Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Letter: Alfred to Friends March 2020

5 March, 2020

Dear Paul & Susanna Jean,

thank you very much for your letter which arrived in my cell on the 4th of March. I was very delighted to receive your letter. Your letter is packed with good stuff, I love it.

PSALM 23: I will fear no evil – That’s Assurance!

The absolute evil is trying to control us with fear. Fear builds the chains of our enslavement. Overcoming fear is really the first step on our path of healing. They have indoctrinated and conditioned us to hate and to fear the truth.

OIPBefore continuing with your letter, let me say a few words about the background picture on this page. It is the Frauen-Kirche in Dresden. On the 13-14 of February 1945 the All-lies were incited and driven to commit the biggest mass-murder genocide ever in human history. The military objective was to baste 900,000 “Nazis” by creating a firestorm out of the cultural masterpiece jam packed with real refugees fleeing the Red Terror (jew communism) from the east. The All-lies had to content themselves with only half a million basted Germans who were reduced to 25,000 dead “Nazis” in subsequent years and finally to zero in that it has been declared illegal to commemorate these basted Germans, and the slogans of “Do it again Bomber Harris” are promoted.

The disease parasite cancer plague jew✓ is now determined to get rid of what’s left of the White Race after having so successfully divided and decimated us so thoroughly over the last centuries. Maybe we had to fall this low to learn to appreciate our true value. We Europeans are one and we will overcome this condition and after we are healthy again, the other races will love and respect us once again. In fact, they expect nothing less from us than to get the job done, because they know, if we fail, then it is their turn to deal with the devil—.

“Go into the people/host and take possession of them. Take everything into your hands, and when nothing is left, destroy them utterly, and then destroy even the memory of them.”

Let me tell you something: To poke a sleeping lion with a stick is quite stupid, but to continue to poke the lion as it wakes up is suicide. That is what the jew is now doing.

Now, back to your wonderful letter.

…as we move toward the Light at the end of this dark tunnel… ~P&SJ

Very well articulated. That is precisely what we are doing. The Light = Truth = God. There is only one truth, not “different truths”. The truth can not be changed. It can be hidden or misinterpreted or ignored, but it cannot be changed. The devil fears truth more than anything else in this world. Donald Trump to ignore the 9-11 dagger in his back, is working and being directed by the devil. He can remove the dagger and face the devil or the devil will consume him. It’s up to him. Sitting on the fence is no longer an option. Truth or Lies – which side? As we move to the light/truth at the end of the tunnel he will be judged by his deeds, as we all will be judged by our deeds. Again: God or Satan, Truth or lies, Light or darkness.

We pray for you each night along with Ursula and Sylvia and Heidi — Ursula and Sylvia you surely know about, but Heidi you may not be award of. She was the first one we heard speak of the influx of Muslims into Germany years ago on a Youtube. She dared to stand up in the middle of the Cathedral of Wittenburg where Martin Luther first nailed his 95 theses on the door there in 1517… ~ P & SJ

Thank you for mentioning Heidi and her warning about the Muslim infiltration into our lands. She is new to me, now I know, thank you. BTW – our youngest sister who died in a mountaineering accident years ago was also Heidi, as is Monika’s daughter […]

I just read a book about the enemy takeover of our civilization by the muslim invaders, written by a jew gatekeeper. The information was very valuable and helps me to understand this much better, but the jew author who wrote the book in 2018, writes about all the false flag events done by jews as if they were done by muslims (9-11, 2016 Berlin Christmas market, Charley Hebdo, etc etc). This reveals how the jews are using the muslims as a sledge hammer to destroy us. In fact, the muslim “code of conduct” is almost a carbon copy of the Talmud and the Protocols. For the gatekeeper Thilo Sarrazin who wrote that book “Feindliche Übernahme…” he reveals very nicely, inadvertently, the jewish control over the muslim populations. My first video was about Noam Chomsky and his gatekeeping on 9-11.

[Please note: The video 9/11 Gatekeepers and Controlled Opposition was originally produced in 2012 or 2013, and like Alfred says, everything has a time-stamp on it. He himself was only just beginning to understand the scope of the lies, and so he did not yet understand, at the time of making this video, that WW2 history had also been massively lied about. That becomes apparent when he makes a comparison with “the Nazis”. His youtube channel has been removed, but I found this archived copy, with German subtitles. See link above. ~MS]

Every organic healing process begins with the victim, or host, recognising that it has a problem. We are well past the critical first phase of this stage of our healing. It astounds me how much people everywhere now seem to understand about our affliction. This level was unthinkable only 12 months ago.

Ursula & Sylvia & Horst Mahler, yes I know these people personally, and all 3 are locked up like me. Horst Mahler emphasized in 2017 that it is the 500 anniversary of Martin Luther’s 95 thesis event and that we are on the offensive.

Do you have a good Bible where you are?” ~ P & SJ

Some time ago I had a neighbour here (in Stadelheim) and I talked to him about our problem. He was so delighted to hear what I was telling him, and I told him I wish I had a Saint James Bible because it is a version that has not been so “sanitized” by the Jew. He told me he is from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and he wanted to leave me his Bible when he left, which was only a few days later. He said the LDS Bible was very close to the St. James Bible. I have been reading that LDS bible since then. A recurring theme is how the people always meet a dark fate when they allow their hearts to be turned to stone. This is what the lies and the control over us has done. It turns us into “Jews”. Worshipping Mamon (Money) and our base animal instincts and pleasures. We can be so much more than instant gratification addicted animals. We (our ancestors) built our civilization with hard work, with love for beauty, with love for each other, and an understanding of truth. And remember, truth = light = God.

When I was in Stadelheim I got a poster of Jesus Christ where He has his hand on His heart and there are white rays and red rays radiating from His heart representing the light of Truth and the Blood it takes to ensure that the Truth comes out on top. This is very inspiring for me and I gain energy by absorbing this. I would not trade [away] one minute of truth for a lifetime of lies and/or the life of a zombie who parrots the lies. I would rather be dead than a zombie.

He is moving these days, but we know not what He plans for the country of Germany…” ~P & SJ

Some time ago an elderly German woman sent me an excerpt from an older Bible (maybe a St. James Bible?) where it stated something like: “and over there, those Germanic people, they will deal with you devils…” something like that, I don’t have it in front of me now.

I can only tell you this, and I am NOT alone, that understanding the Truth generates a Power in us that we did not even know existed. Let me put it this way – little children can be content to have a life of toys and fun. ✷(The entire world is wondering why the European people behave like small children.) No other purpose other than instant gratification and fun. Adults know that life has a higher purpose than that, and that “fun” is something very trivial and can only be “fun” if our house is not burning to the ground as we have our heads stuck deep in the sandbox having our “fun”. This growing energy amongst OUR people is what is moving these days, and like the growth of an oak tree, at first it is slow and delicate and can easily be destroyed by a single bug, but given time and light it grows big and strong until as an adult it will destroy even a huge truck that tries to run it down. That is the power of truth in OUR people. Our White Race. We European People.

We will restore our health and God have mercy on anyone who tries to run us down .

I would like to ask you to please send a copy of your letter and this reply to my sister Monika at […]. She will also love your letter, I know she will.

but your home country of Canada has severe problems…” ~ P & SJ

Oh yes. this has been deep in my mind all the time and forced me to figure out why. It is the factor “Comfort Zone” that acts like a shield to stay clear of the Truth. The Jew prepares each host population according to factors best suited to destroy that particular group. Tailor made subversion and demoralization with fear and seductive vices.

Once we understand that we are each only one unit of something much much bigger and there is a reason for our existence infinitely greater than our instant gratification, then we attain happiness in the true sense. We will be victorious, the sun is rising and will shine on everything. There is no place to hide.

1488 Gott mit uns,
Alfred Schaefer


13 Responses

  1. It was a nice letter. I just love how defiant Alfred is. How are you enjoying communism? They are fucking up large. This is so good. I went to a rally in Toronto with Paul on Saturday. Here is the link End the lockdown for public safety and freedom rally Toronto May 9 2020.


    | | | | End the lockdown for public safety and freedom rally Toronto May 9 2020.

    Some very good citizens rebelled against the conservative and liberal governments that are responsible for this … |


    Now I will check out your broadcast. Have a very nice day Monika.Les

    1. Hi Leslie, something didn’t connect with the links you tried to insert. You want to try again?

  2. Another great letter from Alfred!
    Dear Alfred, Monika and friends, Through all of this, and in all of this political garbage, the Lord Jesus Christ will be using it for his remnant believers to build a powerful and righteous end-time people. Just like in Martin Luther’s day, truth will prevail because the one that is THE TRUTH always uses great persecution to build his true saints. And he always causes the devil and his people to overplay his and their hands. Our fight is a righteous one and a holy one, for the one who is righteous and holy: Almighty and all-powerful and all-knowing God! He is the one that has promised to lead us into ALL truth. So help us God!! The prayers of a righteous man availeth MUCH. And with the Lord Jesus Christ, much is everything. And we shall know the truth and the TRUTH shall set us free. John 1:1. From Brother Keith.
    Joshua 23:10 (KJV)
    10 One man of you shall chase a thousand: for the Lord your God, he it is that fighteth for you, as he hath promised you.

  3. Thank you, dear Monika, for having typed that wonderful letter. It makes me mad to think that a man like that is in prison, just like I am mad when I think of Ursula, Sylvia and Horst… Please tell me : when is Alfred supposed to be released ? I am not sure about the date : should it really be in 2023 ??? I hope I am wrong. My dear Monika, I hope you are alright and I wish you well. Bye Yvonne

    Le 06/05/2020 21:57, « Free Speech Monika » a écrit :

    > Monika posted: “5 March, 2020 Dear Paul & Susanna Jean, thank you very much > for your letter which arrived in my cell on the 4th of March. I was very > delighted to receive your letter. Your letter is packed with good stuff, I > love it. PSALM 23: I will fear no evil – T” >

    1. Dear Yvonne,

      Alfred was sentenced to 4 years in prison. On July 6 this year it will be 2 years, half way. So that means 2022. Unbelievable, this upside down world we live in!

      And how many years has Horst Mahler been looked away? Many! And Ursula Haverbeck just finished her 2 year sentence, and yet she is not being released?! It is my understanding that there are more charges pending, but it is all very unclear. Perhaps someone can help clarify. And Sylvia Stolz still has about half a year left of her 18 month sentence for a speech she gave in Switzerland.

      Yes, speech crimes seem to be the most dangerous, when we live in a world politically structured on lies and deceptions.

  4. Thank you all for your wisdom & information. White Christians have got to realize there is a very real, evil enemy .I hope this continues to motivate good people so truth will prevail. We are losing freedoms by the hour, and this latest virus has become big leverage for the power abusers.

  5. Hi Monika

    This is OT in a way but you may see the connection. More than once if not many times of this so-called pandemic I have encountered too many video’s condemning the ‘over reach’ and ‘constitutional rights’ negation of the powers that be. This is just ‘one’ video of many I have witnessed to parallel this condemnation with ‘Nazi Germany’ so-called policy:

    I find this ‘in-the-camp’ deception of the same perps so obvious that somewhere somehow there is an underlying message for the same old tiresome subversion to entrap the left over fish with the poisonous food of Hitler lies to Boshivik reality. I couldn’t finish the video because of it. The subversion is so deceptive that the revisionist history would disappear is an understatement. It’s all over the internet. Even so-called Christian news sites rely on it (?) which makes me even more suspect. It seems no matter what the elites/Jews are afraid of the Truth that endlessly they plot diversions to keep the lying narrative. Germany goes further down the abyss in this regard and I do HOPE for the sake of these Patriots who have stood for the Truth are freed and delivered for the sake of ‘complete’ and utter transparency, justice, restoration, dignity, honor, safety and peace. My hope for today, tomorrow and forever. Thank you dear suffering sister and brother, may you be attain not only freedom but peace to protect that freedom. God Bless

  6. Alfred writes of the bombing of Dresden, ” On the 13-14 of February 1945 the All-lies were incited and driven to commit the biggest mass-murder genocide ever in human history.”

    It was the insane war-monger Winston Churchill who gave the orders to attack and destroy the beautiful city of Dresden right at the end of the murderous war that he Churchill had instigated against Germany.

    At the end of WW II Churchill now found himself facing the murderous Bolshevik-Communist regime of Stalin entrenched with the massed ranks of the Red Army on the river Elbe, halfway into Germany. And now the full horror and danger was suddenly made clear to Churchill, “We have slaughtered the wrong swine”, he declared to former US Ambassador to the Soviet Union, Joseph Davies. Davies reported back to President Truman (this is in the Summer of 1945):

    “as I listened to Churchill inveigh so violently against the threat of Soviet domination and the spread of Communism in Europe …I wondered whether he, Churchill, was now willing to declare to the world that he and Britain had made a mistake in not supporting Hitler, for as I understood him, he as now expressing the doctrine which Hitler and Goebbels had been proclaiming and reiterating for the last four years…” : Joseph Davies, former US Ambassador to the Soviet Union in the 1930s.

    What is one to say of Churchill: Old fool ?: wicked, insane war-monger ?; grave-digger of the British Empire ?, destroyer of our Civilisation ?; hateful b*st*rd ? .

    All strength to Alfred and Monika..

  7. The last paragraph of Alfred’s letter is the point at issue in my view in which he claims that “we are each only one unit of something much much bigger “.

    The reason for fear is in fact egoism as egoism is nothing but the fear of losing material advantage or social reputation. Conversely means that conclusion as soon as we act idealistic and see us as a unit of the liberation of our own German nation and our own white race and subordinate our personal interests to that altruistic goal we become to more courageous individuals!

    That is a very important observation of Alfred which explains the reason why the present liberalistic-jewish doctrine which dominates the still(!) present Federal Republic of Germany create fearful and selfish youngsters today in comparison to the Hitler Youth where young boys and girls were educated to duteous and self-confident humans by educating love to their own German country and to much higher idealistic values which describes Alfred with the words “something much bigger”.

    To summarize: not the community in a nation where the single person serves with its own talents his own nation leads to obedient persons but the present liberalistic-jewish doctrine in the western nations leads to frightened, self-seeking persons. This phenomenon become obvious in the present fake Corona pandemic where people are trapped in their egoism with the result that they are controlled by their own unfounded fear. Therefore the lie of the corona virus can only believed by people who are selfish and egocentric who care only of their health instead of taking a look in the bird’s eye view of scaremongering media scams.

    Maybe I am wrong but I cannot imagine that a self-assured youth which was educated in the time of the National Socialism in Germany could only possible believe the obvious media lies of the fake corona pandemia. This scare monger of Corona is only possible with fearful, egoistic people who have no self-confidence at all.

    Sorry for my long comment but topics such as Holocaust story, 9/11, both World Wars against the white race and Corona are all topics which cohere and have the same use namely to create the so called “New World Order”.

    Moreover we see that Monica ‘s and Alfred’s arrest has also a symbolic meaning by taking a look to the present lockdown worldwide which has definitely nothing to do with a possible plan of our jewish friends:-). I hope you interpret my last sentence correctly:-).

  8. Stay strong Alfred and Monika….xxx

    (((Their false flag))) distractions are rampant.

    Goy Enlightenment. “Welcome to the sickness grid tech of 5G! designed in “Israel” for  everyone! but maybe not “Israel”…Oy Vey!!”

    “Crisis acting and terror false flag scenarios are all part of military propaganda remit passed through governmental policy across the globe. Our own military is now the surrogate enforcer for who we now know to be “)’wsh Bolshevists” who are more than likely using far advanced nano hybrid organic technology such as nervous system manipulation, or Magnetobioligy that can Pavlov condition society with low frequency subliminal, and silent communication methods that if not already in use may be impacting instruction, or a slow-kill sickness on more susceptible individuals, Similar to how the silent dog whistle manipulates the dog.”

    #Coronavirus, #Covid19 #PeterQuiggins #killerculture #antizionistleague #antitraitors #HolodomorInfo #ScottRoberts #GDL

      1. Thanks for sharing that with us! Here is what I tried to comment under your video (but for some reason it does not show up there):

        Excellent video!
        Rabbi Reichhorn: “Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews’ Harvest: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet.” ~ Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869

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