Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

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Leslie Bory talks Good Sense – Letter from Prison

Political prisoner Leslie Bory has written many good letters from jail, but this one really stands out. It could be seen as a manifesto, a guide, an exposé of the cause of most of our current problems. Leslie Bory has described himself  as Canada’s only honest politician – that he is aware of – and because of his honesty, and because of his message of caution and warning to the Canadian people, telling them exactly who is at war against the people, he now finds himself in prison, without formal charges, without a trial, without bail, without any kind of due process, since about 20 months already.

I have done very little editing on this letter, save for a few punctuation marks and some word clarifications. I have simply typed out the handwritten letter as is, and scanned in his cartoon. 

His mailing address, should you like to write to him, is as follows:

Leslie Bory
Maplehurst Correctional Centre
661 Martin St.
Milton, ON
L9T 2Y3


August 14, 2024

Good day Monika, this past Monday marked my 18th month in custody without a trial for speech violation charges. We obviously did not win the cold war against Semitism, which is communism, which is Zionism, which is Jewish extremist Soferim 15 globalism, that uses Free Masonry to enforce their policies with violent terror. B’nai Brith is said to be a masonic order which in fact directs the police to use violent terrorism to enforce silence and compliance from Canadians with gun violence and the horror of imprisonment in a very violent environment if we make violations to the Jewish Masonic dictatorship’s anti-speech laws that prevent Canadians from disagreeing with Jews and politicians, police and judges and prosecutors about things like the Jewish version of WWII history. The Conservative party introduced the Bill C-250 legislation that was embedded in Trudeau’s budget bill. I am told that publicly expressing a difference of opinion with Jews about the narrative or conspiracy theory that Germany killed 6 million Jews in the shower with insecticide or bug spray intentionally or at all is called inciting anti-Semitism and carries a two year prison sentence. It is another example of Jewish globalist foreign interference in Canada’s government.

The political cartoon [below] is my first political cartoon. It addresses the topic of foreign interference in Canada. The media is telling the public that some countries have had an influence in our politics. The point of the cartoon is to inform people that the scapegoat foreign influencers are only peanuts on the floor, in front of the Elephant in the room of foreign interference, which is Zionist Masonic communist international Jewish globalist interference.

Foreign Interference

Our government is, it seems, directed by international Jewish globalists who it seems write our laws and dictate policies to further their Soferim15 agenda. The Jewish International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance concocted a definition for what they call anti-Semitism. They claim that people who make one of eleven claims about some Jews are antisemitic. Some provinces, including Alberta I believe, have adopted this foreign group’s definition as their own. Being defined as being antisemitic may lead to Canadians being charged with hate and subjected to police violence and the horror of a violent prison environment and the terror of being sentenced without a trial because of a law written by Jews who don’t want to be exposed as anything but the world’s victims. They wrote the definition and their stooges in legislative assemblies voted their words into our criminal code.

The World Economic Forum is run by some Jews, who claim through their leader, Klaus Schwab, that Trudeau and his cabinet are controlled by him and the WEF. That is another example of foreign interference. The result of this interference was the medical and economic terrorism and mass murder of not just Canadians but people all over the world because of a chemical biological warfare agent that people were forced to take by their Jewish influenced governments and violent masonic led police. Even Donald Trump who it seems works for the WEF and company threatened to bring in “Operation Warp Speed” to use the military to vaccinate the American people with the Jewish made poison genocidal depopulation injections known as Covid vaccines. The media that is controlled by some Jews terrorized the people of the world with stories of mass die-offs from a disease that has no quantified isolate in existence, to even calibrate a test with, or to derive a cure or a preventative measure against this biological myth.

A person in this prison claims to know someone who had the job of making sure doctors got paid to falsify death certificates by changing the causes of death to death-caused-by-covid to make it look like there was a disease called covid that was killing people. A toxin may have been introduced into our environment to make people sick but it wasn’t Sars-Cov-2 according to the CDC who still doesn’t have a quantified isolate to even devise a test or cure or preventative measure with.

These foreign influencers are contracting the world’s money supply by raising interest rates. This is economic terrorism that makes people poor by diverting money into some Jewish bankers pockets and causes prices to go up in a world that runs on credit when producers of goods have to come up with more money to pay their debts to bankers.

Inflation is caused by interest being charged on loans. The Canadian government will have to raise taxes and or make people pay for healthcare out of their own pockets so that the bankers can get paid more money because of higher interest charges to pay off the national debt that should not even exist if we simply told the Jewish bankers that we would print our own interest-free labour-backed currency and that they and our former elected officials and their police terrorists are under arrest for economic and cultural terrorism for anti-speech laws, and White genocide by way of economic and medical and cultural police violence. If it wasn’t for the Jewish-trained and masonic-led police and court system, the anti-western policies of the Zionist communist cabal of political parties — who are promoted in the jewish-controlled media — would have been ignored by all of the Canadian people who did not wish to wear theatrical props like non-medical masks and who did not wish to be poisoned to stay employed as decent people who pull their own weight in society wish to be.

I stood up for the good people of Canada against the evil bioweapons… and I stood up against the violent masonic Jewish B’nai Brith trained police who are trained by some Jews who say that even the best of the goyim must be killed in Soferim15 of the Talmud. They also say that goyim are subhumans, animals created in human form to serve Jews. They also call the goyim cattle. They hate non-Jews and put words on paper to silence non-Jews from telling other non-Jews about them and their hate for us and their Soferim15 philosophy.

The media owned and controlled by some Jews is promoting the leader of the Conservative party that made it a crime punishable by two years in a federal prison for expressing an opinion that is different from the opinion of Pierre Poilievre about WWII history. I can only conclude that foreign Jewish zionist communist interference had a little something to do with this anti-Canadian cultural terrorism backed by police violence as instructed by B’nai Brith terrorist training.

I just read what I had written thus far to a couple of inmates or I should say “Rangers” and they were happy that I am still working to save the people of Canada and the world from being harmed by violent governments and their organs. There is a lot of goodness in this place that needs to find a way to express itself in a meaningful way.

Pierre Poilievre is also an economic terrorist who is trying to be Canada’s Prime Minister. He will most likely keep interest rates high by claiming that he cannot control the setting of interest rates by the Bank of Canada. This way the money that would have come from Trudeau’s carbon tax will continue to go into the bankers pockets from the Canadian people. I recall his name being removed from a webpage associated with the World Economic Forum, the same guys who made small business shut down all over the world and who promoted the great reset where people will own nothing and be happy. Schwab said that people will “eat ze bugs.” Poilievre is the next inline to be the WEF’s commissar of Semitism (which is communism and globalist zionism) in Canada at the federal level. His former boss Stephen Harper with the help of Poilievre tried to make it a crime to criticize or to tell the truth or make statements about Israel even if the statements were true or in the public good.

Monika, I think Bill C-51 shows that there was a lot of Jewish Israeli interference in the decision making, at the federal level, in Canada in 2015 when people were finding out in increasing numbers that the terrorist Jewish state of Israel did 9/11, which was probably the worst terrorist attack against America on its own soil in its two hundred plus year history as a nation, until the Covid psychological paramilitary chemical biological terrorist operation known as the pandemic. This Jewish interference is a threat to the safety of Canadians illustrated by the new proposed sentences for speech violations that shouldn’t even be crimes. Life in prison is one step away from the death penalty that Jewish Bolsheviks imposed on the Russian people for antisemitism and its equivalent anticommunism.

The “holocaust” survivors are killing their Palestinian hostages by the tens of thousands while they kvetch about just over a hundred Jewish hostages who are alive and being held by the Palestinians. The poor “survivors” have killed thousands of women and children who they held hostage in Gaza and vow to kill more until the Palestinians release their hostages alive. Soferim15 at work again. These are the people who run the US and Canadian governments and are destroying the people whom they call goyim.

Thank you for your wonderful letter Monika. The guards and me have a mutual respect for one another because they like what I am doing and I have huge respect for people who, just like us two, came to realize that we were lied to and were big enough to admit we were misled and fooled by lies and acted to help others to see the right path to freedom and prosperity and safety. These people are telling me that they wish that I was the Prime Minister. They say that the current political cabal should be in prison and not me. They see how all parties including the Conservatives and PPC (People’s Party of Canada) are the same as Trudeau and co. They all say that 5 years is insane for a sentence and they thought that we had free speech, but I am living proof that we don’t. I am like a red-pill dispenser. I have guards approaching me saying that they heard about me, and we talk, and we become likeminded. These people are beautiful Canadians like us when they get their Canuck on with truthful enlightenment.

Prison has improved my ability to defend Canada very much. You have a lot to do with that Monika. We are on the power-play now and we advance the line with a winning attitude and leave defeatism behind, where it belongs. We will win because we will not quit on Canada. To hell with the Soferim15 pigshit, judges, politicians and Crown scumbags.

Great news about your show. You rock patriot sister. All the best Monika.

Les Bory

P.S. I’ve been in jail for over 18 months and I still haven’t got my disclosure or a computer to prepare my defence with. I’ve been asking my lawyer for them for over a year. I asked my lawyer to schedule a bail review in early July. He said he would do it the next day. It is over half way through August and I haven’t heard from him yet.

6 Responses

  1. I watched Les Bory’s last video on his Bitchute channel (the day before he was arrested). Here is the link if you’re interested:

    Anyway, the caller is all fired up saying blatantly threatening things directed at Jews and our Canadian government. Essentially he’s leading the charge and goading Les into saying some spicy things (which he does). I think he may have been working for the RCMP or CSIS, etc.


    1. Hi JT, thank you for this. I think you might be onto something. It is a distinct possibility. I do not have knowledge about how well Les and his caller knew each other and for how long and if they had ever met in person. I’d have to watch the video again to refresh my memory on how that all went down. I did watch the video but that was over a year and a half ago.

  2. Les Bory for Canadian Prime Minister! I am all for it. What a relief that would be!
    Why use the non-sensical propaganda terms invented by Jews? Only to disarm them. Using them is like reenforcing them. It’s like mice taking the bait and getting most seriously hurt in the traps (“racist“, “anti-Semite“, “Nazi“, “right wing extremist“ etc) – most often ending up dead.

    If someone called me a “racist“ for supporting remigration I would ask back: “And what are you? An anti-white racist in support of White Genocide? Do you want the white people replaced in their own homelands, the white race dissolved, wiped out, exterminated by weapon of multi-racial mass immigration into the white countries & nations only & race mixing? And you think that you can claim the moral highground as a “humanitarian“? – Silence is what I would expect from that. No more such attack.

    And if someone called me an “anti-Semite“ I would ask back: “What “Semites“ are you talking about? Can you name them? Can you name the people you think cannot be criticized? It’s not about Semites, it’s about crimes, criminal behavior and criminals who think they can and are allowed to commit even the most horrific crimes against humanity with impunity.

    The Satanic Babylonian Talmud teaches Jews to KILL ALL THE NON-JEWS (for standing in their way), and that they can commit murder with impunity
    Hence: It’s okay to be anti-Satanic!
    That’s an act of self-defence (self-preservation)

    It’s not about “Semites“! Most people who call themselves “Jews“ today are not even Semitic, they originate from Asia, proselytes to Judaism in 740 AD. Ashkenazi Jews are Asiatics. There are the extremely inbred ones, and there are the race mixers with all the different races! The “Jewish nation or race“ is not a homogenous one, it’s a racially-mixed breed! They are not the descendants of the Israelites of the Bible. They are identity thieves, liars, deceivers, imposters. Jesus called them the Synagogue of Satan.

    The same now as back then: It’s about Satanists, criminal Talmudic genocidal Jews! They are the problem. The elephant in the room (comes under lots of names).

  3. The question is not: why did Leslie Bory do what he did that got him in prison. The real question is: why are there not thousands of Leslie Bory’s standing up for our civilisation as we are being led to the slaughter house? I have the highest regard and respect for Lesie Bory and am delighted that he is having all those people, guards and prisoners, who have a functioning brain coming over to his side, the side of truth and honour. I believe Leslie is now experiencing what Alexander Solschenizyn wrote: “Thank you gulag for being in my life. It was there where I grew my spirit and my soul. Oh, I can hear the voices saying – its easy for you to talk, you came out alive – but I repeat: thank you gulag for being a part of my life.”

    I know that you Monika, also would not trade your ten months in the German communist gulag for anything in the world either, it was an important part of your life. We need a few more Leslie Bory’s. Thank YOU Leslie Bory for dedicating your life for this epic battle upon which our very survival as a civilisation and our species is dependant on if we are to survive on this sacred planet of our.
    Alfred Schaefer

  4. Deart Monica, dear Les,
    If you substitute Canada by EU, Russia or similar then you have the complete picture of the worlds’ situation. When my cancer will be healed they will jail me for nine months without parole in Germany bc of similar hate speech.

    1. Your comment makes me gasp. Waiting for you to heal so they can jail you – stay strong dear Albrecht!

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