letzte – das letzt-e Wort (n); the last word
    If adjectives are used as nouns they have capital letters too: die Letzt-en (Pl) – the last ones; Nouns and adjectives have different endings (in the four cases)

    Learners of the German language always find it most difficult to learn the four different cases. The nouns have different genders, different articles and different endings in all four cases, and the adjectives have different endings too (food for several basic lessons – goes too far, I’ll spare you that)

    1.Fall: Nominativ (Nominative) we ask: Wer (f, m)?/Was (n)? engl Who?/What?
    2.Fall: Genitiv (Genitive)………… …..Wessen? engl Whose?
    3.Fall: Dativ (Dative)……….. …………….Wem? engl Who… to?
    4.Fall: Akkusativ (Accusative)……. …….Wen (f, m)/Was (n)? engl Whom?/What?

    As the English language is a Germanic language there are lots of similarities and differences, too. That’s natural. You may find English easier to learn; in some ways English is like a shortened, simplified version of German: for articles the English have only “the” and “a” for all genders and the pl-ending of nouns is “s/es” (“y” becomes “ie”+ s: baby/bab-ies, and more exceptions from the rule)

    are written with small letters; verbs used like nouns have capital letters too
    beißen, biss, gebissen – engl (to) bite, bit, bitten

    Spelling and pronunciation
    (Monika has mentioned in an interview the attempt of the PTSNB (Powers that should not be) to get rid of everything German. We know already that Jews don’t follow any of our rules! They have their own ones. That’s how they define “freedom”. For them “Anything goes!“ Jews have mutilated the German language and “created“ something horrible, a mixture of German and something else they call “Jiddish“. The only rule Jews follow is: “Don’t follow any rules!” That’s how you can learn Jiddish. That’s how “liberalism“, “anarchism”, “Satanism” goes… “Do what you want is the whole of the law!“ is the motto of the (Talmudic) Satanists! Thieves, predators want open houses, open countries with no secure borders, no constraints… to come in and steal everything they want. All the fruit of productive labor (wealth) they have not worked for… Deceptive Jewish slogans to deceive the non-thinking, gullible white Christians: “Help the refugees” (rapefugees), “Welcome the strangers!” (invaders) Take them in! ALL of them! If you don’t want to, y o u are “racist, bad, evil Nazis”! The Jewish mind control methods, the manipulation of language and meaning destroys logical thinking and the ability to defend oneself. T h a t’s evil)

    Detail, logic, rules, systematic logical thinking. Those extra letters we Germans have… are not superfluous, we certainly need them and want to keep them.

    Special details in writing and pronunciation – out of two letters make one:
    ae = ä (der Schäfer/Schafhirte/engl shepherd; der Bäcker/engl baker; der Sänger/engl singer)
    oe = ö (der Köhler/engl
    ue = ü (der Müller/engl miller)

    What the head of the tribe/family did for a living (occupation) often became the family (tribal) name: die Schäfers (engl shepherds)/the Schaefers; die Jägers (engl hunters)/the Jaegers (Yeager is artistic freedom, to make it easier for the English speakers)

    Two vowels spoken as one:
    au – außen/innen (engl outside/inside)
    äu – äußerlich (engl on the outside) / (to write: “aeusserlich“ would be awkward)
    ei – meistens (engl mostly); beißen (engl bite), schreiben (engl write), reiten (ride)
    eu – heute (engl today)

    The letter “ß“
    is not exactly the same as double “ss“ – They are not interchangeable.
    If you write “beissen“ (as Alfred did) instead of “beißen“ or “Gruss” (as Henry did) instead of “Gruß” you make mistakes in writing/pronunciation (and it does hurt the eyes and ears quite a bit)

    There is a difference in writing and pronunciation between “ß” and “ss”:
    A long vowel (a – e – i – o – u and au – äu – ei – eu) is followed by “ß“ (beißen – Neiße (the river), die Straße (Sg)/die Straßen (Pl); engl the street/the streets; der Fußball (Sg)/die Fußbälle (Pl); engl the football/the footballs; der Gruß (Sg)/die Grüße (Pl); engl the greeting/the greetings)

    A short vowel (a – e – i – o – u) is followed by double “ss“ (der Kuss (Sg)/die Küsse (Pl); the kiss/ the kisses) – “ss“ is strongly stressed; “ß“ is much softer spoken (der Fuß (m, Sg)/die Füße (Pl); engl the foot/the feet)

    (It’s no good to make easier, and more “comfy” what is not really difficult in the first place; that only makes lazy, in thinking, and generally. Again, no good. It only serves the enemy)

    1. Hello Freya,

      thanks for that grammar lesson. I have always struggled with the different cases (Fälle). Our parents tried hard to teach us proper German, and sometimes Mom even corrected our english! – and she had only learnt english in school, it was not her native tongue as was the case for us growing up in Canada.

      You are probably aware that Alfred has zero access to the internet, so if you want him to see any of these comments, please do send a hard copy to him. He would likely appreciate this grammar tutorial. And any of your other comments too of course. Perhaps you are already in touch with him…

      1. Hi, Monika
        not sure if you are serious or ironical. Sorry, I just couldn’t resist. Do you really think it would be advisable to send such straightforward comments (a “hard copy”) to Alfred? I’d love to discuss these topics with him, of course. Might be interesting… very much so… but it cannot be… must wait I’m afraid.

        1. I was serious – I appreciate the time you took with the grammar explanations. I came to the conclusion while sitting in jail using my time to improve my German skills, that German is a very “intelligent” language. All the different cases of pronouns etc give so much more information than just the sum of individual words strung together. Oh dear, I probably just said something very “verboten”!

          As for sending stuff to Alfred, I just learnt from one of his letters to another friend, that in his new “hotel” they are being quite hysterical about what to let through, screeching “anti-semitic” and similar things, just like pavlovian trained rats. But hey, the grammar lesson is totally cool – you can mention that I liked it and suggested sending it. Ha ha not that we are trying to tell him something about his German skills;-)

  3. Pro-White Activism – How to Stop the Perpetrators of Genocide (flyer, 2 pages)
    #2020 is going to be a “Holocaust Remembrance Year”
    (((Sick minds))) produce sick-minded shit. Hollyweird and the media under Jewish control are drowning the world under avalanches of sick-minded shit. “Love letter” from some “lovely” Jewish individual: “When you die, you and whoever else supports you will not have convinced the world about any of your sick-minded shit. You totally suck. Have a miserable life, you pathetic turd. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha … fuck you.“
    What is “sick-minded shit”? Obviously, our understanding is completely opposite to that of the Jewish haters and shabbos goy zombies.

    #Who are the true haters? Who are the perpetrators of genocide?
    (((Extremely dangerous psychopaths))) are always ganging up the world under their control on their targeted victims, bullying them, ritually defaming them, individuals and nations, even mass murdering them. Internationally organized Jewish psychopaths have been culling down the nations of the white race over centuries by engineering revolutions and world wars. They are using all their tools at their disposal. Since 1917 they have been using the US military to wage the Zionist wars for them! The Jewish control over the money system (1913 Federal Reserve Act), media, law, education, politicians and governments, the US, EU and UN must go! Who are the Jews to rule over the white nations, and the whole world? Who are all these bought up traitors to their nations? They are all lackeys of the worst of the worst, serving an international crime syndicate, a Satanic cult hell bent on enslaving and destroying the world. Organized Jewry are the haters of the white, Christian civilization, the haters of sovereign white nations, the haters of the white race. The Jewish haters have always openly announced their plans and intentions to exterminate the German people (Hooton Plan, Kaufman Plan, Morgenthau Plan, Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan), and they engineered two world wars to destroy the German sovereign nation state and the strength of the German nation. The genocide of the German people was Churchill’s declared war goal. Churchill and Roosevelt had both Jewish heritage and were Rothschild puppets. The Holocaust of WWII by firebombing the German cities was the deliberately planned mass murder of as many German women and children as possible. The German cities, the civilian population was unprotected against the allied war crime of warfare on defenseless civilians, and WWII did not end in 1945. US general Patton saw how the Jews ravaged the country and terrorized the Germans, and he realized: “We fought the wrong enemy!” Now the Jewish haters brazenly announce their demands to exterminate ALL the nations of the white race (UN-EU Replacement Migration Plan), they openly proclaim their intentions to abolish the white race! The Jewish haters call the white race the “cancer” of humanity! Sick-minded shit from Jewish brains we have to deal with.

    # Who are the war mongers, the terrorists and destroyers? the true “Nazis”?
    The true perpetrators of genocide must be named! Satanic Talmudic AshkeNAZI JewS, the NAtional ZIonistS are the only “Nazis” (in short), the true war mongers and destroyers of nations! The Zionist AshkeNazis and their allied war propagandists keep their own war crimes hidden and blame their victims, the German people instead, the National Socialists their most favored scapegoats. They keep smearing and degrading them as “evil Nazis” to distract attention from their accomplishments.
    The point is: We need freedom of science and historical research. We need free speech, open debate. Nothing ought to be spared from scrutiny. Neither National Socialism (pros and cons) nor the Jewish scams and lies about history, the Jewish ideologies of world domination (Judaism, Talmudism, Satanism, Communism, Zionism), the Jewish methods on how to destroy the white, Christian civilization (The Protocols… also known as “Cultural Marxism”). There is nothing good about the Jewish -isms. They destroy everything good in this world.
    National Socialism was different, it truly was a movement for the laborers, it helped the German laborer to have a decent life style, boosted the German asset, the quality labor force (“strength through joy”) and worked well for the German people; its goal was not to push itself on the world.World revolution, world government are Jewish goals. The National Socialists were not a threat to the world, only to the Jewish banking mafia and their fraudulent money system (organized plunder).

    The German peace proposals (1916, again 1940) were always refused, kept secret, to get America involved and keep the war going, put all the blame on the defeated Germans and make them pay the bills. The two world wars were engineered by the Zionist Jews of the City of London/Wall St NY, financiers of the Jewish revolutionaries who had taken over Russia, war profiteers pulling the strings from behind the scenes who had the Allies under their control. Communist Russia threatening Germany and all of Europe with invasion was the enemy the National Socialists fought against. They tried to defend all of Europe, but the German people were set up to be slaughtered (next, in a series of nations slaughtered and plundered: Boer Genocide – Russian Genocide – Ukrainian Genocide – German Genocide). The same Satanic forces have been behind all the wars and genocides and are threatening all white nations today! Organized Jewry is lobbying for WHITE GENOCIDE (replacement migration & miscegenation) and AT THE SAME TIME for an international definition of “anti-Semitism”, as precursor for INTERNATIONAL “ANTI-SEMITISM” LAWS, carrying the death penalty for anti-Zionism, to outlaw any criticism of Jews… The perpetrators of genocide keep playing the “innocent victims of a surge in anti-Semitism”, defined as “irrational hatred of Jews”, of “bias and prejudice”. (The chutzpah is incredible)
    The mass murdering Jews want to round up all the opponents to their “Jew World Order” tyranny, the “dissidents”, white nationalists and Christians to kill them in the millions as they did in Bolshevik Russia (“anti-Semitism” laws carried the death penalty for anti-Communism). Mass murdering psychopaths want to fill the “FEMA” Gulag camps with inmates to starve them to death, or decapitate them by guillotine.

    They started off with the “French“ Revolution, a Jewish Satanic Freemasonic revolution, to abolish the French monarchy and the Christian faith (Satanism – Satanic rituals – perversions became fashionable) which has been the model for all Communist revolutions in modern history! In the name of “liberty – equality – fraternity” tens of thousands lost their heads to the guillotine (the statues of the apostles on Notre Dame Cathedral were decapitated), hundreds of thousands were publicly executed and murdered, millions died in a 25 years of war. In a ten-year period from 14 July (storm on the Bastille) 1789 – 1799 France went from monarchy – to republic – to a reign of terror – and to Napoleon’s dictatorship. What is known as the “Statue of Liberty” (a gift by Freemasonic revolutionaries) represents the Babylonian queen Semiramis or the goddess Ishtar, and has nothing to do with freedom for the American people but with the dark forces hell bent on destroying it. International Freemasonry which is Judaism, Talmudism, Kabbalah, Satanism for non-Jews, for gullible, corrupt useful idiots, traitors to their own nations, their own race… The United States of America and partners in crime MUST STOP GIVING POWER TO THE BEAST, the JEWISH MONEY POWERS centered in the City of (Baby)Lon-don. The Deal with the Devil (the Rothschild-Balfour Deal 1916/17, between the Zionists and the British government promising them Palestine as “Jewish homeland” for bringing America into the war on Britain’s side to defeat Germany twice) is genocidal and self-destructive! NO MORE ZIONIST WARS!

    The truth about history must be known in order to be able to learn from it; from the accomplishments as well as from the errors. The JQ concerns all of humanity! We cannot allow the Jewish lies to keep terrorizing, enslaving and destroying the western world, and the whole world. We can see how the Jewish lobbyists are agitating tirelessly wherever they go (US, EU, UN). They want more terror, more chaos (“Ordo Ab Chao” Freemasonic motto on the one dollar bill), endless war and more genocide to force the whole world into submission.
    The international Jewish tyranny must go, right?
    “The big vomit is coming” (Alfred Schäfer)

  4. D (for dumb): “Take a little time out from bitching about the Jews…”

    How about giving that advice to the Jews! Jews never take time out from attacking and slandering the Germans. Jews have been bitching about the Germans for over a hundred years! Pushing the world into two world wars to destroy the German nation! There never was a German plan to “exterminate the European Jews” but there have been Jewish plans to exterminate the German people (Kaufman Plan, Hooton Plan, Morgenthau Plan, Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan), and now ALL nations of the white race are being targeted for extermination (UN-EU Replacement Migration Plan)! Jewish haters: “Germany must perish! Down with the white man! Abolish the white race!” etc These murderous Jews are extremely dangerous psychopaths. Obsessed with mass murder! A Satanic cult!

    D:“I don’t hate the Jews or communists…”

    D (for dumb) takes pride in ignorance and dumbness. Psychopaths like psychopaths. Normal people don’t like psychopaths! Normal people don’t like the destroyers of nations, the Jewish Communist Bolshevik mass murderers, slave masters, pathological liars known for changing their “stories” all the time, deceivers, guilty of revolutions, economic crashes, catastrophes, world wars and genocides!

    D:“I have taught my daughter to respect all peoples and cultures.”

    ALL peoples and cultures? Not true. D (for dumb) smears normal people! white nationalists and Christians as “haters”, “Nazis” etc! NO RESPECT for the creators, builders and defenders of the white Christian civilization and the white race.
    But respect for the Jewish “culture & religion”, for Talmudism, Satanism, Communism, Zionism. Jewish world tyranny! Mass murder, the silencing of opponents the method to reach that goal!

    “ANTI-SEMITISM” LAWS (“anti-Communism is anti-Semitism”/death penalty! “anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism”/death penalty!) TO KILL “lawfully” tens/hundreds of millions of Whites, Christians as the Jewish slaughterers have done before! all non-Jews seen as animals, cattle at best!

    Who would teach respect for such Talmudic, Satanic MADNESS? INSANITY. EVIL. Who would take pride in one’s own ignorance and dumbness? Nobody in his right mind!

    (((Jews like D))) and shabbos goy zombies are dumbed down, mind-controlled automatons who ignore all the truthful information given to them. They don’t think for themselves and keep repeating the same illogical nonsense, unable to counter any argument. (We must pity them?)

    In this context we may get an understanding, and a feeling of what the meaning of “Love your enemies, bless those who persecute you” might be.

    It certainly does NOT mean to love and embrace the Evil-doers for what they are doing, it does NOT mean to love Evil, it does NOT mean to condone Evil, it does NOT mean to tolerate, accept, emulate and submit to sin. To bless the sinners (defined as those who break God’s laws) does NOT mean sharing their “all-inclusive” views. To the contrary! To love here means to bless, and blessing means to strengthen the good spirits, (maybe) hidden deep inside the persecutors hearts. “Love your enemies, bless those who persecute you” means pray for them (that’s tough enough… mmalt: “Jesus has commanded me to love (tough) the Jew” / That would be too unnatural a burden. Love cannot be commanded. Prayer however (if honest) is a kind of love (caritas) you can muster for the enemy)

    Evil and sick spirits flee from prayer, they cannot stand prayer, they cannot stand up to the truth. The truth (Holy Spirit) is the sharpest sword (helper), Jesus said we ought to use (is here for us).

    God’s word – God’s truth – God’s Holy Spirit is like “bread from heaven”. The bread to nourish our souls. The bread we should eat… The bread Jesus has compared himself with… The bread he has given to us… by giving himself to us… God’s LOVE. That’s in very simple words the meaning of the Holy Communion. Easy to understand… Children have no difficulty in understanding… that’s why Jesus said: You must become children… as pure in your hearts as children normally are… and Jesus condemned those who do harm to children… Lots of harm is being done to children and their souls… by the Satanists to traumatize them, even before they come into this world…

    Christians are not supposed to wash the feet of Muslims, Blacks, and all sorts of invaders being brought in by JEWISH HATERS… to take over the white countries… to make the white people, mostly Christians homeless… to kill the white men and enslave the white women and children. That’s not the meaning of Jesus washing the feet of his apostles! The JEWISH IMPOSTER Francis I is a liar, false teacher serving the Satanic forces of Evil! Only the blind cannot see the obvious. Totally absurd misinterpretations, falsifications of what Jesus did and taught. Jewish infiltrators and subversives always turn everything upside down.
    Those who think they can mock God… are their own condemnation. Law of nature. God’s LAW.

    Simple & true.
    Work needs to be done (Monika Schaefer) – That’s how it is – Such a lot needs to be said – “speeches”, suggestions for leaflets – The truth will set us free – It’s David vs the One-eyed Goliath

  5. The following replies to D (for dumb) / dune mouse are right on topic, so I may well post them here

    D (for dumb): “…you are not going to change history or the perception of Hitler.”

    That’s what Jewish liars do! They change history, and manipulate our perception of what the reality is! They erased the memory of the German nation by burning tens of thousands of books after 1945. The total plunder of a nation. Jews are the falsifiers of history! They desperately need Hitler as “Evil incarnate” and the German people as super slaves and scapegoats to have an identity as “victims of evil Nazis”! Pathetic! Mongrels have an identity disorder. The mongrel Jews didn’t have an identity? before they cast the Kabbalah Black Magic spell on the Germans… they tried it before with the Russians! “Six million Jews” perished in Russia several times if you can believe it! Jewish newspaper articles were lamenting about those losses… The truth is: Tens of millions of Russians, orthodox Christians were the ones killed under the Jewish Red Terror regime! Jews always blame their own crimes on their victims as scapegoats! Jews suppress and demonize the accomplishments of the National Socialists. How they managed to get the ruined (by Zionists) German people back on their feet again. Yet, the JEWISH LIES are falling apart! People of all races, nations and creeds prefer embracing the truth rather than perpetuating the anti-German, anti-white Jewish lies! Who are the Jews to preach morals to the world? Jews have proven to have none at all. Organized Jewry openly campaigns for GERMAN GENOCIDE, for WHITE GENOCIDE, the EXTERMINATION of the white race! The world can see how demonic that is! The world will throw up…and spew them out. Problem solved.

    D to David: “It’s Christmas so do something practical for your community – not an anti Semitic picket line.”

    “anti-Semitic”! “anti-Semitic”! MIND CONTROL CRAP! The spell is broken! What “Semites”?

    The point is: Jews are NOT above the law! Jews are NOT above criticism! Jews are NOT gods!Jews are NOT Semites! Jews are NOT Israelites! How many times do we have to say the same: AshkeNazi Jews (about 95 % of today’s Jews) are NOT Semites (Shemites)! They are of Asiatic, Mongol, Turk, Khasar origin. Jews are mongrels.

    Neither the Sephardic Jews (called Edomites, the ones who rejected and crucified Jesus) nor the AshkeNazi Jews (not existent at the time) are descendants of Jacob (the man named Israel)!

    The Jewish Almanac (1980) says: ”Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a “Jew” or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.”
    It is NOT “anti-Semitic” to point out what the Jews are up to. The Jews say themselves in the Jewish Encyclopedia (1925), volume 5, page 41: ”Esau Edom is in modern Jewry”

    So from the Jews own mouths they admit that they are NOT of the tribes of Israel, NOT the ethnic descendants of Jacob (the man named Israel) and say that they are in fact of the tribe of Esau (Edomites). The racially mixed Jews, the Sephardic Jews (the smaller group) and the Asiatic Mongol Ashkenazi proselytes (most of today’s Jews) worship at the wailing wall. It’s not Solomon’s Temple wall. The (palace) wall was built by King Herod who the Bible says was an Edomite (of the racially mixed tribe of Esau) The Sephardic Jews are Esau-Edomites, NOT Israelites.

    IDENTITY FRAUD! THE JEWISH PROBLEM needs to be addressed and solved (by the world community of nations! the UN is a Zionist tool, unfit to solve any problems). Jews are deceivers, liars. That’s an open secret. The Jews are NOT the “lost tribes of Israel”; Jews are NOT the true Israelites of the Bible. AshkeNazi Jews have never before been in Palestine and have no claim of “return” to that land. Sephardic Jews (Edomites) have been living there among Muslims and Christians without major strife. Only since the Eastern European Asiatic Mongol AshkeNazi proselytes (to Babylonian Talmudism, Satanism) and their Zionist movement decided to have Palestine as their “homeland”, operational base for JEWISH WORLD DOMINATION the Middle East has been turned into a hellhole. It’s geopolitics; it’s from there that the MONEY FRAUDSTERS of the City of (Baby)Lon-don /Wall St NY want to control the Middle East, Europe, Asia and Africa, basically the world. All oil resources, international trade (new “Silk Road”) and economics in their hands.

    How about embracing the truth? The truth of Christmas?
    Jesus is the true Messiah, he was a true Israelite from the royal tribe of Judah (house of David), filled with God’s spirit to bring light into the darkness… Jesus compared himself to the truthful *shepherd sent from God to save the lost sheep of Israel. He opposed the Synagogue of Satan. The falsehoods of the Talmudic rabbis. The Christian faith is about the truth. Spiritual truth. Jesus was a spiritual teacher. His message is incompatible with Judaism, Babylonian Talmudism, Satanism, Kabbalah, Zohar, Communism, Zionism.

    Polar opposites do NOT mix.

    Where are the lost tribes of Israel now? Can they be identified?

    *Schaefer in German

  6. Hi Monika! Thanks for sharing Alfred’s letter, jam packed as usual!

    He’s hit it right on the head with the traitor bit: people who brown-nose to be in favour with the “authorities du jour”, betraying their own friends and family to gain a very little advantage for a very short time; thinking they are “in”, when in reality, they are reviled both by those whom they have betrayed AND those who are using them.

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Ernst Cran – “Alfred”

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